LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE Revised: May 7, 2014 Measuring results that matter Level of urinary incontinence Localized Prostate Cancer Contents 1.1 Introducing ICHOM and the reference guide 1.2 2 Working Group Members for Localized Prostate Cancer3 2.1 What are the conditions and treatment approaches covered for Localized Prostate Cancer? 4 3.1 How should the outcomes and risk factors be collected? 5 4.1 What are the Localized Prostate Cancer outcomes and risk factors? 6 5.1 Example follow-up schemes 8 6.1 Definitions: outcomes and risk factors 9 6.1.1 Outcomes 9 6.1.2 Risk Factors 11 7.1 ICHOM Contact Information 14 8.1 Revisions Made to Localized Prostate Cancer Data Collection Reference Guide 15 © 2013 ICHOM. All rights reserved. When using this set of outcomes, or quoting therefrom, in any way, we solely require that you always make a reference to ICHOM as the source so that this organization can continue its work to define more standard outcome sets. DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 1 1.1 Introducing ICHOM and the reference guide The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) brings together patient representatives, clinician leaders, and registry leaders from all over the world to develop ICHOM Standard Sets: minimum sets of outcomes and risk factors we recommend all providers track. Our Standard Sets focus on the results that matter most to patients and provide an internationally-agreed upon method for measuring each of these outcomes. We do this because we believe that standardized outcomes measurement will open up new possibilities to compare performance globally, learn from each other, and rapidly improve the care we provide our patients. Our Standard Sets also include initial conditions and risk factors to enable meaningful case-mix adjustment globally, ensuring that comparisons of outcomes will take into account the differences in patient populations across providers. This reference guide describes the ICHOM Standard Set for Localized Prostate Cancer and contains the following: • The individuals who developed this Standard Set • The conditions and treatment approaches covered • The ways that the outcomes and risk factors can be collected • A summary of the outcomes and risk factors in the Standard Set, along with the recommended collection time points, patient population, and reporting format • The definitions of each outcome and risk factor DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 2 1.2 Working Group Members for Localized Prostate Cancer The following individuals have developed the ICHOM Standard Set for Localized Prostate Cancer in partnership with ICHOM, under the leadership of Professor Hartwig Huland, Chairman of the Martini Klinik in Hamburg, Germany. Australia Kim Moretti | Urologist, South Australian Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcomes Collaborative (SA-PCCOC); The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Mark Frydenberg | Urologist, Prostate Cancer Registry of Victoria; Monash University Ian Roos | Patient Representative, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne; Cancer Action Victoria Germany Hartwig Huland | ICHOM Working Group Leader; Urologist, Martini-Klinik at University Medical Center HamburgEppendorf Markus Graefen | Urologist, Martini-Klinik at University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf Gunter Feick | Patient Representative, Bundesverband Prostatakrebs Selbsthilfe (BPS); Europa UOMO Michael Froehner | Urologist, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technical University of Dresden Thomas Weigel | Radiation Oncologist, University Hospital Ulm Ireland Frank Sullivan | Radiation Oncologist, Galway University Hospital; Prostate Cancer Institute at NUI Galway John Fitzpatrick | Urologist, Irish Cancer Society Israel Jacob Ramon | Urologist, Sheba Medical Center Italy Alberto Briganti | Urologist, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University Hospital Netherlands Chris Bangma | Urologist, Erasmus Medical Center Sweden Anna Bill-Axelson | Urologist, Uppsala University Hospital; National Prostate Cancer Register (NPCR) of Sweden United Kingdom Adam Glaser | Outcomes Researcher; Pediatric Oncologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust James Catto | Urologist, Academic Urology Unit and Academic Unit of Molecular Oncology, CR-UK/YCR Sheffield Cancer Research Centre United States Steven Jay Frank | Radiation Oncologist, MD Anderson Cancer Center David Swanson | Urologist, MD Anderson Cancer Center Michael Blute | Urologist, Massachusetts General Hospital Howard Sandler | Radiation Oncologist, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Nancy Mendenhall | Radiation Oncologist, University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute Daniel Hamstra | Radiation Oncologist, University of Michigan Health System Ronald Chen | Radiation Oncologist, University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Neil Martin | ICHOM Fellow; Radiation