FREEMASONS QUEENSLAND 69th Annual Report of BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE 2014 Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 35 Contents Introduction1 A Year in Transition 2 Our Organisation 4 President’s Report 6 Financial Report 10 Our Board 14 Our New Charity Brand 16 Masonic Care Queensland CEO Report The Focus of our Strategic Plan 2014–2019 Our Facilities Our Care Our People 18 20 21 24 25 Our Volunteers 26 Benevolent Activities 28 Dollar-for-Dollar Program 30 Other Activities 32 Registered office Board of Benevolence ABN 54 216 065 828 60 Wakefield Street Sandgate Queensland 4017 Telephone: (07) 3869 6075 Fax: (07) 3269 6725 Email: [email protected] Auditors Moore Stephens (Qld) Audit Pty Ltd Level 12, 10 Eagle Street Brisbane Queensland 4000 Creation Lloyd Grey Design Front cover: Masonic Care Queensland Cairns, residents enjoying social bowling Helen Stewart and daughters. See page 32 for their story “by helping others, we not only make the world a better place but also make ourselves better people.” Board of Benevolence is the charity of Freemasons Queensland. We are proud of our century-old tradition of helping Queenslanders in need and we are embracing change which will take our benevolent work into the future. This annual report gives an overview of our achievements and financial situation for the 2013–14 financial year and outlines broad expectations for the year ahead. It is designed to give Freemasons, charity partners, government stakeholders and the community greater insight into our operations and priorities – and to share some of the stories of how we are making a difference. Thank you to all who have supported our work this year and please continue to entrust us with your donations and bequests. Improving lives is a legacy we can all aspire to. Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013–14 1 A YEAR in transition Highlights of 2013–14 1 2 3 4 5 6 Board of Benevolence ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 2 Board of Benevolence developed and launched its Strategic Direction 2014–2023 to position for the future. Our new charity brand – Hand Heart Pocket – was developed. ■■ ■■ We funded a new fellowship for the study of learning and memory at Queensland Brain Institute (QBI). New customer relationship management software will unify our approach with United Grand Lodge of Queensland and Lodges. ■■ We donated $130,614 to Queensland community causes through our Dollarfor-Dollar program, which matches Lodges’ local fundraising. A third building was completed at Horizons Respite & Recreation Association Inc. (HRRA Inc.) featuring laser-operated technology to enhance life for disabled young adults. We made donations to disaster appeals following Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines and the NSW bush fires. ■■ Our financial position improved significantly with a surplus of $582,648 compared with a deficit of $4,210,104 in the previous financial year. 7 8 9 Masonic Care Queensland ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 36 new retirement living apartments were completed at Sandgate. Masonic Care Queensland began an organisational redesign to structure the organisation for the future and a new CEO was appointed. The Masonic Care Queensland Strategic Plan 2014–2019 was developed. We cared for more than 1000 residents across 11 locations. The Remembrance Precinct was developed and our Heritage Precinct at Sandgate was upgraded, including a new café, hairdresser and library. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ We upgraded the Services Precinct at Masonic Care Queensland Townsville. WiFi was installed at residential aged care facilities across Queensland. The first organisation-wide staff survey was undertaken and a range of new staff initiatives introduced. Masonic Care Queensland surplus for the year was $513,833, an improvement on the 2012–13 financial year of $5,969,134. 10 1 Grand Master and Board Secretary greeting Mrs Pascoe 2 Residents enjoy sweeping views from the new retirement living apartments at Sandgate 3 Grand Officers Association Queensland Car 132 entry in Variety Bash 4 Professor Stephen Williams, Queensland Brain Institute 5 Bondoola Rural Fire Service, recipient of Dollar-for-Dollar subsidy 6 Ambassador for Hand Heart Pocket Christmas Appeal and resident of Masonic Care Queensland Sandgate, Alf Finlay 7 Cairns day therapy centre, providing allied health services to the Cairns community 8 Village residents enjoy a busy social life at Sandgate 9 New retirement living apartments completed at Sandgate 10Heritage Precinct upgraded in Sandgate to include a new hairdressing salon Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013–14 3 OUR ORGANISATION Our structure and purpose A message from the Grand Master of United Grand Lodge of Queensland Amen! Amen! So mot hyt be! Say we all per charyte. These words introduced Masons to the importance of charity around 1390 in the Regius poem and the ennobling characteristics of care, assistance and giving have been a central plank of Freemasonry since its earliest days. Soon after Freemasonry was established in Queensland in July 1859, measures were taken to support the less fortunate and the first proposal to establish a Fund of Benevolence was made at the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting in January 1863. The 1909 Jubilee book editors wrote, ‘That citizenship which speaks through acts of public generosity is well represented in Masonry. In philanthropic, patriotic, or benevolent movements Freemasons have ever played a worthy part’, and quoted many worthy examples. In December 1913, a 17-acre parcel of land at Sandgate was approved for purchase under the banner of Freemasons Homes of Queensland and, last year, we proudly celebrated the centenary of the Sandgate Homes (which are now part of Masonic Care Queensland). Today’s Freemasons continue their generous support of the community through myriad activities. These days, charitable activities are sponsored by Board of Benevolence and, from September 2014, will be under the apt new Hand Heart Pocket brand name. I thank both our Masonic Brethren and philanthropic partners sincerely. Dr Gary Bacon, Grand Master 4 The Freemasons in Queensland began their mission of care in 1913 with the purchase of land at Sandgate on Brisbane’s bayside to establish a ‘Freemasons’ Home’. Since then the tradition has continued and evolved. As the charity of Freemasons Queensland, Board of Benevolence is responsible for fundraising and benevolent activities. Board of Benevolence is also responsible for overseeing the governance, prudential, risk management and compliance aspects of Masonic Care Queensland. Our constitutional objectives the community at large for the purposes of providing relief from poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune, destitution, helplessness or other need to members of the community, particularly the aged, disadvantaged, disabled, children and those who are unable to properly care for themselves. (b) To provide such relief which shall be available directly to those in need and without discrimination to every member of that section of the public which the Body Corporate aims to benefit. (c) To undertake and carry out any Board of Benevolence operates as a Body benevolent act, matter or thing in Corporate under Letters Patent, incorporated furtherance of any or all of the on 2 March 1978 under the Religious, above objects. Educational and Charitable Institutions Act 1861–1967, and is the official charity of (d) To be carried on without purpose the United Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free of private or pecuniary gain for and Accepted Masons of Queensland. particular persons. Our constitutional objects are: (e) To establish independent and charitable entities for the raising of funds a) To raise monies from members of the Masonic fraternity in Queensland and consistent with these stated objects. Organisational Structure United Grand Lodge of Queensland Board Committees Audit and Risk Nomination and Remuneration Benevolence and Community Engagement Building and Projects Board of Benevolence Board Secretariat Marketing and Fundraising Safety, Clinical and Care GOVERNANCE Masonic Care Queensland OPERATIONAL Hand Heart Pocket Our framework for the future Board of Benevolence Strategic Direction 2014–2023 was introduced in March 2014. Here is a brief overview of this framework. Strategic initiatives Objectives Recent and ongoing activities 1 Our structures and business models Review legal and financial structures to ensure the Board is well-positioned for economic environment and flexible in responding to opportunities Review legal and governance structure Develop sustainable strategies to support Freemasons in need Develop and implement fundraising plans including donation and bequest programs 2 Our brand, our identity, our stakeholders Review current name and brand to ensure organisation remains relevant and contemporary and continues to connect with stakeholders 3 Our partners, our alliances Continue to develop community partnerships with universities, research agencies and philanthropic donors that align with our vision and mission 4 Our systems, practices and processes Continue to support charitable activities and projects that deliver sustainable strategies for community and Freemasons – and assist Lodges with contemporary systems, guidelines and practices 5 Masonic Care Queensland performance and future Continue to invest in aged care and retirement living. Research future options for Masonic Care Queensland and its support of Board of Benevolence Independent survey of Masonic stakeholders to ensure operations meet expectations Develop new charitable model Develop new brand for charitable activities Develop value proposition for charitable activities Develop stakeholder communication strategy Develop and enhance existing partnerships with HRRA Inc. and QBI Cultivate new partnerships with universities and research agencies operating in areas related to ageing and men’s health Identify opportunities for strategic partnerships with philanthropists and develop bequests Research other potential service