PROGRAMME MEMBERS JULY-AUGUST 2014 EN1 2 SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL P5-6 ---------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAMME JULY ART CINEMA TALKS GASTRONOMY MUSIC PERFORMANCES AFTER MIDNIGHT P6-9 P10-17 P18-21 P22-27 P28-33 P34-39 P40-43 ---------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEEK P49-47 ---------------------------------------------------------- AGENDA P49-59 ---------------------------------------------------------- BENEFITS IN PARIS IN FRANCE international P60-83 P62-73 P74-79 P80-83 ---------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERSHIP P84-88 ---------------------------------------------------------- 3 EDITORIAL LAST MONTH: MICHEL GONDRY SPECIAL EVENING - OUI OUI - 06.19.2014 © BEAIR 4 THIS SUMMER, ENJOY A RICH AND ECLECTIC PROGRAMME AT SILENCIO! IN THE 1SQM GALLERY, DISCOVER NEW ARTWORK «TORTUE» BY FRANCO-ALGERIAN ARTIST ADEL ABDESSEMED CREATED ESPECIALLY FOR Silencio IN COLLABORATION WITH WINK EDITION. ON STAGE, THE CYCLE «À REBOURS» HOSTs AN EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE BY Naama Tsabar. CONVERSATIONS JUST AS INTENSE WITH THE DIRECTOR JEROME PRIEUR ACCOMPANIED BY TOBIE NATHAN WHO WE WILL TALK ABOUT «THE JOURNAL OF HELENE BERR» NOT FORGET A ROMANTIC GETAWAY WITH THE WRITER SIMON LIBERATI. DARK AND SUPERNATURAL MUSIC WITH THE VOICES OF LOVE LIKE BIRDS, BROKEN TWIN AND THE INTERNET, THE NEOSOUL DUET ON STAGE FOR A SPECIAL CONCERT. ALSO AN INTIMATE ATMOSPHERE IN THE THEATER WITH A SELECTION OF SHORT FILMS AND EXOTIC FILMS DURING THE CINE-CLUB SESSIONS. THE CANNES’ FESTIVAL EXTEND AT Silencio WITH «JIMMY’S HALL» AND «PONTS DE SARAJEVO». TO END THE MONTH, A SPECIAL PROGRAMME WILL BE DEVOTED TO JEAN JAURES AROUND PROJECTIONS, LECTURES, DEBATES AND A SELECTION OF BOOKS. FINALLY, NOTE THAT THE CLUB REMAIN OPEN UNTIL JULY 26 AND YOU WILL ENJOY DURING ALL SUMMER A WHOLE RANGE OF BENEFITS IN PARIS, IN FRANCE AND ABROAD… HAVE A VERY NICE SUMMER AND RENDEZ-VOUS ON AUGUST 26 FOR THE REOPENING OF THE CLUB! 5 6 ART THE CLUB WILL CONTINUE TO EXHIBIT THE PHOTOGRAPHS BY PAUL FUSCO «RFK FUNERAL TRAIN». IN PARALLEL, IN COLLABORATION WITH WINK EDITION, THE 1SQM GALLERY HOSTS ITS NEW ARTWORK «TORTUE» CREATED BY FRANCO-ALGERIAN ARTIST ADEL ABDESSEMED. LAST MONTH: PAUL FUSCO «RFK FUNERAL TRAIN» © JÉRÉMY SOUDANT 7 ART PHOTO EXHIBITION IN COLLABORATION WITH MAGNUM PHOTOS PAUL FUSCO «RFK FUNERAL TRAIN» until Saturday 07.26.20144 In this emotionally charged series of photographies, the artist has made a uniquely profound record of one of the defining moments of the twentieth-century. He reminds us the urgency and the tragedy of the President’s assassination the 6 of june 1968. He documents the moving farewell from hundreds of thousands of people who stood patiently in the searing heat along roadsides down the east coast to watch his funeral train travel slowly from New York City to Washington DC, just as Abraham Lincoln’s had 130 years before. 8 ART 1SQM GALLERY IN COLLABORATION WITH Wink Edition (EVA ALBARRAN AND MÉLANIE MEFFRER RONDEAU) ADEL ABDESSEMED «TORTUE» (2014) From Sunday 06.29.2014 «Emanating from all the deadly animals together by Adel Abdessemed under the title «La Grande Parade», «Tortue»(2014) is one of these contemporary kamikazes, dangerous and peaceful, slow and brutal. Made from pliable rubber, charged a stick of dynamite, the creature carries the softness of the material, the fear of the animal, the pain of a possible explosion. It embodies the synthesis between the subject and object, material and pattern, harmony and destruction.» DONATIEN GRAU © Gérard Rondeau 9 10 CINEMA THIS MONTH, Silencio theater will vary between EUROPEAN HISTORY AND CHILDREN’S TESTIMONY, ESPECIALLY WITH A SELECTION OF FILMS acclaimed On the Croisette. «JIMMY’S HALL» RETRACEs THE FATE OF A deportee DURING THE 30s, WHILE THE DIRECTORS OF «PONTS DE SARAJEVO» questions THE PLACE Of the Bosnian capital IN THE EUROPEAN landscape. «COLDWATER» narrates the U.S. BRUTALITY OF CAMPS ADJUSTMENTS OF JUVENILE «BOYHOOD» lingers ON apparent banality lIFE OF A BOY. DOCUMENTARY FILMS ALSO: TESSA LOUISE-SALOME returns ON THE WORK OF Leos Carax, PRODIGE FILMMAKER; WHILE HELENE BERR OPENS the PAGES OF her JOURNAL. YOU MAY ALSO ENJOY SHORT FILMS from the new international SCENE not to forget THE CINECLUBs with NICOLAS Saada AND JEAN-PIERRE DIONNET. A SELECTION OF SHORT FILMS FROM THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ARTISTIC SCENE PROPOSED BY FANNIE ESCOULEN AND ANNA PLANAS. LAST MONTH: CANNES 2014 SPECIAL WEEK IN COLLABORATION WITH ARTE «STILL THE WATER» BY NAOMI KAWASE - 06.20.2014 © BEAIR 11 CInEma A selection of short films from the new International art scene given by Fannie Escoulen and Anna Planas SHORT OF THE WEEK JO by Justine Pluvinage, 2012 Wednesday 07.02.2014 - Saturday 07.05.2014 20:00, 22:30 Jo, this is the story of a night meeting, a risk-taking, a missed sharing. Jo, this is a sex story. (5MIN45) (Original version with subtitles) (Advisory explicit content) -------------------------------------------------------- SHORT OF THE WEEK CAMANCHACA BY Clio Simon, 2014 Wednesday 07.09.2014 - Saturday 07.12.2014 220:00, 22:30 In northern Chile, we called Camanchaca a mist that rises from the Pacific and abuts on the hills facing him. This is not just something you look, this is something that gets you, really invades you. (12MIN) (Original version with subtitles) 12 CINEMA SHORT OF THE WEEK SERENA E I DUE MATTEO by Vanessa Santullo, 2007 Wednesday 07.16.2014 - Saturday 07.19.2014 20:00, 22:30 Serena e i due Matteo takes us to the heart of an Italian serenade. One evening at the end of the year in Rome, protagonists are preparing to join the crowd in the streets. The title refers to Charlotte et son Jules, first short film by Jean-Luc Godard.