October 2014 CURRICULUM VITAE VALIPURAM S. "MANO" MANORANJAN [email protected] http://www.math.wsu.edu/faculty/mano/ ACADEMIC TRAINING & EDUCATION Research Fellow, Center for Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford, England (Mentor: J.D. Murray, FRS) Research Fellow, Mathematics, University of Dundee, Scotland (Mentor: A.R. Mitchell, FRSE) University of Dundee, Scotland** University of Bucharest*, Romania University of Sri Lanka @ Peradeniya 1984-1986 1982-1984 Ph.D. Numerical Analysis Advisor: A.R. Mitchell, FRSE UNESCO Diploma, Operations Research B.Sc. (Honors), Mathematics 1982 1979 1977 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Senior Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences (Faculty & Academic Affairs), 2012 – Washington State University Associate Dean, College of Sciences (Research and Academic Affairs), 1999 - 2012 Washington State University (During Sept. 2000-Feb. 2001, carried out Dean’s duties while the Dean was on professional leave.) Chair, Mathematics, Washington State University 1996-99 & 2006-08 Associate Chair, Mathematics, Washington State University 1993-94 & 1995-96 INITIATIVES Faculty Career Development Targeted / Diversity Faculty Hiring Donor Cultivation and New Endowments Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program for Undergraduates Board of Visitors for Mathematics Mathematics Learning Center Mathematical Biology Workshop Laboratory Renovations in Chemistry and Biological Sciences International Institutional Collaborations Graduate student internships at the Boeing Company Curricular Collaboration between Mathematics, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Experience for Undergraduates / Innovative Teaching Modules ** * Thesis: A numerical study of solitary wave collisions and reaction-diffusion problems. Project: A Monte Carlo method for the solution of some boundary value problems. 1 ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Boeing Distinguished Professor in Mathematics Professor, Mathematics, Washington State University Associate Professor, Mathematics, Washington State University Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Washington State University 2006-2009 1995 1992-1995 1989-1992 Graduate Faculty, Mathematics, Washington State University Graduate Faculty, Environmental Science, Washington State University 1990 1996 - AFOSR Visiting Professor, Armstrong Laboratory, Tyndall AFB, Florida AFOSR Summer Research Fellow, Armstrong Laboratory, Tyndall AFB 1994-1995 1992 & 1993 Faculty, Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Surrey, England 1986-1989 Tutor in Mathematics, University of Dundee, Scotland 1981-1982 Assistant Lecturer, Mathematics, University of Sri Lanka 1977-1978 Fellowship Junior Research Fellow in Applied Mathematics, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, England, 1984-1986 Scholarships The Royal Society of London -- Travel Award, 1984, 1987 The Fellowship of Engineering, England -- Travel Award, 1987 Dundee University Advanced Scholarship, 1980-1982 UNESCO Postgraduate Scholarship, 1978-1979 Invited Research Visits Visiting Professor, University of Illes Balears, Spain, Department of Mathematics, April 1989 Visiting Lecturer, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, Department of Mathematics, July 1988 Visiting Professor, University of Valladolid, Spain, Department of Applicable Mathematics and Computation, August 1987 Visiting Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Center for Nonlinear Studies, April 1984 Visiting Professor, University of Waterloo, Canada, Department of Computer Science, March 1984 Visiting Scholar, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, July 1981 Professional Society Office Treasurer, Institution of Chemical Engineers, Guildford Center, United Kingdom, 1987-1988 Invited Chair Gordon Research Conference on Theoretical Biology and Biomathematics: Invited to chair a session on developmental biology, (1992) 2 Invited Presentation (Local) Lincoln Middle School, Pullman: Annual Career Awareness Program: Gave a presentation on "Careers in Mathematics", (1992, 1993 & 1994) Pullman High School, Pullman: Presentation to the Honors English class on "Cultural Diversity and Education in Other Countries", (2002) Washington State University, Pullman: On a Discussion Panel for a graduate level Mathematics Education class – Topic: “Mathematics Education in the U.S. and other countries”, (2012) Invited Presentations (International) – since 1990 1. Japanese National Conference on "Mathematical Aspects in Biology" held at Kyoto University, Japan: Presented a paper on "Competition models for tumor growth", (1992). 2. International Conference on "Interfacial Dynamics and Patterns" held at Kyoto University, Japan: Presented a paper on "Transient and Steady Spatial Structures from Tissue Interactions", (1992). 3. Dublin Differential Equations Meeting held at Dublin City University, Ireland: Presented a paper on "Contaminant Transport with nonlinear Adsorption", (1993). 4. Special colloquium at The Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka: Presented a paper on “Mathematical Modeling of Contaminant transport”, (1994). 5. Pacific Northwest Workshop on Mathematical Biology, University of British Columbia: Presented a paper on “Subsurface Microorganisms: Fate and Transport”, (1995). Invited Contribution Invited to contribute a research paper to the 75th Birthday Volume of Professor A.R. Mitchell, who was a pre-eminent numerical analyst (1995). Workshops 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gave three guest lectures at the NSF funded workshop on Differential Equations at Washington State University, summer 1993. Organized an NSF funded workshop on Mathematical Biology at Washington State University, spring 1994. Conducted a seven-lecture workshop on Mathematical Modeling for the Environmental Scientists and Engineers at Armstrong Laboratory, Tyndall Air force Base, summer 1995. Conducted a workshop on Application of Mathematics for Environmental Problems in Sri Lanka, The Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka, summer 1999 (NSF-funded). Co-organized the NSF-funded conference on Progress in Partial Differential Equations and Applications at Washington State University, 2002. Short Course Invited organizer/presenter of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) short course on Environmental Mathematics, AMS/MAA/SIAM