TSX.V:SHJ S H O S H O N I G O L D LTD. E x p l o r i n g f o r G o l d o n t h e E u r e k a G o l d Tr e n d , N e v a d a D r i l l i n g a t Z P G P r o p e r t y, w i t h N e w m o n t ’ s P h o e n i x M i n e s e e n i n t h e b a c k g r o u n d . Shoshoni Gold Ltd. is an exploration-stage company engaged in the exploration of gold mineral resources. The Company’s properties include the ZPG Property in Nevada and the Kirkland Creek Property in the Yukon. Shoshoni Gold recently entered into an option agreement with WPC Resources Inc. to earn a 60% interest in the ZPG Property in Nevada. The project is located in Lander County near existing infrastructure and in the heart of the Eureka Gold Trend. The ZPG Property is approximately 30 kilometers southwest of the community of Battle Mountain, near two major mines. ZPG is a drill ready project and it is the Company’s goal to conduct a drill program on the project once project financing has been completed. ZPG Project ZPG Property Highlights • Favorably located in the heart of the Eureka Gold Trend, the ZPG Property is located within a belt of Porphyry systems hosting major mines such as Newmont’s Phoenix/Fortitude to the northeast and new high grade discoveries by Premier Gold at the Cove/McCoy mines to the southwest. • The ZPG Property lies on the pediment between two strongly mineralized areas. There is potential for the project to host Porphyry copper-gold mineralization. • Previous drilling on the ZPG Property and general area has indicated the presence of mineralized material characteristic of geology typically found on the periphery of Porphyry deposits, starting at depth of approx. 200 meters. The ZPG target zone, a large coincident magnetic and I.P. anomaly, has not been tested. • Two other magnetic anomalies in the immediate vicinity are associated with Newmont’s Phoenix Mine, a major gold/ copper mine. • The ZPG Property has existing infrastructure and is located approximately 30 kilometers southwest of the community of Battle Mountain, Nevada. • The ZPG Property is a drill-ready target, with exploration drilling to commence once project financing has been completed. www.shoshonigold.com S H O SHO NI G O L D LTD. Nevada is one of the world’s most favorable jurisdictions for mine development, being host to numerous “elephant” gold mines and deposits. The ZPG Property is located near existing infrastructure and is on trend with major producing and past producing mines in the heart of the Battle Mountain/Eureka Gold Trend, which is one of the most prolific gold districts in the world. Shoshoni Gold Ltd. has entered into an option agreement with WPC Resources Inc. to earn a 60% interest in the ZPG Property, in Lander County, Nevada, USA. The property is located approximately 30 kilometers southwest of the community of Battle Mountain. Access is via Interstate 80 to Battle Mountain and then via secondary Highway 305 to the project area. This acquisition has been particularly timely for Shoshoni Gold as it is becoming widely recognized that there is significant potential for the discovery of major deposits located below pediment cover. For this reason, exploration companies and major producers alike are pursuing pediment exploration properties in this region, making the availability of highly prospective pediment properties very limited. Mines on the Battle Mountain/Eureka Gold Trend & location of ZPG Property. ZPG Property Overview Copper Basin The ZPG Property is a compelling drill-ready target. It lies on the pediment between two strongly mineralized areas. The Phoenix-Fortitude copper, gold, silver and molybdenum deposits are located 1525 km to the northeast and the Cove-McCoy mines are approximately 12 km to the south. The ZPG claim area is wholly covered by overburden. Geophysical drill targets have been identified within a corridor of similar anomalies. The ZPG Property has the potential to host vein, skarn and Porphyry styles of mineralization, all of which are currently mined locally. Battle Mountain, NV Phoenix / Fortitude ZPG CLAIMS Cove / McCoy It is recommended that the property be explored for its potential to host Porphyry copper-gold mineralization. The property is located within a Google image showing location of ZPG claims & road access from Battle Mountain, NV. favorable northeast oriented magnetic trend in which five circular magnetic features are present. The northern two magnetic anomalies relate to zoned copper/gold Porphyry systems at Newmont’s Copper Canyon and Copper Basin deposits (the Phoenix Mine), currently producing at over 40,000 tpd and having contained in excess of 11 million ounces of gold. The southern 3 anomalies are located southwest of the Copper Canyon deposit under pediment cover and may represent similar targets. The ZPG Property encompasses the middle and largest of the 3 anomalies and is coincident with an IP chargeability anomaly www.s h o s h o n i g o l d . c o m E x p l o r i n g f o r G o l d o n t h e E u r e k a G o l d Tr e n d , N e v a d a TSX.V:SHJ centered at a depth of approximately 500 meters. Limited drilling by previous operators tested the fringe of the magnetic anomaly in holes designed to penetrate the pediment