Acting President Dr. Martha Asselin’s CAMPUS UPDATE November 2014 November is the month of giving thanks. A time for reflection and expressions of gratitude. Schenectady County Community College has much to be thankful for. Our vibrant community expands its reach and is committed to achieving our institution’s vision. I proudly share updates and highlights of the activities at Schenectady County Community College during the last month. To learn more about the College and our dynamic community members who enrich our campus environment, please visit Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. ~ Dr. Martha Asselin, Acting President Giving Thanks to our Veterans The members of the SCCC family proudly honor the men and women who have bravely served our country and who have made countless sacrifices to protect our nation’s freedoms. Our soldiers have risked everything for the sake of democracy and to protect the American way of life. Thank you for your service and for making our state and nation stand strong. Most Grateful for the Kindl Family and their Generous Donation to SCCC Fred and Catherine Kindl and their four daughters are wonderful examples of the difference individuals can make to the communities in which they reside. The family’s power systems consulting business was once located at 201 State Street in Schenectady. The Kindl Scholarships have long provided our students with opportunities to advance their learning in the field of nanotechnology and green energy. In 2009, the Kindl family donated the building at 201 State Street to SCCC. Renovations were made to the exterior of the building since 2009; however, funding to complete the interior was needed. This past October the Kindl family generously provided the College with a $200,000 gift to assist with the renovations to the interior of the building. County Legislature Committee passed a resolution to accept the gift to support the 201 State Street Capital Project at SCCC and to make the corresponding budget amendment. This resolution, once approved by the County Legislature at their November 12 meeting, will be used to secure an additional $200,000 SUNY matching grant thus providing $ 400,000 that will be designated to complete the interior capital improvements to the Kindl Building at 201 State Street. Once interior renovations are completed, the SCCC Workforce Development Office will relocate into this beautiful space. 1|Page PTK National Honor Society Inductions Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Induction Ceremony was held on November 11th at 6:00 pm in the Carl B. Taylor Community Auditorium, Begley Hall. SCCC proudly inducted over 50 new members. A complete list of all students inducted into PTK will be provided in The Binnekill. These students demonstrate excellence and a commitment to higher achievement. They set a path for the many excellent roads they have yet to travel. PTK students demonstrate an ability to persevere with their academics, leadership and service to our community. Congratulations to our newest inductees and to all members of the PTK Chapter at SCCC. Peter Lattanzio Recognized with the Melvin E. Bartlett Sr. Fire Educator Award 2014 Campus Safety Council hosted the 5th Annual Melvin E. Bartlett Sr. Fire Educator Award Ceremony and Breakfast. The Melvin E. Bartlett Sr. Fire Educator Award was presented to Pete Lattanzio, fire investigator, educator and adjunct instructor at S.C.C.C. Photos from the event can be viewed at Educational Opportunity Program Alumni Celebration On October 30, the SCCC Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Office sponsored an Alumni Dinner and Celebration. Director Angela West-Davis and her Assistant, Lisa Clark invited current EOP students, alumni from the SCCC EOP program, previous EOP Directors and other College staff to attend. The keynote speaker was Mr. Robert James, former Associate Vice Chancellor, and Special Programs of The State University of New York. The program was filled with inspiration. EOP produces outstanding graduates who are doing incredible things. Photos from the evening can be found at 2|Page Great American Smoke Out and Tobacco-Free Campus The third Thursday in November is always the National Great American Smoke Out. As a reminder of this and in support of the College’s Tobacco Free Campus, the Campus Security Guards are handing out “Thinking About Quitting” (NYS Smokers Quitline) information cards to community members who smoke. In addition, members of the SCCC Campus Safety Council will be participating in the SUNY’s Tobacco-Free Regional Educational Session to be held on November 13 to learn more about funding available for Tobacco-Free campuses. Through the Power of SUNY, Healthier NY, SUNY will be offering up to $500 for the campus employee attending a tobacco-free conference/training offsite and up to $1,500 in support of tobacco-free education (use towards web design, signage/posters/pamphlets and regional educational/training on campus. Other Campus Safety and Security Updates Behavioral Intervention Team Training: Director of Campus Safety Michael Bonitatibus, Acting Vice President of Student Affairs Stephen Fragale and Acting Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Ellen Wertlieb attended the SUNY sponsored Behavior Intervention Seminar and training program. Title IX Coordinator Training Sessions: Michael Bonitatibus, Stephen Fragale and Executive Director of Human