QUARRY BAY SCHOOL PARENTS’ AND TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION LIMITED 2014-2015 QBS PTA LTD SCHOOL BUS INFORMATION PACK Contact Details : QBS PTA LTD No.6 Hau Yuen Path, Braemar Hill, North Point, Hong Kong Tel/Fax No: (852) 28871004 / Email : [email protected] Contact Persons : Ms Mona Diwan &/or Ms Dorothy Ho Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the Quarry Bay School PTA Ltd Bus Service for the upcoming new academic year 2014-2015. To facilitate your bus application procedure please find the following information and documents: • Bus Fares 2014-2015; • Bus Rules for Bus Riders; & • Bus Route List. • The Bus Application Form; & • Permission Slip to Walk Home from Bus Stop (for Year 5 & 6 only) Will be sent home with the students via hard copy, please look out for them. CURRENT STUDENTS We anticipate most of our buses will be running at full capacity next year, and request you to submit your bus applications to the PTA Office on or before the Deadline Date of : 22nd May 2014. All applications will be processed on a first-come first-serve basis, so please send in your applications early to avoid disappointment. NEW – YEAR 1 STUDENTS The Bus Packs are included in your student pack (sent to you by school upon confirmation of admission). Please complete and submit your bus applications on or before the Deadline Date of : 29th May 2014 or latest on Induction Day. We endeavor to make the journeys to and from school Happy and Safe for all our bus riders, whilst maintaining Discipline and Respect for one another! Late Applications : All applications received by students after the deadline dates are subject to an administration charge of $100.00. (The PTA Office will be closed during the summer break. All applications received post deadline date will be handled when school starts). Incomplete Applications : All incomplete applications will be returned to parents immediately. Payment Methods – 2 Options: 1) Full Year in Advance : there will be no administration charge applicable; or 2) 3 Cheques : Term 1 for current date, and Term 2 and Term 3 by post-dated cheques (as per dates specified on application form). There is a $100 administration fee applicable for this type of payment. All Cheques must be crossed and payable to: “QBS PTA LTD BUS”. [Student Name; Class Number; Bus Number; and Contact Number is to be specified on the reverse side of the cheque upon submission.] Reminders of Cheque Bank-in Dates : parents will be reminded via the weekly school newsletter – no personal reminders will be given. RETURNED/BOUNCED CHEQUES : All returned / bounced cheques are subject to $100 surcharge, and are to be replaced immediately. In the event of non-payment, the PTA will have the right to refuse the student to continue to avail the bus services. REFUNDS / WITHDRAWAL FROM THE BUS SERVICES: A written notification, one month in advance, is required by parents to successfully apply for refunds or withdrawal from the bus services. All refunds will be calculated in complete months (and will include of the notification period of 1 month). • August - Back Charge (2 weeks) : all mid-year withdrawal applications are subject to a back-charge of the 2 weeks (half month) School Bus Fees for August, and will be deducted from any refunds due. RECEIPTS : If you require receipts for your payments – please attach the same number of stamped and self-addressed envelopes with your bus applications, to facilitate mailing. BUS SERVICE RULES & POLICIES 2014-2015 To be observed by ALL Students Travelling on the School Buses In the interest of safety, security, and efficiency, parents and child/ren are required to comply with the following rules. Please read and explain and discuss the rules with your child/ren. 1) EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENT BEHAVIOUR ON THE SCHOOL BUS Students must: a) Remain seated at all times throughout the journey; b) Seat belts must be kept on during the entire journey; c) Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before alighting; d) Be courteous and respectful to drivers, bus escorts and fellow students; e) Observe the Seating Plan and sit on the seat allocated by the Bus Escort; f) Do not eat or drink on the bus; g) Do not talk to the bus driver or distract him in any way – NO SHOUTING LOUDLY or NO THROWING