© 2014, World of Researches Publication
Ac. J.
Psy. Stud.
Academic Journal of
Psychological Studies
Vol. 3, Issue 1, 80-86, 2014
VOL.5 NO.2 Page:73-80
Surveying the Effects of Modern Criteria of Liquidity on
Financial Performance of Companies for Unprofitable
Companies in Comparison with Profitable Companies
Amir Ghorban Zadeh and Mohammad RezaAbdoli
Department of Accounting, Shahrood branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.
Corresponding Author: Mohammad RezaAbdoli
Separating management from ownership and consequently it, introducing agency theory,
performance appraisal is considered as one of the most important issues in the field of
accounting. The goal of this study is to survey the effect of modern criteria of liquidity on
financial performance of companies in unprofitable companies in comparison with profitable
companies. Linear regression method was used to test the hypotheses. Statistical population
consists of 80 companies (40 unprofitable companies and 40 profitable companies) in a 5 – year
period from 2008 to 2013. Regardless of firm size, the results indicate that there is a negative
significant relationship between liquidity criterion and ROA in unprofitable companies in first
hypothesis. There is not a significant relationship between liquidity criteria and Tobin Q ratio
and in unprofitable companies in second hypothesis (except control variable of firm size).
Regardless of firm size, there is a negative relationship between cash conversion cycle period
and Tobin Q ratio in third hypothesis. There is not a significant relationship between cash
conversion cycle period and Tobin Q ratio in unprofitable companies in fourth hypothesis and
there is only negative effect. Regardless firm size, there is a negative significant relationship
between liquidity criteria and ROA in profitable companies in fifth hypothesis. There is negative
significant relationship between liquidity criteria and Tobin Q ratio regardless of firm size in
sixth hypothesis. Regardless of firm size, there is a negative significant relationship between
cash conversion cycle and ROA in profitable companies in seventh hypothesis. There is a
negative significant relationship between cash conversion cycle and Tobin Q ratio in profitable
companies regardless of firm size in eighth hypothesis. According to the results obtained from
the hypotheses, generally, modern liquidity criteria provide more accurate and more significant
effect on performance appraisal of profitable companies in comparison with modern liquidity
criteria of performance appraisal in unprofitable companies for financial information users to
make optimally decisions .
Keywords: Modern Liquidity Criteria, Comprehensive Liquidity Criterion, Cash Conversion
Cycle, Financial Performance, ROA, Tobin Q Ratio, Unprofitable Companies, Profitable
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Ghorban Zadeh and Abdoli., 2014
There are different methods to evaluate profitability and liquidity in companies. One of
them is financial ratios which were used from the early 20th century. Among these, the
criteria which evaluate liquidity conditions of companies have been specially received
attention by analysts in so previous years. So some analysts such as Melyk and Birita (1),
Richard and Laughlin (2) and Shulman and Cox (3) analyzed the disadvantages of
traditional criteria (instant and current ratios) to provide modern criteria. Since the
situation of a business unit and its managers depend on various factors including
financial statements, being true of these items has high value for shareholders.
Identifying these items and ratios obtained from these items can be useful for
shareholders and other financial statement users. Constantly, the difference of
unprofitable companies with profitable companies has been received more attention in
business environment that it can has impact on its survival and innovation of companies
Evaluation and performance of companies have been received constantly attention by
shareholders, investors, financial creditors such as banks, financial institution, creditors
and specially managers. Performance appraisal is determined with two indexes of
liquidity power and profitability in terms of finance. Profitability refers to be healthy of
business unit and liquidity power refers to survival signal of business unit (5). The
indicators which evaluate liquidity condition of companies had been received attention
many years age. This leads analysts analyze the disadvantages of traditional indicators
for providing modern indicators. These indicators pay attention to the disadvantages
resulting from traditional indicators of liquidity because of ignoring details of liquidity
situation of companies. In another words, profitability of companies is considered almost
by reported profit that it compasses important information when people decide based on
it. Financial analysts are considered generally reported profit as a significant factor in
their judgments. Also, investors rely on financial statements, specially reported profit, to
decide their investments. It should be noted that the companies have good growth and
investors pay attention more to them and according to representative theory; managers at
top of the goals seek to find influential factors on company growth and try constantly to
focus on these factors during their planning and gain owners' satisfactory. Financial
performance is one of the proper tools for company growth in securities markets.
