Alberta Plaid Galloway Bull & Female Sale March 18, 2014 Innisfail Auction Market SALE DAY SCHEDULE MARCH 18, 2014 BULL PREVIEW: 9am to 12:30 pm BEEF ON A BUN: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm SALE TIME 1 PM LIVE & INTERNET SALE Innisfail Auction Market Auctioneer: Mark Daines Phone: (403) 227-3166 Team Auction Sales Jason Danard Phone (403) 234-7429 Page 2 WELCOME TO OUR 3RD ANNUAL SALE . . . On behalf of myself and my family, our guest consignors, and all who have helped and contributed to our successes, we thank you for taking part in our 2014 sale. Again this year , we have a good selection of Galloway genetics on offer to compliment your current purebred or commercial program . Breed promotion remains a key focus point for us , and our primary means of realizing such is centered around breeding and raising practical , functional cattle , that will work in a wide variety of situations. We’re optimistic that you will be able to find that individual (s) that can and will fit into your situation here today, and we truly hope that you enjoy yourself while doing so. Steve REFERENCE SIRE: LPC 10N EUGENE of LONE PINE Page 3 ALBERTA PLAID BULLS LOT #1 ALBERTA PLAID ZULU 25Z (RED) [CAN] 23538 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) LPC Red Willy Lone PIne (Red) RSS Whipperwill 8W (Red) RSS Talitta 21T (Red) Birth Date: May 12/12 Birth wt: 82 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 603 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1075 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : LOT #2 ALBERTA PLAID ZONE 7Z (RED) [CAN] 23527 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Ladywells Lancer 93L (Red) Ladywells Touchstone 37T (Red) Gimle Freia (Red) Birth Date: Apr. 30/12 Birth wt: 86 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 529 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 965 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Page 4 LOT #3 ALBERTA PLAID ZANE 12Z (RED) [CAN] 23530 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Big Deal Red Rebellion (Red) Westview Tandoori Mango (Red) Ladywells Mango 110M (Red) Birth Date: May 1/12 Birth wt: 74 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 680 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1188 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : LOT #4 ALBERTA PLAID ZEN 19Z (RED) [CAN] 23534 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Big Deal K9 Kalossal (Red) Justa Rose of Lone Pine (Red) Brass Ring Justa Rose (Red) Birth Date: May 5/12 Birth wt: 84 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 740 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1121 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : ( 19Z was used by Alberta Plaid in 2013 - DNA on file with the CLRC ) Page 5 LOT #5 ALBERTA PLAID ZION 15Z (RED) [CAN] 23532 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Ladywells Muzzleloader (Red) Ladywells Rifle Shot 81R (Red) Sandrift Cecilia 50N (Dun) Birth Date: May 4/12 Birth wt: 84 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 747 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1276 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : ( 15Z was used by Alberta Plaid in 2013 - DNA on file with the CLRC ) LOT #6 ALBERTA PLAID ZENAN 37Z (RED) [CAN] 23543 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Buffalo Bill of Lone Pine (Red) Boughbaron Valerie 124W (Red) K2K Red Rupiah 124R (Red) Birth Date: Jun. 2/12 Birth wt: 81 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 601 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1106 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Page 6 LOT #7 ALBERTA PLAID ZAIRE 30Z (RED) [CAN] 23541 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) LPC Red Willy Lone Pine (Red) RSS Winona 21W (Red) RSS Rheba 34R (Blk) Birth Date: May 20/12 Birth wt: 78 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 635 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1023 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : LOT #8 ALBERTA PLAID ZIRCON 34Z [CAN] 23542 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Ladywells Lancer 93L (Red) Ladywells Understated 99U (Red) Sandift Roberta 5B (Dun) Birth Date: May 27/12 Birth wt: 91 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 