Curriculum Vitae (CV) - AAP

+49 (0)151 24088069
[email protected]
[email protected]
-University of Pennsylvania, MARCH / MLA, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(Masters of Architecture; Masters of Landscape Architecture)
-St. John’s College, MALA, Masters in Classics, Annapolis, Maryland
-Hollins College, writing and literature classes (non-matriculating)
-University of Oregon, MARCH, (incomplete)
-DePauw University, BA, Greencastle, Indiana
Major: Political Science
-University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
semester abroad
June 2002– May 2006
August 1999– May2001
August 1998– May 1999
August 1996 – Dec 1997
August 1990 – May 1994
January 1993-May 1993
Library of Water, guest at Iceland residency
May-April 2014
While the writing residency applies for additional support , I have been granted the opportunity to
live in the residency space with material support to finish a book. (Recent resident includes
Rebecca Solnit)
Graham Foundation, Grant to Individuals
University of Pennsylvania Landscape Departmental Theory and Criticism Award
Van Alen Institute Traveling Fellowship
Spring 2005
Dales Portfolio Prize, University of Pennsylvania
January 2004
Teaching Fellowship (tuition waver & stipend), University of Oregon
- Co-director/teacher, Institut für Raumexperimente
2014 – 2015
spring 2009- 2014
The Institut für Raumexperimente is a graduate are school conceived by Olafur Eliasson, started
by Eric Ellingsen and Chrsitna Werner. It is affiliated with the UdK (University of the Arts,
Berlin), and funded by the state of Berlin. Many of the artists in the institute are professionally
practicing artists. One intention of the school is to serve as an experimental model for the future of
[email protected] / 1
- Visiting Critic , Cornell University, AAP (Architecture Art Planning)
art education. I have helped organize and teach in full semester/half year collaborations with the
Sciences Po and Bruno Latour, The University of Addis Ababa (10 week living
and teaching together in Ethiopia with 25 art students from Berlin), Sanford Kwinter at the GSD
Harvard, and Günther Vogt at the ETH, Zurich. Responsibilities at the institute include
teaching classes, experimenting in what a class is, co-moderating all workshops and marathons,
co-organizing everything, co-administrating, reflecting and amplifying through websites and
publications/books the experiments conducted, organizing and conducting excursions each
semester ( two weeks workshops with artists and architects and art institutions in Sao Paulo, for
example), managing and selecting well funded grantees in the institute each semester, fund raising,
organizing and moderating long term semester with simultaneous five year trajectories, and short
term week to week workshops involving a large range of disciplines and expertise in art, theory,
space, and science.
-Studio Assistant Professor; Illinois Institute of Technology, College of Architecture
August 2006-spring 2009
Full time professor. Besides designing and teaching courses (see below; syllabus can be provided
upon request; courses range from 90 to 8 students). Responsibilities also included being on the
College of Architecture Admissions Committee to interview graduate students, review portfolios,
and make recommendations to accept or deny graduate architecture and landscape students, as
well as recommending who receives grants and financial scholarships. I was also on the Library
Committee to expand collections and strategize fund raising; the Digital Curriculum Committee to
discuss digital software tools needs and changes in the curriculum; also conducted graduate thesis
advising for two years.
-- Assistant Landscape Director, (IIT)
fall 2007-spring 2009
Started and served as the assistant director to the graduate landscape architecture department at
IIT. Responsibilities included co-designing the entire curriculum and education structure for the
graduate landscape program, presenting and defending the curriculum proposals in front of full
department faculty, College, and full IIT academic advisory board for final approval. I also
worked closely with the LAAB to coordinate the curriculum proposals with national accreditation
requirements. Responsibilities also included interviewing and hiring graduate professors and
professionals to teach graduate courses, working with new faculty to help structure their individual
syllabus for the courses, interviewing and admitting graduate students, recruiting graduate
students, and assisting on budget issues.
