SALES DEPARTMENT ☎ : 33 (0)5 57 92 56 68 Fax : 33 (0)5 57 92 56 69 ✉ : sia-commercial 8, AVENUE ROLAND GARROS - BP 40 245 F-33698 MERIGNAC CEDEX 1 NOTAM OFFICE ☎ : 33 (0)5 57 92 57 92 Fax : 33 (0)5 57 92 57 99 ✉ : [email protected] AFTN : LFFAYNYX AIP SUP 063/08 PUB : MAY 08 LOCATION(S) : Bâle Mulhouse AD (LFSB) VALIDITY : From May 08th, 2008 to a date announced by NOTAM SUBJECT : Restrictions of use during the summer period of 2008 INTRODUCTION Between 02 June and 26 June 2008, the Euro 2008 event is likely to generate air traffic exceeding the receiving capacities of Bâle-Mulhouse aerodrome. Specific measures have been taken to face this exceptional traffic. In addition to this publication, provisions relating to the use of neighbouring airspaces will be dealt with in other issues. For the aeronautical 2008 summer season, Bâle-Mulhouse aerodrome is qualified as a schedule facilitated airport under Article 2 Para. i of the CEE regulation No. 95/93. Bâle-Mulhouse aerodrome is qualified as a coordinated airport from 02 June to 26 June 2008. The COHOR association is appointed as the coordinator for airport time slot allocation. SITA: HDQCOXH 2 email: [email protected] Web site: AIRCRAFT During the period from 02 June to 26 June 2008 : - The Y (arrival) and Z (departure) flight plans are prohibited. - Bâle-Mulhouse airport cannot be scheduled as a diversion airport. - The use of the services of a ground handling agent, the details of which are specified hereafter, is mandatory. 3 AIRPORT COORDINATION During the period from 02 June to 26 June 2008, any landing or take-off shall be subject to the previous allocation of an airport time slot by the coordinator, except for State flights, emergency landing and medical evacuations. The coordination parameters used by the coordinator, related to runway/ATC, terminal and aircraft stand capacities are published on the INTERNET site of the COHOR coordinator : Airport time slot requests will be made to the coordinator and processed as per the specific arrangements published on the INTERNET site. The requests will be addressed either directly to the coordinator for carriers authorized to do so, or through the ground handling agent chosen by the operator. Any time slot request shall be transmitted with the chaining indication of the arrival and departure of the aircraft at/from the airport. The appended form, made available to the operators, will be filed by the latter and handed over to their ground handling agent. The allocated time slots, possibly modified with respect to the requested time slots, will be communicated by the coordinator either directly to the air carriers, or through the airport ground handling agent for the other operators. Page 1 / 5 ENG © SIA AIP SUP N° 063/08 For each airport time slot allocated to an operator that does not use an airline code, a number identifying this allocated time slot will be assigned by the coordinator and communicated through the chosen airport ground handling agent. 4 FILING OF FLIGHT PLANS AND CHECK FOR CONSISTENCY BETWEEN THE FLIGHT PLAN AND THE ALLOCATED AIRPORT TIME SLOTS During the coordination period of Bâle-Mulhouse airport : - All the IFR flight operators shall file their flight plan at least 24 hours before the Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT) from the departure airport. - All the filed flight plans shall be subject to a consistency check with the allocated airport time slot. The check will be performed based on the data indicated in the flight plan. They will be compared to the data contained in the coordinator’s database. The link will be provided by the time slot identifier stated that shall be inserted in box 18 of the RMK/ section of the filed flight plan. Identifier to be used : - Air operators that used a flight number to obtain the airport time slot: the flight plan identifier is the flight number used to obtain the corresponding airport time slot from the coordinator. In the event of commercial agreements between several carriers, the flight plan filed for the flight concerned should indicate, in box 18 RMK/, the flight number of the carrier that obtained the time slot from the coordinator. - Other operators: the flight plan identifier is the number of the airport time slot communicated by the coordinator through the chosen ground handling agent, during the allocation of the applicable time slot. Syntax to be used in box 18 : 1 - flight inbound to