provider partners Research opportunities for collaborative charitable programs with UGLQ and Lodges Establish guidelines and continue support for Lodge’s Dollar-for-Dollar program Revise and update Fund of Benevolence guidelines, policies and procedures Revise and update Community Engagement Fund guidelines, policies and procedures Continue to offer educational bursaries to approved applicants Implement Strategic Plan Research and implement best governance, legal and financial structures for Masonic Care Queensland Research Masonic Care Queensland future options and evaluate The full Board of Benevolence Strategic Direction 2014–2023 is available at: Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013–14 5 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Freemasons’ long-standing tradition of care is evolving to meet contemporary needs Bruce Milner, Board President The baton of Board of Benevolence presidency passed to me at the beginning of this financial year and it is my pleasure to be fulfilling this role at a time of exciting changes and developments. While our Masonic traditions are the foundation of the benevolent work we do, the world around is changing and we must position our organisations and services to be as effective as possible in that world. As part of that repositioning, we have already made significant progress on a number of fronts. Our 2014–2023 Strategic Direction was developed and launched this year, establishing a framework for our progress towards becoming a higher profile, more influential, sustainable benevolent organisation by 2023. Many of the strategic initiatives it outlines have already begun. Achieving a Whole of Craft approach An important aspect of the change is working more inclusively with all aspects of Freemasonry. The term ‘Whole of Craft’ is used to describe joint initiatives between Board of Benevolence and United Grand Lodge of Queensland designed to bring about positive change that will improve all aspects of the operation of Freemasonry and enhance its reputation. Board of Benevolence has worked closely with United Grand Lodge of Queensland to develop a fully funded set of initiatives, which are now being introduced. They include a new website, database, brand, legal structure and fundraising and bequest initiatives. 6 We want to build on our proud heritage as we invest in the future. Strengthening our financial position I am pleased to report that the 2013–14 financial year closed with Board of Benevolence and Masonic Care Queensland both being in a better operating position than the previous year. Further details of the financial position are discussed in the Financial Report on page 10. Developing sustainable funding For Board of Benevolence, donations and bequests are a vital source of funding to enable us to continue to extend the important work we do in a number of areas – from working with charity partners to matching Lodges’ community fundraising with our popular Dollar-forDollar program. Masonic Care Queensland receives the majority of its funding from the government and from resident contributions. However, the fundraising undertaken through Board of Benevolence helps Masonic Care Queensland to continually enhance the lifestyle of its residents and clients by providing funds for additional and enhanced activities, facilities, equipment and opportunities. This allows us to go above and beyond to improve their quality of life. In our contemporary world, competition for charity dollars is fierce and charities are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their fundraising activities. To compete effectively, Board of Benevolence must increase awareness of its activities and position itself as a distinctive and credible charity option in Queensland. In order to achieve this, we have undertaken a large body of work in 2013–14, developing a new charity brand due to be publicly launched in September 2014. The new brand has been designed to appeal to the public as well as Freemasons and to reflect the broad scope of our work. It will replace the name ‘The Board of Benevolence and of Aged Masons, Widows and Orphans’ Fund’ in all fundraising activities at state and local level. “We want to build on our proud heritage as we invest in the future.” researching our fundraising potential and Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013–14 7 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Continued This work is supported by a full structural and legal review and we engaged Global Philanthropic consultants to develop fundraising activities and fine-tune policies and procedures. You can expect to hear a lot more about the new Hand Heart Pocket brand in the year ahead. Masonic Care Queensland highlights and organisational restructure Masonic Care Queensland is the substantial aged care and retirement living business operated by Board of Benevolence. Working in the fast-changing aged care sector, it is well-established as a provider of residential care and retirement living. In 2013–14, new retirement living units at Sandgate were completed and $1.44 million was spent to upgrade the Services Precinct at Masonic Care Queensland Townsville. Masonic Care Queensland has also undergone a major organisational redesign this year and we appointed a new CEO, Gary Mark, in September. The organisational redesign moved Masonic Care Queensland from a regional structure to one better aligned to offering customer-centric choice. We have appointed additional experienced staff to lead specialist functions that enhance our ability to meet the legislative demands and consumer expectations of the changing sector. You can read more about developments at Masonic Care Queensland in the CEO’s report on page 18 and the Masonic Care Queensland overview on page 22. Partnering for the future Some of our most important charity partnerships have gone from strength to strength in the past year. We were delighted to partner with the University of Queensland Endowment Fund to support the $1.4 million, five-year Freemasons Queensland Senior Research Fellowship in Learning and Memory at University of Queensland. Freemasons Queensland Grand Master, Dr Gary Bacon, was actively involved in the recruitment process and fully endorsed the appointment of Professor Stephen Williams, who will conduct his research at the Queensland Brain Institute. Our continuing collaboration with the Geriatric Medical Foundation of Queensland (GMFQ) benefits residents of Masonic Care Queensland at Sandgate through geriatric telehealth services, which help provide more effective and efficient specialist care. GMFQ was formed in 1986 by Freemasons of Queensland contributing $1 million as their 1988 bicentennial project. The Centre is directed by Professor Len Gray, who was appointed to the Masonic Chair in Geriatric Medicine at University of Queensland in 2002. (L-R) Professor Jürgen Götz, Director, Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research (CJCADR), Dr Andrew Brice, Co-Founder and Non-Executive Director,, Co-Founder and CEO, UQ Endowment Fund (UQef), Professor Perry Bartlett, Director, Queensland Brain Institute, The Honourable Ian Walker, MP, Minister for Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts, Mrs Robyn Hilton, Tom Wiltshire, Chairman Safety Clinical & Care Committee, Board of Benevolence, Dr Gary Bacon, Grand Master of United Grand Lodge of Queensland, Masonic Care Queensland’s CEO, Mr Gary Mark. 8 “We have done much groundwork in establishing stronger foundations to embrace the future and I am looking forward to seeing the results.” Through the bequest of the Elson Estate, we continue to support Horizons Respite & Recreation Association Inc., which provides invaluable facilities and care for young adults with disabilities. Capital expenditure of $310,000 during the year provided a new sensory unit for the facility (see page 28). Our partnering with local Lodges through our Dollar-for-Dollar program has donated $130,614 during 2013–14 and helped achieve important breakthroughs for local communities – from a bladder scanner for Laidley Hospital to support for a child with a cochlear implant. Read more about these initiatives on page 30. Supporting Freemasons and their families The separate Fund of Benevolence is a resource for Freemasons and their families in times of need. Our approach is to give a hand up not a hand-out and our grants help get people back on their feet, support education or respond in exceptional circumstances. In 2013–14, we received $707,696 to this fund and made grants and allowances of $147,081. You can read more on page 32. Looking to the year ahead During the current year, we have done much groundwork in establishing stronger foundations to embrace the future and I am looking forward to seeing the results of these initiatives starting to become apparent in the year ahead. We are expecting Masonic Care Queensland’s positive financial position to continue in the next financial year. Our fundraising focus will be stronger under the new Hand Heart Pocket brand and will be complemented by a new website, a new Fundraising and Bequest Manager and a range of activities across the state including a tour with ManUp! to help raise funds to support men with prostate cancer. Another significant change for us will be appointing non-Masonic Board members who can bring fresh skills and perspectives to our work. The Board made the decision to appoint up to three Board members based on their expertise, regardless of their Masonic connections. care for the residents of Masonic Care Queensland. I sincerely thank you all for your contribution and would like to thank my fellow Board members for their time and dedication. Most importantly, I thank everyone who has donated or arranged a bequest to support our work. We cannot do any of this without you and your generosity makes a difference to many lives. Bruce Milner Board President I welcome our newest Board member, Mr Selwyn Clark who brings us valuable experience from his career in the Australian Army and also in senior property-related appointments in the Queensland public service. Thank you for your support The achievements of the past year rely on many staff, volunteers, local