Sacred Heart Catholic Church & St. Andrew’s Mission Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón Mision Catolica de San Andres 3119 North Street East - Vidalia, Georgia - 30474 912-537-7709 Fax 912-537-4691 Parish Office Hours: Monday & Tuesday 9:00am 9:00am--4:00pm Wednesday & Thursday 9:00am 9:00am— —12noon 912 912--537 537--7709 537--4691 (fax) 912 912--537 Pastor Fr. Benjamin Dallas [email protected] Permanent Deacon Joseph Claroni [email protected] Pastoral Assistant Julie Hopkins [email protected] Bookkeeper Hilda Self [email protected] Director Of Religious Educa on Corina Florez [email protected] Yo te amo, Señor , tu eres mi fortaleza, Señor ,mi roca, mi alcázar, mi libertador Salmo 18:2-3 HOMEBOUND: Flo Trautz, Margo Miller, Dick Foss FOR HEALING: Mariela Villa, Flo Trautz, Margo Miller, Dick Foss, George Homan, Jr, Bobby Dixon, Dan Mitchell, Sharon Burns, Bill Jurison, Bernie Nelson, Lynne Poschke MILITARY PERSONNEL: Steven Johnson, Nelson Alba, Robert Weiner, Faus no Cabrera, James Gardner, Thomas Gardner, Eva Alamo, Raymond Alamo, Kenneth Wright, Spc. Alexander Glass, Sergio Torres, To add people to the prayer list, please contact the parish office by noon on Monday’s. The prayer list will be cleared at the beginning of each month. Weekly Offertory $4443.66 Online Giving (included in total above) $1345.00 MINIMUM Amount required to meet budget $3,943.00 The Blessed Sacrament Light burns this week for †Brad Dorough ST. ANDREW’S / REIDSVILLE Weekly Offertory $153.00 Saturday, November 1—5:00pm Mass Altar Servers J. Johnson Ushers Ray Burns & Gary Hawkes Lectors Lucy Claroni EM of HC Sharon Burns Sunday, November 2—11:15am Mass Altar Servers M. & Z. Lopez Visit our website at Ushers Joe Betsill & Dorre Burns Lectors Debbie Betsill & Chris Kauffman EM of HC Don & Mymie Clinton Sunday, November 2—6:00pm Mass 10/25— 5:00pm †Virgilio Maramara ,SR. 10/26-9:00am †Grady Lewis JR. & † Father Raymond Kulwicki 10/26-11:15am 10/26-6:00pm 10/27—12:15pm †Brad Dorough 10/28—12:15pm †Mildred Roose 10/29—12:15pm †Frank Trautz 10/30—12:15pm †Sam, †Pete & †Jun LaFuente Altar Servers J. & M. Lima Ushers Jesus Rosales Lectors Manual Baza EM of HC Gloria & Raul Muniz Weekly Tithe Offering October 26: November 2: November 9: South East Georgia community project Dream House Jesse Tree Saturday / Sábado Confessions Vigil Mass 4:00pm - 4:45pm 5:00pm Sunday / Domingo 9:00am (Reidsville/Espan͂ol) 11:15am (English) & 6:00pm (Espan͂ol) Daily Mass Mon—Thur 12:15am Saturday 9:30am Confession / Confesiones Wednesday 5:00—6:00pm, and by appointment First Friday Healing Mass 7:00pm / Confessions from 6:00—6:45pm Baptisms & Marriage Information Baptisms: Baptism Classes in English are held on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00pm. Classes in Spanish are held the third Sunday of the month at 4:00pm. Baptisms will take place on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the 11:15am Mass and the 6:00pm Mass in Spanish. Contact the parish office to register for classes. Marriages: The Catholic Church requires adequate premarital and Sacramental preparation. Couples must contact the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance and before setting a date. NO EXCEPTIONS will be granted. Ministry to the Sick Please make sure to contact the Parish if you or a loved one is sick or in the hospital. Arrangements can be made to have a priest, deacon or Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion visit on a regular basis if needed. Monday Oct.27 7:30pm Knights of Columbus Meeting CONFESSIONS Wednesday from 5:00-6:00pm Remember : Youth group every Wednesday@ 6:15pm-7:45pm in the parish hall October 28 We have placed the Thanksgiving Basket Envelopes in the pews to begin collec ng money for distribu ng Thanksgiving Baskets this year. Each baskets costs approximately $30, and we are hoping to distribute 50 baskets. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you! 6PM Building Committee Meeting RACHEL’S VINEYARD POST ABORTION HEALING RETREAT If you have feelings of grief, anxiety, guilt, depression, emotional or spiritual problems due to a past abortion know that you are not alone. Help and healing are available through the Rachel’s Vineyard post abortion ministry. This confidential weekend retreat facilitates spiritual, psychological and emotional healing for women, men and family members struggling with the pain of abortion. Exercises based on scripture are designed to help participants experience God's mercy and compassion, to reconcile with God, their child, and with themselves. The retreat concludes with a Memorial and Entrustment Service. If your heart