lL UtAşTlRMA gENizcitil( ıJE llABiıLIŞME rAKA}lLlğl Deniz Ticareti Genel Müdtjİlüğü Sayı Konu >.6cl | 53900483/724.99 _ : Deniz Taşıtlarının Finlaııdiya Ba}İa$ 3Ü ııoızoıc Taşümas1 qore-: L MLR5iN DfNjZ Ti( ARrT oD\\I\A li.irc'. Va., ',-ncl Inönii R-|!dl|\o:l< ı R ıt||0V'R\|\ | Tel: 0 ]24 327 70 00 Faks: 0 j24 329 52:]0 Düşişleri Bakanllğlntn 14 Ekim 2014 tarihli ye 7033722 say 1 yaasnda, Finlandiya'nın Bayrağı. Ankaİa'daki Büyükelçiliğinden alınan Notaya atlfla, deniz taşıdarıırn Fiıılandiya bildirilmiştir, ' taşıyabiime hususundaki uygulamanm 1 Ağustos 2014 ta hi itibariyle değiştiği ek]eri ekte kapsaıntla, söz konüsu uygulama ayrıntllaünn y9ı aldrğl Nota ve ve gönderilmekte o1up, üyelerinize konu ile ilgili bilgi verilmesi hususunda bilgilerinizi Bu gereğini rica ederim. Mustafa ÇALIŞKAN Genel Müdür V. Ek: Finlandiya Büyiikelçiliği Nolasl (6 Syt]) Dağltım: -IMEAK Deniz Ticaİet odasl -Mersin Deniz Ticaıet Odası t2 t.t L,J1\/2-115y lp,\o.5oo.)8' .. \. F, \\K^O\ hle 1ıd\, -a.l|l]OU 1.,o ok 0._, .'J: .lro,.0../ Adresi www lntemel go!.tr E_p.sla: nmt ;irpinaiaudhb aaİ: ,:.j,.,:ı,!.n, ] udbb Ayınllı DLUzn !rd. g,v,lr .-ı]':' bjlgi allnaca]. kiş: \,luat A(PINAR Eğ* }4ini5t.,/ of lransDo.t and coinmun caüons NoTlcE İ..nspörr Po icy D€pa.tnent Accolding to ]nformat on rece Ved by the Finnish ı4inistry of Transpori and comm!nicatJon5 tnere ls sLrong reason to bel]eve that torged registrat]on certificat;s of pleasure boats have been pre'ented to port authorities stating that; boat has been enterejin ninıano s ,ıaterc.aft ıeglster and is entitlec to fy the Finnish flag. lo rIor.n tl ea"LFol üi-5aoroddo-|heDoss.tı.ityof :: ,1 Yi]'_Y" :".rl":,, it 1e.e.:a.., anc o-- o..ü.1.i.lleglsla.o, a-d -eg st-dlioü doc,- errs. s-oJlo -lere oe -lsLse anything unclear about^aLe-crafl a boat s registration, the Mi,.istry of Tran5port and c;;munlcahons requests to contact the Finnish reg]stration authorities as pre5ented beloV^/, T.ansport Safety Agency (Trafi) took over watercraft registers from acl on watercraft registratjon was amended. provisions were aLso :a d dcwr cn the rioht oi registered boatsto f]y the rinn;.l iıuq, ih" .iğliı-s-simiıar to that applied i, -er.haıi Ves.€ s a.d |aid dor,Yn ]n the Mar]time Act, In orde-r for a u-out io riy tn" i-innish iing, -İ..e a-e. 5ı.; c':le Joat f]usi be owned by a natura or lega Finnish per;on, F]nn]sh lr_:r:arl:li9T.:he ti e LOcd {eq ster uil ces as th€ :- aa--€- c- .., t- :.e eEis aiive ainendments boai reg]siration certificates were also reformed, A c- .:-,..cate ;ssrJed by Tıafj after i Aü]gust 2014 is a Dlastic card, the s ze of a European c-,J-Eice..e.iiasoind]catesthepossible:ighttoflytheFjn;ishflag,wilichlswnyithastwo -..,5:-a: a ternative ironi s'oes. In alternative A, more than 600/0 of the boat ownership is Finnish and the consequ€ntial righl to f]y the Finnish flag is indicatec by both a pictu;e of the flaQ an; u *iıiing in tn" head ng of the certrficate. ]n a]ternative B, the boat s rn_foreign ownership and has no right to fly the F]nnish f]ag. Th]s is also wr tten in the certificate. Re9üsL,atüon certltlcaLes ssLred by Local Regisier off ces before the! \4 |, 1August 2014 are stil in for.e and be -ep'd.ed o,, -ew ceİı.caLe" as Lrey are ıssLed ro o*-".