T-75.4950 Psychophysics Toolbox (PTB) Jussi Hakala [email protected] 27.1.2014 Demo 1: Frame animation • Using the functions introduced later, we build a function that illustrates the effect of Gaussian low pass filtering in a 25fps frame animation • The user can pause and continue the animation again with the keys ‘p’ an ‘c’ • frameAnimationDemo.m T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Demo 2: Staircase algorithm • Experiment loosely based on the paper: Risto Näsänen, Helena Ojanpää, Effect of image contrast and sharpness on visual search for computer icons, Displays, Volume 24, Issue 3, October 2003, Pages 137-144 Available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V0149M0C0P-1/2/44e38f7b3d5696ea99ff4c406e3c66e1 • staircaseDemo.m T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Demo 2: Data • Threshold easy to find by calculating the mean of the intensities at reversal points T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Demo 3: The psychometric curve • • • Data from an experiment using the method of constant stimuli and a 2alternative forced choice task Aim – plot the psychometric curve – calculate the threshold Procedure – Fit a Weibull curve to the data – Solve the Weibull from 1) at our chosen threshold probability – Plot our data and the Weibull curve • fitWeibullToTAFC.m T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Demo 3: The psychometric curve • For more sophisticated analyses: Palamedes (http://www.palamedestoolbox.org/) T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Background • Psychophysical experiments require accurate stimulus presentation that can usually be achieved only by lower level programming languages such as C • Using higher level interpreted languages (such as Matlab’s), is attractive because of fast development time and ease of use • Enter Psychophysics Toolbox • Brainard, D. H. (1997) The Psychophysics Toolbox, Spatial Vision 10:433-436 • Pelli, D. G. (1997) The VideoToolbox software for visual psychophysics: Transforming numbers into movies, Spatial Vision 10:437-442 • Kleiner M, Brainard D, Pelli D, 2007, "What's new in Psychtoolbox-3?" Perception 36 ECVP T-75.4950 27.1.2014 System requirements • • • • • Runs on Linux, OSX and Windows Limited support for Matlab and Octave under Ubuntu Matlab R2007a or later OR Octave 3.2 or later Graphics adapter with OpenGL support For accurate timing: a CRT display • Do not expect 100% cross platform compatibility of your PTB scripts! • http://psychtoolbox.org/SystemRequirements T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Available in classroom TUAS 1174 • To use, run SetupPsychtoolbox in Matlab: > cd C:\Programs\Matlab\toolbox\Psychtoolbox > SetupPsychtoolbox T-75.4950 27.1.2014 What can you do with it? • Provides the researcher with the ability to accurately draw on the display (within the limits of the system) – • • • • Temporal, spatial and colour accuracy Stimuli is produced with Matlab functions (e.g. Image Processing Toolbox) Assists in collecting data Alternative: PsychoPy (Psychology software in Python) Commercial alternatives: SuperLab, Presentation, e-Prime Pros Cons “Complete” freedom No built-in experimental methods Community support (free code) No built-in stimuli (except Gabor patches) Open source No GUI T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Basic use case • Basic structure of visual stimulus presentation with Psychophysics Toolbox: 1. Prepare stimulus (often Matlab matrices) 2. Open an onscreen window (OpenWindow) 3. Make a texture of your stimulus (either with DrawTexture or primitive drawing functions like FillRect) 4. Flip your stimulus from the back buffer into the front buffer with Flip 5. Hide the stimulus and get user response 6. Modify/choose the next stimulus and loop 1-6 until a condition is satisfied T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Screen • Screen(‘OpenWindow’… [windowPtr,rect] = Screen('OpenWindow’,windowPtrOrScreenNumber [,color][,rect][,pixelSize][,numberOfBuffers][,stereomode][,multisamp le][,imagingmode]); • A simple use case where we open a full screen window in screen 0 (primary screen) with a grey background and store the pointer to that window in stimulus_window: stimulus_window = Screen('OpenWindow', 0, 192); T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Screen • Screen(‘MakeTexture’… textureIndex = Screen('MakeTexture', WindowIndex, imageMatrix [,optimizeForDrawAngle=0] [,specialFlags=0] [,floatprecision=0] [,textureOrientation=0] [,textureShader=0]); • A simple use case where we create a texture of imagematrix that is ready to be drawn at any time on stimulus_window and stores the index into texture: texture = Screen('MakeTexture', stimulus_window, imagematrix); T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Screen • Screen(‘Flip’… [VBLTimestamp StimulusOnsetTime FlipTimestamp Missed Beampos] = Screen('Flip', windowPtr [,when] [,dontclear] [,dontsync] [,multiflip]); • This flips our predrawn (!) texture from the back buffer into the front buffer and stores the timestamp of the beginning of the vertical blanking buffer swap to VBLtime: VBLtime = Screen('Flip', stimulus_window); T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Screen • Screen(‘Flip’… part II • In order to create an animation we draw our next texture into the back buffer in each pass, and then flip it after a 1/25 second interval from the previous VBLtime, and store the new time stamp into VBLtime Screen('DrawTexture', stimulus_window, texture(i)); VBLtime = Screen('Flip', stimulus_window, VBLtime + (1/25)); T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Screen • You need to close all windows and textures that you open! • Screen(‘Close’/’CloseAll’… Screen('Close', [windowOrTextureIndex or list of textureIndices/offscreenWindowIndices]) Screen('CloseAll'); • Close all textures and windows: Screen('CloseAll'); T-75.4950 27.1.2014 KbCheck, KbName [keyIsDown, secs, keyCode, deltaSecs] = KbCheck([deviceNumber]) [kbNameResult] = KbName(keyCode) • We check if any key is pressed and decode the response into a character [keyIsDown, secs, keyCode] = KbCheck(); key_pressed = KbName(keyCode); %for example ‘y’ T-75.4950 27.1.2014 try… catch, @ • Use try…catch statements, and use the catch block to close your windows and textures, otherwise the opened window will stay open (in the unlikely event that your code fails) • If your program hangs or you want to terminate it prematurely you can use the @ (AltGr + 2) to kill your PTB function (at least you can try, of course you should also try ctrl-c). T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Advanced features • OpenGL image processing and graphics • Support for many kinds of hardware including special displays, joysticks, eye trackers, Kinect … • Quest threshold estimation (Quest toolbox is included) • Optics calculations • Probability functions • Everything needed for experiments in psychophysics, and more! T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Documentation • • • • • Type ‘help PsychBasic’ in Matlab to get started Continue with ‘help PsychDemos’ Function reference: http://docs.psychtoolbox.org/Psychtoolbox FAQ: http://psychtoolbox.org/PsychtoolboxFaq User forum in Yahoo Groups: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/psychtoolbox/messages/ T-75.4950 27.1.2014 Some last year’s experiments • • • • • Perception of unnaturalness in walking patterns Meditation and change blindness The effect of first reflections on perceived audio quality Logo grouping and visual search Effectiveness of different highlighting methods on a map • What do you want to do? T-75.4950 27.1.2014
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