hears God's gentle invitation, take courage, for you are being called home to heal. Come and experience the mercy and compassion of God through this healing ministry. For additional information contact the Confidential Line for Rachel’s Vineyard at 912-201-4059 / [email protected], or visit the website at . All calls and inquiries are strictly confidential. Come and be restored. Our next retreat is October 31 – November 2014, near Augusta, Ga. Información sobre Bau zos y Matrimonios Bau zos: Clases de Bau zo en Ingles se llevan acabo el primer Jueves del mes a las 7:00 pm. clases en Español son cada tercer Domingo del mes a las 4:00 pm. Los Bau zos son el tercer Domingo del Mes en la misa de las 11:15 y en la misa de las 6:00 pm en Español. Contacte la oficina de la Parroquia para registrarse para clases. Matrimonios: La Iglesia Católica requiere preparaciones adecuadas pre-matrimonial y Sacramental. Las parejas deben contactar la oficina de la parroquia de menos 6 meses antes que escoja una fecha o haga otras preparaciones. NO HABRA EXCEPCCIONES. RCIA Y movido a los VEN AL GRUPO DE JOVENES Avisos: Hemos puesto los sobres para las canastas de Dar Gracias en las bancas para empezar a colectar dinero para la distribución de canastas de Dar Gracias este año. Cada Canasta ene un costo de aproximadamente $30 dólares , y esperamos a distribuir 50 canastas. Por Favor Rachel’s Vineyard Ayudando sanar la trauma de la tiempo en español se a martes a las 7pm Ministerio a los Enfermos Por favor contacte a la parroquia si usted o un ser querido están enfermos o en el hospital. Se harán arreglos con el sacerdote, diacono, o Ministro Eucarís co de Santa Comunión que los visiten en una base regular si es necesario. aborto un fin de semana al GUARDA CALMA CONFESIONES Miércoles de las 5:00 - 6:00 pm Grupo de jóvenes todos los miércoles alas 6:15pm7:45pm en el salón parroquial Lunes 27, oct. Junta de los Caballeros de Columbus a las 7:30 RACHEL’S VINEYARD POST ABORTION HEALING RETREAT Si estas siendo angustia, culpable, depresión, problemas emociónales o espirituales por una aborto no estas sola. Ayuda y sanación están disponibles por el ministerio de Rachel’s Vineyard. Este retiro confidencial faculta sanación espiritual, piscología, y emocional para ambos mujeres ,hombres, y familias pasado por el dolor de un aborto . Ejercicios basados en la escritura están desinados apoyar los participantes sentir la misericordia y compasión de Dios, Reconciliarse con Dios, su hijo, y ellos mismos. El retiro terminara con un servicio memorial y confianza. Si sientes tu la llamado en tu corazón toma la invitación de Dios ven a casa a sanarte. Ven y siente la misericordia y compasión de dios en este ministerio. Para mas información llame a la línea confidencial para Rachel’s Vineyard a 912-201-4059 / [email protected], o visita la pagina Todas las llamadas son confidénciales. Ven y sanate. Nuestro próximo retro será octubre 31– Noviembre 2014 , cercas de Augusta GA. V ww OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY 26 10:00 am Choir Practice 9:45-11 am CCD & Adult Formation 5-5:45pm Confessions MONDAY TUESDAY 27 28 12:15 Daily 12:15 Daily Mass Mass 7 pm-8pm RCIA (English) 5:30pm Rosary 7:30pm Knights 6PM Building committee of Columbus meeting Meeting 6:15pm NO Holy Hour WEDNESDAY THURSDA 29 30 12:15 Daily Mass 5:00-6:00pm Confessions FRIDAY 31 November 1 All Souls Day 12:15 Daily Mass SATURDAY All Saints Day 9:30am Mass 4:00-4:45pm Confessions 6:15-7:45 pm Youth Meeting Mass 5PM-6PM English mass 7:00pm RCIA in Spanish 2 3 10:00AM Adult 12:15PM Daily Mass Formation & Choir Practice 9:45-11 am CCD 5-5:45pm Confessions 4 5 6 12:15 Daily Mass 12:15 Daily Mass 12:15 Daily 6pm Mass 5:30 pm Rosary 5pm Confessions 6:15 Holy hour 6:15 Youth Group Meeting 7:00pm RCIA in Spanish 7PM Baptism Class 9 10 11 12 13 9:45am CCD 12:15PM Daily Mass 12:15PM Daily mass 12:15PM Daily mass 12:15 Daily Mass 5:30pm Rosary 5pm Confessions 10:00AM Adult Formation & Choir Practice 6:15pm Holy Hour 7pm RCIA (Spanish) 7 9:3010:30am Confessions Baptism for CCD 7pm First Children Friday Healing Mass 14 6:15 Youth Group Meeting 7-8PM Women’s Guild Ministry Meeting READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 8 Eph 4:32 -- 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 4pm Confessions 15 4pm Confessions 856120 Sacred Heart Church 3119 East North Street Vidalia, GA 30475 912.537.7709 Contact: Julie Hopkins ([email protected]) So ware: Win 7 Pub 2010 AAXI Transmission me: Mondays, 5pm Pages Sent: 1-5 Special Instruc ons: PLEASE REDUCE THE NUMBERS OF COPIES TO 350. Thank you.
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