IANS advanced HRA course opening 2014

Housekeeping Bathrooms near stairwell Breakfast in registra5on area Lunch tomorrow Sakura A and B one level up Op5onal meet and greet tonight 6:30 pm Group sheet for breakouts – individual group number on the front of the badges •  IANS membership applica5ons are out at the registra5on desk •  Evalua5on at the end for feedback and CME •  Mee5ng in Atlanta-­‐ March 13-­‐15 • 
Welcome! • 
Australia Canada Poland Spain Thailand US Thank you! •  Sponsors: •  Exhibitors: •  New CPT codes! •  HRA= 46601 = 1.60 RVU (cx= 1.5) •  HRA with biopsy= 46607 = 2.20 RVU (cx= 1.99) ??? Our 5ssue dispenser ??? Course faculty •  J. Michael Berry-­‐Lawhorn, MD –  Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF •  Stephen Goldstone, MD –  Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, Mount Sinai School of Medicine •  Richard Hillman, MD –  Associate Professor, University of Sydney, Australia •  Naomi Jay, R.N., N.P., PhD –  Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing, UCSF •  Joel Palefsky, M.D. –  Professor of Medicine, UCSF IANS staff •  Kelli Walsh •  Lilly Brotons