Volume Integrals in Complex Geometry

Volume Integrals in Complex Geometry: A Case Study of Poisson's Equation
Travis Askham, Department of Mathematics Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
CBMS-NSF Conference: Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs
Notes on Steps 2 and 3
The solution of many problems in scientic computing
requires the evaluation of a volume integral over some
domain. For free-space problems, the use of an adaptive
tree structure with tensor product grids dened on the
leaves allows for a simple, lightweight discretization of
the integral. When coupled with an FMM, such a discretization can be integrated rapidly. Volume integrals
dened on domains with complex geometry cannot be
immediately approached in this manner. The main issue
is that the boundary of the domain will intersect the interior of many of the boxes in the discretization, much
like the cut-cells encountered by nite volume schemes.
We discuss global function extension as a solution to
this problem and present a scheme for computing such
an extension. We present the method in the context of
Poisson's equation.
Our focus is step 1, so we will briey discuss steps 2
and 3 rst.
Applications With a Volume Component
The solution to the following problems can be obtained,
in part, by computing a volume integral:
• Inhomogeneous problems, e.g. Poisson's equation.
• Time-stepping for linear and nonlinear problems,
e.g. IMEX schemes for advection diusion problems.
• Variable coecient elliptic problems, e.g. of the
form ∇ · ((x)∇φ(x)) = f (x).
The solution of step 2 is perhaps the best understood of
the three steps and we will say little about it. Because
we consider multiply connected domains, we choose a
combination of single and double layer potentials to
represent the solution uH . In our implementation, we
employ Alpert quadrature (Alpert, 1999) to approximate
the integrals and use the fast-direct solver package
HODLR (Ambikasaran and Darve, 2013) to solve the
Step 3, setting u = v + uH , may appear trivial. What
is implied here, however, is the evaluation of the layer
potential describing u at the discretization points of
the domain Ω. Given a quadrature scheme, this step
can be done quickly with the fast multipole method.
For points near to the boundary, designing the quadrature is dicult because the integral kernels for the layer
potentials are nearly singular. There are a few good options for this in 2D and for our implementation we use
the quadrature by expansion (QBX) scheme of (Klöckner,
Barnett, Greengard, O'Neil, 2013).
Volume Integral for Poisson's Equation
It is well known that v as in step 1 can be calculated as
v(x) =
G(x, y)˜
g (y) dy
Prototypical Approach to Poisson's Equation
For the sake of context, we outline the typical integral
equations-based approach to computing the solution of
Poisson's equation. To solve
∆u = g(x) in Ω
u = h(x) on ∂Ω,
where g˜ = g in Ω and G is the free-space Green's function for Poisson's equation. To discretize the integral,
there are two basic approaches. One could use a bodytted mesh (e.g. a nite element style mesh) or one
could use an embedded boundary mesh, in which the
volume mesh is aligned with the coordinate axes without
regard for the boundary. We opt for the latter approach,
choosing an adaptive quad-tree based mesh with tensor
product grids, for the following reasons:
• There are specialized FMMs (Ethridge and Green-
follow these steps:
1. Compute v (typically via a volume integral) such
that ∆v = g in Ω.
2. Solve an appropriate boundary integral equation
for uH such that ∆uH = 0 in Ω and uH = h − v
on ∂Ω.
3. Evaluate u = u + v .
gard, 2001) which are competitive with FFTs in
terms of work per grid point for such a mesh.
• Because the local interactions are always of the
same form (up to scale), precomputed tables are
used and it is simple to accurately compute the
gradient and Hessian of v .
• The creation of the mesh itself is cheap.
June 28, 2014
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire
The Cut-Cell Problem
Solver Demonstration and Discussion
Because the boundary is
embedded in the mesh,
there are cells (leaf boxes
of the quad-tree) of the discretization which are intersected by the boundary and
have grid points both inside
and outside the domain.
For the exterior points, we must invent values for the
right hand side g . If we simply set g to zero for exterior
points, then it is unlikely that within any box the right
hand side will be resolved. Further, discontinuities across
boxes cause the volume integral v to be nonsmooth (at
most C 1 ) in this region. Therefore, setting g to zero
for exterior points requires heavy renement near the
boundary. Further, local extension of the function g
based on nearby points does not alleviate the issue of
discontinuities across boxes. In light of this, we seek a
global extension of g which can be computed rapidly.
To demonstrate the ecacy of global function extension,
we implemented a solver for Poisson's equation using the
tools described above. For steps 2 and 3, 10,000 boundary points were used with 16th order Alpert quadrature.
The QBX and HODLR subroutines were run with a tolerance of 1.0E-14. The volume integral was computed
with a modied version of (Ethridge and Greengard),
with 4th order grids. The experiments were run on an
Intel Core i5 1.7GHz processor on a laptop with 4Gb of
RAM. The right hand side g is as in the previous section.
The adaptive discretization hasn't been perfected for
complex geometries yet, so we report accuracy for both
the unextended right hand side (setting g = 0 in the
exterior) and the continuously extended right hand side
(via a Laplace solve in the exterior) on the same grid.
Proposed Global Function Extension Method
Take Ω2 to be a larger set containing Ω and g a function
¯ . Let w solve the following Laplace problem
dened on Ω
∆w = 0 in Ω2 \ Ω
w = g on ∂Ω,
setting either w ≡ 0 on ∂Ω2 or choosing growth conditions at innity. Then g˜ = g on Ω and w on Ω2 is
a continuous extension of g to Ω2 . To compute w, we
simply use the same technology as steps 2 and 3.
Above: The original function g is shown on the left.
We computed the extension g˜ on the right for the
exterior Dirichlet boundary value problem (Ω2 = R2 )
with appropriate growth conditions.
It is clear that by looking at polyharmonic Dirichlet problems on Ω2 \ Ω one can nd smoother extensions of g .
However, the normal derivatives of the data g would
have to be supplied or computed.
Above: plot of log10 (error) in the solution using the
unextended g (left) and the extended g (right).
Let Nv be the number of points for the volume integral
and Nin be the number of points inside the domain; let
Eext and E0 be the error with and without extension;
and let TEG , TQ , and TQE be the time for the volume
integral, QBX, and QBX for the extension, respectively.
Based on these early experiments, we believe that the
framework presented here, with an embedded boundary mesh and global function extension, will allow for
fast, accurate computations in complex geometries. Future work will revolve around applying these tools to an
adaptive Navier Stokes scheme in complex geometry in
This work was supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences program of the U.S. Department of Energy
under Contract DEFG0288ER25053 and by the Oce
of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and
Engineering and AFOSR under NSSEF Program Award