LESSONS, ASSIGNMENTS, AND DUE DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO UNFORESEEN OR EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING ADJUSTING PLANS TO MEET STUDENTS' NEEDS. If a student is absent he/she is responsible for all material covered in class as well as all assignments and assessments. A student must take an assessment upon return of an absence, provided that no new material has been covered, so please be aware of what you have missed at all times. ALSO NOTE, IF A STUDENT WILL BE ABSENT DUE TO A SCHOOL RELATED ACTIVITY, HE/SHE MUST TURN IN ANY ASSIGNMENTS DUE AND TAKE ANY ASSESSMENTS BEFORE THE EXCUSED ABSENCE OCCURS. Students and parents: Key vocabulary may be found under the "Vocabulary pre-AP/IB 2" section to the left and chapter information and general objectives may be found under the "NewsFlash preAP/IB 2" section. GLOSSARY FOR PARENTS Tarea = Homework PW = Practice Workbook WA = Writing activities (found in the PW) VA = Video activities (found in the PW) AA = Audio activities (found in the PW) GPA = Guided practice activities LE (Libro del Estudiante) = Textbook APUNTES = Notes PRUEBA = Quiz OR EXAMEN = Test PA (Puntos Adicionales) = Extra credit Guía de estudio = Study Guide ANY WORK FOUND IN ORANGE WITH A CATEGORY IN PARENTHESES IS WORK THAT YOU WILL NEED TO MAKE UP, IF YOU ARE ABSENT ON THAT DAY-- FOR EXAMPLE (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 60%). PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY AND SEE ME TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT. ********************************************************************************* lunes 6 de octubre FIRST DAY OF THE 2ND SIX WEEKS martes 7 de octubre OBJETIVO 1B-1: *read, listen to, and understand information about extracurricular activities *learn about the products, practices and perspectives of the Columbian and Panamanian culture En clase: 1. Terminar las Obritas 1A 2. LE pág. 42 A ver si recuerdas (vocabulario) / pág. 43 #2 3. Repasar la tarea 4. Video cultural: Colombia & Panamá Tarea: 1. PW pág.16-19 2. Prueba 1B vocab. (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 60%) 3. Puntos Adicionales: Guía de estudio 1B (REMEMBER: You can get 3 points added to your quiz grade) 4. Go online and study interactively at phschool.com Type in web codes jdd-0111 & jdd-0112 ********************************************************************************* miércoles 8 y jueves 9 de octubre OBJETIVO 1B-2: *read, listen to, and understand information about extracurricular activities *to understand how to compare people and things that are equal to one another En clase: 1. Calentamiento: LE pág.50 #4 2. LE pág.51 #7 Escucha y escribe 3. Repasar la tarea 4. Actividad: vocubes-rompecabezas (vocabulary 1B) 5. Prueba 1B vocab. (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 60%) 6. Apuntes: Making Comparisons 7. GramActiva Tarea: 1. PW p.20-22 2. Go online and study interactively at phschool.com Type in web codes jdd-0113 & jdd-0114 ********************************************************************************* viernes 10 (NO HAY CLASES EL LUNES—DIA DE LA RAZA) martes 14 de octubre OBJETIVO 1B-3: *to continue understanding the uses of comparisons of people and things that are equal to one another *learn uses of the verbs 'saber' and 'conocer' En clase: 1. Calentamiento: LE pág. 54 #12 & Fondo Cultural 2. Repasar la tarea 3. Apuntes: saber/conocer 4. Actividad: tortita 5. GramActiva 6. Actividad: competencia en equipo Tarea: 1. LE pág. 57 actividad 16 #1 & 2 (Make sure that your email is at least 75 words in length and that it is written in the correct email format (refer to your notes). ********************************************************************************* miércoles 15 (PSAT modified schedule). En clase: Nada, nada limonada. Tarea: 1. LE pág. 57 actividad 16 #1 & 2 (Make sure that your email is at least 75 words in length and that it is written in the correct email format (refer to your notes). ********************************************************************************* jueves 16 y viernes 17 de octubre En clase: 1. Entrega la tarea 2. Invitad@s especiales—SPI & Amigos de las Americas Tarea: 1. PW pág. 23 ********************************************************************************* lunes 20 y martes 21 de octubre OBJETIVO 1B-4: *to compare people and things that are equal to one another through the artwork of Columbian artist Fernando Botero and Spanish artist Pablo Picasso *to continue analyzing the differences in use of the verbs 'saber' and 'conocer' En clase: 1. Calentamiento: Botero & Picasso (comparación) 2. Repasar la tarea 3. Actividad: papa caliente 4. Repasar el correo electrónico 5. Actividad: círculos concéntricos 6. Boleto de salida Tarea: 1. Ensayo sobre los cuadros de Fernando Botero & Pablo Picasso—You will find the artwork under the ‘pre-AP/IB 2 Handouts’ link. *********************************************************************** miércoles 22 y jueves 23 de octubre OBJETIVO 1B-5: *to learn and understand how to express at what age you (or someone) started and extracurricular activity, the amount of time you (or someone) has been doing the activity, and how often you (or someone) does the activity. En clase: 1. Apuntes: hace + time expressions 2. Calentamiento: hace + time expressions 3. Actividad: preguntas y respuestas 4. Repasar la tarea – El ensayo 5. PW-AA pág. 20 #9 (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 60%) Tarea: 1. Hoja de práctica: Hace que… 2. Examen 1A/1B jueves 30 y viernes 31 de octubre (SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 30%) Go to phschool.com and take the tests for 1A (jdd-0107) & 1B (jdd-0118) to practice for exam. ********************************************************************************* viernes 24 y lunes 27 de octubre OBJETIVO 1B-6: *to demonstrate understanding of how to express at what age you started an extracurricular activity, the amount of time you have been doing the activity, and how often you do the activity. En clase: 1. Calentamiento: ¡A hablar! 