Page 18 Henderson Home News and Boulder City News Here and There Gill News By Esther Shipp Birthday Greetings Feb. 3 - Be(ty Hood, Tina Marie Gaincs, Thomas Cockrum, Carl Traasdahl, LeAnna Madrigal, Carmine Suriani. Feb. 4 ^ Pagl Qlechschmidt. Hobson Beard, Helen Short, Dean Johanson, Lisa Magruder, (;«»orge Sells. Ruth Getts, Paul Parker. Feb 5 - William Gronfeldt, Bobby Gregerson, Riley Slice, Rose Mecham, C'Dell Porter, Peter ^V.irtmen. OweTi Gibson, Jo MacLeod. Victor MilIT. Harry Torrence, Lynda \ewlander, Jennifer Uilhelm. Feb. 6 Debbie Cattoir. Dorene Chaney, Leo Oiiiibar. Kathy Muyres, Marjorie Hyatt. Marian lord, Karla Askew. Nonnie Moore, Dorothy Boes, Jerry Morley. Feb. 7 - Hoberl Blair. Dale Brockett. Susie Broadbent, BilUlartin, Mike Paris, Harold Morley. Jerry Williams. Ricky Erhart. Feb. 8 - Scarlet Mellor, Betty Isom. Keith Knox. Nickie Hensley. Sandra Faulkner, Leslie Pymm, Wesley Pymm, Paul Pearson. Dennis Bowman, i.ori and Loretta Cowan. Feb. 9-Jim Kaighn, Kathleen Hunter. Benjamin Morris, Debra Bowman. Gerold Trelease. Michael Hoe. Frances Knighton, Paul Burt, Kenneth TankUey. Steven Wood, Alma Mathias, Russel Swart, Oamian Sheely, Susan Parkin, Emma Delab^irre. Belated greetings to Roy Poindexter, whose birthday wac January 20. Wedding Anniversaries Feb. 3 - Billie and Chuck :§hoemaker. Feb. 4 - Jean and John Pilant (1943); Rena and liichaid Slack (1966); Nora and David Littler. Feb. 5 - Marge and Gregg Davis (1977). Feb. 6 • Elsie and John Sheely: Margie and Tom Fisher (1971). Feb. 7 - Kathy i\nd Mark Adams (1981). I'eb. 8 - Barbara and Jake Williams; Kathy and llSrold Forbes; Marian and Tom Armer (1968); .le;inette and Robert Gant (1972). Feb. 9 Tracy and Dee Town© (19.36); Marie and Icihn Kari (1942); Dorthy artd Paul Williams. Congratulations to them all! Rolling Boulders (ottnn wood Cove will be the site of the February Jeanne and Thomas Gill had a special treat, in January. They had the chance to enjoy real south-ern hospitality - wa^ down in Tennessee. This was their first trip East of Colorado! The occasion was "the wedding of their son Michael to Melissa Martin, daughter of Betty and Russell "Mac" Martin. The ceremony took place January 4 in Nashville, at the home of a cousin. The beautiful bride wore her mother's wedding gown, with a bustle, as she came down the stairs-of the mansion "Glimpse of Glory". Melissa and Michael started their honeymoon in Gatlinburg, in the Smokey ivtountains. Melissa left Nevada for Nashville on December 20. to make arrangements. The Gills left by plane January 3. accompanied by Aunt Roberta Bleier, who joined them from Orange County. California. The Westerners went sightseeing, and even sang a song on the stage of the original Grand Old Opry House. The Gills came to Boulder City from California. Thomas is employed by the City of Los Angeles Department of Power and Water. Country Store Does it seem possible that it is time to start saving for Country Store, already? The collection garage is now open from 9 to 11 a.m. each Monday, on Park Street. As usual, they will accept just about anything. If you need help to transport large articles, phone Chairman Dorothy Smale <293-33,35), Mary Jo McClaren (293-1883), or the office of Grace Community Church (293-2018). Don't forget that you can include used greeting cards. Also, the Women's As.sociation now needs Betty Crocker Coupons, which can be given to Joan Steinke (293-3343). Thank you, folks, for your continued cooperation year after year. ' , Snow Day The young people of Grace Community Church are planning a day of fun in the snow on Mt. Charleston, Saturday. Feb. 5. They will leave at 8 a.m. from Fox Hall, and return at approximately 4 p.m. Each person is to take plenty of warm clothes, a sack lunch, and a dollar to help pay the cost of transportation. The altitude is much higher, friends, so begin your activities slowly! Special values offered at tfie Boulder Theatre , First jun pictures .. -petial