THE MALDEN ADVOCATE - Friday, June 27, 2014 Page 18 86$ /DZQDQG<DUG&DUH MALDEN ARREST LOG Monday, June 16 Christopher Carreiro, of 34 Florence St., Somerville, was charged with breaking & entering in the daytime/felony and possession of an illegal knife. John MacMillan, of 21 Waite St., Malden, was charged with disorderly conduct and motor vehicle operator refusing to identify self. Tuesday, June 17 Vincent Bethel, of 250 Congress Ave., Chelsea, was charged with assault & battery. Wednesday, June 18 Jonathan Hoskyns, of 41 Hubbard St., Malden, was charged with resisting arrest. Jeffrey Hoskyns, of 42 Mt. Vernon St., Malden, was charged with resisting arrest and breaking & entering in the daytime/felony. Glen Shanoski, of 20 Claremont Terr., Swampscott, was charged with operating under the influence of liquor, fifth offense, and operating a motor vehicle with suspended license, subsequent offense. Thursday, June 19 Yacarlos Feliz, of 33 Fessenden St., Mattapan, was charged with distributing a Class A drug, two counts of distributing a Class B drug and two counts of conspiracy to violate drug laws. Juan Chalas, of 9 Samuel Morse Way, Charlestown, was charged with two counts of conspiracy to violate drug law. Friday, June 20 Amanda Marchione, homeless/N.H., was charged with a Fugitive from Justice Warrant. Carolyn Reynolds, of 12 Emmett Terr., Revere, was charged with an arrest warrant. Laurie Toomey, of 187 Fellsway West, Medford, was charged with an arrest warrant. Kevin Przybyla, of 46 Pearl St., Malden, was charged with malicious wanton defacement of property. Saturday, June 21 Chazz Campbell, of 55 Jerome St., Medford, was charged with an arrest warrant. Nadine Gugliotta, of 437 Belmont St., Manchester, N.H., was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. Joanne Gonzalez, of 437 Belmont St., Manchester, N.H., was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. Kristen White, of 16 Perkins Ave., Malden, was charged with an arrest warrant. Verna Morelli, of 37 Blaine St., Malden, was charged with assault & battery. Anwar Anwari, of 96 Bellingham Ave., Revere, was charged with a non-motor vehicle violation at MDC Watershed. ,W¶V7LPH)RU 635,1* &/($12876 5HDVRQDEOHUDWHV )DVWUHOLDEOHVHUYLFH Sunday, June 22 &DOO Nicholas Calla, of 26 Montrose St., Malden, was charged with domestic assault & battery with a 209A in effect. Amber Rabelo, of 349 Pleasant St., Malden, was charged with assault & battery. 10. Robert Frost, in “The Death of the Hired Man” 11. On May 9, 1984, the Chicago White Sox won against the Milwaukee Brewers, 7–6. 12. It was from 1558 to 1603, 45 years during the reign of Elizabeth I of England. 13. Luke 4:23 in the Bible 14. Locksley 15. Jenny Lind 16. Jockeys 17. Calvin Coolidge 18. On the tallest mast, a good spot for lookouts 19. Osaka 20. Jonathon Swift, in a 1720 letter 1HZVSDSHUV 0$,12)),&( %URDGZD\(YHUHWW0$ 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV 32%R[(YHUHWW0$ 7HOHSKRQH )$; Answers 1. The Smothers Brothers 2. Victoria Falls in southern Africa (5,604 ft. wide and 354 ft. high) 3. Henry James, as quoted in Edith Wharton’s “A Backward Glance” 4. In 1606 from China to a trading post on the island of Java to Holland 5. Las Vegas-style casinos were approved by voters on November 2, 1976 6. Manfred von Richtofen 7. Zoning Improvement Plan 8. Benjamin Franklin 9. “The Leatherstocking Tales” $ '92&$7( 3XEOLVKHGZHHNO\E\ 7KH$GYRFDWH1HZVSDSHUV,QF Brian Stephens, of 11 Beverly St., Revere, was charged with an arrest warrant. Advocate FROM PAGE 15 (9(5(77 0$/'(1 5(9(5( 6$8*86 Monday, June 23 H &RPSOHW +RXVH WV &OHDQRX (PDLOXVDW -PLWFKHOO#DGYRFDWHQHZVQHW LQIR#DGYRFDWHQHZVQHW -DPHV'DYLG0LWFKHOO3XEOLVKHU -DPHV'0LWFKHOO(GLWRU 7KH$GYRFDWH1HZVSDSHUV,QFDUHIUHH QHZVSDSHUVSXEOLVKHGHYHU\)ULGD\ 7KLVQHZVSDSHUDVVXPHVQRÀQDQFLDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUHUURUV LQDGYHUWLVHPHQWVSULQWHGKHUHLQEXWZLOOUHSULQWZLWKRXW FKDUJHWKDWSDUWRIDQDGYHUWLVHPHQWLQZKLFKWKHHUURURFFXUV /(*$/127,&( &20021:($/7+2)0$66$&+86(776 7+(75,$/&2857 352%$7($1')$0,/<&2857 0LGGOHVH[3UREDWHDQG)DPLO\&RXUW &DPEULGJH6WUHHW &DPEULGJH0$ 'RFNHW1R''5 ',925&(6800216%< 38%/,&$7,21$1'0$,/,1* 6$1'5,1(-8/,$1$+21*3ODLQWLII YV ;,$2)(1*<8$.$721<<(('HIHQGDQW 7RWKHDERYHQDPHG'HIHQGDQW $FRPSODLQWKDVEHHQSUHVHQWHGWRWKLVFRXUWE\WKH3ODLQWLII VHHNLQJD0RGL¿FDWLRQ <RX DUH UHTXLUHG WR VHUYH XSRQ 6DQGULQH -XOLDQD +RQJ SODLQWLIIZKRVHDGGUHVVLV0\VWLF9DOOH\3DUNZD\8QLW (0HGIRUG0$\RXUDQVZHURQRUEHIRUH-XO\ ,I\RXIDLOWRGRVRWKHFRXUWZLOOSURFHHGWRWKHKHDULQJ DQGDGMXGLFDWLRQRIWKLVDFWLRQ<RXDUHDOVRUHTXLUHGWR¿OHD FRS\RI\RXUDQVZHULQWKHRI¿FHRIWKH5HJLVWHURIWKLV&RXUW DW&DPEULGJH :,71(66+RQ(GZDUG)'RQQHOO\-U )LUVW-XVWLFHRIVDLG&RXUW 7KLVWKGD\RI-XQH 7$5$('H&5,672)$52 5(*,67(52)352%$7( -XQH
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