Commercial Township Public Schools Common Core Curriculum Content Area: EnVision Math Grade: 4 Unit Plan Title: Unit 3 Unit Summary:This unit will cover pattern concepts including multiplication fact patterns, repeating patterns, number sequences, extending pattern tables, writing pattern rules, geometric patterns;fraction concepts including comparing/ordering fractions, adding fractions with like denominators, improper fractions and mixed numbers, adding/subtracting mixed numbers; measurement concepts including customary units of length, capacity, weight, changing customary units, metric units of length, capacity, mass, changing metric units, units of time; and problem solving strategies including acting it out, using reasoning, writing to explain, and working backward. Unit Rationale: Students will apply prior knowledge needed for using multiplication and division problems within 100 to solve word problems with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the number. Students will need to use this understanding to identify the rule in number and shape patterns. This understanding will be essential in determining factors of numbers ranging 1-100. Pattern understanding will also be needed for Place Value and Fractional equivalence. Students will need a prior understanding that a fraction 1/b is the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is portioned into “b” equal parts; also understanding a fraction as “a/b” as the quantity formed by “a” parts of size 1/b. Students will understand and be able to explain equivalence of fractions in special cases and compare fractions by reasoning about there size. In this topic students will make connections between numerators, denominators, and one whole. Students will have the ability to add and subtract simple fractions to build upon their understanding of mixed numbers and ready themselves for topic 13. Students will know how to read a tape measure and follow fractions on a number line for real world situations. In this topic students will connect fractions with measuring on a tape measure for customary and metric units. This will give students a base understanding for measuring and estimating in measurement with more difficult problems in topic 15. In this unit plan the following 21st Century themes and skills are addressed Indicate whether these skills are EEncouraged, T-Taught, or ACheck all that apply. Assessed in this unit by marking E, T, 21st X Century Themes A on the line before the appropriate skill. 21st Century Skills Global Awareness E,T Environmental Literacy E,T,A Critical Thinking and Problem Solving E,T Communication Health Literacy Civic Literacy Financial, Economic, Business, and Entrepreneurial Literacy E,T Creativity and Innovation Collaboration Primary Interdisciplinary Connections: Students will need a good reading comprehension strategy to use in Math. Students will use context clues in order to determine meanings of unfamiliar words. Students will make connections to real-world problem solving and mathematical problems. Anchor Standards, Domains, ContentStandard (s) Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Domain) o Gain familiarity with factors and multiples (Cluster) 4.OA.4-Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1-100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the rage 1-100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1-100 is prime or composite. (Standard) o Generate and analyze patterns (Cluster) 4.OA.5-Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself. (Standard) Numbers and Operations—Fractions (Domain) o Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering (Cluster) 4.NF.1-Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n x a)/(n x b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. (Standard) 4.NF.2-Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common dominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as ½. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. (Standard) o Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers (Cluster) 4.NF.3-Understand a fraction a/b with a>1 as a sum of fractions 1/b.(Standard) 4.NF.3a-Understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating parts referring to the same whole. (Standard) 4.NF.3b-Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more than one way, recording each decomposition by an equation. Justify decompositions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Example: 3/8=1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8; 3/8= 1/8 + 2/8. (Standard) 4.NF.3c-Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators, e.g., by replacing each mixed number with an equivalent fraction, and/or by using properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. (Standard) 4.NF.3d-Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole and having like denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. (Standard) Measurement and Data (Domain) o Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. (Cluster) 4.MD.1-Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g;lb, oz; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurements equivalents in a two-column table. (Standard) 4.MD.2-Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that feature a measurement scale. (Standard) Technology Standards 8.1.4.A.1: Demonstrate effective input of text and data using an input device 8.1.4.E.2: Evaluate the accuracy of, relevance to, and appropriateness of using print and non-print electronic information sources to complete a variety of tasks 8.1.4.F.1: Select and apply digital tools to collect, organize, and analyze data that support a scientific finding. Essential Questions Enduring Understandings 1-2 How can patterns be used to find 1-2: There are patterns in the products with factors of 2,5, and 9? products for multiplication facts with factors of 2, 5, and 9. 