C/,EARANCF/? AR( you CITAZ,; 1..--", • • • J I • Medical E\)acuation Of all mISSIons undertaken by Troop Carrier dUIing the long tough road up from New Cal. to the Philippines, medical evacuation of sick and wounded from fo rward areas to rear area base hospitals has been of tbe greatest inportance. Equipped with stretcher racks, stretchers, oxygen bottles, and carrying flight nurses and medical corpsmen, 13th Troop Carrier Planes have taken an active part in die splendid work done by medical evac. crews" up the line." • , T o p R ig ht: A 13th Troop Cattier pl ane drOps su p plies t o survivors of S5 Pet er H ur st , s unk: off the Coast of New Caledoni a in 1943. Wat er ' color by Corpor al Mar vin E. eoenl, Squ adro n Artist . Bottom Ri ght : .. Drop Mission," as painted by Cpl. Coessl. s b o WI 0. 13th T .C. plane parad r oppin g supplies t o h ard pressed American troop. during the ba ttle of Munda. Ma rch. 1944. '. /,----------~---=::: A5IY 'r )/&/0 A/Iii RJIiII / WHY II .501>'<0"'£ ABOuT TH IS BWG TaU) ME flERE PE/)RL f/,.,K80R &m ,~( 13 ~ INT~I.L IGE/'I,r r I"TELLIGEN E CAPTAIN WILLIAM' YIWl,IA; INTELLI GENCE OFF ICER to ~cem en " . . . n indisto success I operations, per.sonne keep ack of enemy Theirs i the re ponsibility of missions,. mainprior ~o all . . .' Issumg navIgatIon eqUlRment, important historical jnforand trust d crew, ther, be in the " odd job ' LT. ALBERT T IMM ASS'T I NTELLIGENCE OFFICER • , • • , • Capt. Yeomans and S/ Sgt . Oebm prepare Squadron history at New Hebride •. Lel't to n g ht : Sgt. R a lp b -n . bcOd. 5/ 5gt. Elmer Oebm. N CO in ~ b"rge. CpI. Frank Cord on. Pre. Geo rge Rosen . :: =: . . ,. . '~.-. , · 0 ectwu o-to 2 . ON '1' " • ~J LI~E Respo nsible for keeping those Pratt and Whitneys purring smoothly over many an empty ocean mile. Engineering ca n review an ou tstanding 2! yea r operatio nal record with pride. • I . , - r .~ • the prop specialists, instrument workers, alert crews, engine change experts, and all the rest of the gang on the line for making the 13th Troop Carrier a damn safe outfit to fly with. • , • • \ ~• • • _ ."",- _ -' X- ... ENG INEE HI NG STAFF T/ Sgt. Cb arles Maguire. 1t1/ Sgt . E rnelt Ando. C.pt. Ead Dewey. T/ 5gt. J oseph LaLonde, W/ 0 H arold Mab acek. T/ 5gt . H owa rd Bell, M/ Sgt. Newell P etti,. ENG INEE RI NG OFFICE "ON T H E LINE" AT WAKDE ISLAN D, OCTOBE R. 1944 I Credit goes to the mcchs. L S/ Sgt . John Martinaga and S/ Sgt . R alph Well.. Instrument Specia lists. keep tbe cockpit safe. depend. able. 2. Prop I pecialist Sgt. Lee Knoll in spects a new H a milton Standard . 3. A C-47 Cargo door und ergo!!, repair at the hand. of sbeet metal work ers S/ Sgt. Wesley Holland. Cpl. J ames O·Shen. and Pfe. T homas De Ambra . " Preventive mai ntenance" is the wo rd fo r it- a tho rough inspectio n eve ry hundred hours insu res safe brakes, reliable instruments, smooth engine performance u nder all operational co nditio ns. -. 