admission di.s< .Mints... even free popi oin ...are ail part of the Boulder Theatre's new piomotional policy 'lesiKiied to make going t.) the movies more tun and easier on the huilget. Special admission tickets olferiniti adult patrons one dollar off regular admission are now available at all financial institutions in Henderson and Boulder City. At $2.50, it makes movies still more attractive at the Boulder Theatre. Owners Bob and Helga Scaring! arc also offering a special "Twofer" coupon which is good for one free adult admission when accompanied by one paid adult admission. These coupons are found on flyers distributed in selected sections of both Boulder City and Henderson. Add the bag of free popcorn... easy parking ... and the chance to see such great movies as The Toy ... E.T. ... The Dark Crystal ... Tootsie ... and others, too. The bottom line is a great night out for the entire family at an inflation fighting cost the Boulder Theatre on Arizona Street in Boulder City. Hoover Dam Square Dance Festival to bis heU Steps have been taken to bring the Festival into Focus, which means that dancers should circle March 4th and 5th as those are the dates when Circle 8's present their biggest event of the year. Both square and round dancing will be featured during the Festival being held in the Elton Garrett Jr. High School in Boulder City. Ron Sowash, of Las Vegas will be our Master of Ceremonies. Ron is well known in the Valley, having begun his career here in 1966. Ron will call on Friday night at 8 P.M. {March 4th) and for the "Dance on the Dam" Saturday morning at 9 a.m. The "Dam Dance" is ft^e to all who wish to partipate and a Dam Badge is award to those who dance. Kip Garvey from Union City, CA. is the featured caller for the Square Dancers and workshop on Saturday. Howard and Georgia Wiseman of West Q)vina, CA. will cue the Round Dancing for this years Festival. For more information call Ray 293-4918. B.C. Rotarians enjoy slides on early Las Vegas Bob LaPoint was tht guest speaker at the Rotary meeting on Wednesday, January 26, LaPoint has previously given a slide show at the Boulder City Rotary Club, but because of limited time he was not able to finish it. At this meeting, LaPoint concluded his slide show featuring the histonr of Las Vegas and locM areas. LaPoint stated that the railroad left Las AARRT The Boulder City Chapter of the A.A.R.P. #809 will hold their Potluck Dinner on February 6th at 1 p.m. in the Senior Citizen Annex. Bring your own table service and a covered dish. The program will be presented by Mr. Bertie Lawrence who is Regulirtion Specialist of Arizona Criminal Intelligence with the Sherilrs office of Mohave County at Kingman. His talk will cover Criminal Intelligence and Crime Control. He will show pictures. All members of the A.A.R.P. in Henderson are invited to attend. Cold tea it a good cleaning agant fof varnithad floon or woodwork of any kind. Vegas and moved to Caliente in the early 1920's. The only reason Las Vegas continued to exist is because it was an intermediary point for travelers between Utah and California. LaPoint showed slides of early hotels and nightclubs in Las Vegas. Some were not even allowed to serve liquor because of prohibition. He also showed slides of Mc- Carren Airport and the Boulevard (Parkway) Mall in their early stages. Bert Hansen, because he had the honour of wearing the No Fine Badge this past month, has been coming up with various schemes and pranks to perturb President Joe Normington. Tl\^oughout the month of January, Bert has been disob- edient and mischievous. At the end of the month he decided to show Rotarians what the no fine badge was really for. He arrived at the meeting late, followed by the Boulder City High School Band. They marched around the room several times while playing the Fight Song, as President Joe and the rest of the Rotarians watched in awe. by Sharl Undeberg 315 Water St., Henderson 565-0638 OFFICE HOURS: 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sot. How can a class at THE ORCHARD benefit your child? 