11th Annual Real Estate Law Summit 2014

11th Annual Real Estate Law Summit
Wednesday, April 23 and Thursday, April 24, 2014 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
LIVE IN TORONTO, University of Toronto Residence, 89 Chestnut St. or LIVE WEBCAST
there is no better way to catch up on core topics and new developments in
real estate law. Join your peers at what’s become a must-attend two-day event. It
all happens in a collegial environment that affords you the opportunity to network
with your fellow practitioners.
chair Sidney Troister, C. Arb., C.S., LSM, Torkin Manes LLP
11th Annual Real Estate Law Summit 2014
April 23 and 24, 2014
program chair
Sidney Troister, C. Arb., C.S., LSM, Torkin Manes LLP
A senior partner at Torkin Manes LLP, Sidney Troister has a very broad
business and commercial law practice. In addition to his real estate
transactional practice, he is noted as repair, opinion and litigation
strategy and support counsel to LAWPRO®, title insurers, and lawyers
for his expertise and practical and creative approach to real estate
problem-solving, trouble shooting and getting deals done. He is also an
arbitrator and mediator of real estate related disputes. He is the author
of the recently published third edition of The Law of Subdivision Control
in Ontario. A popular speaker and ongoing chair of the Real Estate Law
Summit, he is considered one of the leading members of the real estate
bar in Ontario.
Total CPD = 10 hours Substantive + 2 hours Professionalism
here is what some of last year’s attendees
had to say about the event:
Excellent program. Rarely do I attend a CLE that is so full of PRACTICAL, USEFUL
information that is relevant to my practice.
A heartfelt “thank you” for all who worked to put together what is a “not-to-bemissed” annual event. It is helpful and useful and has not lost its sense of humour.
DAY ONE: April 23, 2014
DAY TWO: April 24, 2014
Welcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair
Welcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair
Sidney Troister, C. Arb., C.S., LSM, Torkin Manes LLP
Sidney Troister, C. Arb., C.S., LSM, Torkin Manes LLP
Advising the Renovating Client
The Real Property Limitations Act and Other
Litigation Issues
Roger Gillott, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Collateral Mortgages and Revolving Loan Guarantees
Arnie Herschorn, Minden Gross LLP
Daniel Kofman, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
CRA Issues Affecting Real Estate Transactions
Giving and Enforcing Mortgage Guarantees
Louis L’Heureux, Counsel, Tax Litigation,
Department of Justice Canada
Doug Bourassa, Chaitons LLP
Refresher on New Housing Rebates
Water and Beach Access
Nathalie Tinti, Barriston LLP
Alan Silverstein, C.S., Barrister and Solicitor
When Do You Need a S. 116 Certificate?
The New Law Relating to the Obstruction of Easements
Craig Carter, C.S., Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Donald Thomson, Walker Ellis
Land Registration Update
Environmental Decisions that Affect Your
Real Estate Clients
Rosalind Cooper, C.S., Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Land Transfer Tax Traps for the Unwary
Real Estate Lawyer
Raymond Mikkola, Pallett Valo LLP
ILA and ILR – When Should a Lawyer Identify
the Need?
Doug Bourassa, Chaitons LLP
Joel Kadish, Barrister and Solicitor
Condominium Law – New Developments
Audrey Loeb, LL.M., LSM, Miller Thomson LLP
New Frontiers in Solicitor’s Negligence –
Recent Real Estate Negligence Cases and
How to Avoid Being Next
Kate Murray, Assistant Deputy Minister, Central Services Division,
What is Expected of a Lawyer when the Agreement
is Conditional upon a Lawyer’s Review (and other
Professionalism Issues)
Bob Aaron, Aaron & Aaron
Maurizio Romanin, Barrister and Solicitor
Lori Swartz, TitlePLUS® Legal Counsel, Lawyers’ Professional
Indemnity Company (LAWPRO®)
Development Charges Made Easy – What are They
and Why Should a Real Estate Lawyer Care?
Leo Longo, C.S., Aird & Berlis LLP (Materials)
John Mascarin, C.S., Aird & Berlis LLP (Presentation)
The Top Five Insurance Issues You Need to Know
Rory Roberts, Chairman, INTECH Risk Management Inc.
Jeffrey Lem, C.S., Miller Thomson LLP
How to Advise a Client on a Commercial Lease Where
the Fee is Capped at $1000
Current Professionalism Issues –
How to Confirm Client Instructions
Lisa Borsook, WeirFoulds LLP
Private Mortgages– What are the Rules?
Donald Thomson, Walker Ellis
Raymond Mikkola, Pallett Valo LLP
Joseph Fried, Meyer Wassenaar & Banach LLP
Go Ahead and Ask Us (Question and Answer Session)
The Glorious Uncertainties of the Law
Registrants attending live in Toronto are
invited to join us for a reception immediately
following Day One.
Go Ahead and Ask Us (Question and Answer Session)
Reuben Rosenblatt, Q.C., LSM, Minden Gross LLP
11th Annual Real Estate Law Summit
Wednesday, April 23 and Thursday, April 24, 2014 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
CPD Registration Form — Three ways to register:
Online*: http://ecom.lsuc.on.ca/realestate
Fax*: 416–947–5235
Mail: The Law Society of Upper Canada, 130 Queen St. W. 2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N6
Credit card required
Join us in person in Toronto (PDF) $600.00 + $78.00 HST = $678.00
Join us in person in Toronto (PDF/Hardcopy) $660.00 + $85.80 HST = $745.80
Live Webcast from your computer (PDF)◊ $550.00 + $71.50 HST = $621.50
Live Webcast from your computer (PDF/Hardcopy)◊ $610.00 + $79.30 HST = $689.30
Note: Hardcopy materials for live webcasts are shipped after the program.
Rates are for single registrations only. Visit website for group rate information under CPD Policies.
Live Webcast registrations must be received by April 5, 2014.
I enclose my: (You are not registered until payment is received.)
Cheque payable to The Law Society of Upper Canada in the amount of $ ____________________________________________________
or Charge my:  Mastercard  Visa  AmEx
First and Last Name on Credit Card: _ ________________________________________________________________________________
Credit Card #: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiry Date: _ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Attendee: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
LSUC Membership #: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Firm: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Province: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Postal Code: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fax #: _ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
E–mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We reserve the right to change program content, speakers and locations without notice. Registration fee less $50.00 plus applicable taxes for a full day and $25.00 plus
applicable taxes for a part day is refundable if cancellation is received five working days before the program. Transfers (e.g. from live attendance to webcast) will not be accepted
within two days of program date. Bursary application forms can be found on our website at: http://ecom.lsuc.on.ca/cle/policies.jsp#bursary
GST/HST # - R# 121712863