7 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT PERSONAL EQU IPM ENT STAFF S / Sg t. Chelt e r Lobed!:, PCc. Norma n Crant, • , Ii \' , • S/ Sgt . J ose ph DeHaa n. Pre. Willi a m Suoma n, Cpl. J a m es Moore. Lt . H o ward • S h ea r~ r . , .,• or that ; t, It .' . • , CJ Sgt. S tanley Nogaj and Cpl. Moor e p ac k. p arachutes at New H e brid es . Lower Ph oto : Radio Shop Mamlcnan . Harry Wilk eno o and 5 ee E xpcrtl SI S g t . Morris OaH:~: • CAPT. GEO RGE OFFICER IN RC\EYONOLDS lARGE - SjNCO. SGT A LEX . NEAL IN CHARGE - olo ecfwu PART :J. nE;PAR'l'g~NTS • :. . .,~_";;"'''''''''' ~" W 4 a' ~• Orderly Ho o m -S/ ~gt. Charles Enfield, Pre. H a r r y Co rdon. Ist Sgl. Demetrio! Ciokari5, Capt. F red erick J . R os!>, Adjutant. , .... "G IO" P erso nnel Sectio n- Sgt. Fred Geier, Sgl. Louis Se nla . T / Sgt. Gus Mnzzone, Cpl. Jam es Dean . THEORDEHLY ROOM AT NEW H EO n l DES 14. , -- • Corporal Claud e Fuselier nnd S/ Sgt. Francis McAI· ljst er check in barracks bn gs on laundry day. Sgt. J ohn Ferguson Dalliel a n d Cpl. Beacorn t ak e In· ventory m T ('ch. Supply. I , • • I Top Rigbt: Cpl. E. Windha m . Sgt . Jim Delaney a Dd Cpl. jobn McN ulty ponder a jeep proble m in the motor pool shed . . . . Top Le ft : And Cpl. Owen Van Neu and Cpl. E . Windham d o the dirty wo rk. j I Lo wer Rig ht : Pre. Russell Fus ter and Sgl. Silas M ye rs, vet eran hasLen, cook a Latch of S palll for the hoys at New H ebrid es Isla nd. 1944. - B o tto m : 5g t. Silal Myen di. shes it out .. cafet eri a s t yle." 1 T op Ri ght : Co rpor al Mike Fa bish and Sg t. Bill B oyko, Me di cs, admini s te r fir s t ai d t o Sgt. Sila s Myer s after a h a d kitch e n burn . ' ,- - • I Gor A .- .. ... SORE THROAT " Captain Paul J. Whitaker , kn own t o the bo ys as •• th e doc," is ou.r fli ght surgeon with ov e r tw o year s exp e rie n ce o v e rseas. He handl es squadro n U sick call," k eeps the pil ot s in fl yin g a nd fig htin g shape. Lower Left : " Doc" R ose nberg, Captain , Medical Corps, is a mig hty imp orta nt g u y whe n th e t ee th begin t o ach e. L ower Ri ght : St aff Ser gea nt J oe Riskey, Medical NCO i n charge, is an ex pert with th e s un lamp. .- A R '.' t. To the Am erican fi g hting man, the" Yank ," seCD in our own rank a nd fil e of airme n and g round technicia ns, h as COIlIC, unheralded , the boredo m of life in the tropics, m o not ony o f "e" r a tio ns, aud an omni. prescnt long ing for h om e, Ileaee, securit y. T h e m a n of th e T hirtee nth h as, fo r the m osl pa ri, seen tr ol,ical serv ice lU a ny months away from hom c. Yet h e has m a n aged, som eh ow, t o com e throu g h with a g rin a nd an e u yiahl e prid e in Iris squ a dro n, his a ir force, a nd " I~S w ay o f do ing things. We believe, if war mus t be fought , s uch is the ouly way to fig ht it. To the m en who ha ve expressed that belief in their squadron, to the l)crSonncl w ho h ave made us wba t we arc, we dedi cate the following sectio n. • .J ---'t • ) DI STI NGUI SHED B.Y. direction of t he Presid ent, unde r t he prov1sl.ons of thc -!'