Biomineral Eggs JONNA KUUSISTO* AND THAD MALONEY Aalto University, School of Chemical Technology, Department of Forest Products Technology PO Box 16300, FI-00076 AALTO, FINLAND *[email protected] 1 INTRODUCTION Many types of paper and board products are composed of a mixture of mineral pigment and cellulosic fibers. In these compositions, the cellulosic fibers bond to one another via hydrogen bonding and provide the strength of the material. Pigments give other important properties such as optics, surface properties and improved cost structure, but do not bond to each other or to the fibers. Thus, mineral pigments have a strong negative effect on paper strength. Although paper manufacturers would often desire to increase pigment content, the loss of strength limits the maximum amount of pigment in paper. [1] If a significant hydrogen bonding capability could be incorporated into a mineral pigment, this would be an extremely useful technology. The pigment would be expected to contribute to the overall strength of the paper, thus allowing for increased use of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) and corresponding improvement in the cost structure. Furthermore, the pigment would have the extended range of applications in paper, board and other products. Starch is a common material to enhance paper strength and provide additional hydrogen bonding, which originates from the large number of hydroxyl groups it has in its structure. Starch has a granular structure consisting of glucose units, which are linked together either linearly (amylose) or by forming a branched molecule (amylopectin). [2] To exploit its bonding potential, starch needs to be dissolved i.e. gelatinized [3]. When starch is heated in excess water, intermolecular hydrogen bonds within the granule are disrupted, water penetrates into the granule and granule swells. When the temperature is further increased, starch gelatinizes. Starch can also be dissolved in alkaline solutions. It is known [4], that alkali breaks the intermolecular hydrogen bonds of starch and thus enhances its water solubility. On the other hand, alkali also accelerates the molecular degradation of starch. Thus the temperature, nature and concentration of the alkali needs to be controlled to find the optimum conditions for complete solubilization, but with minimum degradation. If starch and PCC can be combined in a suitable way, the resulting pigment could have a bonding capability. However, if starch is adsorbed onto the surface of PCC, the amount of starch that can be added is limited by the monolayer adsorption to about 2-5% of PCC. Furthermore, the adsorbed starch can easily desorb in the paper machine wet end and loose its effect. In practice, the amount of starch that can be added in the wet end on a typical paper machine is about 1-2% [5] of the mass of produced paper before the system overloads with starch and dewatering and runnability problems are encountered. Target of the study was to combine PCC with native corn starch in a true composite structure, which would retain a significant hydrogen bonding capability. The composite pigments were used in paper in the fashion as traditional PCC and paper properties were examined. The amount of starch in paper was greatly increased without encountering wet end dewatering properties. Additionally, paper sheets with excellent strength properties and improved cost structure were formed. 2 2.1 EXPERIMENTAL Materials La Mède lime i.e. calcium oxide was provided by Lhoist Ltd and native corn starch by Roquette Ltd. Bleached pine and birch kraft pulps were obtained from Stora Enso, Varkaus mill (Finland). Cationic polyacrylamide (C-PAM), provided by Kemira Ltd., was used as a retention aid in handsheet preparation. As a reference, scalenohedral PCC with the average particle size of 4.0 µm was obtained from Omya AG. Sodium hydroxide (Titripur®) was from Merck KGaA. Deionized water was used in all experiments. 2.2 Methods The procedure of composite preparation is presented in Figure 1. Granular starch was suspended in water and treated either thermally or chemically with NaOH to partially swell the granules and make their surface more accessible for calcium ions. Lime and water were mixed with a high-shear mixer to form calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), i.e. slaked lime. After slaking, the Ca(OH)2 slurry was filtered through 100 mesh screen to remove impurities. Precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) was performed in the presence of swollen starch by feeding CO2 gas through Ca(OH)2 slurry at the pH of 11.5-12.0 until the pH dropped to 8. A quantity of Ca(OH)2 was added to the slurry sufficient to form PCC equal to the amount of starch. The composite was cooked after precipitation to dissolve the starch and exploit its bonding capability. After cooking the composite was mixed with a high-shear mixer and screened. remained bonded in the composite structure. The average particle size of the final composite was more than double the average size of the untreated granules. However, the size distribution remained narrow indicating both the adsorption of PCC on starch, because no residual PCC with small particle size was detected, and the absence of large aggregates. Microscopy images revealed that the alkaline treatment of starch resulted in more severe morphological changes or even in the dissolution of granules. Unfortunately, the alkaline treatment was non-uniform leaving part of the granules intact. After precipitation, only a portion of the granules were found to be covered with PCC. The particle size distribution of the composites