(6MIN45) (Original version with subtitles) ----------------------------------------------------------- NEW FILM JIMMY’S HALL BY KEN LOACH, 2014 Wednesday 07.02.2014 - Saturday 07.05.2014 20:00, 22:30 Political activist Jimmy Gralton is deported from Ireland during the country’s ‘Red Scare’ of the 1930s. (1H49MIN) (Original version with sub- titles) 13 CInEma NEW FILM COLDWATER BY VINCENT GRASHAW, 2013 Wednesday 07.09.2014 - Saturday 07.12.2014 20:00, 22:30 A teenage boy is sent to a juvenile reform facility in the wilderness. As we learn about the tragic events that sent him there, his struggle becomes one for survival with the inmates, counselors, and the retired war colonel in charge. (1H44MIN) (Original version with subtitles) ---------------------------------------------------------- NEW FILM PONTS DE SARAJEVO BY Jean-Luc Godard, Teresa Villaverde, Aida Begic, 2013 Wednesday 07.16.2014 - Saturday 07.19.2014 20:00, 22:30 13 European directors explore the theme of Sarajevo and what this city represents in European history over the past hundred incarnates years, today (French version) 14 in and what Europe. Sarajevo (1H54MIN) CINEMA NEW FILM BOYHOOD by Richard Linklater, 2014 Wednesday 07.23.2014 - Saturday 07.26.2014 20:00, 22:30 The life of a young man, Mason, from age 5 to age 18. (2H45MIN) (Original Version with subtitles) ---------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTARY FILM MR X, Leos Carax by Tessa Louise-Salomé Thursday 07.03.2014 18:30 prodigy in the early 80s, the critically acclaimed Leos Carax quickly became the terrible child of French cinema. However, in France and abroad, he is recognized as one of the most important filmmakers of his generation. In her movie, Tessa Louise-Salome shows all the visionary power and poetry of his cinema. (1h11min) (Original Version with subtitles) 15 CInEma CINE-PSY INTRODUCED BY JEROME PRIEUR AND NICOLAS SAADA AND FOLLOWED BY TOBIE NATHAN CINÉ-PSY. Le journal d’Hélène Berr by Jérôme Prieur, 2013 Tuesday 07.01.2014 20:00, Tobie Nathan, professor of psychology at the University of Paris VIII, is the best known representative of ethnopsychiatry in France. This time he will discuss a documentary dedicated to the diary of a young woman engaged in writing her perception of the situation between 1942 and 1944. (1h05min) (French Version) ---------------------------------------------------------- CINE-CLUB CYCLE «SOLEILS REBELS» JEAN-PIERRE DIONNET PRESENTS Zoulou BY Cy Endfield, 1964 Tuesday 07.15.2014 20:00 battle Outnumbered with Zulu British warriors soldiers at do Rorke’s Drift. (2h18min) (Original version with subtitles) 16 CINEMA CINE-CLUB NICOLas SAADA Presents WILD RIVER by Elia Kazan, 1960 Tuesday 07.22.2014 20:00 A young field administrator for the TVA comes to rural Tennessee to oversee the building of a dam on the Tennessee River. He encounters opposition from the local people, in particular a farmer who objects to his employment (with pay) of local black laborers.(1h50min) (Original version with subtitles) ---------------------------------------------------------- SHORT FILM ROSA MYSTICA BY Eva Ionesco AND Simon Liberati, 2014 Tuesday 07.08.2014 18:30 A bunch of old scholars met to hold a conference on the poet Yeats. Guy and Gerlande expect Rudolph came express all of Germany. Pierre expected champagne. Marianne expects Yaya, his new friend 30 years. Except that the champagne can not, except that Yaya has no age attributed to him, except that Rodolphe’s conference is a spirit seance. With Marisa Berenson and Jean-Pierre Léaud.(16MIN) (French Version) 17 18 TALKS THIS SUMMER, THE TALKS ALLOW DRILLING IN THE MYSTERIES OF PHOTOGRAPHS BY SEVINÇLI YUSUF A TALK HOSTED BY SEBASTIAN HAU. IN «THE JOURNAL OF HELENE BERR», WE absorb MYTHOLOGY AND PERSONAL overwhelming. DO NOT FORGET THE FOCUS ON THE WORK OF ROMANTIC WRITER SIMON LIBERATI WITH LEONARD BILLOT. LAST MONTH: MICHKA ASSAYAS and Agnès Gayraud FOR «NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE DU ROCK» - 06.12.2014 © BEAIR 19 TALKS CINEMA AND LITERATURE with Tobie Nathan, Jérôme Prieur, Nicolas Saada and Léonard Billot HELENE BERR SPECIAL EVENING Tuesday 07.01.2014 18:30 From 1942 to 1944, A YOUNG FRENCH GIRL, HELENE BERR, WROTE HER DAILY JOURNAL. TEXT OF OUTSTANDING LITERARY QUALITY mingling EXPERIENCE OF EVERYDAY INSOUTENABLE AND THE DREAMED WORLD OF LETTERS… (in French) ----------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOGRAPHY HOSTED BY SEBASTIAN HAU (LE BAL) Sevinçli Yusuf Friday 07.04.2014 20:00 HE has been receiving international recognition for his allusive and poetic photographs, which define a new visual esthetic to speak about life in Turkey today. He will show and discuss images from his series «Home», «Good Dog» and «Post» in this meeting and signature. (In English) 20 TALKS LITERATURE HOSTED BY LÉONARD BILLOT Simon Liberati 19:30 TUESDAY 07.08.2014 WITH A GREAT FREEDOM, SIMON LIBERATI DELIVERS A MISCELLANÉE OF DREAMS ON THE THEME OF ROMANCE. AFTER THE SCREENING OF HIS SHORT FILM «ROSA MYSTICA» HE MADE WITH EVA IONESCO, SIMON LIBERATI WILL SPEAK OF ONE OF HIS LEGENDARY BOOK LEGENDARY. (IN FRENCH) 21 22 GASTRONOMY Silencio INVITES SUMMER! discover FRUITS AND VEGETABLES from terroirs d’avenir, Join the MEDITERRANEAN cuisine WITH les niçois, THEN END ON A SWEET TOUCH: THANKS to MARC GROSSMAN YOU WILL rediscover the GENEROUS AMERICAN PIE. ALSO TASTE COGNACS with rémy cointreau AND EVEN MORE AMAZING WINES from la compagnie des vins surnaturels! © BEAIR 23 GASTRONOMY Tasting Special cognac Saturday 07.05.2014 19:30 Come enjoy an exceptional selection of cognac with Silencio team, in partnership with Remy Cointreau. ---------------------------------------------------------- Meeting and culinary discovery As part of his book Mr American Pie, Marabout editions American Pie with Marc Grossman Saturday 07.05.2014 21:30 The one who has already walked into the United States, necessarily tasted one of these pies with a typical american taste. Marc Grossman gives us his best recipes. From New York, he has created the American canteens Bob’s Juice Bar, Bob’s Kitchen in Paris and recently Bob’s Bakery in the 18th district. 