Draft Agenda February 4, 2014 2014 National Estuary Program Workshop William Jefferson Clinton East, Room 1153 1201 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. February 25 – 27, 2014 Meeting Theme: Advancing NEP actions, results and partnerships that make a visible difference in communities. Meeting Objectives: Identify NEP successes and lessons learned that build on the momentum from 2013 meeting. Present training and demonstrate innovative approaches that will help NEPs integrate and deliver programs to restore and protect the nation’s aquatic resources more effectively. Provide training and explore what is needed to build capacity for NEPs to anticipate new and emerging problems, better address current problems, especially climate change, and engage the public in new approaches for environmental protection. Provide training on sustainable funding for the NEP. Tuesday, February 25 12:30 - 1:00 Registration 1:00 – 1:15 Welcome and Meeting Charge Paul Cough, Director Oceans and Coastal Protection Division (OCPD) Dr. Shelley Luce, Director Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission and Chair, Association National Estuary Programs 1:15 – 1:45 Keynote Address Nancy Stoner, Acting Assistant Administrator Office of Water Objective: To present EPA Themes with special emphasis on addressing climate change. Engage the NEPs on how their local actions effectively implement Clean Water Act §320 and make a visible difference in communities and watersheds. 1 1:45 – 2:45 Panel Discussion on EPA and NEP Priorities Objective: Discuss OW and NEP priorities and answer questions posed by the audience. Panelists: Ellen Gilinsky, Senior Policy Advisor (Invited) Office of Water Benita Best-Wong, Director Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds (OWOW) Dr. Shelley Luce, Director Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission and Chair, Association National Estuary Program Dr. Curtis Bohlen, Director Casco Bay NEP and Vice Chair, Association National Estuary Program 2:45 – 3:30 Update on Priorities: TMDLs, Green Infrastructure, State Criteria Development, and Drinking Water Objective: Share new information on EPA priorities and answer questions posed by the audience. Moderator: Paul Cough, Director Oceans and Coastal Protection Division (OCPD) TMDL Vision Tom Wall, Director, Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, OWOW John Goodin, Chief, Watershed Protection Branch (Invited) Storm Water and EPA Green Infrastructure Strategy Deborah Nagle, Director, Water Permits Division, OWM (Invited) State Criteria Development Betsy Behl, Director, Health Criteria, Office of Science and Technology (OST) (Invited) Sara Hisel-McCoy, Director, Standards and Health Protection Division, Office Science and Technology (OST) (Invited) Drinking Water, including Source Water Protection Ron Bergman, Acting Director, Drinking Water Protection Division (OGWDW) (Invited) 2 3:30 – 3:45 Break 3:45 – 3:50 Summaries from Roundtable Topics Dr. Bernice Smith, Chief Coastal Management Branch (CMB) Objective: Summarize progress made since the 2013 annual meeting on these priorities. 3:50 – 4:50 Roundtable Next Steps (breakout discussion) Objectives: 1. Review agreed 2013 roundtable actions, 2. Identify barriers and gaps in expertise and resources, and 3. Identify next steps to make further progress on roundtable topics. TMDLs and Nutrients *Tom Wall, Director, Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, OWOW Mark Tedesco, Director, Long Island Sound NEP Jarred McKee, CMB Roundtable Lead Stormwater Management, including use of Green Infrastructure *Deborah Nagle, Director and staff, Water Permits Division, OWM Pam DiBona, Director, Massachusetts Bays NEP Nancy Laurson and Jamal Kadri, CMB Roundtable Leads State Criteria Development *Betsy Behl, Director, Health and Ecological Criteria, Office of Science and Technology (OST) *Sara Hisel-McCoy, Director, Standards and Health Protection Division, Office Science and Technology (OST) Curtis Bohlen, Director, Casco Bay NEP Tim Jones, CMB Roundtable Lead Drinking Water, including Source Water Protection * Ron Bergman, Acting Director, Drinking Water Protection Division, OGWDW NEP Director (TBD) Marilyn Katz, CMB Roundtable Lead *Note: Division Directors can delegate breakout working session participation to staff. 4:50 – 5:00 Report out CMB Roundtable Leads 5:00 – 5:10 Wrap Up Noemi Mercado 3 Wednesday, February 26 8:30 - 9:00 Registration 9:00 – 9:30 CMB Activities Dr. Bernice Smith, Chief, CMB Objective: Overview of FY14 budget and workplan with a focus on how CMB will collaborate with NEPs to address, promote, and accomplish EPA/NEP mutual priorities, with links to the Administrator’s Themes and to the OW vision and goals. Note: CMB will have an FY13 accomplishment report onsite for NEPs’ review. 