689 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1212 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Page 7 LOT #9 ALBERTA PLAID ZUR 28Z (RED) [CAN] 23540 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Buffalo Bill of Lone Pine (Red) Maureen of Lone Pine 8W (Red) LPC Maureen of Lone Pine (Red) Birth Date: May 18/12 Birth wt: 79 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 448 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 981 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : LOT #10 ALBERTA PLAID ZARON 44Z (RED) [CAN] 23546 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Buffalo Bill of Lone Pine (Red) Boughbaron Nightingale52 (Red) K2K Ruckus 52R (Blk) Birth Date: Jun. 19/12 Birth wt: 77 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 627 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1003 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Page 8 LOT #11 ALBERTA PLAID ZIDON 26Z (RED) [CAN] 23539 LPC Bubba of Lone Pine 9R (Red) Buffalo Billy 1W (Red) Brass Ring Jalapena (Red) Buffalo Bill of Lone Pine (Red) Boughbaron Valentine 101W (Red) Ladywells Potter 51P (Red) Birth Date: May 13/12 Birth wt: 88 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 658 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1029 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : REFERENCE SIRES Dun Gal Ralph 12R PXF 13W FREEWAY RANCHER Freeway Girlie 145M Brass Ring Wayfarer W 13Y BRASS RING YORK Brass Ring Sweet Pea Page 9 CHICKADEE BULLS REFERENCE SIRE BRASS RING XMAN 31X (RED) [CAN] 23259 HB Zorro 2Z (Blk) Brass Ring Sherman (Blk) Brass Ring Fair Lady (Blk) Snapshot of Trapper (Blk) Brass Ring Kate (Blk) A/C Tiffany Birth Date: May 2/10 Page 10 LOT #12 YY SQUALL 202Z (RED) [CAN] 23632 Brass Ring Sherman (Blk) Brass Ring Xman 31X (Red) Brass Ring Kate (Blk) Big Deal K9 Kalossal (Red) LPC Karen of Lone Pine 2R (Red) Brass Ring Karen (Red) Birth Date: Oct. 1/12 Birth wt: 82 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - Chickadee Farm - Jim and Laurel King LOT #13 YY LIGHTENING 212Z (BLK) [CAN] 23631 Brass Ring Sherman (Blk) Brass Ring Xman 31X (Red) Brass Ring Kate (Blk) Westview Bud Lightening (Blk) Alberta Plaid Xstatic 2X (Blk) Big Deal She’s Unique (Blk) Birth Date: Oct. 10/12 Birth wt: 77 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - Chickadee Farm - Jim and Laurel King Page 11 LOT #14 YY TORNADO 216Z (RED) [CAN] 23633 Brass Ring Sherman (Blk) Brass Ring Xman 31X (Red) Brass Ring Kate (Blk) Buffalo Bill of Lone Pine (Red) Rose of Lone Pine Creek (Red) Brass Ring Justa Rose (Red) Birth Date: Oct. 10/12 Birth wt: 80 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - Chickadee Farm - Jim and Laurel King LOT #15 YY STORM 300A (RED) [CAN] 23675 Brass Ring Sherman (Blk) Brass Ring Xman 31X (Red) Brass Ring Kate (Blk) HZ Ranger D56 (Blk) HZ Dolly J200 (Red) HZ Dolly G57 (Blk) Birth Date: Feb 21/13 Birth wt: 82 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - Chickadee Farm - Jim and Laurel King Page 12 LOT #16 YY CHINOOK 319A (BLK) [CAN] 23676 Brass Ring Wayfarer (Blk) Brass Ring York 13Y (Blk) Brass Ring Sweet Pea (Blk) Freeway Rancher 5W (Blk) Freeway Wanda 19Y (Blk) Freeway Wanda 6R (Blk) Birth Date: Feb. 1/13 Birth wt: 62 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - Chickadee Farm - Jim and Laurel King LOT #17 YY THUNDER 356A (RED) [CAN] 23673 Brass Ring Sherman (Blk) Brass Ring Xman 31X (Red) Brass Ring Kate (Blk) K2K Navigator 28N (Blk) Boughbaron Tillie 56W (Blk) Ladywells Rifle Shot 81R (Red) Birth Date: Feb. 25/13 Birth wt: 80 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - Chickadee Farm - Jim and Laurel King Page 13 CJAZ BULLS LOT #18 CJAZ ZANE 1Z (RED) [CAN] 23641 Buffalo Bill of Lone Pine (Red) Boughbaron BuffaloBill 7 (Red) Ladywells ParisHilton 22P (Red) Ladywells Rory 8R (Red) Ladywells Toot Sweet 122T (Red) Ladywells Potter 51P (Red) Birth Date: May 8/12 Birth wt: 80 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 722 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1069 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - John and Susanne Schweer LOT #19 CJAZ ZIMBA 2Z (BLK) [CAN] 23259 Big Deal Salvation 17S (Blk) Big Deal Wonderment 11W (Blk) Big Deal Extravagance 9R (Blk) Dun Gal Prince 2 (Blk) Big Deal Extravagance 38T (Blk) Big Deal Javagance 23J (Blk) Birth Date: May 18/12 Birth wt: 80 lbs. Adj. 205 day wt : 608 lbs. Adj. 365 day wt : 1131 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - John and Susanne Schweer Page 14 HYBRID BULLS For the first time we are offering Galloway X Angus hybrid Bulls. Two of the bulls are crossed with Red Angus and the third bull is crossed with Black Angus. It is our belief that these bulls can contribute the best of both breeds to your commercial program. LOT #20 YY 315 (RED) Brass Ring Sherman (Blk) Brass Ring Xman 31X (Red) Brass Ring Kate (Blk) Red Angus Birth Date: Feb. 16/13 Birth wt: 81 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - Chickadee Farm - Jim and Laurel King Page 15 LOT #21 YY 316 (RED) Brass Ring Sherman (Blk) Brass Ring Xman 31X (Red) Brass Ring Kate (Blk) Red Angus Birth Date: Mar. 1/13 Birth wt: 90 lbs. S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - Chickadee Farm - Jim and Laurel King LOT #22 BAR 54A (BLK) Purebred Black Angus Sandhills Jazz (Blk) Glenfiddich Marika (Blk) Glenfiddich Honey (Dun) Birth Date: Apr. 11/13 Birth wt: 80 lbs. Oct. 19/13 wean wt : 700 lbs. Birth - wean ADG : 3.25 lbs/day S.C. Sale day wt : Guest Consignor - Tri-R-Way Livestock - Brian Robertson Page 16 REGISTERED BRED FEMALES We are pleased to be able to offer these bred females this year. They are all daughters of our foundation herdsire LPC 10N - the bull we started with and continue to build our herd around. Their service sire, HB UNDENIABLE 2442 , is a black / red carrier that we purchased from Harley and Michelle Blegen ( Blegen Galloways ) of Kindred, North Dakota this past spring. 2442’s sire Glenfiddich Pericles , was Grand Champion Galloway bull at Denver 3 years running , and his dam is an impressive red female bred by Jim Grant of Hazleton, Idaho. We look forward to what 2442 will contribute as an outcross herdsire toward the future of our herd and the breed. SERVICE SIRE Glenfiddich Pericles (Blk) HB UNDENIABLE 2442 J-7 Nashwa 244 (Red) LOT #23 ALBERTA PLAID YET RED 6Z (RED) [CAN] 23526 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Traprock Earthquake T708 (Red) Big Deal Sunlight 41S (Red) Big Deal Neon Red 40N (Red) Birth Date: Apr. 27/12 Birth wt: 66 lbs. Safe in calf for April / May 2014 Service Sire : HB UNDENIABLE 2442 Dam : RHG 41S Page 17 LOT #24 ALBERTA PLAID GWEN 45Z (RED) [CAN] 23547 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Fergason of Lone Pine (Red) K2K Red Sole 100S (Red) Ladywells Pundit 65P (Red) Birth Date: Jun. 30/12 Birth wt: 73 lbs. Safe in calf for April / May 2014 Service Sire : HB UNDENIABLE 2442 Dam : KTK 100S LOT #25 ALBERTA PLAID KPANDY 47Z [CAN] 23548 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Fergason of Lone Pine (Red) K2K Simply Red 131S (Red) K2K Pandy 102P (Red) Birth Date: Jul. 20/12 Birth wt: 69 lbs. Safe in calf for April / May 2014 Service Sire : HB UNDENIABLE 2442 Dam : KTK 131S Page 18 REGISTERED OPEN FEMALES LOT #26 ALBERTA PLAID SHELLY 10A (BLK) [CAN] 23896 Dun Gal Ralph 12R (Blk) Freeway Rancher 13W (Blk) Freeway Girlie 145M Blk)( Traprock Earthquake T708 (Red) Westview Shall’B Perfect (Red) Big Deal HZ Perfection (Blk) Birth Date: Apr. 27/13 Birth wt: 67 lbs. Dam : WMG 9S LOT #27 ALBERTA PLAID WINK 12A (BLK) [CAN] 23898 Dun Gal Ralph 12R (Blk) Freeway Rancher 13W (Blk) Freeway Girlie 145M (Blk) Big Deal Red Rebellion (Red) Westview Keltic Taffy (Red) Big Deal Keltic Hiya (Blk) Birth Date: Apr. 29/13 Birth wt: 69 lbs. Dam : WMG 65T Page 19 LOT #28 ALBERTA PLAID KATHY 19A (BLK.) [CAN] 23905 Brass Ring Kaliga (Red) Eugene of Lone Pine (Red) Traprock Eugenia T711 (Red) Bud Light (Red) J-7 Karen 381 (Blk) J-7 Zippo Kathy 204 (Blk) Birth Date: May 2/13 Birth wt: 71 lbs. Dam : J-7 381 LOT #29 ALBERTA PLAID BELLE 14A (BLK) [CAN] 23900 Dun Gal Ralph 12R (Blk) Freeway Rancher 13W (Blk) Freeway Girlie 145M (Blk) Ladywells Natural 64N (Red) Ladywells Ringer 110R (Red) Ladywells Gingersnap 89G (Red) Birth Date: Apr. 30/13 Birth wt: 70 lbs. Dam : GJR 110R Page 20 LOT #30 ALBERTA PLAID DOLLY 42A (BLK) [CAN] 23922 Dun Gal Ralph 12R (Blk) Freeway Rancher 13W (Blk) Freeway Girlie 145M (Blk) Buffalo Bill of Lone Pine (Red) Dolly of Lone Pine 5W (Red) HZ Dolly J200 (Red) Birth Date: May 20/13 Birth wt: 80 lbs. Dam : LPC 5W LOT #31 ALBERTA PLAID