Joint Mathematics Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2000. Research Award Best Paper Award: Theoretical Contributions for the paper entitled," Fuzzy Cell mapping Applied to Autonomous Systems", at the 21st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pittsburgh, (2001) 3 Distinguished Faculty Award Washington State University - College of Sciences' Distinguished Faculty Award, 2002 Research Experience for Undergraduates Organizer/mentor of the (NSF-funded) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Applied Mathematics, Washington State University, Summer 2000. The research presentation entitled, “Multiplicative Solution of Contaminant Transport with Freundlich Isotherm” by Mili Shah of Emory University, one of the REU participants, won the best undergraduate research presentation award at the Joint Mathematics Meeting in New Orleans (Jan. 2001). This research work was done under my direction. Attracted national publicity – The American News Service article entitled, “Summer Program Hopes to Multiply Advanced Mathematicians” by Mieke H. Bomann. http://www.berkshirepublishing.com/ans/HTMView.asp?parItem=s031000485A Also, @ http://www.math.wsu.edu/faculty/mano/reu.html Undergraduate Research students (under my supervision) Christian Ketelsen (Math) Mathematical models describing the effect of light intensity on circadian rhythms College of Sciences’ Outstanding Research Scholar, 2003 Jeremy Stalberger (Regents’ Scholar, Math) Modeling the growth of algae in a lake 2004 Eric Edwards (Math – Boeing grant) Study of discrete systems with various source terms to understand chaos and possibly, synchrony 2004 Min Kwon (McNair Scholar, Math) Pattern formation in Chemical reactions 2004 Ryan Orozco (Mech Eng – Boeing grant) Temperature distribution and moisture content in soil 2004 Willow Foster (Elec Eng – NSF-UBM) How does a pine bark beetle find the source of a pheromone? 2nd place-College of Sciences’ Undergraduate Research Poster Competition, 2005 Virginia Heinkel (Math – NSF-UBM) Diffusion of drugs through human skin via transdermal patches 2005 4 Allison Macleod (Bio Eng – NSF-UBM) Models for transdermal drug delivery 2007 Cory Cole (Bio Eng – NSF-UBM) Analyzing a model for transdermal drug delivery Honorable Mention-College of Sciences’ Undergraduate Research Poster Competition, 2008 Undergraduate Researchers from other Institutions (under my mentorship) Cory Druffel, Whitworth University, Nucleotide substitution models – Summers 2009 & 2011 George (Cody) Weber, Grinnell College, Plankton growth in lakes - Summer 2010 Yihao Jiang, The University of Chicago, A model for viral dynamics in animals –Summers 2011 & 2012 Teaching I have regularly taught undergraduate and graduate courses that cover topics such as dynamical systems, mathematical modeling and computational mathematics for ordinary & partial differential equations. In the past, I have taught frosh calculus classes too. Recently, I have been teaching a fall semester course for the Honors College titled, “Science as a Way of Knowing”. We developed a few informal YouTube videos for the class and they are @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTX47j_q8xQ - Infectious Disease (2011) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLg2n_yCF8g - Population Estimates (2011) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEBgZv4ci28 - Population Pyramid Explained (2011) Graduate Students (@ Washington State University under my supervision) These students were supported by either teaching assistantships or research assistantships (from my grants). Rebekah Valdivia Conjugate Gradient Methods For Symmetric and Non-Symmetric Linear Systems: Convergence and Preconditioning M.S. 1990 Yafang Song Polynomial preconditioning methods for non-symmetric linear systems M.S. 1993 Rebekah Valdivia (@ Augsburg College, MN) A Mathematical Model for Drug Permeation Through Human Skin Ph.D. 1994 5 Miguel Olmos-Gomez (University of Guadalajara, Mexico) Two-step iterative methods for convection dominated flow models Ph.D. 1994 Richard Drake On the development of (National Research Council adaptive schemes to Fellow, Tyndall AFB; now capture shocks @ Sandia National labs, NM) Ph.D. 1996 Praveen Sinha Diffusion Induced Chaos and Numerical Stability M.S. 1996 (Computer Science) Andrew James (University of Florida) Numerical study of a contaminant transport model M.S. 1996 Ching-Mo Chang (Taiwan) A Study of Convection-Diffusion Problems Related to Contaminant Transport Ph.D. 1997 Yafang Song (Savannah College of Art & Design, GA) Incomplete LU Factorization, Fuzzy Cell Mapping and a Lake Model Ph.D. 1998 Jayathi Raghavan (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, FL) Iteration Techniques for Convection Dominated Flow Problems Ph.D. 1999 Francisco Alvarado (Mexico) Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection M.S. 2000 Humberto Godinez (Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM) Computational Study of Convection-Diffusion Equations M.S. 2004 Indika Rajapakse A Mathematical Model for Neuronal Groups (was @ Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, WA; Now @ Univ. Michigan) Ph.D. 2004 Christian Ketelsen (@ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA) Mathematical modeling of lead-acid batteries M.S. 2005 Min Kwon Perturbation methods for a contaminant transport model M.S. 2007 I-Ming Lee Analysis of a population model with efficient resource utilization 6 M.S. 2008 R. Corban Harwood Study of a lead-acid battery model M.S. 2008 R. Corban Harwood (George Fox University, OR) Operator splitting method & applications for semilinear parabolic partial differential equations Ph.D. 2011 Laura Shuman (Community College of Allegheny County, PA) Nucleotide substitution models – an analysis M.S. 2012 Current graduate student - Lewa Alzaleq (Constructing an energy conserving computational method) Nominated for the Washington State University's Graduate & Professional Advisor Award, 1999-2000 Also, has served on numerous M.S. and Ph.D. committees in Mathematics. In addition, has served on the following inter-departmental thesis committees Ben M. Chen Electrical Engineering (Advisor: Ali Saberi) Theory of Loop Ph.D. 1991 Transfer Recovery for Multivariable Linear Systems Ernest L. Baker Mechanical Engineering (Advisor: Walter J. Grantham) Modeling and Optimization of Shaped Charge Liner Collapse and Jet Formation Bo Xuan