- CI of Cong ress, a D isdnguished FlYing Cross. IS awarded by t he Command ing General, United States Army Forces in the Sout h Pacific Area for extrao rdinary achievement while . p~rt icipa ti ng in aerial flights on t ransport m issions. A ll of these fl ights we re perfo rmed in combat a reas w he re there was a possibi~i~ y of enemy interception . Prev ious rccognltlon that each has received makes his record o ne fo r emuJation; h is accomplishmcnt s being a cred it to himself and thc Army Air Forces. FLYI NG C S R 0 S (The number t o the ril;ht of each nume indi c llt e~ Oak- Leaf C lu ~ t e n t o the DFt received) . :Moj or Felder W . Cullum Maj or J ohn P . R em aklus. Jr. Captain J ohn E. Allen Cuptain Willi am M. Brand t (I ) Cap t ai n R obert L. Brauns (I) Ca ptain Benj a min C. Brewer Ca ptain Robert D . Bruce. Jr. Ca ptain R obert W . Drake ( 1) Capt ain Wilton M. Fraser (1) Capt ain William H . Jay ( I) Ca pt ain Arnold L. Miller Capt ain K a rl E. Pet ers Ca ptain Cecil E. P ett y 1st Lt . Al va T . Ad ams. Jr. 1st Lt. Jack D . Alexand er ( 1) 1st Lt. Gordon L. Baldry ht Lt. la ck B. Be.1I ht Lt. Do n J . Bergstrom (1) ht Lt. Hoger J . Bergstrom (I) h t Lt. J ohn J . Blank.inship (I) h t Lt. J oseph H . L. Block h t Lt. E ugene G. Brown h t LI. Virgil M. Carroll h t Lt. Willi a m R . Davenport 1st Lt. Clift on C. Davit ht Lt . E ugene Eck.lund h t Lt . Roy C. Farmer ( I) 1st Lt . Willi a m H. Fihgerald 1st Lt. Hobert L. F ola tko'" lit Lt. Richard S. Frey ( I) ht ht 1st ht Lt . Bruce Gilbert Lt. Ri ch Ard E . Given! Lt. R obert A. H Ammett Lt. D ln 'id M. H ay hl Lt. H ob ert E . J o hnson. J r.(I ) h t Ll. Pet er J . Kolas 1st Lt. Leon L. Lend erm a n h t Lt. J ohn P. Li ppitt ( I) h t Lt . J ohn McCarroll. Jr. lst Lt. J ohn W . Meade ( I) lst Lt . J ohn J . Mogush 1st Lt . Walter S. Mori t z ( I ) lst Lt . S t a nley F . P age ls t Lt. Fore!lt Preston 1st Lt. H oward B. S hook ( I ) 1st Lt. Willi a m E. Smith ht Lt. Mari on E . S pr .... ut lst Lt. J ohn C. W llshburne ht LI. Charles C. Wood all T / 5gt. J oseph F . Dolney T j 5g t. 1 0hn W . W a tkins S/ Sgt. Pet er A. Deck. 5 / 5gt . 1 0hn T . Coker. Jr. 5j 5gl. H oward L . Cole Sj Sg t. Frank J . Fost er 5 j 5gt . Louis A. Fl ynn S/ Sgt . Fred 1-1 . Gold uein (1) Sj Sgt. Burt on E . H eckenon 5 / 5gt . La rry E . Ingalls Sj Sg t. George A. Kilzer S/ Sgt. E m er y L. McCullough (1) S/ Sgt. Garland Me.rri ott Sj Sgt. Frank T . Mihaleg a ( I ) Sj Sgt . R oger 1-1. n eddi ck Sj Sgt. John L. Say lor 5 / 5gt . K enneth D . W allace Sj Sgt. Cha rle. T . Wa tt s For meritorious achievement while participating in sustained operational flight missions in the South and Southwest Pacific area, during which hostile contact was probable and expected . These operations consisted of transporting troopS and supplies to forward positions and bringing wounded to rea r