Therefore, it should be noted that if there is a problem in conditions of company growth,
it can be resulted from improper performance of management. Finally, it should be noted
that since financial ratios are extracted from financial statements of company, because of
this, financial ratios can be appropriate indicator to evaluate financial performance. In
this study, we survey the relationship between modern indicators of liquidity on financial
performance of unprofitable companies in comparison with profitable companies in
Tehran Stock Exchange.
Theoretical Principles and Research Background
Dependent Variable
Financial Performance of Companies
Financial performance of companies is evaluated by the indicators represent financial
performance. Used indicators for evaluating financial performance consist of:
Return on Asset (ROA): net income divided by sum of total assets of company.
Tobin Q Ratio: market value divided by book value of company assets.
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Surveying the Effects of Modern Criteria of Liquidity on Financial Performance …
Independent Variable
ACR: with calculating weighted average of current ratio, this indicator meet the
problem related to ignoring liquidity level of current assets and time of repay of current
CCC indicator (Cash Conversion Cycle): Citman defined cash conversion cycle
as a critical component in working capital management. Cash conversion cycle refers to
net period between payment of liabilities and cash receive by debt collection. Whatever
this period be shorter, company has better liquidity.
Research Background
Ghazali (6) studied the relationship between ownership structure, corporate governance
and company performance in Malaysian companies. The results indicated that there is a
significant relationship between ownership structure and company value, while there is
not a significant relationship between corporate governance and company performance.
Nobanee and Hajjar (7) in a study entitled "working capital management, operating cash
flow and company performance" studied the relationship between working capital
management, company performance and cash activation among 5802 companies from
1990 to 2004. The results indicated that managers can increase profitability and cash
flow through shortening cash conversion cycle and collection period of receivable
accounts and they can decrease profitability and cash flow via prolonging due date of
payable accounts.
Lazaridis and Tryfonidis (8) studied the relationship between working capital
management and profitability in 131 companies listed on Athens Stock Exchange from
2001 to 2004. They found that there is a significant relationship between profitability
(Return on Assets) and cash conversion cycle and managers can play critical role
through managing optimally components of cash conversion cycle including receivable
accounts, inventory and payable accounts to create profit for companies.
Afshar and Zamani A'moghin (9) studied the relationship between performance appraisal
and performance ranking with company growth. TOPSIS method was used to rank
companies in terms of performance appraisal indicators. The sample consists of 100
companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2011. The results indicated
that there is a significant relationship between performance appraisal indicators and their
growth and meanwhile there is a significant positive relationship between total rank of
company from performance appraisal indicators and company growth.
From standpoint of goal, this research is an applied research and it is correlation –
descriptive research in terms of method. The goal of this research is to determine
existence, level and type of relationship between the variable using posts – event
approach (via past information). T- Statistics was used to survey the significance level of
coefficient of independent variables in any model.
Obtained t-statistics is compared with t-statistics in the table. If calculated absolute tstatistics is bigger than t-statistics in the table, the coefficient will be significant and
indicates that there is a relationship between dependent and independent variables.
Possibility amount or significant level was conducted to make decision about support of
rejection of a hypothesis as an alternative method. If calculated amount is bigger or equal
Ghorban Zadeh and Abdoli., 2014
with type I error rate (α), null hypothesis will be supported and if it is smaller than type I
error rate (α), null hypothesis will be rejected.
Since the goal of the study is to determine the relationship between each of modern
indicators of liquidity (comprehensive indicator of liquidity and cash conversion cycle)
and two indicators of financial performance (ROA and Tobin Q ratio), then each of items
is compared separately with each other in unprofitable and profitable companies to
survey the relationship between the indicators.
So hypotheses 1, 3, 5 and 7 and hypotheses 2, 4, 6 and 8 are compared collectively.
First, Third, Fifth and Seventh Hypotheses
First hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between comprehensive
indicator of liquidity and return on assets in unprofitable companies.
Third hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cash conversion
cycle indicator and return on assets in unprofitable companies.
Fifth hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between comprehensive
indicator of liquidity and return on assets in profitable companies.
