Space Availabl eI Child Ca n re & Kinde rgarten Wrap Winter 2015 Registration Begins December 8th Online Registration Available I i s n s - ce c n i at Da h u t lt Aq ear ea ss th /H ne ee ess ell rd Sw Fitn d W sfo on an Pitt thl ia Tr k o o L de TABLE OF CONTENTS Town Supervisor & Recreation Director Message...3 Registration Form..............................................4 Community Events............................................5 Child Care...........................................................6 Adventure & Nature..........................................7 Aquatics..............................................................7 Arts & Crafts.......................................................9 Athletics............................................................10 Cards & Games................................................13 Dance................................................................14 Education..........................................................15 Family & Youth................................................16 Finance & Business.........................................18 Fitness, Health, & Wellness............................19 Home & Garden...............................................23 Music & Theater...............................................23 Preschool..........................................................23 Pittsford Senior Center....................................24 Pittsford Youth Services..................................25 Elderberry Express..........................................25 Pittsford Community Library..........................26 Parks.................................................................27 GENERAL INFORMATION SPIEGEL COMMUNITY CENTER HOURS 35 Lincoln Ave • Pittsford, NY 14534 Mon-Thu................9:00am - 9:30pm Fri...........................9:00am - 9:00pm Sat..........................8:00am - 8:00pm Sun........................ 1:00pm - 5:00pm Open Basketball hours vary weekly. Please call the Recreation Department at 248-6280 or visit www., scroll over the “Contact Us” link, select the “Hours of Operation” link, and scroll down to the Spiegel Community Center for the weekly open basketball hours. Proof of Pittsford residency is required to use the gym. PROGRAM INFORMATION 248-6280 Spiegel Community Center rooms are available for community group meetings. Reservations are available, for a Pittsford resident, 48 hours in advance at www., click on the “Facility Reservations” scrolling link on the home page and complete the reservation process. The Spiegel Community Center is accessible to persons with disabilities. 2 | Winter 2015 TOWN OF PITTSFORD RECREATION DEPARTMENT 585-248-6280 Director Jessie Hollenbeck Assistant Director Andrew J. Urckfitz Recreation Supervisors Alison E. Stephens Alix E. Davidson Office Staff Julie Donnelly Pat Rice Audrey Janicki Nedda Howk PARKS DEPARTMENT 585-248-6495 Doug McVay, General Foreman Guy Nash, Foreman Peter Anderson Dale Burgess Clyde Cutter Marie Drury Jessica Neal PITTSFORD TOWN BOARD William A. Smith Jr., Supervisor Jared C. Lusk, Deputy Supervisor Karen W. Green Matthew J. O’Connor Mary Gehl Doyle PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Paul Wilson, Chairperson Cupertino Anaya, Vice-chairperson Matthew O’Connor, Town Board Liaison Linda Stoddard, Secretary to the Board Jessie Hollenbeck, Recreation Dept Liaison James Hodock, Planning and Zoning Liaison Claire Dickerson, High School Student Representative Julie Doyle, Greg Riley, Lisa Stein & Rick Taylor Register Online At: A MESSAGE FROM THE TOWN OF PITTSFORD SUPERVISOR & RECREATION DIRECTOR William A. Smith Jr. Town Supervisor Jessie R. Hollenbeck Recreation Director Athletic Fields Project and Spiegel Center Master Planning Process Move Ahead Our goal is to offer Pittsford residents useful and enjoyable recreation programs. To that end, we have focused this year not merely on programs, but also on upgrading the facilities where these recreation programs, and team sports, take place. As you are likely aware, at a public referendum in September residents voted to fund our Community Athletic Fields Improvement Project, which will provide much needed upgrades to fields and facilities at Great Embankment Park, Hopkins Road Park, and Thornell Farm Park, and create new fields at the Town’s Willard Road property. Currently we are organizing a preliminary schedule for the project’s various elements and expect work to begin in the spring of 2015. We will be collaborating with the Pittsford Central School District throughout the project regarding the timing of each phase, in order to minimize disruption in availability of fields during the project. The Town is moving forward with our Spiegel Community Center Restoration and Improvement Project. The Town Board recently selected Passero Associates to advise and help organize the master planning process for the Spiegel renovation. In addition to assessing the physical conditions of the Spiegel building, Passero will help us examine our existing recreation programs as they relate to current and anticipated space and needs. A local firm with extensive experience in both restoration of historic properties and renovation of recreational facilities, Passero will also help us determine the appropriate type of renovation needed. In this capacity they will assist us in evaluating how present and future uses and programs will affect the design, while maintaining the historic character of the building. Register Online At: As we develop our Master Plan for the Spiegel Community Center project we will be seeking advice and involvement from the community. Our first effort will be to create an advisory committee of residents with experience and knowledge in architecture, historic building restoration, recreation program planning, and similar skills. We also will schedule a series of community comment sessions for the general public. Direction from residents, together with the expertise and advice of the project’s engineering firm Passero, will help determine the major design configuration, which will then lead us to finalizing the Master Plan for the renovation and restoration of the Spiegel Community Center. The Master Plan will provide us the direction needed to move forward with the project next spring. Our staff and board volunteers are eager to move forward with the Spiegel Community Center’s restoration and renovation; if you have any interest and/or expertise in the areas of architecture, historic renovation, or recreation program planning, please consider becoming involved in our master planning process as it moves forward. Please also feel free to offer any insights, comments or suggestions about both the Community Athletic Fields Project and the Spiegel Community Center Project to Town Supervisor Bill Smith at 248-6220 or [email protected] and to Recreation Director Jessie Hollenbeck at 248-6284 or [email protected]. Winter 2015 | 3 Pittsford Recreation Winter 2015 Registration HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION NAME_ __________________________________________ NAME____________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _ _________________________________________________ HOME#_ ____________________ WORK#______________ HOME#____________________ WORK#_ ______________ EMAIL_ __________________________________________ EMAIL____________________________________________ EMERGENCY#_______________ CELL#_______________ EMERGENCY#______________ CELL#_________________ Primary Guardian FIRST & LAST NAME SECONDARY Guardian FIRST & LAST NAME NON-RESIDENT FEE: Participants living outside of the Town of Pittsford and the Pittsford School District are required to pay a $5.00 per activity registration fee (per individual registrant). No fee is required for free programs. Programs offered are designed for residents of the Town of Pittsford and Pittsford School District. If class size allows, registrations from non-residents who have paid the non-resident fee will be accepted. Participants living outside of the Town of Pittsford and Pittsford School District may register to receive our program brochures by mail by contacting the Recreation Department. There is a $3.00 fee charged for outside mailing. REFUND POLICY: Refunds are available, unless otherwise stated in the program description. All refund requests must be submitted to the Pittsford Recreation Department. If a program is canceled, total amount will be refunded. You may withdraw up to 7 calendar days prior to the start of a program; a refund will be granted with a $5 processing fee per person/per program (certain programs may be nonrefundable or involve a portion of nonrefundable monies.) Within one week of a program’s start date, or after a program has begun, only medical refunds will be granted. A doctor’s written statement must accompany your request. Refund will be prorated based on the date of your notification to the Recreation Department. Absolutely no refunds will be granted after the program ends. REGISTRATION TIPS: Programs that do not meet the minimum number of participants are subject to cancellation. Assume you are registered in the program unless the recreation department notifies you. Please remember that some of our programs fill quickly so please register early. RELEASE: As part of my registration, or as a parent on behalf of a minor child, I recognize that programs involving physical activity have inherent risks of injury and/ or damage and I assume any and all such risks, as well as the responsibility to be fully aware of the inherent risks associated with any program for which I register, before I begin participation. The Town and its employees will not be liable for injury or damage that occurs as a result of such risks and I waive and release the Town and its employees from any such liability. I also grant full permission to the Town to use my name, photograph, videotape or recording for any publicity promotion purposes without obligation or liability. ___________________________________ SIGNATURE REQUIRED:________________________________________________________________________ DATE REGISTRANT (PARENT OR GUARDIAN IF UNDER 18) Current Medical Conditions, Allergies, or Medications:_______________________________________________________________________________ Special Accommodations? Yes, Please Indicate: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Participant Name T-Shirt YS YM Gender Birthdate Grade YL Program Title Activity Code Fee include non-resident fee - $5.00 (per PERSON & activity if applicable) YXL Sizes: AS AM AL AXLAXXL For Triathlon Participants: 300 Yard Swim T ime: ______min _______sec Total Amount: $___________ *Please Make Checks Payable to Town of Pittsford* *Mail-In Forms to 35 Lincoln Ave, Pittsford, NY 14534* (Office Use Only) Payment Method:CASH______ CHECK______ CARD VS MC DV RECEIPT #________________________ Resident Registration Begins December 8 Non-Resident Registration Begins December 15 4 | Winter 2015 Register Online At: 2015 Community Events Candlelight Night Tuesday, December 2 4:00 - 9:00pm Sponsored by the Town of Pittsford Pittsford Village Business Association & Pittsford Chamber of Commerce Come share the warmth of the holiday season throughout the Village of Pittsford. Shopping, caroling, and holiday treats are featured during this event as well as beautiful storefronts, traditional tree lightings, luminaries, and wagon rides throughout the evening. e Th cker a r c t Nu llet Ba Saturday, December 13 Performances at 1:00pm and 7:00pm Pittsford Mendon High School The perfect show for the holiday time! Gather the family to see excerpts of this popular ballet on stage at Pittsford Mendon High School. Tickets are available for purchase at the Spiegel Community Center. Prices are $11.00 for adults, $9.00 for children and senior citizens. Sweetheart Dance Friday, February 6 Ages 5-13 6:30-9:00pm Fee: $17 Per Person Spiegel Community Center Gym Dance the night away at our annual Sweetheart Dance. Girls may bring their fathers or a special someone, such as a grandfather or uncle, as their guest. Music, refreshments and dancing make this event a memorable evening. A DJ will be playing music and providing fun activities. For an additional fee, a photographer will be available to capture the memory with a keepsake photo. Register early as space is limited. You must register each participant for this program. For more information about Town of Pittsford Special Events, visit our town website at or call (585) 248-6280 Register Online At: Winter 2015 | 5 Sunrise Club Before School Care Introducing Sunrise Club! Pittsford Recreation is excited to offer Sunrise Club, a fun and safe before school care option for elementary school aged children. Come to the Spiegel Community Center at 7:30 am to make new friends and get ready for the day. Pittsford Transportation will provide busing from the center to Pittsford Schools. Please contact Pittsford Transportation to make arrangements. Register early to make sure the program doesn’t 111422-01Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 7:30am-8:30am Fee: $170 5 days a week get cancelled due to low enrollment! 