October Corporate Gatherings 2014 Sunday Celebration (Apostolic Hub) 1st Sunday of Every Month @ 10.00am Macedonian Centre, Albert St, North Perth WW Comm unity Gathering 3rd Sunday of Every Month @ 10.00am Macedonian Centre, Albert St, North Perth Supernatural Wednesdays EV ERY Wednesday @ 10.00am Royal Park Hall, Cnr Charles and Vincent Sts, West Perth (No children’s programme) The Well EV ERY Friday Night @ 7.30pm Macedonian Centre ( Upstairs), Albert St, North Perth (No children’s programme) WITHOUT WALLS MINISTRY UPDATE… Without Walls Inc. Admin Enquiries: 10.30am—2. 30pm Tues, Wed & Thur at 100 Lake St, Northbridge. Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0400 131 047 Postal Address: PO Box 516, Northbridge 6865 Website: www.withoutwalls.com.au Internet Banking... 1). TITHES/OFFERINGS Without Walls Bank: Westpac BSB: 036 067 Acct: 312 548 Cheques...Payable to Without Walls Inc. 2). URBAN MISSION Overflow Centre Bank: Westpac BSB: 036 062 Acct: 474 628 3). OVERSEAS MISSIONS Without Corners Bank: Westpac BSB: 036 067 Acct: 312 572 4) MALE CRISIS CTR The Bridge Inc Bank: Westpac BSB: 036 004 Acct: 449 264 “Advancing the Kingdom” “Without Walls Inc.” Zechariah 2:4-5 Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns ’without walls’, because of the multitude of men and livestock in it. For I, say the Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst. WELCOME! Gathering together at our ‘October Meetings’ giv es us the opportunity to enjoy the many benefits of corporate celebrations. The Body of Chris t connects and the life flow s from the HEART of the church, guided by the MIND of Christ. This life is called ZOE (life) and it is the v ery LIFE of GOD. John 10:10 says…”I hav e come that y ou might hav e life (ZOE) and hav e it more abundantly ”. Gathering corporately has the potential to ex perience: >Rich fellowship >The ex pression of many gifts/anointings >The release of pow er >The MIND of Christ >The leading of the Holy Spirit >Joy ous testimonies and good reports etc Overseas Missons: Without Corners CAMBODIA TRIP COMING UP!! A team of eight people from Without Walls will be leavin g fo r Cambodia on the 4 th of November for three weeks. The team will be in volved in villa ge outreach ministry with Stefan & Theresa (Free2Live Ministries) plu s regular evening ministry to the young women of Esther House. We will also be involved in village outreach ministry with C3 Church, the church that Stefan & Theresa, Jeremy and Kelly are attendin g at present. Pastors Mark and Marian Barham of C3 Church have requested that we do a full weekend School of the Spirit fo r their many young people aged 18 to 28 years old. After eight days in Siem Reap, we will be ta king Free2Live and all the Esther House girls to the coast for a couple of days of rest and recreation (many of th e girls have never seen the sea before), after which we will travel to Phnom Penh to visit and pray at the Place of Rescue Orphanage and AIDS Centre and minister at Daughters of Cambodia. As Psalm 103:1-3 says…”bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not ALL His benefits”. Thank you for being y ou and sharing your life, your faith and your time w ith us. Forev er Jesus is Lord! Ps Phil & Jeannette VISION Mov ing in the Spirit of Rev iv al and building the Kingdom of God by changing liv es, impacting cities and affecting nations. Walls—represent barriers that keep the truth of the gospel out—they separate and div ide. We must break dow n the w alls of religion, tradition and prejudice. MISSION • Plant small groups throughout the city and country regions. • Netw ork with local churches, prayer groups and fellowship groups. • Impact the market place through strategic outreach programmes. • Train, develop and release minis try gifts, recognizing that ev ery man/w oman has a minis try . • Dev elop a strong prayer base to undergird the ministry. • Take ‘R ev iv al Fire’ to the city , country and the nations. New home donated by Team Member of Cambodia Tr ip 2013 The Khmer family pictured above were