Seventh hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cash conversion
cycle and return on assets in profitable companies.
H0: r=0
H1: r≠ 0
Results of Regression Model
As can be seen in table 1, the results of fitted regression models have been provided.
Considering the results of determination coefficient of regression models indicate that
theses coefficient in unprofitable and profitable companies are 64% and 82%,
respectively. It means than the variables of modern indicators of liquidity
(comprehensive indicator of liquidity and cash conversion cycle) could determine 6.4
and 8.2 per cent of the changes of return on assets in unprofitable and profitable
companies, respectively.
On the other hand, variance analysis test was used to show that regression model used is
significant or not. F-statistics was used to test this statistics. F amount show that used
regression model is a proper model or not. In another words, if independent variables can
explain well the changes of dependent variables or not. According to the results of
variance analysis, because significance level of F-statistics is smaller than 5% in both
models, then it can be said H0 is rejected and H1 is supported with 95% confidence level.
It means that there is a significant relationship between modern indicators of liquidity
(comprehensive indicator of liquidity and cash conversion cycle) and return on assets
both unprofitable companies and profitable companies. Hence it can be said that fitted
regression model is an appropriate model.
Testing hypotheses 1 and 3 related to unprofitable companies, the regression coefficients
of comprehensive indicator of liquidity variable (-0.003) and cash conversion cycle (0.0001) variable indicated that there is a negative (reverse) significant relationship
between above two variables and return on assets in unprofitable companies. Then first
and third hypotheses are supported at 95% confidence level (rejected H0). Also, the
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Surveying the Effects of Modern Criteria of Liquidity on Financial Performance …
results of fifth and seventh hypotheses related to return on assets in profitable companies
indicted that there is a negative significant relationship between regression coefficients
of comprehensive indicator of liquidity and cash conversion cycle (- 0.0001). Hence,
because significance level of the coefficients of the variable is smaller than 5%, then
fifth and seventh hypotheses were supported at 5% significance level (rejected H0).
According to the results of fitted models, it can be said that there is a negative
relationship between modern indicators of liquidity (comprehensive indicator of liquidity
and cash conversion cycle) and return on assets in profitable and unprofitable companies.
It means that if comprehensive indicator of liquidity and cash conversion cycle increase
one unit, return on assets will decrease -0.003 and – 0.0001 units in unprofitable
companies and -0.001 and -0.0001 units in profitable companies.
Table 1: testing of first, third, fifth and seventh hypotheses
Unprofitable companies
Profitable companies
ce level
ce level
0.001 0.19
ve indicator 0.003 0.15
of liquidity
0.000 0.21
conversion 0.000 0.19
n coefficient
B* & Beta are slop of line (non – standard regression coefficient) and standard
regression coefficient
Number in bracket show significance level
Second, Fourth, Sixth and Eighth Hypotheses
Second Hypothesis: there is significant relationship between comprehensive
indicator of liquidity and Tobin Q ratio in unprofitable companies.
Fourth Hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cash conversion
cycle and Tobin Q ratio in unprofitable companies.
Sixth Hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between comprehensive
indicator of liquidity and Tobin Q ratio in profitable companies.
Eighth Hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between cash conversion
cycle and Tobin Q ratio in profitable companies.
Ghorban Zadeh and Abdoli., 2014
H0: r=0
H1: r≠ 0
Table 2 provides the results of second, fourth, sixth and eighth hypotheses. The
determination coefficients of fitted regression model are % 17 and % 49 for unprofitable
companies and profitable companies, respectively. It means that liquidity indicators
determine 1.7 and 4.9 per cent of all changes of Tobin Q ratio in unprofitable and
profitable companies, respectively. Considering the significance of regression models
indicate that F-statistics for profitable companies is smaller than 5% and significant at
95% confidence level. It means that there is a significant relationship between liquidity
indicators and Tobin Q ratio at 5% error level. Therefore, it can be said that H0 is
rejected and H1 is supported. On the other hand, F-statistics in unprofitable companies is
bigger than 5%, it can be noted that there is not a significant relationship between
modern indicators of liquidity and Tobin Q ratio in unprofitable companies. Hence, H0 is
supported and H1 is rejected.