Lodges, suppliers and individuals who have worked to refine our future vision, raise funds and Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013–14 9 financial REPORT Graham Mulligan, Chairman Audit and Risk Committee The 2013–14 financial year was a pleasing one with positive progress towards our financial goals. Investment this year has focussed on intellectual assets and re-aligning our structures and people to position ourselves for the future and to lay the foundations for further improved results in the years ahead. The big picture indicators The financial results for the entire Board of Benevolence activities, including Masonic Care Queensland, showed a significant improvement for the financial year with a surplus of $582,648 compared with a deficit of $4,210,104 in the 2012–13 financial year. This was largely due to improvements in results for Masonic Care Queensland, with a surplus of $513,833 for the year compared with a deficit of $5,455,301 for 2012–13. Assets and liabilities The Board’s overall balance sheet shows assets totalling $164,226,127 with total liabilities of $81,949,006. Total equity is therefore $82,277,121, which is largely unchanged from the previous year. The Board considers the net equity figure to be a conservative book value of the assets and not representative of the market value of the business of Masonic Care Queensland. The Board’s total cash and investments at 30 June 2014 totalled $23,202,355 and we had a loan balance from the National Australia Bank of $9,305,925 for the sole purpose of the development of the Independent Living Apartments at our Sandgate and Townsville sites. The balance of the gross Aged Care Accommodation Bonds and Retirement Village Loans held as at June 2014 is $78,530,606, an increase of more than $12 million over the year which is Board of Benevolence Surplus / Deficit Summary by Business Units at 30 June 2014 Revenue Expenses Surplus / (Deficit) 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 Aged Care Operations (MCQ) 53,152,849 46,571,945 55,197,557 49,741,017 (2,044,708) (3,169,072) Retirement Living & Rentals (MCQ) 4,045,160 1,687,514 1,486,619 3,973,743 2,558,541 (2,286,229) Subtotal Operational Result (MCQ) 57,198,009 48,259,459 56,684,176 53,714,760 513,833 (5,455,301) Investment Donation Income (less Board Expenses) 423,046 908,323 556,438 361,528 (133,392) 546,795 Fund of Benevolence 707,696 1,233,974 147,081 535,572 560,615 698,402 63,773 – 422,181 – (358,408) – Community Engagement Fund Total Comprehensive Income (as per Financial Statements) 10 58,392,524 50,401,756 57,809,876 54,611,860 582,648 (4,210,104) mostly attributable to new retirement living apartment sales at Sandgate and Townsville. The balance of the liability refundable to residents is $70,180,908. Masonic Care Queensland operations in detail The Masonic Care Queensland operating result for the 12 months ending June 2014, before depreciation, for its care and retirement living services is a surplus of $5,334,753 compared to the previous year deficit of $1,126,196. This is an improvement of $6,460,949 and this surplus is not reliant on investment returns. Instead, a change in the business model including organisational structural changes and the implementation of strategies from the Masonic Care Queensland Strategic Plan 2014–2019 are the key determinants of this recorded surplus. This operating result included $1,065,971 in bequests and donations specific to Masonic Care Queensland that have helped to enhance the lives of our residents. One of the bequests, from the Ford Estate, was in excess of $850,000 and will provide new and enhanced facilities that will significantly improve the lifestyle of residents at Masonic Care Queensland Sandgate. Another bequest of $205,583 received from the Finch Estate will provide significant improvements to the Gracemere affordable living units. A gain of $1,057,130 on the sale of surplus land at Gracemere and Kingaroy has also been included in this result. Total operating income, excluding the bequests and the gain on sale of surplus land noted above, increased by $6,754,062 (14%) primarily due to the higher subsidy and fee income across all care facilities together with the extra income from the new retirement living apartment sales at Sandgate and Townsville. The increased income received this year was largely offset by costs associated with an organisational redesign of Masonic Care Queensland to position the organisation to take advantage of future opportunities. A strategic decision was made not to proceed on the previously planned expansion to Arundel Aged Care facility due to changes in legislation and market and consumer drivers, resulting in a Masonic Care Queensland operating results $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 ($1,000,000) ($2,000,000) * Operating results exclude depreciation. ($3,000,000) * The 2011–12 year does not include the one-off write-off of Residential Aged Care bed licences totalling $36,675,000. 2010–11 2011–12 2012–13 2013–14 Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 11 financial REPORT Continued write off of planning costs amounting to $505,643. This year’s result includes interest charges totalling $828,571. Also, the 2013–14 and 2012–13 results reflect a change in the valuation methodology for the retirement village apartments and villas. Other operational expenditure, excluding depreciation, increased by $5,399,098 over the previous year, largely resulting from increased salaries and wages costs of $3,517,055 (10%) due to the extra resources required to meet the changing acuity levels of residents and the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement increase not applied in the 2012–13 year. Non-staffing expenditure increased by $1,882,043, largely due to the organisational redesign costs. In addition to our investment this year in intellectual assets and re-aligning our structures and people, an upgrade of the Services Precinct at Masonic Care Queensland in Townsville, the completion of the Sandgate Apartments and Heritage Precinct and significant information technology infrastructure improvements resulted in a capital expenditure of $8,408,602 in the 12 months to 30 June 2014. Board of Benevolence income and expenses The Board Secretariat account, which consists mainly of investment and donation income, showed reduced revenue and increased expenses in 2013–14. This resulted in a deficit of $133,392 compared to a surplus in the previous year of $546,795. Reduced income was due to lower interest rates on investments and reduced non specific bequests and donations. Increased expenditure was the result of investment in intellectual assets and re-aligning our legal structures 12 and people for the future as well as Whole of Craft initiatives including a new database, website, development of a new charity brand – Hand Heart Pocket, and fundraising and bequest initiatives. Board of Benevolence Community Engagement Fund The Community Engagement Fund was set up at the beginning of the 2013–14 financial year to maximise opportunities for Freemasons within Queensland to make a difference within their communities with 100% of funds received going directly to charitable causes. Donations and bequests currently form a small percentage of our income. As donation and bequest income grows, so will our ability to make a difference within the community. More information on our work within the community and how you can help is outlined on page 28. This is the first year of operation of this fund which shows a deficit of $358,408 for the year. A total of $63,773 was received in donation and interest income, with total expenditure of $422,181 for the Dollar-for-Dollar subsidies, donations to NSW Bushfire Appeal, Cyclone Yolanda in Philippines and the $233,333 contribution to the Queensland Brain Institute. The Community Engagement Fund had a cash and investment total of $741,592 at 30 June 2014. Fund of Benevolence The Fund of Benevolence, which enables us to continue our tradition of caring for our own, giving those with Masonic connection a hand up in times of need, showed a surplus at 30 June 2014 of $560,615 compared to $698,402 in the previous year. Income reduced this year due to lower interest income and bequests received. Expenditure on allowances and other grants decreased by $388,491, mainly due to the creation of the Community Engagement Fund. The Fund of Benevolence total cash and investments show a total market value of $6,374,189. The market value of the North Managed Fund investment increased by $534,591 for the year. Rex Elson Bequest Through the bequest of the Rex Elson Estate, we continue to support Horizons Respite & Recreation Association Inc., which provides invaluable facilities and care for young adults with disabilities. The Rex Elson estate is managed as a separate account with funds held in trust. Income from the fund was $152,623 for the 2013–14 financial year with total outgoings for property costs and depreciation of $49,560. The operating surplus for the estate for the 2013–14 year was $103,063, compared to the previous year surplus of $12,933. The year ahead Our positive financial position is expected to continue in the next financial year as a result of the strategic planning, investment in intellectual assets and re-aligning of our structures and people that occurred in the 2013–14 financial year, all of which will position us well for the future. For further details regarding Board of Benevolence Financial Statements, please contact the Board Secretariat. Graham Mulligan, Chairman of Audit and Risk Committee How we fund our benevolent and community activities in 2013–14 Interest and Distribution Income $997,144 Bequests and Donations $81,155 Other income $2,418 Jewels $45,236 UGLQ Fees $60,372 Foundation Stones $8,189 Please note that this excludes the operations of Masonic Care Queensland How we have helped the community in 2013–14 Dollar-for-Dollar Subsidies $130,614 Special Grants and Other Subsidies $94,632 Queensland Brain Institute $233,333 Allowances $94,560 Pascoe Bursaries $8,800 Please note that this excludes the operations of Masonic Care Queensland Through an increase in bequests and donations, we can do more to help the lives of Queenslanders. Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 13 OUR BOARD Board of Benevolence Bruce Milner, Board President Campbell Carmichael, Vice President Gary Bacon, Grand Master Graham Mulligan Spencer Christensen Thomas Wiltshire At the start of the 2013–14 year, Bruce Milner (previously Vice President) was elected to the presidency at the end of Tony Love’s three-year term, and Dr Gary Bacon was appointed to the role of Grand Master, succeeding Adrian Burton. The role of Treasurer was discontinued and the treasury functions are now undertaken by the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee. The role of Vice President was filled by Campbell Carmichael. Thank you to the outgoing office holders for their dedicated contribution. RWBro Bruce P Milner BCom, LLB Pres BBen; Viking Lodge No. 394 UGLQ President Bruce joined the Board in February 2002. He has served on all Board committees and has been the Board Treasurer. He served as Vice President for three years. Bruce was elected President of the Board in July 2013. He is a solicitor and a chartered accountant. WorBro Campbell J Carmichael Grad. Dip. OHS, Cert. Mech. Eng. PGSwdBr; Lodge Tullibardine No 227 UGLQ Vice President Cam joined the Board in 2004 and served as Chairman of the Planning and Review Committee. He has had experience in the engineering and IT industries, and has held various senior positions in the Queensland public service. MW Bro Dr Gary Bacon BSc (Hons), PhD. Tibrogargan Lodge No. 305 UGLQ Grand Master Gary joined the Board in 2013. He graduated from the Australian National University in forest science and worked as a natural resource scientist and senior manager in both Queensland and New South Wales primary industries. Gary took up his current position as adjunct Professor with the Environmental Futures Institute at Griffith University in 2005. 14 WorBro Graham D Mulligan BSc, Dip. Acc., FAIM, MAICD Lamington Lodge No. 110 UGLQ Graham joined the Board in September 2010 and was a member of the Finance Committee before his current position as Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee. He is a non-Executive Director of ROC Oil Company Ltd, Chalmers Ltd. Beijing Capital Waste Management NZ Ltd, and Rockland Resources Pty Ltd. He was formerly CEO of the Port of Brisbane Corporation, Managing Director of Port Wellington Ltd and has extensive experience in consulting to and managing a range of listed and private companies. RWBro Athol (Spencer) Christensen ADFS (FP), JP (Qual) PJGW; Bentley Park Lodge No 311 UGLQ, Endeavour Lodge No 26H UGLQ Spencer joined the Board in 2002 and is Chairman of the Benevolence and Community Engagement Committee and a member of the Audit and Risk Committee. Spencer was the District Grand Registrar of Carpentaria District 2011–14 and President of the Carpentaria District Board of Benevolence 2002–11. Spencer has been in the financial services industry since 1972 and operates his own financial planning business under a company structure. Colin Breckon Theodore Tavoularis John Aronis Senior Executives Robert Northcott WorBro Thomas R Wiltshire Assoc. Dip. Bus., MAICD William McLeod Lodge No. 241 UGLQ Tom joined the Board in 2009 and served as Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Committee before his current position as Chairman of the Safety, Clinical and Care Committee. He is a portfolio director with Aurizon, Chair of Rail Skills Australasia Ltd and is a non-executive director of Rail Innovation Australia Pty Ltd. He brings a strong background in human resources and occupational health and safety. VWBro Colin J Breckon BArch, Dip. Ed. PDGDC; Cleveland Lodge No.74 UGLQ, Delta Lodge N0.112 UGLQ Colin joined Board of Benevolence in 2000 and serves on the Building and Projects Committee. He was a District Grand Architect from 1996 until 2000, and was President of the North Queensland District Board of Benevolence 2000–10. Colin is Chairman of the Townsville Masonic Centre Management Board. RWBro Theodore Tavoularis LLB PJGW; Meridian Lodge No. 404H UGLQ, Viking Lodge No. 394 UGLQ Theo joined the Board in 2012. He is Chairman of the Building and Projects Committee and Chairman of the Governance Working Group, is a member of the Building and Projects Committee and has previously served as UGLQ’s Grand Registrar. Theo is a solicitor in private practice. Selwyn Clark RWBro John Aronis BBus (Acc), Grad. Dip. CA, MCom, MA PJGW; City of Logan Lodge No. 529 UGLQ John joined the Board in 2013. He serves on the Audit and Risk Committee and the Benevolence and Community Engagement Committee. John is a principal chartered accountant in private practice. John previously served as UGLQ Deputy Grand Treasurer and Grand Treasurer for a decade. Bro Robert John Northcott Dip. Tech. Val; Juris Doctor (Hons) Lamington Lodge No.110 UGLQ Robert joined the Board in 2013. He serves on the Building and Projects Committee and the Benevolence and Community Engagement Committee. Robert is a property valuer and barrister and recently retired from the Queensland Bar. He operates his own property investment and development business. Selwyn Clark BEng (Civil), Grad. Dip. Mgmt Studies, MSc (Management) Selwyn joined the Board in 2014. He serves on the Building and Projects Committee and coordinates the Board’s branding, fundraising and ICT projects in support of achieving Whole of Craft outcomes. After a career as an engineer officer in the Australian Regular Army, Selwyn held senior building and property related appointments in the Queensland Public Service. Gary Mark, CEO Masonic Care Queensland David Roberts Board Secretary Gary Mark Chief Executive Officer, Masonic Care Queensland Gary was appointed CEO in September 2013 and has a strong record of achievement in senior positions in retirement living, aged care, facility management, health and hospitality. He was Executive Manager Operations at RSL Care for a number of years where he established a customer-centric operations department and delivered growth of over 100% across residential care, retirement living and community care. Gary is experienced in geographically diverse organisations and achieves shared purpose for an organisation through strong leadership, meaningful strategy, robust business planning and communication. WorBro David Roberts PSGD: Baden Powell Lodge No. 505 UGLQ Board Secretary Previously a professional retailer in local, state and national positions, and the Director Development & Community Relations of a P–12 independent school, David was also a Leader of Adults (Commissioner) Woodbadge, Queen’s Scout, and a member of the State Executive and Branch Council, Scouts Queensland. Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 15 OUR NEW CHARITY BRAND A contemporary brand that reflects the heart of our tradition As the 2013–14 financial year closed, we were putting the finishing touches to a new charity brand to be publicly launched in September 2014. Hand Heart Pocket will replace the name ‘The Board of Benevolence and of Aged Masons, Widows and Orphans’ Fund’ as the public face of our fundraising at state and local level. HAND HEART POCKET PRIORITIES 16 HEALTH EDUCATION AGED CARE Because health is the first essential for wellbeing, we support initiatives to extend medical understanding and to help individuals build resilience. Because education is a catalyst for far-reaching change, we help cultivate knowledge and the sharing of transformative ideas. Because a large part of our lives is spent being older, we work to make ageing more positive, fulfilling and dignified. For centuries, Freemasons have used the symbols of hand heart and pocket to pledge practical help, genuine empathy and financial generosity to those who need it most. Today we promise that support to Queensland through Hand Heart Pocket, the charity of Freemasons Queensland. Our history is preserved in the Mother and Children logo which remains a charity jewel. Why we needed a new brand The development of the brand The competition for charity dollars is fierce and the Board of Benevolence needs to become more sophisticated and professional in its fundraising activities. The original name and the ‘mother and children’ logo served us well to represent our activities in another era (and the tradition is retained in the charity jewels) but we need greater impact and clarity in today’s crowded market and fast-moving world. The new brand is the result of extensive research and consultation. The Board of Benevolence explored both the charity market and the opinions of Brethren around Queensland to inform the brand project. Many Brethren responded to our survey in 2014 and their perspectives were invaluable. We worked with a specialist brand consultancy (Lloyd Grey) and with Freemasons Queensland representatives to develop a brand to resonate with the Masonic community and the public alike. The new name and logo is more accessible to the public and better reflects the scope of our activities than promoting the original Board of Benevolence fund name and symbol. DISASTER RELIEF A HAND UP Because disastrous circumstances can befall any of us, we respond with hands, hearts and pockets to help mend lives. We believe in creating strength not dependence so we give a hand up, not a hand-out – to communities, to other charities and to individuals. At the heart of our philosophy is the understanding that, by helping others, we not only make the world a better place but also make ourselves better people. Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 17 masonic care queensland CEO REPORT Our vital journey of redesign, diversification and sustainability Gary Mark, CEO Since joining Masonic Care Queensland in September 2013, I have been part of a vital journey that will reshape and realign our organisation. The changes we have been introducing are already contributing to an improved operating performance and will continue to have a positive influence in the years ahead. The foundation for the changes was a thorough understanding of our evolving operating environment, exploring our residents’ expectations and drawing on the valuable knowledge of our own people – the staff who make it all possible every day. We reviewed our strategic direction in response to Board of Benevolence Strategic Direction 2014–2023 initiative and in turn developed a revised Masonic Care Queensland Strategic Plan 2014–2019. The Masonic Care Queensland ‘People Survey’ in September 2013 also helped us identify some of the areas that needed attention in developing our strategies. The Strategic Plan focuses on four main strategic performance areas: financial sustainability, building on our strengths and taking advantage of opportunities, becoming a class leader in our preferred service markets, and engaging with local communities and stakeholders to form mutually beneficial partnerships. Our changing environment Aged care in Australia is changing and will continue to change, responding to 18 community demands and government policies. It is vital that Masonic Care Queensland has the flexibility to evolve as our environment shifts. organisational capabilities and clarify our shared values and priorities. Currently we are working to align with the ‘Living Longer Living Better’ aged care reforms, which are changing funding frameworks, offering consumers more choices and creating better integration of retirement living options and community health services. In a very significant change, we moved from a regional management structure to one focused on our product or service areas, supported by professional specialists. This involved redesigning roles in senior, middle and clinical management and creating a new Masonic Care Queensland Leadership Team. We must also be aware of how other organisations in our sector are developing and how our service offering compares with theirs. This realignment positions us much more effectively to take advantage of emerging opportunities in an increasingly competitive environment. A model of care which identifies the resident as an individual and a focus on maximising the strengths of those with dementia provides the potential for positive ageing of our clients. This will help position us as a leader in our sector. We also developed a new vision, mission and values that better reflect the organisation’s direction and the strengths we need to meet our objectives and provide an outstanding experience for our residents and other stakeholders. Part of our future strategy includes a renewed focus on analysing and responding to clinical data to improve resident care outcomes. Realigning and strengthening our organisation The new values were encapsulated in the phrase ‘You are important to me’ and staff training sessions have helped explore how this touchstone can be made a living reality in interactions with residents, clients and colleagues. The structure of an organisation and its ability to work together as a coherent, aligned team is integral to achieving its strategic goals. Having established our longer-term vision and the need for flexibility, we looked to strengthen our Other staff initiatives including the Masonic Care Queensland Super Star Awards, regular CEO roadshows and a CEO welcome and orientation DVD are also helping to build a positive and aligned culture. “In moving forward, we are always mindful of enhancing the lives of our clients and residents as well as achieving a sustainable bottom line.” Taking our facilities to the next level Renewing and extending our retirement living and aged care facilities ensures we will continue to meet the needs of an increasingly discerning market. We also need to use all facilities to their best potential. Our 36 contemporary retirement living apartments in Sandgate were completed in September 2013 and have been acclaimed as amongst the very best in the sector. Together with the Townsville apartments completed the previous year, they have drawn much interest. Also at Sandgate, our Heritage Precinct was opened in January 2014, giving a vibrant focal point for residents including a retirement village community clubhouse, café, hairdresser and library. The Services Precinct in Townsville was upgraded during the financial year and now has a new car park and refurbished kitchen facilities. In Cairns, a new cafe was completed and is enhancing life for both retirement village and aged care residents. The installation of WiFi through all our facilities acknowledges its important role as a tool for residents to keep in touch with the world as well as giving the infrastructure for our future corporate needs. A bequest of more than $850,000 from the Ford Estate has greatly contributed to our ability to enhance the lifestyle of residents at Masonic Care Queensland in Sandgate. We were able to renew indoor and outdoor areas, including making additions to increase accessibility, improve security and adapt amenities to meet the changing care needs of residents. Another bequest received from the Finch Estate of $205,583 will provide significant improvements to the Gracemere rental units. Encouraging results The 2013–14 financial performance has already started to reflect the effectiveness of the changes in hand. The Masonic Care Queensland operating result for the year ending June 2014, before depreciation, for its care and retirement living services, shows a surplus of $5,334,753. This is an improvement of $6,460,949 on the 2012–13 financial year. The year ahead The initiatives that arose from our Strategic Plan will continue in the 2014–15 financial year. We will continue to strengthen our organisation with a thorough review of every department and site to ensure we have the right mix of skills to help us maximise our opportunities and to support the frontline care of the people who trust us to make their older years as enjoyable, comfortable and fulfilling as possible. Our marketing activities will continue to develop our brand and visibility with initiatives that include a new website. You can read the full details in the Financial Report on page 11. As we look to the future, I am constantly aware that, however good our plans and processes, it comes down to our people to provide excellent care and services and to demonstrate their belief that every resident and client is important to them. Of course we must judge our success not only by financial indicators but also by human ones. In moving forward, we are always mindful of enhancing the lives of our clients and residents as well as achieving a sustainable bottom line. I sincerely thank our staff and volunteers for their incredible dedication. I also acknowledge the residents, clients, donors and other partners who play a vital role in helping us build exceptional communities that continually enhance older people’s lifestyles. Ultimately we believe that the two cannot ever be mutually exclusive – only by offering outstanding facilities and services can we generate the surplus to continue to invest in future care. Gary Mark CEO Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 19 masonic care queensland The focus of our Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Strategic directions 1 Ensure financial sustainability, operating flexibility and adaptable services 2 Build on our strengths and take advantage of opportunities 3 Become a class leader in preferred service markets across our industry sector 4 Engage with local communities and stakeholders to form mutually beneficial partnerships A copy of the Masonic Care Queensland Strategic Plan 2014–2019 is available at 20 masonic care queensland our facilities Supporting Queensland Our continuum of care model Masonic Care Queensland’s three major sites at Brisbane (Sandgate), Townsville (Kirwan) and Cairns (Whitfield) each provide a ‘continuum of care’. This means that as residents’ care needs change they can be catered for within the same community – from independent living, retirement villas and apartments with support services to residential aged care. It also means partners can stay close to each other when one has higher care needs than the other. Atherton 14 Alma Street Atherton Qld 4883 (07) 4080 1200 Brisbane 60 Wakefield Street Sandgate Qld 4017 (07) 3869 6000 We have specialist dementia care in Cairns (Whitfield), Townsville (Kirwan), Brisbane (Sandgate) and Gold Coast (Arundel) as well as day respite facilities in Townsville and Cairns. Cairns 82–120 McManus Street Whitfield Qld 4870 (07) 4080 1200 Crows Nest 25 James Street Crows Nest Qld 4355 (07) 3869 6000 Our facilities in Brisbane, Townsville, Cairns, Gold Coast and Tin Can Bay also offer a range of onsite activities and services. Gold Coast 101 Allied Drive Arundel Qld 4214 (07) 5594 8111 Inglewood Pariagra Units 27 Great Road Street Inglewood Qld 4387 (07) 3869 6000 ATHERTON 8 retirement living villas Kingaroy Corner Haly and Alford Streets Kingaroy Qld 4610 (07) 3869 6000 CAIRNS 108 residential aged care beds (17 dementia specific) 62 retirement village units 6 affordable living units Day therapy centre Rockhampton 52 Breakspear Street Gracemere Qld 4702 (07) 3869 6000 Texas Wilson Street Texas Qld 4385 (07) 3869 6000 TOWNSVILLE 127 residential aged care beds (30 dementia specific) 49 retirement living villas 36 retirement living apartments Day therapy centre Tin Can Bay 26 Coral Trout Drive Tin Can Bay Qld 4580 (07) 5488 1300 ROCKHAMPTON 12 affordable living units TIN CAN BAY 20 residential aged care beds KINGAROY 12 affordable living units BRISBANE 17 retirement living villas 36 retirement living apartments CROWS NEST 6 retirement living villas Lucinda: 153 residential aged care beds (36 dementia specific) INGLEWOOD 4 affordable living units TEXAS 10 affordable living units Griffith Cottages: 50 dementia specific residential aged care beds GOLD COAST 49 residential aged care beds 22 affordable living units Townsville 1 Emerald Street Kirwan Qld 4817 (07) 4789 9777 Musgrave: 238 residential aged care beds (12 dementia specific) Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 21 masonic care queensland our year The evolution of aged care and retirement living Masonic Care Queensland is the aged care and retirement living arm of Board of Benevolence. It provides quality care to seniors throughout Queensland – those with Masonic connections and the broader community alike. In the 2013–14 financial year, we continued to develop our structure and our facilities to meet the changing aged care environment and the expectations of our current and future residents. Our key statistics At 30 June 2014 Number of Queensland locations 11 Number of residents 1000+ Number of staff and volunteers 900+ Number of retirement village units 214 Number of affordable living units 66 Number of residential aged care beds 745 Sandgate 36 new retirement living apartments were completed “Our mission is to provide innovative and sustainable services that enable older people to fulfil their individual lifestyle choices.” 