area hospitals in an unarmed transport aircraft . Flig hts were accomplished over hazardous land and sea ro utes where inclement weather was freq uently encoun tered , and landings were o ften made with in a fcw miles o f enemy bases. The courage and devotion to duty displayed during these fli g hts arc worthy of commendation. AIR MEDAL (The n um ber to Ihe r ight of uch name indicates Oak Leaf Clusters to Iht Air Medal rtcelved) Major Fitldcr W . Cullum Major Robert C. Duffy Ma jor Clan: C. Pnk, Jr. (l) Major John P. Rtma kl us, Jr. (1) Major Harold E. Wilson ( I ) Captain John E. Alltn (6) Captain bufo rd C. Blo unt (" ) Capt~in William H . Bnndt (l) Capuin Robert L. Brauns (l) Capl~in Bcnjunin C. Brtwtr ( I I Captain Robert D . Bruct, J r. ( I) Captain Paul E . Childs Caplain Paul B. De Coureey (l ) Captain Robe rl W. Drake ( 4) Captain Willon M . Fraser (2) Caplain Willi~m H . Jay (11 Caplain Albert A. Judd, Jr. (6) Captain Lewis J. Mendtnh~1I ( 5) Captain Arnold L . M illtr (7) C~p tain Erling A. Nasset ( l ) Captain Karl E. Peters (7) Captain Ctd l E. Petty Captain Carl L . Sackett, Jr. ( 4) Captain Roy H . Sketns ( 6) Captain Edmund K. Smilh, Jr. (l ) Captain James Walsh, J r. (1) Captain Paul J. Whitaker ( I) Caplain Harold C. Wilkening ( I) Caplain H t nry W. Wriaht ( 4) 1st Lt. Floyd H . Abernalhy, Jr. (2) ht LI . Alva T . Aduns, Jr. ht Lt. Gtorat W. Alennder (" ) lsI L t. Jack D . Alexander (1) 1st Lt. Harold T . Aos ( 1) lSI L t. Gordon L . Baldry (2) lsI L t. Robert F. Barrett (6) lSi L I. Norman E . Butn (l) 1st LI. Jack B. Bdl 151 Lt. Don J. BUlstrom ( l l 1st Lt. ROltt J. Bernard ( l ) 1st Lt. HerSChel/ . Blakenty lSI Lt. ~o hn J. B ankinsh.i p ( l ) 1st L t. oseph H . L . Bloclr. ht Lt. ictor W. Bo,u tski ( l ) lSI Lt. Charles L . Brown (" ) 1st L t, EUICne G. Brown (5) lSI LI. ~amts Buchen lSI LI. ohn Buchtn lit Lt. dwin B. Buckinfham, Jr.(5) 151 L t. ROlt t G . Cady ( ) 151 Lt. Lawrtnct F . Cannon ( I) lSI L t. Pltnan t E. Carcy, Jr. (5) 1st LI. Marco E. CirinCion (5) 1st LI. Abra ham Cohen (" ) 1st Lt . Walltr L. Con~rd (l) 151 Lt . Carl F . Copeland (1) lSI L t. Richard C. Covtt (l) 1st L t. Charlu E . Cruncleton, Jr. lSI LI. Galc A. Dalmann (5) 1st LI. Wllliun R. D~vtnport ( l) 151 Lt. Cliflon C. Davi$ (1) lSI Lt. Sian D. Donnrlly (<4) 1st Lt. Anthony A. Drago (1) 1.1 Lt. Roy C. Farmer (1) 1st LI. William R . Fitzgerald 1st LI. Robert L . Folatko ( ..) 1st LI. Richard S . Frey (1) lSI L t. Bruce: G ilbert 1st Lt, Bruce R. Grotsbeck (l) lsi L t. Jack Hamilton ( I) 1st LI. bavid M . Hay (I) 1st LI. Joseph O. H tndricks (<4) I at Lt. ed~u B. Hetzler (5) III L t. Erllna B. Hopkins, Jr. (1) 1st LI. Franlr. R. Hou pt (5) 151 Lt. Roben E. Johnson, Jr. (1) 1st Lt. EmHson P. K in! (l) 1st Lt. Ernul S . K ina ( ) 1st Lt. Howud B. LAibundaulh (<4) 1st Lt. Leon L . Ltndt tman (6) lS I Lt. William R. Ltooud (<4) 151 Lt. Dtlbert L. Ltsh (l) lSI Lt. John P. Lippitt (I) lSI LI. Adol ph V. Lorio (l) ilIt Lt. Ward