nome Homework 3 - SIO160 2- 5T0160 Homework Duein clsss,next Thursdoy.' Hereoresomeexercises to mokeyoucdeptot solving velocitytriangles. Mostoresimple, but o few qretricky. Keepyoureyeonwhotis hoppening right ot ihe triplejunction. Monyof ihe velocitytriqnglesinvolveridgesthoi qrelgl spreoding orihogonolly to the plotemolion.Thisis notunusuol onEorth(olihough not io lhe exte^t seenin lheseexercises).Thetricky thing in thesecasesis to the ridgeondis not ihot the velocitylinetorthe ridgeis porallel orthogonol to lhe ploiemotion.seebelowl i+ < *l."r,r --->B A *--i---- V j/ ab Besureto lobelcll velocitylines. fn problem ihe lengthof the veclors. 3 youconjust "eye-boll" Theseproblems ? ol CoxandHort, orefromChapter "r -T -\l* I /\l nA,+V,^- I hasbeencut into threepieces A pieceof peperlithosphere A, B, and C in differentwa)'s.In all casesthe paperplates diagramshon'nat thetop.All of the angles hale rher,elocity shos'naremultiplesof 45'. t+- ,f/\rll I I f -r .|_ (a) Show*'hetherthe plateboundaries areridges,trenches, or transfornrs. / '---.- ->l-< F 1- (b) Drawa pairof arron'son oppositesidesof eachbound' arv shori'ingthe directionof relativemotion(note that to ridgesand thesearrowsneed not be perpen-dicular trenches). 1Y c AB -20 a 2a 10 F X . A M P LE (c) Showrhemagnitude of the relatirevelocityacrosseach L ^ ,.^ t- - ,, vvu l l u d l G) A B ,Lto aa / 3r c /-\ r. B c <_ 8A AA B c --> ? (f) B B B A c c c B h\ ( ,1 B A ' A B c A c A nd/!r (a) A (a) z_ I A A- '_ /r 'r r r r r v) Hint: If vou have trouble visualizingthe nrotion, hold plate B fixed and dran'the velocity flelds over platesA and C. 60fry SOLUTION B i^ _l rrl A c The plates are no\!' moving as shon'nbelo*: Proceedas before. -4A -2A '4A AI BI C A ,/ t^n\ Blc '/ n'\$ t lll Gt) c (f) A A /o\ \D / B G) B A A B c c c A c B Blc A B (e) c A c A 5Al^^t5, Lc ) (t') (a) SoLUf t oN € (AN\FL E B \lake a velocirydiagramfor eachsetof plaresand deternrine n'herherthedashedboundaryis a ridge,rransform, or trench; rhenshowrhe relativevelociryacrossrhe boundar*giving borh rhe direcrion(smallarron.s)and rhe magnirude(in units of nrnr/i'r). u<pdto sh,swthaHhp boundari'is a t-rFsfsFprh,rlft:s_upro rnu-o-d ererrnlne*belher"ft j+l efplater*l,e**B*t*red N 8Q <-ll-a^^,r. l e aI I + + qk A + T te a _ ta z\z 50 rJ A l eo n tn' l,/ r\ ^J9 -ra+ e T c I + \l L4) t a6 60 ^^1,1, I (!,/ + T <-ll-> 5o I --ll*'""t' t \.{ 0" s0Luftc.\ -t + 10 ",^/J. T 3 )1 A lbo -ro ^9 rV / c 5A A 10a + - Ea 6.\) \ c T T -tu@-+- (c ) M L4J .l 16 n A t3A^^/", ,- A I ,"\"" ,"\"" \1 ," c N 106f T Le l c5a J /r CA A 5a 8 ta ,a -5 e \oto^ N tt: c T t, */ c t 5a tea --'--t.^ 50 ^^/r. A | .., .i !{ .n t^4 'l + + l oaI qh ,^/t, trA 3 ++-F+rf T T, too -to 56 T T T toa 4) In problem 2, analyzeall of the triple junctionsin velocity spaceto determineif the triple junctions are stable.If one of the boundariesis a trench,considerboth casesin which the role of oneof the adjacentpfates is either overriding or underthrusting.For the stabletriple junctions, determinethe velocity vectorof the triplejunctionrelaiiveto plate C. ZA - q*o +;* 'Et L'u#r'r^ E -1A -2 A nr8 ,9C -\a -2a '-20 :E nnn lv -1a -za -4A -2A Lk *t{.^f'U^ \)'M4 -1a -za -1A -20 '4A -1 a -qa ,9 -ra -2a 20 -1a -20 40 47) -1A -2A - 4A - 24 1A /-w 4A +-qh4-q l\ 2-^ \ ) - ltAta 4A -4 kt v -L a -2a -4th tv -1l_u./ a '-2A
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