Number 33 617 Published by Authority Friday, 25th April, 2014 S.I. No. 186 of 2014. ´ GLAIGH NA hE´IREANN O TAXES (ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION OF TAX RETURNS BY CERTAIN PAYE TAXPAYERS) (SPECIFIED PROVISION AND APPOINTED DAY) ORDER 2014. Ag gnı´omhu´ di ar chomhairle an Rialtais, ar 9 Meitheamh, 2011, scoir an tUachtara´n The Revenue Commissioners, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by Section 917E of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (No. 39 of 1997) have made an Order entitled as above. Copies of the Order may be obtained from the Government Publications Office, 52 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. Phone: 01-6476834. ´ Gra´daigh An Fo-Lefteanant Brian O (Sub-Lieutenant Brian O’Grady) ´ glaigh, le he´ifeacht o´n 17 Bealtaine, 2011; agus as na Buan-O ar 18 Deireadh Fo´mhair, 2011, ghlac sı´, le he´ifeacht, i ngach ca´s, o´n 18 Deireadh Fo´mhair, 2011, leis na tairiscintı´ e´irı´ as a ´ glaigh Cu´ltaca a rinne gcoimisiu´in mar oifigigh de na hO An Captaen Liam Tre´anla´mhace (Captain William Noel Armstrong) Price: €1.27. agus The Order may also be accessed on the Revenue website at REVENUE COMMISSIONERS, Dublin Castle. [14] An Leifteanant Ca´itlı´n Nı´ hAlliga´n (Lieutenant Kathleen Nicola Halligan). PHILIP HAMELL Ru´naı´ Cu´nta an Rialtais ´ THA CLIATH, BAILE A An 17u´ la´ seo d’Aibrea´n, 2014. [10A] This publication is registered for transmission by Inland Post as a newspaper. The postage rate to places within Ireland (32 counties) is €0.60. For places in Britain the normal rate applies. For other places the printed paper rate by weight applies. ´ IL, APRIL 25th, 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU 618 ´ GLAIGH NA hE´IREANN O (2) ar 16 Aibrea´n, 2012 Ag gnı´omhu´ do´ ar chomhairle an Rialtais, ar 16 Eana´ir, 2012, scoir an tUachtara´n Eugene O’Kelly Marie Quirke ´ Caoimh An Ceannfort Colma´n O (Commandant Colman Cullen O’Keeffe) agus ´ glaigh, agus as na Buan-O Kevin Staunton, ghlac se´ leis an tairiscint e´irı´ as a choimisiu´n mar oifigeach de ´ glaigh Cu´ltaca a rinne na hO mar Bhreithiu´na den Chu´irt Du´iche; (3) ar 16 Bealtaine, 2012 ´ Biataigh An Ceannfort Padraig Gearo´id Ma´ire O (Commandant Gerard Mary Beatty) Alan J. Mitchell agus le he´ifeacht, i ngach ca´s, o´n 18 Eana´ir, 2012; agus ar 16 Aibrea´n, 2014, ghlac se´, le he´ifeacht, i ngach ca´s, o´n 12 Meitheamh, 2012, leis na tairiscintı´ e´irı´ as a gcoimisiu´in mar ´ glaigh Cu´ltaca a rinne oifigigh de na hO ´ Duinn An Captaen Gre´ago´ir O (Captain Gregory Peter Dunne), Michael Walsh mar Bhreithiu´na den Chu´irt Du´iche; agus (4) ar 15 Meitheamh, 2012 Colin Daly, An Lefteanant E´ana Muirı´ (Lieutenant Enda John Joseph Murray), Mary Larkin An Lefteanant Mı´che´al Mac Eochaidh (Lieutenant Michael Richard Keogh), John O’Connor agus mar Bhreithiu´na den Chu´irt Du´iche. An Lefteanant Rebecca Nı´ Mhartı´n (Lieutenant Rebecca Martin), Mhol an Bord Comhairleach um Cheapacha´in Bhreitheamh na daoine thuas ag 1(b), 2, 3 agus 4 don Aire Dlı´ agus Cirt agus Comhionannais, de bhun Alt 16 d’Acht na gCu´irteanna agus na nOifigeach Cu´irte 1995. An Lefteanant Mark Rasmussen (Lieutenant Mark Rasmussen), agus MARTIN FRASER Ard-Ru´naı´ an Rialtais ´ hAola´in An Dara-Lefteanant Po´l O (Second-Lieutenant Paul Gerard Hyland) ´ THA CLIATH, BAILE A An 17u´ la´ seo d’Aibrea´n, 2014. MARTIN FRASER Ard-Ru´naı´ an Rialtais DUBLIN, This 17th day of April, 2014. [10C] ´ THA CLIATH, BAILE A An 17u´ la´ seo d’Aibrea´n, 2014. ———— [10B] ———— ´ IRT CHUARDA AGUS DEN BREITHEAMH DEN CHU ´ IRT DU ´ ICHE CHU Ag gnı´omhu´ do´ ar chomhairle an Rialtais, cheap an tUachtara´n: (1) ar 12 Aibrea´n, 2012 (a) David Riordan Breitheamh den Chu´irt Du´iche mar Bhreitheamh den Chu´irt Chuarda, agus (b) Sarah Berkeley, Pauline Codd, Barry Hickson, Keenan Johnson, Mary Ellen Ring, agus Carmel Stewart mar Bhreithiu´na den Chu´irt Chuarda; DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine has made the following appointments to the Board of An Bord Iascaigh Mhara: Member: Mr. Damien McLoughlin Mr. Sean O’Donoghue Term of Office 21 March 2014 - 20 March 2017. 02 March 2014 - 01 March 2017. [11] ´ IL, APRIL 25th, 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU 619 EUROPEAN ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUPING COUNCIL REGULATIONS (E.E.C) NO. 2137/85 S.I. No. 191 of 1989 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (EUROPEAN ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUPINGS) REGULATIONS 1989. METLIFE SERVICES EEIG Notice is hereby given pursuant to the above Regulations of the following changes to MetLife Services EEIG (the ‘‘Grouping’’) registration Number IR 800023, as at 23 April, 2014. • Member Appointment Name of Company MetLife Amslico Poistovna, a.s. Country/State Slovakia Company Number ID No.: 31 402 071, Commercial Register of District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, Insert no 918/B Registered Address Pribinova 10, 811 09 Bratislava, the Slovak Republic Type of Company Effective Date of Membership Insurance Company 17 February, 2014 For the Grouping: Ms. VICKY O’GRADY, MetLife, 20 On Hatch, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. [13] ´ IL, APRIL 25th, 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU 620 MARY KATHLEEN BROWN (Deceased) SOUTH DUBLIN COUNTY COUNCIL BYE-LAWS IN RELATION TO THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF LITTER, 2013. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Part 19 of the Local Government Act 2001 and Section 21 of the Litter Pollution Act 1997, as amended by section 57 of the Protection of the Environment Act 2003 within its functional area. The Bye-Laws came into force on 14th October, 2013. The Bye-Laws may be viewed on the Council’s website A copy of the Bye-Laws is available free of charge at the offices of South Dublin County Council, Environmental Services Department, County Hall, Town Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24, during normal office hours (Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.), and Customer Care, The Civic Centre, Clondalkin Village, Dublin 22 (Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.). [1] Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of the aforementioned deceased, late of 28 The Downsway, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5RN, who died on 23/09/2012, are required to send particulars thereof in writing to the undersigned Solicitors on or before two months and one day from the date of this publication, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims and interests of which they have had notice. GOWEN & STEVENS LLP, 5 Mulgrave Chambers, 26-28 Mulgrave Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 6LE. Executor: John Edward Walsh. [3] ———— ———— IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2013 THE HIGH COURT 2014 138 COS AND IN THE MATTER OF IN THE MATTER OF BELGUSTO LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 252 of the Companies Act 1963-2013 that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above Company was duly convened and held on the 22nd April, 2014, and the following Resolution was passed: 1. ‘‘It has been proved to the satisfaction of the Meeting that the Company cannot by reason of its liabilities continue in business and that it be wound up voluntarily.’’ 2. ‘‘That Conor O’Boyle of O’Boyle + Associates, Commerce House, Flood Street, Galway, be appointed Liquidator for the purposes of said winding up.’’ 3. ‘‘That the Liquidator’s remuneration shall be fixed by reference to the time given by him as a responsible Insolvency Practitioner and his staff, in attending to matters arising in the winding up and he shall be authorised to pay such time costs and expenses on account of his remuneration and expenses pending the conclusion of the Liquidation.’’ NOTE: At a subsequent Creditors Meeting, Conor O’Boyle of O’Boyle + Associates was appointed Liquidator. All Creditors of the Company should send details of their claim, including Retention of Title claims to the Liquidator no later than 22nd May, 2014. Dated this: 22nd April, 2014. CONOR O’BOYLE, Liquidator, O’Boyle + Associates, Commerce House, Flood Street, Galway. [2] TALISMAN - 2 (PRIORY) FINANCE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (In Voluntary Liquidation) AND IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2012 By an Order made in the above matter dated 31 March, 2014, it was ordered pursuant to Section 310(1) Companies Act 1963 that the dissolution of Talisman - 2 (Priory) Finance Public Limited Company be declared void and it was also ordered pursuant to Section 277 Companies Act 1963 that Declan de Lacy of PKF O’Connor, Leddy & Holmes Limited, Century House, Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6W, be appointed Liquidator of the Company. DECLAN de LACY, Liquidator. 22 April, 2014. [4] ´ IL, APRIL 25th, 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2013 AND IN THE MATTER OF RHINO INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED (In Members Voluntary Liquidation) At a Meeting of the Members of the above Company duly convened and held on the 11th April, 2014, the following Resolution was passed: ‘‘That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Randal N. Gray of Randal N. Gray Financial Services be appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding up and that the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to distribute all and any of the surplus assets of the Company in specie among the Members of the Company as he may think fit.’’ 621 NOTE: Any person who intends to appear at the hearing of the said Petition must serve on or send by post to the above named Petitioner or his Solicitor notice in writing of his intention to do so. The notice must state the name and address of the person or, if a firm, the name and address of the firm, and must be signed by the person or firm, or his or their Solicitor, (if any), and must be served, or, if posted, must be sent by post in sufficient time to reach the above named Solicitor or the Petitioner not later than 5 o’clock in the afternoon of the 9th day of May, 2014. [6] ———— NOTICE OF ADJUDICATION AND OF STATUTORY SITTING