Electrical Engineering (Advisor: Ali Saberi) Ph.D. 1992 M.S. 1992 Bai-Lin-Qin Electrical Engineering (Advisor: Patrick D. Pedrow) High Voltage de Bipolar Corona via Particle-in-Cell Simulation Ph.D. 1993 Charles W. Stewart Mechanical Engineering (Advisor: Clayton T. Crowe) Coalescence of Ellipsoidal Bubbles rising freely in low-viscosity Liquids Ph.D. 1993 Zongli Lin Electrical Engineering (Advisor: Ali Saberi) Global and Semi-Global Control Problems for Linear Systems Subject to Input Saturation Ph.D. 1993 7 Sudipta Sikdar Mechanical Engineering (Advisor: Jacob N. Chung) A Quasimolecular Simulation Ph.D. 1994 of Liquid Droplet Collision and Thin Film Dynamics Yen-Cho Chen Mechanical Engineering (Advisor: Jacob N. Chung) Linear Stability and Transition Phenomena of Mixed Convection in a Vertical Channel Ph.D. 1994 Rong He Mechanical Engineering (Advisor: P.G. Vaidya) An Analysis of Transition to Chaos and Chaotic Synchronization Ph.D. 1994 Mark E. Young Mechanical Engineering (Advisor: Thomas D. Burton) Exact Model Reduction Ph.D. 1994 Methods in Structural Dynamics Sabit Ersahin Crop & Soil Sciences (Advisor: R.I. Papendick) Solute Transport in Layered Soil Under Grassland Ph.D. 1997 Kishan Mechanical Engineering Padakannaya (Advisor: O.A. "Gus" Plumb) Radiation Model for a Intelligent Fire Detection System Ph.D. 1998 Tariq Khraishi (Advisor: H. Zbib) A Model for Dislocation Dynamics Ph.D. 2000 Jaime Mejias Biological System Eng. (Advisor: Claudio Stockle) Phosphorus pollution of receiving waters from highly manure-impacted soils Ph.D. 2004 Likun Zhang Physics (Advisor: Phil Marston) Radiation forces and torques of Ph.D. 2012 acoustic beam Greg Zweigle Electrical Engineering (Advisors: Anjan Bose & Mani Venkatasubramanian) Optimal control of large Ph.D. 2013 nonlinear dynamical systems, including dimensional reduction as a control mechanism Mechanical Engineering Graduate students from Mahidol University, Thailand (who carried out research for a year under my mentorship) Patarawadee Prasertsang – Wave solutions in a dental plaque model (2007-2008) – resulted in refereed paper Phontita Thiuthad – Modeling the spread of chicken flu in Thailand (2012-2013) – paper in preparation 8 PUBLICATIONS (From Web of Science – total citations: 745, h-index: 13, average citations/year: 24.03) (From Google Scholar – total citations: 1113, h-index: 16, i10-index: 24) 1. Manoranjan, V.S., A finite element method for solving the Klein-Gordon equation, Poster Session Abstract, MAFELAP IV (Ed. J. R. Whiteman), Academic Press (1982), 528. (Cited in Comput. Meth. 45, 177, 1984). 2. Mitchell, A.R., Manoranjan, V.S., Finite element studies in reaction-diffusion, MAFELAP IV (Ed. J. R. Whiteman), Academic Press (1982), 17-36. (Cited in J. Comput. Ph. 63, 33, 1986; J. Comput. Ph. 82, 454, 1989). 3. Manoranjan, V.S., Some numerical experiments on Higgs model, Comp. Phys. Comm. 29 (1983), 1-5. (Times Cited: 1). 4. Manoranjan, V.S., Mitchell, A.R., A numerical study of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction using Galerkin finite element methods, J. Math. Biol. 16, (1983), 251-260. (Cited in Int. J. Num. M. 20, 778, 1984; Nonlin. Anal. 11, 1289, 1987; P. Roy. Soc. A, 430, 541, 1990). (Times Cited: 10). 5. Sanz-Serna, J.M., Manoranjan, V.S., A method for the integration of certain partial differential equations, J. Comp. Phys. 52, (1983), 273-289. (Cited in Comput. Meth. 44, 229, 1984; Math. Comput. 43, 21, 1984; J. Phys. B. 17, 2591, 1984; Numer. Math. 45, 173, 1984; J. Comput. Ph. 60, 263, 1985; J. Comput. Ph. 60, 282, 1985; SIAM J. SCI. 6, 923, 1985; IMA J. Num. A. 6, 25, 1986; J. Comput. Ph. 67, 348, 1986; J. Math. Anal. 116, 456, 1986; SIAM J. Num. 23, 485, 1986; Comput. Meth. 61, 71, 1987; SIAM J. A. MA. 47, 92, 1987; SIAM J. SCI. 8, 988, 1987; J. Comput. Ph. 87, 108, 1990; Comput. Mat. 19, 51, 1990; Comput. Mat. 19, 67, 1990). (Times Cited: 35). 6. Manoranjan, V.S., Numerical studies of reaction-diffusion problems, Applied Mathematical Analysis: Mathematics in Medicine and Biomechanics (Ed. G.F. Roach), Shiva Publishing Limited (1984), 73-90. 7. Manoranjan, V.S., Mitchell, A.R., Sleeman, B.D., Kuo Pen-Yu, Bifurcation studies in reaction-diffusion, J. Comp. Appl. Maths. 11 (1984), 27-37. (Cited in IMA J. App. M. 33, 153, 1984; SIAM J. SCI. 7, 589, 1986; Math. Biosci. 79, 199, 1986; J. Comp. A. MA. 11, 307, 1984; P. Roy. Soc. A, 430, 541, 1990; J. Comput. Phy. 97, 249, 1991). (Times Cited: 10). 8. Manoranjan, V.S., An adaptive scheme in one space dimension, Report NA/76, University of Dundee, United Kingdom (1984), 13 pages. (Cited in J. Comput. Meth. 67, 348, 1986). 9. Manoranjan, V.S., Bifurcation studies in reaction-diffusion II, J. Comp. Appl. Maths. 11, (1984), 307314. (Cited in SIAM J. SCI. 7, 599, 1986; P. Roy. Soc. A, 430, 541, 1990). (Times Cited: 7). 10. Manoranjan, V.S., Mitchell, A.R., Morris, J. L., Numerical solutions of the "good" Boussinesq equation, SIAM. J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 5, (1984), 946-957. (Cited in Wave Motion, 8, 305, 1986; J. Phys. Jpn. 57, 2207, 1988; J. Math. Phys. 29, 1964, 1988; J. Physique 50, 33, 1989; Numer. Math. 58, 215, 1990; Math. Compu. 57, 109, 1991). (Times Cited: 29). 9 11. Mitchell, A. R., Manoranjan, V. S., Numerical studies of bifurcation and pulse evolution in mathematical biology, MAFELAP V (Ed. J.R. Whiteman), Academic Press (1985), 175-191. (Cited in P. Roy. Soc. A, 430, 541, 1990). 12. Guo, Ben-Yu, Manoranjan, V.S., A spectral method for solving the RLW equation, IMA. J. Num. Anal. 5 (1985), 307-318. (Times Cited: 8). 13. Tyson, J.J., Manoranjan, V.S., The speed of propagation of oxidizing and reducing wave fronts in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction, Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Chemical Systems, (Eds. C.Vidal and A. Pacault), Springer-Verlag (1985), 89-93. (Cited in Physica D, 21, 307, 1986; Int. R. Ph. Ch., 5, 1, 1986; Physica D, 30, 177, 1988; J. Chim. Phys., 84, 1359, 1987; Physica D, 32, 327, 1988; Physica D, 29, 215, 1987; SIAM J. A. MA., 49, 539, 1989). 14. Guo, Ben-Yu, Manoranjan, V.S., Spectral method for solving the RLW equation, J. Comput. Math. 3, (1985), 228-237. (Times Cited: 2). 15. Eilbeck, J.C., Manoranjan, V.S., A comparison of basis functions for the pseudo-spectral method for a model problem, J. Comp. Appl. Maths. 15 (1986), 371-378. (Cited in Appl. Math. Modelling, 15, 1991). (Times Cited: 1). 