9:30 – 10:15 Climate Change and Coastal Community Resilience Training (Training Session) Michael Craghan, CMB Objective: Present Climate Ready Estuaries Adaptation Planning Workbook training, and demonstrate U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) climate change projections tool. 10:15 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 11:15 NEP Urban Waters and Partnerships (Training Session) Moderator: Jamal Kadri, CMB Carrie Samis, Education and Outreach Coordinator, Maryland Coastal Bays NEP Roy Simon, EPA Co-Lead, Urban Waters Federal Partnership Objective: Maryland Coastal Bays NEP to provide training and share examples of how to engage diverse communities involving urban waters and explore other urban waters federal funding. 11:15 – 12:00 Training on Models to Estimate Nutrient Sources for Individual Estuary Basins (Training Session) Moderator: Hugh Sullivan, CMB Steve Preston, USGS Objective: Provide training on regional models that estimate nutrient sources within individual estuary basins and how these models can help NEPs fill gaps towards progress on water quality improvement. 12:00 – 1:15 Lunch (on your own) 1:15 – 1:45 EPA Water Technology Innovation (Training Session) Moderator: John McShane, CMB Jeffrey Lape, Deputy Director, OST (Invited) Objective: Provide training and solicit NEP input on EPA’s draft Water Technology Innovation, a blueprint to advance progress toward clean and safe water… cheaper, faster, and using less energy. 4 1:45 – 2:15 Waterways Initiative and Behavior Change Training (Training Session) Moderator: Nancy Laurson, CMB Margarete Heber, Policy Communications and Resource Management Division Objective: Present EPA’s Waterways Initiative and discuss efforts to obtain metrics on how to assess behavior change due to outreach and education. 2:15 – 3:15 NEP Program Guidance Training (Training Session) Marilyn Katz, CMB Objective: Provide training and share information on this guidance, previously known as the NEP Funding Guidance. Follow by Q/A and discussion. Note: Send Program Guidance before hand and find out from the NEPs what are the issues to be addressed during plenary discussion. 3:15 – 3:30 Break 3:30 – 5:00 Next Generation – CCMPs and Strategic Planning (Training Session) Facilitator: Pam DiBona, Director, Massachusetts Bays NEP Objective: Share NEP ideas approaches to updating CCMPs, both content and process (e.g., reengaging/keeping stakeholders engaged, identifying and prioritizing realistic goals, measuring impact). Topics to be discussed: Prioritizing realistic goals Incorporating measurable outcomes Continued and expanded stakeholder engagement in the NEP Funding challenges for planning Note: Suggested format, “World Café” with round robin discussion group focused on the topics listed above. 5:00 – 5:15 Report Out 5:15 – 5:25 Wrap Up Noemi Mercado 5:30 Social Gathering (TBD) Dinner (on your own) 5 Thursday, February 27 8:00 – 8:30 Meet and Greet 8:30 – 9:15 Center for Environmental Finance Training (Office within OCFO) Training Session) Moderator: Marilyn Katz, CMB Vanessa Bowie, Presenter (Director, University of Maryland Center) Objective: Provide training and information on tools available for technical assistance, education and outreach to communities, small businesses, and tribal, federal, state, and local governments. 9:15 – 9:30 Tampa Bay Environmental Restoration Fund Moderator: Nancy Laurson, CMB Holly Greening, Director, Tampa Bay NEP Jeff Benoit, President, Restore America’s Estuaries Objective: Present information about partnership between Tampa Bay NEP and Restore America’s Estuaries. 9:30 – 10:45 Funding CCMP Implementation Training (Training Session) Moderator: Tim Jones, CMB Objective: Training on NEP best approaches to develop sustainable funding for projects and operations and diversify funding sources. Breakout groups and leaders: Government - Shelley Luce, Director, Santa Monica Bay NEP Nonprofit - Adrienne Harris, Director, Morro Bay NEP Academia – TBD (possible Rachel) 10:45 – 11:00 Break 11:00 – 11:45 Report Out 11:45 – 12:15 EPA/NEP Meeting Summary Dr. Bernice Smith and Dr. Shelley Luce Objective: Discuss meeting highlights and identify follow-up actions. 12:15 – 12:30 Concluding Remarks Nancy Stoner, Acting Assistant Administrator Objective: Thank meeting participants and highlight new collaborative efforts identified during the two-day meeting. 12:30 Adjourn 6
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