24 GASTRONOMY Tasting La compagnie des vins surnaturels SaTURDAY 07.12.2014 19:30 The best wine bar of the rive gauche, invites you to discover its exceptional wines, for your greatest pleasure. ---------------------------------------------------------- Meeting and culinary discovery Terroirs d’Avenir & the chef Renaud Marcille Saturday 07.12.2014 21:30 Selection of seasonal vegetables and fruits to taste and enjoy their flavor at the right time, while respecting their natural cycle. For this tasting, under the sign of summer, we will trust products selected by Terroirs d’Avenir and Chief Renaud Marcille (Racines restaurant), who cook for our greatest pleasure. 25 GASTRONOMY Tasting SILENCIO COCKTAILS SATURDAY 07.19.2014 19:30 Silencio bartenders will put their talent to your taste buds during a cocktail tasting, from traditional to more amazing. ---------------------------------------------------------- Meeting and culinary discovery Mediterranean with Les Niçois Saturday 07.19.2014 21:30 The Socca, the pissaladière the pans-bagnats… all specialties of their childhood that the young team of authentic Niçois, proposed recently in their restaurant / a place to relax in the 11th district. 26 GASTRONOMY Tasting SILENCIO COCKTAILS SATURDAY 07.26.2014 19:30 Silencio bartenders will put their talent to your taste buds during a cocktail tasting, from traditional to more amazing. 27 28 MUSIC THE WORD for this SUMMER WILL Eclecticism. SUAVE BALLADS BY PAPOOZ, JAZZ with Gael ROKOTONDRABE, OR SENSUELLE voice with pop singer from love like birds. THIS WILL ALSO be THE OCCASION to VIBRATE to the RHYTHM OF ELECTRO-POP of THOMAS BARFOD, THEN To TURN UNDER THE MUSICAL sobs of BROKEN TWIN. MANY OTHER SURPRISES IN PERSPECTIVE WITH THE INTERNET, with their NEO-SOUL ROCK. LAST MONTH: ANGEL OLSEN - 06.12.2014 © ÉLISE TOÏDÉ 29 MUSIC CONCERT PAPOOZ Tuesday 07.01.2014 22:30 They were first two, Armand and Ulysses, Parisians, singers and guitarists, and were joined by three musicians, bass, cello and drums. Catchy ballads, creamy melodies, their indie folk balance sometimes to the rhythm of bossa nova. They will present at Silencio their languid songs, imbued with a certain nostalgia for the seventies. A soft and light music. ----------------------------------------------------------- CONCERT THE INTERNET Wednesday 07.02.2014 22:30 The internet is a neo-soul group founded by producer Matt Martians and the singer Dj Syd «The Kyd» from collective Odd Future. The two partners recorded their first album «Purple Naked Ladies». Syd and Matt plan to first release the album for free on the Internet and without promotion, but their manager decided otherwise… 30 MUSIC CONCERT SPECIAL EVENING «MR X LEOS CARAX» GAËL RAKOTONDRABE PIANIST FROM ANTONY & THE JOHNSONS 22:30 Thursday 07.03.2014 P22:30 Jazz pianist trained at the Réunion’s Conservatoire Regional, he played recently at Carnegie Hall in New York, world temple of jazz, it does not mean forgetting its Reunion roots. Now playing in Paris, he will honor us with his presence at Silencio. ----------------------------------------------------------- CONCERT LOVE LIKE BIRDS Tuesday 07.08.20144 22:30 Languid, deep voice, sensual dream pop, the young Belgian singer seems to whisper in your ear her melancholy, soft like a marshmallow. The one that some are already comparing to Emily Jane White, Alela Diane, or even Suzanne Vega, will infuse the Silencio vaporous wisps of her second EP. 31 MUSIC CONCERT THOMAS BARFOD Thursday 07.10.2014 22:30 When he’s not playing in the Danish band WhoMadeWho for which he is the drummer Tomas Barfod started a solo career in 2012 with «Salton Sea», his first success. He will give at Silencio a concert as part of his summer tour ----------------------------------------------------------- CONCERT BROKEN TWIN Wednesday 07.16.2014 22:30 Broken Twin is a singer of twilight and as she comes from Denmark, twilights are long. When the song stops, the pulse is on the verge of extinction, empty lungs collapsed. 32 NOTES 33 34 PERFORMANCES «À REBOURS» WHOSE FIRST ACT «L’ERRANCE DES SONGES» HAS BEEN INITIATED BY THE COMMISSIONERS MEHDI BRIT AND BLANCHE DE LESTRANGE HOSTS THIS MONTH NAAMA TsabaR revisiting THE USE OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AMANDINE Casadamont AND ANGELIQUE Thibau WILL ALSO PRESENT «Z O N E D E S I L E N C E» A SOUND PERFORMANCE WITH A POETRY almost imperceptible. LAST MONTH: PERFORMANCES CYCLE «À REBOURS» ACT I «L’ERRANCE DES SONGES» APOPHENIA PAREIDOLIA Or «THÉÂTRE DE LA MÉTHODE» with ANNA BYSKOV & VINCENT EPPLAY - 06.11.2014 © ÉLISE TOÏDÉ 35 PERFORMANCES with Amandine Casadamont and Angélique Tibau «Zone de Silence» Wednesday 07.02.2014 21:00 «Z o n e d e S i l e n c e» : 26. North. Parallel, a bit East from Bermuda Triangle- Mexico, Bolson of mapimi, at the Tripoint of three states Durango / Coahuila / Chihuahua. 400 000 square meters of desert. This zone is considered as a «Red zone» by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because of its problems with narcotrafic. All the sounds that you will hear were recorded in that zone, edited, sculpted, mixed in Paris. Between reality and poetry, this sound work will lead the audience to perceive the world differently, listening to the silence that crosses it. ProduceD by France Culture, with the support of the SCAM and CECYTED OF DURANGO. Special art work created for Silencio, in preview of the broadcast on the 3rd of July at 11 pm on France Culture in L’Atelier de Création Radiophonique. 36 PERFORMANCES INSTALLATION «Out of Silence» Wednesday 07.02.2014 In opposition to «Zone de Silence», «Out of silence» is a chatterbox, from wich emerges several units of sounds. All of these gossips were taken from La Zone de Silence in Mexico, they are like the waste of silence. 