16. Manoranjan V.S., van den Driessche, P., On a diffusion model for sterile insect release, Math. Biosc. 79, (1986), 199-208. (Cited in Math. Biosc. 16, 221, 1993). (Times Cited: 6). 17. Nagorcka, B.N., Manoranjan, V.S., Murray, J.D., Complex spatial patterns from tissue interactions - an illustrative model, J. Theor. Biol., 128, (1987), 359-374. (Cited in J. Theor. Bio. 135, 371, 1988; Development. 103, 245, 1988; Phys. Report 172, 59, 1988; J. Theor. Bio. 137, 127, 1989; SIAM J.A. MA., 50, 628, 1990; IMA J. Math Applied to Medicine & Biol. 9, 227, 1992; 9, 249, 1992; J. Theor. Biol, 163, 135, 1993; Physica D., 63, 161, 1993). (Times Cited: 20). 18. Lane, D.C., Murray, J.D., Manoranjan, V.S., Analysis of wave phenomena in a morphogenetic mechanochemical model and an application to post-fertilization waves on eggs, IMA J. Math. Appl. Med. Biol. 4, (1987), 309-331. (Cited in Phys. Report 172, 59, 1988; Bull. Math. Biol., 55, 315, 1993). (Times Cited: 11). 19. Powell, T.M., Wilmott, S., Murray, J.D., Manoranjan, V.S., Transient spatial patterns in plankton communities: blooms and travelling waves of phytoplankton in estuaries, ICTP Research Conference on Mathematical Ecology, (Eds. T.G. Hallam, L.J. Gross and S.A. Levin), World Scientific Publishing, (1988), 236-267. 20. Manoranjan, V.S., Ortega, T, Sanz-Serna, J.M., Soliton and anti-soliton interactions in the "good" Boussinesq equation, J. Math. Phys. 29 (1988), 1964-1968. (Cited in J. Numer. Math. 58, 215, 1990; Comput. Meth., 80, 417, 1990; Math Compu., 57, 109, 1991; Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 91, 346, 1992). (Times Cited: 26). 21. Tyson, J.J., Alexander, K.A., Manoranjan, V.S., Murray, J.D., Spiral waves of cyclic AMP in a model of slime mold aggregation, Physica D. 39 (1989), 193-207. (Cited in SIAM Rev. 32, 1, 1990; Development 109, 11, 1990; B. Math. Biol. 52, 119, 1990; P. Roy. Soc. B. 240, 555, 1990; J. Australian Math Soc.-B 10 35, 145, 1993; Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 90, 7332, 1993; Proc. Royal. Soc. London-B 253, 15, 1993). (Times Cited: 79). 22. Winkler, M.A., Manoranjan, V.S., Control of Nitrogenous pollution, WATERSHED `89 - The Future for Water Quality in Europe , Vol. II, (Eds. D. Wheeler, M.L. Richardson and J. Bridges), Pergamon Press, (1990), 463-473. 23. Manoranjan, V.S., Winkler, M.A., Variability reduction model for wastewater treatment, WATERSHED `89 - The Future for Water quality in Europe , Vol. II, (Eds. D. Wheeler, M.L. Richardson and J. Bridges),Pergamon Press, (1990), 515-518. 24. Sanadi, A.R., Subramanian, R.V., Manoranjan, V.S., The interphasial region in interlayer fiber composites, to appear in Polymer Composites, 12 (1991), 377-382. (Times Cited: 7). 25. Manoranjan, V.S., Drake, R., A spectrum enveloping technique for convection-diffusion computations, Proceedings of the Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative methods, Vol. I, SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra, 1992. 26. Athalye, A., de Sam Lazaro, A., Manoranjan, V.S., Generalized model for a force-sensing grip on a peg, Mathl. Comput. Modelling 16 (1992), 99-107. 27. Athalye, A., de Sam Lazaro, A., Manoranjan, V.S., Force-sensing grip of a robotic manipulator on a rectangular peg, Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (The Eighth International Conference, College Park Maryland), (Ed. X.J.R. Avula), Principia Scientia, (1993) 1023-1029. 28. Edwards, D., Manoranjan, V.S., de Sam Lazaro, A., Athalye, A., On designing a fuzzy control system using an optimization algorithm, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 56 (1993), 281-290. (Times Cited: 14). 29. Manoranjan, V.S., Drake, R., A spectrum enveloping technique for convection-diffusion computations, IMA. J. Num. Anal. 13 (1993), 431-443. (Times Cited: 1). 30. Manoranjan, V.S., Numerical Modelling of Drug permeation through human skin, Biomedical Modelling and Simulation - Proceedings of the 13th IMACS World Congress, (Eds. J. Eisenfeld, D.S. Levine and M. Witten), North-Holland, (1992), 325-330. 31. Jung, T., Subramarian, R.V., Manoranjan, V.S., Prediction of fibre strength at the critical length: A simulation theory and experimental verification for bimodally distributed carbon fibre strengths, J. Matherials Science 28 (1993), 4489-4496. (Times Cited: 17). 32. Manoranjan, V.S., A competition model for tumour growth, Proceedings of the RIMS Symposium on Mathematical Topics in Biology, (Ed. M. Mimura), 1993. 33. Stauffer, T., Manoranjan, V.S., The use of grain-size analysis with limited field data to study hydraulic conductivity variability, Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, May 1994, A125-A130. 11 34. Manoranjan, V.S., Contaminant Transport: Model, Analysis and Computation, Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics (Ed. W.F. Ames), Vol. 2 (1994), 818-819. 35. Manoranjan, V.S., Olmos-Gomez, M., A Two-Step Iterative Method for Convection-Diffusion Computations, Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics (Ed. W.F. Ames), Vol. 1 (1994), 333-335. 36. Wollkind, D.J., Manoranjan, V.S., Zhang, L., Weakly Nonlinear Stability Analyses of Prototype Reaction-Diffusion Model Equations, SIAM Review, 36 (1994), 176-214. (Times Cited: 11). 37. Manoranjan, V.S., Price, T.M., A competition model for tumor growth, Progress in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 4 (1994), 59-68. 38. Manoranjan, V.S., de Sam Lazaro, A., Edwards, D., Athalye, A., A Systematic approach to obtaining fuzzy sets for Control Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 25 (1995), 206213. (Times Cited: 6). 39. Manoranjan, V.S., James, A., Analytical solutions for contaminant transport with Langmuir sorption, Abstract, The 1st Symposium on the Hydrogeology of Washington State, Olympia, WA, 1995. 40. Manoranjan, V.S., Gomez, M.O., On homoclinic waves in a contaminant transport model, Mathl. Comput. Modelling, 21 (1995), 35-41. 41. Manoranjan, V.S., Analytic solutions for contaminant transport under nonequilibrium conditions, Applied Scientific Research, 55 (1995), 31-38. (Times Cited: 2). 42. Manoranjan, V.S., Gomez, M.O., Alternating direction implicit methods with upwinding, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 30 (1995), 47-58. (Times Cited: 2). 43. Burris, D.R., Campbell, T.J., Manoranjan, V.S., Sorption of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene in a batch reactive metallic iron-water system, Environmental Science and Technology, 29 (1995), 28502855. (Times Cited: 164). 