22 Atherton and Cairns 100 % retirement villages occupied Developments in 2013–14 ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ A new CEO was appointed to Masonic Care Queensland and a new management structure was introduced. 36 new retirement living apartments were completed at Sandgate. ■■ Our villages at Atherton and Cairns are 100% occupied. ■■ A new Remembrance Precinct was opened in Sandgate, featuring two sapling pines that are descendants of the original Lone Pine in Gallipoli. These were donated by Scotia Lodge No 263 UGLQ. ■■ ■■ Heritage Precinct at Sandgate was refurbished, including café, library, hairdresser, retirement village community clubhouse and gardens. ■■ ■■ Refurbishments commenced in Musgrave Aged Care facility at Sandgate. The services precinct was upgraded at Townsville including the kitchen and a new car park. The kitchen and some flooring were upgraded at Tin Can Bay. A new cafe was opened at Cairns enhancing the lifestyle of residents. ■■ ■■ ■■ Land adjoining the affordable living units at Gracemere was sold and upgrades to the village began. New PARO seals (robotic, responsive) research project was conducted in Townsville. Six students graduated from the Healthy Futures Program, providing them with a pathway into a career in aged care. Masonic Care Queensland continued to participate in Telehealth initiatives. New staff initiatives supported our team – see page 25. Masonic Care Queensland Leadership Team L-R back row Grant Barrow – General Manager People, Culture and Safety, Nick Hansen – Executive Manager Retirement Living, Community Care and Strategy, Clayton Rawle – Executive Manager Finance, John Byrne – General Manager Building Projects, Facilities and Asset Management, Sam Colombo – General Manager Information and Communication Technology, Karen Tilke – General Manager Marketing, Communications and Public Relations L-R seated Sue Beasley – Executive Manager Residential Care Gary Mark – Chief Executive Officer Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 23 masonic care queensland our care Creating places of active retirement and positive ageing Seal of approval for PARO robotic pet therapy Two robotic baby seals – Sally and George – have become part of the family at Masonic Care Queensland in Townsville. These sophisticated robots have been in use in Europe and Japan for over 10 years and research has shown they stimulate interaction, improve socialisation, give therapeutic benefit to those with dementia and reduce stress for residents and caregivers. In a joint research project with James Cook University, Masonic Care Queensland has been exploring and monitoring the effects of the robotic pets on residents’ wellbeing over the past year. The ‘PARO’ seals respond as if they are alive. Their sensors enable them to feel being stroked, to perceive the presence of people and to recognise the directions of voice and words such as their name, greetings and praise. They move their head and limbs, make sounds and react very much like real animals. Funds to purchase the seals were raised by residents’ families, staff and local contractors, and were matched by Masonic Care Queensland. Approval has also been given for Lucinda Aged Care in Sandgate, Brisbane to participate in a similar study over the coming year with Griffith University. Residents’ story Easing a time of transition When Mike and Marguerite Smith chose to buy one of the beautiful new apartments at Masonic Care Queensland’s Sandgate Retirement Village, they knew it was important to them that they were somewhere that also offered higher care for the future, but they didn’t know how soon Mike would need the additional facilities of Lucinda residential care. “Everyone I’ve met here has been so helpful. Things weren’t easy at first but the support of both staff and new friends made it bearable – and this lovely apartment is such a pleasant and peaceful place to come home to.” Marguerite Smith, Resident In a year of huge change, the couple, who have been married 55 years, sold their family home on Bribie Island, moved into their apartment and within months faced the challenge of Mike’s worsening health. 24 Marguerite says they looked at many alternative retirement options before settling on Masonic Care Queensland in Sandgate but they found other places either had no higher care capacity or the units were rather old and unattractive. At Sandgate they have an impressive, contemporary and spacious apartment with a lovely courtyard garden. Since Mike moved to the Lucinda Aged Care facility, Marguerite has been grateful to be in an environment where she is only a few minutes’ walk away. She can have a coffee with Mike in the cafe, bring him back to the apartment for tea or they can go down the road together for lunch. The support of a friendly community, activities like tai chi and social events arranged by residents – including an Ekka evening complete with fashion show, hamburgers and hot-dogs – have all helped make a challenging time of transition a little easier. “The PARO seals give residents the benefit and pleasure of animal therapy in an environment where real animals could cause logistical and safety concerns,” June Harwood, Masonic Care Queensland Facility Manager, Townsville. masonic care queensland OUR PEOPLE Supporting people who are the heart of our care Masonic Care Queensland has more than 900 employees and volunteers bringing a broad range of skills to keep all facets of our organisation operating to the highest contemporary standards. In 2013–14, Masonic Care Queensland made some significant changes to organisational management and introduced a number of new staff initiatives. These included: People preparing for the future ■■ As well as positioning the organisation for effectiveness, it is also important to care for our employees and support them in achieving the best outcomes for our residents and clients. In an environment where good care workers are in high demand, we must create a positive culture where everyone feels they have the resources and recognition to achieve the best in their role. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ redesign of our organisational structure and management roles appointment of a Work, Health, Safety and Environment Manager to enhance our management of employee safety and wellbeing a ‘People Survey’ to gauge staff engagement and opinions staff training on new vision, mission and values a new reward and recognition program – Masonic Care Queensland Super Star Awards ■■ ■■ response to the staff survey through new structure and processes, plus a regular CEO ‘roadshow’ to give updates on strategy and achievements a CEO welcome and orientation DVD to provide a standardised introduction to the organisation and its expectations. “You are important to me.” Our touchstone phrase in strengthening our caring culture. Staff profile Making every day count for aged care residents Beryl-Ann Kirby brings infectious energy and enthusiasm to her role as Diversional Therapist at Masonic Care Queensland in Townsville. After previous roles training staff at Masonic Care Queensland for seven years, and two years out of the organisation, she saw the potential to transform the activities for high-care residents and rejoined us in 2013. The programs and ‘person-centred activities’ Beryl-Ann develops respond to individual needs, capabilities and interests and have generated outstanding participation rates. With sensitivity, creativity and ingenuity Beryl-Ann runs a diverse range of activities including a poetry club, musical quizzes, ladies’ pampering sessions, bocce (a type of bowls, which Beryl-Ann and a volunteer have adapted to make it accessible to those with restricted mobility), travel evenings and the ‘Balcony Bash’ (a variation on Happy Hour). Two important things characterise Beryl-Ann’s approach – involving the residents totally in making choices that inspire them, and creating an immersive experience with visual, audio and even aroma stimuli that transport residents to another time or place for an hour or two. Beryl-Ann also has a key role in the PARO therapy and research project (see page 24). “To see the smiles on residents’ faces and to hear their comments brings a tear to my eye. Everyone who works in aged care needs to value residents and do something wonderful for them every day.” Beryl-Ann Kirby, Diversional Therapist Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 25 OUR VOLUNTEERS Our volunteers give the valuable gift of time 2 3 1 All around Queensland, members of our local communities are devoting time to fundraising, to visiting Masonic Care Queensland aged care residents and assisting with their activities programs or undertaking other vital maintenance or support roles. Within Masonic Care Queensland retirement communities, there are dozens of unsung heroes who run social activities, share their skills and support our staff in continually enhancing the lifestyles of residents and clients. We sincerely thank all those who help make our work possible and invite others to be part of our muchvalued volunteer team. Here are just a few of their stories. 