OF ITEMS IN THE BUS; h) Do Not bring Expensive Electronics & Toys on the bus. No Swapping of Game Cards allowed on the bus; i) Board their bus immediately after school and remain on the bus; Not allowed to get off the bus except with the permission of the Bus Escort – in emergency only; j) STRICTLY obey the Bus Escort at all times; The following behaviour is NOT ACCEPTABLE and will NOT be tolerated: k) Use of bad language and obscene gestures; l) Fighting or Bullying; [Any of the above inappropriate behaviour is subject to a Yellow or Red Card and will be brought to the attention of the PTA & Vice Principal.] [Please Note: The Bus Provider, Bus Escort, or the PTA are not liable for any loss or damage of personal items on the bus.] 2) SAFETY RULES FOR PARENTS AND GUARDIANS Parents & Guardians must: a) An adult must accompany and supervise their child/ren at the bus stop in the morning and meet them at the stop in the afternoon daily. BUS SERVICE RULES & POLICIES 2014-2015 To be observed by ALL Students Travelling on the School Buses Continued ............. b) Parents and Guardians are responsible for the safety and conduct of their child/ren whilst waiting for their bus and after alighting from their bus, especially when in school uniform. Same applies for those Year 5 & 6 students have obtained consent to walk home or to the bus stop alone. c) Students in Years 1–4 WILL STRICTLY NOT be allowed off the bus unless there is a parent or responsible adult to meet them at the bus stop. Students in Years 5 and 6 will be allowed off the bus unaccompanied – provided prior written permission/consent form (as attached) has been submitted to the PTA Coordinator. [Please note that verbal agreement with the Bus Escort is NOT ACCEPTABLE.] d) Any student/s who are not collected from their stop by an authorized adult will remain on the bus and be brought back to school at the end of the bus route. The parents will be contacted and will have to come to school to collect their child/ren, or for any other mutual arrangement. In either situation, the parents are liable to a minimum transportation charge of $100.00, plus the over-time pay for the Bus Escort (minimum $100.00). The payment will be at the discretion of the PTA. e) Parents are to regularly remind their child/ren that the bus escort is the adult responsible for their safety and security, and that all are obliged to listen and obey her instructions at all times during the journey, as well as behave respectfully. f) Parents will be responsible for any loss on the bus or damage caused by their children. 3) ENFORCEMENT OF BUS RULES a) There will be 2 warnings given to students who do not follow the school’s expectations for student behaviour. Yellow &/or Red Cards will be issued depending on the seriousness of the incident, and the incident will be reported to the School Principal and Vice Principal, and will be dealt with accordingly. b) If a third incident occurs the student will be suspended from using the bus service for a period of time (at the discretion of the PTA), without refund. c) If a RED CARD is issued: the student will be suspended from using the bus service immediately after the incident, without following the above steps. The length of suspension will be determined by the PTA. Refund will not be applicable. BUS SERVICE RULES & POLICIES 2014-2015 To be observed by ALL Students Travelling on the School Buses Continued ............. d) The PTA reserves the right for the bus escort to allocate and change seat of any student/s, without notification, if the behaviour of the student hinders their safety of travel on the bus, and if the student’s behaviour merits the rules. e) WALKERS &/OR CHANGE IN TRAVEL PLANS I. If your child/ren will not travel on the regular school bus please ensure you notify the PTA BY email ([email protected]), latest by 12:30pm on the day. A separate notification is required to be sent to the School Teacher. II. If your plans change whilst you are at school please notify the PTA Office on or before 12:30pm, or directly proceed to the bus and notify the bus escort and collect your child from the bus at the end of the school day. III. Repeated non-compliance of the above will result in suspension from the bus service with refund, at the discretion of the PTA. f) BUS-SWAPPING IS NOT ALLOWED As we