1-5 How can students recognize patterns and be able to continue the 1-5: Some problems can be solved pattern? 2-1 How can students identify and extend repeating geometric or repeating number patterns? 2-2 How will students identify and extend whole-number patterns involving addition and subtraction? 2-3How will students extend tables of ordered pairs for situations involving multiplication, addition, or subtraction? 2-4How can students find a rule and extend the table, given a table of number pairs? 2-5 How can students extend patterns of cubes or tiles? 2-6 How will students use Act It Out and Reasoning to solve problems? 11-6 How can benchmark fractions be used to compare fractions with unlike denominators? 11-7 How can common denominators and equivalent fractions be used to order fractions with unlike denominators? 12-1 How can students use models to add fractions with like denominators? 12-2 How can students use computational procedures to add fractions with like denominators and solve problems? 12-6 How will students identify and write mixed numbers as improper fractions and improper fractions as mixed numbers? by identifying elements that repeat in a predictable way. 2-1: Some patterns consist of shapes or numbers arranged in a unit that repeats. 2-2: Some numerical sequences have a rule that tells how to generate more numbers in the sequence. 2-3: Some real-world quantities have a mathematical relationship; the value of one quantity can be found if you know the value of the other quantity. 2-4: Some real-world quantities have a mathematical relationship; the value of one quantity can be found if the value of the other quantity is known.Patterns can be used to identify some relationship. 2-5: Some sequence of geometric objects change in predictable ways that can be described using a mathematical rule. 2-6: Some problems can be solved by using objects to act out the actions in the problem. Some problems can be solved by reasoning about the conditions in the problem. 11-6: If two fractions have the same denominator, the fraction with the greater numerator is the greater fraction. If the two fractions have the same numerator, the fraction with the lesser denominator is the greater fraction. 11-7: Ordering 3 or more numbers is similar to comparing 2 numbers because each number must be compared to each other number. 12-1: A model can be used to add two or more fractions. 12-2: When adding fractions with like denominators, you are adding 12-7 How can models be used to add and subtract mixed numbers? 12-8 How can models and computational procedures be used to add mixed numbers? 12-9 How will models and computational procedures be used to subtract mixed numbers? 11-8 How can students decide and write to explain whether an answer is correct or not? 14-1 How can students estimate and measure length by choosing the most appropriate unit of length? 14-2 How can students fluently estimate and compare customary capacity units (cups, pints, quarts, and gallons)? 14-3 How can students estimate fluently estimate and measure with units of weight? 14-4 How can students convert between customary units? 14-5 How can students solve and explain the answers to each problem in writing? portions of the same size. So, you can add the numerators without changing the denominator. 12-6: Fractional amounts greater than 1 can be represented using a whole number and a fraction. Whole number amounts can be represented as fractions. When the numerator and denominator are equal, the fraction equals 1. 12-7: Models can be used to show different ways of adding and subtracting mixed numbers. 12-8: One way to subtract mixed numbers is to subtract the fractional parts and then subtract the whole number parts. Sometimes whole numbers or fractions need to be renamed. 12-9: One way to subtract mixed numbers is to subtract the fractional parts and then subtract the whole number parts. Sometimes whole numbers or fractions need to be removed. 11-8: Mathematical explanations can be given using words, pictures, numbers or symbols. A good explanation should be correct, simple, complete, and easy to understand. 14-1: Length can be estimated and measured in different systems (customary, metric) using different units in each system that are related to each other. Length can also be estimated in different systems. 14-2: Capacity is a measure of the amount of liquid a container can hold. Capacity can be measured in different systems (customary, metric) and using different units in each system that are related to each other. 14-3: The weight of an object is a 14-6 How can students estimate and measure length to the nearest centimeter, and choose the most appropriate metric unit for measuring length? 14-7 How can students estimate fluently measure capacity with milliliters and liters? 14-8 How can units of mass- grams and kilograms be used to estimate and measure? 14-9 How can metric units be used to convert measurements? 14-10 How can students compare several units of time and convert from one unit of time to another? 14-11 How can students solve problems that require finding the original times, measurements, or quantities that led to a result that is given? measure of how heavy an object is. 14-4: Relationships between customary measurement units can be expressed as a function (e.g. 12 inches to 1 ft. or 12 in. = 1ft). Relationships exist that enable you to convert between customary units of the same attribute by multiplying or dividing. 