-Sessional Lecturer, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
fall 2008
I served as a visiting professor at the John Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, & Design,
Toronto. I taught an advanced seminar on the Philosophy of Nature to graduate architecture and
landscape architecture students.
fall 2005-spring 2006
summer 2006
spring 2006
fall 2005, spring 2006
fall 2005
fall 1997
[email protected] / 2
-Research Assistant to Cecil Balmond, University of Pennsylvania
-Research Assistant to Detlef Mertins, University of Pennsylvania
-Teaching Assistant for Rhett Russo, University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Architecture Studio
-Teaching Assistant to Laurie Olin & John Dixon Hunt
Graduate Landscape : History/Theory I and II
-Teaching Assistant to Daniel Bosia, University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Architecture Seminar: Form and Algorithm
-Graduate Teaching Fellowship, University of Oregon, Department of Architecture
, Courses designed and taught by Eric Ellingsen at INSTITUTE für
Syllabus Growing
Experience Experiments
MAKING-OF: Film Practice (techniques in critique and making film/video )
MAKING-OF: Reading Practice (techniques in critique and making poetry/fiction/narratives)
These courses and content can be found at:
Each of these courses has an experimental structure which, except for ‘Experience Experiments’,
did not start with a syllabus. Please inquire for more details.
, Graduate and Undergraduate Courses designed and taught by Eric
Ellingsen at the Illinois Institute or Technology:
Arch 503 : Advanced Architecture and Landscape Studio : Vertical Farm (I worked
to coordinate and fund raise financial and consulting support from the Garfield Park
Conservatory, the Deputy Mayor of Chicago, the Chicago Botanical Garden, Windy City
Harvest, and the Department of Natural Resources)
-Fall 2008:
LA 541 :
Graduate Studio I : Dynamics and Processes of Place
LA 501 :
The Nature of Ecology (The Philosophy of Nature)
LA 525 :
Representing and Modeling the Landscape
-Sum 2008: Arch :
2D Modeling: The Rigor of Risk
-Spr 2008:
Arch 420 : Advanced Studio: Landscape Urbanism
(taught with Charles Waldheim,)
Arch 503:
Contemporary Topics in Complexity and Non-linear Systems
Independent Study : Researching Urban Agriculture, Option I Advanced Master
Mapping the City, two 4th year undergrads in Paris, France
-Winter 2008: Workshop : Modeling at the Frontier of Architecture (directed 16 students in building
workshop; 3 hour conversations and discussion on separate occasions from Cecil Balmond
and Ben Nicholson)
-Fall 2007 :
LA 497 : The Nature of Ecology (The Philosophy of Nature)
Arch 321: Historical and Theoretical Structures of 20th Century Modernism
-Spring 2007: Arch 321: Historical and Theoretical Structures of 20th Century Modernism
Arch 497: On Nature: the patterns, processes and ecologies which connect
Arch 611: Advanced Architecture Studio : New City Gaza
(with Martin Felsen)
-Fall 2006:
Arch 321: Historical and Theoretical Structures of 20th Century Modernism
Arch 503: Contemporary Topics in Complexity and Non-linear Systems
[email protected] / 3
-Spring 2009 :
- Kunstverein Arnsberg, solo exhibition / performance / public installation
summer 2015
- RIJKSAKADEMIE van beeldende kunsten,
summer 2015
leading 3 days of public walks, discussions, and lecture performances
- Harvard Sensory Media Platform, GSD; workshop / performance lecture
Feb 2015
- Volksbuhne, Roter Salon, Berlin; JAZZ POETRY
July 2014
co-organized & performed in 3 day workshop and public presentation (on translation and
performance); participants were made up of contemporary poets and musicians and artists from
Ethiopia, Europe, and the US
- Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Academy of Sciences), Berlin,
May – July 2014
Helped consult, develop and perform workshops in public space involving groups of exceptional
high-school students across a range of disciplines in Berlin
- DAZ (Deutsches Architektur Zentrum – German Architecture Center)
In Extenso – Erweitert
March 2014 - Dec 2014
- La Conservera, Espacio 13,
March 2014- June 2014
Video performance (with Ed Keller & classes), 2 video interviews between myself and two other
artists presented as art works in the exhibition
- Die Academie der Künste ( Academy of Art, Berlin), performance / talk (w/ Liam Young) March 2014
Vertigo of Reality / Metabolic Office for the Repair of Reality
- VITAMIN CREATIVE SPACE, group performance/exhibition
January 2014
- WALK EXPERIMENTS, Art Studies at Weißensee Art Academy Berlin
Dec 19, 2013
four hour perceptual walking experiments with 15 people incorporating translation and critique
- Berlin Trinnale, The Phylogenesis of Generosity
Oct 3 – 13, 2013
Tree bending installation with rope made and collected from children and old men in the
Marcado, Addis Abeba. At the end of the exhibition I also performance an oral poetry story
performance (25 artists, Tomas Saraceno, Jeppe Heim, etc)
- HOMECOMINGS, Berlin, Germany
Sep 17 – Oct 31, 2013
45 minute movie installation and furniture / surroundings; oral poetry story performance; public
art walk. Movie is a combination of interviews made in the Marcato, Addis Abeba, as well as
collection of found footage and personal stories of heart.