Oncologist, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Brigham and Women’s Hospital Anthony D’Amico | Radiation Oncologist, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Brigham and Women’s Hospital Adam Kibel | Urologist, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Brigham and Women’s Hospital Ashutosh Tewari | Urologist, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital Andrew Vickers | Outcomes Researcher; Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 3 2.1 What are the conditions and treatment approaches covered for Localized Prostate Cancer? For Localized Prostate Cancer, the following condition and treatment approaches (or interventions) are covered by our Standard Set of outcomes and risk factors. Table 1: Conditions and Treatment Approaches Covered. Conditions Covered Treatment Approaches Localized prostate cancer Active surveillance Watchful waiting Radical prostatectomy* External beam radiation therapy* Brachytherapy* Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)* Focal therapy* Other* *These should also be collected as salvage treatments where necessary. When documenting the treatment plan, record using the categorization below: At 6 months: Record primary treatment. • Watchful waiting (clinical observation) • Active surveillance (with intent of delayed curative treatment) • Surgery (specify nerve-sparing or non-nerve-sparing) • External beam radiation as primary treatment or adjuvant following surgery (specify total radiation dose and dose per fraction) • Brachytherapy (specify high dose rate or low dose rate) • Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) • Focal therapy • Other Was ADT part of the primary treatment of this patient? Yes/No Annually: Record initiation of any salvage therapies and date according to the convention above. DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 4 3.1 How should the outcomes and risk factors be collected? When using the ICHOM Standard Sets for outcomes and risk factors, there is normally a number of ways that the data can be collected. The approaches currently used typically vary between countries due to different infrastructures, different resource constraints, and different cultures. Table 2 shows the data collection terms used in this guide along with specific examples. Towards the end of this guide the data definitions provide guidance on which mechanisms we recommend for collecting different data points. For each outcome and risk factor, the method of collection used should be recorded. Response rates for each outcome should also be recorded to understand what proportion of the population each measure is capturing. Table 2: Data collection options. Data collection category Examples Administrative data Claims data, death registry Patient-reported data Patient-reported outcomes (PROMs) (e.g. Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite: EPIC-26*) Clinical data Data abstraction, physician report * To view a copy of the EPIC-26 and the scoring instructions, please click here: http://www.ichom.org/files/ proms/EPIC-26_and_Scoring_Instructions.pdf More information on the EPIC-26 can be accessed by visiting their website at: http://www.med.umich.edu/ urology/research/epic.html DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 5 4.1 What are the Localized Prostate Cancer outcomes and risk factors? The following table highlights the Localized Prostate Cancer outcomes, which are accompanied by the corresponding patient population and time points at which to measure. Table 3: Localized Prostate Cancer Outcomes. Patient population Outcomes Timeline Acute complications of treatment RP patients Major surgical complications Radiation (or other) patients Major radiation complications Reporting format Occurring within 6 months Clinical or patientafter treatment reported Survival and disease control All patients Overall survival Cause-specific survival Metastasis Biochemical recurrence Administrative For life Clinical or patientreported Patient-reported health status All patients Urinary incontinence Urinary frequency/ urgency/irritation Bowel irritation Sexual dysfunction Before treatment 6 months after treatment Annually up to 10 years Patient-reported Patients who received ADT Vitality DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 6 Table 4: Localized Prostate Cancer Risk Factors. Patient population Risk factors Patient Factors Timeline Administrative or patientreported Age All patients Comorbidities Baseline patient-reported health status Reporting format Before treatment Patient-reported Baseline Tumor Factors All patients Date of diagnosis Clinical or administrative PSA level AJCC (American Joint Committee Before treatment on Cancer) 7th Clinical Stage Number of biopsy cores involved Greatest percentage involvement Gleason score Clinical Pathological Information RP patients DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE AJCC 7th Pathologic Stage Margin status Gleason score After surgery Clinical LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 7 5.1 Example follow-up schemes The following timelines are examples to illustrate when particular risk factors and outcomes should be collected for specific patients. Example 1: Patient diagnosed with localized prostate cancer, treated with radical prostatectomy Baseline Surgery (post-diagnosis, pre-treatment) 6 months post-surgery 1 year 2 years 3 years Example 2: Patient diagnosed with localized prostate cancer, chooses active surveillance then initiates radiation at later point Baseline (post-diagnosis, pre-treatment) 6 months post-diagnosis 1 year Initiates Radiation 6 months post-radiation 1 year post-radiation 2 years post-radiation Example 3: Patient diagnosed with localized prostate cancer, treated with radical prostatectomy and adjuvant radiation Baseline Surgery Radiation (post-diagnosis, pre-treatment) 6 months post-radiation 1 year post-radiation 2 years 3 years Example 4: Patient diagnosed with localized prostate cancer, treated with radical prostatectomy then initiates salvage therapy at later point Baseline Surgery (post-diagnosis, pre-treatment) 6 months post-surgery 1 year 2 years Initiates Salvage Therapy 6 months post-salvage therapy 3 years Risk Factors Pathologic risk factors PROMs Acute complications of treatment Survival and disease control outcomes Tracked ongoing annually for life Tracked annually for 10 years DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 8 6.1 Definitions: outcomes and risk factors 6.1.1 Outcomes Acute complications of treatment Major surgical complications Data Collection Options: Clinical or patient-reported data Definition: Indicate whether patient experienced a Clavien grade III-V complication within first 6 months following treatment Response Options: Yes/No; record maximal grade Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Include: patients who undergo surgical interventions Major radiation complications Data Collection Options: Clinical or patient-reported data Definition: Indicate whether patient experienced a CTCAE (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events) v. 4.0 grade III-V complication within first 6 months following treatment Response Options: Yes/No; record maximal grade and domain Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Include: patients who undergo radiation therapy Survival and disease control Overall survival Data Collection Options: Administrative data Definition: Indicate whether patient has died Response Options: Yes/No; If yes, provide date of death (DD/MM/YYYY) Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable Cause-specific survival Data Collection Options: Administrative data. Additional data based on physician review according to local custom can be tracked/reported in addition to death certificate cause of death, but should be done so as a separate data point Definition: If applicable, indicate if death is attributable to prostate cancer Response Options: Yes/No Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 9 Metastasis Data Collection Options: Clinical or patient-reported data Definition: Indicate whether patient was diagnosed with metastatic disease Response Options: Yes/No; If yes, record date of diagnosis (DD/MM/YYYY) Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable Biochemical recurrence Data Collection Options: Clinical or patient-reported data Definition: Indicate whether patient has biochemical recurrence, which is defined as: • Per AUA definition, PSA>0.2 ng/mL after surgery, with a second confirmatory level of >0.2 ng/ml • Phoenix criteria (nadir + 2 ng/mL) after radiation Recommended that PSA is measured at least annually and providers record all PSA values and dates to accommodate future changes to definitions Response Options: Yes/No Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable Patient-reported health status Urinary Incontinence, Urinary frequency/urgency/irritation, Bowel irritation, and Sexual dysfunction Data Collection Options: Patient-reported data Definition: Recommend using EPIC-26 domain responses and summary scores, along with three additional sexual function questions: EORTC QLQ-PR 25 #50, Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices #2-3 Response Options: To view a copy of the EPIC-26 and the scoring instructions, please click here: http://www.ichom.org/files/proms/EPIC-26_and_Scoring_Instructions.pdf More information on the EPIC-26 can be accessed by visiting their website at: http://www.med.umich.edu/urology/research/epic.html Additional sexual function questions: EORTC QLQ-PR 25 #50: During the last 4 weeks, to what extent were you interested in sex? (Not at all, A little, Quite a bit, Very much) Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices #2: Have you used any medications or devices to aid or improve erections? (Yes/No) Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices #3: For each of the following medicines or devices, please indicate whether or not you have tried it or currently use it to improve your erections (Have not