Last updated 12-22-14 (bold = new since 12-15-14 update) DES Rules – Status Page 1 Chapter Env-A 100 Env-A 200 Env-A 300 Env-A 400 Env-A 500 Env-A 600 Title Organizational rules [multiple amd] Procedural rules Ambient Air Quality Standards Acid Deposition Control Program Stds for New-Modified Facilities Statewide Permit System Eff. Date 06-30-1995 09-25-2012 09-01-2012 03-19-2013 01-23-2010 09-01-2012 Exp. Date N/A 09-25-2022 09-01-2022 03-19-2023 01-23-2018 09-01-2022 Env-A 700 Permit Fee System 04-26-2011 04-26-2019 Env-A 800 Testing-Monitoring Procedures 10-31-2010 10-31-2018 Env-A 900 Owner-Operator Recordkeeping 04-21-2007 04-21-2015 Env-A 1000 Env-A 1100 Env-A 1200 Env-A 1300 Env-A 1400 Env-A 1500 Env-A 1600 Env-A 1700 Env-A 1800 Env-A 1900 Env-A 2000 Env-A 2100 Env-A 2200 Env-A 2300 Env-A 2400 Env-A 2700 Env-A 2800 Env-A 2900 Env-A 3000 Env-A 3100 Env-A 3200 Env-A 3300 Env-A 3500 Env-A 3700 Env-A 3800 Env-A 4000 Open Sources of Air Pollution Mobile Sources VOC RACT [formerly Env-A 1204] Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) RACT Reg. Toxic Air Pollutants Transportation Conformity Fuel Specifications Permit Application Forms Asbestos Management & Control Incinerators Fuel Burning Devices Particulates / Visible Emissions Reserved Mitigation of Regional Haze 05-01-2011 05-22-2013 06-01-2011 10-31-2010 11-25-2009 10-01-2011 09-24-2013 10-01-2011 10-21-2008 04-23-2013 09-24-2013 04-23-2013 05-01-2019 05-22-2023 06-01-2019 10-31-2018 11-25-2017 10-01-2019 09-24-2023 10-01-2019 10-21-2016 04-23-2023 09-24-2023 04-23-2023 01-08-2011 04-23-2013 02-16-2013 10-01-2010 10-01-2011 01-21-1997 01-21-1997 11-02-2007 02-02-2008 01-05-2007 01-08-2019 04-23-2023 02-16-2023 10-01-2018 10-01-2019 Exempt Exempt 11-02-2015 02-02-2016 01-05-2015 05-16-2009 01-09-2008 05-16-2017 01-09-2016 Env-A 4100 Consumer Products VOC Limits 02-26-2014 02-26-2024 Amd (2014-155) eff. 12-19-14 (subject to OLS confirmation) 07-27-2006 12-31-2014* *Readopted rules to be effective 01-01-15; existing rules in effect through 12-31-14 RMN pub’d 11-6 (2014-160); PH 12-2 (2 PM, Rm 110); EC 12-12 *will continue in effect per RSA 541-A:14-a, I Env-A 4200 Ferrous-NonFrs Foundries-Smelters Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Sand-Gravel-Cement Sources SO2-NOx Annual Budget Trd/Bnk Emissions Rdctn Credits Trading Discrete Emissions Trading NOx Budget Trading Program Municipal Waste Combustion Hosp.-Medical Waste Incineration Reserved Voluntary GHG Reduction Registry Portable Fuel Containers Arch-Ind’l Maint. Coatings VOC Limits Env-A 4300 Other Solid Waste Incineration 01-05-2007 01-05-2015* Env-A 4600 Env-A 4700 Env-A 4800 CO2 Budget Trading Program CO2 Offsets CO2 Auctions 01-01-2014 01-01-2014 01-01-2014 01-01-2024 01-01-2024 01-01-2024 Chapter Env-AC 200 Env-WMC 200 Env-WC 100-200 Env-WtC 100-200 We 100-1000 Title Air Resources Council Proc. Waste Management Cncl Proc. Water Council Org. & Proc. Wetlands Council Org. & Proc. Water Well Board Eff. Date 01-25-2005 01-24-2004 09-14-2007 12-30-2005 06-13-2008 Exp. Date N/A* N/A N/A* N/A 06-13-2016 Comments Env-A 101.210 adopted eff. 04-14 [amd 02-11, 01-12, 01-13] Amd (2014-101) eff. 12-19-14 (subject to OLS confirmation) 907.01 (2014-102) eff. 12-19-14 (subject to OLS confirmation) [amd 