44. Manoranjan, V.S., Gomez, M.O., Chang, C-M., Exact solution for contaminant transport with nonlinear sorption, Applied Mathematics Letters, 9 (1996), 83-87. (Times Cited: 1). 45. Drake, R., Manoranjan, V.S., A dynamic mesh adaptation technique, Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 39 (1996), 939-949. (Times Cited: 3). 46. Manoranjan, V.S., A two-step iterative method, Numerical Analysis (A.R. Mitchell 75th Birthday Volume), (Eds. D.F. Griffiths and G.A. Watson), 1996, 177-187. 47. Manoranjan, V.S., Song, Y., A simple ILU preconditioning coupled to Orthomin method, Journal of Scientific Computing, 11 (1996), 1-12. 12 48. Manoranjan, V.S., Stauffer, T.B., Exact solution for contaminant transport with kinetic Langmuir sorption, Water Resources Research, 32 (1996), 749-752. (Times Cited: 5). 49. Manoranjan, V.S., Olmos-Gomez, M., A two-step Jacobi type iterative method, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 34 (1997), 1-9. (Times Cited: 3). 50. Raghavan, J., Manoranjan, V.S., Arnoldi-Chebyshev approach for convection-diffusion computations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 36 (1998), 95-105. 51. Chang, C.M., Manoranjan, V.S., Travelling wave solutions of a contaminant transport model with nonlinear sorption, Mathl. Comput. Modelling, 28 (1998), 1-10. (Times Cited: 13). 52. Burris, D.R., Allen-King, R.M., Manoranjan, V.S., Campbell, T.J., Loraine, G.A., Deng, B., Chlorinated ethene reduction by cast iron: Sorption and mass transfer, J. Environmental Engineering, 124 (1998), 1012-1019. (Times Cited: 57). 53. Manoranjan, V.S., Qualitative study of differential equations, MAA Notes #50, Revolutions in Differential Equations – Exploring ODEs with Modern Technology, (M.J. Kallaher, Ed.), (1999), 5965. 54. Manoranjan, V.S., Environment, Mathematicians and Models, Pragna – Research Bulletin, IFS, (1999). 55. Patton, R.L., Manoranjan, V.S., Watkinson, A.J., Plate formation at the surface of a convecting fluid, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress in Rheology, British Society of Rheology, (2000), 167-169. 56. Song, Y., Edwards, D., Manoranjan, V.S., Fuzzy cell mapping applied to autonomous systems, Proceedings of the 21st Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2001). 57. Ersahin, S., Papendick, R.I., Smith, J.L., Keller, K., Manoranjan, V.S., Macropore transport bromide as influenced by soil structure differences, Geoderma, 108 (2002), 207-223. (Times Cited: 10). 58. Manoranjan, V.S., Stauffer, T.B., Analytical solution for solute transport with Freundlich sorption, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series A-Mathematical Analysis, 10 (2003), 851-861. (Times Cited: 1). 59. Dillon, R., Khapalov, A., Manoranjan, V.S., Yin, H-M., Progress in partial differential equations – A special issue- Preface, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series A-Mathenatical Analysis, 10 (2003). 60. Kwon, M.K., Manoranjan, V.S., On a mathematical model for the Belousov-Zhabotinskii (BZ) Reaction, McNair Journal, Washington State University, 2005, 57-67. 61. Rajapakse, I., Manoranjan, V.S., Campbell, K.B., et al., Ultradian sleep rhythms: Mathematical model, Sleep, 27 (2004), 3-4. 13 62. Manoranjan, V.S., Rajapakse, I., Krueger, J.M., Oscillation in a neuronal assembly-a phenomenological model, Int. J. Comp. Appl. Math., 1 (2006), 57-64. (Times Cited: 1) 63. Gomez, M.O., Arriaga-Gutierez, M., Manoranjan, V.S., Computing the drift of mutant genes, CSC’06: Proceedings of the 2006 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2006, 111-117. 64. Manoranjan, V.S., Yin, H-M., Showalter, R., On two-phase Stefan problem arising from a microwave heating process, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 15 (2006), 1155-1168. (Times Cited: 1). 65. Manoranjan, V.S., Kemanian, A.R., Orozco, R.L., et al., Comment on “Modeling sensible and latent heat transport on crop and residue canopies” by G.S. Campbell. Agron. J. 95: 1388-1392 (2003), Agronomy Journal, 98 (2006), 1664. 66. Sun, D., Manoranjan, V.S., Yin, H-M., Numerical solutions for a coupled parabolic equations in induction heating processes, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Proceedings of the 6th AIMS International Conference, suppl., (2007), 956-964. 67. Manoranjan, V.S., Gomez, M.A.O., Harwood, R.C., Modeling algae self-replenishment, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 11 (2008), 681-694. 68. Manoranjan, V.S., Lee, I-M., Analysis of a population model with efficient resource utilization, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 13 (2010), 41-50. 69. Prasertsang, P., Manoranjan, V.S., Lenbury, Y., Analytical travelling wave solutions of a dental plaque model with nonlinear sorption, Nonlinear Studies, 18 (2011), 87-97. 70. Kemanian, A.R., Julich, S., Manoranjan, V.S., Arnold, J.R., Integrating soil carbon cycling with that of nitrogen and phosphorus in the watershed model SWAT: Theory and Model testing, Ecological Modelling, 222 (2011), 1913-1921. (Most downloaded Ecological Modelling article). 71. Harwood, R.C., Manoranjan, V.S., Edwards, D.B., Lead-acid battery model under discharge with a fast splitting method, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 26 (2011), 1109-1117. 72. Jiang, Z., …, Manoranjan, V.S., et al., Reactomes of Porcine Alveolar Macrophages Infected with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, PLoS ONE, 8(3) (2013). 73. Song, Y., Edwards, D., Manoranjan, V.S., Fuzzy cell mapping on dynamical systems, Int. J. Phys. Sci., 8 (2013), 973-983. 74. Godinez, H., Manoranjan, V.S., Modeling convection diffusion with exponential upwinding, Applied Mathematics, 4(8A) (2013), 80-88. (Downloaded 154 times in the first month of publication). 14 Papers in Preparation 1. Oscillation-free operator splitting method for semilinear diffusion equation (with R.C. Harwood, L.K. Zhang, T.Z. Jubery, G.M. Vogel and J.J. Theisen). 2. Separation of Be2+ hydrolysis products via ligand assisted capillary electrophoresis (J.H. House, K.A. Oshea, M. Douglas, L. Metz, N. Ivory and S.B. Clark). 3. Nucleotide substitution models – A mini-review (with L. Shuman). 4. Mathematical modeling of host response to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (with Y. Jiang, J. K. Lunney, R.R. Rowland and Z. Jiang). Technical Reports 1. Manoranjan, V.S., Drake, R., A spectrum enveloping technique for convection -- diffusion computations, WSU Mathematics--Technical Report: 91-4, 1991. 