THE HIGH COURT BANKRUPTCY Date: 11th April, 2014. No. 2545 RANDAL N. GRAY, Liquidator, 8 Anne Devlin Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14. IN THE MATTER OF ELAINE DELANEY A BANKRUPT [5] ———— THE HIGH COURT 2014 No. 199 COS IN THE MATTER OF Q.V.X. LIMITED AND IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2012 Notice is hereby given that a Petition for the winding up of the above named Company by the High Court was on the 10th day of April, 2014, presented to the High Court by Johanna Morrissey, of Tourtane, Clough, Castlecomer, County Kilkenny, a Creditor of the above named Company, and that the said Petition is directed to be heard before the High Court on the 12th day of May, 2014, and that any Creditor or Contributory of the said Company who wishes to support or oppose the making of an Order on the said Petition may appear at the time of hearing by himself or his Counsel for that purpose, and a copy of the Petition will be furnished to any Creditor or Contributory of the said Company who requires it by the undersigned on payment of the regulated charge for the same. Elaine Delaney of 36 Westcourt Heights, Ballincollig, Co. Cork, was on the 24th day of March, 2014, adjudged Bankrupt in main proceedings, (in accordance with Article 3(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346/2000). The statutory sitting of the Court will be held at the Four Courts, Dublin 7, on the 12th day of May, 2014, at the hour of 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon. The Bankrupt is required to attend at this sitting and make full disclosure of her property to the Court. Creditors may at such sitting prove their debts and choose and appoint a Creditors’ assignee. All persons having in their possession or under their control any money or other property of the Bankrupt should pay or deliver the same, and all debts due to the Bankrupt should be paid to Chris Lehane, Official Assignee, Insolvency Service of Ireland, Block 2, Phoenix House, Conyngham Road, Dublin 8, to whom Creditors may forward their proofs of debt. Dated: 26th March, 2014. TOM KINIRONS, Assistant Examiner. ALAN McGEE & CO., Solicitors for the Petitioner, 96 Main Street, Midleton, Co. Cork. [7] MALCOMSON LAW SOLICITORS, Court Place, Carlow. Solicitor for the Petitioner. ´ IL, APRIL 25th, 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU 622 THE COMPANIES ACT 1963-2013 IN THE MATTER OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2012 OF AND IN THE MATTER OF EXARRO FINANCE LIMITED (In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) ASTRAIL AVIATION ONE LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) The following Resolutions were passed on the 22nd April, 2014, by way of Written Resolution of the Sole Member pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Company and to Regulation 9 European Communities (Single Member Private Limited Companies) Regulations 1994: 1. ‘‘That it has been proved to the satisfaction of the Sole Member that the Company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business and that it is advisable to wind up same and that, accordingly, the Company be wound up voluntarily.’’ 2. ‘‘That Mr. Barry Forrest F.C.A., Forrest & Co., Corporate Recovery Specialists, 3C Dunshaughlin Business Park, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath, be appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding up.’’ 3. ‘‘That the Liquidator’s remuneration shall be fixed by reference to the time given by him as a responsible Insolvency Practitioner, and his staff, in attending to matters arising in the winding up and he shall be authorised to pay such time costs and expenses on account of his remuneration and expenses pending the conclusion of the Liquidation.’’ At an Extraordinary Meeting of the Members of the above named Company, duly convened and held at 2 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, on 9 April, 2014, the following Resolution was duly passed: ‘‘That the Company be wound up voluntarily.’’ ‘‘That Michael Sargent of Michael Sargent & Company, Segrave House, 19/20 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purpose of winding up the Company.’’ ‘‘That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to divide among the Members in specie or kind the whole or any part of the assets of the Company (whether they shall consist of property of the same kind or not) and for such purpose to set such value as he deems fair upon any property to be divided as aforesaid and to determine how such division should be carried out as between the Members.’’ Dated this 23rd day of April, 2014. MICHAEL SARGENT, Liquidator, Michael Sargent & Co., Segrave House, 19/20 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2. [9] ———— IN THE MATTER OF NOTE: At a Creditors’ Meeting held on the 22nd April, 2014, Mr. Barry Forrest was appointed Liquidator of the Company. THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2013 AND IN THE MATTER OF KEVIN HAND ENTERPRISES LIMITED (In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) Dated: 22nd April, 2014. Resolutions Passed BARRY FORREST, Liquidator, Forrest & Co., Corporate Recovery Specialists, 3C Dunshaughlin Business Centre, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath. Notice is hereby given that at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of Kevin Hand Enterprises Limited which was duly convened and held at Hampton Court, Cootehill Road, Cavan, on Wednesday, 26th February, 2014 at 10.00 a.m., the following Special Resolutions were duly passed: [8] 1. That the Company be wound up by means of a Members’ Voluntary Winding-Up. 2. That Mr. Michael Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick + Associates, Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors be and is hereby appointed Liquidator of the Company for the purposes of such winding up. 3. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to divide among the Members in specie or kind the whole or any part of the assets of the Company (whether they shall consist of property of the same kind or not) and for such purpose to set such value as he deems fair upon any property to be divided as aforesaid and to determine how such division should be carried out as between the Members. Dated 26th February, 2014. MICHAEL FITZPATRICK FCA., FCCA., Liquidator. [12] ´ IL, APRIL 25th, 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU 623 It was resolved that under Section 251 of the Companies Act 1963 that the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Mr. Karl McDonald, 21 Belvedere Place, Dublin 1, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2012 AND IN THE MATTER OF MICHAEL McBRIDE, Director. ASTRAIL AVIATION LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) [16] The following Resolutions were passed on the 22nd April, 2014, by way of Written Resolution of the sole Member pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Company and to Regulation 9 European Communities (Single Member Private Limited Companies) Regulations 1994: 1. ‘‘That is has been proved to the satisfaction of the sole Member that the Company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business and that it is advisable to wind up the same and that, accordingly, the Company be wound up voluntarily.’’ 2. ‘‘That Mr. Barry Forrest F.C.A., Forrest & Co., Corporate Recovery Specialists, 3C Dunshaughlin Business Centre, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath, be appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding up.’’ 3. ‘‘That the Liquidator’s remuneration shall be fixed by reference to the time given by him as a responsible Insolvency Practitioner, and his staff, in attending to matters arising in the winding up and he shall be authorised to pay such time costs and expenses on account of his remuneration and expenses pending the conclusion of the Liquidation.’’ ———— IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT 1963-2013 AND IN THE MATTER OF ETHOS CONSULTANCY LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) At a General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, duly convened, and held at The Skylon Hotel, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, on the 16th April, 2014, the following Ordinary Resolution was duly passed: It was resolved that under Section 251 of the Companies Act 1963 that the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Mr. Karl McDonald, 21 Belvedere Place, Dublin 1, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator. MICHAEL McBRIDE, Director. [17] ———— NOTE: At a Creditors’ Meeting held on the 22nd April, 2014, Mr. Barry Forrest was appointed Liquidator of the Company. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2013 Dated: 22nd April, 2014. AND IN THE MATTER OF BARRY FORREST, Liquidator, Forrest & Co., Corporate Recovery Specialists, 3C Dunshaughlin Business Centre, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath. BABY BIZ LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) [15] ———— IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2013 AND IN THE MATTER OF BAMBINOS CRE`CHE AND MONTESSORI LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) At a General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, duly convened, and held at The Skylon Hotel, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, on the 16 April, 2014, the following Ordinary Resolution was duly passed: Notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Resolution for the winding up of the above named Company by means of a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation was passed on 23 April, 2014, at a General Meeting of Members. An Ordinary Resolution was also passed appointing Alan Geraghty of Copsey Murray as Liquidator for the purpose of such winding up. All claims against the Company should be sent to Copsey Murray, Charter House, 5 Pembroke Row, Dublin 2, not later than 7 May, 2014. Dated: 23 April, 2014. TOM MURRAY, Liquidator. [18] ´ IL, APRIL 25th, 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU 624 NOTE: At a subsequent Creditors Meeting, Mı´chea´l Leydon of kavanaghfennell, Simmonscourt House, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, was appointed