Transportation Construction Traffic Management Committee

Thursday, December 11, 2014, 9:00 A.M.,
1149 S. Broadway, first floor conference room 150, Los Angeles
Committee Members:
Curtis Tran (BOE), Chairman
Omar Braish (BOE)
Marina Chang (LADOT)
Maurice Camacho (LADOT)
Debra Scott (BSS)
Frank Van Blarcom (ConAD)
It is the responsibility of the Major Transportation Construction Traffic Management Committee to review
applications for permits to work within the streets and determine work site traffic control conditions within
the Transit Project Impact Area (LAMC 62.250).
To be placed on the agenda, a brief description of the project must be emailed to [email protected]
by midnight on Thursday in order to present the following Thursday. Additionally, it is the policy of the
Committee to allow public comment on individual agenda items subject to such time limits as the
Committee Chairman may deem appropriate.
PUBLIC COMMENT: The Committee will hear public testimony on agenda items under the Committee's
MINUTES: Review and adopt December 4, 2014 meeting minutes.
1) Wai Yip (BOE-WCED)
Olympic Blvd between Bronson Ave and Norton Ave-PLE: Rehabilitation of two
brick-cement sewers. Construct 5’ diameter of MH on existing brick concrete sewer
and raise 16 chimneys to surface level.
DISPOSITION: 140583-PLE Taken Under Advisement by Marina
2) Duane Palmer (DWP-Power)
Olympic Blvd from Ogden Dr to Spaulding Ave-PLE: Electrical conduit installation
for LADWP.
• U-P#: 2014007117
DISPOSITION: 140577-PLE Taken Under Advisement by Marina
3) Greg Santone (Roadway Construction Service/Bragg Crane Service/MATT Construction)
Wilshire Blvd 6060/Orange Grove Ave-PLE: Lane closure on Orange Grove Ave to
erect a new tower crane assembly on Peterson Automotive Museum.
• BSS#: 2014005185
DISPOSITION: 140578-PLE Taken Under Advisement by Debra
4) Edgar Mercado (DWP-Power)
Hutchison Ave 3235/Venice Blvd-EX: Construct electrical conduit duck bank and
• U-P#: 2014010904
DISPOSITION: Item was not presented
5) Tim McHale (TPR Traffic Solutions/Sinanian Construction)
W. Pico 424/S Hope St.-EX: Sidewalk closure on W. Pico.
DISPOSITION: 140579-EX Taken Under Advisement by Maurice
6) David Ramirez (Pacific Traffic Control/Vankirk Electric)
Olympic Blvd and Hill St-EX: Lane closure on Olympic Blvd and Hill St to access
maintenance holes. Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
• BSS#: 2014006184
DISPOSITION: Returned, Insufficient Information
7) Scott Donder (Bernards Builders/TMI)
Olive St/Grand Ave between 12th and Pico Blvd-EX: Lane closures for K-Rail
• Reference TCTMC 130284-EX BSS#: 2013004824
• BSS#: 2014004352
• B-P#: BR003490
DISPOSITION: 140580-EX TLR was issued
8) Kurt Hanna (TMI/Tishman Construction/ Morley-Benchmark/American Wrecking)
Pico Blvd 203 W/Hill St.-EX: Sidewalk, protective fencing with canopy during
demolition phase on Hill St only. Permit Renewal.
• Reference TCTMC 140410-EX
• BSS#: 2014004850
DISPOSITION: 140581-EX Approved Under BSS
9) Kurt Hanna (TMI/CP construction West, Inc.)
Grand Ave and Olive St between 7th & 8th- RC: Renewal of existing roadway and
sidewalk closure behind the existing K-rail for an additional four months on Grand
Ave and Olive St.
• TCTMC 140454-RC
• Reference TCTMC 130139-RC
• BSS#: 2014005181
DISPOSITION: Status Update
10) Casey McCormick (Burnham Nationwide)
Wilshire Blvd 900 W/ between Francisco St and Figueroa St –RC: K-rail placement
on Wilshire. Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
• Reference TCTMC 140552-RC
DISPOSITION: Item was not presented
11) Casey McCormick (Burnham Nationwide)
Wilshire Blvd 900 W/ between Francisco St and Figueroa St –RC: Steel and rebar
delivery. Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
• Reference TCTMC 140465-RC
DISPOSITION: Item was not presented
12) Trent Ramirez (Cable Engineering Serivces/Verizon Wireless)
W. San Marino St 3284 to 3080 /Irolo St-PLE: Attach fiber optic cable to (16) existing
wood utility poles along Overland Ave & (2) poles along Kenmore Ave.