Resources Richard Michaud participated in a full training program on Addressing Title IX Investigations: Ensuring Fair and Just Hearings in Sexual Misconduct Cases. County Ebola Preparedness Meetings: Michael Bonitatibus, Stephen Fragale, Vice President of Administration Charles Richardson and Acting President Martha Asselin have been participating in the Schenectady County Community Partners Ebola Preparedness Meetings at Schenectady County Public Health Services at 107 Nott Terrace. Meetings are held weekly to help keep the community partners informed and prepared. Union College Sponsored Ebola Training Discussion: Michael Bonitatibus, Stephen Fragale, Charles Richardson and Director of Campus Facilities Alan Yauney attended the campus safety discussion about Ebola event at Union College where members of Union College, Schenectady County Emergency Management and Ellis Hospital were present to discuss recently released CDC information regarding Ebola. POD Drill: Michael Bonitatibus met with Lisa Whitman from Schenectady County Public Health to discuss preparedness in Schenectady County for public health point of dispensing (POD) site. SCCC is a ‘Closed POD’ partner. Discussion about volunteer management, especially in light of the Ebola situation, was reviewed in preparedness DIVERSITY in the Workplace Several members of the SCCC President’s Council will be participating in the SUNY Conference, ‘Making Diversity Count’ on November 12 and 13. The program is co-sponsored by the SUNY Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the University Faculty Senate. 3|Page Working Group on the Continual Improvement of Sexual Violence Prevention Policies Per her October 8 Memo to all SUNY College Presidents, Chancellor Zimpher asked Alexander N. Cartwright, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, to chair a working group to implement the Board of Trustees’ October resolution on sexual violence prevention and response. Acting President Asselin is a member of this Working Group. The Working Group is representative of all sectors of the University— comprised of presidents, chief academic officers, our faculty and student governance leaders, students nominated by their presidents, student affairs directors, university police, community college public safety, Title IX coordinators, and legal counsel—as well as highly regarded outside advocates and experts (the full list of Working Group members is available on the website). The Working Group held its first meeting in Albany on October 27 to begin developing the five main policies referenced in the resolution. The resulting draft policies have been posted for your review. They are consensus documents that incorporate the voices of the entire Working Group. To ensure that this process engages the entire SUNY community, the Working Group hosted two webinar town halls open to all SUNY students and employees on November 7 and 10. The Chancellor is dedicated to transparency in this effort and appreciates your help in disseminating this information across campuses. The 60-day period for policy development indicated in the resolution concludes on December 1, 2014, so we are grateful for your prompt action. The draft policies can be viewed on SUNY Blue, the Microsoft SharePoint secure collaboration platform. To access the draft policies, any member of our campus community can go to: and log in with their regular SUNY credentials. Please note that these documents are in draft form, for discussion purposes only, and are subject to change before the policies can be considered final. The Working Group is most confident that the expertise brought to the table by for this purpose will result in policies that we can all be proud of and that will have a significant impact on campus climates and survivor support across the State. Enrollment for Spring 2015 is in Full Swing To view all the SCCC Admissions events planned between now and the start of spring 2015 semester, visit: 4|Page NEW Proposed Chargeback Formula Presented for SUNY Review The newly proposed County Chargeback Formula and phase-in methodology has been presented to the Chief Finance and Business Officers at each SUNY campus for review and discussion. The proposed model is noticeably improved from what was ultimately proposed last year. Dialogues will continue regarding this proposal with various campus leaders and SUNY. A Call to Action for Schenectady: Bridges to Youth Conference 2014 Schenectady Foundation and City Mission are the two lead organizations in planning the Bridges to Youth Conference to be held on December 3 from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Proctors Theatre and SCCC’s Center City site. Keynote speaker is Ruby Payne, Ph.D., founder of aha! Process and author of Bridges Out of Poverty: A Framework for Understanding Poverty. Dr. Ruby Payne has helped students and adults of all economic backgrounds achieve academic, professional, and personal success. As an expert on the mindsets of economic classes and overcoming the hurdles of poverty, she has trained hundreds of thousands of professionals, from educators and school administrators to community, church, and business leaders. Breakout sessions at the conference will focus on these topic areas: poverty simulation, building bridges for our youth, teen pregnancy, college as a reachable goal, youth and criminal justice, networking and idea exchanges. Anyone interested in registering