Cohousing. Programs and project to recover heritage buildings Cohousing. Programmi e progetti per la riqualificazione del patrimonio esistente Rome, 24 Ottobre 2014 Vincenza De Vincenziis Phd in Architecture University ‘G. D’Annunzio’ Chieti- Pescara Building Community Uses | Re-cycle | Self-management “..Heritage is all that is space, with its sedimentation over time, a palimpsest of history drawn by men. ” M.Corajoud uses “..Patrimonio è tutto ciò che è spazio, con la sua sedimentazione nel tempo, un palinsesto della storia disegnata dagli uomini.” M.Corajoud parking lot turned into a playground protected areas as shared lounge fences define urban gardens self-made reuse appropriation of public space San Donato neighbourhood in Pescara an example of unplanned cohousing and self-management 1950 1976 Between project and trasformation PESCARA, QUARTIERE CEP Eugenio Montuori Mariano Pallottini 1960 ³WKH 'LVWULFW LV FRQ¿JXUHG DURXQG D URDG WKDW FUHDWHV HQYLURQPHQWV DV LW XQIROGV LQWHUVSHUVHG HORQJDWHG EXLOGLQJVKRXVHV DQGWRZHUEORFNV7KHVSDFHVDURXQGWKHURDGFDQEHHTXLSSHGIRUVSRUWVIRUFKLOGUHQWRSOD\OHLVXUH>@,QWKHFHQWHURIWKH neighborhood church, market, primary school, kindergarten, shops. “ ³LOTXDUWLHUHVLFRQ¿JXUDDWWRUQRDGXQDVWUDGDFKHFUHDDPELHQWLQHOVXRVYROJHUVLLQWHUFDODQGRHGL¿FLDOOXQJDWLDVFKLHUDHG HGL¿FLDWRUUH*OLVSD]LDWWRUQRDOODVWUDGDSRVVRQRYHQLUHDWWUH]]DWLSHUORVSRUWSHULOJLRFRGHLEDPELQLSHULOWHPSROLEHUR>«@ Nel centro del quartiere la chiesa, il mercato, la scuola elementare, la scuola materna, i negozi.” Montuori, E., 1986. Eugenio Montuori Architetto. Milano: Edizioni Over 13 14 From the planned city to the self organised city 16 17 18 19 20 21 1. Settlment system 2. Archipelago of island 3. Self-organaized island system San Donato Neighbourhood as a island system schools church public green market community centers, recreational and cultural Gradients for sharing and scenarious of regeneration 1 family like a service 2 community housing recovery of abandoned buildings recovery of blind facades trigger micro-economies 3 public spaces serving the district 4 sharing common interests desire ³,OLYHLQ6DQ'RQDWR3HVFDUD ,PHHWP\IULHQGVLQWKHµVTXDUH¶DQDEDQGRQHGSDUNLQJORW where often we can not express our creativity. )RUP\QHLJKERXUKRRG,QHHGDIRRWEDOO¿HOGDZL¿DUHDDQG open air cinema..” Biennale per lo spazio pubblico 2013 Participation in the Laboratory of Pescara ‘Urban-Sharing The shared city’ Co-Housing as a tool of regeneration urban self-sufficient islands and urban communities reconfiguration of public spaces redevelopment of public heritage public space flexible space
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