0lncreoses competency in ony subject [^Encourages logical thinking and problem solving 0 Increases knowledge about computen at the some time Register Now For: • Computers and Education classes for pre-school, elementary, junior high and senior high classes offered contimiolly • Computer Literacy - starts February 28th • Jr. High Programming - starts Feburary 5th H Senior High Progromming - time and dote to be onnounced • Adult Programmiiig I: starts March 1st • Advanced Programming - time and data to be omMUflced outing of the Rolling Boulders, from the 11th through the 13th. Many rigs go on Thursday. There will be the usual pot-luck dinner, Saturday afternoon. Since campground tables art now anchored down, it is advisable to take along a folding table for the meal. Hank and Alice Prairie will be host and hostess for the month. Frank Kaiser is in charge of parking. Guests are always welcome. . Notice - Date hfs been changed to Feb. 10 at 6 P.M. We meet in the Social Rooms of Grace Community Church. Please bring a dish to share' and your own table service. Desert Strings will entertain. Hostess'es - Marie Hoffman, Evelyn Cromer - Bemice Emerick. Everyone welcome. Bring a friend. RV Owners Quoted remarks of the Council has shown once again the need of a trailer park up in town. When RV owners travel, most of them have a directory of sites available around the United States. What choice is listed for Boulder City? Lakeshore Village, and the Park Service campgrounds - and sometimes, our rest stop. None of them say that overnight space' is available in the mobilehome parks. Everybody does NOT want to camp at the lake. RV owners are TOURISTS - and all types of tourists should be welcome. Many buy the newspaper, and visit our places of interest, eat in our restaurants, buy souvenirs, purchase clothes, attend special events, tour museums, etc. There are families who moved to Boulder City to LIVE, because they liked the town when they were 'passing through" as tourists. Close the rest stop at night? that is when most travelers REST. (You might use fewer electric lights!) Travelers write letters to RV magazines, tellinjj the attitude of towns they visit, and such bad publicity is kept for future reTha ference. Should this happen to Boulder City! a Reading Weeic celebrated The fTfth annual statewide celebration of Nevada Reading Week will be held at The Meadows Mall during the week of Monday. Feb. 7. through Saturday. Feb, 12. 1983. This program, designed to encourage reading at all levels, is being presented to the community by the Clark County School District (Curriculum Service Departmentj, Clark County School Librariahs' Association, Las Vegas Council of International Reading Association. and southern Nevada Teachers of English. j_ Children and adults will have an opportunity to hear stories, see puppet shows, and enjoy a Readers' Theater. School librarians will be on-hand to offer reading suggestions, also. Two very special events planned for Saturday, Feb. 12. will be a Storybook Character Contest at lOi.'JO a.m. and the reading of a story by Dr. Robert Wentz, Clark County School District Superintendent. at 12:30 p.m. Nevada Reading Week is free and open tot he public. Special events are listed below: Monday through Friday 4 - 5 p.m.; Storytime, Puppet Show. Readers' Theater, and Choral Reading Groups. Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Storybook Character Contest. 12:30 p.m.; Storytime by Dr. Robert Wentz. 