for this event can do so at Smart Scholars Early College High School In May 2014, the Governor and Legislature approved legislation (Chapter 53 of the Laws of 2014) that allows SUNY community colleges to give tuition discounts – or waive tuition – for college courses taught on the college campus for Smart Scholars ECHS and NYS P-TECH programs. The finance team at SUNY has recently developed a tool for the SUNY Community Colleges to understand the financial impact of P-TECH and other ECHS models given the legislation passed last spring. This tool can be used to demonstrate that even at one-third of the per credit tuition rates, the colleges could cover their actual costs. Economic Impact Study Completed on HPOG SCCC’s Health Professions Opportunity Grant has completed an economic impact study (conducted by EMSI). The favorable findings will be most helpful as we continue to apply for additional grant funding to sustain this program and its phenomenal successes. Specials thanks to Dr. Rota for the day to day interaction with EMSI and the supplying of the data and requested methodology. Highlights are: In 2014 the grant will produce $8.80 million in economic impact to the SCCC service area o $3.54M due to operations of the program by SCCC o $5.26 due to student involvement given three factors: student earnings, business operations employing the students, and multiplier effect as both parties spend money with other businesses Average student completer will realize an net present value of future earnings of $503,800 an increase of $81,200 had they not taken the program Over the previous three years, taxpayers have invested $7.67M into the SCCC HPOG program yet yielded a return of $55.36M, a return rate of 18.7% or $7.20 for every $1 invested. SCCC Hosts Benefits Fair SCCC’s Annual Benefits Fair will be held on Thursday, November 20, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Lally Mohawk Room. The SCCC Benefit’s Fair will provide information on Medical, Dental, Vision, Prescription Plans and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA’s). In addition, representatives from Social Security, ERS Retirement, TRS Retirement, ING & MetLife will be available for related questions. Open Enrollment will be held from Thursday, November 20, 2014 through Friday, December 12, 2014. 5|Page Chief of Staff Update Chief of Staff Paula Ohlhous has worked collaboratively with the Professional Policies, Nominations and Awards Committee to prepare the submission of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching to SUNY System Administration. In addition, she worked in partnership with Confidential Secretary Linda Czub and organized several meetings for the creation of the SCCC float for the Schenectady Chamber of Commerce’s Holiday Parade to be held on November 22. Conducted research with the Schenectady Town Historian on SCCC past presidents with the goal of having a President’s Wall of Honor in honor of the College’s 45th anniversary. Scooped Ice Cream with the President and members of the leadership team for National Ice Cream Day during college hour on October 23rd. Active participant in the College’s Strategic Planning Council as we continue to review our mission and vision statements. Serving as a campus representative, Ms. Ohlhous attended several community networking events to include: SCCC Foundation’s Annual Scholarship Breakfast, SCCC Alumni Mixer, SCCC Advisory Mixer, Melvin E. Bartlett Fire Educator Award Ceremony, Schenectady Chamber’s 26th Annual Business Awards Dinner, Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation (DSIC) Annual Building Block Party, and To Honor and Serve Veteran’s Breakfast. Legal Services Request for Proposals Special thanks are extended to Associate Vice President of Business Development Susan Beaudoin for preparing the Request for Proposal (RFP). The legal notice for the Legal Services RFP has been published in the Albany Times Union and the Schenectady Gazette, and on the Empire State Purchasing Group website. It has also been sent to the bar associations for Albany, Schenectady, Renssalaer and Saratoga Counties. SCCC is Among Ten SUNY Community Colleges Identified for an Audit by State Comptroller The Office of the President has received notification regarding and student accounts receivable audit by the Office of the State Comptroller in Albany. The audit is being performed at 10 community colleges across the state and SCCC has been selected. On Nov. 12, Acting President Asselin, Vice President Richardson, and Amiee Warfied participated in the introductory meeting with the auditing staff where the process was explained. The field work is expected to take about 2-3 weeks. Auditors will be located in the conference room of the fifth floor Elston while they conduct a review of the College’s student accounts receivable. Development Office Updates November 15th is set aside as National Philanthropy Day. This is another opportunity to market our 45th anniversary and provide an opportunity for giving. 6|Page We are at 25% of our 14-15 Annual Fund goal, having raised $22,544 in contributions and pledges toward our $90,650 (compared to $10,814 last year at this time). The National Philanthropy Day Email is being finalized and is scheduled for November 15th with a goal of 45 gifts of $45 on that day. Lindsay Peck sent the first Thanks-A-Latte email out to Faculty & Staff as a follow-up for the Employee Campaign. The November E-newsletter has been approved and scheduled for November 17. The December Alumni & Friend Appeal design text has been sent to Jessica in Communications and solicitation mailing list has been sent to Daniela at Fort Orange Press. 