37 PERFORMANCES CYCLE «À REBOURS» ACT I «L’ERRANCE DES SONGES» MEHDI BRIT & BLANCHE DE LESTRANGE PRESENT WITH THE participation OF Kristin Mueller NAAMA TSABAR Thursday 07.03.2014 19:30 Naama Tsabar develops installations and performances related to music. Exploring possible connections between disciplines, she seeks to revisit the features of an object or a musical instrument to transmit sensitive and new sound and poetic experience. Graduated with a Master of Fine Arts at Columbia University, her work has been, among others, presented as part of Frieze Projects 2014 Museum of Art Tel Aviv (Israel), Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art (Israel), Spinello Project (Miami), MoMA PS1, Casino Luxembourg (Luxembourg ) statements Art (Basel), ExtraCity (Belgium)… Tsabar’s work has been featured in various publications: ArtForum, ArtReview, The New York Times, New York Magazine, Pacific and Artasia Fade Magazine. Born in 1982 in Israel, she lives and works in New York. 38 NOTES 39 40 AFTER MIDNIGHT on the dance floor, stop the time with a release party with Mr Flash and Ed Banger, and during the fashion week, discover surprise afterparties and aftershows. LAST MONTH: B.A.G.A.R.R.E - 06.18.2014 © JÉRÉMY SOUDANT 41 AFTER MIDNIGHT SPECIAL FASHION WEEK TUESDAY 07.08.2014 - SATURDAY 07.12.2014 Silencio will beat to HE RHYTHM OF FASHION… FIND EVERY EVENING AFTERSHOW and surprise afterparties! ----------------------------------------------------------- MR FLASH & ED BANGER RELEASE PARTY tuesday 07.15.2014 ON THE OCCASION OF THE release of «remis» by MR FLASH (ED BANGER). DJ SETS by PEDRO WINTER, SACHA SIEFF, TOXIC (UNCLE O & SOLO), Gaspirator and MANIGANCE (SO ME & DVNO). ----------------------------------------------------------- LES PRINCES DES vilLES wednesday 07.16.2014 Enjoy the best tracks «MADE IN FRANCE» FOR A SPECIAL EVENING WITH THE SINGER JÉRÉMY CHÂTELAIN. 42 AFTER MIDNIGHT HIT FORECAST SUMMER 2014 ANNOUNCED HIT PLAYLIST BY OURS RESIDENT DJS. MEET THEM ON THE DANCEFLOOR! ERIK RUG Shamir «If it wasn’t true» (God Mode) Love Dollhouse «Can I» (All def) M.I.A «Baddygirl 2» Partysquad Beyoncé Flawless Remix ---------------------------------------------------------- MANARÉ PG Sound «Untitled» (Sued) Moon B «Stank Tartare» Popcaan «Love Yuh Bad» (Mixpak Records) ----------------------------------------------------------- INÈS MÉLIA Giorgio Moroder Caribou «Can’t Do Without You» Movement «Like Lust» ----------------------------------------------------------- ROMAIN BNO Danity Kane «Lemonade feat Tyga» (Stereotypes music) Hervé & Zebra Katz «Tear the House Up» (Mad Decent) The Ting Tings «Wrong club» (Club mix by the Super Criticales) ----------------------------------------------------------- JEAN NIPON Michael JACKSON «LOVER NEVER FELT SO GOOD» feat Justin Timberlake (MJJ Production) DARONDO «DIDN’T I» (Ubiquity records) Jamie CULLUM «FRONTIN» 43 MUSIC 44 SPECIAL WEEK MUSIC wednesday 07.23.2014 - thursday 07.24.2014 JEAN JAURÈS To commemorate the CENTENARY OF the assassination of JEAN JAURÈS, THE CLUB, IN COLLABORATION WITH THE FOUNDATION JEAN-JAURÈS PAYS TRIBUTE TO THIS POLITICAL LEADER WITH A SPECIAL PROGRAMME ON 2 DAYS AROUND MAJOR THEMES «JEAN JAURÈS and the CINEMA» AND «JEAN JAURès AND public speaking». 45 SPECIAL WEEK JEAN JAURÈS and the CINeMA WEDNESDAY 07.23.2014 TALKS 19:00 MARION FONTAINE IN CONVERSATION WITH EMMANUEL JOUSSE AROUND THE THEME «jAURES, as POLITICAL LEADER IS A» Reader» of THE INNOVATIONS OF HIS TIME.» (IN FRENCH) CINEMA 20:30 DOCUMENTAry: «JAURÈS EST VIVANT!» DIRECTED BY BERNARD GEORGE 21:30 DOCUMENTARY-FICTION: «QUI A TUÉ JAURÈS?» DIRECTED BY PHILIPPE TOURANCHEAU 22:30 FICTION: «JEAN-JAURÈS: VIE ET MORT D’UN SOCIALISTE» DIRECTED BY ANGE CASTA 46 SPECIAL WEEK JEAN JAURÈS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING THURSDAY 07.24.2014 THEATER 19:00 «PAROLES POLITIQUES: AGIR DANS LA SPHÈRE PUBLIQUE», in COLLABORATION with THeater 95. FOUR POLITICAL SPEECHES THAT CHANGED THE REALITIES geopolitical, social, ECOLOGICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL… CHOSEN BY WOMEN AND POLITICIANS INVITED BY THE FOUNDATION JeanJaurès. (IN FRENCH) TALKS 20:30 DEBATE HOSTED BY MARION FONTAINE AND JOËL DRAGUTIN ON THE THEME «JEAN JAURES AND PUBLIC SPEAKING». 47 NOTES 48 AGENDA JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE 2014 2015 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER M T W T F S S 02 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RE-OPENING OF THE club START 08.26.2014 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER, LATEST NEWS AND FULL PROGRAM AVAILABLE ON YOUR PERSONAL page WWW.SILENCIO-CLUB.COM OR UPON REQUEST [email protected] 49 AGENDA WEEK OF 07.01.2014 07.05.2014 01.07 TUESDAY 02.07 WEDNESDAY CINEMA TALKS 18:30 SPECIAL «le 20:00, 22:30 journal d’HÉLÈNE SHORT BERR» JO by JUSTINE PLUVIAGE CINEMA NEW FILM CINE-PSY JIMMY’S HALL 20:00 LE JOURNAL BY KEN LOACH D’HÉLÈNE BERR HOSTED BY JÉRÔME PERFORMANCES PRIEUR AND TOBIE 20:00 «ZONE DE NATHAN SILENCE» WITH AMANDINE MUSIC 22:30 CONCERT CASADAMONT and ANGÉLIQUE TIBAU PAPOOZ MUSIC AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS 22:30 CONCERT THE INTERNET JEAN NIPON AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS DJ JAMES 50 AGENDA 03.07 04.07 THURSDAY FRIDAY 05.07 SATURDAY CINEMA PERFORMANCES CINEMA 20:00, 22:30 19:30 JO SHORT CYCLE «À REBOURS» by JUSTINE PLUVIAGE JO ACTE I «L’ERRANCE 20:00, 22:30 by JUSTINE PLUVIAGE DES SONGES» JIMMY’S HALL NEW FILM WITH NAAMA TSABAR BY KEN LOACH JIMMY’S HALL BY KEN LOACH DOCUMENTARY FILM CONVERSATION 18:30 PHOTOGRAPHY MR X Leos Carax 20:00 YUSUF SEVINÇLI 19:30 by TESSA LOUISE- HOSTED BY SEBASTIAN Tasting SALOMÉ HAU (LE BAL) ABOUT COGNAC GASTRONOMY WITH THE BARTENDERS CINEMA AFTER MIDNIGHT SILENCIO JO ERIK RUG 21:30 by JUSTINE DJ SETS MEETING AND CULINARY PLUVIAGE TASTING 20:00, 22:30 AMERICAN PIE WITH JIMMY’S HALL MARC GROSSMAN BY KEN LOACH AFTER MIDNIGHT MUSIC DJ SETS 22:30 CONCERT GAËL RAKOTONDRABE AFTER MIDNIGHT AFTERPARTY «MR X Leos Carax» DJ SETS INÈS MÉLIA 51 AGENDA WEEK OF 07.08.2014 07.12.2014 SPECIAL FASHION WEEK 08.07 TUESDAY CINEMA 09.07 WEDNESDAY CINEMA 18:30 20:00, 22:30 ROSA MYSTICA SHORT By SIMON LIBERATI CAMANCHACA by CLIO SIMON TALKS LITERATURE NEW FILM COLDWATER 19:30 SIMON LIBERATI BY VINCENT GRASHAW HOSTED BY LÉONARD BILLOT AFTER MIDNIGHT FASHION WEEK MUSIC 22:30 CONCERT LOVE LIKE BIRDS AFTER MIDNIGHT FASHION WEEK DJ SETS 52 DJ SETS AGENDA 10.07 11.07 THURSDAY CINEMA FRIDAY CINEMA 12.07 SATURDAY CINEMA 20:00, 22:30 20:00, 22:30 20:00, 22:30 SHORT SHORT SHORT CAMANCHACA CAMANCHACA CAMANCHACA BY CLIO SIMON BY CLIO SIMON BY CLIO SIMON NEW