09-13] [amd 06-12] [amd 04-14] Amd adopted eff. 10-18-14 Formerly Clean Air in State Buildings Amd eff. 11-22-14 Will not be readopted (not needed) Formerly NOx Emissions Reduction Fund Comments *Part 208 expired 01-25-2013 *Part 207 expires 09-14-2015 [amd 12-08] DES Rules – Status Last updated 12-22-14 (bold = new since 12-15-14 update) Chapter Env-Hw 100 Env-Hw 200 Env-Hw 300 Env-Hw 400 Env-Hw 500 Env-Hw 600 Env-Hw 700 Env-Hw 800 Env-Hw 900 Env-Hw 1000 Env-Hw 1100 Title Hazardous Waste - Definitions Hazardous Waste - Procedures Hazardous Waste - Permitting HW - ID-Listing HW Generators HW Transporters HW Facilities HW Recycling Inspection-Enforcement HW Cleanup Fund Universal Waste Eff. Date 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 01-28-2009 Exp. Date N/A 01-28-2017 01-28-2017 01-28-2017 01-28-2017 01-28-2017 01-28-2017 01-28-2017 01-28-2017 01-28-2017 01-28-2017 Chapter Env-Or 300 Env-Or 400 Env-Or 500 Env-Or 600 Env-Or 700 Title AST Facilities UST Facilities Recovery of Gasoline Vapors Contaminated Site Management GW Release Detection Permits Eff. Date 02-07-2014 09-01-2013 11-17-2012 02-01-2007 02-01-2007 Exp. Date 02-07-2024 09-01-2023 11-17-2022 02-01-2015* 02-01-2015* Env-Or 800 Brownfields Program 01-26-2007 01-26-2015* Page 2 Comments 401.03 amd eff. 12-2-14 508.03, 509.02 amd eff. 12-2-14 707.03 amd eff. 12-2-14 Env-Hw 808.01 rwa eff. 01-01-14 1110.04 amd eff. 12-2-14 Comments RMNs pub’d 11-20: 2014-166, Env-Or 600 2014-167, Env-Or 700 2014-168, Env-Or 800 PH 01-09-15 (9 AM, Rm 111); EC 01-30-15 *will continue in effect per RSA 541-A:14-a, I Chapter Env-Sw 100 Env-Sw 200 Env-Sw 300 Env-Sw 400 Env-Sw 500 Env-Sw 600 Env-Sw 700 Env-Sw 800 Env-Sw 900 Env-Sw 1000 Env-Sw 1100 Env-Sw 1200 Env-Sw 1300 Env-Sw 1400 Env-Sw 1500 Env-Sw 1600 Env-Sw 1700 Env-Sw 1800 Env-Sw 1900 Env-Sw 2000 Env-Sw 2100 Title Solid Waste - Org and Definitions Solid Waste - Procedural Rules Solid Waste - Permitting Solid Waste - CST Facilities - Processing-Treatment Facilities - Composting Facilities - Incineration Facilities - Landfills - Management of Certain Wastes - Universal Facility Requirements - Additional Facility Requirements - Permit-by-Notification Facilities - Grants for L-F & Incinerators - Financial Assurance - Cert. of Waste-Derived Products - Operator Training & Certification - Land Application of Wood Ash - Reduction of Toxics in Packaging Reserved - Inspection & Enforcement Asbestos Disposal Sites Chapter Env-Wr 100 Env-Wr 200 Env-Wr 300-700 Env-Wr 900 Title Dam Program - Org & Definitions Dam Program - Procedures Dam Program - Rules Official List of Public Waters Chapter Env-Wt 100 Env-Wt 200 Env-Wt 300-700 Env-Wt 800 Env-Wt 900 Env-Wt 905 Title Wetlands Definitions, Org. Wetlands Procedures Wetlands Rules Compensatory Mitigation Stream Crossing Rules Cert. Culvert Maintainers Eff. Date 10-28-2005 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 07-01-2014 Exp. Date N/A 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2024 07-01-2014 02-16-2010 07-01-2024 02-16-2018 Eff. Date 01-22-2014 01-22-2014 01-22-2014 09-24-2013 Eff. Date 04-25-2005 06-25-2013 06-25-2013 06-20-2007 05-12-2010 12-21-2013 Exp. Date N/A N/A 01-22-2024 09-24-2023 Exp. Date N/A 06-25-2023 06-25-2023 06-20-2015 05-12-2018 12-21-2023 Comments [amd eff. 07-01-14] Comments Comments [amd 2010] [amd 12-13] DES Rules – Status Chapter /Part Env-Dw 100 Env-Dw 200 Env-Dw 300 Env-Dw 301 Env-Dw 302 Env-Dw 303 Env-Dw 304 Env-Dw 400 Env-Dw 401 Env-Dw 402 Env-Dw 403 Env-Dw 404 Env-Dw 405 Env-Dw 406 Env-Dw 407 Env-Dw 500 Env-Dw 501 Env-Dw 502 Env-Dw 503 Env-Dw 504 Env-Dw 505 Env-Dw 506 Env-Dw 600 Env-Dw 601 Env-Dw 602 Env-Dw 700 Env-Dw 701 Env-Dw 702 Env-Dw 703 Env-Dw 704 Env-Dw 705 Env-Dw 706 Env-Dw 707 Env-Dw 708 Env-Dw 709 Env-Dw 710 Env-Dw 711 Env-Dw 712 Env-Dw 713 Env-Dw 714 Env-Dw 715 Env-Dw 716 Env-Dw 718 Env-Dw 717 Env-Dw 719 Env-Dw 720 Env-Dw 721 Env-Dw 722 Env-Dw 723 Env-Dw 800 Env-Dw 900 Env-Dw 901 Last updated 12-22-14 (bold = new since 12-15-14 update) Title Eff. Date Exp. Date Purpose/Applicability; Definitions; 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Special Provisions For Pol. Sbdvsns PWS: Procedures 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Sources of Water Small Production Wells for CWS 10-19-2007 10-19-2015 Large Production Wells for Lg CWS 10-19-2007 10-19-2015 GW Sources of Bottled Water 09-29-2007 09-29-2015 Emergency Bulk Water 10-23-2009 10-23-2017 Public Water System Classification and Design Classification, Well Siting Req’mnts 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 General Design Standards for PWS 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Coatings, Additives, Lead Prohibition 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Design Standards for Large PWS 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Design Standards for Small PWS 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Design Stds for Non-Cmnty PWS 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Standards Adopted By Reference 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Operation & Maintenance Permit to Operate 03-12-2009 03-12-2017 Water Works Operator Certification 03-12-2009 03-12-2017 Operational Requirements 12-03-2013 12-03-2023 Maintenance Requirements 12-03-2013 12-03-2023 Backflow Prevention 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Seasonal Public Water Systems Capacity Assurance Capacity Assurance - PWS 03-23-2008 03-23-2016 Capacity Assurance - Proposed PWS 03-23-2008 03-23-2016 Water Quality: Stds, Monitoring, Treatment, Compliance, Reporting Revised Total Coliform Rule & Other Updates (Env-Dw 506; various §§ / paragraphs of Env-Dw 701-708 & 710-713; Env-Dw 709; Env-Dw 720; various §§ /paragraphs of Env-Dw 801, 804, & 811; Env-Dw 802 Purpose & Applicability; Units 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Microbiological MCLs, MCLGs 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Radionuclide MCLs, MCLGs 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Regulated Inorganics MCLs, MCLGs 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Regulated Organics MCLs, MCLGs 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Regulated Secondary MCLs 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 General Monitoring Requirements; 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Laboratory Analytical Methods Sampling Schedules 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Bacteria Monitoring 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Monitoring for