fall 2013-2009
With Food Systems Planner Lynn Peemoller, we work with Berlin’s department of forestry to link
us to urban hunters who shoot Wildschein inside of the city limits. We buy the pig and work with
a butcher to make sausages (würsts). We then rent a “grill walker”, a man wearing a grill, and
attend art openings or in public spaces as a part of symposiums.
- The ‘W’ ARCHIVES (ongoing)
spring 2013 - present
I ask and record people with whom I have a small encounter to say the letter W and the sound W,
in their mother tongue, over and over, for 5-30 seconds. I include these into exhibitions when
- 3 days 3 walks: MANUELS FOR TWISTED FUTURE URBAN PLANNERS, Hochschule für
Gestaltung und Kunst, FHNW (Art Academy in Basel)
Oct 2013
Leading 15 graduate art students from Basel on three days of art walks where we do perceptual
experiments to slow down and feel ourselves moving in the systems and spaces AROUNDNESS.
One afternoon includes a professional psychologist; together we will analyze the spatial trauma of
the city and propose alternatives for future care
- QUITE CUE, Berlin, German
August 2013
[email protected] / 4
[email protected] / 5
45 minute oral poem/story performance
- FRASCATI Theater, Amsterdam, HEARING VOICES, part 1
March 2013
HEARING VOICES is a series of sound poems written by Eric Ellingsen, co-choreographed by
Eric Ellingsen and Nicole Beutler, and performed by 12 dancers in a one week intensive
workshop, the last day of which culminated in public performance
- HAU (Hebbel am Ufer), 100 degrees,
Spring 2013
Three two word poem performances in various unannounced places between three theaters during
the opening evening of the fesitval. These two word poems were performed with poet Cia Rinne.
- Jan Meda, (1) Poetry story performance; (2) do it yourself sound oscillator out of toilet paper tube -- a
performance with 20 people making sound piece; (3) 4 hour enactment of Ethiopian coffee
ceremony which I conducted wearing boxing gloves in a pavilion I designed and built – coffee
tutorials from a woman who makes coffee performances at public institutions and foundations all
over Addis Ababa
- ADDIS FOTO FESTIVAL, international biennale
Nov 2012
exhibited a 7 minute film; co-made with artist Fabian Knecht.
- Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), Berlin, The Future Archive,
June 2012
Curated by Ute Meta Bauer, invited by Luis Berrios-Negron, to perform 2 hour action with
archives and content and space of the exhibition
- Glasauge, sound installation with sound engineer Wilm Thoben
April 2012
- PALAIS de TOKYO, REBOOT # 4, Paris
Video & model installation
July- Sep 2011
- HERE HERE THERE, poetry reading, Berlin
(publication forthcoming)
fall 2011
- Reykjavik Art Museum – Hafnarhús, Iceland; Without Destination
April 201l
Every day, for the duration of the exhibition a curator or someone who worked in the museum
called my sister in Kentucky and wished her a happy birthday.