COOKIE 43A [CAN] 23923 Dun Gal Ralph 12R (Blk) Freeway Rancher 13W (Blk) Freeway Girlie 145M (Blk) Big Deal Red Rebellion (Red) Boughbaron Gingersnap129 (Red) Ladywells Ringer 110R (Red) Birth Date: May 21/13 Birth wt: 82 lbs. Dam : PCS 129U Page 21 LOT #32 ALBERTA PLAID GIRLIE 2A (BLK) [CAN] 23927 Freeway King 3N (Blk) Freeway King 25W (Blk) Freeway Pauline 4T (Blk) Sandrift Chianti 6N (Blk) Freeway Girlie 2W (Blk) Freeway Girlie 5R (Blk) Birth Date: Apr. 28/13 Birth wt: 71 lbs. Consignor - Zachary Schweer - ( APZ ) Dam : PXF 2W LOT #33 ALBERTA PLAID LPKAY 34A (RED) [CAN] 23915 Dun Gal Ralph 12R (Blk) Freeway Rancher 13W (Blk) Freeway Girlie 145M (Blk) Wooly Bully of Lone Pine (Red) Im a Kareen Too 11W (Red) Karens Granddaughter 9T (Red) Birth Date: May 13/13 Birth wt: 75 lbs. Dam : LPC 11W Page 22 COMMERCIAL HEIFERS PXF 4X FREEWAY CHIANTI Reference sire to Pederson heifers PXF 5W FREEWAY RANCHER Reference sire to Pederson heifers LOT #34 PEDERSON COMMERCIAL HFRS Again this year , Dale has brought in another group of top end replacement heifer prospects are all sired by FREEWAY GALLOWAY Bulls. I’ve had the privilege of touring Dale’s cow herd on a few separate occasions and am equally impressed each time I go out . The herd looks to have just the right mix of maternal and performance characteristics to succeed in today’s marketplace , and these girls are living proof of just that. I see these females as a prime opportunity to add some not easy to come by quality to your existing ( or new ) commercial program. Guest Consignor - Dale Pederson - Kinsella ,AB Page 23 A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING WHO HELPED MAKE THIS SALE POSSIBLE Our Guest Consignors: Chickadee Farms - Jim & Laurel King John & Susanne Schweer Tri-R-Way - Brian Robertson Dale Pederson Staff and Management of the Innisfail Auction Market Jason Danard from Team Dan Murias of Minuteman Press - Red Deer Tim Horton Donuts - Innisfail Complete Catering - Jolene 403-391-6635 Poplar Grove Vet Clinic - Innisfail Healthy Herds - Bentley Page 24 Terms & Conditions TERMS: The terms of sale are cash or cheque. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made. All settlements must be made with the clerk of the sale before any cattle will be releases. All monies are in Canadian funds. DISPUTES: In cases of disputes, bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision is final. BIDS: Every animal entering the sale ring will be sold to the highest bidder. (A floor price may apply to each animal consigned). ANNOUNCEMENTS: All announcements made from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay close attention to any such announcements. SHIPPING: All animals will be sold f.o.b. at the Innisfail Auction Market. Buyers are asked to make their own trucking arrangements. HOUSING: Bulls may be housed at Alberta Plaid Galloway following the sale up until March 31, 2014 at no charge. After that time, specific arrangements must be made to house animals. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION: A certificate of registration will be furnished to the buyer of each registered animal in a timely manner following settlement. EXPORT TESTING: We will assist buyers in obtaining required health certificates for cattle being exported (at the buyers expense) BREEDERS GUARANTEE: All animals are sold sound and guaranteed to breed by the respective breeder. Should an animal fail to be a satisfactory breeder, every effort will be made to see that the situation is dealt with fairly and professionally. (We guarantee to provide you with a sound breeding animal, but we will not provide replacement or credit due to physical injury or mismanagement). LIABILITY: The breeders, the owners, their associates, sale staff and representatives accept no liability for accidents that may occur in or about the premises. Persons who attend do so at their own risk. Page 25 -GALLERY2013 Farm Tour APG Bull & Female Sale Page 26 SALE NOTES ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Page 27 Alberta Plaid Galloway Steve & Bonnie Schweer RR 1 Red Deer, Alberta, T4N 5E1 Phone: 403-227-3428 Cell: 403-304-7354 Email: [email protected] Website: INNISFAIL AUCTION MARKET 403-227-3166 Innisfail, Alberta LIVE & INTERNET AUCTION
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