cover. Several of these holes intersected Porphyry style mineralization with the best results being 0.12% copper over 70 feet and 1.05% zinc over 20 feet. None of the holes were drilled deep enough to test the IP conductor. Previous work on the property and general area has indicated the potential for Porphyry style mineralization. Earlier Reverse Circulation drilling encountered mineralized material characteristic of geology typically found on the periphery of Porphyry deposits, starting at a depth of approximately 200 meters. Newmont has two nearby operating mines on similar magnetic features as that encountered on the ZPG Property. Ease of access to project area is demonstrated by road vehicles directly at drill site in 2011. Copper Basin A major program by Premier Gold Mines, under an option agreement with Newmont, has recently discovered new high-grade gold mineralization below the past-production open pits of the Cove-McCoy mines. Also, exploration is being conducted nearby by other junior exploration companies. Positive results from previous nearby drilling, the large size of the target anomaly and the presence of major mines in the immediate vicinity combine to make the ZPG Property a compelling drill-ready target. Buckingham A large untested IP chargeability anomaly centered at a depth of approximately 500 meters is coincident with the magnetic feature. The top of the ZPG target is expected to be encountered between 150 and 200 meters below surface. Fortitude Cu/Au Deposits 11 million oz Au Kennecott IP Anomaly Above: Kennecott IP Anomaly (with coincident magnetic anomaly overlain) located on the ZPG Property within a belt of Porphyry systems. Right: Enlargement of IP lines and claims boundary. As a first stage exploration program, drill testing of the IP target is recommended with 3 drill holes into the northern, central and southern portions of the target. Exploration drilling is expected to commence without delay once project financing has been completed. In the event that there is a sizable minable resource present, stripping of the overburden can be achieved cost effectively by using traditional earth moving equipment without the need for explosives. While the target is expected to be intercepted at a depth of approximately 200 meters, the potentially large size of the mineralized body likely does not represent an unrealistic stripping ratio. The project ores could also be extracted utilizing underground block-cave bulk mining techniques. As a comparison, the top of the Hugo Dummett Mine (Oyu Tolgoi project discovered by Ivanhoe Mines) located in Mongolia between the 600 to 800 meter levels. Positive results from previous nearby drilling on the property, the large size of the target anomaly and the presence of major mines in the vicinity combine to make the ZPG Property a compelling drill-ready target. www.s h o s h o n i g o l d . c o m TSX.V:SHJ S HO S HO NI G O LD LT D. ZPG Property I.P. Sur vey Results 4500 meters The Induced Polarized survey undertaken by Kennecott indicates a large I.P. anomaly which is coincident with a large magnetic anomaly. Two additional magnetic anomalies in the immediate vicinity are associated with Newmont’s Phoenix Mine. Terms of ZPG Property Option The Company has paid an option fee of $25,000 upon execution of the option agreement. To earn its 60% interest, the Company must make a further staged cash payment to WPC Resources Inc. (“WPC”) of $50,000 and perform $500,000 of exploration work on the ZPG Property, to include the drilling of not less than two diamond drill holes. Shoshoni Gold and WPC will then each be required to fund its pro rata share of a further US$160,000 on exploration in order to have the right to acquire the ZPG Property under the exclusive option held by WPC. The property will then be owned 60% by Shoshoni Gold Ltd. and 40% by WPC. Upon completion of the acquisition, the two companies intend to move forward on a joint venture basis to continue exploration on the property. The property is subject to an underlying 3% net Smelter Royalty, of which one-half (1.5%) may be bought down for US$1,500,000. Shoshoni will have the option to participate in any such buy-down on a pro-rata basis. A NI 43-101 compliant technical report, dated April 2011, has been filed by WPC on www.sedar.com. This report predates the work completed by WPC in November 2011. Management & Directors Contacts Share Capital Ralf Hillebrand, President & CEO Vancouver, BC Ralf Hillebrand President & CEO Shoshoni Gold Ltd. 1016 - 470 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1V5 TSX Venture Exchange: Mark Tommasi, CFO & Director Vancouver, BC Marlowe Harvey Director Vancouver, BC George Frangeskides Director London, England Steve Kubota Director Vancouver, BC Tel & Fax: 604-682-5281 Email: [email protected] Mark Tommasi Chief Financial Officer Tel: 604-682-5281 Email: [email protected] www.shoshonigold.com Shares Outstanding: Share Options: Fully Diluted: SHJ 32,061,504 962,000 33,023,504 Recent Trading Range: Cdn $ 0.04 - 0.05 Transfer Agent: Auditor: Computershare Trust Company of Canada Wolrige Mahon LLP CUSIP:82535P Report Date: August 2014
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