- MOT – Toyko , poster/poem installation
June 2011
-The Imaginarium, Berlin, Germany
Sep 2010-summer 2011
exhibited 2 models and 1 sound poem an installation of 34 international artists and architects;
exhibition will travel from Berlin to San Paulo and LA
- GEIST (III) , Unknown place in Berlin, Germany
-Extension Gallery, Chicago IL (
May 2009-July2009
A solo architectural exhibit of a large scale architectural model (15’x 30’x 15’). The installation is
called Seeing Eye Architecture, Perceptual Architectural Service Animals, Chicago Species.
-EXIT ART, Vertical Gardens, NYC, NY
March 28, 2009 – June 6, 2009
A project of SEA (Social Environmental Aesthetics).
-MOROCCO BIENALLE, les Transculturelles des Abattoirs in Casablanca, Morocco
April 2009
One of eight international architects to design a large site specific architectural installation for the
international art and architecture biennale, curated by Aziza Chaouni, other architects were Nadir
Tehrani of OFFICE dA, Atelier Bow Wow, KLF/ Emergent, others.
-2009 MoMA/P.S.1 Young Architects Program, NYC, NY
Jan 2009
I was invited as one of 20 architecture teams from the United States to submit portfolio of work
for the summer pavilion competition in the courtyard for P.S.1. I collaborated with architect
Marshall Brown for the submission.
-Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago: Vertical Farm : Fast Forward
Jan 2008- Jan 2014
Co-designed, with TJ McLeish and built an $80,000, 23’ tall, interactive model of a Vertical Farm.
This involved hiring and managing a team of 8 students, colleagues, and professional structural
and exhibit consultants. Design was done in collaboration with Dickson Despommier, an
epidemiologist at Columbia University in NYC.
-Graham Foundation, Chicago : SOLID VOID : Cecil Balmond
Sep 25,2008 – July 2009
coordinated the design and build with Cecil Balmond and Sarah Herda of a 26’ x 11’x 8’,
3500lbs architectural model. Also assembled and managed a 1500’ tensegrity model
-Design Exchange, Toronto, Ontario : Carrot City : Urban Agriculture Exhibit Feb20 09- April 2009
One of 25 architects invited to exhibit urban agriculture design solutions for the 21st century.
-Guggenheim, NYC, NY
Feb 2007
Images of one of some parametric digital models were included in a one day public exhibition of
parametric architecture design work undertaken at the Smart Geometry Workshop, hosted by the
Smart Geometry Group and Bentley in NYC, NY.
-Facilities Gallery, West Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania
Oct 2006-Feb 2007
- Species of Space, Principle and Founder: Eric Ellingsen
Species of Space is an experimental design studio I founded in 2009.
For more information, goto:
- Director of residency AFFECT, at AGORA, Berlin
Please visit :
May 2009-present
March-June 2014
-Manager: GRAHAM FOUNDATION GRANT (institutional) applied to lecture series
-Pro-Seminar Lectures: Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
fall 07-fall 08
Designing, coordinating, managing, and moderating two years of experimental lectures using a
grant from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts
-InSITE : Fall 09
Lecturers from outside of Chicago: Chris Reed, David Hays.
Respondents from Chicago: Martin Felsen, Peter Osler, Clare Lyster, Andrew Schachman.
Moderator: Eric Ellingsen
-Experiment in Architecture : Spring 2008
Lecturers from outside of Chicago: Auturo Vittori, Deborah Gans, David Ruy, Christopher Hight,
Ed Keller, Keith Bessured + Blackbox, Francois Roche, David Adjaye (postponed).
Respondents from Chicago: Annie Pedret, Sean Keller, Martin Felsen, Paul Preissner, Peter Osler,
Charles Waldheim, Dan Coma, Jonathan Miller, Andrew Schachman, Julie Flohr, TJ McLeish,
John Jourden.