1 to 4:30 p.m.; More Stories. Puppet Shows, and Readers' Theaters. peanut is really bean, not a nut. 45 FT. TRAILER LOAD of Sunset-Green Valley Pkwy., Henderson -AVAKAIIE UjENDERSON G.I. NEW-SHLE FRONT OPENING WATERPROOF 50 GAL AMMO CANS JBRRN VAUEY GROCERY SMITHS SUPtR FOOD KING < & ASSOCIAtES, INC. 293-2681 CtlARKHSOrnREwasjust the beginning of Eric Liddell's adventure! ^ VAUEY RANK Of NEVADA ART SHOW AREA // TAX RETURNS with this coupon 806 Buchanan Blvd. Suite 102, Boulder City IlAL PNIlllPS GREEN VAUEY DANCE MARIO'S HAW COUNTRY CLASSKS VAUEY CHIROPRACTK VAILAIIE SANTMA'S PIZZA MACK A CARDS AVAIIADLE AVAIUDlf ^—=-= WEORAMA DOG INN FLOWERS L.A. LAKERS 20% OFF Selling throughout the country (when available) $9.95 to $12.95 OMCIET HOUSE BUCK'S PRICE SUNSET ROAD $A95 4 ONLY Sponsors: -ESCAPE TRAVEl FRI., SAT., SUN. FEB.4TH-5TH&6TH 10:OOA.M.T04:OOP.M. FUND RAISER TO HELP DEFEAT —MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS $50.00 p«r doz. Ideal for fishing, hunting, rafting, tools, first-aid supplies and storage or shipping of valuables. On mall orders, add $1.50 ea. for Sales Tax, shipping and handling. ARTSHOW+ 3 BIG DAYS i 20% OFF I AND TO PROVIDE FOR RESEARCH — PATIENT SERVICES — EDUCATION ON ALREADY REDUCED PRICES ON GRAND PRIZES ENnRTAINMENT FEATURING DUFFLE BAGS TICKETS ^KOO (•><>"«*!<'" i^o^'®) BIC SAIL BOARD F71 ERICUDDELLI Wssm HOBIE CAT SAIL & SPORT BOULDER CITY, NV THEFLYirKiSCOraWi Sundoy, February 6tli 6 P.M. Ian C'/Mrip«>rt ^5 lintlrU Thr rrat trkLKUCII Bethany Baptist Church 210 Wyoming, Boulder City 293-1912 $699.00 VALUE BOMBER JACKETS '•O Rope and Webbing, Sleeping Bags, Blankets. Parkas, Tents, Truck, car and boat covers and traps. Rafts and Floats and all other<mew camping, hunting and scout supplies. MAKE OFFER Used Rural-Type Aluminum M^ll $095 Boxes Q u. Hardwood Bunk Bed Ladder — Boxes 7Q^ Steel Insulated Office or ^ - ^mtk BuiMing 9 1 flVO Panels I V Steel Stove Bottoms For Planters or Camp Fires $399 55 Qal. Open Top Trash Barrels $7»8 DONATED BY AMERKAN NEVADA CORP. non ftRINKS—»HOT DOSS SPONSORS: GREEN VALLEY MERCHANTS OMELET HOUSE, ANNE'S FLOWERS. VIDEORAMA, DIRTY DOG INN, CARRARA CARDS, HOME MAGIC, SANTORA'S PIZZA, SMITH'S FOOD KING, COUNTRY CLASSICS, GREEN VALLEY DANCE STUDIO, MARIOS II, AL PHILLIPS CLEANERS, ESCAPE TRAVEL, GREEN VALLEY GROCERY, VALLEY BANK, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN, HENDERSON REALTY. AU PRIZES, ADVBtnSMG, TKKETS, FOOD, DRINKS, T-SHIRTS, SIGNS, ENTERTAINMENT, STAGE A SECURIH, HAS BEEN MMATB. ALL EXHIBITORS AND MERCHANTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED PLEASE COME OUT AND SHOW APPRiaATKM OF THEIR SUPPORT CoFfez INTERNATiONAL OR bdiiK of the Mvltiplt NOVMM ••• W9 iIMM VOO* Sclerosis of Sovtiwni CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD - RUEBEN CERVANTES EXECUTIVE DIREaOR - GARY ROBERTS THANK YOU VOLUNTEERSl FOR INFORMATION 362-7772 •T-SHimS « HIM CO-SPONSORS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN, COORS. WESTERN OUTDOOR SIGNS, BEN STEPMAN DODGE. AMERICAN NEVADA CORP, SPECIALIZED SECURITY SERVICES INC., KRRI FM 105'/i, AIR CORTEZ. LA MESA RV, WILSON SYSTEMS, KAWASAKI WEST. PARKS ELECTRIC, GREEN VALLEY IMMEDIATE CARE CENTER. PHOTOGRAPHY BY STEVE REED, BOY SCOUT TROOP 309, HENDERSON HOME NEWS, GREEN VALLEY NEWS & BOULDER CITY NEWS. LAS VEGAS SUN, HIGHWAY RENTALS. SHAW ADVERTISING, REDWOOD SIGNS OF NEVADA, JACK BRYSON JEWELRY, GRAPHICS WEST, PASTEL PORTRAITS, LAS VEGAS CHILDREN'S ZOO & CIRCUS, HOME LUMBER, SPORT AVIATION, 7 UP , COCA COLA , PEPSI COLA . GREEN VALLEY IMMEDIATE CARE CENTER, COLLECTORS GALLERY, TAYLOR RENTALS. 10A00 BARGAINS 4995 E. Btist 643-1424 $300.00 Value MANY MORE PRIZES FROM GREEN VALLEY PLAZA MERCHANTS HOME OF ••MbMMiMLaks M«a<» 2 TRIPS SPECIAL ART SHOW AUCTION SUN., FEB. 6tli, 2:00 P.M. "OVER 300 PAINTINGS" » coons—»WIME Wood Ammo ¥ SHOW FROM GREEN VALLEY DANCE STUDIO ..\ TOURS DONATED BY: Michael & Mami Sisters TOP 40 - POPUUR - DISCO - SOFT ROCK - COUNTRY PLAYED FOR CELEBRITIES AT WAYNE NEWTON'S RANCH AND PALM SPRINGS FOR THE BOB HOPE GOLF CUSSIC AND HOmS IN LAS VEGAS PLUS MORE ENTERTAINMENT On Trucks, trailers, Feeder tanks. Pipe, Steel, Parts bins and other items in outside storage yard. GRAND CANYON ATOWNWITHAPLAN. • *&-*!'-*^^"^ *^ "*•'*"* — j.'^.*';.^' ••* "'*-~'*r •^r'i>r-<
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