Liquidator. COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2012 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER Dated this: 17th April, 2014. GN FARMSIDE LIMITED (In Receivership) Notice is hereby given that on 17 April, 2014, Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. (the ‘‘Bank’’) having its registered office at Bankcentre, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, under powers conferred upon it by a Mortgage Debenture dated 20 June, 2006 between (1) GN Farmside Limited and (2) the Bank (the ‘‘Mortgage Debenture’’) has appointed Mr. Tom Kavanagh of kavanaghfennell, Simmonscourt House, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, to be the Receiver of the whole of the property and assets of GN Farmside Limited referred to, comprised in, mortgaged and charged by the Mortgage Debenture. ´ L LEYDON, MI´CHEA kavanaghfennell, Simmonscourt House, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. [20] ———— IN THE MATTER OF CATTAN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) Dated: 23 April, 2014. AND IN THE MATTER OF MATHESON, Solicitors, 70 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2. Ref: JMC/ELCA/660337/30. THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2013 [19] ———— IN THE MATTER OF FAIR PRICE PHARMA LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) At a General Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company duly convened and held at The Longford Arms Hotel, Longford, Co. Longford, on the 14th day of April, 2014, the following Resolution was passed: 1. ‘‘That it has been proved to the satisfaction of the Company that this Company cannot by reason of its liabilities continue in business, and that it be wound up voluntarily.’’ 2. ‘‘That John O’Connell, of Stephens Cooke & Associates be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of said winding up.’’ AND IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2012 Notice is hereby given to Section 252 of the Companies Acts 1963-2012 that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above Company was duly convened and held on 17th April, 2014, and the following Resolutions were passed: 1. ‘‘It has been proved to the satisfaction of this Meeting that the Company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business and that it is advisable to wind up same and that accordingly, the Company be, and is hereby wound up voluntarily.’’ 2. ‘‘That, Mı´chea´l Leydon, of kavanaghfennell, Simmonscourt House, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of said winding up.’’ 3. ‘‘That the Liquidator’s remuneration shall be fixed by reference to the time given by him as a responsible Insolvency Practitioner, and his staff, in attending to matters arising in the winding up and he shall be authorised to pay such time costs and expenses on account of his remuneration and expenses pending the conclusion of the Liquidation.’’ 3. ‘‘That the Liquidator’s remuneration shall be fixed by reference to the time given by him as a responsible Insolvency Practitioner, and his staff, in attending to matters arising in the winding up and he shall be authorised to pay such time costs and expenses on account of his remuneration and expenses pending the conclusion of the Liquidation.’’ Dated this 22nd day of April, 2014. Signed: JOHN O’CONNELL, Liquidator, Stephens Cooke & Associates, Blackhall Court, Blackhall, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. [21] ´ IL, APRIL 25th, 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU 625 THE HIGH COURT 2013 No. 102 COS IN THE MATTER OF S.M.G. CONSTRUCTION LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) IN THE MATTER OF AND IN THE MATTER OF MONSOON ACCESSORIZE IRELAND LIMITED THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2013 At a General Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company duly convened and held at The Longford Arms Hotel, Longford, Co. Longford, on the 14th day of April, 2014, the following Resolution was passed: 1. ‘‘That it has been proved to the satisfaction of the Company that this Company cannot by reason of its liabilities continue in business, and that it be wound up voluntarily.’’ 2. ‘‘That John O’Connell, of Stephens Cooke & Associates be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of said winding up.’’ 3. ‘‘That the Liquidator’s remuneration shall be fixed by reference to the time given by him as a responsible Insolvency Practitioner, and his staff, in attending to matters arising in the winding up and he shall be authorised to pay such time costs and expenses on account of his remuneration and expenses pending the conclusion of the Liquidation.’’ Dated this 22nd day of April, 2014. AND IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2012 (Under the Protection of the Court) Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 30 of the Companies (Amendment) Act 1990 that on 23 April, 2014, an Order of the High Court dated 14 June, 2013, confirming the Scheme of Arrangement in respect of the above mentioned Company was registered with the Registrar of Companies. Date: 24th April, 2014. WILLIAM FRY, Solicitors for the Examiner, Fitzwilton House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. [24] ———— Signed: JOHN O’CONNELL, Liquidator, Stephens Cooke & Associates, Blackhall Court, Blackhall, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT 1963-2012 AND IN THE MATTER OF [22] ———— NOW & ZEN LIMITED At a General Meeting of the Company duly convened at Lawless Hotel, Aughrim, County Wicklow at 10.15 a.m., on 8th April, 2014, the following Resolution was duly passed as an Ordinary Resolution: ORDINARY RESOLUTION CAR PARK SECURITY LIMITED (‘‘the Company’’) The following is passed as an Ordinary Resolution of the Company pursuant to Section 141(8)(a) of the Companies Act 1963 and the Articles of Association of the Company: 1. ‘‘That the Company cannot by reason of its liabilities continue its business and that it be and is hereby wound up’’. 2. ‘‘That John Russell of Russell & Co., Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors of Trinity House, 7 Georges Quay, Cork, be and is hereby appointed as Liquidator for the purpose of the winding up’’. 3. ‘‘That the following be and are hereby appointed as Company Nominees to the Committee of Inspection should the Creditors choose to appoint a Committee’’. Signed by the members of the Company. PAUL BRACKEN. Date: 22nd April, 2014. [23] ‘‘That it has been proved to the satisfaction of this Meeting that the Company cannot by reason of its liabilities, continue its business and that it is advisable to wind up same and accordingly that the Company be wound up as a Creditors’ Voluntary Winding-Up and that Patricia Carthy of Tinahely, County Wicklow, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding up. Dated: Thursday, 24th April, 2014. Signed: PATRICIA CARTHY, Liquidator, Tinahely, County Wicklow. [25] ´ IL, APRIL 25th, 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU 626 IN THE MATTER OF IN THE MATTER OF QUINN QUARRIES LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2013 AND IN THE MATTER OF AND IN THE MATTER OF EAGLECLIFF INVESTMENTS LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) THE COMPANIES ACTS 1963-2012 At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the above Company duly convened and held on the 8th February, 2013, the following Resolution was passed: 1. ‘‘That the Company be wound up by way of Members’ Voluntarily Liquidation and that David Van Dessel of Kavanagh Fennell, Simmonscourt House, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding up. 2. That the Liquidator be authorised to distribute all or part of the surplus assets of the Company in specie or otherwise to the Members as he may think fit.’’ Date: 24th April, 2014. Notice is hereby given that at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the said Company duly convened and held at 7 Riverside Drive, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, on 18 April, 2014, the following Resolutions were passed: 1. That the Company be wound up voluntarily. 2. That for the purposes of winding up, Mr. Martin Crossan, of O’Connor, Crossan & Co., 545 Ballymount Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator. 3. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to divide among the Members of the Company in specie the whole or any part of the assets of the Company. Date: 23rd April, 2014. Signed: DAVID VAN DESSEL. [26] MARTIN CROSSAN, Liquidator, O’Connor, Crossan & Co., 545 Ballymount Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12. [27] ´ IL, April 25th 2014 IRIS OIFIGIU All notices and advertisements are published in Iris Oifigiu´il for general information purposes only, at the risk of the advertiser and at the discretion of the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland (‘‘the Commissioners’’). While the Commissioners utilise their best endeavours to ensure that the publication is made in accordance with the advertiser’s requirements, the Commissioners make no representations or warranties about any of the information in any notice or advertisement and accept no responsibility for the accuracy of any information contained in a notice or advertisement. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Commissioners, their servants and agents shall not be liable for loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use of, or the inability to use, the information contained in any notice or advertisement or arising out of, or in connection with, a failure to meet any requirements of any advertiser or arising out of, or in connection with, any inaccuracy, error or omission contained in any notice or advertisement or in respect of those requirements even if the Commissioners have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage, or such loss or damage was reasonably foreseeable. The Commissioners reserve the rights not to publish any notice or advertisement and to change the content of any notice, or advertisement at their sole discretion. Use of Iris Oifigiu´il is subject to the above and by using Iris Oifigiu´il, the user is signifying his or her agreement to the above. 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