Moderator: Eric Ellingsen
[email protected] / 6
- Curatorial work (co-curated with Christina Werner):
- ACCIDENTAL ACCOMPLISHMENT, Institute für Raumexperimente
summer 2013
(30 artists, students and professionals; guest critiques/moderated conversations leading up to the
exhibition with Christine Marcel, Joachim Volz, Tue Greenfort, Molly Nesbit, many others)
- Jan Meda – Grosses feld, Institute für Raumexperimente
fall 2012
(40 artists, students and professionals from Ethiopia and Europe; exhibition included organizing
and performing in a night of poetry and sound performances with Ethiopia’s best known poets)
- ADDIS FOTO FESTIVAL, international biennale
fall 2012
15 international artists living in Addis Ababa
- THE WORLD IS NOT FAIR, Berlin world fair curated by Raumlabor and HUO, summer 2012
With a colleague at the Institute für Raumexperimente, I conducted a design build of a pavilion in
which 11 other international artists and art groups exhibited and performed inside of Templehof
airfield for 1 month. We moved the school into the pavilion, organized an ongoing exhibition, as
well as organized and moderated 4 days a week, 8 hours a day of different programming and
experiments, including a publication, a poetry event, a 2 day marathon called Perfoming Politics,
and public walks.
- GLASAUGE, Institute für Raumexperimente
spring 2012
(35 artists, students and professionals
- IDEAS Are MOTION, part I ( Zagreb), part II (MOT, Tokyo), part III (Iceland, Contemporary
Art Museum). Institute für Raumexperimente
spring 2011-2012
-Let’s Start to Implement Little Errors, Institute für Raumexperimente
spring 2010
-MODELS and TOOLS : Spring 2007
Lecturers from outside of Chicago: Jenny Sabin, TALK 20 Chicago (12 speakers), Steve
Sanderson, Veronika Schmit (postponed), John Nastasi, David Mah and Leyre Asensio, Chris
Lasch and Ben Aranda, Jason Daugherty.
Moderator: Eric Ellingsen
-Director: TALK20 : (
Ohio St. & Chicago
Spring 2008 & Spring 2009
-Associate Editor : 306090 Books
Fall 2005—Spring 09
-Assistant Architect : Aphrodisias Archeological Dig, Turkey
fall 2006-2009
Served as architectural consultant for a professional and academic archeological excavation in
Turkey run jointly by the NYU Institute of Fine Arts, Classical Studies Department, and Oxford
University; Responsibilities include organizing lectures and visits, recruiting students, reviewing
portfolios, conducting interviews, and coordinating logistics for the summer excavation.
-Bloomingdale Line Architectural Jury, Chicago Architecture Club
Mar 2009
-Co-Director : Cross-Catalytic Architectures : Slought Foundation, Philadelphia
fall 2006
Organized and co-directed with Aaron Levy, founder of Slought Foundation
-Architectural Archeologist
summer 07, summer 2004, summer 2003
-Field Operations, Landscape Architecture Firm, NYC, NY
summer 2006
Worked as freelance designer in which I organized and helped manage, design, build, and ship, a
large 12’ x 12’ model for an international design competition
-Assistant Organizer, Non-Linear Systems of Organization, University of Pennsylvania
fall 2005
-Assistant Editor, Geometry and Matter
summer 2005
Large Press book Edited by Detlef Mertins and David Ruy. *Release postponed indefinitely
-Ruy-Klein Architecture, NYC, NY
summer 2005
-NORTHWEST REVIEW. Eugene, Oregon,
June 1996—Dec 1997
Served as secretary at the Northwest Review, one of the longest running professional literary
reviews of poetry and fiction in the United States.
-3 years various construction/wood framing jobs in Kentucky, Oregon, Virginia
-Community Development, Ghana, West Africa
August 1995—May 1996
Worked for local Ghanaian community organization conducting hydrological regional surveys,
then building and supervising the building of hand dug wells; conducted large regional interviews
within rural communities to access need, generate interest, and locate natural resources
PUBLICATIONS (abbreviated)
spring 2014
This book starts as an artists book which involved two artists who trap and spray paint pigeons ini
non-toxic dyes. Thirty pigeons have been painted to date and re-released into cities from the
Venice Biennale to Berlin. I asked 30 contemporary poets to write original material in a not quite
ekphrastic way. Contributions from CA Conrad, Ben Marcus, John d’Agata, Juliana Spahr, Kathy
Part Hong, Andy Fitch, Lyn Hyjinian, Matthea Harvey, Chrisian bök, Christian Hawkey, Jenny
Boully, and many others. Other sections of the book include essays by Eli During, Sanford
Kwinter, David Graham Burnet, others.