FILM NEW FILM NEW FILM COLDWATER COLDWATER COLDWATER BY VINCENT GRASHAW BY VINCENT GRASHAW BY VINCENT GRASHAW MUSIC AFTER MIDNIGHT GASTRONOMY 22:30 CONCERT FASHION WEEK 19:30 THOMAS BARFOD DJ SETS Tasting LA COMPAGNIE DES AFTER MIDNIGHT VINS SURNATURELS FASHION WEEK 21:30 DJ SETS MEETING AND CULINARY TASTING SUMMER WITH TERROIRS D’AVENIR AFTER MIDNIGHT FASHION WEEK DJ SETS ERIK RUG 53 AGENDA WEEK OF 07.15.2014 07.19.2014 15.07 TUESDAY CINEMA 16.07 WEDNESDAY CINEMA CINE-CLUB 20:00, 22:30 JEAN-PIERRE DIONNET SHORT PReSENTs SERENA E I DUE ZOULOU MATTEO by CY ENDFIELD BY VANESSA SANTULLO NEW FILM AFTER MIDNIGHT PONTS DE SARAJEVO MR FLASH & ED BANGER by JEAN-LUC GODARD, RELEASE PARTY TERESA VILLAVERDE… DJ SETS MUSIC 22:30 CONCERT BROKEN TWIN AFTER MIDNIGHT Les princes des villes DJ SETS 54 AGENDA 17.07 18.07 THURSDAY FRIDAY 19.07 SATURDAY CINEMA CINEMA CINEMA 20:00, 22:30 20:00, 22:30 20:00, 22:30 SHORT SHORT SHORT SERENA E I DUE SERENA E I DUE SERENA E I DUE MATTEO MATTEO MATTEO BY VANESSA SANTULLO BY VANESSA SANTULLO BY VANESSA SANTULLO NEW FILM NEW FILM NEW FILM PONTS DE SARAJEVO PONTS DE SARAJEVO PONTS DE SARAJEVO by JEAN-LUC GODARD, by JEAN-LUC GODARD, by JEAN-LUC GODARD, TERESA VILLAVERDE… TERESA VILLAVERDE… TERESA VILLAVERDE… AFTER MIDNIGHT AFTER MIDNIGHT GASTRONOMY DJ SETS ERIK RUG 19:30 JEAN NIPON DJ SETS Tasting SILENCIO COCKTAILS 21:30 MEETING AND CULINARY TASTING Mediterranean WITH LES NIÇOIS AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS ERIK RUG 55 AGENDA WEEK OF 07.22.2014 07.26.2014 22.07 TUESDAY CINEMA CINE-CLUB SPECIAL WEEK NICOLAS SAADA JEAN JAURÈS PRESENTS 23.07 WEDNESDAY «Jean Jaurès AND THE CINema» CINEMA WILD RIVER 20:30 DOCUMENTARY BY ÉLIA KAZAN FILM: «Jaurès est vivant!» by Bernard AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS George 21:30 DOCUMENTARY FILM-FICTION: «Qui a tué Jaurès?» By Philippe Tourancheau 22:30 FICTION «JeanJaurès: Vie et Mort d’un socialiste» by Ange Casta TALKS 19:00 MARION FONTAINE and EMMNAUEL JOUSSE AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS 56 AGENDA 24.07 25.07 THURSDAY «Jean Jaurès AND PUBLIC SPEAKING» Theater FRIDAY CINEMA 26.07 SATURDAY CINEMA 20:00, 22:30 20:00, 22:30 BOYHOOD BOYHOOD By RICHARD LINKLATER by RICHARD LINKLATER 19:00 politicals words: Act in the political sphere AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS GASTRONOMY 19:30 IN COLLABORATION Tasting WITH le Théâtre 95 SILENCIO COCKTAILS AFTER MIDNIGHT CINEMA 20:00, 22:30 DJ SETS BOYHOOD by RICHARD LINKLATER TALKS 20:30 Jean Jaurès AND PUBLIC SPEAKING HOSTED BY Marion Fontaine and Joël Dragutin AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS 57 AGENDA WEEK OF 08.26.2014 08.30.2014 26.08 TUESDAY MUSIC 27.08 WEDNESDAY CINEMA 22:30 CONCERT 20:00, 22:30 SILS CLUB RE-OPENING THE PAINS OF BEING MARIA FROM 6:00PM PURE AT HEART by OLIVIER ASSAYAS AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS 58 AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS AGENDA 28.08 29.08 THURSDAY CINEMA FRIDAY CINEMA 30.08 SATURDAY CINEMA 20:00, 22:30 SILS 20:00, 22:30 SILS 20:00, 22:30 MARIA MARIA SILS MARIA by OLIVIER ASSAYAS by OLIVIER ASSAYAS by OLIVIER ASSAYAS AFTER MIDNIGHT TALKS EMMANUEL CAUREL & PHOTOGRAPHY JULIEN LAPIERRE 19:30 JOSE PEDRO PReSENT- CORTES «GUEST+HOST=GHOST» HOSTED BY SEBASTIAN #6 HAU AFTER MIDNIGHT DJ SETS 59 60 BENEFITS ENJOY SUMMER WITH YOUR MONTHLY BENEFITS IN PARIS, IN FRANCE OR ABROAD. ENJOY THE BEST OF THE ARTISTIC SCENE. WHILE THE CLUB WILL CLOSE ITS DOORS IN AUGUST, WE HAVE DEVELOPED YOUR BENEFITS PROGRAMME! PHOTOGRAPHY, SCULPTURE, FASHION, CONTEMPORARY ART, MUSIC, PAINTING, PERFORMANCE, SPORT, LITERATURE, CINEMA, FOOD… A PREVIEW OF WHAT SILENCIO PROGRAMME WILL BE… BACK ON AUGUST 26! ONE ADDRESS TO BOOK: [email protected] SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY Galerie des Galeries. XAVIER VEILHAN - ON/OFF Vue d’exposition, Veilhan Versailles, 2009 © Florian Kleinefenn - © Veilhan/ADAGP, Paris, 2014. 61 PARIS BENEFITS IN PARIS DISCOVER OR REDISCOVER MUSEUMS, GALLERIES, PALACE, LABORATORIES OF CREATION OR EXCEPTIONAL AND NEW TEMPLES OF SPORT. PALAIS GALLIERA, MUSÉE DE LA MODE DE LA VILLE DE PARIS, GAITÉ LYRIQUE OR MUSÉE RODIN, MAC/VAL… 62 TEST YOUR DIFFERENT VISIONS OF ART. PARIS BENEFITS EXHIBITIONS «pince moi, je rêve» Françoise Huguier at la Maison Européenne de la Photographie until Sunday 08.31.2014 This exhibition is the description of a world dreamt up by Françoise Huguier. Devoid of the romanticism of advertising and without lyricism, it is a collection of images that seem to have been gathered and made elegantly and almost casually. She gets as close as possible to people’s private worlds, with unashamed insolence. Passes are available. ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS The 50’s, fashion in France, 1947-1957 au Palais Galliera, musée de la Mode de la ville de Paris Saturday 07.12.2014 - Sunday 11.02.2014 Drawn from the Palais Galliera collection and sporting the labels of the most famous couturiers as well as others now forgotten, the remarkable exhibition – pieces some making 100 up this models and accessories – retrace the evolution of the female form through the decade 1947– 1957. Passes are available. 63 PARIS BENEFITS EXHIBITIONS WITH et sans peinture at MAC/VAL until 2015 A new exhibition of works from the permanent collection, MAC/VAL – Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne. This exhibition reveals the diversity of contemporary painting with works integrating space, object, artifical light or video to the classical pictorial vocabulary in order to expand the field of possibilty. All along summer, four artists are given «carte blanche» in MAC/VAL collection: Valérie Jouve, Halida Boughriet, Nguyen Manh Hung and Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba. Passes are available. ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS Motion Factory at La Gaîté lyrique until sunday 08.10.2014 The exhibition takes you on a trip around the world via some fifteen guest filmmakers belonging to a highly creative generation that combines tactile animation technology and traditional craft methods in perfect harmony with the infinite possibilities available today. Passes are available. 