P . Mann (<4) lSI Lt. John McCarrol, Jr. ' Ist Lt. Richard C. McMahon (l ) 1st Lt. John W. Mudt (1) 1st Lt. Edward R . M illu 1st Lt . Oscar L . Milchell (l ) 1st Lt. John J. MOlush 1st Lt . Harry C. Molvlr lSI Lt. Waller R. Morill, Jr. (1) 1st Lt. ~mts P. Moyle (1) 1st Lt. ohn A. Mucci (1) I SI Lt. homu E. Nitrautr (1) isl L t. Jamts N . Olivuos (1) 1st Lt. Stanlty F. Pal' (6) 1st Lt. Winston A. Paintu (1) 1st LI.. Btn J. Pentmecky, Jr. (I) 1st Lt. Russell L . Plyltr (1) ht LI. Forrut Pruton II . III Lt. Don~ld L. Pyh (5) 151 Lt. John R. Reimer, Jr. lSI Lt. Eugene H . Richuds (7) 1st Lt. John J. R Iordan (<4) 1st LI. Howud B. Shook (l ) 1st Lt. Pttt r B. Sm~1I (" ) 1st LI. Williun E. SmIth (..) 1st LI. Marion E. Sprou l (I) 1st Lt. James B. Steelt (5 ) 1st Lt . Allen H . Sioltzmann ht Lt . Joe W. Slout (S) 1st Lt. Richard E. Strand 1st Lt . John C. Wnhbume {II 1st Lt. Edward B. Wa [l~nd (<4) 1st Lt . Charles C. Woodall (6) 1st Lt. Gilbert W. Zieman l nd LI. Harold O. DelVey ( I) 2nd Lt. Robert A. StnnholU, J r. M /Sa t . Ernut L . Ando M /Sgt. Jo hn J. Cairns M /Sgt. Arnold K . Joh.nson M /Sgt . Newell L . Pelfi! M/Sgt . Clark B. Ummtl T IS,!. Franklin S. Allen (2) T/S,t . Howard D. Bt ~ 1 ( I) T ISgt. Keith L . Boss T/SgI . Dtnnis W. Bu rdtn ( I) T/Sgl. Lloyd G. Clawson ( 'I) T /Sgt. James Claydon T/Sgt . Anthony D . DeLos! (I) T/Sgl. Joseph F. Dolnty T/S,t . Roberl K . Elam (1) T /Sgt. E lbert C. Harmon (l) T/Sgt . Jamn W. Hartline (1) T/Sgt . J. Van Holbrook T/Sgt. Anthony P. Ju rkewicz ( 1) T/S,t . George W. K illebrtw (l) T/S,I . Ht ndrick A. Lach (l) T/Sgl. Jostph R. u Londc ( I ) T/Sgl. Thomas C. Loclr.e, Jr. (3) T/Sgl. Jose ph A. Lowery (I) T /SgI. Charles R. Maauire (I) T/S,I . Thomas O. Mlnn, Jr. T/Sgt. ~unes M . McNeil T /S,I. ohn H . Meadows (I) T/Slt. arold C. Mytrs (1) T/S,t. Norris T . Osborne ( I ) T/Slt. Andrew C. Rapp (1) T/Sat. Samud B. Ruves ( I) T/S,I , GtOrlc L . R hodtnbau,h T/S,t. Oscar E. Smilh {Il (l) (I) O. Anacher (I) J. W. Barry (I) · Donald L. Bechstein (l) Peter A. Btek (I) Rodney E . Bell (I) Casper J. Bic dtn~ch (I) H omtt G. Bowtn Paul R . Bowman ( l) · Paol M . Bruce (1) Gordo n F. C.lr50n (1) · John T . Coktr, Jr. (1) H oward L. Cole · Donald W. Cooptr (I) · Remi R . D tClttck · Arthu r R . Dritdgt r, Jr. · Loois A. Flyn n · Frank 1. FOSltt (I) · Francisi ' Friel · Waller . Geut her · Fred H . Goldstein (I) · Paul J. Harp Claude S. Hays, Jr. (I) Burton E. Hecktrson (I) Alex H trshbe rl Cecil F. H ogan ( 1) Larry F. Ingalls ( I ) Vinctnt Kdly Jr.( I) \ • , • • General Ord er No. 73 )2 January, 1945Headtluartcrs, Far East Air Force • "Dy direction of tbe P resid ent . und er the provisions of the Act or CongTe5S app roved 2 Jul y. 1926,:1 Soldier's Medal is awarded b y the Co mmanding Gen er a l, FaT East A ir Forces, t o T echni cal Ser ~cu nt Elbert C. Hurm on . 