[email protected] / 7
- TWISTED, a lyric essay, Broken Demanche Press, (forthcoming)
Jan 2014
This is a book which has involved research and historical institutions from the Corderie Royale in
Rochefort France, to interviews of recycled ropemakers in Addis Ababa. It is a philosophy book in
poetic language engaging a history of being twisted, from agricultural practices to socio-politics
of plantations and public spaces, walking manuals for future twisted urban planners, selforganizing structural systems ranging from Incans to Gaudi to Fuller/Snelson to Robert le Ricolet
and beyond.
- Poetry / translation performances / fiction have been published from 2011-2014, or are forthcoming:
Conjunctions (on-line)
Chicago Review
Western Humanities Review (selected by Craig Dworkin)
PANK ( also an interview with the author)
Spoon River
Puerto del Sol
Colorado Review
Kill Author
World Literature Today
Dear Sir
POEM A DAY, (edited by Nico Dockx and Clara Meister; 365 artists & poets) forthcoming
winter 2014
- urban score translation / poem performed in Paris with Ai Qing’s WALL, given to Eric by Ai
Weiwie (under consideration/rewrites)
-finalist for Black Warrior Review, fiction prize, 2012
forthcoming (fall 2014)
a 14page poem performance translating Heidegger with over 100 people; other essays by Timothy
Morton, Caroline Jones, Molly Nesbit, others
- SCIENCE AND ART, ed. Stemmler, Susanne. Interview with Peter Galison
forthcoming (fall 2014)
- GIA READER (Grantmakers in the Arts), The Long Poem of Walking (re-print)
March 2014
- STORIES AND KNOWLEDGE; Narrative Strategies in contemporary art,
Jan 2013
(German title: Erzählen und Wissen: Narrative Strategien in der zeitgenössischen Kun)
edited by Melanie Franke
Interviews and artwork with Eric Ellingsen, Omer Fast, Tue Greenfort, Carsten Nicolai and Simon
Starling; each of the 5 artists contributions were then given to young art historians to write and
critique the artists work and the state of art today
- Essays and poetry / fiction in many artist’s books:
( Olafur Eliasson, (many); Thilo Frank; Julian Charrière & Andreas Griener; others)
Dec 2010
June 2010
May 09
[email protected] / 8
- The Transdisciplinary Studio, edited by Alex Coles, Sternberg Press
- Landabrefid, an international refereed geography journal
“Mobile in a Mobile Element”
- Anxious Prop IV
“your personal space is not a bubble it’s an obloid”
“The Long Poem of Walking”
-Landscape Journal , Design, Planning and Management of the Land
“A review of sorts”
-Otto’s Impossible Talks/Impossible Topics/Rescued Futures
Book published by Institute fur Raumexperiments
-CAC Journal- Envisioning the Bloomingdale
April 09
“Showing Crack”
Jan 09
book experiment with Institute fur RaumExperiments & Beatriz Colomina
publication and performance
July 2008
“The Visible Seen: light reflections”
-CTBUH Journal , Issue III
fall 2008
“The Vertical Farm - The origin of a 21st century Architectural Typology”, co- authored with
Dickson Despommier, Medical Ecologist, Columbia University, NYC
-SPACE 488
Aug 2008
“Pyramid Farm”
-CTBUH : Tall & Green : Congress Proceedings
Mar 2008
“The Vertical Farm: the sky-scraper as vehicle for a sustainable urban agriculture”; co-author with
Dr. Dickson Despommier , of Columbia University, NY
-The Scientist
Aug 2007
“Designing Buildings, Using Biology
- MODELS, 30.60.90. Books, Issue 11: Guest Editor
Fall 2007
Proposed, developed, co-edited, raised money for, and wrote in MODELS. Other contributors
include Charles Bernstein, Olafur Eliasson, Lisa Randall, Manuel Delanda, Craig Dworkin,
Michael Sworkin, Cecil Balmond, David Graham Burnett, many others.