tried it, Tried it but was not helpful, It helped but I am not using it now, It helped and I use it sometimes, It helped and I use it always): • Viagra or other pill (name pill if not Viagra) • Muse (intra-urethral alprostadil suppository) • Penile injection therapy (such as caverject) • Vacuum erection device (such as erect-aid) • Other (name medication/device if not listed) Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Exclude: Patients who have initiated salvage treatment DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 10 Vitality (ADT-related outcomes) Data Collection Options: Patient-reported data Definition: Recommend using EPIC-26 domain responses and summary score Response Options: To view a copy of the EPIC-26 and the scoring instructions, please click here: http://www.ichom.org/files/proms/EPIC-26_and_Scoring_Instructions.pdf More information on the EPIC-26 can be accessed by visiting their website at: http://www.med.umich.edu/urology/research/epic.html Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Include: Patients who received ADT as part of their initial management Exclude: Patients who have initiated salvage treatment 6.1.2 Risk Factors Demographic factors Age Data Collection Options: Administrative or patient-reported data Definition: Age recorded as the date of birth (DOB) Response Options: Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable Comorbidities Data Collection Options: Patient-reported data Definition: Have you been told by a doctor that you have any of the following? • • • • • • Response Options: • • • • • • • Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE Heart disease (e.g. angina, heart attack, or heart failure) High blood pressure Leg pain when walking due to poor circulation Lung disease (e.g. asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema) Diabetes Kidney disease Liver disease Problems caused by stroke Disease of the nervous system (e.g. Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis) Other cancer (within the last 5 years) Depression Arthritis HIV/AIDS Not applicable LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 11 Baseline patient-reported health status Data Collection Options: Patient-reported data Definition: Recommend using EPIC-26 domain responses and summary scores at baseline, along with three additional sexual function questions: EORTC QLQ-PR 25 #50, Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices #2-3 Response Options: To view a copy of the EPIC-26 and the scoring instructions, please click here: http://www.ichom.org/files/proms/EPIC-26_and_Scoring_Instructions.pdf More information on the EPIC-26 can be accessed by visiting their website at: http://www.med.umich.edu/urology/research/epic.html Additional sexual function questions: EORTC QLQ-PR 25 #50: During the last 4 weeks, to what extent were you interested in sex? (Not at all, A little, Quite a bit, Very much) Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices #2: Have you used any medications or devices to aid or improve erections? (Yes/No) Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices #3: For each of the following medicines or devices, please indicate whether or not you have tried it or currently use it to improve your erections (Have not tried it, Tried it but was not helpful, It helped but I am not using it now, It helped and I use it sometimes, It helped and I use it always): • Viagra or other pill (name pill if not Viagra) • Muse (intra-urethral alprostadil suppository) • Penile injection therapy (such as caverject) • Vacuum erection device (such as erect-aid) • Other (name medication/device if not listed) Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable Baseline tumor factors Date of diagnosis Data Collection Options: Clinical or administrative data Definition: Record initial date of histological diagnosis Response Options: DD/MM/YYYY Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable PSA level Data Collection Options: Clinical data Definition: Indicate most recent PSA value before histological diagnosis Response Options: PSA in nm/mL Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable AJCC 7 Clinical Stage th Data Collection Options: Clinical data Definition: Indicate the clinical stage (per AJCC 7th ) Response Options: cT-category, cN-category, and cM-category Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 12 Number of biopsy cores involved Data Collection Options: Clinical data Definition: Indicate the results of the patient’s biopsy Response Options: Number of cores taken; number of cores positive Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable Greatest percentage involvement Data Collection Options: Clinical data Definition: Indicate the greatest percentage involvement from biopsy results Response Options: Greatest percentage involvement of any core Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable Gleason score Data Collection Options: Clinical data Definition: Indicate the Gleason score Response Options: Highest primary and