26 4 Creating model communities in Texas and Inglewood While even an hour or two of volunteer help is always welcome, two of our volunteers from Texas and Inglewood deserve special mention for completing 10 years of managing, maintaining and nurturing the Masonic Care Queensland village in Texas, which is run by the Texas Greenup Lodge on behalf of the Goondiwindi Shire Council. WorBro Bevan Pavel and VWBro Richard Coventry manage 10 independent living units in Texas and four in Inglewood under an arrangement that donates the management fee to the Texas Greenup Lodge and helps keep the small Lodge viable. Their role involves a significant number of hours each week and includes everything from liaising with Queensland Community Services on new residents to collecting rents, from lawn-mowing and maintenance to unit refurbishments when people move out. Their contribution not only keeps operations running smoothly but adds to the strong sense of caring community spirit. “This role has kept me active and it’s very rewarding to be out talking to people, contributing to the community and solving any problems.” WorBro Bevan Pavel Goondiwindi Shire Council is reported to have said that the Masonic Care Queensland units in Texas and Inglewood are ‘the best kept independent living units in Queensland’! A friendly face when it’s most needed Being in hospital can often be a time of significant personal challenge and not everyone has their own social support network close by. WorBro Zoltan Swain volunteers his time to visit Brethren in hospital in the Brisbane region. Often these patients have come to the city from western Queensland or 1 Gardens at Griffith Cottages in Sandgate maintained by Volunteer Doug Munden 2 Gardens of affordable living units in Texas maintained by volunteers of Greenup Lodge 3 Bus driver WorBro Richard Kennedy at Masonic Care Queensland, Sandgate 4 WorBro Zoltan Swain visiting a Freemason 5 Barry and Betty Osborne 5 If you can spare a few hours to help Board of Benevolence or Masonic Care Queensland, there are a variety of different volunteer roles to suit different interests and capabilities. Please contact [email protected] to find out more. northern New South Wales for major treatment and find themselves isolated from their usual life. Others may have family or friends close by but may still welcome someone less personally involved they can talk to about their concerns. Zoltan can also be a conduit to get additional help or support when it’s needed. “For me, it’s Freemasonry in action. It’s about being a friendly face and reaching out to make a difference for people when they are vulnerable.” WorBro Zoltan Swain Having been through a period when he was chronically ill himself, Zoltan realised how valuable a friendly smile can be and that motivated him to volunteer as a hospital visitor. The hospital visiting program is coordinated through the office of Board of Benevolence and is handled sensitively with hospital, patient and family – some people prefer their privacy and that is always respected. Helping an environment bloom When Barry and Betty Osborne moved to Masonic Care Queensland Woodward Retirement Village in Cairns in 2002, they thought they’d finished with the responsibility of gardening, but they quickly took on a new volunteer role nurturing a garden much bigger than the one they’d left behind. The contracted gardeners at Woodward were doing the basics but Barry and Betty saw the potential for the communal garden to be so much more. They removed invasive ferns to reveal beautiful rocks, introduced many new plants and set to work on cleaning and beautifying the 135,000 litre natural pond. garden there too and it went on to win the Cairns ‘best garden’ award for its category three years in a row. “It’s hard work but it’s kept me healthy! I’d encourage everyone to volunteer for their own satisfaction and benefit.” Betty Osborne At age 84, Betty is the older partner of the couple but she isn’t slowing down. She’s still frequently found in the pond pulling out weeds by hand and ensuring the garden is an inspirational environment for all the residents. More than ten years later, they are still devoting around 20 hours a week each to make the gardens the pride of the community. When the new Masonic Care Queensland Morinda Aged Care facility was opened in 2006, Barry and Betty were invited to work their magic in the Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 27 BENEVOLENT ACTIVITIES A world where more things are possible “In the amazing new world of light, sound and visual effects, individuals with extremely limited motor skills will be able to achieve things previously unimaginable – playing the laser operated keyboard, activating the musical runway or using simple switches to make choices.” Helping Horizons create visionary disability care A new ‘Sensory Unit’ at Horizons Respite & Recreation Association Inc. makes the organisation an Australian leader in innovative facilities to allow disabled young adults with high needs to participate more, achieve more and communicate more. The building that houses the new facility in Margate, Queensland was opened in December 2013, thanks to a $310,000 grant from Board of Benevolence funded by the Rex Elson Estate. This bequest initially enabled Board of Benevolence to purchase the former Humpybong Pre-School at Margate, refurbish the buildings and landscape the grounds. Our support of this organisation since 2010 has helped it to grow from offering 16 places to 50 and it has become an inspirational place of care with its own theatre program, music therapy and technological tools like iPads. 28 General Manager, Roxanne Quayle, is passionate about developing the communication potential of every disabled young person and giving them greater autonomy to achieve things for themselves. A new 18-month research program, beginning in October 2014, will explore how the new equipment can best be used for maximum benefit and learning. “The support from Board of Benevolence and the Rex Elson bequest has made an enormous difference for our young people. It has given the space, opportunity and technological resources to take their lives to the next level.” Roxanne Quayle, General Manager In the amazing new world of light, sound and visual effects, individuals with extremely limited motor skills will be able to achieve things previously unimaginable – playing the laser operated keyboard, activating the musical runway or using simple switches to make choices. Retinal operated computer equipment detects movement as subtle as a blink or stare, which will mean some of the young people will have independent control and communication for the very first time. Finding a cure for dementia Through our work at Masonic Care Queensland, we are acutely aware of the detrimental effect dementia has on many older people and their families. If science could make major progress to cure or control it, it would be a far-reaching catalyst for improved quality of life in senior years – not just in Queensland but throughout the world. It is this thinking that has led Board of Benevolence to support the work of the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI). In 2013–14 we became major sponsors of the Freemasons Queensland Senior Research Fellowship in Learning and Memory to fund a leading researcher for the next five years. The $1.4 million fellowship is jointly funded by Board of Benevolence and UQef, a private fund established by founders Andrew Brice and Graham Wood. Freemasons Queensland Grand Master, Dr Gary Bacon, was actively involved in the recruitment process and was delighted by the selection of Professor Stephen Williams, who is a proven leader in the neuronal circuitry field. Professor Williams has run a laboratory at QBI since 2010 where he has focused on neuronal circuit techniques in the neocortex and retina using multi-site electrophysiological and optical recording techniques. Bursaries kick start careers for regional students In 2014, four more students from the Roma region were awarded the Peter and Joan Pascoe Raphael Bursary. This year’s recipients demonstrate the potentially far-reaching results of supporting the ambitions of young people who hope to serve their communities. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Brodie Edwards was awarded a bursary to support her nursing studies – the first step towards her ambition to study medicine and become a pediatrician who will provide better children’s health services to rural and remote regions. John Upton’s bursary will give him support to follow his passion for physics and engineering with a view to becoming an electrical or mechanical engineer. This bursary is made possible through generous donations to Board of Benevolence by Bro Peter Pascoe, who passed away in 2004, and his wife Joan. Joan Pascoe is a resident of Masonic Care Queensland in Sandgate Lucinda and still takes an active interest in the selection of recipients and the achievements of past recipients. Oscar Milroy was accepted for a degree in International Studies at University of Queensland and has a vision to contribute to the cattle industry’s alliances with overseas markets. New technology inspires Tony Stanford and his bursary will help support his dual mechanical engineering and chemistry degree, which he hopes will lead to the opportunity to help address world problems like global warming and shortage of fossil fuels. Top: Brodie Edwards L-R John Upton, Tony Stanford, Oscar Milroy (not shown) Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 29 DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR PROGRAM Helping local communities achieve more Board of Benevolence Dollarfor-Dollar subsidies program matches local Lodge’s fundraising on approved activities to a maximum of $3,000 per Lodge each year. Scanner enhances local care in Laidley This injects many thousands of dollars into local communities each year, supporting a wide range of worthwhile causes in regional areas – many of these are vital services that might otherwise not be supported. In 2013–14, our subsidies totalled $130,614 and, together with the Lodge fundraising, benefited communities by more than $270,000. WorBro Peter Hooper, Worshipful Master of Argyle Lodge, approached the local Laidley Hospital Board to see what would make a difference for the local community. High on the list was a bladder scanner – noninvasive equipment used to monitor urinary volume in men, women and older children. The local Lodge arranged a barefoot bowls event, raffles and auctions, as well as generating individual donations. Their $3,000 was matched by Board of Benevolence and the combined $6,000 donation was matched by the hospital to purchase the equipment. 