have over 530 students using our bus service it is impossible to ensure children are on the correct buses if they swap buses to facilitate special individual arrangements, such as: playing with friends after school, after school classes, and other social activities etc. Permission will be granted in extreme emergency situations only and not on a regular basis (i.e. every month / or weekly etc.). Permission is granted at the discretion of the PTA provided written notification is submitted in advance with a valid reason. Bus changes will be subject to an extra charge for the ride at the discretion of the PTA. [Please note: The Bus Escorts are NOT authorized to give approval for Bus Swapping.] PLAY DATES: Transportation for Play dates amongst students is not allowed – hence please arrange the transportation from school, for play dates, on an Individual basis – as our buses are running full capacity. g) UNAUTHORISED TRAVEL ON SCHOOL BUSES - IS NOT ALLOWED Parents/ Guardians / Friends are strictly NOT allowed to board or ride on the school buses unless authorized by the PTA. h) STUDENT BELONGINGS I. Please note the PTA, the school, the bus provider and the bus escort are NOT responsible for any student belongings left on the buses, and are not liable for any damages or claims by parents. II. Student personal belongings (i.e. cards, toys, phones etc.) may be confiscated by the Bus Escort if it hinders the safety of students and discipline mentioned above on the Buses. The property will be handed BUS SERVICE RULES & POLICIES 2014-2015 To be observed by ALL Students Travelling on the School Buses Continued ............. over to the PTA. The PTA will issue a warning to the student and the matter will be discussed with the parents. The property will be returned back to the student under the understanding that it will no longer be allowed on the bus. i) BUS FEES I. Bus Fees – as stated on page 3. II. No reduction of bus fees is offered for partial use of service. III. If your child is leaving school : application for refunds must be submitted in writing 1 month in advance of the student’s last day. All refunds are at the discretion of the PTA. IV. Unpaid Bus Fee : if Fees are not paid and applications not submitted on the deadline date then your child/ren will not be allowed to avail the bus service on the first day of school. V. Failure of Bus Fee Payment : if bus fees are not paid as per deadline date, or cheques are bounced and not honored then the PTA reserves the right to terminate service for the student without notification. VI. Please note that seats will not be guaranteed if confirmation of payment for any term is NOT received, as most of our popular bus routes are running full. j) CHANGE OF ADDRESS &/OR CONTACT DETAILS Please notify the PTA Bus Administrator if you are moving to a new address and need to change buses, so that a seat on the new bus can be allocated, if available. Also please notify the PTA if you want to terminate the service. k) CONCERNS OR COMPLAINTS: All concerns and complaints are to be brought either to the attention of the PTA directly via email at [email protected], and or the PTA Chairman via email at [email protected]. Parents and Guardians are requested to refrain from boarding the buses to discuss matters with the bus escorts, as this will hinder delays in the tight bus schedules. Your child/ren may be asked to leave the bus service for failing to comply with the above rules. ******************************************************* ** We reserve the right to adjust/change the bus routes and schedules depending on the situation as required. ** ******************************************************* Issued by: Quarry Bay School PTA Ltd On 5th May 2014 BUS ZONE ROUTE LIST 2014-2015 Please be at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled time indicated, as the buses cannot wait. [Please note that these are the approximate times only.] Bus 1 – Bus Stop AM 1 (AM) Metro Park Hotel, Wanchai Hennessy Rd 07:22 (PM) Wanchai MTRExit A4, near Southern Gdn 2 3 PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 15:30 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 (AM) Canal Rd. Standard Chartered Bank (PM) Junction of Canal Rd. & Hennessy Rd. 07:26 15:28 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 (AM) Citibank near Sogo Department (PM) Near the CWB-Hang Sang Building 07:29 15:21 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 07:34 15:00 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 4 (PM) 5-7 Link Rd 5 Junction of Happy View Terrace & Broadwood Rd. 07:35 15:07 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 6 After the restricted sign at Broadwood Rd. Beverly Hill 07:38 15:09 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 07:40 15:11 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 B $7,200 $3,340 $2,160 $1,800 7 Villa Lotto, Broadwood Rd. 8 (AM) Kent Mansion, Tin Hau Temple Rd. 07:50 (PM) Bus Stop which is opposite of Kent Mansn 14:54 The PTA reserves the right to adjust/change the bus routes and schedules depending on the situation as required. Prior notice will be given to all parents. Bus 2 – Bus Stop AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 1 (AM) Queen's Rd. East Opposite side of P.P.3 (PM) Bus Stop at Pacific Place Three (P.P.3) 07:15 15:30 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 2 (AM) Bus Stop at New Wanchai Market, Queen's Rd-E 07:17 15:27 (PM) Bus Stop at Wu Chung Hse, Queen's Rd-E C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 3 (AM) Junction of Ventris Rd. & Blue Pool Rd. (PM) Blue Pool Rd. before Ventris Rd. 07:24 15:16 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 4 (AM) New Cathay Hotel (PM) Tung Fook Church at Moreton Terrace 07:35 15:08 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 5 (AM) Illumination Terrace, #5 Tai Hang Rd. (PM) Bus Stop near Grand Deco Tower 07:40 15:03 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 6 (AM) Opposite side of Evelyn Tower, 38 Cloudview Rd. (PM) Evelyn Tower 07:45 14:55 A $4,600 $2,170 $1,380 $1,150 7 (AM) Skyscraper, Cloudview Rd. (PM) Opposite side of Skyscraper 07:47 14:53 A $4,600 $2,170 $1,380 $1,150 8 (AM) Opposite side of Hilltop, Cloudview Rd. (PM) Hilltop 07:50 14:52 A $4,600 $2,170 $1,380 $1,150 The PTA reserves the right to change any student's seat without prior notice or explanation if it hinders the discipline and safety of the students on the buses. Parents will be notified following the change. Bus 3 – Bus Stop AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 1 Opposite side of North Point MTR Exit A1, Java Rd. 07:30 14:58 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 2 Begonia Mansion, Taikoo Shing 07:35 15:03 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 3 Opposite side of Taikoo Place, King's Rd. 07:43 15:11 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 4 Man Sun Street 07:45 15:13 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 The PTA reserves the right to adjust/change the bus routes and schedules depending on the situation as required. Prior notice will be given to all parents. Bus 4 – Bus Stop AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 1 Pacific View, 38 Tai Tam Rd. 07:10 15:28 E $12,500 $5,000 $3,750 $3,750 2 Taxi Stand outside The Manhattan, 33 Tai Tam 07:18 15:35 Rd. E $12,500 $5,000 $3,750 $3,750 3 Outside the gate of Redhill Towers 07:23 15:21 E $12,500 $5,000 $3,750 $3,750 4 Palm Drive, The second Exit Gate of Redhill Peninsula 07:24 15:22 E $12,500 $5,000 $3,750 $3,750 5 Outside the gate of Le Palais 07:25 15:23 E $12,500 $5,000 $3,750 $3,750 6 Pacific Palisades ~ Stair case near Pui Kiu Middle School 07:48 14:52 A $4,600 $2,170 $1,380 $1,150 The PTA reserves the right to change any student's seat without prior notice or explanation if it hinders the discipline and safety of the students on the buses. Parents will be notified following the change. Bus 5 – Bus Stop AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 1 Mt. Bulter Drive / Mt. Bulter Rd. 07:20 15:15 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 2 Outside the gate of 111 Mt. Bulter Rd. 07:25 15:12 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 3 (AM) Moorsom Rd. / Opp side of Boyce Rd. (PM) Moorsom Rd. / Boyce Rd. 07:29 15:09 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 4 (AM) Cavendish Heights Carpark Exit (PM) Opp of Cavendish Heights Carpark Exit 07:31 15:06 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 5 (AM) Elm Tree Tower (PM) Opposite side of Elm Tree Tower 07:33 15:05 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 6 Ronsdale Garden, 25 Tai Hang Drive 07:35 15:03 