MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). Saber et al Research Article PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF NIGELLA SATIVA OIL ON ACUTE CADMIUM NEPHROTOXICITY IN THE RAT RENAL CORTICAL TISSUE: HISTOLOGICAL AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDY Entesar Ali Saber, Seham abdel Raouf abdel Aleem, Azza Hussein Ali, Nashwa Fathy El-Tahawy and Sara Mohammed Naguib Department of Histology, El-Minia Faculty of Medicine Abstract Forty-five adult (about150-200 g) male albino rats were used in this study. They were divided into 3 groups: Group I, control group; 15 rats received single buffer saline (2 ml/ kg/d) subcutaneously. Group II, cadmium treated group; 15 rats received daily cadmium chloride (0.49 mg/kg/d) subcutaneously. Group III; cadmium and Nigella sativa treated group;15 rats, received a daily cadmium chloride subcutaneously in combined form with Nigella sativa oil. After 7 days the kidney tissues were taken out and processed for immunocytochemical, light and electron microscopic study. The current study showed that the kidneys of group II showed some degree of degeneration in the proximal (PCT) and distal (DCT) convoluted tubules. The renal glomeruli, PCT and DCT cells showed occasional fine vacuolar changes. More numerous mitochondria, lysosomes, and dense irregular apical microvilli were observed by the electron microscopy. Amelioration in the histological changes in the glomeruli as well as in the PCT and DCT was clearly observed in group III which received Nigella sativa oil administration (group III) if compared with group II. Preserved cortical architecture was observed. There were also less obvious degeneration and vacuolation of renal corpuscles, PCT and DCT. The tubular cells appeared with apparent normal basal infolding, elongated mitochondria, lysosomes and basement membranes. Conclusion: This study provides evidence that Nigella sativa oil could exert a protective effect against cadmium induced injury by its anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and antioxidant effects. Key words: Nigella Sativa Oil and Immunocytochemical INTRODUCTION: Cadmium is involved in environmental pollution as it is widely used in paints, plastic manufacturing, electrolysis, and industry (1). It accumulates in various tissues after chronic exposure with food and water(2). Tobacco contains significant amounts of cadmium and smoking is one of the sources of cadmium exposure in the general population(3). Atmospheric deposition of airborne cadmium, and the application of cadmium-containing fertilizers and sewage sludge on farm land may lead to contamination of soils and increased cadmium uptake by crops and vegetables consumed by human beings(4). With a long biological half-life (15-30 years), toxic effects of cadmium depend on the dose, the length of exposure, and whether it is breathed in or ingested(5). Cadmium absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is the main route of its entry(6). Cadmium causes liver, kidney, and testis degeneration; hypertension; 132 atherosclerosis; osteoporosis; anemia; and cancer(7). Przialeck et al.,(1) observed the effects of cadmium on vascular permeability, edema, hemorrhage, and necrosis. Cadmium exposure results in necrotic and apoptotic cell death(8). The PCT has been reported to be the primary site of damage(9). It can also affect distal tubules and glomerular structures(10). In the Middle East, Northern Africa, Far East and Asia, Nigella sativa has been used traditionally for entries for the treatment of various diseases for over 2000 years(11). Nigella sativa contains 36-38% fixed oil, proteins, alkaloids, saponins and 0.4-2.5% essential oil(12). The main compounds are thymoquione (30-48), p-cymene (7-15%), carvacrol (6-12), 4-terpineol (2-7%), t-anethole(14%) and the sesguiterpene long-ifolene (18%)(13). Many therapeutic effects of Nigella sativa extracts have been documented, including antioxidant(13), antimicrobial and antihelminitic(14), anti-inflammatory(15), anti-tumour(16), Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). antidiabetic(17) and antiulcerative effects(18) in both clinical and experimental studies. The aim of this study was to describe the structural and ultrastructural changes in the renal cortex of adult male rats after acute cadmium administration and shed a light on the possible protective effect of Nigella sativa oil against cadmium induced nephrotoxicity. Material and Methods Animals: This study was conducted in the Histology department of faculty of Medicine of El-Minia University. The study was dealing with the kidney tissues of adult albino rats. A total number of forty five male albino rats weighing 150-200 g were used. The rats were housed in plastic cages (as 5 rats /cage) and maintained in a light, humidity and temperature controlled environment for one week prior to the experiment. Standard rat diet and water were allowed kept on normal diet and tap water ad libitum. Reagents: Cadmium chloride powder was obtained from Sigma Aldrich (Sigma Aldrich, Egypt), which was freshly dissolved in isotonic NaCl according to manufacturer’s instructions. Nigella sativa oil was purchased from Origo Company (Origo, Egypt). The company produced Nigella sativa oil by cold pressing of fresh seeds without using any chemicals. Experimental design: Animals were randomly divided into three equal groups as following: 1. The control group (group I): It consists of 15 rats which received isotonic NaCl (2ml/ kg/d) subcutaneously throughout the experiment. 