14-5: Mathematical explanations can be given using words, pictures, numbers or symbols. A good explanation should be correct, simple, complete, and easy to understand. 14-6: Length can be estimated and measured in different systems (customary, metric) using different units in each system that are related to each other. Length can also be estimated in different measurement systems. 14-7: Capacity is a measure of the amount of liquid a container can hold. Capacity can be measured in different systems (customary, metric) and using different units in each system that are related to each other. 14-8: Mass is the measure of the quantity of matter in an object. Weight and mass are different measures. 14-9: Relationships between metric units can be expressed as a function (e.g., 10mm to 1 cm or 10mm = 1cm). Relationships exist that enable you to convert between metric units of the same attribute by multiplying or dividing. 14-10: Time can be expressed using different units that are related to each other. 14-11: Some problems with the initial data point unknown can be solved by starting with the end result and by reversing the steps and processes to work backward to find the initial data point. Learning Targets/Objectives 1-2:Students will use patterns to find products with factors of 2, 5, and 9. 1-5:Students will recognize patterns and be able to continue the pattern. 2-1: Students will identify and extend repeating geometric or repeating number patterns. 2-2: Students will identify and extend whole-number patterns involving addition andsubtraction. 2-3: Students will extend tables of ordered pairs for situations involving multiplication, addition, and subtraction 2-4: Students will find a rule and extend the table, given a table of number pairs. 2-5: Students will extend patterns of cubes or tiles. 2-6: Students will use the strategies Act It Out and Use Reasoning to solve problems. 11-6: Students will use benchmark fractions to compare fractions with unlike denominators. 11-7:Students will use common denominator and equivalent fractions to order fractions with unlike denominators. 11-8:Students will write to explain whether an answer is correct or not. 12-1:Students will use models to add fractions with like denominators. 12-2 :Students will use computational procedures to add fractions with like denominators and solve problems. 12-6 :Students will identify and write mixed numbers as improper fractions and improper fractions as mixed numbers. 12-7 :Students will use models to add and subtract mixed numbers. 12-8 :Students will use models and computational procedures to add mixed numbers. 12-9 :Students will use models and computational procedures to subtract mixed numbers. 14-1 : Students will estimate and measure length by choosing the most appropriate unit of length. 14-2 : Students will estimate fluently with customary capacity units (cups, pints, quarts, and gallons). They will compare the relative sizes of capacity measurements. 14-3 : Students will estimate fluently and measure with units of weight. 14-4 : Students will be able to convert between customary units. 14-5 : Students will solve and explain the answers to each problem in writing. 14-6 : Students will estimate and measure length to the nearest centimeter, and choose the most appropriate metric unit for measuring length. 14-7 : Students will estimate fluently with milliliters and liters. They will measure capacity using these metric units. 14-8 : Students will estimate and measure with units of mass—grams and kilograms. 14-9 : Students will be able to convert between metric units. 14-10: Time can be expressed using different units that are related to each other. 14-11 : Students will solve problems that require finding the original times, measurements, or quantities that led to a result that is given. Evidence of learning Summative Assessment: Topic 2 Test Topic 11/12 Test Topic 14 Test RAC Unit 3 Math Assessment Formative Assessments: *Any or all of these may be used to informally assess students. Daily Common Core Review ( Quick Check ( enVision Practice Workbooks Teacher Observation Multiplication Timed Tests Teacher Created Materials Center Activities Sweep Scores Index Card with Summaries Hand Signals Student Conference 3-minute pause Self-Assessment Exit Card Portfolio Check Choral Response Debriefing One Sentence Summary Think-Pair-Share Turn to Your Partner Oral Questioning Lesson Plans Lesson Lesson 1-2 and 1-5 Lesson 2-1 Lesson 2-2 Lesson 2-3 Lesson 2-4 Lesson 2-5 and 2-6 Timeframe One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson Topic 2 Test and Review RAC #’s 1-3 Lesson 11-6 Lesson 11-7 Lesson 12-1 Lesson 12-2 Lesson 12-6 Lesson 12-7 Lesson 12-8 Lesson 12-9 Lesson 11-8 RAC Review 4-16 Topic Test 11/12 Review Patterns/Fractions Review Patterns/Fractions Lesson 14-1 Lesson 14-2 Lesson 14-3 Lesson 14-4 Lesson 14-5 Lesson 14-6 Lesson 14-7 Lesson 14-8 Lesson 14-9 Lesson 14-10 and RAC Review 17-20 Lesson 14-11 and Review of Variables and Word Problems Lesson 14-11 and Review of Variables and Word Problems Review Day- Topic 14 skills Topic 14 Test Unit 3 RAC Assessment Resources enVision Materials SmartBoard Measurement Tools Rulers Length, Weight, Capacity Manipulatives ( Unit 3 RAC Assessment One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson One 80-90 min. lesson
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