İ oao poar"asors o. ooals A .egistration cert]ficate ]ssued by a Local Reglster offlce is oi paper, the size of an A5 sheet, and with printed text on lront and baci covers as slown iıi the attachment, The issuing author]ty has not added any nformation on the front or back cover, Reqjstration data are to be found inside the certificate. The certiricate doe; noi lncı,ıe any ]nformation about the home p_ort or the r ght to fly the rinnisıı riig, As a r!le, foıe gn boat owner§ have no r-ight Lo l y the Finnl;h flag unless they nave a decision of the 1,4inistry of Transport and commüJnicatlons coıiern,ng the ;atr;n;lity of the boat and the right to fly the flag, A reg]stratlon ce-aifcate oresented hv a pl€asü]re boat can be verified from the reg]ster mainta ned by TJafi, Any .eq!ıests for veriiication can Ou."nt to th" İin-niJ;;";;#' j;İ".y og"ncy, Po Box 9, 96101 RoVanierai, Finland, or by emari to Venerektaustatuki@trafi,fi Ft-Irther information about reqistration j Pipsa Ek]und, DeVelop.,rent tlanagel, te +358 29 5]45 ]96, pipsa,ek]üJnd(at)trnfi,f Reüjo Jeilkö, ch|ef AdV ser, te]. +358 29 5345 3ü]6 r€rjo,ja Reetta Laine, specialAdViser, M n strY ko(at)trafi.fi te. +358 29 5345 434, reetta.laine(at)traf i ofTra.sport and +353 ]95 160c1 fnstname.la9tnace@ Vo.n 2 |.2) ;J;İT"l1Tr:?:;İİli:r"İ;1;"",;:::"-1;ujs ATTACH|4ENTS: a so avaiıab e at the F]nnrsh Transport 5afety Agency p]odei regist.ation cert]ficaie issL]ed by the F]nnish Transport Safety Agency lVIodel registration certiaicate ]ssued by a Loca] Reg'ster office Me,enkultUlailğksen vanüda@ oalıi 1066/00/2007 Mall fasr§a]ld av g6furisw.kel 136ii@2oo7 y}lgHJj-^eğ a13, 4,100 i5,1Btr9, kg a14. 01,04,2814 CD54329450450485034850348503485 ituri 222 '* Ş'' rrari iHff,,ffiEF#*'n'$K!'iP$'*'' İlKti nAsT0 FıNNüsHr'RANspoarsnrrwl SAFETY AOENCY a,ts. ıaı.dusosoite Returadress Betun address: PL-PB 320, F1.00'l01 HELsll{l$.tlEL§INGFOf vE§lxuLKuıülEUUON REKıSTERÖıHTıTOEıSTU§ JA KAiısALLl§ülJsToOlsTt REGlSTRERlNGSBEVlS 0cH NAT|olvALlTETSHANDLlNG FOh FARKOt WATERCRAFT BEGISTRATION CEBTFrcATE, CEBTFEATE 0F NATlOilALli a4. 2O13 a2. 001122 11. FI_BAT123454314 a6. Wavebird lntuıtion 1 ı5. 8/C ı7" MooTToRlVENE Motorbat Motarboat ı8. LUJlTEMUOVl/LASlKUlTU Armerad p reinforced plastic l fiberglass ı9. 0. ,1. ,5. VALKo}NEN vit white m a"|1. 8,15 m b3. 436/592 AB987659834593 Seadeeper 1 11 Tu 7 ,75 --__., - §|İll '// l{ c1l l b,b m a13, 4100kg a14. a1.04.2Q14 49, c]5432945a 450485034850348503485 iİuri 222 LllKEt{TEEttTURVALLI§UUSVIRASTO TRAFıKsAKERHETsvERKET SNNıSHTRANSıOBT SAFETYAGEN0v a15. lautusosoite Retura dress Return addresi: PL-PB 320, Fl-{Xtl01 HELsl},|Kl-HEL§lI{GFOF o o H H c2. Bet VeneiI]jaür Malros c3, b1. MoottlroJdği kkudfi AnlJrlüAftl tl!frber Karin Ellen ville peıer ssi.1l6frr Riikka Eeetta Mal en = keDo r|kwhp) l B.n.llnl8lnrh'|W lEkr' oıseloüia DlOs3/0]] p = Potü|li B,in.oİa a1, Tunnu.num.rc/cııl.ko.d ığniliedıo$udmğ,rclN r2. IE'j_nUEeo Tlaf "nuMrrrn trf.,rg erEne' sslİ2] ınfiübo! o|\R.?i PIaDL$l b ra al rıle/ 0// EıeRnĞiığt ale.r,'dıy cl, o = onl.t trAlae oPror H = ,|q. fuohaBrc tirld4. e .2. s!kü.|ml Etle@n c3, §m Etunl@l Fijrnm FFİ nfirs
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