111422-02Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 7:30am-8:30am Fee: $105 For more information on this program 3 days a week (or fewer) or the drop-in option contact Alix at 248-6281. Grades K-5 Spiegel Center Rm 105 Program is closed Jan 1, 19 & Feb 16-20. Child Care Center OPEN YEAR ROUND Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-3:30PM Child Care Rates TIME One Child Additional Child 1 Hour $5.00 $3.00 1.5 Hours $7.50 $4.50 2.0 Hours $10.00 $6.00 2.5 Hours $12.50 $7.50 3.0 Hours $15.00 $9.00 *plus an annual enrollment fee of $12 per family Children ages 16 months-5 years enjoy arts & crafts, dance & music, and creative play! Stay for up to 3 hours of fun including snack and lunch time! Families must provide food and drinks for each child (no peanut products please!) as well as diapers, wipes, and a spare set of clothing. Call Nancy, Child Care Director, at (585) 248-6295 for more information, to schedule a tour, or make reservations. CLOSED January 1 K Wrap at Pittsford Recreation 111421-01Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 5 days a week 111421-02Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 5 days a week 111421-03Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 3 days a week (or fewer) 111421-04Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 3 days a week (or fewer) Ages 4 ½ -6 8:30am-12:00pm Fee: $891 12:00-3:30pm Fee: $891 8:30am-12:00pm Fee: $561 12:00-3:30pm Fee: $561 Spiegel Center Are you in need of a recreational program for your child to attend before or after Kindergarten? Pittsford Recreation is excited to offer a quality, fun and safe recreational environment for your child to attend. Activities include arts and crafts, free play, story time and playtime in our gym or outside on our playground. Time is set aside daily for lunch and snack. Each participant must bring his or her own lunch and water bottle! The program is closed on school breaks, holidays and days when Kindergarten in NOT in session. If you are in need of care after 3:30pm our After School Program is open until 6pm for an additional fee. Pittsford Transportation will provide busing to and from the center to your child’s school. Please contact Pittsford Transportation to make arrangements for your child’s busing needs. For more information on this program or our drop in option contact Alix at 248-6281. Program is closed Jan 19 & Feb 16-20 6 | Winter 2015 Register Online at Register Online At: Aquatics Adventure and Nature Family Orienteering and Navigation PLEASE REGISTER EARLY. ALL SWIM PROGRAM REGISTRATIONS WILL BE TAKEN ON A FIRSTCOME, FIRST-SERVE BASIS. Looking for a different way to beat cabin fever and enjoy the outdoors this winter? Join us for a family orienteering and navigation class! The first class will cover topics such as: map and compass exercises, basic map symbols and colors, declination, taking and applying map bearings in the field, geocaching, and more! During the second class we will put our knowledge to the test at Mendon Ponds Park while completing a navigation course. Compasses will be provided. This is a great way to safely explore the outdoors with your family! Parent & Tot Swim Megan Patridge & Jake Kwapiszeski, Instructors 141017-01 Sat Mar 21 & 28 9:00 -11:00am Fee: $10 Ages 10 and Up Spiegel Center Rm 202 & Mendon Ponds Mendon Ponds Park is located at Clover Street and PittsfordMendon Center Rd. *Parent/guardian participation is required Learn to Row Julie Doyle, Instructor 121004-01 Tue & Thu Jan 6-20 121004-02 Tue & Thu Feb 3-12 121004-03 Tue & Thu Mar 3-17 Ages 18 and up Aquatics Staff, Instructor 111101-01 Sat Jan 10-Mar 14 8:45-9:15am Fee: $48 111101-02 Sat Jan 10-Mar 14 9:20-9:50am Fee: $48 Ages 1-3 Barker Rd Middle School Pool A young child’s first aquatic experience should be a pleasurable one guided by the hand of a Mom or Dad. Children will learn games and experience the first steps in learning to swim. Parents will learn how to safely enjoy the water with their small children. Offered in cooperation with the American Red Cross. Please bring a swimsuit and a towel. Barker Rd Middle School’s pool parking lot is located off West Bloomfield Rd in Pittsford. Pool doors are located off the back of the building and back parking lot. No class Feb 14 & 21 9:30-10:45am Fee: $100 9:30-10:45am Fee: $80 9:30-10:45am Fee: $100 Pittsford Indoor Rowing Centre Row out those winter blues! Come learn the sport of rowing inside at the Pittsford Indoor Rowing Centre located adjacent to the Erie Canal at Lock 32. Participate in one of the fastest growing sports in the region. Rowing is a great cardio and conditioning activitiy. No experience necessary. Instructor will contact you with details prior to the class. Pittsford Indoor Rowing Centre is located at 2800 Clover St in Pittsford. Introduction to Fly Tying James Strong, Trout Unlimited, Instructor 141005-01 Thu Feb 5-Mar 26 7:00 9:00pm Fee: $65 Ages 12 and up Spiegel Center Rm 102 This course is intended to teach a novice or beginner how to tie wellproportioned and well-constructed fishing flies for trout fishing. The course will consist of seven 2-hour teaching sessions and one 2-hour review session. Topics to be covered are: How to select the proper fish hook for most flies, the proper use of the appropriate tools used in fly tying, material selection and handling for and during fly tying. The processes used to tie well-proportioned and well-constructed Wet Flies, Nymphs, Dry Flies and Streamers. Students will be expected to tie their own flies during the class. The instructor will demonstrate each fly and provide assistance for the students while they are tying the same fly in class. EACH STUDENT WILL BE EXPECTED TO PROVIDE THEIR OWN TOOLS AND MATERIALS. Materials for tying the flies taught in THE FIRST CLASS ONLY will be provided. Tools required for the course: Fly Tying Vise, Bobbin, Bobbin Threader, Dubbing Needle, Hackle Pliers, Scissors Medium and 6/0 Black Thread. For more information contact Jim Strong at (585) 424-1403. Register Online At: Parent & Tot Swim Plus Aquatics Staff, Instructor 111102-01 Sat Jan 10-Mar 14 8:45-9:15am Fee: $48 111102-02 Sat Jan 10-Mar 14 9:20-9:50am Fee: $48 Ages 3-5 Barker Rd Middle School Pool Is your child able to submerge his or her head under water? Are they able to float on their front and back? Instruction will be utilized to coach both the child and parent in the water. Bring a towel and swimsuit. Please no first time swimmers. Barker Rd Middle School’s pool parking lot is located off West Bloomfield Rd in Pittsford. Pool doors are located off the back of the building and back parking lot. No class Feb 14 & 21 Group Swim Lessons Aquatics Staff, Instructor 111103-01 Sat Jan 10-Mar 14 111103-02 Sat Jan 10-Mar 14 111103-03 Sat Jan 10-Mar 14 Ages 4-14 10:00-10:35am Fee: $60 10:40-11:15am Fee: $60 11:20-11:55am Fee: $60 Barker Rd Middle School Pool Students will work toward their certification of Red Cross levels 1-6. In level 6, students have the option of focusing their certification in four specific areas. These include: Personal Water Safety, Fundamentals to Diving, Lifeguard Readiness and Fitness Swimmer. Please inform your instructor as to which area you would like to focus on for the session. This program teaches children to swim and be safe in and around the water. Parents are welcome to observe classes. Bring a towel and swimsuit. Goggles are optional. Please indicate child’s swim level upon registration. Barker Rd Middle School’s pool parking lot is located off West Bloomfield Rd in Pittsford. Pool doors are located off the back of the building and back parking lot. No class Feb 14 & 21 Winter 2015 | 7 Private Swim Lessons Aquatics Staff, Instructor 111104-01 Mon Jan 5-Feb 9 6:00-6:30pm Fee: $85 111104-02 Mon Jan 5-Feb 9 6:35-7:05pm Fee: $85 111104-03 Mon Jan 5-Feb 9 7:10-7:40pm Fee: $85 111104-04 Mon Jan 5-Feb 9 7:45-8:15pm Fee: $85 No class Jan 19 111104-05 Wed Jan 7-Feb 4 6:00-6:30pm Fee: $85 111104-06 Wed Jan 7-Feb 4 6:35-7:05pm Fee: $85 111104-07 Wed Jan 7-Feb 4 7:10-7:40pm Fee: $85 111104-08 Wed Jan 7-Feb 4 7:45-8:15pm Fee: $85 111104-09 Mon Feb 23-Mar 23 6:00-6:30pm Fee: $85 111104-10 Mon Feb 23-Mar 23 6:35-7:05pm Fee: $85 111104-11 Mon Feb 23-Mar 23 7:10-7:40pm Fee: $85 111104-12 Mon Feb 23-Mar 23 7:45-8:15pm Fee: $85 111104-13 Wed Feb 25-Mar 25 6:00-6:30pm Fee: $85 111104-14 Wed Feb 25-Mar 25 6:35-7:05pm Fee: $85 111104-15 Wed Feb 25-Mar 25 7:10-7:40pm Fee: $85 111104-16 Wed Feb 25-Mar 25 7:45-8:15pm Fee: $85 Ages 4-14 Barker Rd Middle School Pool This program is designed for those children who need additional one-on-one assistance in learning to swim. Whether your child is afraid of the water or they need to refine their strokes before heading to a swim team, this program is for them. Students will be assigned to instructor the first day of class. Barker Rd Middle School’s pool parking lot is located off West Bloomfield Rd in Pittsford. Pool doors are located off the back of the building and back parking lot. Stroke Clinic for Advanced Swimmers Aquatics Staff, Instructor 111106-01 Tue Jan 13-Mar 10 6:00-6:50pm Fee: $85 Ages 7-14 Barker Road Middle School Pool A class designed for children using American Red Cross standards who are Level IV swimmers and above. The emphasis in this program will be on stroke development and refinement. Participants will be asked to produce a swimming level card at the first class. Barker Rd Middle School’s pool parking lot is located off West Bloomfield Rd in Pittsford. Pool doors are located off the back of the building and back parking lot. No class Feb 17 Family Open Swim Aquatics Staff, Instructor 141105-01 Tue & Sat Jan 10-Mar 14 Fee: $65 Tue 7:00-8:30pm Sat 12:00-2:00pm No age limit Barker Road Middle School Pool For those families looking to spend some quality time together. Locker rooms are available. Fee for this program is per family. Barker Rd Middle School’s pool parking lot is located off West Bloomfield Rd in Pittsford. Pool doors are located off the back of the building and back parking lot. No class Feb 15-22 Lap Swim for Senior Citizens Aquatics Staff, Instructor 131107-01 Sat Jan 10-Mar 14 12:00-2:00pm No Fee Ages 55 and up Barker Rd Middle School Pool This program is geared specifically toward seniors who are looking to get in the pool for a good workout or for fun. Exercising in an aquatic environment is a great low-impact workout. This is a “doit-yourself ” program, no instruction will be offered. There will be a lifeguard on duty. Barker Rd Middle School’s pool parking lot is located off West Bloomfield Rd in Pittsford. Pool doors are located off the back of the building and back parking lot. Registration is required. No class Feb 14 & 21 Water Yoga New! Penfield Sport & Fitness, Instructor 121115-01 Thu Jan 15-Mar 5 8:15-9:00am Fee: $79 Ages 18 and up Penfield Sport & Fitness This class presents yoga poses in our 89 degree salt pure pool! Water yoga enhances strength, increases range of motion, improves balance, and includes relaxation techniques. Penfield Sport & Fitness is located at 667 Panorama Trail West in Penfield. 8 | Winter 2015 Register Online At: Arts & Crafts Fabulous Furnishings Peggi Heissenberger, Instructor 120201-01 Thu Jan 15-Feb 26 6:30-8:30pm Fee: $70 Ages 14 and up Spiegel Center Rm 202 This class will give you several ideas on how to customize many types of furnishings. Learn beautiful, classic styles or fun, funky, fancy styles to paint that old piece you have been storing in the basement or garage. Participants are required to purchase the supplies needed to complete their project. No previous experience is required to participate and all skill levels are welcome. No class Feb 19 Drawing for Everyone Susan Micciche, Instructor 120214-01 Tue Jan 13-Feb 24 6:30-8:30pm Fee: $80 120214-02 Materials Fee Required Fee: $25 Ages 21 and up Spiegel Center Rm 201 Students will learn to see as an artist and render observed objects realistically in dry media. No previous drawing experience is required, only a desire to draw and reasonable hand-eye coordination is necessary. Novice and seasoned artists alike will benefit from this studio class. Each class will include examples of master drawings, instruction, demonstration, exercises and optional homework. Students will be encouraged to keep a sketchbook. No class Feb 17 Tangle Workshop Susan Micciche, Instructor 120226-01 Sat Feb 28 10:30am-12:30pm Fee: $30 Ages 21 and up Spiegel Center Rm 201 Tangles are a relatively new art form enjoyed by non-artists and artists alike. Taught one design at a time, anyone can learn this unique drawing technique. In this workshop participants will learn to draw seemingly complicated patterns to create beautiful, finished pieces of art themselves. They will leave with a library of learned patterns and the basic tools to continue drawing at home. Class fee includes all materials. CAUTION: Drawing tangles may become addictive! All Occasion Card Series Pat Miller, Instructor 120218-01 Tue Jan 6 9:30am-12:00pm Fee: $35 120218-02 Thu Jan 8 6:30-9:00pm Fee: $35 Ages 16 and up Spiegel Center Rm 201 Don’t miss a birthday this year! Start 2015 off right with a stack of birthday cards! In this self-paced class you will make 20 birthday cards in 4 different designs; 5 of each: Masculine, Feminine, Juvenile, and Unisex. Your fee includes everything