2. Manoranjan, V.S., Hydraulic conductivity variability, kriging, trend surfaces and travelling waves with nonlinear, nonequilibrium adsorption, Research and Development Laboratories--Final Report: 92-13, 1992. 3. Manoranjan, V.S., Hydraulic Conductivity Variability: Co-kriging, Research and Development Laboratories -- Final Report: 93-22, 1993. Publications Related to Instruction 1. Manoranjan, V.S., Yeidel, J., Lagier, R., When do newborn babies start to grow? Web Module, 1996. 2. Manoranjan, V.S., Solutions to problems (850 & 851) in geometry, PI MU EPSILON Journal, 10 (1996), 323 & 328. Other Publications 1. Manoranjan, V.S., Mathematical models help ecologists track pollution, Sciences Pipeline, Washington State University, Fall 1996. 2. Manoranjan, V.S., High school students can check their readiness for college math - Self - assessment tool on the web (http://www.math.wsu.edu/HS/welcome.html), Sciences Pipeline, Washington State University, Spring 1998. 3. Authored some of the virtual lessons @ http://www.math.wsu.edu/mathlessons/. (email testimonials from other institutions – they are using these lessons in their classes!) 15 Presentations 1. 2. 3. 4. 1981 Numerical study of the small amplitude periodic waves for the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations, Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee, Scotland, 1981. 1982 The "good" Boussinesq equation, Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee, Scotland, 1982. Some numerical results of the Boussinesq equation, SOLITONS Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, 1982. 1983 Numerical studies of reaction-diffusion problems, Conference on Mathematics in Medicine and Biomechanics, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, 1983, Invited. 5. An adaptive scheme in one space dimension, Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee, Scotland, 1983. 6. Bifurcation studies in reaction-diffusion, Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, University of Dundee, Scotland, 1983. 7. 1984 Bifurcation Studies in Reaction-Diffusion, given at: Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, 1984, Invited. Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada, 1984, Invited. Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada, 1984, Invited. Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, 1984, Invited. 8. Solitons in the "good" Boussinesq equation, Department of Mathematics, Southwest Texas State University, USA, 1984, Invited. 9. Solitons in the "good" Boussinesq equation, Computing Laboratory, Oxford University, England, 1984, Invited. 10. 1985 On Certain Reaction-Diffusion equations, Center for Mathematical Biology, Oxford University, England, 1984. 11. On a system of reaction-diffusion equations, Computing Laboratory, Oxford University, England, 1985, Invited. 12. The model for epithelial pattern formation: A simplified version, 27th British Theoretical mechanics Colloquium, University of Leeds, England, 1985. 16 13. 1987 Spatial patterns from tissue interactions, Department of Mathematics, University of Surrey, England, 1987, Invited. 14. Localised and irregular patterns in a two phase flow, Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, University of Dundee, Scotland, 1987. 15. Theoretical study of falling liquid films, Canadian-German Workshop on Chemical Engineering Mathematics, Center for Physics, Bad Honnef, West Germany, 1987. 16. 1988 Mechanochemical models and spatial structures, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, England, 1988, Invited. 17. Localised waves and chaotic patterns in a two-phase flow, Computing Laboratory, Oxford University, England, 1988, Invited. 18. Spiral waves of cyclic AMP in a model of slime mold aggregation, Department of Mathematics, HeriotWatt University, Scotland, 1988, Invited. 19. Spiral waves of cyclic AMP in a model of slime mold aggregation, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Surrey, England, 1988. 20. Spatial patterns from tissue interactions, Conference on reaction-diffusion equations, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, 1988, Invited. 21. Reaction-diffusion equations in ecology, Department of Mathematics, University of Surrey, Scotland, 1988, Invited. 22. 1989 Bifurcations, chaos and fractals, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Surrey, England, 1989. 23. Bifurcations and chaos in fluidized beds, British Coal Board, England, 1989, Invited. 24. Solitons--What are they?, Department of Mathematics, University of Surrey, England, 1989, Invited. 25. Numerical modelling of cyclic AMP waves, Department of Mathematics, University of Illes Balears, Spain, 1989, Invited. 26. Variability reduction model for wastewater treatment, Conference on the Future of Water Quality in Europe--WATERSHED `89, University of Surrey, England, 1989, Invited. 27. On dynamically adaptive grids and variable time stepping, Department of Pure and Applied Mathemtics, WSU, 1989. 17 28. 29. Solitons and blow-up solutions of the "good" Boussinesq equations, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1989. 1990 On modelling Spruce budworms, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1990. 30. Computational methods for Reaction-Diffusion Problems, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1990. 31. Complex spatial patterns from tissue interactions, Mini-Symposium speaker, SIAM Annual meeting, Chicago, 1990, Invited. 32. Computational methods for Reaction-Diffusion problems, Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Meeting, Oregon State University, 1990, Invited. 33. 1991 Wiggles, confusion and numerical muddling, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1991. 34. Bifurcation analysis of a Reaction-Diffusion equation (3 talks), Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1991. 35. An iterative method for Convection-Diffusion problems (with R. Drake). Second International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Washington, D.C., 1991. 36. A model for drug permeation through skin (with R. Valdivia), Second International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Washington, D.C., 1991. 37. Pattern formation in tissues, Mini-symposium speaker, Second International Conference On Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Washington, D.C., 1991. 