was wide and a large fraction of smaller particles (<10 µm) was also present. Figure 1. The preparation. procedure of composite Bleached softwood and hardwood pulps were refined in a Valley beater to Schopper Riegler numbers (°SR) 27 and 21, respectively. A mixture (70/30) of hardwood and softwood pulp and 200 g/t of C-PAM was used to prepare hand sheets (80 g/m2) with a Moving Belt Former (MBF). Target PCC contents of the hand sheets were 5, 10 and 15%. Hand sheets were wet-pressed, dried between the drying-plates at ambient temperature and conditioned before measuring paper properties. Morphology of the freeze-dried and Au-coated samples was examined with the scanning electron microscope (SEM, Zeiss Sigma VP). Particle size was measured with Malvern Mastersizer 2000. The adsorption of starch was evaluated by vigorously washing the composite three times with deionized water and measuring the amount of starch left in the composite. Hand sheet properties were analyzed according to the following standards: T569 pm-00 (internal bond strength), ISO 1924-2 (tensile strength) and ISO 5636-3 (air permeability). 3 3.1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Composite pigments The average size of untreated starch granules was 14 µm (Figure 2) and their shape was angular (Table 1). After thermal treatment, the size of the granules increased and their structure changed to ring-shaped indicating that gelatinization started at the hilum of the granule. These observations are in agreement with the earlier findings [6,7]. After precipitation, the surfaces of thermally swollen granules were covered with CaCO3. Even after cooking, starch Figure 2. Particle size distribution of starch and starch-PCC composites during the preparation procedure. In a) starch was swollen thermally and in b) chemically with NaOH. Traditionally, when adsorbing dissolved starch onto the pigment surface, the adsorption is limited to roughly a monolayer capacity and already at low addition levels, a significant amount of free starch is in solution leading to dewatering and runnability issues. After washing three times with water, the composite prepared from thermally swollen starch showed almost 100 % adsorption of starch (Table 2). With alkali treated starch, approximately half of the starch remained in the composite. Table 1. Morphology of samples during the composite preparation procedure. Scale bars in images correspond to 5 µm. Sample Starch treatment Thermal Alkaline Dry starch granules Swollen starch Precipitated composite Cooked composite Table 2. The amount of starch left in the composite after washing with deionized water. Starch treatment Sample Thermal Alkaline Added starch 50 50 (% of composite) Starch in composite after 49 23 washing (% of composite) methods. At the same time, dewatering was improved (high solids content after sheet couching), which might be attributed to the large particle size of composite pigments. In addition, paper had extremely low air permeability, which indicates excellent barrier properties. When thermally swollen starch was used in composite preparation instead of alkali swollen starch, higher bonding strength and lower air permeability could be achieved. 4 3.2 Paper properties When applied in paper, the composite pigment increased the strength properties (Figure 3). A significant rise was seen in the bonding strength of paper and increasing the amount of composite pigment further enhanced the bonding strength. More than 10% of starch could be introduced into the paper, which is much more than with traditional CONCLUSIONS The composite gave excellent strength and bonding properties to paper and has a potential production cost far below that of kraft pulp. This would allow it to partly replace fiber in various paper grades improving thus the cost structure of paper in a substantial manner. In addition, unique paper property combinations, such as low air permeability together with good dewatering, could be achieved when adding composite to paper. With Figure 3. a) Solids content after couching, b) tensile strength, c) air permeability and d) internal bond strength of hand sheets without PCC (X), with reference PCC (), with thermally treated starch-PCC composites (∆) and with chemically treated starch-PCC composites (O). The sample containing thermally treated starch-PCC composite pigment at the highest PCC content in d) could not be measured, because it was outside the measurement range of device. the composite, the amount of starch in paper could be significantly increased and cationic wet-end starch replaced with the low-cost native starch. Since the composite gave high surface strength to paper and the surface sizing of paper with starch is done with the expensive and slow size press, the composite could even be utilized as a technology to eliminate size press at the paper machine. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Tuyen Nguyen is acknowledged for carrying out the experimental work. Microscopy work made use of the Aalto University Nanomicroscopy Center (Aalto-NMC) premises. REFERENCES [1] J. Husband et al. Pigments, Papermaking science and technology vol 11, Pigment coating and surface sizing of paper. Ed. J. Paltakari, Paper Engineers' Association/Paperi ja Puu Oy, edition 2, 76-190 (2009). [2] H. Zobel, Molecules to granules: A comprehensive starch review, Starch‐Stärke 40(2):44-50 (1988). [3] D. Lund and K. J. Lorenz, Influence of time, temperature, moisture, ingredients, and processing conditions on starch gelatinization, Crit Rev Food Sci. 20(4):249-273 (1984). [4] J. Han and S. 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