1 4 The scanner is saving many locals, including the elderly, travelling to Ipswich for painful, embarrassing and possibly risky catheterisation. It has been so successful that the idea has snowballed with Ipswich hospital agreeing to subsidise scanners for Esk and Boonah hospitals too. “We all worked together and the whole community is benefiting from this advanced equipment.” WorBro Peter Hooper, Lodge Master The Lodge is now working on their next project for Laidley hospital – a mobile shower bed. 2 3 5 6 “In 2013–14, our subsidies totalled $130,614 and, together with the Lodge fundraising, benefited communities by more than $270,000.” 7 30 Working together for better More than 50 Lodges around Queensland raised funds and helped their local communities benefit from the Dollar-forDollar subsidies program – the amounts raised varied from a few hundred dollars to over $7,000. Some Lodges partnered with other organisations and often fundraised for a lengthy period to increase their donation. The diversity of causes supported reflects the many vital local organisations that need support. From library books to hospital equipment, from surf live-saving equipment to laptops, even small fundraising projects often make a huge difference. These are just some of the many worthwhile initiatives supported in 2013–14: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Mulgrave Lodge – Burnett Health Services Foundation – $7,045 purchased two recliner chairs for Bundaberg hospital ICU Tyrian Lodge – Bundaberg Health Services Foundation – $5,600 for a recliner chair in ICU Toowoomba Masonic Council (representing 14 Lodges) – RACQ Careflight Toowoomba – $12,580 for a storeroom in the hangar for helicopter parts and $3,800 for respiratory monitoring software for Toowoomba Hospital Atherton Duke of Connaught, Fraser, Milaa Milaa and Dimbulah Chillagoe Daylight Lodges – Carinya Home for the Aged – $10,935 for a hoist and three flotation chairs Mooloolah Lodge – Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association – $2,573 for equipment to maintain the rescue vessel and Kicks Taekwondo – $2,300 for equipment City of Brisbane Sovereign Consistory No 1 – Gallipolli Medical Research Foundation – $5,750 for ECG machine Athole Lodge – Meals on Wheels Bundaberg – $7,330 for mechanical potato peeler Fraser Coast United Lodge – Active Plus – $2,211 for a palliative care bed Queensland Masonic Touring Club Inc – Redkite – $6,000 for library books Pialba Lodge – Hervey Bay Meals on Wheels – $5,929 for a gas griddle Mundubbera-Burnett Lodge – Hervey Bay Meals on Wheels – $6,050 for refrigerator from surf live-saving equipment to laptops, even small fundraising projects often make a huge difference. ■■ Caloundra Lodge – Hear & Say Nambour – $4,000 to support a child with a cochlear implant ■■ Kianawah Lodge – AEIOU Foundation – $6,000 to support a child’s gap fees for a year in the program ■■ Morningside Lodge – Bluecare Eastside Community – $14,526 for a Yaris YR 1.3L 5-door hatch ■■ Grand Officers Association’s entry in the Variety Bash – $38,432 for sick and disadvantaged children ■■ Gympie Masonic Fundraising Committee – $3,040 to purchase oxygen equipment for Little Haven Palliative Care ■■ Order of the Secret Monitor for Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea – $2,000 to purchase promotional signs for HeartKids Queensland ■■ Capricornia Lodge – Gracemere SES and Mt Morgan SES – $2,996 to purchase 12 e-flares and a portable refrigerator ■■ Hervey Bay Daylight Lodge – Camp Quality – $2,200 for children living with cancer to go on a whale watching trip ■■ United Tradesmen’s Lodge – $2,000 to buy items for a returned serviceman whose home burnt down and Ipswich Hospital Renal Unit – $2,550 for needle dislodgement alarms ■■ ■■ Broadwater Surfers Paradise Lodge and fundraising by Simpson Desert Bike Challenge entrant Greg Rashford – $5,000 to the Royal Flying Doctor Service Argyle Lodge – Laidley Hospital – $6,000 for bladder scanner (see story on page 30). Reaching further to help Although most Board of Benevolence activities are focused on Queensland as a starting point for change, sometimes there are disasters that prompt us to reach out to the wider world. Two such occasions in 2013–14 were the New South Wales bush fires and Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines. We donated $18,702 to the Grand Lodge of Philippines Calamity Fund Typhoon Yolanda ($13,702 from Lodges and individuals, plus $5000 from Board of Benevolence). $25,000 was donated to the NSW Bush Fire Appeal. 1 iPads for Kin Kin State School 2 Bladder scanner for Laidley Hospital 3 A patient experiences the scanner at Laidley Hospital 4 New stove for Scout Campsite at Dunethin Rock Yandina 5 Storeroom for CareFlight Toowoomba 6 Household items for returned serviceman in Ipswich 7 Marquee for Yeppoon SLSC Nippers Board of Benevolence Annual Report 2013 –14 31 OTHER ACTIVITIES Helping our own The separate Fund of Benevolence, sustained by a Benevolence Levy paid by Freemasons and other generous donations, enables us to continue our tradition of caring for our own, giving those with Masonic connection a hand up in times of need. This year we gave a total of 63 grants worth $147,081, including to Helen, whose story follows. A lifeline when life falls apart For Helen Stewart, life seemed pretty perfect with her husband and two girls living in their own home with a pool on the Sunshine Coast and enjoying a relaxed lifestyle funded by their own business. Then, almost overnight, everything changed. When Helen’s husband told her the business was bankrupt and they had lost everything, that was only the start of her problems. Within months the emotional and financial pressures had caused her marriage to break down and she was left alone with the children. She had just $16 in her wallet and the house and car were being repossessed. Even worse, she didn’t even qualify for Centrelink help on her visa because she is UK citizen and her citizenship plans were dependent on her New Zealand husband. Eighteen months after her world fell apart, Helen still wakes with a sense of dread and can only take each day as it comes but she hopes she will eventually qualify for permanent residency and be able to support herself and her children. She had no family left in the UK and her 6 year-old and 8 year-old daughters had only ever known their life in Australia. An appeal to the Board of Benevolence from her elderly Freemason father, who lives in Spain, set wheels in motion to give the family support while they try to rebuild their lives. Helen is now staying with her sister, who also lives on the Sunshine Coast, and the monthly Fund of Benevolence allowance has given her a means to pay for basic needs. She is also getting a grant to manage costs such as school books and school uniforms. “The help from Board of Benevolence has been a lifeline financially and emotionally. They have been so compassionate and always have time to listen as well as giving us financial help. No words are enough to express how grateful I am for their kindness and support.” Order of Service to Benevolence Jewel (O.S.B) It is well recognised that many Freemasons around Queensland provide voluntary services to the community and to support the activities of Board of Benevolence. The Order of Service to Benevolence Jewel (OSB) is presented to individual Freemasons in recognition of outstanding service to benevolence. In 2013 three recipients were awarded the OSB. RWBro Jim Knowles served on the South Coast District Committee for 25 years and was Chairman for 23 of those years. In addition to chairing Committee meetings, leading Saturday morning rounds of Masonic Care Queensland Arundel and acting as the site’s Property Manager, Jim’s compassion for residents saw him undertaking small maintenance tasks in and around their units. 32 For over two decades RWBro Don Kibble was a member of the South Coast District Committee. Don was Secretary/Treasurer and was the driving force behind the fundraising ventures that supported the maintenance program, equipment and workshop purchases. Following his retirement as a garage proprietor, RWBro Ken Hughes volunteered for nearly two decades at Masonic Care Queensland Sandgate. He began as a bus driver for residents’ regular shopping trips and social outings. His caring nature, sense of fun and attention to the needs of residents made him a much loved character in the residents’ recreational activities. Retirement was not a word to be heard from Ken’s lips. Using his considerable knowledge of oils, fuels and machinery he regularly contributed to the Sandgate grounds maintenance and took personal pride in maintaining the equipment. L-R RWBro Jim Knowles, RWBro Ken Hughes and RWBro Don Kibble contact Board of Benevolence L-R Val Oscroft, Administrative Assistant David Roberts, Board Secretary, Jenny Noble, Executive Assistant Charity jewels Secretariat Charity jewels are presented to Freemasons by Lodges to recognise their benevolence or service. The jewel is worn on the left breast – closest to the heart. The Secretariat is the primary contact for the statewide activities of Board of Benevolence, including liaison with Masonic Care Queensland. Board activities include managing: There are a number of different jewels and levels of recognition. Donations made by Lodges to cover the cost of the jewels are included in the Fund of Benevolence. The numbers of jewels approved in the 2013–14 financial year were: ■■ Life Governor 86 ■■ Life Vice President 57 ■■ Life Vice Patron 47 ■■ Life Patron 38 ■■ Building Appeal 3 ■■ In Memoriam 3 Postal address: 60 Wakefield Street, Sandgate Qld 4017 Access via Ward Street entrance. Telephone: 07 3869 6075 Fax: 07 3269 6725 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ bequests and donations community engagement including Dollar-for-Dollar subsidies promotional materials for Lodges resources for Lodges, including information for Almoners support for Freemasons and those with Masonic connections including benevolence assistance and visitors to the sick charity jewels annual report and general administration. BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE
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