2. The cadmium treated group (group II): It consists of 15 rats in which cadmium chloride was given in a dose of (0.49 mg/ kg/d) subcutaneously according to Kanter et al.,(19). 3. The cadmium and Nigella sativa treated group (group III): It consists of 15 rats. Rats were received a daily cadmium chloride (0.49mg /kg/d) subcutaneously in combined form with Nigella sativa oil in a dose of (2 ml /kg/d) orally according to Ebru et al.,(20) 133 Saber et al The rats were sacrificed on the 7th day by decapitation under brief halothane anesthesia. The kidneys were rapidly removed, divided into two halves for separate processing. The first half processed for light microscopy (using H & E) and immunostaining (COX2) and the second half processed for transmission electron microscopy. Image capture: Tissue sections were examined and images were digitally captured using a hardware consisting of a high-resolution color digital camera mounted on an Olympus microscope (Olympus CH30, Japan), connected to a computer, and then analyzed using Adobe Photoshop. Results 1) control group: Histological study of the rat renal cortical tissue by H & E showed numerous renal corpuscles, proximal (PCT) and distal convoluted tubules (DCT) (fig. 1A). The renal corpuscles contained tufts of capillaries, the glomeruli which surrounded by the Bowman's capsules. The urinary spaces were present between the glomeruli and Bowman's capsules. The parietal and visceral layers of each Bowman's capsule were distinct. The parietal layers were lined by simple squamous epithetlium. The glomeruli were in intimate contact with the visceral layer of Bowman's capsules which was composed of modified epithelial cells called podocytes. The PCT were lined with typical thick large cubical epithelium with acidophilic cytoplasm. The DCT showed considerably lower cubical epithelium surrounding a relatively larger regular distinct lumens with less acidophilic cytoplasm than the cells of the PCT (fig. 3A). The DCT showed modification called the macula densa. The cells of the macula densa were tall, narrow, and pale with centrally placed nuclei. Because of the narrowness of these cells, the densely staining nuclei were near to each other; collectively, viewed with the light microscope as a dense spot (figs. 2A, 3A). Regarding immunocytochemical study using COX2, the renal cortex showed faint cytoplasmic expression in few macula densa cells Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). while the cells of PCT and DCT displayed negative COX2 immunoreactivity (figs. 5A & 6A). At the ultrasructural level, the endothelial cells of the glomerular capillaries were very richly fenestrated with large pores which appeared to lack any trace of a closing diaphragm. Podocytes cells adhering to their walls possessed short extensions in the form of many primary and secondary processes. The secondary processes were in contact with the basal lamina of the capillaries walls. The foot processes contained few or no organelles. The filtration slits were clearly evident (fig. 7A). The cells of PCT of control rat were high cuboidal in shape with central rounded nuclei with prominent nucleoli containing marginally arranged chromatin material. The cell membranes were characterized by indistinct lateral borders, many long apical microvilli and basal infolding. Elongated mitochondria with intact cristae, situated mainly between the nuclei and the uniformly thickened basal cell membranes. The cytoplasm showed also occasional lysosomes (fig. 8A). Additionally the cells of DCT were pale and low cuboidal in shape with central nuclei with prominent nucleoli. These cells were characterized by indistinct microvilli, clear cell boundary and basal infolding. Elongated mitochondria within the cytoplasm between the basal infolding were notice (fig. 9A). 2) One week cadmium treated group: The histological changes caused by cadmium were relatively minor in this group. The changes were varied considerably from one tubule to another or from one individual cell to another in a single tubule. Mild intertubular hemorrhages and peritubular capillary dilation were noticed as shown in figure (fig. 1B). Evidence of degeneration of some PCT and DCT cells was clear. Intraluminal cellular debris was also observed (fig. 2.B). The renal glomeruli, PCT and DCT cells showed occasional fine vacuolar changes (fig. 3B). some Inflammatory cell infiltration was also observed (fig. 4B). More obvious cytoplasmic expression of COX2 in macula densa cells was observed (fig. 5B). 