64 digital PARIS BENEFITS PRIVATE TOURS Oh les beaux jours at MAC/VAL Sunday 07.06.2014 MAC/VAL summer starts with a day of booming creativity and exchange: Artistic installation of Guillaume Constantin in the garden, performance of Esther Ferrer by Franck Lamy, curator of the exhibition «Face B. Image/Autoportrait»; «Que s’estil passé?» of Nicolas Boulard and Yann Vanderme; «Float, discuss», performance of Charlie Jeffrey. Booking required. ----------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE TOURS Mapplethorpe/Rodin at Musée Rodin Wednesday 07.02.2014 18:50 Echoing the Mapplethorpe retrospective at the Grand Palais, the Musée Rodin plays with conventions and temporalities, comparing two distinct forms of expression, photography and sculpture. How Mapplethorpe’s photography ture and gives the body becomes sculpa new light? Discover this daring dialogue through 50 sculptures and more than 102 photographs from outstanding loans. Booking required. 65 PARIS BENEFITS PRIVATE TOURS Lewis Baltz / Common Objects at LE BAL Thursday 07.17.2014 19:00 This exhibition will return to his most remarkable series, from ‘The Prototype Works’ through to ‘Ronde de nuit’, and for the first time consider how film, has influenced this major oeuvre. Booking required. ----------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE TOURS ON/OFF at la Galerie des Galeries - Galeries Lafayette Haussmann Tuesday 07.22.2014 19:00 Galerie des Galeries, a venue dedicated to a cross-disciplinary approach to today’s creative arts, is exploring the synergy between contemporary art and music. Guest artist Xavier Veilhan will present an exhibition area that operates in two different modes: «ON» and «OFF». When «OFF», the public will have a chance to stroll through a space entirely made up of furniture from department store luxury 66 brands corners. When «ON», it’s showtime! PARIS BENEFITS Booking required. liVres Ocean Park by Ludovic Debeurme (Ed.Alma) Two brothers. One stalker compulsively multiplies sex experience. The other a wanderer, traveling the world with a tent igloo. (In French) ----------------------------------------------------------- liVres SAGAN by Anne Berest (Ed.Stock) 1954. Françoise Sagan is a young girl of eighteen years old like the others, or almost. On 15 March, the editor Quoirez’s tristesse», René first and Julliard novel, publishes aka everything Françoise Sagan, changes. «Bonjour Françoise becomes rich and famous nocturnal and legendary cult and persecuted. (In French) ----------------------------------------------------------- liVres Éclats d’Amérique by Olivier Hodasava (Ed.Inculte) On his literary blog, O. Hodosava discovers and describes the countries he has not visited and he knows only through Google maps. He starts in this book, the narrative discovery fictional of North travel America, and between sociological analysis. (In French) 67 PARIS BENEFITS TABLES Frenchie Restaurant 5 rue du Nil, 75002 Paris Wednesday 07.09.2014 What to say about the Frenchie restaurant and its chef Greg Marchand? Fooding Price, Best Chef and revelation Omnivore, spearheaded «the new wave of chefs»… As a result you must be patient to taste his cooking and get a table in his first establishment: Frenchie Restaurant. Special Menu Silencio Carte Banche 80€, Excluding drinks (1 Appetizer, 2 starters, 2 main courses, 1 cheese, 2 deserts) 2 tables for 2 available Booked at 21:30 ----------------------------------------------------------- Monsieur Bleu 20 av. de New York ou 13 av. du Président-Wilson, 75016 Paris Wednesday 07.16.2014 Located at the ground dock of Palais de Tokyo, the address has one of the most beautiful terraces of Paris. Facing south, overlooking the Seine and the Eiffel Tower, in addition to a very large Art Deco room. Menu about 80€, Excluding drinks (Starter, Main course, Desert) 2 tables for 2 available 68 Booked at 20:30 PARIS BENEFITS TABLES David Toutain 29 rue Surcouf, 75007 Paris Wednesday 07.23.2014 This is THE new address yet. After going into institutions (Loiseau, Passard Veyrat…), David Toutain, gifted chef, has opened his own restaurant in February. Result: an inventive cooking, very accurate, nourished by a great curiosity for the Spanish avant-garde Japanese purifies the Scandinavian naturalism… and already a long waiting list for a tables. Menu 68€, Excluding drinks 2 tables for 2 available Booked at 20:30 ----------------------------------------------------------- Chatomat 6 rue Victor Letalle, 75020 Paris Wednesday 07.30.2014 A discreet address which is the pride of the neighborhood and the reason why savvy gastronomes across Paris. Here is the successful bet Alice di Cagno (passed by the Gavroche in London, at Passard in Paris) and Victor Gaillard (formed by Christian Le Squer) that will delight a multicultural and fine cuisine. Menu 40€, Excluding drinks 2 tables for 2 available Booked at 20:30 69 PARIS BENEFITS TABLES Fish Club 58 Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 75001 Paris Wednesday 13.08.2014 The most prestigious English breeds are represented in the hottest steakhouse of Paris. Imported from Tim Wilson’s farm, the breeder star, in Yorkshire, whose stock is exclusively grass-fed, all parts of beef are matured and cut on site by the star butcher Yves-Marie Bourdonnec then grilled in an oven at charcoal.Menu 70€, Excluding drinks (Starter, Main Course, Desert) 2 tables for 2 available Booked at 20:30 ----------------------------------------------------------- David Toutain 29 rue Surcouf, 75007 Paris Wednesday 08.20.2014 After going into institutions (Loiseau, Passard Veyrat…), David Toutain, gifted chef, has opened his own restaurant in February. Result: an inventive cooking, very accurate, nourished by a great curiosity for the Spanish avant-garde Japanese purifies the Scandinavian naturalism… and already a long waiting list for a tables. Menu 68€, Excluding drinks 2 tables for 2 available 70 Booked at 20:30 PARIS BENEFITS TABLES Septime 80 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris Wednesday 08.27.2014 Since the address is part of the ranking «The world’s 50 best restaurant» and that Jay Z and Beyonce were there, it became virtually impossible to get a table for dinner. We help you again. Many fine wines also. Menu 65€, Excluding drinks (In 6 steps) 2 tables for 2 available Booked at 20:30 ----------------------------------------------------------- AND ALSO… LE TEMPLE 11 rue Molière - 75001 Paris Le Temple new mixed circle dedicated to boxing, offers an initiation to this noble art. You will learn in the best spirit and without injuries, the basics of this traditional sport in a contemporary place in the center of Paris. Trial class offered upon request. 