you need to make all 20 cards and coordinating envelopes plus a cute container to keep them in so you stay organized all year long! Make a commitment to brighten up someone’s birthday with a special handmade touch! Grab a friend to sign up and enjoy the class together! Bring your favorite crafting glue, paper snips, and pop up dimensionals. Questions? Contact the instructor. Chicks & Chocolate Card Class Series Pat Miller, Instructor 120225-01 Thu Jan 22 10:00am-12:00pm Fee: $25 120225-02 Thu Feb 26 10:00am-12:00pm Fee: $25 120225-03 Thu Mar 26 10:00am-12:00pm Fee: $25 Ages 16 and up Spiegel Center Rm 201 Spend a couple fun-filled hours hand-crafting 6 beautiful cards and coordinating envelopes so you’ll always have the perfect one available! You will use quality cardstock, rubber stamps, gorgeous designer series papers, and a variety of embellishments. Each Card Buffet will feature no less than 10 designs for you to choose from. YOU decide if you want your 6 cards to be of the same design or one of each- or a combination of both! Every month half of the cards will be replaced with new ones! This self-paced class is open to all levels of experience so grab a friend to sign up and enjoy the time together! Please bring your favorite crafting glue, paper snips, and pop up dimensionals. All other supplies (and chocolate!) will be provided. Questions? Feel free to contact the instructor. BFF Journaling & Stamp Camp New! Pat Miller, Instructor 120224-01 Thu-Sat Feb 19-21 9:00am-12:00pm Fee: $125 Ages 8-14 Spiegel Center Rm 201 Grab your BFF and have some fun over break learning to journal and create with rubber stamps! You will decorate your own “This and That” journal with coordinating designer stickers, ribbon, washi tape, and lots of other embellishments while learning the arts of journaling and rubber stamping. Some of the techniques you will learn: faux stained glass, punch art, faux watercoloring, dry embossing, and more! Healthy snacks (and quite possibly chocolate!) provided. Other supplies provided in fee include paper snips, scrapbook adhesive, a package of rhinestones, and a cute basket to keep it all organized. Questions? Contact instructor. Antiques and Collectibles Price Prazar, Instructor 120936-01 Mon Jan 5-Mar 23 7:00-8:30pm Fee: $80 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 201 Learn how to identify and evaluate antiques and collectibles from all periods and origins through hands-on examination. Each session participants are encouraged to bring two or three items for discussion. The instructor, a longtime collector and appraiser, will discuss trends and also bring in items from his own collection for discussion. No class Jan 19 & Feb 16 Preschool Paint & Sculpt Mary Slaughter, Instructor 111313-01 Tue Jan 27-Mar 10 12:40-1:25pm Fee: $49 111313-02 Thu Jan 29-Mar 12 12:40-1:25pm Fee: $49 Ages 3-6 Spiegel Center Rm 201 Come and meet up with other creative kids like you as we explore color and texture. In this class we will paint with watercolors and tempera paints and frame our artwork! We will also make masterpieces when we sculpt our magic clay! New projects daily. $5 for materials payable to teacher on first day. Smocks recommended. Children attending the 1:30pm Sports or Tumbling Tigers class will be escorted by the teacher. No class Feb 17 & 19 Register Online At: Winter 2015 | 9 Athletics Sporty Sprouts Catherine Downs, Instructor 111209-01 Thu Jan 8-Feb 12 10:15-11:00am Fee: $66 111209-02 Fri Jan 9-Feb 13 1:00-1:45pm Fee: $66 111209-03 Thu Feb 26-Apr 2 10:15-11:00am Fee: $66 111209-04 Fri Feb 27- Apr 3 1:00-1:45pm Fee: $66 Ages 3½-5 Spiegel Center Gym Sporty Sprouts is a preschool tri-sport program. Your child will be introduced to soccer, tennis, and basketball in a fun, fast-paced setting. Our goal is to spark your child’s curiosity for sports by teaching the basic skills through age-adaptive equipment and games. Come have fun. Sneakers required. Please note: this is a non-parent participation class. Tiny Sprouts Tiny Sprouts, Instructor 111210-01 Thu Jan 8-Feb 12 9:30-10:00am Fee: $60 111210-02 Thu Feb 26-Apr 2 9:30-10:00am Fee: $60 Ages 2½-3½ Spiegel Center Gym Tiny Sprouts is a younger version of our popular Sporty Sprouts pre-school sports readiness program. Created for boys and girls ages 2½ to 3½, this program will introduce your child to age appropriate activities related to the motor skills used in basketball, soccer and tennis. Our goal is to spark your child’s natural curiosity for sports through age-adaptive equipment and a variety of games. Come have fun! This is not a parent participation class. Sneakers required. Cheerleading Mary Christine Doggett, Instructor 111201-01 Mon Jan 5-Feb 9 4:30-6:00pm Fee: $75 111201-02 Mon Feb 23-Mar 23 4:30-6:00pm Fee: $75 Ages 5-11 Spiegel Center Gym Children will learn cheerleading techniques, popular cheers, basic gymnastic movements, dance routines, and stretching. This program will provide a well-rounded experience for children who are striving for excellence and an edge when trying out for a squad. We hope that the children will enjoy this experience and move on to the next level. Parents are asked to be aware that possible injury may happen such as sprained ankles, bruises, sore muscles, and such if they have never cheered before. For more details on the scope of the class or required clothing please contact Mary Christine Doggett at 737-1137. No class Jan 19 HappyFeet Soccer New! Happy Feet Instructor 111272-01 Mon Jan 12-Mar 16 10:00-10:30am Fee: $85 111272-02 Tue Jan 13-Mar 10 6:00-6:30pm Fee: $85 Ages 2-6 Spiegel Center Rm 210 HappyFeet Rochester is part of the growing family of HappyFeet programs that started in Kansas City. It is not a surprise that so many young children have fun with HappyFeet every week! Designed to promote physical fitness, soccer skills, and most importantly, to have fun; our trained soccer coaches hold classes each week with a structured curriculum to teach the fundamentals of soccer. In a thirty minute class your soccer star learns ball control, balance, and soccer moves. There are songs and creative games. They play with their teammates and their new friend, Bob the Bobcat during their session each week. We are sure that your little one will be kicking and doing moves all over your house in no time. They will be one step closer to scoring goals, but most importantly, building confidence and promoting sportsmanship! No class Jan 19, Feb 16 &17 Intro to Youth Hockey Perinton Youth Hockey, Instructors 111292-01 Sun Jan 4-Feb 8 7:15-8:15am Fee: $80 Ages 4-8 Thomas Creek Ice Arena Open to skaters with little or no skating skills. Perfect for families wanting to try hockey with minimal commitment. Emphasis will be on balance, forward and backward skating, cross-over turns and stops. Equipment (helmet, hockey pants, protective pads) is provided for use through Perinton Youth Hockey. Players need to provide their own skates. Thomas Creek Ice Arena is located at 80 Lyndon Rd in Fairport. Tumbling Tigers Mary Slaughter, Instructor 111296-01 Thu Jan 29-Mar 12 1:30-2:15pm Fee: $59 Ages 3-6 Spiegel Center Rm 210 Grow strong all day long by tumbling! These progressive gymnastic skills use gymnastic apparatus to build upper and lower body strength! There is no better sport for promoting coordination, strength and agility! Plus we have lots of fun tumbling games and activities safe enough to try at home! Right-side up or upside down, tumbling is too much fun to miss! No class Feb 19 High-five! Winter Sports Mary Slaughter, Instructor 111297-01 Tue Jan 27-Mar 10 1:30-2:15pm Fee: $59 Ages 3-6 Spiegel Center Gym Great foundational skills for sports that kids will come to love! Each session uses games and drills to build upper & lower body strength, coordination, agility and even friendships! This session includes Volleyball, Track & Field, Soccer, and Gymnastics skills. Too much fun to miss, so be a sport and get in on the team spirit! Class size is limited. No class Feb 17 10 | Winter 2015 Register Online At: Fencing for Youth Christine Griffith, Instructor 141203-01 Sat Jan 10-Feb 7 4:00-5:00pm Fee: $90 141203-02 Sat Feb 28-Mar 28 4:00-5:00pm Fee: $90 Ages 6-12 Spiegel Center Gym This class is for beginner and continuing fencers ages 6-12 years old. Fencers with experience are welcome. The Olympic sport of fencing is a physical and mental game that challenges both the mind and body. Instruction will include footwork, blade work, and bouting. Come try this ideal sport for all ages. Instructors are from the Rochester Fencing Club. Equipment is provided. Fencing for Teen and Adults Christine Griffith, Instructor 141281-01 Sat Jan 10-Feb 7 5:00-6:00pm Fee: $90 141281-02 Sat Feb 28-Mar 28 5:00-6:00pm Fee: $90 Ages 13 and up Spiegel Center Gym This class is for beginner and continuing fencers ages 13 and up. Fencing is an individual lifetime sport that can enhance your selfconfidence and resistance to stress. Not to mention it’s a great workout that gets you off the treadmill. Teens and adults will learn the basics of the sport including footwork, bladework, and bouting. It’s never too late to try something new. Instructors from the Rochester Fencing Club. Equipment is provided. Mini-Musketeers David Taylor, Instructor 111200-01 Wed Jan 7-28 111200-02 Wed Mar 4-25 Ages 4-6 10:00-10:45am Fee: $45 10:00-10:45am Fee: $45 Spiegel Center Gym What child hasn’t pretended to be a swashbuckling pirate or a dueling Musketeer? Mini Musketeers is a fun and safe introduction to the exciting Olympic sport of fencing. Plastic and foam equipment is used to teach the basics of fencing. Unlike most other mainstream sports, fencing is more able to capture the young child’s attention. Fencing activities and games are used to improved fitness, balance, agility, and hand-eye coordination. Instructors from the Rochester Fencing Club. All safety equipment provided. Fencing Camp Christine Griffith, Instructor 111203-01 Mon-Fri Feb 16-20 9:00-10:30am Fee: $105 Ages 6-12 Spiegel Center Gym Want to learn something new during the February break? Why not try the game of “physical chess”! Fencing is a physical and mental game that challenges both the mind and body. Beginner fencing instruction will include footwork, blade work, and bouting. Fencers with experience are also welcome. Come try this ideal sport for all ages. Equipment is provided. Family Basketball 141206-01 Sun Jan 4-Mar 22 3:00-5:00pm No Fee No age limit Spiegel Center Gym The Spiegel Community Center Gym will be available on a dropin basis for parents to play basketball with their children. Some basketballs are available per request. Instruction/supervision will not be provided. Registration is required. Pickleball - Improve Your Game Larry Shearer, Instructor 121283-01 Wed Jan 7-28 11:00am-12:00pm Fee: $20 121283-02 Wed Feb 4-25 11:00am-12:00pm Fee: $20 121283-03 Wed Mar 4-25 11:00am-12:00pm Fee: $20 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Gym If you play pickleball on a regular basis and want to become a better player, this is the class for you. This four session program will focus on practicing the skills and strategies used successfully by elite players. The “inner game” or mental aspect of winning pickleball will also be covered. Minimum three months of pickleball playing experience required. If you have any questions, please contact the instructor at 241-3454. Drop-in Pickleball 131283-01 Wed Jan 7-Mar 25 12:15-2:15pm Fee: $2 131283-02 Fri Jan 9-Mar 27 2:00-4:00pm Fee: $2 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Gym Drop-in to play this exciting game that everyone is talking about! Pickleball is a blend of tennis, badminton and ping pong and is a great way to meet new people and play a game that is right for a variety of skill levels. No instruction or supervision is provided for this drop-in program. Fee is per person, per visit. For any questions, contact Andrew at 248-6283. Parent & Tot Open Gym 111207-01 Mon, Tue, & Fri Jan 6 -Mar 27 10:45am-12:00pm No Fee Ages 2-5 Spiegel Center Gym Pittsford Recreation invites parents and their little ones to share an open gym time at the Spiegel Community Center. We will provide the equipment and you provide the fun! This drop-in program is designed to give children time to socialize and use their gross motor skills. This is an open gym for parents and/or caregivers to play with their children in a stimulating environment. Children are encouraged to bring their favorite toy and explore at their own pace and desire. Parent or caregiver must be present during the entire playtime. Instruction/supervision is not provided. Registration is required. No class Jan 19 Register Online At: Winter 2015 | 11 QuickStart Tennis Camps Peggy Schuster, Instructor 111271-01 Mon Jan 5-19 4:00-5:00pm Fee: $48 111271-02 Mon Feb 2-23 4:00-5:00pm Fee: $48 111271-03 Mon Mar 2-16 4:00-5:00pm Fee: $48 111271-04 Sat Jan 10-24 10:30-11:30am Fee: $48 111271-05 Sat Feb 7-28 10:30-11:30am Fee: $48 111271-06 Sat Mar 7-21 10:30-11:30am Fee: $48 Ages 4-7 111271-07 Mon Jan 5-19 4:00-6:00pm Fee: $96 111271-08 Mon Feb 2-23 4:00-6:00pm Fee: $96 111271-09 Mon Mar 2-16 4:00-6:00pm Fee: $96 111271-10 Fri Jan 9-23 4:00-5:30pm Fee: $72 111271-11 Fri Feb 6-27 4:00-5:30pm Fee: $72 111271-12 Fri Mar 6-20 4:00-5:30pm Fee: $72 111271-13 Sat Jan 10-24 9:00-10:30am Fee: $72 111271-14 Sat Feb 7-28 9:00-10:30am Fee: $72 111271-15 Sat Mar 7-21 9:00-10:30am Fee: $72 Ages 8-12 Mendon Racquet Club QuickStart Tennis uses age/size appropriate courts and racquets to help kids develop proper technique and strategy in a play-based format. Children will learn basic strokes, how to keep score, and more. Class size is a 1:8 ratio and children will need to provide their own racquets. Please contact the instructor at (585) 8807794 if you have any questions regarding racquet size or program information. Mendon Racquet Club is located at 80 Topspin Dr in Pittsford. No class Feb 16-21 Indoor Junior Tennis Jeff Wagstaff, USPTA Instructors 111211-01 Wed Jan 7-Feb 4 4:00-6:00pm Fee: $160 111211-02 Fri Jan 9-Feb 6 4:00-6:00pm Fee: $160 111211-03 Sun Jan 11-Feb 8 2:00-4:00pm Fee: $160 Ages 7-18 Mendon Racquet Club This concentrated tennis program for beginner/advanced players is committed to the development of junior tennis. Classes are designed so that each player receives individual attention, based on his or her natural style. Each student is encouraged to reach his/ her greatest potential by experiencing competitive drills designed to teach students to react instinctively to the ball. For student placement or more information contact Jeff Wagstaff (USPTA Instructor) at 334-8897. Mendon Racquet Club (624-2310) is located at 80 Topspin Dr in Pittsford. Indoor Tennis Instruction for Juniors & Adults David Strebel, Instructor 141211-01 Mon Jan 19-Feb 23 5:30-7:00pm Fee: $140 141211-02 Wed Jan 21-Feb 25 5:30-7:00pm Fee: $140 141211-03 Fri Jan 16-Feb 13 5:30-7:00pm Fee: $140 141211-04 Sat Jan 17-Feb 14 2:00-3:30pm Fee: $140 141211-05 Sun Jan 18-Feb 15 1:00-2:30pm Fee: $140 Ages 4 and up 141211-06 Tue Jan 20-Feb 24 7:30-9:30pm Fee: $175 Ages 18 and up Harley School Tennis Courts This tennis program is set up to accommodate all levels of play. The goal of the program will be to teach basic strokes and later to put them into drills and games that will show tennis can be a lot of fun to play. Dave Strebel, USPTA Pro, will coordinate the programs and his staff will be teaching it. Dave has been a Rochester area tennis pro for 30 years and a certified USPTA teaching professional for 25 years. He was named the New York State Tennis Coach of the Year in 1994. Come and join in the fun while learning the sport of tennis. Harley School Indoor Tennis Courts are located at 1981 Clover St in Rochester. No class Feb 16-18 25+ Drop-in Basketball 121283-01 Thu Jan 8-Mar 26 7:30-9:00pm No Fee Ages 25 and up Spiegel Center Gym No instruction or supervision is provided for this drop-in program. For any questions, contact Andrew at 248-6283. Registration is required. Horseback Camp for Moms Park Place Farms, Instructor 111240-01 Wed Mar 4-18 11:00am-12:30pm Fee: $120 Ages 18 and up Park Place Farms This program is for the moms (returning or beginning riders). We will review basic horse care and riding. Classes are indoors or outside, weather permitting. This program is intended to build riding confidence and skills in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Park Place Farms is located at 354 Bull Saw Mill Rd in Honeoye Falls. 12 | Winter 2015 Register Online At: Beginning Bridge Cards & Games Bridge: Bridge Defense Part I Mary Lyke, Instructor 120815-01 Tue Jan 6-Feb 24 9:30-11:30am Fee: $60 120815-02 Materials Fee Required Fee: $17 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 102 Improve your defense; practice the basics and learn the tactics used by the experts to defeat contracts. Students will learn to plan a complete defense. Included are opening leads, signaling, hold-up plays, discarding, as well as rules for defense. This is the third in a series of bridge courses created by Audrey Grant and published by the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). We will spend 2 weeks on each chapter to have ample time. Part II will be offered next session. Great book with quizzes and hands that illustrate these techniques. The course is taught in a fun, easy-to-learn way by an ACBL accredited teacher. Instruction is followed by play of the hand. Bring your favorite partner or come alone for fun and great interaction. Book required: Defense in the 21st Century by Audrey Grant. Make up date if there is a cancelled class will be March 3rd. Mary Lyke, Instructor 120801-01 Thu Jan 8-Feb 26 12:30-2:30pm Fee: $60 120801-02 Materials Fee Required Fee: $10 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 102 Join thousands of people who play this fascinating game. Bridge is both a mental challenge and a way to meet new friends. This course is designed for the absolute beginning bridge player or the player returning to bridge who needs to review the bidding and play and wants to learn the newest bids and techniques. This is the first in a series by Audrey Grant and taught in a fun, easy-to-learn way by a trained teacher. Instruction followed by play of the hand. Book required: Bridge Basics I by Audrey Grant. Make up date if there is a cancelled class will be March 5th. Spring 2015 Upcoming Programs Bridge: Structured Play for the Advancing Player Mary Lyke, Instructor 120804-01 Tue Jan 6-Feb 24 6:30-8:30pm Fee: $60 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 102 For students who have taken classes and want to apply what they have learned. You will have an opportunity to practice: commonly used conventions, developing and implementing a plan and setting contracts through sound defense. We will also review when necessary the basics that sometimes elude us. Come with your favorite partner or come alone and meet some lovely people and potential partners. Make up date if there is a cancelled class will be March 3rd. Two-Over-One New! Mary Lyke, Instructor 120816-01 Thu Jan 8-Feb 26 9:30-11:30am Fee: $60 120816-02 Materials Fee Required Fee: $17 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 102 This class covers the basics of Two-Over-One Game Force, a popular variation of Standard American bidding methods. Students will be shown how a small modification can make it easier for the partnership to reach the best game contract and explore the possibility of slam. You will also see how the response of 1NT can improve partnership results, even with partscore hands. Even if you decide not to implement these changes into your bidding, you will have good information about your opponent’s auctions. Instruction will be followed by play of the hand. Book required: 2 OVER 1 Game Force by Audrey Grant and Eric Rodwell. Make up date if there is a cancelled class will be March 5th. Register Online at Register Online At: 12th Annual Pittsford Triathlon Date: June 7, 2015 Online Registration Starts December 8, 2014 2015 Spring/Summer Sport Leagues Men’s Softball Coed Softball Women’s Soccer Youth Soccer Coed Kickball Ultimate Frisbee New Sports Leagues Coming Soon *For more information on upcoming 2015 leagues please call Andrew Urckfitz at 248-6283* Winter 2015 | 13 Rochester Dancesport Academy Dance Pittsford Ballet Pre-Ballet Karen Hanson, Instructor 110401-01 Fri Jan 9-Mar 27 4:15-5:00pm Fee: $99 Ages 5-6 110401-02 Fri Jan 9-Mar 27 5:15-6:00pm Fee: $99 Ages 6-7 Spiegel Center Dance Studio Introduction to simple ballet movements, moving with music and imaginative mime. Registrant must provide a plain black or light blue leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers and hair pinned up securely. No skirts please. No class Feb 20 Pittsford Ballet School Karen Hanson and Jeanne Mandel, Instructors 140402-01 Sat Beg. Only 1 hr class 140402-02 1 class/week 1.5 hr class 140402-03 2 classes/week 1.5 hr class 140402-04 3 classes/week 1.5 hr class 140402-05 4 classes/week 1.5 hr class 140402-06 5 classes/week 1.5 hr class 140402-07 1 class/week-pointe .5 hr class 140402-08 2 classes/week-pointe .5 hr class 140402-09 3 classes/week-pointe .5 hr class 140402-10 Single class 1.5 hr class 140402-11 Single pointe class .5 hr *YOUTH* Mon Tue Tue Thu Thu Sat Sat Sat Sat Advanced Beginner Intermediate Pointe Intermediate Pointe Beginners class Advanced Beginner Intermediate/Advanced Pointe Jan 5-Mar 28 Fee: $110 Fee: $132 Fee: $259 Fee: $380 Fee: $495 Fee: $605 Fee: $44 Fee: $88 Fee: $132 Fee: $15 Fee: $6 4:30-6:00pm Ages 9 & Up 4:30-6:00pm Ages 11 & Up 6:00-6:30pm Ages 12 & Up 4:30-6:00pm Ages 11 & Up 6:00-6:30pm Ages 12 & Up 10:15-11:15am Ages 8 & Up 11:15am-12:45pmAges 9 & Up 12:45-2:15pm Ages 13 & Up 2:15-2:45pm Ages 12 & Up *ADULT* Mon Intermediate/Advanced 8:00-9:30pm Ages 14 & Up Tue Advanced Beginner 10:00-11:30am Ages 14 & Up Thu Beginner 10:00-11:30am Ages 14 & Up Fri Intermediate 10:00-11:30am Ages 14 & Up Spiegel Center Dance Studio Registrants must provide plain black leotards, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, and have hair pinned up securely. -Advanced Beginner: minimum 1 year training -Intermediate: minimum 3 years training -Advanced: minimum 5 years training Recommend youth advanced/beginner enroll in 2 classes/week unless provisions are made with the instructor. Pointe may be taken with permission of instructor. No class Jan 19 & Feb 16-21 Michelle Madore, Instructor 140408-01 Tue Kids/Teen Jan 6-Mar 24 6:30-7:25pm Fee: $165 140408-02 Tue Latin Jan 6-Mar 24 7:30-8:25pm Fee: $165 140408-03 Wed Ballet for Jan 7-Mar 25 6:30-7:25pm Fee: $132 Athletes 140408-04 Thu Singles Jan 15-Feb 26 6:45-7:40pm Fee: $90 Swing Dance Class 140408-05 Thu Ballroom Jan 8-Mar 26 7:45-8:40pm Fee: $165 Latin Ages 17 and up Spiegel Center Dance Studio Kids/Teen Ages 8 and up Spiegel Center Dance Studio Ballet for Ages 12 and up Spiegel Center Dance Studio Athletes Swing Dance Ages 20 and up Spiegel Center Dance Studio Class for Singles Ballroom Ages 17 and up Spiegel Center Dance Studio “Dancing with the Stars” style training right here in Pittsford! Never be bored at a wedding or social event again! The “Latin” classes cover the hottest Latin dances: Rumba, Cha Cha, Samba, Salsa, and more! The “Kids/Teen” class builds a foundation in both Latin & Ballroom. No partner is required for the “Kids/ Teen” class. The “Ballet for Athletes” is a solo endeavor to help gain the body control, flexibility, coordination and musculature needed to improve performance in any sport! NEW: Thursday evening Swing Dance Class for singles. Sign up with a friend of the opposite sex to keep us balanced and have a great time learning to swing dance and meeting new friends! The “Ballroom” class covers the elegant styles of Waltz, Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango and Quickstep. No matter what your age, you can learn to PARTNER dance! Program fees are per person. No class Feb 17-19 Teeny Tiny Tap and Ballet Shirley Reback, Instructor 110410-01 Wed Jan 7-Mar 25 10:00-10:45am Fee: $120 110410-02 Thu Jan 8-Mar 26 9:15-10:00am Fee: $120 Ages 2-3 1/2 Spiegel Center Rm 211 Have fun while learning the basic steps in tap and ballet personality songs and cute routines. Tap and ballet shoes are required. Contact Shirley to trade or buy tap and ballet shoes 880-7147. Friends and family are invited to attend the last class of the session for a special performance! No class Feb 18 & 19 Tiny Tap and Ballet Shirley Reback, Instructor 110424-01 Tue Jan 6-Mar 24 1:00-1:45pm Fee: $120 110424-02 Wed Jan 7-Mar 25 9:15-10:00am Fee: $120 110424-03 Thu Jan 8-Mar 26 10:00-10:45am Fee: $120 Ages 4-6 Spiegel Center Rm 211 This class gives preschoolers an introduction to the world of tap and ballet. Have fun while learning basic steps, personality songs and cute routines. Tap and ballet shoes are required. Contact Shirley to trade or buy tap and ballet shoes 880-7147. Friends and family are invited to attend the last class of the session for a special performance! No class Feb 17-19 14 | Winter 2015 Register Online At: Education Toddler Time Dance Pittsford Dance Studio, Instructor 110420-01 Mon Jan 5-Feb 2 Ages 2½ -4 10:00-11:00am Fee: $75 Pittsford Dance Studio This class is a magical dance experience for the very young or first time dancer. Each week participants will experience movement, ballet and tumbling with a theme that includes a craft, story and dress up play. Participants are required to wear comfy clothes to each class. Pittsford Dance Studio is located at 50 Office Park Way in the Tobey Village Office Park in Pittsford. No class Mon Jan 19 Barre & Beyond Pittsford Dance Studio, Instructor 110439-01 Mon Jan 5-Feb 2 Ages 18 and up New! 10:00-11:00am Fee: $75 Pittsford Dance Studio This adult class will utilize ballet, yoga, pilates, and dance for a total body workout. Offered during Toddler Time Dance, so moms & kids can both get fit & beat the winter blues! Workout attire is appropriate. Pittsford Dance Studio is located at 50 Office Park Way in the Tobey Village Office Park in Pittsford. No class Mon Jan 19 Chinese Dance Company of Rochester Annie Begley, Instructor 110405-01 Fri Jan 9-Mar 20 6:30-8:00pm Fee: $115 Ages 10 and up Spiegel Center Dance Studio Chinese Dance Company of Rochester offers structured dance training in Chinese classical, folk and contemporary dance for children. Curriculum includes body aesthetics/barre/technique/ repertoire. Students participate in many local performances and community events. Registrants