134 Saber et al Few cells of PCT and DCT started to show cytoplasmic expression of COX2 (fig. 6B). The previous results had been verified by electron microscopic study. It was noticed that the glomerular endothelial cells loss their normal fenestrae organization. Widening of some pedicles was clearly noticed. The glomeruli appeared with normal filtration slits but with mild thickening of their basement membrane (Fig. 7B). Furthermore, it was showed that the nuclei of PCT cells displayed little chromatin condensation. The microvilli were dense and irregular if compared with the control group. Loss of basal infolding was also noticed. The cytoplasm showed changes in the form of appearance of vesicular mitochondria, more lysosomes and vacuolation. Mild thickening of the cellular basement membrane was showed (fig. 8B). The DCT cells showed some chromatin condensation if compared with the control group. Some cells showed shorter basal infolding than that of the control group, while other cells showed complete absence of their basal infolding. The mitochondria may be either elongated or vesicular. More lysosomes, cytoplasmic vacuolation and mild thickening of the cellular basement membrane was also observed (fig. 9B). 3) One week cadmium and Nigella sativa oil treated groups: The damaging effects of cadmium in this group were very minimal if compared with that of the corresponding one week cadmium treated group. Preserved cortical architecture with less peritubular capillary dilatation were observed as shown in figures (1C). The renal glomeruli and convoluted tubular cells (proximal & distal) showed less obvious degeneration and cytoplasmic vacuolation (figs. 2C, 3C). In some sections, there was less numerous inflammatory cell infiltration around the involved tubules if compared with one week cadmium treated rat (fig.4B). It was clearly found that, the cytoplasmic expression of COX2 was apparent normal in macula densa cells. The PCT and DCT showed less COX2 immunoactivity than the corres- Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). Saber et al ponding previous one week cadmium treated group (figs. 5C, 6C). At ultrastructure level, the glomeruli appeared with apparent normal filtration slits and basement membranes but with irregular fenestrae and few wide pedicles (fig. 7C). The PCT cells in this group, showed little nuclear chromatin condensation. Retained basal infolding with elongated mitochondria were also observed. The cells showed also A B apparent normal long microvilli, lysosomes and basement membranes but with few cytoplasmic vacuolation (fig. 8C). Additionally the DCT cells showed little chromatin condensation. The cells appeared with apparent normal basal infolding and normal elongated mitochondria. The cytoplasm exhibited few vacuolation. Apparent normal lysosomal content and basement membrane were also noticed (fig. 9C). C Fig. 1: Photomicrograph of renal cortex of: A) a control rat showing normal lobular organization of the renal cortex. B) 1 week cadmium treated rat showing dilated peritubular capillaries (d) and mild inter tubular hemorrhages (h). C) 1 week cadmium and Nigella sativa oil treated rat showing less evident dilatation of peritubular capillaries (d) and hemorrhage (h) in comparison with the previous corresponding treated group. (H&E X100). . A B C Fig. 2: Photomicrograph of renal cortex of A): a control rat showing normal structure of renal corpuscles (RC), PCT (p) and DCT (d). Notice the macula densa cells of the DCT (m). B) 1 week cadmium treated rat showing the degeneration of PCT(p) and DCT (d) tubules. Notice intraluminal epithelial cell debris (arrow). C) 1 week cadmium and Nigella sativa oil treated rat showing less obvious distortion of PCT (p) and DCT (d) tubules in comparison with the previous treated group (H&E X400). 135 Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). Saber et al B A C Fig. 3: Photomicrograph of renal cortex of: A) a control rat showing a renal corpuscle (RC), Bowman's space (BC) and podocytes (arrow). The PCT lined with typical thick cubic epithelium (p) while DCT show a considerably lower cubic epithelium (d). The convoluted tubules have a relatively regular distinct lumen. Notice the macula densa cells (m) . B) 1 week cadmium treated rat showing fine cytoplasmic vacuoles of the renal corpuscle and evidence of vacuolation of PCT (pv) and DCT (dv). C) 1 week cadmium and Nigella sativa oil treated rat showing less numerous cytoplasmic vacuolation of the renal corpuscles (v), PCT (pv) and DCT (dv) cells in comparison with the previous group (H&E X1000). A B Fig. 4: Photomicrograph of renal cortex of: A) 1 week cadmium treated rat showing some inflammatory cell infiltrating the renal parenchyma (circles). B)1 week cadmium and Nigella sativa oil treated rat showing apparent less inflammatory cell infiltration (circle). (H&E X400). 