• BSS#: 2014006297
DISPOSITION: 140582-PLE TLR was issued
13) Deonda Theus (Southern California Edison)
Sawtelle Bl 1925/Missouri-SPW: Replace deteriorated pole. Affected by Holiday
• TCTMC 140405-SPW
• BSS #: 2014002229
• Emergency item: deteriorating pole – public safety concern.
DISPOSITION: 140584-SPW Taken Under Advisement by Maurice
14) Deonda Theus (Southern California Edison)
Sepulveda Blvd 2100 S/ Mississippi Ave-SPW: Pole reconfiguration. Affected by
Holiday Moratorium.
• BSS#: 2014006373
DISPOSITION: 140585-SPW TLR was issued
15) Deonda Theus (Southern California Edison)
Sawtelle Blvd 2106/Mississippi-SPW: Lane closures to replace pole in the sidewalk.
Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
• BSS#: 2014005683
DISPOSITION: Returned, not a street of significance
16) Joanne Ciafardini (Byers Engineering Company)
Veteran Ave/Wilshire Blvd-SPW: Trenching to place fiber optic cable from existing
MH to customer. Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
• U-P#: 2014009884
DISPOSITION: 140586-SPW Taken Under Advisement by Maurice
17) Tracey Farmer (Shell Pipeline Co)
Exposition Blvd 11270 W/Sawtelle Blvd-SPW: Install underground power
feed/connection to DWP.
• BSS#: 2014005841
DISPOSITION: Item was not presented
18) John Johnston (AT&T/CHC)
Olympic Blvd between Arlington Ave to Western; Western Ave between Monette Pl
to San Marino-PLE: Access maintenance holes to place and splice fiber cables.
Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
DISPOSITION: Returned, Insufficient Information
19) John Johnston (AT&T/CHC)
W. 3rd at S. Ogden-PLE: Access maintenance hole # 7740, 049 and 048 to energize
existing fiber cable. Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
DISPOSITION: 140588-PLE TLR was issued
20) John Johnston (AT&T/CHC)
Wilshire Blvd at Mullen Ave-PLE: Intercept existing duct and place new duct to
customer property line. Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
• U-P#: 2014009056
DISPOSITION: 140590-PLE Taken Under Advisement by Marina
21) John Johnston (AT&T/CHC )
S. Wilshire Blvd at S. St. Andrews Pl-PLE: Access maintenance hole #8736, 5442
and 5443 to place and splice fiber cables. Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
• BSS#: 2014003471
DISPOSITION: 140589-PLE TLR was issued
22) John Johnston (AT&T/CHC)
S. Vermont Ave between W. 27th St and W. Adams Blvd.-EX: Dig 4’ x 4’ pit to
intercept existing duct and place new duct to utility pole. Access maintenance hole
to place and splice fiber cables.
• TCTMC 140524-EX
• BSS#: 2014004696
• U-P#: 2014004862
DISPOSITION: Returned, Insufficient Information
23) John Johnston (AT&T/CHC)
Grand Ave./Wilshire Blvd-RC: Access maintenance holes to energize existing fiber
cable. Affected by Holiday Moratorium.
DISPOSITION: Item was not presented
24) Discussing AT&T’s outstanding Traffic Lane Requirements.
DISPOSITION: Status Updates
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December 11, 2014
Committee Members:
Omar Braish*.......................................Engineering
Curtis Tran*.......................................Engineering
Marina Chang*......................................D.O.T.
Maurice Camacho....................................D.O.T.
Debra Scott*.......................................Street Services
Frank Van Blarcom*+................................Contract Admin.
Don Segura+........................................Contract Admin.
* Voting Member
+ Absent
Omar Braish called the meeting to order at 9:16 A.M.
The Minutes were revised as written.
The following agenda items were discussed (Attached):
140577-PLE (Taken Under Advisement), 140578-PLE (Taken Under
Advisement), 140579-EX (Taken Under Advisement), 140580-EX,
140581-EX, 140582-PLE, 140583-PLE (Taken Under Advisement),
140584-SPW (Taken Under Advisement), 140585-SPW, 140586-SPW
(Taken Under Advisement), 140588-PLE, 140589-PLE, 140590-PLE
(Taken Under Advisement).
TLRs were issued for the following old businesses (Attached):
130284-EX, 140343-PLE, 140371-PLE, 140470-EX.
The status was discussed for the following agenda items (Not
The public was given an opportunity to make comments on the
presented construction within the Streets of Significance.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 P.M.
Submitted by:
Fatima Guerra
Recording Secretary
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