“Illogical Leap”, 306090 Books: MODELS
“Survival Patterns”, 306090 Books: MODELS ; Interview with Cecil Balmond
“Proof of Concept”, 306090 Books: MODELS ; co-authored with Dickson Despommier
“Possibility Spaces”, 306090 Books: MODELS ; Interview with Manuel Delanda
-A + U : MVRDV Files 2
Dec 2006
“On the cutting H-edge”
(Architecture Plus)
Nov 2006
“Collaboration and Competition”
-International Journal of Landscape History and Theory, vol. 25 number 3
Nov 2005
“Uncertain Certainty: the near of the far; Vaux-le-Vicomte vs. Versailles”
Internationally refereed journal published out of Dumbarton Oaks.
-Intelligent Infrastructure ; co-editor/contributor
spring 2004
book sponsored for architects and studio instructors Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi
- Co-organized and moderated the following “MARATHONS” (three day symposiums, actions, public
walks and experiments) hosted by the Institute für Raumexperimente:
June 2013 : some of the participants :
Oliver Marchart, Meg Stewart, Simon Sterling, Kendell Geers, Cia Rinne, Joanna Warsza, Bettina
Masuch, Frédéric Seguette (Jerome Bel)
[email protected] / 9
-EDUCATING ARTISTS? , KW (Institute for Contemporary Art)
Nov 8& 9, 2013
Participated on panel of international artists (AA Bronson for example; art historians, writers (for
Art Forum, Frieze), and institutional directors (Rijksacademie).
Oct 10-12, 2013
MODERATOR of Keynote Peter Gallison for the Symposium ; moderator of three international
artists on a panel titled: PERCEPTION.
- JURY, international architecture competition, HOUSE FOR PINK FLOYD,
Sep 2013
hosted by Ed Keller director of Parsons Institute and Dan Coma
Nov 2012
Nov 2011 & Jan 2012
Some of the participants : Xavier Le Roy, Jonathan Bepler, JAAP Blonk, Carsten Seiffarth, Ida
Momennejad, Katie Paterson, Hildur Guðnadóttir
June 2011
Perceptual walks and other peripatetics: with Ute Meta Bauer, Molly Nesbit, Sanford Kwinter,
Dec 2010
Some of ths participants: Beatrice von Bismarck, Ellen Blumenstein, Carson Chan, Udo
Kittelmann, Philipp Oswalt, Artur Zmijewski, Corinne Diserens
June 2010
Some of the participants: Vito Acconci, Monica Bonvicini, Bjarke Ingels, Tomas Saraceno, Theo
Spyropoulos, Markus Miessen, Eve de Klerk
Dec 2009
- TRANSLATION ACTS, at The World Is Not Fair (World Fair in Templehof)
- EiABC (Ethiopian Institute of Architecture Building and Construction), Performance/lecture, Dec 2013
- WE LIVE HERE (I, II) , Frascati Theater, Amsterdam
summer 2011, 2012
- A yearly academy of international choreographers, artists, performers and curators which meet
and live together over a few intense days to coduct experiments and conversations
- LIFE IS SPACE, (II, III, IV), Studio Olafur Eliasson,
- performance talks/poems/experiments using soap films and sound oscillators
- SOLON POPULAIRE, Can you pass the salt, please; experiments to start a conversation
spring 2012
- ETH, department lecture, Lecture Series EM-POWER! (Marc Angélil invitation)
spring 2012
- SANDBURG INSTITUTE, The Dirty Art Department, walks and lecture
fall 2011
- PALAIS de TOKYO, REBOOT # 4, Paris
Performance talk curated by philosopher Eli During
summer 2011
- Reykjavik Art Museum, Without Destination – Conference; Practicing Nature
spring 2011
- Goethe Institute, Amsterdam, lecture/performance as part of THE GARDEN
spring 2010
- AA (Architecture Association, London), lecture & critiques, invitation Liam Young,
summer 2010
- PechaKucha 20x20, Berlin, curated by Lukas Feiriess
fall 2010
- Aedes Gallery ; moderated public talk with Winny Maas