136 Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). A Saber et al B C Fig. 5: Photomicrograph of renal cortex of: A) a control rat showing faint COX2 cytoplasmic expression in macula densa cells (m). B) 1 week cadmium treated rat showing COX2 cytoplasmic expression in the PCT (green arrows) and DCT (blue arrow) cells. C) 1 week cadmium and Nigella sativa oil treated rat showing that the COX2 cytoplasmic expression seems to be normal in macula densa cells (m). (immunohistochemistry counter stain HX x1000). A B C Fig. 6: Photomicrograph of renal cortex of: A) a control rat showing negative immunoreactivity in the PCT and DCT cells. B) 1 week cadmium treated rat showing COX2 cytoplasmic expression in the PCT (green arrows) and DCT convoluted tubular cells (blue arrow). C) 1 week cadmium and Nigella sativa oil treated rat showing less noticeable COX2 cytoplasmic expression in PCT(green arrows ) and DCT (blue arrows) cells if compared with the corresponding group (immunohistochemistry counter stain HX x1000). 137 Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). A B Saber et al C Fig. 7: An electromicrocraph of the renal glomerulus of: A) a control rat showing a blood capillary with fenestrated endothelium (black arrow) and podocyte (p) with primary (red arrow) and secondary process (blue arrow). Notice the filtration slits (green arrow) and the glomerular basement membrane (circle). B) 1 week cadmium treated rat showing blood capillaries with irregular fenestrae(black arrow) and wide pedicles (blue arrows). Notice the apparent normal filtration slits (green arrow) and the mild thickening of the glomerular basement membrane (circle). C) 1 week cadmium and Nigella sativa oil treated rat showing blood capillaries with irregular fenestrae (black arrow) and few wide pedicles (blue arrow). Notice the apparent normal filtration slits (green arrow) and the glomerular basement membrane (circle). X14900. A B C Fig. 8: An electromicrocraph of the PCT cells of: A) a control rat showing rounded euchromatic nucleus (n) with prominent nucleolus (nu). Notice the long microvilli (mv), basal infolding (f), elongated mitochondria (m), indistinct lateral border (b), lysosomes (L) and cellular basement membrane (circle). B) 1 week cadmium treated rat showing little chromatin condensation (n), dense irregular microvilli (mv), vesicular mitochondria (m) and absence of their basal infolding. Notice the more numerous lysosomes (l) and vacuolation (v). Cellular basement membrane becomes more thickened (circle). C) 1 week cadmium and Nigella treated rat showing less chromatin condensation (n), apparent normal microvilli (mv) and lysosomes (l) but with few vacuolation(v). Retained basal infolding (f) with elongated mitochondria (m) are noticed. Notice the apparent normal thickening of their basement membrane (circle). X7450. 138 Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). Saber et al . A B C Fig. 9: An electromicrocraph of the DCT cells of: A) a control rat showing rounded euchromatic nuclei (n) with prominent nucleoli (nu). Notice indistinct microvilli, basal infolding (f) with basal mitochondria (m), clear lateral border (b), lysosomes (L) and the cellular basement membrane (circle). B) 1 week cadmium treated rat showing more chromatin condensation (n). The basal infolding may appear shorter (f1) or completely absent (f2). Notice the elongated and vesicular mitochondria (m1, m2). More lysosomes (l) and vacuolation(v) are noticeable. The cellular basement membrane becomes more thickened (circle). C) 1 week cadmium and Nigella sativa oil treated rat showing little chromatin condensation (n), apparent normal lysosomes (l) and basal infolding (f) with elongated mitochondria(m). Notice the few vacuolation (v) and normal apparent basement membrane thickness (circle). X7450. DISCUSSION: This study is concerned with the description of light and electron microscopic structural changes in the rat kidney cortex following cadmium administration as a promising experimental model of acute nephritis. Moreover, the changes noticed in this vital organ can be used as warning symptoms for human health. The main purpose of this present research was designed to find out the nephroprotective effect of Nigella Sativa oil on the renal cortical tissue if concomitantly used with cadmium. Humans environmentally exposed to cadmium,especially smokers, are at risk of renal dysfunction (21). There is a considerable evidence suggesting that the kidney is a critical organ affected by cadmium poisoning since the pathological changes primarily observed in this organ22). In this study, the dose of cadmium was selected so that it was comparable with that of a human who was occupationally exposed to high levels of this metal(23). This dose seemed to be lower than the amount of cadmium to which persons living in polluted areas are exposed over a lifetime(24). 