2014 Gala will be held on Friday, November 14. Currently we are at 235 paid attendees with continuous follow-up this whole week. Preliminary table seating has been started and the anniversary cards have been finalized and sent out to the Special Events Committee. Lindsay Peck is following up with the emcee, photographer and musicians for details on the event. The draft script is being reviewed. Michelle submitted the September 2014 fund balance worksheet to the Dean of the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism. Michelle Mora has submitted the annual accounting memo of the Elbert Stillwaggon Memorial Scholarship to the scholarship representative. This memo provides the contact information for the past and current recipients of this scholarship as well as the fund balance to date. Michelle Mora has prepared and submitted the Student Government Association Club and Organization Scholarship memo and subsequent worksheets to the Vice President of Student Affairs. This memo outlines the Foundation’s procedure for awarding these club and organization scholarships, identifies account balances and states if the scholarship is eligible to be awarded at the May 2015 Honors Convocation. Michelle Mora completed the VSE survey and is currently working on the reconciliation portion. Michelle Mora met with the Lead Teacher for the Schenectady Smart Scholars Early College High School, Valerie Palmieri-Smith and held a conference call with grant writer, Susan Lombardi, to discuss an upcoming grant application to The Schenectady Foundation for the Smart Scholars program. Sue Ferris met with Patty Novo to thank her for her donation of wine for the Gala and to pick up the wine Patty had donated. Sue Ferris met with Claire Tallon from the United Way to discuss the College’s United Way campaign. Office Of Assessment And Institutional Effectiveness Updates The Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness has completed and submitted the mandatory Full Opportunity Report. The Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness supported Carlos G. Penaloza of Academic Affairs by providing a database of 5 years enrollment data, and student transfer data for the Program Reviews The Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness provided David E. Brough from the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism Hotel with graduate employment data 7|Page Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness provided Tiziana Rota from the Health Profession Opportunity Grants with graduate employment data Schenectady County Community College has registered for the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). The CCSSE is an assessment tool that provides information on student engagement as well as student learning. The Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness established bi-weekly meetings with IT to further enhance IR’s ability to serve the campus community In addition, Institutional Research has completed the Tuition Reconciliation, the Perkins Final Report Data, the IPEDS 12 Month Enrollment, and the Academic Warning & Probation Retention Report for Advising in Student Affairs. Barbara J. Warschawski and Laurie A. Hempstead attended a SUNY Expectations for General Education Assessment Training at Columbia-Greene Community College on October 24th Career and Transfer Services Introduces Advisor in Residence November is a busy month for CTS. Information tables and “Advisor in Residence” sessions have been scheduled for the following colleges: Excelsior, College of St. Rose, Salem State, Oneonta, Albany, Siena, and Sage Colleges. CTS staff have begun to offer presentations in FYS courses with 4 major lectures slated for November to target 300 students. November Speed-Networking events were successful with 3 classes in Liberal Arts and Humanities taking part. Special presentations on “Reputation Management and Discovering Your Talents” were offered for College Suites residents and TRIO. 8|Page Head Coach Cody Rule and Women’s Crew Closes 2013 With Great Pride The Royals Women's Crew Team, under leadership of Coach Cody Rule, had a successful race at the prestigious 44th Annual Head of the Schuylkill Regatta. This regatta had more than 1,600 total entries, over 230 clubs and almost 7,500 individual athletes in total spread over two days. It's one of the top 5 most populated races in the United States, and is considered a premier event that attracts crews from all over the country, and several other nations worldwide. The Royals had two boats entered in two separate races, one in the Collegiate Women's Novice 8+, and a more advanced crew in the Women's Collegiate Novice 4+. In the women's Collegiate Novice 8+, the Royals placed 22 out of 33. Beating out crews from Hofstra, Maryland, Haverford, The College of NJ and boats from Villanova and Fordham shows the Royals are ready to row with top crews at this level. The lineup was Kirsten Daley as Coxswain, Mariah Matarazzo as stroke seat, and filled out by Julia Taylor, Taylor De Moree, Morgan Shaginaw, Kaleigh Hoffman, Natalia Sagaille, Schuyler Connors and Kayla Belschwinder. The A squad who raced in the 4+ event did incredibly well coming