Perpetual Protected Investments GUIDE TO YOUR ANNUAL TAX STATEMENT July 2014 TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR ANNUAL TAX STATEMENT AND COMPLETE YOUR TAX RETURN FOR THE 2013/2014 FINANCIAL YEAR. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE When using the information in your tax statement and this guide, please note that: • Your tax statement includes information about the distributions you have received from funds held through Perpetual Protected Investments for the financial year to 30 June 2014. This includes distributions with an effective date of 30 June 2014. You are required to include these amounts in your tax return for the 2013/2014 financial year even if you actually received the distribution payment after 30 June 2014. • Your tax statement and this guide assume you are an Australian resident individual taxpayer. • Distributions may include realised net capital gains associated with the sale of investments by a fund. These are shown under the heading ‘Distributed Capital Gains’. • Your tax statement includes any taxable capital gains or losses relating to the disposal of units in a fund or call options. These are shown under the heading ‘Capital Gains and Losses’. • We recommend that you seek professional assistance when completing your tax return. If you have questions about your tax return, please consult your tax adviser or the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Perpetual is not able to provide you with tax advice. If you have any questions about your investment, your tax statement or this guide, please phone 1800 002 513 during business hours (Sydney time) or email [email protected] • The information in this guide is not tax advice. It only relates to your investment in funds offered by Perpetual Protected Investments and is not a complete guide to completing your tax return. You should refer to the ‘Individual Tax Return Instructions 2014’ (2014 instruction booklet) and the online supplementary tax return instructions 2014 when completing your tax return for the 2013/2014 financial year. They include detailed instructions on how to complete the 2014 Tax return for individuals and 2014 Tax return for individuals (supplementary section). The 2014 instruction booklet is available from the ATO – download it from the ATO website or call 1300 720 092. The 2014 instruction booklet will refer you to additional information including the supplementary tax return instructions which are available on the ATO website – The following guidelines are designed to help you complete the 2014 supplementary section. LOAN INFORMATION • Your tax statement does not include interest incurred on loans. This interest is shown on your Statement of Account for the loan. The extent to which this interest is deductible will depend on your individual circumstances and the particular series of Perpetual Protected Investments in which you have invested. More details were provided in the product disclosure statement for the relevant series. • Your tax statement does not include any adviser service fees you have paid. These are also shown on the Statement of Account for your loan. Whether these fees are deductible will depend on why they were paid. For a reprint of your 2013/2014 Tax Statement contact us on 1800 002 513, or [email protected] Your tax statement has six parts: Trust Distributions shows the amounts received as unit trust distributions, other than the capital gains and foreign source income components of those distributions. Foreign Source Income shows the foreign source income components of the amounts received as unit trust distributions. Distributed Capital Gains shows the capital gains components of the amounts received as unit trust distributions. Capital Gains and Losses shows the capital gains and losses made on the disposal of units or call options. Allowable Deductions shows expenses you have incurred for which you can claim deductions. (Does not include potential claims for interest expense or adviser fees). Other Expenses shows any put option premium you have paid. The following directions describe how to transfer amounts from the tax statement to your tax return. If you have investment income or deductions from other sources you will need to add those amounts together with those shown on the tax statement. Since your tax statement does not include amounts of any interest incurred on your loan nor any adviser service fees paid, these amounts can be found on the Statement of Account for your loan. They are explained in more detail below under the heading ‘Item D15 Other deductions’. ITEM 13 PARTNERSHIPS AND TRUSTS Record the amount shown on your tax statement as ‘Total Non-Primary