71 PARIS BENEFITS EXHIBITIONS - AND STILL Oscar Muñoz at Jeu de paume until SUNDAY 09.21.2014 ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS - AND STILL Mémoires vives at la Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain until SUNDAY 09.21.2014 ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS - AND STILL Le Mur at la Maison rouge until SUNDAY 09.21.2014 ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS - AND STILL Tatoueurs Tatoués at MUSÉE DU QUAI BRANLY until saTURDAY 10.18.2015 ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS - AND STILL UNEDITED HISTORY. IRAN 1960-2014 AT MUSÉE D’ART MODERNE DE LA VILLE DE PARIS until SUNDAY 08.24.2014 72 PARIS BENEFITS EXHIBITIONS - AND STILL Amos Gitaï At LA CINEMATHÈQUE FRANÇAISE until SUNDAY 07.06.2014 ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS - AND STILL L’ÉTAT DU CIEL, PARTIE 2 at Palais de Tokyo until SUNDAY 09.14.2014 ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS - AND STILL De Picasso à Jasper Johns at la BNF until SATURDAY 07.13.2014 ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS - AND STILL Réenchanter le monde At LA CITÉ DE L’ARCHITECTURE ET DU PATRIMOINE until MONDAY 10.06.2014 73 FRANCE BENEFITS IN FRANCE FROM SAINT JEAN DE LUZ TO MARSEILLE, Sail to A FESTIVAL MUSIC TO THE MOST MEDITERRANEAN CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR. FOCUS ON THE REGIONS OF Arles AND Avignon, AND DISCOVER THEIR NEW AND CREATIVE INSTITUTIONS. FROM VAN GOGH TO DAVID LYNCH, FROM THE COLLECTION YVON LAMBERT TO LES RENCONTRES PHOTOGRAPHIQUES D’Arles, NOT TO FORGET THE FUTURE FOUNDATION LUMA. 74 France BENEFITS ARLES Screenings and cocktail In partnership with Arte France and MediaPart Rencontres d’Arles Photographie 2014 Friday 07.11.2014 20:00-22:00 Arte, faithful partner Rencontres d’Arles Photography attends the night of the year with 4 creative, films, from soon the aired serie on arte chroMatic eXistences: «Such a violent time» with Mikhael Subotzky and David Goldblatt, «Inner city» with Guy Tillim and tandile Zwelibanzi, «Home» with Jodi Bieber «Look at me» with Zanele Muholi and Pieter hugo. Directed by by Valerie Urrea and Nathalie Masduraud. Production Axe Sud, Marie-Pierre Bousquet Booking required. 75 FRANCE BENEFITS ARLES Opening Exhibition FRANK GEHRY at la Fondation LUMA Sunday 07.06.2014 - Sunday 09.28.2014 «Chroniques de Solaris» which opened in April 2014 marked the start the LUMA Foundation’s contruction. On the occasion of this 2nd phase, the Fundation invites new artists to design a staging around the work of Frank Gehry, his architect. David Lynch will unveil a new series of photographs for the exhibition echoing the models of Frank Gehry. Passes are available. ----------------------------------------------------------- ARLES Opening Exhibition Van Gogh Live! at la Fondation Van Gogh until Sunday 08.31.2014 The exhibition inaugurates the Fondation Vincent van Gogh in Arles. It presents on the one hand «Couleurs du Nord, Couleurs du Sud», the first of a series of exhibitions planned on Van Gogh, and on the other hand contributions from nine contemporary artists who question the resonance of the work of Van Gogh in contemporary art. 76 Passes are available. France BENEFITS AVIGNON EXHIBITIONS COLLECTION LAMBERT EN AVIGNON La Disparition des lucioles At LA PRISON SAINTE ANNE until Tuesday 11.25.2014 This summer, the Collection Lambert will occupy the Prison Sainte-Anne (Avignon), the cells, corridors and certain courtyards of the place, to exhibit works from the prestigious private collection of Enea Righi. The theme of «imprisonment» will naturally be evoked, as well as «the passage of time», «solitude» and «love». More than 100 artists and 200 works will be presented: Adel Abdessemed, Jean- Michel Basquiat, Christian Boltanski, Nan Goldin, Douglas Gordon, Anselm Kiefer, Xavier Veilhan, Andy Warhol… Passes are availables. 77 FRANCE BENEFITS SAINT-JEAN DE LUZ Music FESTIVAL BALEAPOP IN SAINT JEAN DE LUZ Wednesday 08.06.2014 - Sunday 08.10.2014 BETWEEN THE EDGE OF BEACH AND GREEN, BALEAPOP will gather DURING 4 DAYS IN MAGIC CASE AND SURROUNDINGS of Ducontenia park: SHARE AN AUTHENTIC SOUND AND PLASTIC CELEBRATION. ALWAYS TOUCHED BY A MUSICAL IDENTITY AND A SHARP AND ACCESSIBLE SELECTION OF CONTEMPORARY ART, THE FESTIVAL WILL ASSERT ITS MULTIDISCIPLINARY WITH AN ELABORATED SCENOGRAPHY. 3 days Passes are available. ----------------------------------------------------------- MARSEILLE INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR ART-O-RAMA at La Cartonnerie Friche la Belle de Mai Saturday 08.30.2014 - Sunday 09.14.2014 Its localisation and its intimiste spirit create an ideal space of creativity and of discovery for selected galeries. The Show Room, a selection of 4 artists from the region of PACA, enables the exhibitiors to discover the local art scene. The organization will ask them to choose the 2015 Guest artist. 78 Passes are available. France BENEFITS MARSEILLE PRIVATE TOURS AND BRUNCH ART-O-RAMA, Private collections from Marseille at La Cartonnerie Friche la Belle de Mai Sunday 08.31.2014 11:00 The contemporary Art Fair invites you to discover the cultural wealth of the region and exceptionally opens you the doors of several private collections. Program the Marseilles leading collections of Marc and Josée Gensollen and Hervé Lebrun. Tour followed by a brunch. Booking required. ----------------------------------------------------------- CANNES Music FESTIVAL LES PLAGES ELECTRONIQUES 07.10,17,30.2014 - 08.06,14.2014 For its ninth edition, the Festival offers many more surprises and this year it is not one but three headliners who will be attending Cannes, every evening. 