in 11th out of 22. Beating Hamilton, Philadelphia U, West Point, Maryland and Rutgers just goes to show that our women can hold their own and win handily. The lineup for this crew was Mariah Donlin at Coxswain, Taylor DeMoree at stroke, and Morgan Shaginaw, Kaleigh Hoffman and Kayla Belschwinder rounding out the A boat. Workforce Development (WFD) Updates Maria Kotary, Associate for Continuing Education in Workforce Development (WFD) has submitted the Spring 2015 non-credit schedule to the Registrar; the Spring 2015 non-credit booklet to our Public Relations department; and has completed and submitted the Non-Credit Instructional Activities (NCIA) Survey 2013-2014 SUNY report. She has also maintained all information on the fall 2014 classes on the WFD Facebook page. Maria Kotary presented Jesse Roylance of Washington Irving and Nancy Jones of Capital Region Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) the completed SCCC Introduction to College PowerPoint presentation. In addition, she attended the webinar SUNY Non-Credit Remedial Session on Friday. Deborah Moeckel, SUNY Assistant Provost for Community College Education, will provide more information and take some questions on SUNY’s new proposal process. Michael Henderson, Coordinator of WFD, and Maria Kotary met with our WFD Advisory Committee on October 23, 2014. On October 1st the Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) Program Director, Dr. Tiziana Rota, attended the Saratoga Job Fair to begin the recruitment process for the Allied Health Care Trainings (AHCT). Executive Director Matt Grattan is collaborating with the Schenectady Area Employer Resource Network to provide onsite success coaching for underserved employees of member businesses in an effort to retain their employment. SCCC WFD submitted a consortium supervisory skills training grant to SUNY and details around scheduling for the Spring 2015 have begun. The Drive to Success pilot continues to see great initial results and in partnership with Transfinder, the City Mission, Visiting Nurses of Northeastern NY and Home Instead Senior Care. The pilot has logged over 2000 miles to date and transported roughly five employees on over 250 trips to their employment location using over 18 volunteer drivers and 6 navigators. 9|Page WFD hosted the Capital District Human Resource Association (CRHRA) Business/Strategic Credit course entitled “The Impact of Today’s Business Environment on the Selling/Business Professional and Role of Human Resources” at Center City on Friday, October 24, 2014. Instructor Lorraine Ferguson is the President of Direct Impact Associates, LLC and a representative of the authorized Sandler Trainer for the Capital Region. The program focused on developing Human Resource professional competencies including operational structure, strategic planning, personal credibility, and employee development. Michael Henderson attended the Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness seminar, “Survey Design Best Practices.” The seminar reviewed how to use Campus Labs Production Suite for campus surveys. The interactive session also reviewed the steps in the assessment cycle, and how to design an effective survey. The Community Archaeology Program (CAP) hosted a talk entitled Hotel Van Curler (90 years old) and Elston Hall (45 years old) - One Building, Two Anniversaries on October 29, 2014. This illustrated talk by Louise Basa, CAP Adjunct, focused on the original Hotel Van Curler structure built in 1925, its adaptation to college use as Elston Hall in 1969, and the significant historic events connected to the building during the past 90 years. Charles Wiff of Gramercy Communications (PR firm) arranged for the Daily Gazette’s Haley Viccarro to interview the instructors from CAP regarding the presentation. Michael Henderson, Coordinator for WFD, attended the Opening Day Ceremonies for Manufacturing Week at Schenectady City Hall. The City of Schenectady’s Manufacturing Week, October 3-9, 2014 was designed to expand the knowledge about and improve the general public perception of manufacturing, careers in manufacturing, and the value of manufacturing on our local economy. Michael Henderson attended the 2nd Annual Fatherhood Conference (Community: Restoring the Father) hosted by Community Fathers, Inc. of Schenectady. The Conference highlighted several presenters who spoke about how to increase the positive contact between fathers and their children, and how to provide access to resources and community support for active and competent fathering. Community Fathers programs include: The fathers support group, Schenectady County Jail Fathers Program, Domestic Violence Batters Program, and a male achievers program. Clinical Instructors and Program Coordinators attended the Instructor’s Virtual Roundtable sponsored by HPOG where grantees from the rest of the country shared their prospective on the instructors’ engagement to serve the low income and under-resourced students. As a result of this training, SCCC-AHCT has volunteered to be part of a follow up conversation “Around the World Café” aimed at engaging the multiple stakeholders in addressing educational and support issues. HPOG Instructors also attended the second palliative care train-the-trainer session. This new training has been put into place and instructors have already delivered training sessions and certified 19 students. WFD staff, Matt Grattan and Michael