Bâle-Mulhouse: RMK/ID “identifier” Example: arrival flight plan filed with call sign AUA5LD, inbound airport time slot obtained for flight OS567 (or AUA567) Box 18: RMK/ID OS567 or RMK/ID AUA567 For the other operators, this identifier is communicated by the coordinator via the chosen airport ground handling agent. Example: identifier communicated for the arrival at Bâle-Mulhouse 0619N3612 Box 18: RMK/ID 0619N3612 2 - flight outbound for Bâle-Mulhouse: RMK/IDD “identifier” Example: departure flight plan filed with call sign AUA6JK, outbound airport time slot obtained for flight OS566 (or AUA566). Box 18: RMK/IDD OS566 or RMK/IDD AUA566 For the other operators, this identifier is communicated by the coordinator via the chosen airport ground handling agent. Example: identifier communicated for the arrival a Bâle-Mulhouse 0619N3615 Box 18: RMK/IDD 0619N3615 The flight plans filed without identifier or with a time different from that authorized by the coordinator will give rise to a notification message sent by the CFMU: - to the entity which filed the flight plan, - to the airport coordinator, - to the air traffic control on which the airport depends, - to the airport managing authority. All the flights without airport time slot or whose information is not consistent with that of the allocated airport time slot may be refused on arrival at Bâle-Mulhouse, or their flight plan may be rejected as per the revised EU95/93 regulation dated 18 January 1993. Under no circumstances shall these provisions prevail on the restrictions which would be imposed by the ATFM upon flight processing. Finally, the operators of the these flights incur heavy administrative sanctions as per Article R. 160-1 of the Civil Aviation Code. Page 2 / 5 ENG © SIA AIP SUP N° 063/08 5 PARKING CAPACITY In order to avoid aircraft stand saturation, the following maximum stop times have been defined during the airport coordination period for non-based aircraft point flights, and are taken into account by the coordinator upon allocation of the airport time slots : - 45 minutes for aircraft of categories A/B and C as per ICAO (e.g.: B737/A320 and same family) - 60 minutes for aircraft of category D as per ICAO (e.g.: B757/A310) - 90 minutes for aircraft of category E as per ICAO (e.g.: B747/A330) 6 GROUND HANDLING AGENTS Airport ground handling agent FAX Email SITA AVIAPARTNER +33 (0)3 89 90 41 96 +33 (0)3 89 90 41 62 [email protected] MLHATXH SWISSPORT +33 (0)3 89 90 23 85 +33 (0)3 89 90 23 87 [email protected] BSLOBXH +33 (0)3 89 90 10 64 +33 (0)3 89 90 10 60 [email protected] MLHKAAF AIR France 7 TEL COORDINATION PARAMETERS Bâle-Mulhouse airport is coordinated from 02 June 0400 to 26 June 2359. From 0500 to 0600 : - 12 arrivals - 4 arrivals per 10-minute period From 0600 to 0700 : - 20 movements - 6 movements per 10-minute period, with 4 arrivals at the maximum. From 0700 to 0900 : - 24 movements per sliding hour every 10 minutes - 6 movements per 10-minute period, with 4 arrivals at the maximum. From 0900 to 2300 : - 40 movements per sliding hour every 10 minutes - 7 movements per 10-minute period, with 4 arrivals at the maximum. From 2300 to 0000 : - 24 movements - 6 movements per 10-minute period, with 4 arrivals at the maximum. Page 3 / 5 ENG © SIA AIP SUP N° 063/08 PAGE INTENTIONNELLEMENT BLANCHE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 4 / 5 ENG © SIA AIP SUP N° 063/08 DEMANDE DE CRENEAUX HORAIRES SUR L’AEROPORT DE BALE-MULHOUSE TIME SLOTS REQUEST ON BASEL-MULHOUSE AIRPORT ENTRE LE LUNDI 02 JUIN 2008 04h00 UTC ET LE JEUDI 26 JUIN 2008 23h59UTC BETWEEN MONDAY 02 JUNE 04h00 UTC TO THURSDAY 26 JUNE 23h59 UTC, 2008 (Tous les champs sont à remplir obligatoirement / You are required to complete all the text field) Nom de l’exploitant d’aéronef Aircraft operator name Identification de l’aéronef (*) Aircraft identification (*) Immatriculation Registration Type d’aéronef Aircraft type Date et heure UTC d’arrivée prévues Requested day and time UTC of arrival Provenance From Date et heure UTC de départ prévues Requested day and time UTC of departure Destination To Coordonnées du demandeur Phone/Mobile/FAX/SITA/AFTN Originator’s contact Phone/Mobile/FAX/SITA/AFTN (*) Cette identification sera celle qui devra figurer sur le plan de vol en case 7. This identification will be the one which should be shown on the flight plan in box 7. Page 5 / 5 FR/ENG © SIA
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