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 7 (AM) Park Garden (PM) Opposite side of Park Garden, Bus Stop 07:36 15:02 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 8 (AM) Opposite side of Wang Fung Terrace (PM) Bus Stop at Wang Fung Terrace 07:38 15:00 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 9 (AM) Opposite side of Dragon Garden, Tai Hang Rd. (PM) Bus Stop near Dragon Garden 07:40 14:58 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 Bus 6 – Bus Stop AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 07:37 15:03 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 07:39 15:05 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 3 Hang Sang Bank at City Garden, Electric Rd. 07:44 15:07 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 4 CitiBank at Fortress Tower, King's Rd 07:45 15:08 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 1 Taxi Stand near Park Tower 2 Modern Restaurant, Opposite side of Causeway Bay Market at Electric Rd. 5 (AM) Opposite of Fly Dragon Terrace, Tin Hau Temple Rd. (PM) Bus Stop at Fly Dragon Terrace 07:49 14:58 B $7,200 $3,340 $2,160 $1,800 6 (AM) Comfort Terrace, Tin Hau Temple Rd. (PM) Bus Stop Opp of Belilios Public School 07:50 14:56 B $7,200 $3,340 $2,160 $1,800 The PTA reserves the right to change any student's seat without prior notice or explanation if it hinders the discipline and safety of the students on the buses. Parents will be notified following the change. Bus 7 – Bus Stop AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 1 Yee Hoi Mansion, Lei King Wan 07:30 15:13 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 2 City Plaza HSBC, Taikoo Shing 07:38 15:05 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 The PTA reserves the right to adjust/change the bus routes and schedules depending on the situation as required. Prior notice will be given to all parents. Bus 8 – Bus Stop 1 Fu Shing Electrical, Taikoo Shing AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 07:47 15:04 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 07:55 14:57 B $7,200 $3,340 $2,160 $1,800 07:50 14:52 A $4,600 $2,170 $1,380 $1,150 (AM) Pak Fuk Rd. near Anne Black Health Ctr 2 (PM) Bus Stop outside of the Chest Clinic at #140 Tsat Tsz Mui Rd 3 Block 29 Braemar Hill Mansion All students are required to observe, adhere to, and comply with the Bus Rules & Policies as stipulated in the Bus Information Pack. Bus 9 – Bus Stop AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 1 School Bus Stop at Tower 5 Island Resort 07:24 15:25 D $10,400 $4,760 $3,120 $2,600 2 G Sushi Restaurant, Heng Fa Chuen 07:33 15:15 D $10,400 $4,760 $3,120 $2,600 3 Heng Fa Chuen Market 07:35 15:17 D $10,400 $4,760 $3,120 $2,600 4 Les Saisons, Lei King Wan 07:40 15:05 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 Bus 10 – Bus Stop AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 1 Kornhill Block Q 07:27 15:06 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 2 Bus Stop outside of The Orchards 07:30 15:09 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 07:33 15:12 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 4 Kornhill Block H 07:37 15:15 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 5 Kornhill Block D 07:38 15:17 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 6 Kornhill Block K 07:40 15:19 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 3 Block 4 Nan Fung Sun Chuen, 38 Greig Rd. (Under the bridge) The PTA reserves the right to adjust/change the bus routes and schedules depending on the situation as required. Prior notice will be given to all parents. Bus 11 – Bus Stop AM PM FULL ZONE PAYMENT Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 1 Big Wave Beach 07:10 15:40 E $12,500 $5,000 $3,750 $3,750 2 Shek O Village 07:15 15:35 E $12,500 $5,000 $3,750 $3,750 (AM) Bus Stop at Chai Wan Road Shau Kei Wan Government Secondary School 07:32 15:15 (PM) Bus Stop at Chai Wan Road Koway Court D $10,400 $4,760 $3,120 $2,600 C $9,200 $4,240 $2,760 $2,300 3 4 Wellcome at Tai Yue Avenue, Taikoo Shing 07:39 15:03 The PTA reserves the right to change any student's seat without prior notice or explanation if it hinders the discipline and safety of the students on the buses. Parents will be notified following the change.
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