38. A spectrum enveloping technique for convection-diffusion computations, The Eleventh Annual Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, Mississippi State University, 1991. 39. Transient and steady spatial structures from Tissue Interactions (2 talks), Tulane University, Department of Mathematics, 1991. Invited. 40. A "cheap" Integrator for stiff problems, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1991. 41. On modelling nerve impulse, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1991. 42. Mathematical Modelling in Biology, Colloquium, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1991. 18 43. 1992 Solitons -- What are they?, Colloquium, Department of Physics, WSU, 1992, Invited. 44. Modelling Nerve Impulse Propagation & Iterative method for convection dominated flow problem (2 talks), Department of Mathematics & Engineering Research Center, Mississippi State University, 1992 Invited. 45. Modelling drug permeation through Human Skin, Pacific Northwest Mathematical Biology Workshop, University of Washington, 1992. 46. Kriging, Trend Surfaces and Travelling waves, Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, 1992. 47. Travelling waves with nonlinear Adsorption, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1992. 48. Closed System: On Computing a steady state solution, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1992. 49. Competition Models for Tumor Growth, Japanese National Conference on "Mathematical Aspects in Biology", Kyoto University, Japan, 1992, Invited. 50. Transient and Steady Spatial Structures from Tissue Interactions, International Conference on "Interfacial Dynamics and Patterns", Kyoto University, Japan, 1992, Invited. 51. 1993 On adaptive numerical schemes, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1993. 52. Mathematics for managers, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1993. 53. On Mathematical Models for Tumour growth and Contaminant Transport, Department of Mathematics, University of New Hampshire, 1993. Invited. 54. Solitons in "Good" Boussinesq Equation, Department of Mathematics, Brigham Young University, 1993. Invited. 55. Hydraulic Conductivity Variability -- Co-kriging, Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, 1993. 56. The Mathematics of "Flooding", Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1993. 57. On Exponential Upwinding, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1993. 58. Contaminant Transport: Model, Analysis and Computation, Colloquium, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1993. 59. Contaminant Transport with Nonlinear Adsorption, Dublin Differential Equations Meeting, Dublin City University, Ireland, 1993, Invited. 19 60. 1994 Mathematical Modelling of Contaminant Transport, Special Colloquium, The Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 1994. 61. A Two-Step Iterative Method for Convection-Diffusion Computations (with M. Olmos-Gomez), 14th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Georgia Tech., Atlanta, 1994. 62. Contaminant Transport: Model, Analysis and Computation, Mini-Symposium Speaker, 14th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Georgia Tech., Atlanta, 1994, Invited. 63. A nonlinear diffusion problem in population genetics; Contaminant transport with nonlinear sorption, (2 talks), Department of Mathematics, University of Massachusetts (Amherst), 1994, Invited. 64. 1995 Mathematical modelling of transdermal drug delivery, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, 1995, Invited. 65. Subsurface microorganisms: Fate and transport, Pacific Northwest Workshop on Mathematical Biology, University of British Columbia, Canada, 1995, Invited. 66. Analytical solutions for contaminant transport with Langmuir sorption, (with A. James), The 1st Symposium on the Hydrogeology of Washington State, Olympia, 1995. 67. A characterization study using field data from a controlled experiment (with T.B. Stauffer), The 1st Symposium on the Hydrogeology of Washington State, Olympia, 1995. 68. Subsurface microorganisms: Fate and transport, Department of Mathematics, University of Vermont, 1995, Invited. 69. Convection, Diffusion and What Not, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1995. 70. 1996 Scales, Dimensions and All That, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1996. 71. 72. 73. 1997 Contaminant transport with kinetic Langmuir sorption, Mini-Symposium Speaker, SIAM’s 45th Anniversary Meeting, Stanford University, 1997. Microbial movement in groundwater, Mini-Symposium Speaker, IFIP-System Modelling Annual Conference, Detroit, 1997. 1998 A Mini-Review on Solitons, Department of Mathematics, University of Idaho, 1998, Invited. 20 1999 74. Application of Mathematics for Environmental Problems in Sri Lanka, The Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 1999, Invited. 75. Nonlinear dispersive waves, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, WSU, 1999. 76. Contaminant transport with kinetic Langmuir sorption, Department of Mathematics, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 1999, Invited. 77. 2000 Contaminant transport in groundwater/Algal growth models (2 talks), AMS Short Course – AMS/MAA/SIAM Joint Mathematics Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2000, Invited. 78. 2001 Interdisciplinary Research and Education, May Meeting, College of Liberal Arts, Washington State University, 2001, Invited. 79. 2002 Interdisciplinary On-line Math Lessons, Co-Teach Meeting, College of Sciences, Washington State University, 2002. 80. Cultural Diversity and Education in Other Countries, Pullman High School, Pullman, WA, 2002, Invited. 2007 81. On modeling contaminant transport in ground water, Department of Physics, University of Idaho, 2007, Invited. 2010 82. Numerical solution of a generalized Fisher’s equation (with M.A. Olmos and M.M. Arriaga), XVII SIMMAC, San José, Costa Rica, 2010. Grants I have been successful in garnering external funds to support my research and scholarly activities from agencies such as the Science and Engineering Research Council (U.K.), National Science Foundation, Air Force, Office of Naval Research (subcontract through the University of Idaho) and the Boeing Company. Also, I was/am a participating faculty/co-PI on the following grants: Interdisciplinary training for undergraduates in biological and mathematical sciences (NSF, 03-04; 06-11) NASA Space grants (subcontract through the University of Washington). 