Radionuclides 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Monitoring for Inorganics 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Monitoring for Organics 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Monitoring for Secondaries 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Control of Lead and Copper 02-08-2011 02-08-2019 Disinfectant/~ Byproducts 01-01-2010 01-01-2018 Filtration, Disinfection, Recycling 01-01-2010 01-01-2018 Recordkeeping 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 GW Monitoring & Treatment 11-21-2009 11-21-2017 Reporting Monitoring Data 05-01-2010 05-01-2018 Inspections; Significant Deficiencies 07-30-2010 07-30-2018 Exemptions 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 BAT/Treatment Techniques 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Non-Central Treatment (POE/POU) 06-01-2014 06-01-2024 Public Notice of Violations 06-30-2010 06-30-2018 Protection of Water Sources Groundwater Reclassification 12-19-2014* 12-19-2024* Page 3 Comments RMN (amd) pub’d 10-23 (2014-151); PH 11-21 (2 PM, Rm 110); EC 12-2 [amd 04-11, 02-10] See RTCR amd at Env-Dw 700 RMN (RTCR) pub’d 10-23 (2014-152); PH 11-21 (2 PM, Rm 110); EC 12-2 [amd 06-14] See RTCR amd at Env-Dw 700 *Subject to OLS confirmation Last updated 12-22-14 (bold = new since 12-15-14 update) DES Rules – Status Chapter /Part Title Env-Dw 902 Protecting Surface Water Sources Env-Dw 1000 Grants for PWS Env-Dw 1001 PWS Grants Env-Dw 1002 Water Supply Land Grant Program Eff. Date 05-20-2014 Exp. Date 05-20-2024 06-01-2014 06-23-2009 06-01-2024 06-23-2017 Env-Dw 1100 Drinking Water SRF 08-24-2006 08-24-2014* Env-Dw 1200 Privately Owned Redistribution Syst. 02-24-2010 02-24-2018 Chapter / Part Env-Wq 300 Env-Wq 301 Env-Wq 302 Env-Wq 303 Env-Wq 304 Env-Wq 305 Env-Wq 306 Env-Wq 400 Env-Wq 401 Title Surface Water Protection State Surf. Water Dschrg Prmts Water Quality Certification Reserved WWTF Operator Certification Pretreatment of Wastewater Mercury Amalgam Mgmt Groundwater Protection Eff. Date Exp. Date 05-22-2013 05-22-2023 Page 4 Comments [amd 05-11] FP (2014-105) filed for January JLCAR *continue in effect per RSA 541-A:14-a, I [amd 07-10] Comments In progress 08-01-2013 08-01-2013 05-22-2013 08-01-2023 08-01-2023 05-22-2023 GW Best Management Practices 01-05-2007 01-05-2015* GW Discharge Permit-Rgstrtn 07-26-2007 10-17-2009 12-23-2010 07-26-2015 10-17-2017 12-23-2018 RMN pub’d 12-11 (2014-179); PH 1-26 (1 PM, Rm 114); EC 2-4 *will continue in effect per RSA 541-A:14-a, I Env-Wq 402 Env-Wq 403 Env-Wq 404 Env-Wq 405 Env-Wq 500 Env-Wq 600 Env-Wq 700 Env-Wq 800 Env-Wq 900 Env-Wq 909 Env-Wq 1000 Env-Wq 1100 Env-Wq 1200 Env-Wq 1300 Env-Wq 1400 Env-Wq 1500 Env-Wq 1600 Env-Wq 1700 Env-Wq 1701.03 Env-Wq 1800 Env-Wq 1900 Env-Wq 2000 Env-Wq 2100 Env-Wq 2101 Env-Wq 2102 Env-Wq 2200 Large GW Withdrawals Underground Injection Control Geothermal Systems Water Pollution SRF 05-08-2007 05-08-2015 Selection of Consulting Eng’rs 02-09-2006 02-09-2014 WWTF Design Standards 10-15-2014 10-15-2024 Sludge Management 05-24-2007 05-24-2015 Youth Camps 03-12-2009 03-12-2017 Cert. for Youth Skill Camps 12-02-2014 12-02-2024 Subdivisions/ISDS 02-09-2008 02-09-2016 Public Bathing Facilities 05-01-2014 05-01-2024 Winnipesaukee River Basin