5 nights spread over July and August, to discover ever more fully the main currents of electronic music, the feet in the sand. Passes are availables. 79 INTERNATIONAL BENEFITS INTERNATIONAL DISCOVER NEW EXHIBITIONS IN MANY MAJOR CULTURAL CAPITALS. AMONG OTHERS: JEFF KOONS IN NEW YORK, MARINA ABRAMOVIC IN LONDON, THROUGH THE CENTURIES OF MODES AND CREATIONS IN VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM MUSEUM OR MODE MUSEUM OF ANTWERP. TRAVEL, DISCOVER, BE SURPRISED AND TELL US ALL! 80 INTERNATIONAL BENEFITS EXHIBITIONS Birds of paradise. Plumes dans la mode at Mode Museum - Anvers until Sunday 08.24.2014 This and exhibition elegant haute highlights employment couture. of the stylish feathers Through in several accessories, clothing and haute couture dresses, you will discover what symbolize feathers: refinement, femininity, wealth and luxury but also dark romanticism. Passes are available. ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS Wedding Dresses. 1775-2014 at Victoria & Albert Museum - London until Sunday 03.15.2015 This exhibition development of will the FOCUS ON fashionable the white wedding dress and its treatment by key fashion designers such as Charles Frederick Worth, Norman Hartnell, Charles James, John Galliano, Christian Lacroix, Vivienne Westwood and Vera Wang, offering a panorama of fashion over the last two centuries. Passes are available. 81 INTERNATIONAL BENEFITS PRIVATE TOURS Marina AbramoviC: 512 Hours at Serpentine Gallery - London until Monday 08.25.2014 In a unique work created for the Serpentine, the internationally acclaimed artist Marina AbramoviC will perform in the Gallery for the duration of her exhibition: 10am to 6pm, 6 days a week. Private tour upon request. ----------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBITIONS Jeff Koons: A retrospective at Whitney Museum of American Art - New York until Sunday 10.19.2014 This exhibition will be the artist’s first major museum presentation in New York, and the first to fill nearly the entirety of the Whitney’s Marcel Breuer building with a single artist’s work. It will also be the final exhibition to take place there before the Museum opens its new building in the Meatpacking District in 2015. 82 Passes are available. NOTES SILENCIO APPLICATION FREE DOWNLOAD ALL the news & programme updates of Silencio in Paris and Hors les Murs, your member area, your benefits, your reservations and all practical information… Silencio Application is available on the App Store. 83 MEMBERSHIP © DAVID LYNCH 84 MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP TO SILENCIO IS STRICTLY PERSONAL. TWO SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGES ARE AVAILABLE: LA CARTE 840 EURO TAX-INCL./YR IE 70E TAX-INCL./MONTH La carte REDUCED RATE* 420 EURO TAX-INCL./YR IE 35E TAX-INCL./MONTH LA CARTE + 1620 EURO TAX-INCL./YR IE 135E TAX-INCL./MONTH * UNDER 30 YEARS OF AGE AND FOREIGN RESIDENCY (MAIN RESIDENCE ABROAD) BUSINESS OFFERS SPECIAL OFFERS FOR COMPANIES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT MEMBERSHIP, PLEASE CONTACT US: [email protected] 85 MEMBERSHIP LA CARTE - Access to Silencio From Tuesday to Saturday from 6pm - One guest per night (possibility of additional guests by prior request to Silencio, with an entry fee of 15 euros / guest) - Access to all members events before midnight: cinema (24 seats), concerts, talks, tastings… - Cloakroom and wifi broadband including for your guest - Concierge service at Silencio, from Tuesday to Saturday from 18h to midnight - Benefits (3/member/year): invitations, fashion shows, movie premieres, tours, books, catalogs… - Access to Silencio Hors les Murs (ephemere club or events in Milan, Cannes, London, Miami…) LA CARTE + (premium) - Unlimited access to the club during peak hours, from Tuesday to Saturday from 18h - 2 guests per night (possibility of additional guests by prior request to Silencio, with an entry fee of 15 euros / guest) - Priority access for all members events before midnight: cinema (24 seats), concerts, talks, tastings… - Cloakroom and wifi broadband including for your guests - Complimentary deluxe Concierge service by John Paul (JP7 offer: 7/7 and 24/24h) - Benefits (6/member/year): invitations, fashion shows, movie premieres, private tours, books, catalogs… - Access to Silencio Hors les Murs (ephemere club or events in Milan, Cannes, London, Miami…) 86 86 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RECOMMENDED BY MISS MRS MR SURNAME NAME HOME ADDRESS ZIP CODE TOWN COUNTRY EMAIL (PERSONAL RECOMMENDED) DATE OF BIRTH PHONE APPLICATION FORM to be given at the welcome desk or sent by mail at: SILENCIO - Membership - 142 rue Montmartre 75002 PARIS 87 MEMBERSHIP LINE OF BUSINESS CURRENT OCCUPATION (OPTIONAL) ARTIST/AUTHOR (ONE CHOICE) ARCHITECTURE/DESIGN BUSINESS OWNER FINE ARTS LOOKING FOR A JOB BUSINESS STUDENT CINEMA/AUDIO-VISUAL FREELANCE COMMUNICATION/ADVERTISING LIBERAL PROFESSION GASTRONOMY/LIFESTYLE EMPLOYED INSTITUTIONAL, NON-PROFIT LITERATURE WHERE DO YOU STAND? MEDIA PLEASE TICK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES) MODE CREATION MUSIC PRODUCTION DIGITAL MEDIATION PHOTOGRAPHY SCIENCES LIVING ARTS ------------------------------- I ACKNOWLEDGE I AM ABLE TO COMMIT MYSELF. I HAVE READ AND ACCEPT THE CONDITIONS AND THE CHARTER. OTHER COMPANY/ORGANISATION MEMBERSHIP LA CARTE ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS FOR THE LA CARTE + EXCLUSIVE USE OF SILENCIO AND WILL REMAIN UNDER 30 YEARS CONFIDENTIAL. MAIN RESIDENCE ABROAD ------------------------------- 88 DATE and SIGNATURE: Silencio welcome its members for its cultural programme, from tuesday to saturday, from 6pm. After Midnight, the club is open to all. 164
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