Production Income’ and enter it at label U of Item 13, ‘Share of net income from trusts, less capital gains and foreign income’ on your 2014 supplementary section. For the 2013/2014 year, you do not need to show separately any ‘franked distributions’ received from your investment at label C of Item 13. Take the amount shown on the tax statement as ‘Franking Credits’ and enter it at label Q of Item 13, ‘Share of franking credit from franked dividends’ on your 2014 supplementary section. Generally, it is better to reduce the other gains, short capital gains and Frozen Indexed gains first. You may have similar income from sources other than Perpetual Protected Investments that will need to be added to these numbers. Subtract any capital losses from other sources and net capital losses carried forward from prior years against your remaining current year capital gains. Again, it is generally better to reduce the other gains and short capital gains first. ITEM 18 CAPITAL GAINS If there are amounts other than zero on your tax statement under either ‘Distributed Capital Gains’ or ‘Capital Gains and Losses’ then print ‘X’ in the ‘Yes’ box at label G of Item 18 on your 2014 supplementary section. If you still have any ‘Discount method’ capital gains remaining, these can be reduced by the CGT discount (50% for individuals and 1/3 for complying superannuation entities). Record the net capital gain at label 18A on your 2014 supplementary section. Add together the following amounts from your tax statement: If you have a loss, record the net capital losses available to be carried forward to later income years at label 18V on your 2014 supplementary section. • Under the heading ‘Distributed Capital Gains’ add the amounts shown as ‘Other Gains’ and 2 x ‘Discount Gains’. • Under the heading ‘Capital Gains and Losses’ add the amounts shown as ‘Short Gains’, ‘Frozen Indexed Gains’ and ‘Nominal Gains’. Add this to capital gains from other sources. Enter this total at label H of Item 18, ‘Total current year capital gains’ on your 2014 supplementary section. Note that the ‘Discount Gains’ shown under the heading ‘Distributed Capital Gains’ have been discounted by 50% by the relevant Fund. The amounts shown on the statement in ‘Discount Gains’ under the heading ‘Capital Gains and Losses’ have already been reduced by the CGT discount: • 50% for individuals • 1/3 for a complying superannuation entity. If the investment is held in the name of a company the ‘Discount Gains’ shown under the heading ‘Capital Gains and Losses’, have not been discounted. From the total calculated above subtract the amount shown on the tax statement as ‘Losses’ under the heading ‘Capital Gains and Losses’. Refer also to section ‘D15 Other Deductions’ on page 6 of the guide. ITEM 20 FOREIGN SOURCE INCOME AND FOREIGN ASSETS OR PROPERTY Record the amount shown on the tax statement as ‘Total Assessable Foreign Source Income’ and enter the same number at two different labels of item 20 on your 2014 supplementary section: label E ‘Assessable foreign source income’ and label M ‘Other net foreign source income’. Record the amount shown on the tax statement as ‘Aust Franking Credits from NZ Co.’ and enter it at label F of item 20, ‘Australian franking credits from a New Zealand franking company’ on your 2014 supplementary section. You may have similar income from sources other than Perpetual Protected Investments that will need to be added to these numbers. If there is an amount shown on the tax statement as either ‘Foreign Tax Credit – Modified Passive’ or Foreign Tax Credit – Interest’ you may be entitled to a foreign tax offset. This is because foreign tax has already been paid on the amount distributed to you. The amount of ‘Foreign income tax offset’ you are entitled to will depend on the amount of foreign tax credits you have received from all sources. 2014 (supplementary section) 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 Use Individual tax return instructions supplement 2014 to fill in this tax return. Please print neatly in BLOCK LETTERS with a black or blue ballpoint pen only. Do not use correction fluid or tape. Print one letter or number in each box. Print X in appropriate boxes. Complete your details carefully to avoid delays in processing your tax return. See the Privacy note in the Taxpayer’s declaration on page 10 of your Tax return for individuals 2014. Your tax file number (TFN) Your name Title – for example, Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss Surname or family name Print your full name. Given names INCOME 13 Partnerships and trusts Include any deferred non-commercial business losses from a prior year at X or Y Primary production