21 Service Prior to 1989 Organizer of Research Colloquium (weekly), Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Surrey, England, 1987-1989. Secretary of Process Biotechnology Course Board, University of Surrey, England, 1986-1989. Institution of Chemical Engineers/University of Surrey Liaison Officer, England, 1987-1989. Organizer of First year Chemical Engineering Laboratory, University of Surrey, England, 1987-1989. COMMITTEE SERVICE UNIVERSITY Graduate School Representative at Ph.D. /M.S. Examinations, 1990 - present Physical Sciences Panel for Summer Graduate Research Assistantships, 1993 Assessment, Accountability and Accreditation - Ad Hoc Committee, 1998 Promotion and Tenure Task Force, 1998 – 1999 Strategic Planning Design Team – Undergraduate Experience, 2000-2001 Advisory Council – International Programs, 2001Advisory Committee for the Vice Provost for Research, 2001Strategic Planning Implementation Team – Trust and Respect, 2002-2003 Chancellor (WSU-Spokane) Search Committee, 2004 Chaired some of the Search Committee (for the Dean of Engineering) meetings, 2005 Member, Graduate Mentor Academy Committee on developing web-based faculty/AP evaluations Review Panels – Catalyzing the Future and Major Research Instrumentation Presidential Committee on Commencement, current Review Committee – Engineering Education Research Center, 2009 Chair, Dean of Education’s Review Committee, 2008-09 Director of Global Learning Search Committee, International Program, 2011 Faculty Technology Advising Committee, WSU Online, 2011-2012 Student Achievement Faculty Advisory Committee, Vice President for Student Affairs, 2011-2012 Integration & Implementation Planning Committee (merger of the Colleges of Sciences & Liberal Arts), 2011-2012 Honors Council, 2013 Provost’s Ad Hoc Committee on Biosciences at Washington State University, 2013 Outside the University Faculty Search Committee, Pullman High School, Pullman, WA Member, Board of Directors, Washington Technology Center, 1999 – 2005 (Also, on the Technology and Business Development Committee) Instrumental in forging academic collaborations between Washington State University and Mahidol University in Thailand (MOA was signed in 2001) Mentor within AWM (Association for Women in Mathematics) Mentor Network - current COLLEGE Advisory Committee M.S. / PhD. degree option in Computer and Natural Sciences, WSU, 199022 Search Committee for Assistant Dean, Division of Sciences, WSU, 1990 Tenure and Promotion Committee (Physical Sciences), College of Sciences, 1995-1996 Research and Graduate Instruction Committee, 1996 Alternate Delivery Committee, 1997 Enrollment Team, 1997 – 1998 Ad Hoc Research and Industrial Relations Group, 1997 – 1998 Life Sciences Reorganization Study Committee, 1997 – 1998 Co-organizer, Sciences and Engineering Research Symposium, 2000-2001 College of Sciences’ Strategic Planning Committee – Research & Graduate Education, 2002 Search Committee for the Dean of Sciences, WSU, 2002-2003 Search Committee for the Associate Director, Applied Sciences –Spokane, 2002-2003 Search Committee for Bioinformatics faculty, 2005-2006 Chair, Director of Development Search, 2004 DEPARTMENT Department of Mathematics Computing Committee, 1990 Mathematics - Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee, WSU, 1990 Organizer, Special Mathematical Modelling Seminars 1990-1992 Search Committee for Post-Doctoral Research Associate, WSU, Spring 1991 AdHoc Assessment Committee, Mathematics Department, WSU, Spring 1991 Department of Mathematics Computing Committee, 1991-1993 Graduate Student Recruiting and TA Selection, 1991-1994 AdHoc Committee on Faculty Recruitment Priorities, 1992 Committee regarding VADMS laboratory, 1992 Scientific Computing Faculty, Minor in Scientific Computing (Graduate level), 1992-1996 Mathematics - Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee, WSU, Spring 1993 Chair, Search Committee for Faculty Position in Dynamical Systems, 1992/1993 Advisor, Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 1993/1994 & 2002/2003 Chair, Search Committee for Faculty Position in Applied Analysis, 1993/1994 Chair, Calculus Book Committee, 1994 Associate Chair, 1993/1994, 1995-1996 Co-Organizer, Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar, 1994 Organizer, Pacific Northwest Mathematical Biology Workshop (NSF Funded), 1994 Co-Organizer, Departmental Colloquium, 1995-1996 Virtual Math Planning Committee, 1995-1996 Search Committee for Faculty position in Mathematical Biology, 1995-1996 Calculus Book Committee, 1996 Chair, Committee for five-year plan, 1995-1996 Chair, Board of Visitors Committee, 2000, 2002, 2003 Co-organizer, Conference on Progress in Partial Differential Equations and Applications, 2002 Member, Strategic Planning Committee, 2002/2003 Chair, Scholarships and Alumni Relations Committee, 2002/2003 and 2008-present REFEREEING IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Journal of Theoretical Biology Nature IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied to Medicine and Biology Journal of Theoretical Biology 23 Journal for Computational Applied Mathematics IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics Chemical Engineering Science Journal of Computational Physics Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation ASME Journal of Computers and Engineering IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics ASCE J. Environ. Eng. Advances in Computational Mathematics Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Environmental Science and Technology Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Faculty Association for Scholarship and Research (FASR)/Sigma Xi Competition REVIEWER Science and Engineering Research Council Mathematics Committee, England 1987, 1988 Air Force Grant Proposals NASA Grant Proposal (for EPSCOR in Idaho) Mini-Tenure Review (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) NSF-EPSCOR in Montana Tenure Review (Montana State University) U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation EXAMINER D. Phil. External Examiner, Oxford University, England 1988 Ph.D. (upgrading) Internal Examiner, University of Surrey, England 1987-1989 TRAINING ACTIVITIES Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of Surrey, England 1987 Action-Centered Leadership Course (an Industrial Society Course), Derby, England 1988 24
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