April 2009
- Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, FHNW (Art Academy in Basel)
April 2009
[email protected] / 10
- Unfair Poetry and Translation experiments: some participants include: Sharmila Cohen,
Christian Hawkey, Martina Hefter, Karl Holmqvist, Gaëlle Kreens, Kirsten Palz, Andreas Töpfer,
Uljana Wolf, Caleb Waldorf
- Performing Politics: Critical Spatial Practices in Art and Architecture; Symposium by Eric
Ellingsen & Alvaro Urbano with Deconcrete, Something Fantastic, Klara Hobza, Petrit Hailaj,
Intelegencias Colectivas, Todo Por La Praxis (TPX), Philippe van Wolputte
- Smart Geometry, Barcelona, Spain; Shop Talk Moderator and speaker
Mar 2009
- SOM (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP , Eric Ellingsen Talk
June 23, 2009
“The Importance of Imperfection”
- Extension Gallery Talk: Eric Ellingsen, Chicago, Illinois
June 18, 2009
- INSTITUT FÜR RAUMEXPERIMENTE, Studio Olafur Eliasson, workshop
May 2009
Three day lecture and workshop about models and experiments..
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago : Fuller Gallery Talk:
April 2009
“Deborah Stratman and Eric Ellingsen on Fuller and Geometry” (included hosting a walk-through tour )
- University of Toronto. Visiting speaker to Alissa North’s class.
Mar 2009
“Live Your Multiple-Ecology Syndromes”
- University of Toronto, Department wide, Brown Bag Lecture Series,
Nov 2008
Models and Experiments: Expeditions in Selection and Self-Organization”
- Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts
Nov, 2008
Public walk through talk with Sarah Herder of the work of Cecil Balmond
- University of Illinois, Urbana Champagne, Department of Landscape ArchLecture Series
Oct 2008
“Twisting the Lions Tail”
- University of Toronto. Visiting speaker to Andy Payne Graduate Advanced Topics class
Mar 2008
“The Act to the Art of Engagement”
-Art Institute of Chicago Visiting speaker at Ben Nicholson seminar
Mar 2008
“Roll Models”
-CTBUH, Dubai: Tall & Green: Typology for a Sustainable Urban Future
Mar 2008
-The Architecture League, NYC
Feb 2008
“Be a Model” I co-organized, spoke, and co-moderated at a public roundtable event
- Chicago Architectural Club
Feb 2008
“Your Models Model”
-SERPENTINE PAVILLION Lecture Series : Public Experiment: Models are Real
Sep 2007
Gave talk and performed experiments : curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Olafur Eliasson
-Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia
Spring 2006
“Region D” : part of TALK 20 series
-Van Alen Lecture : Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nov 2005
“Public Spaces: networks and memory”
Art and Architecture/Landscape
University of Addis Ababa, ETH (Zurich), IIT (Chicago), Columbia University, University of
Pennsylvania, University of Ohio, Oregon University, RICE, Cornell, Princeton (invited), ART
INSTITUTE (Chicago), UiC (Chicago & Urbana Champagne), University of Toronto, University of the
Arts (Berlin), Architectural Association (London), Münster School of Architecture, AEDES Gallery
architecture reviews (Berlin), Yale University, The Why Factory, EiABC (Ethiopian Institute of
Architecture Building and Construction)
Fluent/intermediate skills digital software: RINO 3-D modeling software (including beginning scripting
skills), 3-dMax; rendering and animation, AUTO-cad, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, In Design.
Languages: German (intermediate); learned and forgot Latin, never quite learned and still forgot Greek
[email protected] / 11