must have pink leotards, pink tights, white ballet slippers and hair pinned up securely before coming to class. No class Feb 20 Belly Dance Deborah Robinson, Instructor Beginner Class 140406-01 Wed Jan 7-Mar 4 7:30-8:30pm Fee: $72 Performance Class 140406-02 Wed Jan 7-Mar 18 6:30-7:30pm Fee: $90 140406-03 Both Classes Fee: $136 Ages 14 and up Spiegel Center Rm 209 Join us and get in on the fun! Belly Dance will have you moving like you never thought you could. While learning this beautiful dance form, you will strengthen and tone your core, and improve your balance, posture, and coordination. No previous dance experience is required for the beginner class. This program is open to all fitness levels. Grab a friend or make a new one and have fun while achieving a great work out. The performance class is for students who have some belly dance training and want to cultivate stage presence and performance skills. If you have never performed or are newer to performing, or are more seasoned but want to master choreography, refine dance skills, and find the joy of performance, this is for you! How to Protect Yourself from Your Computer New! Marc-Anthony Arena, Instructor 120921-01 Tue & Thu Feb 3-12 6:00-8:00pm Fee: $65 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 205 Frustrated with your computer? Bombarded by error messages? Is your computer dreadfully slow? Don’t bother buying a new one! In this course, you’ll learn how to protect yourself from viruses, spyware, toolbars, spam, and scams. You’ll learn how to speed up your computer, how to make educated purchases, and the answers to questions you may have, all in plain English. The class is taught by Marc-Anthony Arena, President of Teknosphy, LLC and host of “The Computer Exorcist” show on WYSL Radio. Mr. Arena is a 2005 honors graduate of RIT with 15 years of experience in the tech field. His tongue-in-cheek teaching style will keep you interested. This is the only selfdefense class offered where you won’t break a sweat! College Assistance Plus Jim Conti, Instructor 121708-01 Tue Jan 13 7:00-8:00pm No Fee 121708-02 Wed Jan 28 7:00-8:00pm No Fee 121708-03 Thu Feb 11 7:00-8:00pm No Fee Ages 30 and up Spiegel Center Rm 202 This seminar will address parents of perspective college students and discussing the college saving options for college selection, application, and financing. In addition, we will cover information relative to students’ essay preparation, interview process, and overall positioning for the college student as they reach their college choices. Please call Jim Conti at (585) 370-3691 with any questions. Registration is required. Puppy K and Teen Puppy Obedience Class Fran Schoenfeld, ABC Certified Dog Trainer, Instructor 120909-01 Monday Jan 12-Mar 16 6:30-7:30pm Fee: $95 Dogs 8-20 weeks old 120909-02 Monday Jan 12-Mar 16 7:45-8:45pm Fee: $95 Dogs 6-14 months old Spiegel Center Rm 209 Classes focus on basic obedience; sit, down, stay, come, wait, loose leash walking, impulse control, heel, and other good behavior techniques wherein you will see extraordinary results when practicing PCP: Patience, Consistency and Persistence. We will also discuss behavior problems such as biting, mouthing, barking, jumping, chewing, and digging. Consistency and reliability are the primary focus as the puppies mature and become more capable. Socialization during playtime is also included; so all puppies must be dog and people friendly. You will learn how to be your puppy’s leader, how to avoid problems before they start, and/or how to change your puppy’s inappropriate behavior. Proof of vaccinations is required at the first class. Do NOT bring your puppy to the first class! All family members are welcome to participate. Please call Fran at Paws-I-tive Behavior Dog Training at 585-388-7482 with any questions. No class Jan 19 & Feb 16 No class Feb 18 Register Online At: Winter 2015 | 15 Defensive Driving Cindy St. George, Instructor 120907-01 Sat Feb 7 9:30am-3:30pm Fee: $45 120907-02 Tue & Thu Mar 17 & 19 6:00-9:00pm Fee: $45 Ages 16 and up Spiegel Center Rm 205 Empire Safety Council, New York State and DMV approved, offers two great ways to save for New York State licensed drivers. First, complete this informative six hour workshop and receive a 10% reduction on the liability and collision premiums of your auto insurance for three years. Each member of a family completing the workshop is also entitled to the 10% reduction provided they are a primary operator on a vehicle listed on the policy. Secondly, you may be eligible to reduce up to four points on your driving record. An experienced certified instructor will lead the program using a wide array of teaching techniques appealing to motorists of all ages. The focus of the Traffic Survival Workshop is developing improved driving awareness, prevention skills and defensive driving strategies. Saturday courses will break for a ½ hour lunch. Please bring your own beverage. SAT Prep Course Chris Burruto & Rich Kelly, Instructors 110904-01 Wed Mar 18-Apr 29 7:00-9:00pm Fee: $175 Ages 15-18 Spiegel Center Rm 101 & 201 This course is designed to give high school students the necessary skills to be prepared for the Fall SAT exam. It is intended for juniors and seniors who plan to take the SAT on May 2. The course is taught classroom style by two veteran and highly regarded classroom teachers, Chris Burruto & Rich Kelly. Chris has taught in Fairport for 24 years. He has won numerous teaching awards including the Crystal Apple Award given out yearly by his colleagues. Recently Chris was inducted into the Fairport Educator Wall of Fame. Rich is a long time math teacher at Pittsford Mendon High School. Rich has been chosen as the Mendon High School Teacher of the Year and has been recognized by RIT as an outstanding secondary teacher. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the SAT exam as well as teaching critical test taking strategies to help ensure success. This class provides an opportunity to become fully prepared for the exam and to learn. No class Apr 1 De-Mystifying College Admissions Phil Mallette, Instructor 120949-01 Tue Feb 24 7:00-8:00pm $10 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 202 The focus of this workshop is to provide families with an overview of the process of college admissions. Topics will include: college selection, admissions, and the role of standardized testing (SAT and ACT) in college acceptance. Additional information will be provided to analyze and rank college options, utilizing the three tier method, and understanding parent vs. student expectations. Families will learn how to prepare for college visits, tours, and the interview process. Participants will also discover when to file early, rolling, and regular decision applications 16 | Winter 2015 Family & Youth K-Wrap Recreation Staff 111421-01 Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 8:30am-12:00pm Fee: $891 5 days a week 111421-02 Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 12:00-3:30pm Fee: $891 5 days a week 111421-03 Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 8:30am-12:00pm Fee: $561 3 days a week (or fewer) 111421-04 Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 12:00-3:30pm Fee: $561 3 days a week (or fewer) Ages 4½-6 Spiegel Center Are you in need of a recreational program for your child to attend before or after Kindergarten? Pittsford Recreation is excited to offer a quality, fun, and safe recreational environment. Activities include arts and crafts, creative play, story time, and playtime in the gym or outside on the playground. Time is set aside daily for lunch and snack. Each participant must bring his or her own lunch and water bottle! The program is closed on school breaks, holidays and days when Kindergarten in NOT in session. If you are in need of care after 3:30pm our After School Program is open until 6pm for an additional fee. Pittsford Transportation will provide busing to and from the center to your child’s school. Please contact Pittsford Transportation to make busing arrangements. For more information on this program or our drop-in option, contact Alix at 248-6281. Program is closed Jan 19 & Feb 16-20 The After School Program Recreation Staff 111401-01 Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 3:00-6:00pm 5 days a week 111401-02 Mon-Fri Jan 5-Mar 27 3:00-6:00pm 3 days a week (or fewer) Ages 5-13 Fee: $387 Fee: $276 Spiegel Center Are you in need of a recreational after school program for your child to attend once the school day has ended? The After School Program provides a quality, fun and safe recreational environment for your child, ages 5-13. Activities include arts and crafts, free play, quiet time and playtime in our gym or outside on our playground. A daily snack is provided. The program is closed on school breaks and holidays, however it is open on school scheduled half days. Fun Camps and Fun Camp Days are available for children to attend on school breaks and holidays (registration and additional fees are required). Please contact Alison at 248-6287 to discuss drop-in options or for more information regarding the program. Program is closed Jan 19, Feb 16-20 Parents Night Out Recreation Staff 111404-01 Fri Ages 5-13 Mar 6 6:00-9:00pm Fee: $20 Spiegel Center Rm 105 This program is intended for parents to have a safe and affordable place to leave their children while they enjoy an evening out. Children will watch a featured movie and participate in various activities themed around the film. The program fee includes a slice of pizza and beverage for dinner. Space is limited so register early! Register Online At: Game Show Mania: Fun Camp Day Recreation Staff 111401-04 Mon Jan 19 8:30am-5:30pm Fee: $15 (After School Participant Fee) 111401-05 Mon Jan 19 8:30am-5:30pm Fee: $30 Ages 5-13 Spiegel Center Rm 105 Looking for something fun and exciting for your child to do on Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Join the Town of Pittsford Recreation Department for a day full of our versions of popular television game shows! Please send your child with a lunch and an afternoon snack. Please have your child dressed for outdoor weather. Register early as this program does fill quickly. For more information on Fun Camp please call Alison at 248-6287. February Fun Camp: Imaginarium Recreation Staff Supervisor 111403-01 Mon-Fri Feb 16-20 8:30am-5:30pm Fee: $105 Ages 5-13 Spiegel Center Rm 105 Looking for something fun and exciting for your child to do over Presidents’ Week Recess? Join the Town of Pittsford Recreation Department for a week full of imagination! Participants will be participating in a variety of activities and games that will require creativity and out of the box thinking. On Monday at 10:00am, we will be having a visitor from the Rochester Museum and Science Center. This individual will be giving a presentation on energy! On Wednesday we will be going on the field trip (details TBA). On Thursday, we will be having a visitor at 10:00am to give us an overview of animation and how cartoons are made! Please send your child with a lunch and an afternoon snack daily. Please have your child dressed for outdoor weather. Register early as this program does fill quickly. American Red Cross – Babysitter’s Training Domenic Danesi, American Red Cross Instructor 111405-01 Sat Jan 10 9:00am-3:00pm Fee:$85 111405-02 Sat Feb 7 9:00am-3:00pm Fee:$85 Ages 11-15 Spiegel Center Rm 102 This course is designed to provide youth (Ages 11-15) who are planning to babysit with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care for children and infants. This training will help participants to develop leadership skills; learn how to develop a babysitting business; keep themselves and others safe and help children behave; and learn about basic child care and basic first aid. Each student will receive an American Red Cross Babysitter’s Kit and a certificate stating they successfully completed the program. Students are required to provide an email address that certificates can be sent to. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Safety First for Children Domenic Danesi, American Red Cross Instructor 111406-01 Sat Mar 14 9:00-11:00am Fee: $25 Ages 6-12 Spiegel Center Rm 102 This program equips children ages 6-12 with the knowledge about home alone safety and accident prevention. Participants will learn how to answer the phone and front door safely, basic first aid, become aware of potential household hazards and much more. Participants will go home with a house rules sheet to complete with their family. Participants will role play strangerdanger scenarios to learn how to stay safe. The program will end with a 15 minute question and answer period to ensure each child leaves knowing what to do to stay safe! Register Online At: First Aid for Kids EPIC Trainings, Instructor 111416-01 Sat Mar 7 10:30am-12:00pm Fee: $25 Ages 11-16 Spiegel Center Rm 201 Taught by EMT’s and Paramedics; this course teaches 11-16 year olds the skills and techniques necessary to respond to a variety of first aid related emergencies including: bleeding control, choking, burns, care for sprains and breaks, and treatment for heat and cold emergencies. To help participants better understand common medical conditions that their friends may suffer from; we will also cover the following: food allergies, diabetes, seizures and asthma. Social Networking Safety EPIC Trainings, Instructor 111415-01 Sat Mar 7 9:00-10:30am Fee: $25 Ages 8-14 Spiegel Center Rm 201 While a great resource of entertainment, many social networking sites, text messaging or online gaming often put children at risk. Through open discussions, group exercises, written materials and video documentaries participants will be taught the importance of being safe while networking. Sweetheart Dance Recreation Staff 111408-01 Fri Feb 6 6:30-9:00pm Child Fee: $17 111408-02 Fri Feb 6 6:30-9:00pm Adult Fee: $17 Ages 5-13 Spiegel Center Gym Dance the night away at our annual Sweetheart Dance. Girls may bring their father or that special someone such as a grandfather or uncle as their guest. Music, refreshments and fun make this event a memorable evening. A DJ will be playing music and providing fun activities. For an additional fee a photographer will be available to capture the memory with a keepsake photo. Don’t miss out on this special night. Register early as space is limited. Birthday Parties Recreation Staff, Instructor 111414-01 Sun 11:30am-1:30pm Fee: $175 Ages 3-12 Spiegel Center Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to celebrate your child’s birthday? Choose from a variety of themed activities, sports, and crafts for your child and his or her friends to enjoy while celebrating their special day. Birthdays are hassle free when you have a party with us! Your personal party host will lead participants in various activities while you enjoy the fun. Leave the planning and mess up to us! All parties include a sheet pizza, decorated room, invitations, paper goods, party host, lemonade, an hour of games in the gym and an hour of activities in the party room for up to 15 children. Parties must be booked at least one week in advance. An accompanying adult must be present for the duration of the party. Please contact Alison at 248-6287 for more information or to schedule a party. Register Online at Winter 2015 | 17 Finance & Business Company Specific Reitrement Planning, 401 (k) management, and Benefit Seminar Whit Merrill CFP® , Instructor 121719-01 Thurs Jan 15 6:00-7:30pm No Fee XEROX Employee Informational Class Regarding Benefits 121719-02 Thurs Jan 22 6:00-7:30pm No Fee 401(K) Active Management for Wegmans, RIT, University of Rochester, Siemens, and New York State Employees 121719-03 Mon Feb 9 6:00-7:30pm No Fee Retirement Income Planning for Kodak Employees/ Recent Downsized and Retirees Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 205 This course will help employees of different local organizations understand their benefits, plan for retirement, and manage their 401 (k) plans. Xerox employees will discuss: investment options for 401 (k), RIGP, and IRA; transitioning to new jobs or retirement; and, how to invest in your 401k. The course for Wegmans, RIT, U of R, Siemens, and NY State Employees. Employees will help employees learn about IRA and 401 (k) active advisory management before retirement. The course for Kodak current employees and recent retirees will cover: krip/ cash balance options; SIP; financial planning; and changes to company paid health and dental care for retirees. Registration is required. Downsizing in Today’s Market Robert Opett, ABR, CBR, Instructor 120935-01 Thu Feb 12 Ages 18 and up 7:00-8:15pm No Fee Spiegel Center Rm 201 This class will show participants who are experiencing a life change (such as loss of a job, disability, loss of a spouse, or simply becoming “empty nesters”) how to properly downsize their single family residence in today’s real estate market. Staging, pricing, and updates will be discussed to obtain the maximum profit in the shortest amount of time for the Seller. Discussion will include strategies and options such as reverse mortgages. Participants will also learn tips on vacation purchases both within the US and abroad. Discussion will include mortgage options, benefits of Buyer agency, pitfalls, inspections, and certain legal issues. Registration is required. DIY Retirement Planning Workshop Thomas Mulford, CLTC, LTCP, Instructor 121717-02 Wed Jan 7 7:00-8:00pm No Fee Ages 55 and up Spiegel Center Rm 202 This is a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Workshop session to simplify your retirement planning process by providing the tools you need to build your own retirement plan. The process is simplified by breaking down your needs into three categories: (1) your Paycheck needs, (2) your Playcheck, and (3) a Protection Plan. We will show you how to detail the plan and how to guarantee your Paycheck is funded for the rest of your life. Then, we work on your Playcheck and your Protection Plan. This method provides you the Peace of Mind that your Retirement Plan will last your lifespan, and is not subject to market valuations and interest fluctuations. Registration is required. 18 | Winter 2015 Estate Planning and Tax Saving Ideas New! Thomas Mulford, CLTC, LTCP, Instructor 121722-01 Wed Jan 14 7:00-9:00pm No Fee Ages 60-75 Spiegel Center Rm 202 Case Studies are used in this session to provide you with some ideas to maintain your Estate value, increase your Estate and/or provide Tax-Free Deferred Income. Cost Basis from Term Life insurance premiums can be used to provide Tax-Free annuity income. Survivorship or Joint Life products can be used to increase Estate value when financed by placing qualified money in variable products and using Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to finance the Joint Life Policy efficiently. Combination Life Insurance Long Term Care products can leverage your cash to give a benefit or return all premium if not used. Registration is required. Long Term Care Planning Seminar Thomas Mulford, CLTC, LTCP, Instructor 121709-01 Wed Jan 21 7:00-9:00pm No Fee Ages 45 and up Spiegel Center Rm 202 AARP Long-Term Care Seminars are designed to educate members to fully understand the risk and consequences for Long Term Care. At a time when people are increasingly worried about providing care services for themselves, their spouse or other family members, this planning can ease the worries of a long-term disability. Participants will learn how to design an affordable plan to minimize the burden to their families, their own income and their retirement portfolio. Special programs such as the NY State Partnership for Long Term Care will be discussed. AARP membership is not required. Registration is required. Medicare and the Affordable Care Act Mike Chabalik & Patrick Kelly, Instructors 121715-01 Wed Jan 14 6:30-8:30pm No Fee Ages 55-64 Spiegel Center Rm 102 This program is a one night class that will deal with the complexities of Medicare. The class will also address the usage of private insurance to cover medical expenses not covered by Medicare - also known as Medigap coverage. The class will discuss the challenges that long term care expenses can have on someone’s assets and the various types of long term care insurance available to protect them. Finally, the class will include a section on the Affordable Care Act, describing how it works in New York. Registration is required. Savvy Social Security Planning for Boomers Mike Chabalik & Patrick Kelly, Instructors 121703-01 Wed Feb 25 6:30-8:00pm No Fee Ages 40 and up Spiegel Center Rm 102 After being told for years that Social Security is “going broke,” baby boomers are realizing that it will soon be their turn to collect. The decisions you make now can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of benefits you stand to receive over your lifetime. This one night course will answer many questions you have including, will Social Security be there for you to receive? How much can you expect to receive? When should you apply? How can you maximize your benefits? How do you best coordinate them with other retirement income sources? Registration is required. Register Online At: How to Buy Your First Home Robert Opett, ABR, CBR, Instructor 120948-01 Thu Mar 19 Ages 18 and up 7:00-8:15pm No Fee Spiegel Center Rm 201 Learn how to navigate the process of buying a home-whether it is the first time or you are a move-up buyer ready for a great refresher. We will cover mortgages, inspections, and negotiations. Participants will learn the Ten Mistakes People Make when Buying a Home. Save money and find the home of your dreams! Registration is required. Facts about Divorce in NYS BJ Mann, Instructor 120918-01 Thu Feb 5 7:00-9:00pm Fee: $10 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 101 There is little that is more stressful than the potential ending of a marriage. There are many decisions to be made and worries about how things will turn out. Making decisions during an emotionally traumatic time can be confusing, scary and overwhelming. This program will provide facts and clarify myths about child support, spousal maintenance, property distribution and other aspects of divorce. It is useful to anyone exploring this process as well as counselors, human resources managers, clergy, financial planners and other service providers. Women and Wealth Gregory Herbison, Instructor 121712-01 Thu Feb 26 7:00-8:00pm No Fee Ages 25 and up Spiegel Center Rm 205 It’s Time to Take Charge of Your Finances. Has a change in your situation put you in the driver’s seat when it comes to your family’s wealth? Please join us for an informative seminar that will help you in your new role. We’ll discuss key components of both long and short term planning and the building blocks you’ll need to help create an effective strategy. Come to learn, to ask questions and to join with other women who are learning how to take charge of their financial life. Registration is required. Key Life Decisions: Are You Prepared? Dale Rehkopf II, CFP, Instructor 121714-01 Tue Jan 13 6:30-8:00pm No Fee Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 101 This course details the inter-connected financial, tax, and legal aspects of key life decisions. Discussions will cover timely tax planning, recent changes in the estate tax laws and gaining a deeper insight into maximizing social security benefits. A panel consisting of a Certified Public Accountant, an Estate Planning Attorney, and a Certified Financial Planner will distill the complex nature of these key life decisions. Registration is required. Register Online At: Register Online at Fitness, Health & Wellness Martial Arts for Youth-Introductory James Creighton & Pete Reminicky, Instructors Children’s White Belt Class 110303-01 Tue Jan 6-Mar 24 5:45-6:15pm Fee: $99 110303-02 Wed Jan 7-Mar 25 5:45-6:15pm Fee: $99 110303-03 Tue & Wed Jan 6-Mar 25 5:45-6:15pm Fee: $149 Ages 5-15 Spiegel Center Gym Designed strictly for new students and current white belts. Our program of the martial arts is an “education-based” curriculum; where character building, leadership skills, goal setting and constant and never ending improvement all play vital roles. This means that in addition to learning traditional techniques of the martial arts, children are also taught the importance of respect, self-confidence, self-esteem and anger management. We strive to provide each student with a positive image on how they behave in the dojo (training hall), home, and school. The introduction program is designed to prepare each student for their yellow belt training, so that they can further their martial arts training in our year round colored belts program. Students are allowed to sign up for more than one night to advance their training if desired. For more information visit No class Feb 17-18 Martial Arts for Youth-Advanced James Creighton & Pete Reminicky, Instructors Children’s Yellow & Orange Belt Class 110303-04 Tue Jan 6-Mar 24 6:15-7:00pm Fee: $119 110303-05 Wed Jan 7-Mar 25 6:15-7:00pm Fee: $119 110303-06 Tue & Wed Jan 6-Mar 25 6:15-7:00pm Fee: $179 Spiegel Center Gym Children’s Green Belt & Above Class 110303-07 Tue Jan 6-Mar 24 7:00-7:45pm Fee: $119 110303-08 Wed Jan 7-Mar 25 7:00-7:45pm Fee: $119 110303-09 Tue & Wed Jan 6-Mar 25 7:00-7:45pm Fee: $179 Ages 6-15 Spiegel Center Gym COLORED BELTS ONLY. This advanced martial arts for kids program is a continuation of training after completion of Level I introduction to the martial arts for children program. Students signing up for this program must have already achieved their yellow belt in Goshin Jutsu. After building a basic foundation of the martial arts in the introduction program, students in the advanced program are seeking to further their training by learning different colored belt requirements within the curriculum. The main emphasis in this program is to focus on the concept of “constant and never ending improvement”. It is our goal to help students follow through to the rank of black belt and eventually advanced study in the adult curriculum. For more information visit No class Feb 17-18 Winter 2015 | 19 Martial Arts for Adults James Creighton, Instructor 120303-01 Tue Jan 6-Mar 24 7:45-8:45pm Fee: $119 120303-02 Wed Jan 7-Mar 25 7:45-8:45pm Fee: $119 120303-03 Tue & Wed Jan 6-Mar 25 7:45-8:45pm Fee: $179 Ages 16 and up Spiegel Center Gym The adult program is for anyone who wants to learn how to defend himself or herself and gain