as appropriate and insert the relevant code in the TYPE box. Distribution from partnerships N , Share of net income from trusts L , .00 .00 Landcare operations and deduction .00 for decline in value of water facility I , TYPE continued Other deductions relating to .00 X , income amounts or loss shown at N and L Primary production – transferred from 15 Net your Business and professional Y item P8 on from business Net primary production amount items schedule for individuals 2014 To complete this item, you must have read Non-primary production the publication Business and professional Non-primary production – transferred from Z Distribution from partnerships, . professional O P8 on your Business items 2014 and completed the Business and income item and 00 less foreign , professional items schedule individuals 2014. items schedule for individuals 2014 Share of net incomefor from trusts, less capital Attachgains, the schedule to pageand 3 offranked your taxdistributions return. U 2 , 3 8 7 .00 foreign income . Tax withheldFranked – voluntary agreement D distributions .0000 , from trusts C , Tax withheld where Australian . business numberexpenses not quoted W , .00 Landcare operations J , Tax withheld – foreign . TYPE E residentrelating withholding Other deductions to , .00 Y amountsTax shown at O–, labour U andhire C or withheld , .00 other specified payments F , Net non-primary production amount INCOME business ShareDeferred of credits non-commercial from income and tax offsets losses 16 Your for share deferred losses Share of credit tax of withheld where fromnumber partnership activitiesP F Australian business not quoted , , . . .00 , , . .00 , , , . .00 , , 14 Personal services income (PSI) LOSS LOSS , , , C Show amounts , of: , .00 .00 , .00 LOSS capital gains from trusts at item 18 and If you show a loss at B or C foreign at item you mustincome complete item19 P9or in 20. the Business and professional items schedule for individuals 2014. 2 , 3 8 7 .00 , LOSS .00 Deferred losses from . Share of franking credit sole trader activitiesQG , 1 3 . 7008 from franked dividends , 7 Primary production Item P9 inShare the Business professional schedule for of credit and for tax file numberitems amounts . deferred losses individuals 2014 must be completed beforedividends you complete R this item. , withheld from interest, Non-primary production and unit trust distributions deferred losses Credit for TFN amounts withheld from . M Net farm management deposits or repayments payments from closely held trusts , 17 Deductible depositsS D Share of credit for tax paid by trustee Early repayments Share of credit for amounts withheld C exceptional from foreign residentcircumstances withholding A Early repayments Share of National rental N natural disaster affordability scheme tax offset B Other repayments R B I , , J , , .00 .00 .00 LOSS To complete this item, you must . Net farm management E have read, the publication .00 deposits or repayments G , Business 00 , and professional items 2014 and Did you have a capital gains in the YESthe box at G if and you had an Capital gains Tax withheld where Australian Business YES X .You must print Xcompleted tax event during the year?H G NO amount of capitalprofessional gains from aitems trust.schedule for business number not quoted , CODE individuals 2014. Attach the schedule Tax withheld – labour hire oran Have you applied .00 to page 3 of your tax return. or rollover?J M NO X , YES other exemption specified payments Net capital gain A 1 , 9 0 0. .00LOSS , Net PSI – transferred from A on your Business and 00 A Total current year capital gains H items schedule , , professional 3 1for 0individuals 7 .002014 Tax withheld – voluntary agreement 18 NAT 2679-06.2014 Net capital losses carried Sensitive V forward to later income years 19 ForeignDidentities you have either a direct or indirect interest in a controlled foreign company (CFC)? Have you ever, either directly or indirectly, caused the transfer of property – including money – or services to a non-resident trust estate? , .00 (when , completed) Page 13 .00 I NO YES CFC income K , W NO YES Transferor trust income , B , , .00 , .00 , .00 , .00 , .00 20 Foreign source income and foreign assets or property Assessable foreign source income E , , .00 Other net foreign employment income T Net foreign pension or annuity income WITHOUT an undeducted purchase price L Net foreign pension or annuity income WITH an undeducted purchase price D Net foreign rent R , , , , LOSS LOSS LOSS LOSS LOSS Example – Annual Tax Statement Taxation Statement Summary For Period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 , Net farm management deposits or repayments have