2. Repasa la tarea 3. Obritas 1B (Escribe y memoriza) (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 60%) Tarea: 1. Hoja de práctica: Repaso de los capítulos 1A & 1B 2. Examen 1A/1B jueves 30 y viernes 31 de octubre (SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 30%) Go to phschool.com and take the tests for 1A (jdd-0107) & 1B (jdd-0118) to practice ********************************************************************************* martes 28 y miércoles 29 de octubre OBJETIVO 1B-7: *to demonstrate understanding of how to express at what age you started an extracurricular activity, the amount of time you have been doing the activity, and how often you do the activity. En clase: 1. Actividad: Las palabras afirmativas/negativas en parejas 2. Actividad: Srta. Pérez 3. Repasar la tarea 4. Repasar los errores de las obritas 5. Sala de computadoras- explicación de los puntos adicionales Tarea: 1. Estudia para el examen (Recuerda repasar el formato de un correo electrónico). Go to phschool.com and take the tests for 1A (jdd-0107) & 1B (jdd-0118) to practice 2. Puntos Adicionales: Go to studyspanish.com (Make sure you go under the ‘Apuntes y más’ section in order to learn how to set up an account). In order to receive the up to 6 points, once you've registered go to the grammar section on the left hand margin and complete the following tests: #19 (unit 2 mini test 'b', 10 questions), #28, #29, #30 (unit 3 mini test 'b', 10 questions each section) #37 (unit 3 mini test 'b', 10 questions) #38 (unit 3 mini test 'b', 10 questions) #51 (unit 5 mini test 'b', Do the first 6 questions ONLY) #75 (unit 7 mini test 'b', 10 questions) You will receive one point for each test you take and score a 100. Make sure you always submit your answers so that I have proof of your grade and you can receive credit. Buena suerte. ********************************************************************************* jueves 30 y viernes 31 de octubre OBJETIVO 1B-8: *to demonstrate understanding acquired vocabulary and grammar concepts *to review the uses and forms of one of the two past tenses (preterit tense) En clase: 1. Examen 1A/1B (SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 30%) 2. Apuntes: El pretérito (reg., -car, -gar, -zar, ser/ir, dar, ver, estar, tener, hacer, poner) Tarea: 1. Tabla de verbos #1 / Remember to go to conjuguemos.com to practice. 2. Prueba del pretérito #1- miércoles 5 y jueves 6 de noviembre (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 60%) ********************************************************************************* lunes 3 y martes 4 de noviembre OBJETIVO 1B-9: *students will review and analyze the products, practices and perspectives of the Mexican celebration Día de los muertos *to review the uses and forms of one of the two past tenses (preterit tense) En clase: 1. Entrega la tarea 2. Video & presentación cultural: Día de los Muertos (Srta. Pérez) 3. Repasar el examen 4. Repasar la tarea 5. Actividad: guerra de los resaltadores Tarea: 1. Hoja de práctica #1 2. Prueba del pretérito #1 (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 60%) 3. Entrega la hoja de participación y los cupones (PERFORMANCE- 10%) ********************************************************************************* miércoles 5 y jueves 6 de noviembre OBJETIVO 1B-10: *to review the uses and forms of one of the two past tenses (preterit tense) En clase: 1. Calentamiento: juego de dados 2. Repasar la tarea 3. Prueba del pretérito #1 (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT- 60%) 4. Apuntes: I to Y / -ir stem-changing 5. Hoja de práctica #2 (pret.) 6. Entrega la hoja de participación y los cupones (PERFORMANCE- 10%) Tarea: 1. Tabla de verbos #2 / Remember to go to conjuguemos.com to practice. ********************************************************************************* viernes 7 LAST DAY OF THE 2ND SIX WEEKS lunes 10 de FIRST DAY OF THE 3RD SIX WEEKS OBJETIVO 2A-1: *review level 1 vocabulary related to body parts and clothing * students will review and analyze the products, practices and perspectives of La Quinceañera as a rite of passage in Latin American culture and compare it to their own culture En clase: 1. Calentamiento: juego de dados #2 2. Repasar la tarea y prueba 3. LE pág. 70 A ver si recuerdas el vocabulario 4. ¡A escribir! Un correo electrónico 5. Un evento especial- La Quinceañera Tarea: 1. GPA págs. 45-54 & 8 oraciones—Para los espacios en blanco, usa el vocabulario adicional en la pág. 498 *********************************************************************************
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