Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Date: November 25, 2014 Title: RFQ for Grant Writing Services – Submissions and inquiries should be addressed to: Elsa Luna-‐ Chief Financial Officer Los Angeles Universal Preschool 888 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 800 Los Angeles, CA 90017 [email protected] (213) 416-‐1236 LAUP Request for Qualifications for Grant Writing Services I. Overview LAUP is a non-‐profit organization whose mission is to provide access to quality early education programs for children in Los Angeles County. We believe all children deserve the best start in life, and high-‐quality preschool programs provide them with a solid foundation for success. While access and affordability are core commitments of LAUP, our dedication to improving the overall quality of preschool is what gives the LAUP model national potential. Each year, LAUP helps over 10,000 children from various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds receive a quality preschool experience. With our commitment to accessibility and affordability, we support free preschools in Los Angeles and offer funding for early childhood programs throughout the county. LAUP is dedicated to giving every child an opportunity to attend a quality public preschool in Los Angeles. Although building a universal preschool network is challenging in any county or state, LAUP hopes to serve as a model for others who are making the commitment to prepare every child for success in kindergarten and beyond. II. Background LAUP recently completed its Strategic and Business Plan for 2015-‐2020. This plan defines LAUP’s new vision and mission with a focus on the diversification of LAUP’s funding streams supporting its work in early education and related workforce development. Three priority areas and related goals have been identified: 1. Early Education Quality and Excellence o Provide high-‐quality early education environments that demonstrate excellence and continuous quality improvement. o Support community implementation of high-‐quality early education and development programs. o Establish LAUP’s model for capacity building and technical assistance as the county, state and national standard. 2. Strategic Partnerships, Revenue, Organizational Development o Partner with public and private stakeholders to grow high-‐quality early education programs. o Grow and diversify LAUP’s revenue sources. o Develop a strong advancement and entrepreneurial culture. 3. Advocacy and Public Will Building o Strengthen and garner support for the movement for publicly funded, high-‐quality early education in LA County, the state and nation. o Advocate with strategic partners to create policy and funding opportunities supporting high-‐quality early education systems in LA County. o Elevate the profile of early education in LA County and subsequently, the state and nation. III. Scope of Work LAUP is seeking the services of a Grant Writer(s) to assist in securing funds through various grant opportunities available through the Federal, State and County on behalf of LAUP. LAUP seeks grant writers with experience and measurable success. LAUP is interested in retaining a qualified grant writer(s) who can perform the following: 1. Serve as the LAUP’s consultant to seek and secure funding. 2. Research, seek, identify and write Federal, State, County, and local grant proposals that are applicable to LAUP, this may be an optional function based on LAUP’s needs. 3. Develop strategies and prioritize schedules and timelines for each identified grant. 4. Manage and monitor the funding agency and file a progress report with LAUP staff assistance, as required. 5. Monitor the public grants to identify additional sources of potential financial and matching support and alert and coordinate with the appropriate department for program specifics. 6. Meet with LAUP to evaluate departmental and resource needs as directed to meet LAUP’s objectives. Timeline RFQ closing date will be ongoing based on the needs of LAUP. LAUP will select writers for future projects from among qualified respondents to this RFQ. Contractors will be selected for future projects based on the competitive qualifications, experience and hourly rate quoted in proposals responding to this RFQ. One or more qualified contractors may be asked to provide further details and price information, or participate in an interview, based on the needs of specific projects. Cover Letter Respondents should submit a cover letter expressing their interest. The letter shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: a. Statement of interest referencing grant writing. b. Certification that the information and data submitted is true and complete to the best knowledge of the individual signing the letter. c. Respondent’s name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address of the individual to contact regarding the submittal. d. An authorized principal or partner of a firm shall sign the letter. Qualifications 1. Respondents shall identify the key individual to be assigned to LAUP (by name and position) and describe their specific work experience, educational background, and their length of tenure with respondent. 2. How much funding have you been directly responsible for writing? (Please provide the agency name and amount of award.) 3. Respondents shall submit names, addresses, and phone numbers of references familiar with the respondent’s ability, experience, and reliability in the performance and management of grant writing services similar to this proposal. 4. List grant agencies with which you are familiar with and have experience working with. 5. How many of the following grant types have you been responsible for having awarded in the past five years? a. Federal b. State or Local (please specify which state) c. Other Please list amounts under each subsection. Pricing Respondents are to submit an hourly rate for services rendered. Selection Criteria • Ability to complete work promptly and accurately with internal and external stakeholders. • Flexibility working within changing landscape as grant opportunities become identified. • Ability to work within approved budget. Submission Instructions Agencies or consultants who wish to be considered should submit an electronic copy of their proposal to Elsa Luna ([email protected]). Questions should be directed to Elsa Luna, [email protected].
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