a capital gains 18 Capital gains Didtaxyou event during the year? G NO Have you applied an exemption or rollover? YES , NO YES H Net capital losses carried continued forward to later income years , V , Foreign entities Gross rent P 19 Rent 21 Did you have either a direct or indirect interest in a controlled foreign company (CFC)? I NO deductions Have you ever, either directlyInterest or indirectly, causedQ the transfer of property – including money – W NO or services to aCapital non-resident trust estate?F works deductions , YES , YES , .00 A , K , B , .00 CFC income .00Transferor trust income .00 , Other foreign employment andnetfriendly societies income W T 22 Bonuses from life insurance companies ,, Net foreign pension or annuity income WITHOUT an undeducted purchase price 23 Forestry managed investment scheme income Net foreign pension or annuity income WITH an undeducted purchase price Category 1 Type of INCOME continued 24 Other income Net foreign rent income Category 2 .00 income Gross rent P 21 Rent Other net , foreign source withheld – lump sum Also include at F AustralianTax franking credits from a Australian franking..credits from 00 E Interest ,, payments in arrears New Zealand franking company that you deductions have received 00company Q a New Zealand franking indirectly through a partnership or trust distribution. ..00 LOSS Taxable professional income Net foreign employment – Z Capital works income deductions ,, 00 .00 F U payment summary , , For the amounts in the right-hand Net . .column rental deductions Exempt foreignOther employment income NU 00 rent TOTAL SUPPLEMENT , , up all the00 at items 13 to 24 add income amounts and deduct any loss .amounts. INCOME OR LOSS Foreign income tax offset .00 AL D Y R V M F ,, , , , , , , P , .00 , .00 ,, ..00 00 00 ..00 ,, .00 , . 00 , .00 , .00 , .00 2 5 2 , less ( Q + F + U ) .00 ..00 00 W , , .00 A , , .00 Category 1 Y , , .00 Category 2 V , , .00 Y , , .00 Tax withheld – lump sum payments in arrears E , Deductible amount of undeducted purchase price D11 of a foreign pension or annuity Taxable professional income Z , For the amounts in the right-hand column D12 Personal superannuation contributions LOSS LOSS LOSS LOSS LOSS LOSS LOSS TAX RETURN FOR INDIVIDUALS (supplementary section) 2014 .00 .00 LOSS , ,, Sensitive (when completed) TOTAL SUPPLEMENT Full name INCOME of fundOR LOSS , P less ( Q + F + U ) ,, Transfer this amount to I During the year did you own, or have an interest in, assets located outside Australia P NOon pageYES 3 of your tax return. investment scheme income whichForestry had a totalmanaged value of AUD$50,000 or more? 23 DEDUCTIONS .00 $ 4 societies 3 9 4 O and friendly , 22 Bonuses from life insurance companies Type of income , .00 20 Foreign source income and foreign assets or property . Net Other rental deductions 00 . rent , Assessable foreign source incomeUE , , 2 5 2 00 Page 14 LOSS CODE M Total current year capital gains 24 Other income , .00 You must print X in the YES box at G if you had an amount of capital gains from a trust. Net capital gain INCOME E LOSS $ H , , , , .00 .00 D13 Deduction for project pool D , , .00 DEDUCTIONS D14 Forestry managed investment scheme deduction F , , .00 Y E ,, ,, ..00 00 J , , .00 H $ , , , , .00 .00 D13 Deduction for project pool D , , .00 D14 Forestry managed investment scheme deduction F , , .00 Other deductions – not claimable at items D1 to D14 Election Sensitive (when completed) or elsewhere on your tax return expenses E , , .00 Page 15 J , , .00 $ , , .00 at items 13 to 24 add up all the income Account amounts and deduct numberany loss amounts. Transfer this amount to I on page 3 of your tax return. Fund Australian business number Fund tax file number Deductible amount– of price deductions notundeducted claimable atpurchase items D1 to D14 D11 Other D15 of foreign pension annuity or a elsewhere on yourortax return Description Expenses superannuation contributions D12 Personal of claim Investment Full name of fund TOTAL SUPPLEMENT Fund Australian DEDUCTIONS business number Fund tax file number Election expenses Other deductions Account Add up allnumber the deduction amounts in the right-hand column. Transfer this amount to D on page 4 of your tax return. TAX D15 RETURN FOR INDIVIDUALS (supplementary section) 2014 Description of claim TOTAL SUPPLEMENT DEDUCTIONS Other deductions Add up all the deduction amounts in the right-hand column. If the amount does not exceed $1,000, you are entitled to a credit for the full amount received. If the amount is more than $1,000 you can do one of the following: 1. Simply claim a tax offset of $1,000. 