13th Troop CaTTier Sq uadron." Colon el H . J . Sands. Croup Command er. makes the p resentati on. For hero ism at \X'akdc Island. on 11 Octobe r, '944. T his enlisted man, sw imming with a companion in a heavy su rf, was emerging fr om the water wnen he hea rd the other swimmer sho ut for help. Se rgeant Harmo n immediately went to his ass istan ce and, although th rown back twice by the heavy surf, finally brou g ht him safely to shore. Both enlisted mcn were heavil y lacerated by the cora l reef. The courage exhibited b y Technical Sergeant Harmo n in saving another man's life at the risk of his own reflects g reat credit upo n himself and the military se rVlce. "'-....-r- -"-" , 1 , • W e are often reminded ortbe " men behind the men, " the ground crews who help pull 100 hour inspections, pen cil-pushe rs who puoch ty pewriters and pacify the pilots in operations, the hounded mail clerk, cooks who live in a wodd of complaints, of a hundred other thankless jobs that must be done in endless routine. To those m e n- ground personnel who now enter the ir thirty-second month over sea s -we extend appreciation for a hundred jobs well done. In the section to follow, g round personnel have been featured by stales, with a number of e nlisted flig ht crews, in a series of pictures ta ken at New Caledonia, August, 1943. • PENNSYLVANIA Standi", : Pfe. F.III,.,a. s/Sat. J. Rleby, Cpt. G. Sebi,.Ier. Cpl. A. Sehro", Sat. Jolm SDIi... , Pte. R. Tat.u.. 5". A. Euthura. F r oBt Row: Cpt W. Davi.. S8t . D. Fine~ Cpt J . HI.dc~ T / Sgt. C. M..,w.. T j S@:t. K. Marb. Set. F. Katel.. S/ Sgt. C. MiUer. WISCONSI NNORTH DAKOTA Cpl. M. Goes'" s/s,t. J . P••rek. MJSrt. N. Petti-. T / S". S. Reevo, Sj S(t. J. Sehmits. aDd Sat. R . R. Broue. ILLINOIS Pre. R. CameroDt stt. V. Deppe. 5/ 5". C. E aSdd, S,t. E. Cat ef;. Pre. C. Meyen. Sgt. J. M;k...... S/ Sgt . J . Mortla••. NORTH CAROLINA Standing: T / Sgt. J. Holbrook. Sgt. R. Melton. Cpl. J. Moore. T I Sgl. H. C. Myen, Sgt. S. Myeu. and Sgt. B. Wileman. Front Row: Pre. H. Balli. Sgt. W. Byrd. Cpl. J. Eatmon. S/ 5gt. R. Foster. and PCc. D. Harper. RHODE ISLANDVERMONT S/ Sgt. P. Bruce. Sgt. E. Robertson. Cpl. F. McDade. Sgt. R. Sinclair. and Cpl. R. St. PieTTe. VIRGINIA Sgt. J. Delaney, S/ S,t. E. H. Franklin. Cpl. L. E. Franklin. Cpl. G. Lee. PCI". B. Sturgis. Cpl. K. Sydnor, and 5/ Sgt. H. WilkenoD. ._-- NEW JERSEY Standin, : Pre. F. . L. wcncc. 5/ 5g l . ,E . Oehm. Cpl. O . Von N ell, and Pre. E. Yeager. Front R ow : Pre. F. Germershaul cn, T/ Sgt. W. Geuther, Pre. F . Fordo n, and Cpl. E . Kort y. FLORIDA Sgt . C. And erton. T j Sg l. 1-1 . Bowen. Cpl. L. So uder, and Cpl. H . S torbeck. SOUTH CAROLINA Cpl. W . Chapman, Sgt. W . Gee. Cpl. W. Pri ce. Sgt. W . Scott, S/ Sgt. W . Shearer. T / 5gt . O. Smith. and Sgt . R oy C, Taylor. NEW YORK Standi . . : S.' SJl. N. MaUoy. SlCt. S. Nogaj. Pfe:. S. Sid elko. Sgt . E . SodeJ'!l'ca. and Cpl. R. T ennini. Frnnt Row: S SlCt . F. Ba n J . Cpl. D. Beacom . Cpl. J. Ikrnhard. pre:. T . DeAmbra, a nd '" "'8t . C. Ho,aa . i: :1 I • , . I ARKANSAS-KENTUCKY