139 This study showed various morphological changes in the renal cortex after acute cadmium exposure. The renal glomeruli, PCT and DCT cells exhibited mild cytoplasmic vacuolation. Tripathi and Srivastav(25) explained that, the tubular vacuolezation might be an indicator of hydrolytic changes in the renal tissue and indicated that the toxicant might cause a failure in the ion pump transport of tubular cells which caused swelling of epithelium and degeneration of tubules. These alterations also suggested incapability of renal cells to cope with functional disturbances provoked by toxicants. In this work, dilated peritubular capillaries and inter tubular hemorrhages were found in some sections. These finding were explained by Prozialeck et al.,(1) who suggested that cadmium increased the permeability by affecting the communicating units between endothelia of the venules and capillaries, as a result, edema, hemorrhage, and necrosis occurred. It was also in the same line of prozialeck et al.,(26) who found that, the cadherin molecule (cellular adhesion molecules) was decreased secondary to the toxic effects of cadmium. Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). In this study a few renal tubules showed single epithelial cells desquamated to their lumen. Tripathi and Srivastav(25) suggested that, the presence of these amorphous substances in the tubules might be an indication of glomerulonephritis and/or incapability of renal tubules to counter the accumulated residues resulting from metabolic and structural alterations caused by cadmium. Some inflammatory cells were evident invading the parenchyma of the renal cortex. The appearance of these inflammatory cells reinforced the previous recorded results which mentioned that cadmium had been regarded as one of the inflammation-related xenobiotics as it induced a complex inflammatory response in several cell types(27). Cyclooxygenase (COX) is an enzyme that is responsible for formation of important biological mediators called prostanoids, including prostaglandins, prostacycline and thromboxane. COX2 is undetectable in most normal tissue. It is an inducible enzyme in most tissues exposed to inflammation(28). While in the kidney, COX2 expression exhibits constitutive expression(29). Gene targeting studies indicated that, COX2 expression is required for the normal development of the kidney(30). In this study immunehistochemical detection of COX2 showed that COX2 expression was restricted to macula densa cells in the control group. Harris et al.,(31) previously described the same expression in the same site of the rat's distal tubular cells. Komhoff et al.,(32), added that COX2 in rat Macula densa cells was related to renin release. As inflammation could play a major role in the renal damage produced by exposure to cadmium, one of the purposes of this study was to assess the expression of COX2 enzymes associated with inflammation. COX2 cytoplasmic expression in the renal cortex after one week of cadmium administration was higher than in control rats, not only restricted to macula densa cells but this expression extend to involve PCT and DCT cells. Ultrastructural picture in this group were in harmony with the previous results. In this study, the ultrastructural alternations occurring in the kidney were an immediate response to acute cadmium exposure with signs of cellular injury. Both glomeruli and tubules seemed to be sensitive to acute cadmium toxicity. The glome- 140 Saber et al rular ultrastructural changes included loss of normal organization of fenestrae, widening of some pedicles and loss of the homogenous appearance of basement membranes displaying thickening in many areas. These finding were confirmed by another study done by Asar et al.,(33) who stated that, Glomeruli showed increased glomerular basement membrane thickening and irregular foot processes on acute cadmium exposure. In this work the PCT and DCT cells showed gradual focal loss of their basal infolding and apical microvilli with time of exposure. This was in the same line of Condron et al.,(34) who stated that, cadmium could reduce the surface density of microvillus membrane of convoluted tubules per unit cell volume to 19% in cadmium contaminated rats. Another outstanding abnormality seen in the tubular cells was the obvious numerous lysosomes seen in this group. The functions of lysosomes are not fully understood, but this organelle is known to be concerned with the segregation and, degradation of substances taken up by cells from the environment, as well as of cytoplasmic constituents(35). By histological methods, Nishizumi(36) revealed the presence of heavy metals, possibly including cadmium, in lysosomes. At any rate, it is possible that the observed increase in this organelle is connected with the sequestration and excretion of cadmium given. The increase in lysosomes, a result of the attempt to digest this heavy metal or toxic substance, and this was considered a general manifestation of injury. The sequestration of damaged organelles in lysosomes is a mechanism of cellular repair and follows all types of sublethal injury(37). Another important abnormality seen in the tubular cells was apparent more vesicular and swollen mitochondria. The mitochondrial swelling observed in this study may reflect the disturbances in oxy-reduction processes taking place in this organelle(38). The latter finding