2. Calculate the amount of foreign income tax offset to which you are entitled. To do this you will need a copy of the ATO publication ‘Guide to foreign income tax offset rules’. Download from the ATO website or call 1300 720 092. The amount of foreign tax credit you are entitled to is entered at label O of Item 20, ‘Foreign income tax offset’ on your 2014 supplementary section. ITEM D15 OTHER DEDUCTIONS There are five different numbers that may need to be added together for the purposes of this item. The first number to be added is the amount shown on your tax statement as ‘Fees & Charges’. The second number relates to put option premium payments and only applies if you participated in Series 1 of Perpetual Protected Investments. There are no put option premium payments in Series 2 or Series 3. The Tax section of the product disclosure statement for Perpetual Protected Investments – Series 1 sets out the conditions under which up to 85% of option premium payments should be an allowable deduction for tax purposes. If you meet these conditions then the second number to be added for the purpose of Item D15 is 85% of the amount shown on your tax statement as the ‘Total’ for ‘Other Expenses’. Any part of a put option premium payment that is not deductible, along with any non-deductible interest forms a cost base for capital gains tax purposes. If you have fully withdrawn from one or more investment strategies during the year you will have disposed of this asset for capital gains tax purposes and will have a capital loss equal to the cost base for that investment strategy. This loss can be added to the losses described above under the heading ‘Item 18 Capital gains’. It is in addition to any losses shown on your tax statement. The fifth number to be added is any deductible expenses from sources other than Perpetual Protected Investments that have not been claimed elsewhere in your tax return. Enter the total of these five numbers at label J of Item D15 of the tax return on your 2014 supplementary section. Write ‘Investment expenses’ in the box called ‘Description of claim’. The third number to be added is the deductible part of the interest you have paid on your loan along with any break costs or early repayment fees. These payments are shown on the Statement of Account for your loan. The Tax sections of the Perpetual Protected Investments product disclosure statements set out the conditions under which interest may be deductible. Be sure to consult the product disclosure statement for the Series in which you have participated as the tax law changed between Series. For Series 2 and 3 the tax opinions from the product disclosure statement can be found online at ww.perpetual. The break costs and early repayment fees are deductible to the same extent that the interest is deductible. The fourth number to be added is any part of any adviser service fee that is deductible. If adviser service fees were processed as part of your participation in Perpetual Protected Investments they will be shown on the Statement of Account for your loan. The deductibility of an adviser service fee depends on why the amount was paid. If you require more information please consult your tax adviser or the ATO. This information was prepared and issued by Perpetual Investment Management Limited ABN 18 000 866 535, AFSL 234426, part of the Perpetual Group (Perpetual Group means Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827 and its subsidiaries), as general information only and is believed to be accurate at the time of compilation. The information in this guide is based on information published by the Australian Taxation Office. No company in the Perpetual Group, nor the directors and officers of companies in the Perpetual Group, nor Perpetual Investment Management Limited in its capacity as responsible entity of the fund, make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of material in this document. Except in so far as liability under any statute cannot be excluded, companies in the Perpetual Group and directors, employees and consultants of companies in the Perpetual Group, do not accept any liability (whether arising in contract, tort or negligence or otherwise) for any error or omission in this material or for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect consequential or otherwise) suffered by the recipient of this information or any other person. The tax information contained is this document is not tax advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should obtain professional taxation advice in relation to your individual circumstances. 1901_HCPITG7_220814 MORE INFORMATION PPI Client Services 1800 002 513 Email [email protected]
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