Tolerability and encouraging clinical activity of SHP

Tolerability and encouraging clinical activity of SHP-141, a topical skin-restricted HDAC
inhibitor, in a phase 1B study in cutaneous t-cell lymphoma
Y. H. Kim1, M. S. Krathen1, M. Duvic2, H. Wong3, P. Porcu3, J. Tacastacas4, N. J. Korman4, J. Guitart5, S. B. Landau7, J. E. Bradner6
1. Stanford U, Palo Alto, CA, United States. 2. MD Anderson CC, Houston, TX, United States. 3. Ohio State U, Columbus, OH, United States. 4. UH Case Med Center, Cleveland, OH, United States. 5.
Northwestern U, Chicago, IL, United States. 6. Dana Farber Cancer I, Boston, MA, United States. 7. Shape Pharma, Cambridge, MA, United States.
Shape Pharmaceuticals provided financial support with a grant from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Results (contd)
Results (contd)
The efficacy of histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) as systemic
therapy in CTCL is well-established, but class-associated toxicities have
limited use to advanced or refractory disease. SHP-141 is a novel firstin-class topical HDACi intentionally designed to maximize activity in the
skin but limit systemic exposure by rendering the drug inactive via
endogenous serum esterases. A phase 1b multi-center, double-blind,
placebo (PBO)-controlled, randomized trial in stage IA-IIA CTCL was
pharmacodynamics, and preliminary efficacy with SHP-141 applied
twice daily for 28 days. Six patients were enrolled (5 SHP-141: 1 PBO)
at each dose level (0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0%) in the dose-escalation phase. Of
18 total patients enrolled, the SHP-141 arm had 3 stage IA, 11 IB, 1 IIA;
PBO arm had 2 stage IA and 1 IB. No discontinuations, DLTs, or serious
adverse events (AEs) were recorded. Most AEs were mild; SHP-141
related AEs were limited to skin without any systemic toxicities. IHC of
skin biopsy specimens confirmed evidence of a dose dependent
augmented HDACi activity using a specific acetyl–lysine antibody. PK
results confirmed lack of SHP-141 exposure in peripheral blood
supporting the higher exposures. Notably, 4 of 15 patients randomized
to SHP-141 attained an objective response (> 50% improvement by
CAILS) and 6 had weekly incremental CAILS improvement over 28
days; neither feature was observed in the PBO arm. This initial clinical
study of a skin-optimized topical HDACi demonstrates excellent
tolerability and encouraging early clinical efficacy, even with dosing
limited to 28 days. SHP-141 may address an important unmet medical
need in early stage CTCL by providing a topical HDACi devoid of
systemic toxicities.
Study Design
• This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
dose-escalating, multi-center study.
• Patients were randomized on a 5:1 basis to receive either
SHP-141 or the placebo.
• A Data Safety Monitoring Board reviewed safety data for
each cohort to confirm sufficient safety of that dose.
• Patients were treated to maximum of 5% BSA.
• Serial evaluations of skin lesions were conducted to
determine potential pharmacodynamic effects and evaluate
histological and clinical effects. Each patient was evaluated
on Days 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 of treatment and at the final
study visit at Day 42.
• No Patients with Dose Limiting Toxicities
• No Serious Adverse Events or Discontinuations
• All adverse events were mild or moderate; only skin related
events were considered “possibly related” to SHP-141
• Has been applied in Mycosis Fungoides clinical studies
• Four Parameters are measured:
CTCL is a rare, life-altering form of Non-Hodgkins
Lymphoma where therapeutic options for patients
with advanced disease have expanded; however
systemic toxicity has limited options for early stage
Current treatment for early stage treatments have
slow onset of action, poor symptomatic relief and
some may not be used over large body surface
areas because of local toxicity
SHP-141 is a HDACi that inhibits isoforms1,2,3 and
6. SHP-141 is a soft drug that is active in skin and
breaks down to inactive metabolites
Key Inclusion Criteria:
• 18 years of age or older with histopathologically confirmed
MF; a documented verifiable biopsy report required.
• Documented clinical stage IA, IB, or IIA MF.
• Skin lesion involvement of at least 3% of BSA
• ECOG performance status of 0-2.
Key Exclusion Criteria:
• Histologic evidence of folliculotropic variant or large cell
transformed MF.
• Severe pruritus requiring systemic or topical treatment.
• Prior Treatment within the specified timeframes:
Table: Adverse events possibly or definitely related to SHP-141
All targeted treated areas were evaluated and summed for Parameters
Percent reduction based on change at specific time-point from baseline
Particular interest at Day 28 (last treatment visit) and Day 42 (follow-up)
PR is defined as >50 % and CR is 100% reduction from baseline to endpoint
Lysine Staining (Pharmacodynamic),Photography and PK
• At baseline, Day 14 (4h post) and Day 28 (random), skin
sections were formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded, and
stained for acetylated chromatin (Rabbit polyclonal acetyllysine antibody). Staining completed at BWH Pathology
Brown staining is consistent with augmented acetylation
Prominent staining in the 1.0% dosing group (3/5 patients)
• No SHP141 systemic exposure (not shown)
Table: All patients by Dosing Cohort; placebos separated
Table: Summary of CAILS responses across all groups;
• Four SHP-141 patients had “PR”: 003-001,001-004,005-001,002-002
• Two SHP-141 patients were “close” at Day 42: 006-001 (46%), 006-004 (41%)
• No placebo patient had a PR
• Majority of Patients were IB for active; IA for placebo
• All active Stage IA patients were in 0.5% group
Scaling, Erythema and Plaque Elevation each scored 0-8
Index Lesion Area measured and scored from 0-18
1 Olsen et al, J Clin Oncol. 2011; 29(18): 2598–2607.
Any histone deacetylase inhibitors within 4 weeks.
Steroids or chemotherapy within 4 weeks (eg retinoids).
Nitrosoureas, mitomycin C or 7-hydroxystaurosporine at
any time.
Phototherapy (i.e., PUVA or UVB) within 4 weeks.
Radiation or electron beam therapy within 3 months; local
radiation treatment of non-study lesions is allowed.
Topical treatment, including retinoids, carmustine,
corticosteroids or nitrogen mustard, within 4 weeks.
Table: Selected Demographics
Figure: Example of (A)Augmented Lysine Staining and (B) Photograph of
treated area (biopsies taken from this site)
• SHP-141 demonstrates excellent tolerability through 28days of dosing
• SHP-141 has promising early efficacy even with dosing
limited to 28 days. Clinical response was maintained in
some patient at 2-weeks post dosing
• SHP-141 has evidence for local HDACi activity using a
novel skin-based IHC assay
• At Day 42 40% (6/15) were PRs or trending towards a PR.
• Further studies with larger BSA and longer term dosing are