was confirmed by Lehninger who explained that, the presence of cadmium in this organelle membrane was uncertain. However, because at least 25% of the proteins of mitochondrial membranes were respiratory enzymes, oxidative phosphorylation in mitocho- Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). Saber et al ndria could be inhibited by the presence of cadmium ions(39). Furthermore, the swelling of mitochondria might result from a changed intramitochondrial redox potential or an increased mitochondrial production of oxgen free radical(40). Ochi et al.,(41) added that, cadmium interacts with critical subcellular sites such as the mitocho-ndria, peroxisomes, and microsomes and resulted in generation of free radicals. arachidonic acid may result in increased production of vasoconstrictors like thromboxane, over vasodilators (prostaglandins).(46) Furthermore, Nigella Sativa was also reported to produce a marked inhibition in the of leukotrieens release, which cause mucosal tissue injury and hypoxemia.(47) Therefore, it may favor cytoprotection. Ragheb et al.,(48) highlight the importance of reactive oxygen species in renal pathophysiology. In the current study there was a considerable amelioration in the kidney cortex damaging effect of cadmium when Nigella Sativa oil given concurrently with cadmium. At the light and electron microscope level, this amelioration was in the form of, less noticeable cytoplasmic vacuolation and distortion in the glomerular and tubular cells, lacking evidence of major morphological injury, reduction in the inflammatory cell infiltration and preservation of the general structural architecture were also observed. These morphological findings were in the same line with Massadeh et al.,(42) who showed that cadmium concentration in different mice organs was of high percentage if compared with that when cadmium intake was combined with Nigella sativa. It was also in accordance to Sultan et al.,(43) who found that, Nigella sativa oil supplementation was more effectual in ameliorating the multiple organ toxicity in oxidative stressed modeling. Ahmed and El-Mottaleb(49) added that, concomitant administration of Nigella sativa oil and acetaminophen produced a significant normalization of physiological parameter as (Na, K, creatinine) as well as suppression the structural changes following acetaminophen administration. These previous morphological findings were in agreement with Alhibshi et al.,(44) who found that thymioquinone which is one of most active ingredients of Nigella sativa, inhibited the mitochondrial membrane potential deporization and reactive oxygen generation. Also these finding were in accordance to Saleem et al.,(45) who suggested that, vitamin C and Nigella sativa oil both had nephronprtotective effect as they lowered the values of nephrotoxicity indicators (serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and antioxidant activity) as compare to gentamicine treated group. The reason for the protective action of Nigella sativa oil is not clear, but may be related to the antioxidant action of the extract. There is evidence that reactive oxygen species (which was induced by cadmium), may lead to lipid peroxidation of cell membranes and cause degradation of phosphor-lipids. Degradation of 141 It was clearly noticed the remarked reduction in mitochondria in the PCT and DCT in this group. This finding are supported by the results of Mahmoud et al.,(50) who suggested that thymoquinone, the main constited of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa oil, is effective in protecting mice against nephrotoxicity possible via increased the mitochondrial function and ATP production as well as increased the expression of antioxidant genes, superoside dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase In conclusion, our results demonstrated the ameliorative effects of Nigella Sativa oil supply on the cadmium induced toxic structural changes in the rat renal cortical tissues. Taken together, our study suggested that a diet rich in natural Nigella Sativa oil or used as an herbal medicine could be useful to prevent cadmium induced nephrotoxicity in humans exposed to this toxic (industrial areas or smokers) and give a good idea for broad application of Nigella sativa oil in clinical trial. Further investigations on the mechanism of action of Nigella Sativa oil are required and may have a considerable impact on future clinical treatments of patients with acute renal failure. Further studies are also needed to explain cadmium Nigella sativa oil inter action in condition of long term co exposure and their consequences for health. Refereences 1) Prozialeck, W.C.; Edwards, J.R. and Woods, J.M. (2006): The vascular endo- Protective effect of nigella sativa oil on acute cadmium MJMR, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2013, pages (1-6). thelium as a target of cadmium toxicity. Life Sci 79:1493–1506 2) Liu, Y.; Liu, J.; Habeebu, S.M.; Waalkes, M.P. and Klaassen, C.D. 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