SHAHEED BHAGAT SINGH COLLtrGE (UNIVERISTY OF DELHI) Date: 16-07-201,1 The studenls ofFirst Year n1ay note the details oftheir papers as per details given below: B.(lom. (Hons.), Semester_I CLI (lll l.l Busircss Organisation & Mala{emcnt L2 irinancial Accounting CH l..l Micrneconornics l CI I 1.1 llusiness La*,s tl.A. (alons.) llindi, Scmesler-t lr-rfi 't ill7liraa t/.dd B.A. (IIons.) Mathematics, S€mest€r-I Prper I: Calculus i lln, {e./q]2 lrdrii 3lr Tla.4tt4q n;lnnt ,ri-arri I rf,ad.d ,iru Ii.Com.. Semestcr-I CP 1.1 IiLrsiress Organis:1ti.n & N,l:L.agcmenl CP 1.2 Filranoial r\ccoultiDg Cf l.l Principles of Microecononrics CP 1.4 VIL / Hrmaniries Paper2:Anallsisl Papcr3:Al8cbral q).,radr (aorcurrcnr Qualirying l,anguage) Paper 4 : Credit I r,.A. (dons.) Ueography, Semester_I Paper l0l: Gcornoryholog) Paper 102: Climatology Pnper 03: Cartographis Techn jqres Papcr I0,1: C.ograpby ol popr:larion Paper 105: Clnrcurent - eualifirig t_angnase B.A. (Hons.) Political Science, Semester-I ?aper I: Colonialism in i:rdia Paper II: llnderstarding Polirica{ Th.or) Paper III: Constitr1lional Denrocmcv and Cort. in India Paper IV: ahncutrcnt - Qualifting i,anguag' B.A. (Hons.) Economics! Semcster-I Paper'01 - introduotory Microecononics Papcr 02- Statistical Mcthods ir [.onomics-1 Papcr 0.1 - M:rthemaiical Mcthods 1or EconomicsJ :'ape.04 - Concull-ent - Qualilling Langr:agv B.A. (IIons.) History, Semester-I l']aper I History oftndia I Pape.-l:- Socia, Fonnetions a d Cultural Pallems oflhe Ancient World P,,'<. lll ( .,ncun'!,r. - Oua.,.1 ,.: I .,r;ual tt.A. (Hons.) English, Sem€ster-I Pap.r l: E|glish Litereture:1(i) Pclrr '' l$crl:..1t r e||tt-. .O:a ) \\ flti.qti Paper 3: (loncrrcnt - Qualii_ving Languag; B.A. Programme Hindi-A/B English-.^/B I)iscipline CoLtrse-IA 1 l)iscipline CourscJlA (an],1\ao Discjplinc Subjects $hioh \rcre allotted 1(r thc sturdents at ihe time ofadmission) Discipline Courses for B.A. programme students 'lhe following discipline courses are oflered and student has to choose any two of the lblJowing disciplinc courscs: 1. Advertisement, Sales Promotion and Salcs Managemcnt 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Geography Economics Political Science History Mathematics 1li)uge Language Courses 1 . English-A (For those students who have studied English upto Class 1 2th) 2. English-B (For those students who have studied English upto Class 10th) 3. Hindi-A (For those students who have studied Hindi upto Class l2th) 4. Hindi-B (For those students who have studied Hindi upto Class 10th) FOR IIONS COURSES OTHER TIIAN HINDI AND ENGLISH Language Qualifying Courses (LQC) - Semester - 1 A student shall opt for one ofthe following Language Qualifying Couses (LQC): l. English 2. Hindi Language Credit Courses (LCC) - Semester - 2 A student shall opt for one ofthe following Language Credit Courses (LCC): 1. English 2. Hindi For example: 1 . A student has taken English as LQC in fiIst semester then student will study Hindi LCC in second semester. 2. If student has taken Hindi as LQC in first semester then stude[t wil] study English ac as LCC in second semester. ln case student has not studied Hindi, he/she will be offered Reading Gandhi in lieu 1 - Student Notice Boards ,* 2lParr
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