TIS". W. Ansi., S,t. O. Barker, S: SJf:. R. BeU. a nd ~lfl . C. Davil. MICHIGAN S! S,t. D. Beekslein. S/ S,... J . Bl'adford. S,t . N. Chri. tie. Sf S,t . C. Labeda, T / S,t . J . LaLonde, a nd Cpl. E . Podolsky. - -~ OHIO Standu., : T I Sgt. J . Whitehe.d. T / Sgt. H. Larl el'. S ~. D. llyn.. S Sgt. " ' . Palmer. Cpl. V. P~. S/ S". J . Petricola. TIS&<- B. Pe..,.. pre. A. Samira.,., Pre. D . UbI and Sgl. W. Wade. FroDt Row : 5,1. E. AmHt., S/ S" . C. Beidenbach. SIS, •. W. Cama.hen. 511. H. COO.... Cpl. M. F. biah. S iS"~. T. Fuller. aDd Sst. F . G.1er. TENNESSEEWEST VIRGINIA 11/ 511. J. Coiru. T/5I'. W. DiBoI.. T I Sg" R. Elam. pre. w. 5t..... S/ Slt. R. Weekley. aDd SIS,.. R. W.Do. GEORGIA "' ~ I . J. B. FqUOD. "'!Ct . M. B. FeI'I'Isoa. T Sat. S. MOrJaD. SIStI. J. Pierce• • ad. Cpl. J . T . W.Hace. MASSACHUSETTS S tranding : T / 5gt. G. Mazzone. S j Sgt. F . Mf Alli!ltcr, Cpt J . l'oI" :\ ll lty. 5/ 5gt . R . ~I" ri n , and Cpt L. Wab.h. Fr ont R ow : Cpl. W. Bond. T j Sg t. W . Eaton. Cpl. G. Granger. Cpl. N. L eblanc. T / Sgt . L . Lindabl. and Pre. F. Lord . INDIANA SJ Sgt. D. Cooper. M/ Sgt. B. Crubbs. T j Sgt. D. R ob ertson, Cpl. B. Sti ers, S/ Sgt. D. Thompson. and T j Sgt. R . Wantz . TEXAS T / Sgt. J . H ardine. 5 / 5gt. C. Hays, 5/ 5gt . T . McDaniel. Sgt . L. Muehr. and Sj Sgt. C, Scbertz. " ., • ALABAMA - LOUISIANAMISSISSIPPI . ~ Cpl. C. Fuselier. Sgt. J. U opkins, S/ Sgt. W. Goodwin. S/ Sgt. J . K. Pown, Sgt. J. T . Scru~gs. and TJ Sgt. J. Vausban . .. ,-~ -\' - ~ CALIFORNIA T / Sgt. Howard Bell and Cpl. AI Stainbaek. lOW A-MINNESOTAOKLAHOMA ,\... r Slitt. E. Bacon. Sgt. M. Bakken. T / Sgt. T. Locke. Cpl. J. O'Shea. and Sgt. C. W. Storm •. I • ! ." OLD I 601.J~O E RS DREAM • - . .' :," ~-.;~ - , ectio-u --• .- .\ II '.' -•• • (' ..\ ...- LIFE , \Xlhile a realization of the good times we've had may now be difficult to visualize, camp life overseas with the Thirsty, Thirteenth will, in time, hol d a strong place in our book of memories. It is good, then, to have on hand a pictorial record of some of the high spots , . .. chow lines, a swim at the beach, native life , . . . a jam sesss ion at Duffy's T a"ern .. , , our great basketball team, and many other highlights. OC1 ,91t2. • • I I . . I - -. -. • • • J - • • ___1'- ' ' • . •, ... •• I , , - • ,, -- • 13th s oftban T ea,". standing left t o fi ght : w Sg" O,,'d SandI". p" . Jobn S. Cad,on. pre. B,on , lI. p .t. N. SlU<"'" pre. Gwg' P. Ben, dett o . SIS.'· j o",pb Pa"ee', Sitling. left to fi ght : S/ Sg" Ted C. Full" . S/ Sg" ja"'' ' J' . B.. dfo,d. SO" S<onl" RNogaj. Cpl . 1<0,,00 LT" ""n'. Cpl. j ..n" '1' . Wallace. Sg" Freddie Geier. and c pt George E . CTan!;cr. ......... GROUP CHAMPS .... I 3rd Troop Cam" Croup. April Serino A.edvt.tln Day Cb IOpi on •• December 2.1945. AI.., ... raRDen up or Bi ak Islan lIay, 1945. - Ba,ketball Championship. , • -- "'(.; I 1 - fA PU S "MTS "SULSA POPPIN" 0" " MICj14T /l\T O'LEARYS (.14R. ST,.,"S I' It .. An active recreational program is a " must" in the camp life of any airforce squaclron, home of men who need complete relaxation after three or four days' steady Aying. And so, one fine day in December, 1944, was born the Thirsty Thirteenth Lirtle Theatre Guild, - V"'(.