Prog. 10-09-2010 10-09-2018 Clean Lakes Program 10-18-2014 10-18-2024 Shoreland Protection (‘08 version) 07-01-2008 07-01-2016 Alteration of Terrain 01-01-2009 01-01-2017 Septage Management 11-26-2013 11-26-2023 Surface Water Quality Standards 05-21-2008 05-21-2016 Compliance Schedules in 11-22-2014 11-22-2014 NPDES Permits Rivers Management & Protection 11-26-2008 11-26-2016 Instream Flow rules 05-28-2011 05-28-2019 Coastal Program Grants 10-17-2009 10-17-2017 Water Conservation, Use, Registration, & Reporting Water Conservation 12-03-2013 12-03-2023 Water Use Registration/Reporting 09-24-2008 09-24-2016 Voluntary Certified Salt 10-18-2014 10-18-2024 Applicator Program (regular) Chapter Env-Ws 451-455 Title 401 WQ Certificates [INT] Chapter Title Env-C 200 Env-C 300 Env-C 500 Env-C 601 In progress In progress [amd 08-09] SEE Env-C 500 In progress 901-908 amd eff. 12-2-14 [amd 04-11] [amd 12-08] [amd 12-10] [amd 08-11] [amd 02-10] Eff. Date 12-06-2003 Exp. Date 06-03-2004 Comments In progress; will be Env-Wq 302 Eff. Date Exp. Date Rules of Practice and Procedure 03-25-2007 N/A* Comments * Env-C 208, 211 expire 03-25-15; rwa in progress Laboratory Accreditation Prequalification of Engineers for Certain Projects Administrative Fine Procedures 04-19-2008 04-19-2016 07-22-2014 07-22-2024 10-28-2006 10-28-2014* * in effect through 12-28-2014 DES Rules – Status Chapter Env-C 601-605 Env-C 602-616 Last updated 12-22-14 (bold = new since 12-15-14 update) Title Admin. Fine Procedures AF Schedules [INT] Eff. Date 12-29-2014* 02-24-2008 Exp. Date 12-29-2024* 08-22-2008 Page 5 Comments *Subject to OLS confirmation New schedules in progress Proposed & Recently Adopted DES Rules at Certified DES Rules at SEE Redesignation Chart on either page for disposition of prior rules Key: Term amd Approved CA Eff. Date EC Exp. Date FIS Req. FIS rec’d fka FP INT JLCAR mtg N/A nka OLS OR PBN PH PO ppd pub’d reg RMN rwa red date blue date purple date <text> Meaning Amended; Amendment Approved by the JLCAR Conditional Approval Effective Date End of public comment period (deadline for filing written comments) Expiration Date Fiscal Impact Statement Request (filed with the Legislative Budget Assistant) Fiscal Impact Statement received from the Legislative Budget Assistant formerly known as (indicates where the substance of the rule could be found prior to readoption) Final Proposal Interim (rule / amendment) Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (ref. RSA 541-A:2) meeting Not applicable (ref. RSA 541-A:17, II) now known as (indicates where the substance of a proposed rule can be found now) Office of Legislative Services, Division of Administrative Rules Objection Response Permit by Notification Public Hearing Preliminary Objection Postponed Published in the NH Rulemaking Register ( Regular (10-year) rule / amendment Rulemaking Notice Readopt with amendment (entire chapter / part) Rules expire within 6 months of current date Rules expire within 12 months of current date Expiration date passed; rules for which the RMN was filed prior to the date shown continue in effect per RSA 541-A:14-a, I, subject to the conditions listed therein Proposed rule will be on JLCAR agenda for specified meeting
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