highest secondary Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Not applicable Pathologic information AJCC 7th Pathologic Stage Data Collection Options: Clinical data Definition: Indicate pathologic Stage (per AJCC 7th ) Response Options: pT-category, pN-category Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Include: patients who undergo surgical interventions Margin status Data Collection Options: Clinical data Definition: Indicate margin status Response Options: Negative/Positive (if positive, focal/multi-focal) Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Include: patients who undergo surgical interventions Gleason score Data Collection Options: Clinical data Definition: Indicate the Gleason score Response Options: Highest primary and highest secondary Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Include: patients who undergo surgical interventions DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 13 7.1 ICHOM Contact Information Website http://www.ichom.org Email Address [email protected] Business Address 14 Arrow Street, Suite #11 Cambridge, MA 02138 DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 14 8.1 Revisions Made to the Localized Prostate Cancer Data Collection Reference Guide Date of content change Location within document Content change December 20, 2013 N/A Deletion of appendix and sample forms December 20, 2013 5.1 Example follow-up schemes Added section “Example follow-up schemes” December 20, 2013 1.2 Working Group Members December 20, 2013 7.1 ICHOM Contact Information Added section “ICHOM Contact Information” December 20, 2013 1.1 Introduction to ICHOM Modified introduction text December 20, 2013 6.1 Definitions: outcomes and risk factors Inserted PROM URLs for patient-reported health status (6.1.1) December 20, 2013 6.1 Definitions: outcomes and risk factors Inserted PROM URLs for baseline patientreported functional status (6.1.2) December 20, 2013 3.1 How should the outcomes and risk factors be collected? Added reference for EPIC-26 and link to copy of PROM December 20, 2013 3.1 How should the outcomes and risk factors be collected? Added sentence “Response rates...” January 8, 2014 6.1 Definitions: outcomes and risk factors Modified title of definition to “Major surgical complications” from “Major Acute Complications of Surgery” (6.1.1) January 8, 2014 6.1 Definitions: outcomes and risk factors Modified title of definition to “Major radiation complications” from “Major Acute Complications of Radiation” (6.1.1) February 26, 2014 6.1 Definitions: outcomes and risk factors Included additional sexual function questions to patient-reported health status definitions and response options (6.1.1 and 6.1.2) February 26, 2014 2.1 What are the conditions and Modified treatment approaches to account for treatment approaches covered salvage therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer? February 26, 2014 5.1 Example follow-up schemes March 5, 2014 4.1 What are the Localized Prostate Cancer outcomes and risk factors? Added section “Working Group Members” Added example follow-up scheme for patients who undergo salvage therapy (Example 4) Deleted asterisk and accompanying text from 6 months after treatment: (*If patient initiates a new or additional treatment (such as moving from active surveillance to surgery, or initiating adjuvant radiation, the time points for measurement should reset based on the most recent treatment.) March 5, 2014 5.1 Example follow-up schemes Added example follow-up scheme for patients who undergo surgical treatment after active surveillance (Example 5) March 18, 2014 4.1 What are the Localized Prostate Cancer outcomes and risk factors? Added “(or other)” to Radiation patient population (Table 3) DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 15 Date of content change Location within document Content change March 18, 2014 3.1 How should the outcomes and risk factors be collected? 4.1 What are the Localized Prostate Cancer outcomes and risk factors? 6.1 Definitions: outcomes and risk factors Expanded acronyms for clarity: 3.1 EPIC-26 4.1 AJCC (Table 4) 6.1 CTCAE (6.1.1) March 18, 2014 4.1 What are the Localized Prostate Cancer outcomes and risk factors? 6.1 Definitions: outcomes and risk factors Modified “Baseline patient-reported functional status” to “Baseline patient-reported health status” (Table 4; 6.1.2) March 18, 2014 5.1 Example follow-up schemes Deleted example follow-up scheme for patients who undergo surgical treatment after active surveillance (Example 5) April 9, 2014 Across the document Replaced “User Manual” with “Reference Guide” May 7, 2014 7.1 ICHOM Contact Information Altered ICHOM address to reflect office move to 14 Arrow Street (from 12 Arrow Street) DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 16 www.ichom.org [email protected] DATA COLLECTION USER REFERENCE GUIDE MANUAL LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER | 17 CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE
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