about to be thrown out of their home by their landlo rd in November 2013. One of our team members took pity on them and paid for some land and the build ing of a new home. Now this grandmother, her daughter and her disable d grandson have been securely relocated. They know that this is the work of the Lord God Almighty. SOUTH AFRICA NEWS Helen & Oyisa are Having Another Baby Helen and Oyisa are due to have their fourth child in December of this year. Helen and her child ren will be retu rnin g to Perth this month (8 October) to prepare for the birth of the baby. Oyisa will be joinin g them in November. This 'surprise' develo pment has led to some big changes in the South Africa ministry, many of which will be reporte d in the Without Corners October Newsletter which is due on Missions Sunday. . For more information contact Rob & Lyn Miller: [email protected] WW Community News... 2014 GLORY CAMP—Praise Report Another month, another diagram to consider! According to a 3D model for rounded discipleship by Charles Kraft, our need for a fully orbed Chris tian ex perience is to encounter the nature and power of God in our Spirit ex perience, in our understanding through the Word of God and in the ric hness of Chris tian community , whic h is His Body. Ev ery GLORY CAMP is different in a number of ways and yet all (11 of them) have been a great blessing to those in attendance. This year was no exception because of the following: - Jesus Him self was the FIR E around us and the GLORY in the midst - The campers, were pretty well 100% happy campers - The main ministry gift HEATHER CLARK shared not only her gift but herself w ith us. A “true blue” believer with a powerful creativ e worship anointing. - Strong pray er was released. - An atmosphere of ex pectation/faith. - A full camp (in terms of numbers). - A full camp (in terms of food). - A “stretc hing of our understanding” and a reminder that GOD IS LOVE, LIF E, TRUTH and REALIT Y wherever and whenever. Truly an encouraging, challenging tim e enabling us to ENCOUNTER GOD in a deep way. Prepare your heart for 2015! Phil Upcoming Events... PERTH4JESUS RALLY 2014… For more information regarding Perth4Jesus being held at Challenge Stadium please go to the websiteAccording to the Book of Acts (Chaps 2-4), a truly formativ e Chris tian experience w as initiated ex periencing God in all these three foundational areas – how about y ou/me? Are w e mis sing out – lets seek God in all three areas and it sure will change our liv es! Gly n Small Group Gatherings... South of the River Fellowship Northern Suburbs Fellowship At Floreat Kiosk Challenger Parade, City Beach Sunday 12th October 9:00 – 10:30 RSVP to Gly n at wwcommunity netw [email protected] Pete & Deb Hudson, Willetton When: SUN 12th Oct 2.30-5.30PM Bring: A plate of food to share Contact: Deb Hudson 0413 761 789 Pete Hudson 0417 931 792 Email: [email protected] For the diary: Sun 9th Nov 2.30-5.30pm Men’s Coffee Group On the last Saturday of every month we meet at Dome, Wanneroo Shopping Ctr Time: 7.00am—8.00am Contact: John Argus 9405 7069 www.perth4jesus.org Without Limits School of the Spirit with Phil Howell and Team at the Ov erflow Conference Room. Commencing Tues 10.00AM/Wed 7.30PM, 4th/5th Nov for four weeks. Cost: $10 p/wk Regis ter at: withoutw [email protected] or at the Info Desk Careforce/Lifekeys The Facilitator Training Course runs for sev en w eeks prim arily for those w ho lead groups and those who desire to facilitate courses such as 'Search for Life'. Regis trations essential, places are lim ited. When: Thursdays 16th Oct- 27th Nov from 9.30am - 12.30pm Cost: $70. Where: Overflow Conference Room. Regis ter at: wwcommunity netw [email protected] or at the Info Desk Revival Fire Gatherings... As prophecies regarding reviv al are being fulfilled before our ey es, so w e ris e up and embrace what the Lord is say ing and doing. Our reviv al fire gatherings carry the DNA of the : • fiery presence of Jesus • the rev elation of the Word • signs and w onders • healings and miracles • restoration and rev iv al Come and join us at... The Well—Perth Every Friday at 7.30pm Macedonian Centre (Upstairs) Albert Street, North Perth NOTE: There is NO CHILDREN’S PR OGR AM Guest Ministry: Kerry Kirkwood FRIDAY 31st OCT—Kerry is a Pastor to Pastors and a Prophetic voice in the nations. Come and be blessed! The Well—South Meets in Rockingham: NEW VENUE! SAT 11th Oct at 7.00pm Contact: Donna Lucas, Ly n Miller 0412 408 041 or John Fletcher 0428 432 600 NOTE: There is NO CHILDREN’S PR OGR AM The Well—North Meets in Butler: SAT15th Nov at 7.00pm Contact: Stev e Harms 0404 701 336 Urban Mission... WW Prayer Scene... Little Bird Café on Lake (Mon-Sun, 8am-3pm) & Overflow Centre The ENGINE ROOM of the CHURCH! - BEFORE ALL CORPORATE gatherings: WED at 9.30AM FRI at 6.30PM SUN at 9.00AM 100 LAKE ST, NORTHBRIDGE LBC Report… Business is increasing and we thank God daily for His faithfulness. With this season of grow th, w e have new staff from v aried backgrounds so there are many opportunities to sow God’s w ord into their liv es. Our pray er is that our relationships with these beautiful y oung people will grow and w e hope to introduce them to the liv ing and activ e God! They see the way w e act and respond to situations and see how YOU all interact when y ou’re in the café. They are curious. They lovingly refer to the WW group as “The Churchies” and comment on the difference in the atmosphere when y ou’re there. Keep coming and keep pray ing - TUESDAY C ORPORATE PRAYER (at the Overflow Centre) Without Walls (Basement) 10.00AM—12NOON Without Corners (Upper Rm) 12.30PM Without Walls (Upper Rm) 7.00PM Emergency Prayer Link: Jackie Pax ton-9459 5286 / jackie.paxto [email protected] “Scarcely had I passed them when I f ound the one my heart loves. I held Him and would not let him go … “ SOS 3:4 RAWchurch P: 9228 2483 E: [email protected] The Overflow Centre continues to keep flow ing w ith all the v arious meetings and small ev ents that Without Walls and others. This building is an aw esome resource for our church and the Body of Christ in the heart of Perth. Great things are happening at RAWchurch! On av erage 30-40 y oung people gather at the Café (within a y ard of hell!). Joy ous praise, powerful testimonies, God chats and great fellow ship ensure these nights to be relev ant challenging and fruitful. Bring a friend! • Supernatural Wednesdays NOTE: There is NO CHILDREN’S PR OGR AM Youth WOW Kids >Sundays only Little K - Kindy to Yr1 Encounter - Yr2 - Yr4 Xtreme - Yr5 - Yr7 Contact: Sarah James ozw [email protected] >Sundays only >12yrs+ Hi Parents! We had a great tim e at Glory Camp! We had with heaps of fun and had some special singing and sharing from Johanna Walk emeyer! We are now half way through Youth Alpha. Blessings! The Youth Team: Mel, Rael, Jeremy and Joel For more info: [email protected] Creche >Sundays only A Creche is available fo r 3yr old s and under in th e room near the Communion Table . Contact Beth Dudle y [email protected]. Linked to RAWchurch are: NOTE: There is NO CHILDREN’S PR OGR AM Every Wednesday at 10am Royal Park Hall Cnr of Charles and Vincent Sts West Perth Radical Anointed Warriors For the Under 40’s... Every Sunday 6.30pm (Pre-meeting prayer at 6:00pm) Overflow Centre 100 Lake St, Northbridge [email protected] The LBC Team Overflow Centre… Day of Prayer 2nd Saturday of every month SATURDAY 11th Oct SATURDAY 8th Nov 10.00am—12Noon at the Overflow Centre • Emergency Food Assistance Contact Sabine Pangerl—0403996798 Email: [email protected] Fellow ship Nights —EVERY Wed at 7pm Joshua House in Vic Park—Sam 0407 365 177 Bridging the Gap—EVERY Thurs at 10am at the Overflow Centre Basement— John & Susan Fletcher 0428 432 600. WOW Volunteers If you are thinkin g of getting involved in a team, please fill in a Ministry of Helps form at the Info Desk today. .. SUNDAY SOUND HELPERS NEEDED A SAP. No experience is necessary, trainin g is provided and help as often as you are able ie . once a month/ every 2months etc.
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