confidence in a positive and enthusiastic training atmosphere. We focus our training on developing each individual to their own personal best, by enriching their lives with all of the unique benefits that the martial arts, (Goshin Jutsu) has to offer. We teach this self-defense oriented martial arts class emphasizing the interaction of the striking arts with the jujitsu arts. Our program is year round and allows each student to advance up the ranks to black belt. For more information please visit No class Feb 17-18 Little Ninjas Karate James Creighton & Pete Reminicky, Instructors 110328-01 Sat Jan 10-Mar 28 11:00-11:30am Fee: $99 Ages 3-5 Spiegel Center Gym The Little Ninjas program has a detailed curriculum that focuses on improving pre-school and school aged children’s basic motor and listening skills. These skills will help your child enter society with a more confident and enthusiastic outlook. They will become better students at school and better listeners at home. We believe the time between the ages of 3 and 5 are the most important years of a child’s character development. Our program will enhance positive development in a fun and motivating way. What better way to spend quality time with your child than interacting with them in our program! This program will also help prepare your child for the children’s white belt program. In our Little Ninjas classes, we make learning fun and educational. Our goal is to help your child be the best they can be! No class Feb 21 Total Body Fitness James Creighton & Pete Reminicky, Instructors 120373-01 Sat Jan 10-Mar 28 11:45am-12:15pm Fee: $99 Ages 16 and up Spiegel Center Gym Our Total Body Fitness classes are designed to give you a complete workout that will keep your heart rate elevated to a fat burning state throughout the entire session. Although each class lasts only 30 minutes, the intervals of ‘all-out’ intensity are the key in making your body respond, and therefore ultimately create your results. In your 30 minutes of interval training you will be working at maximal load on each station. You will be performing many different exercises that are fun, challenging and definitely not boring. The classes also combine different plyometric, body weight and resistance band training exercises. These sessions have been carefully designed to maximize results through the combination of both anaerobic (strength) and aerobic (conditioning) activities. These movements will keep your muscles in a state of perpetual confusion, in which they will constantly be forced to adapt and grow. No class Feb 21 Martial Arts for Women Tracy Maggio & Debbie McIlhagga, Instructors 140303-01 1 class/week Fee: $39 140303-02 Unlimited classes/week Fee: $69 140303-03 Instructors/Unlimited Fee: $49 Mon Jan 5-Mar 23 6:00-7:30pm Rm 210 Wed Jan 7-Mar 25 6:00-7:30pm Rm 210 Sat Jan 10-Mar 28 9:15-10:45am Rm 210 Ages 13 and up Speigel Community Center BEGINNER - ADVANCED Learn martial arts in a non-macho atmosphere. Have fun. Get fit and flexible. Reduce stress. Increase your concentration and selfconfidence, and in the process you will acquire real fighting skills. Experienced black belts teach the traditional elements of karate, including kata, kicking, punching, and weapons. Since this is a school for women only there is emphasis on self-defense against attacks in real life situations. Beginners welcome at all classes. No class Jan 19, Feb 16-21 20 | Winter 2015 Register Online At: Yoga for a Healthy Back New! Alicia Barnes, Instructor 140378-01 Mon Jan 5-Mar 23 6:15-7:15pm Fee: $65 140378-02 Wed Jan 7-Mar 18 6:15-7:15pm Fee: $65 140378-03 Mon&Wed Jan 5-Mar 23 6:15-7:15pm Fee: $120 Ages 16 and up Spiegel Center Rm 205 Hula Hoop Barb Manchee, Instructor 120353-01 Wed Jan 7-Feb 11 3:45-4:45pm Fee: $60 120353-02 Wed Jan 7-Feb 11 5:30-6:30pm Fee: $60 Ages 16 and up Spiegel Center Rm 209 No class Feb 9 You may have heard of Hoopnotica Hula Hooping on Good Morning America, Dr. Oz or other TV shows. Come find out what all the fun and excitement is all about. The Hoopnotica certified instructor will have adult-size exercise hula hoops (or you may bring your own) that you can use to strengthen core muscles and tone the entire body, enhance balance and reduce stress. This fun cardiovascular workout will help burn calories, gain strength, and lift spirits. Yoga for Kids Debbie McVean Aerobics Improve your health and fitness with a vinyasa style yoga class taught by Sports Chiropractor and Yoga Instructor, Dr. Alicia Barnes. This class will focus on increasing core strength, flexibility, and spinal stabilization to correct poor posture and promote overall health and well-being. This class is for all levels of yoga, including those trying yoga for the first time. Marie Quinton, Instructor 110306-01 Thu Jan 8-Feb 5 1:30-2:15pm Fee: $75 110306-02 Thu Feb 12-Mar 19 1:30-2:15pm Fee: $75 Ages 3-6 Spiegel Center Rm 211 This class is designed to meet the needs of your child’s development physically, mentally and emotionally. Through a form of child’s play, your child will learn the benefits of breathing exercises and yoga poses that will be explored with a variety of animal poses using music and story-telling. No class Feb 19 Zumba Michelle Medina, Instructor 140314-01 Wed Jan 21-Mar 18 7:45-8:45pm Fee: $60 Ages 15 and up Spiegel Center Dance Studio Do you love to dance? Do you love the sounds of Latin and International beats? Would you love to burn 500 calories in a single hour? Then you’ll love Zumba! Zumba is a Latin fitness dance class that combines dances such as Salsa, Meringue, Cumbia, Samba, Raggaeton and Hip-hop, and mixes it with aerobic moves to create a fun exercise experience! No class Feb 18 Debbie McVean, Instructor Jan 5-Mar 28 120304-01 1 class Fee: $5 120304-02 ANY 5 classes Fee: $25 120304-03 ANY 24 classes Fee: $45 120304-04 ANY 36 classes Fee: $65 120304-05 Unlimited classes Fee: $75 Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri 9:15-10:25am Sat 8:30-9:40am Mon & Thu 6:05-7:15pm Ages 14 and up Spiegel Center Gym Take that first step towards achieving your cardiovascular and weight-bearing goals! Come join us for a challenging, yet easyto-follow workout. Great fun! Great music! The 70-minute total body energizing class includes 40 minutes of high-low aerobics followed by 30 minutes of floorwork focused on toning the upper body, legs, hips, thighs, and abdominals. Bring your own two 2-4 lb handweights and exercise mats. Instructor holds Physical Education degree and has 30 years of fitness instruction experience. Child Care is available through Pittsford Recreation at an additional cost For more information about Child Care, please call 248-6295. Drop by before any class and talk to Debbie about participating in a free class! No class Jan 19, Feb 16-21, Mar 6-7 Boot Camp Penfield Sport & Fitness, Instructor 120342-01 Tue/Thu/Sat Jan 13-Feb 21 Fee: $99 Tue & Thu 5:15-6:00pm Sat 8:00-8:45am Ages 18 and up Penfield Sport & Fitness This program is a total body workout. Classes include running drills, steps, weights, and bands. Let the instructor boot you into shape with different fun and challenging exercises. You will have the option to only use your own body weight. Boot camp is only available one time per year, per person. Penfield Sport & Fitness is located at 667 Panorama Trail West in Penfield. Register Online at Register Online At: Winter 2015 | 21 Pittsford Nautilus Andrew Schuler, Owner 140309-01 3 months Fee: $99 12 months Fee: $325 3 months w/ freeze policy Fee: $149 12 months w/ freeze policy Fee: $399 Mon-Thu 5:30am-9:30pm Fri 5:30am-8:00pm Sat 7:30am-5:00pm Sun 9:00am-4:00pm Ages 13 and up Spiegel Center Nautilus Area The Pittsford Nautilus facility includes over 30 separate nautilus exercises and free weights to develop strength and flexibility for the entire body. Fitness equipment includes treadmills, computerized bicycles, rowing machines, Stairmasters, elliptical trainers and Schwinn Air-dynes for cardiovascular development. Individual fitness programs are designed to meet your goals and objectives. Visit us at or call 248-6298 for more information. Meditation and Health Usha Shah, Instructor 120329-01 Wed Jan 7-Feb 4 10:00-11:15am Fee: $50 120329-02 Wed Feb 11-Mar 18 10:00-11:15am Fee: $50 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 202 Meditation is one of the proven alternative therapies. More and more doctors are prescribing meditation as a way to lower blood pressure, help people with asthma breathe easier, relieve insomnia, and relax with the everyday stresses of life. Meditation is a safe and simple way to balance a person’s physical, emotional, and mental stress. The class will focus on several meditation techniques while learning to live from a heart based consciousness where calmness, creativity, and peace can be experienced. No class Feb 18 QiGong Exercises for Optimum Health Usha Shah, Instructor 120346-01 Wed Jan 7-Feb 4 11:30am-12:45pm Fee: $50 120346-02 Wed Feb 11-Mar 18 11:30am-12:45pm Fee: $50 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 202 QiGong is a mind-body exercise and explores the connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Its gentle movements stretch and strengthen muscles, improve balance and flexibility, and reduce inflammation in joints. This movement helps to improve the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body and helps to remove toxins. The session will include slow, controlled, gentle movements that are easy to learn with emphasis on posture and deep breathing. No class Feb 18 Discover Your Human Design New! Bonnie Schwartzbauer, Instructor 120377-01 Wed Jan 14 12:00-3:00pm Fee: $40 Spiegel Center Rm 201 120377-02 Mon Feb 9 6:00-9:00pm Fee: $40 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 101 Human Design is a “new” personal assessment tool to identify and understand the personal energy signature. In this introductory class, participants will learn how to read their Human Design to discover their life role and how to gracefully, powerfully, and magically navigate life from their true, authentic self. The class includes lecture, discussion, and activities. Participants who provide their birth date, location, and time prior to the class will receive their Human Design chart at the time of the class. All participants will receive a handout with the Human Design keynotes. Busy Mom’s Guide to an Organized Life New! Rubiena Duarte, Instructor 120379-01 Sat Jan 10 10:00-11:30am Fee: $15 120379-02 Sat Feb 7 9:30-11:00am Fee: $15 120379-03 Tue Jan 20 9:00-10:30am Fee: $15 120379-04 Tue Feb 10 6:00-7:30pm Fee: $15 Spiegel Center Rm 101 120379-05 Wed Mar 4 9:00-10:30am Fee: $15 120379-06 Wed Mar 25 6:00-7:30pm Fee: $15 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 102 Have you found yourself more than once in the past month chatting to your friends and the conversation always includes how busy you are, how you never find time in the day for everything you need to do and how you wish you were more organized? These 2 hour workshops are for busy moms like yourself where you will leave with time map exercises to put into place at home, ideas on how to find “you time”, organizational tips you can use every day, and a free organizing booklet. I guarantee you will have relevant, helpful organizing information that you can use immediately to improve the quality of your daily life. Managing High School with A LOT Less Stress Paula Bobb, Instructor 140363-01 Wed Feb 25 7:30-8:30pm Fee: $15 Ages 13 and up Spiegel Center Rm 202 Stress can be helpful, deadlines can spur one to action, requirements can provide structure and purpose. Stress can also be one’s undoing. It can prevent students from thinking clearly, focusing easily, doing well on tests or college entrance exams. It can result in procrastination on assignments or college applications, and block one from succeeding in spite of knowledge and ability. Come to this hands-on class and release stress and anxiety with EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as “tapping”. This is an opportunity for students and parents to not only learn a very effective and efficient stress-release technique, but to also experience some benefits right away. 22 | Winter 2015 Register Online At: Home & Garden Remodeling Your Kitchen Peter Rees, Instructor 120701-01 Thu Feb 12 6:30-9:00pm Fee: $15 Ages 18 and up Spiegel Center Rm 101 Are you planning to remodel your kitchen? Learn how to plan an efficient kitchen, what to look for in kitchen cabinets, the pros and cons of re-facing versus new cabinets, the advantages of different types of countertops, flooring, sinks and lighting. Learn the elements of basic kitchen design and the best order of having your remodeling work done. Bring all your questions to be answered by a kitchen specialist. Music & Theater Private Piano Lessons Beth Werner, Instructor 140501-01 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 3:00-3:30pm Fee: $170 140501-02 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 3:30-4:00pm Fee: $170 140501-03 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 4:00-4:30pm Fee: $170 140501-04 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 4:30-5:00pm Fee: $170 140501-05 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 5:00-5:30pm Fee: $170 140501-06 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 5:30-6:00pm Fee: $170 140501-07 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 6:00-6:30pm Fee: $170 140501-08 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 6:30-7:00pm Fee: $170 140501-09 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 7:00-7:30pm Fee: $170 140501-10 Fri Jan 9-Mar 6 7:30-8:00pm Fee: $170 Ages 5 and up Spiegel Center Rm 202 An experienced and fun teacher will instruct on how to begin enjoying playing the piano. You will learn the basics of piano and music theory. Each student will progress as far as they are able during the 8-week session. No class Feb 20 Preschool Melody Kids Brenda Lincoln, Instructor 111301-01 Fri Jan 9–Feb 6 10:00-10:45am Fee: $30 111301-02 Fri Feb 13-Mar 20 10:00-10:45am Fee: $30 Ages 1-3 with an adult Spiegel Center Rm 202 This class is created for young children to explore the world of music. They will sing, dance, play simple instruments such as egg shakers, bells and rhythm sticks all while using their imagination. Join Miss Brenda for this fun musical program. No class Feb 20 Preschool Adventures Sherry Murray, Instructor 111314-01 Wed Jan 7-28 10:00-11:00am Fee: $50 111314-02 Wed Feb 4-Mar 4 10:00-11:00am Fee: $50 Ages 2-5 with an adult Spiegel Center Rm 205 Preschool Adventures is a unique class that is designed as a non-stressful way for children to be introduced to the preschool experience. Each week is centered on a theme. The class begins with a story to introduce the children to that day’s lesson. Often we have finger-plays or a song at this time as well. Then the child and their adult will rotate through 4-5 tables which contain age appropriate crafts and activities. Everything is open ended and creative, as well as relates back to the day’s theme. We close with a large motor activity and the goodbye song. Students will be able to practice listening to a teacher, following directions, and using classroom materials in a fun environment with their parent present. Please wear sneakers and a smock or old clothes. No class Feb 18 Register Online At: Winter 2015 | 23 Pittsford Senior Citizens Pittsford VanHuysen Senior Center • 3750 Monroe Avenue, Pittsford, NY 14534 Phone (585) 248-6235 • Dolores DeCoste, Director All exercise, dance and fitness classes are free to Pittsford residents, and $3.00 for non-residents. All are welcome! PITTSFORD SENIOR CITIZENS is sponsored by the Town of Pittsford, Department of Senior Citizens, for retired residents or those 50 years of age and over. There are NO fees for membership. The Pittsford Senior Center is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00am-3:30pm, and Friday 9:00am-2:00pm. We hope you will come and spend time with us either by joining one of our programs, or just stopping in to meet your friends or make new ones. Our monthly newsletter is available at the Senior Center; those wishing to have the newsletter mailed are asked to contribute $6.00 per year to help defray postage. Weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays at the Senior Center unless otherwise noted. Members bring a sandwich for lunch at 12:00pm (special meals are announced in advance). Dessert and beverages are provided. Donations are accepted to help defray operating expenses. Lunch is followed by a program presentation after which members may stay to play cards and other games until 3:30pm. CRAFT GROUP Meets each Friday from 10:00am-12:00pm to work on crafts to decorate for events and donate to different local charities, or you can bring your own project. LUNCH CLUB 60 NUTRITION PROGRAM Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Lunch is served at 12:00pm. The Nutrition Program offers an opportunity to share in a hot meal, partake in social activities, and maintain a quality of life that older adults age 60 or over so richly deserve. Suggested donation for this lunch is $3.00 per person. This program provides nutrition screenings, assessment, education and counseling to help older participants meet their health and nutrition needs. We will provide transportation to and from the Pittsford Senior Center. Please call 248-6235 to make a lunch reservation and/or sign up for transportation. MEN’S AND LADIES’ GROUP Pittsford Senior Citizens sponsors a Men’s and Ladies’ Group that meets the second Friday of the month, September through June. Social hour starts at 9:00am, with a guest speaker at 9:30am. All are welcome! SQUARE DANCING with Jerry Carmen Jerry teaches the basics of square dancing including a mixture of traditional and modern styles. Fridays, 1:30pm-2:30pm. LINE DANCING with Will Herzog Beginner Class meets Wednesdays from 9:0010:00am. Advanced Class meets Wednesdays from 10:0011:00am. Fun, entertaining, and a great source of exercise! 24 | Winter 2015 ZUMBA GOLD CLASS with Lisa Valcore Classes meet Mondays & Thursdays, 10:30-11:15am. Exercise that’s fun, easy, and effective – no dance or exercise experience needed for this Latin inspired dance fitness program! Modified for the active older adult or beginner participant. Can be done on your feet or in a chair. TAI CHI with Donna Evevsky Taught by the Arthritis Association on Thursday from 1:002:00pm. A gentle form of Tai Chi specifically developed for people with arthritis. Improves balance, breathing and relaxation. ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE with Pat Rose Classes meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00am. This is a gentle motion exercise program to keep your joints flexible. YOGA-FIT FOR SENIORS with Donna Kawczynski Mondays, 11:10am-12pm & Fridays, 9:009:50am. Come try this ancient form of body rehabilitation called yoga. Yoga helps to regain strength, tone and flexibility in a nurturing, gentle atmosphere. Learn techniques that help to reduce stress and ease your mind, all while strengthening your body. NIA: MIND-BODY-SPIRIT FITNESS with Rhonda Wright NIA: Non-Impact Aerobics. Classes meet Mondays 9:0010:15am. Wear loose-fitting clothing and bring a mat or towel for floor stretching. NIA is a whole-body approach to fitness that encompasses the dance arts, the martial arts, and the healing arts. BALANCE CLASS Our Instructor is Dr. Ron Wood, owner of Clover Physical Therapy, PC. Every third Thursday of the month 1:45-2:30pm. Exercises to help improve strength, mobility and/or balance can help you stay active and prevent falls. FELDENKRAIS METHOD EXERCISE CLASS First two Wednesdays of each month at 11:15am. Improves posture, coordination, flexibility and suppleness. Moreover, Feldenkrais alleviates pain by minimizing physiological and psychological stress associated with restricted functions. Our instructors are Staffan Elgelid PT, GCFP, Ph.D. and Fred Onufryk, MS, PT. FREE EUCHRE CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS Mondays, 12:30-2:00pm, with Instructor Janet Learn how to play Euchre and make new friends. Wagner. Register Online At: ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY Join us on Tuesday, March 17, at 12:00pm when we are all “Irish for the Day.” Chef Julie Donnelly will prepare a delicious Irish lunch for us. Irish music entertainment by Cathy McGrath of “Teakettle Music” will follow lunch. Cost is $8.00 per person. Call 248-6235 to make a reservation. FREE AARP TAX PREPARATIONS NEW YEAR’S PARTY At the Pittsford Senior Center, Fridays, February 6-April 10. Free, quality volunteer run assistance and preparation service that can transmit your return directly to the IRS. Please call 248-6235 after January 12 to make an appointment. At the Pittsford Senior Center at 12:00pm on Tuesday, January 6. Cost is $10.00 per person. Food comes from Chen Garden Chinese Restaurant, with the menu to include Mixed Vegetables, White Meat Sesame Chicken (not spicy), Chicken Lo Mein, White & Fried Rice, and Rainbow Sherbet with a Fortune Cookie. Music performance follows lunch. Please call 248-6235 to make your reservation. EUCHRE PARTY At the Pittsford Senior Center Saturday, January 17 • 12:004:00PM • $5.00 per person. Refreshments served. High Score & Door Prizes. Bring your friends! Please call 248-6235 to make a reservation. PYS is a unique and important resource for the Pittsford community. We are a not-for-profit human service agency that provides Free & Confidential social work and counseling services to youth, ages 5 to 21 years old and their families, who live, attend school, worship, or work in the Town of Pittsford. Staff consists of New York State Licensed Social Workers (LMSW’s). Services are provided at all Pittsford School District buildings, St. Louis School and the PYS office. Our programs and services include: • Individual Counseling • Group Counseling • Family Counseling • Prevention Education • Parent Education To learn more, call or write to us at: Elderberry Express Senior Citizen Center (585) 248-6237 Need to get out of the house? Call Elderberry Express! Elderberry Express provides transportation to the senior citizens of Pittsford for the following: • Pittsford Senior Meeting - Tuesdays • Shopping at Wegmans & Pittsford Plaza -Wednesdays • The individual’s choice: any weekday doctor, dentist, bank, friend, beauty salon, etc. (585) 248-6299 or by e-mail at [email protected] A donation per trip is appreciated but not required. Spiegel Community Center, Room 208 Volunteer Drivers Needed Register Online At: Winter 2015 | 25 Pittsford Community Library 24 State Street, Pittsford, NY 14534 (585) 249-5481 • Follow us: Library Hours - Mon-Thu 9:00am-9:00pm • Fri 9:00am-6:00pm Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm • Sunday 1:00pm-5:00pm Bingo Night @ the Library Tuesday, February 17th 7:00-8:00pm, Fisher Meeting Room Enjoy old-fashioned fun with your family and friends. For all ages. No registration required. From Our Children’s Librarians Jeanne Steinbrenner and Peg Tyler Join us on Feb. 7 for Take Your Child to the Library Day! Now in its fourth year, this annual event is held nationwide to encourage parents and caregivers to bring children to the library on a regular basis. We’ll have a special family program to celebrate. See you there! From our Tween & Teen Librarian Katie Procious, Young Adult Librarian Prepare for college entrance by taking a practice test at the library. Tests are facilitated by Chariot Learning. Registration begins one month before the test date. SAT Practice Tests: Monday, January 19. Fisher Meeting Room, 10:00am-2:00pm. Registration required. Saturday, February 14. Fisher Meeting Room, 10:00am-2:00pm. Registration required. ACT Practice Test: Saturday, March 21. Fisher Meeting Room, 10:00am-2:00pm. Registration required. If you are looking for ways to fulfill your community service requirement, look no further! Our Teen Community Service Hour is the second Tuesday of every month in the Teen Place. Registration is required. Adult Programming News Mary Ann Clark, Adult Programs Librarian Warm up at the library by attending one of our programs! We offer book groups, computer classes, knitting workshops, movie nights, live music and lectures on history, the arts, social media, current events, and more. Invite your friends and neighbors, and join us at the library this winter. 26 | Winter 2015 Register Online At: Pittsford Parks Department 34 East Street • Pittsford, NY 14534 • 248-6495 King’s Bend Park Lodges Hold Your Special Occasion At King’s Bend Park The park, designed for family and neighborhood use, features two enclosed lodges and restrooms. Open lawns, shaded areas, picnic facilities, walkways, playground facilities and park benches are located alongside the North and South ponds. Amenities for both lodges include, electric fireplace, furnace, ceiling fans, picnic tables and benches, sinks, stoves, refrigerators and coat closets. For more information please contact Julie Donnelly at 248-6280. Online Reservations: King’s Bend Park Lodge Fees: • Available at Click on “Make a Facilities Reservation” Reservation Packets are available: • Spiegel Community Center, 35 Lincoln Ave. • Pittsford Town Hall, 11 S. Main St. • Pittsford Community Library, 24 State St. • South Lodge - Accommodates 50 people Residents $100.00 • Non-residents $200.00 • North Lodge - Accommodates 99 people Residents $125.00 • Non-residents $250.00 Additional Pittsford Parks & Open Spaces Geese landing at King’s Bend Park Soccer field at Great Embankment Park Port of Pittsford Park 22 North Main St. 2 acres Thornell Farm Park 480 Pittsford-Mendon Rd. 27 acres Copper Beech Park 14 State St. .1 acres Great Embankment Park 631 Marsh Rd. 12 acres Isaac Gordon Nature Park 3450 Clover St. 118.5 acres Habecker Fields 34 East St. 6 acres Hopkins Park 5 Barker Rd. 9.6 acres Hiking trail at Isaac Gordon Nature Park Register Online At: Lock 62 and Erie Canal Trail 3195 Monroe Ave. 19 acres Winter 2015 | 27 PR SRT STD U. S. POSTAGE PAID Pittsford, NY Permit No. 33 This brochure is printed on recycled paper. Candlelight Night Tuesday, December 2 4:00-9:00pm Nutcracker Ballet Saturday, December 13 1:00pm and 7:00pm Sweetheart Dance Friday, February 6 6:30-9:00pm 12 th Annual Pittsford Triathlon Sunday, June 7 Registration is open! Tentative Mailing Date for Upcoming Spring 2015 Brochure: Week of March 1
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