\,..:.., ., , , •• I ' e " . . . . supplement to usa Camp Shows and island Movies. A resounding success, entertainment "by the bol's, for the boys" has become a , habit for the Thirteen "Dramatis Person:!:." We hope other outfits share the fun. ' . • 4 ,,, \.... 1/ '\\ , I , , . I .- &.• • • J - --.-- - - ~ - ., . , FACTS CONCERNING MAINTE~ANCE 13th TROOP CARRIER SQUADRON Date Organiud: December, 1940. Departed (or Overseas : October, 1942. Airplane Hours Flown by all planu maintained by this Squadron since departing U.S. to 25th June, 194:5---61.000 hn.lo July 1,194:5 Distance Flown (Includes planes flown by Marinn,other A.A.F. Squadrons, bUI ma intained by the 13Ih)-9,ISO,OOO miles to July I, 1945 . Equivalent to 19 vOY;lge5 to the moon and back, or, ~3 times around the earth al the equator. No. of Planes Lost which wert being maintained by the 13th, from all causes : By 13th Crews By 63rd Crew •. TOTAL •• 3 1 'T Causes : By 13th Crews- 2 Unknown (C:47 41-18:573-C-47" 422-)605). (Enemy aCllon possible) I (C-47 41-18592) became lost when radiO comJnss rendered lnop. by enert;ly action. Plane sel down on red. Crew i1nd Cilfgo of eVilcuees rescued i1her It dilYs with no loss of life. By 63rd Cre~: 1 (C-47A 42-244(8) Losl in hurricane . Total 13th Crews Involved in Fatal Accidents in 4 years 6 months .. 2 Sin ale Engine Flights due. to Compl.ete Engine Failure in Air .. .. .. 3 (Plilne No. 41-18590 i1ccou nted for two of these. In both Closes Ihe left .engine fililed, on the $ilrne run : GUildillciinill to New CilJedonia. Both times the same riaht .en,ine pulled the plilne into Santos in the Hebrides . Average duration of nch single engine flight i1pprox. on.e hour and forty-fiv.e minutes.) Number of Planes Lost or Dama,ed by E'D.emy Action: No. Lost by enemy i1c tion: Unknown (periups 2) No . damaged by enemy action and repaiud, 9 NOTE : All :!lUch damag.e was repaiud by Squadron itself. .. . • • SQ UA Dlto N COMMA N DE Il S STATE MENT • Thirty-two months ago, the grimness of war was a very real thing to the J 3th mcn flying supplies into Guadalcanal under fire. A fighting spirit was born. This spirit, combined with a squadron traditionthe u 01' Boulder we love "-grew strong in the ensuing months. In the past two years, first as an impartial observer, secondly as an integral party, and recently as commanding officer, T have found this squadron CO be an outstanding example of efficiency, cooperation, good fellowship, and good sponsmanship. With the utmoSt confidence, I say to you the fucure wi ll continue to be a reflection of your record as a leader among troop carrier squadrons. I pledge myself to that end.
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