Henderson have finalized a contract training agreement with Lafarge North America, Inc., located in Ravena, NY. Workforce Development will provide educational classes and on-line testing monitors for a Lafarge American College Testing (ACT) evaluation assessment covering English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. Ellis Medicine representatives and HPOG’s Ruby Roberts and Tiziana Rota attended a meeting to share the curriculum for the Community Health Workers (CHW) Certificate. The curriculum was based on the information provided by Hostos Community College, but was adapted by Ruby Roberts to enhance the variety of possible areas of trainings. A second meeting was held at the end of the 10 | P a g e month with representatives from Albany and Schenectady County Departments of Health, Ellis Medicine, St. Peter’s Hospital and Health Literacy for All, a nonprofit corporation founded by Karen Laing. The discussion centered on curriculum content, development of an internship, and tapping into local resources for qualified instructors. Ellis Medicine already employs CHW as part of their Care Central approach to improving the support in the area of healthcare for the community. The WFD Executive Director and HPOG Project Director met with representatives of Capital Region Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) to develop a possible affiliation for the training of Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) under the new HPOG2 grant that will be released in April of 2015. SCCC’s first approved business in the Start Up NY program was approved by ESD effective September 19, 2014. The company name is still confidential pending the release by the Governor’s office. The college is also pursuing its second business for approval and is finalizing internal approval steps for submission of the sponsorship application to ESD. WFD in collaboration with the Development office secured an additional $200k gift from the Catherine Kindl family to support renovation work on the first floor of the Kindl Building at 201 State Street. The funds will be matched by SUNY with potential additional contributions from Schenectady County to allow the project to go out to bid with the necessary budget to complete the renovation work by Fall of 2015. Special Recognitions and Accomplishments from this period: The HPOG Project Director, Dr. Roto, traveled to Rochester to attend two days of the New York Association of Training and Employment Professionals (NYATEP). Dr. Rota received the 2014 Workforce Program Award for HPOG. She was introduced by Dr. Anne Kress, President of Monroe Community College. Wellness and ADA Transition Services Currently 294 students are registered with the Wellness and ADA Transition Services Office. The Coordinator is reaching out to students who received mid-term warnings to enhance our retention efforts. The Niskayuna Community Transition Program is celebrating Epilepsy Awareness Month by painting pumpkins purple and displaying them in the new Wellness Lounge. New disabled parking signs arrived with the new “accessibility” logo for all identified campus parking spaces. Financial Services / Student Business Office Updates Working with auditors from Marvin and Company in the completion of our annual financial reports Preliminary annual financial report sent to SUNY, revisions to be made once the audit is completed Submitted federal enrollment and contributions form per Affordable Care Act Submitted health plan identifier application to comply with HIPAA Collaborating with Information Technology staff, finalized the collection and acceptance agreements that students sign electronically Collecting student accounts receivable information requested by the Office of the State Comptroller Billed other counties for chargebacks for fall 2014 as follows: Operating costs: $836,954 • Capital costs: $254,220 11 | P a g e SUNY College and Career Counseling Center Updates Placements: 30 students have been placed in job opportunities across the Capital District to date. The number of placements during the 2013-2014 program year was only 7. This is a significant increase in student placements for the Center. Congratulations to the team for their incredible hard work and dedication to prepare, train, and place our students! Capital District Educational Opportunity Center (CDEOC) Recruitment at SUNYCCCC On Thursday, November 5, 2014, staff from our “Sister Center,” The Capital District Educational Opportunity (CDEOC’s) visited SUNYCCCC to conduct on site recruitment to our students and share information about CDEOC’s programs. Out and About: Executive Director, Dr. DeShawn McGarrity attended the following events and conferences: o October, 21, 2014, the Schenectady Chamber Awards Dinner at Glen Sanders Mansion as a guest of Acting President Asselin. o October 24, 2014, Centro Civico’s A Night in Spain Dinner at the Glen Sanders Mansion as a guest of Acting President Asselin. o October 28 and 29, 2014, New York City, Conference, SUNY Critical Issues in Higher Education: Executing Change to Drive Collective Impact October 29, 2014, Educational Opportunity Program Alumni Dinner featuring Keynote Speaker, Robert D. James, retired Associate Provost of Opportunity Programs. Mr. James supervised all statewide Educational Opportunity Programs, Educational Opportunity and outreach Centers statewide. 12 | P a g e
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