Table 2: testing of second, fourth, sixth and eighth hypotheses
Unprofitable companies
Profitable companies
ce level
ce level
0.008 0.17
ve indicator 0.001 0.03
of liquidity
0.000 0.14
conversion 0.000 0.12
n coefficient
B* and Beta are slop of line (non – standard regression coefficient) and standard
regression coefficient
Number in bracket show significance level
Considering regression coefficients indicate that there is a negative significant
relationship between modern indicators on liquidity and Tobin Q ratio in profitable
companies at 5% error level. Hence, sixth and eighth hypotheses are supported with
higher 95% confidence level (rejected H0). But, since the significance level of
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Surveying the Effects of Modern Criteria of Liquidity on Financial Performance …
coefficients of liquidity indicators in unprofitable companies is bigger than 5%, then
there is not a significant relationship between liquidity indicators and Tobin Q ratio.
Then second and fourth hypotheses are rejected (supported H0).
Considering the regression coefficients of the variables in fitted models indicate
comprehensive indicator of liquidity (- 0.008) and cash conversion cycle (- 0.0001) have
negative and significant effect on Tobin Q ratio in profitable companies. Considering
coefficients in unprofitable indicate that comprehensive indicator of liquidity (- 0.001)
and cash conversion cycle (-0.0001) have negative effect on Tobin Q ratio, but this
amount is not significant.
The performance appraisal of companies has high importance in financial decisions.
There are different methods and indicators to evaluate company performance. But
selecting an appropriate indicator is a topic that has been received more attention in
financial literatures. The main goal of this research is to survey relationship between
each of modern indicators of liquidity (comprehensive indicator of liquidity and cash
conversion cycle) with two selected indicators of financial performance (return on assets
and Tobin Q ratio). Of course, each of items is studied and compared separately in
unprofitable and profitable companies to study relationship among these indicators. With
shaping issue of ownership separation from management and the existence of massive
conflict of interest between owners and managers, performance appraisal of companies
and their leaders and managers received more attention behalf creditors, owners,
government and even managers (10, 11).
In this research, we are trying to survey the effect on modern indicators of liquidity on
financial performance companies for unprofitable companies in comparison with
profitable companies in companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange. In fact, we are
actually looking for this topic that if the quality of any modern indicators of liquidity has
effect on financial performance of companies (for unprofitable companies in comparison
with profitable companies) or not? The results of the research indicate that there is a
negative significant relationship between modern indicators of liquidity or the
independent variables (comprehensive indicator of liquidity and cash conversion cycle)
and return of assets (one of two dependent variables) both unprofitable companies and
profitable companies. According to statistical results, it can be said that this relationship
level in profitable companies is a little stronger and higher than unprofitable companies.
There is a negative significant relationship between modern indicators of liquidity and
Tobin Q ratio in profitable companies. But, about the relationship between modern
indicators of liquidity and Tobin Q ratio in unprofitable companies, it can be said that H0
is supported and H1 is rejected at significance level higher than 5%. It means that there is
not a relationship between two variables.
Generally, about difference or similarity of the results among unprofitable and profitable
companies based on analyses and statistical results on dependent variables (Tobin Q
ratio and return on assets) and independent variables (comprehensive indicator of
liquidity and return on assets) both unprofitable and profitable companies, it should be
noted that profitable companies use better efficiently assets than unprofitable companies.
It represents better management and usage more efficient of managers of these
companies from properties and assets. Obtained figures from Tobin Q indicate profitable
companies have higher value in stock exchange in comparison with unprofitable
companies in resulting from better performance and stability in profitability.
Ghorban Zadeh and Abdoli., 2014
comprehensive indicator of liquidity figure indicate that profitable companies have better
liquidity in compared unprofitable via more adjusted current assets and or lesser
adjusted current liabilities. Applying conservative strategies by managers, working
capital in profitable companies can reduce liquidity risk and company yield and finally,
cash conversion cycle indicator represents better working capital management of
profitable companies in comparison with unprofitable companies, because net period
between liability repayment and collection of them in profitable companies is shorter
than unprofitable companies. Generally, it should be noted that the relationships among
the variables in profitable companies are more accurate and stronger than unprofitable
companies based on conducted studies and compared statistical results.
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