Read Write Inc Progression in Writing

Read Write Inc Progression in Writing
Composition Activity
On the Bus
The Web
Write simple sentences: complete speech
Write simple sentences : describe how Ned feels
and walks.
Write simple sentences: complete speech
Write descriptive sentences.
Write imperative sentences.
Write labels: describe noises from the pot.
Write sentences: write in role, complete speech
Complete a Wanted poster: describe Red Hat
Write sentences: write in role, infer how
characters feel, complete speech bubbles.
Write descriptive sentences: complete speech
Write dialogue: complete speech bubbles.
Write sentences: complete speech bubbles
Pip’s Pizza
Write descriptive sentences: using adjectives.
Stitch the Witch
Write descriptive sentences: complete thought
Write a magic spell.
Write sentences describing how creatures move.
My Dog Ned
Six Fish
The Spell
Black Hat Bob
Tug, Tug
We Can All Swim!
What Am !?
Ken’s Cap
A Bad Fox
Big Blob and Baby Blob
Tim and Tom
Write descriptive sentences about what a cat can
Write descriptive setences about what an owl
can do.
Write sentences in role.
Write sentences describing Ken’s cap.
Write sentences with synonyms for run.
Write descriptive sentences with synonyms for
Write descriptive sentences: complete speech
Write descriptive sentences.
Write descriptive sentences from a character’s
point of view.
Write labels for a beach stall.
Describe action: describe how a character feels.
Write labels: describe noises that a rocket
Write an advert for Elvis the Elf
Read Write Inc Progression in Writing
Flip Fog and the Bug.
Red Ken
Billy the Kid
In the Bath
Scruffy Ted
Tab the Cat
In the Sun
The Dressing Up Box
Tab’s Kitten
Sanjay Stays in Bed
The Greedy Green Gremlin
In the Night
So Cool
Write descriptive sentences with synonyms for
Write commands: give advice for the bug to
escape the frog.
Write descriptive sentences: complete speech
Write sentences describing action.
Write sentences to describe the troll: complete
thought bubbles.
Write sentences describing feelings.
Write imperative sentences.
Write a splashy poem.
Write simple sentences about hens.
Write captions.
Write instructions.
Write labels.
Write imperative sentences.
Write sentences with synonyms for happy.
Write descriptive sentences.
Write sentences using adjectives.
Write words describing noises the sea makes.
Write sentences of getting into fancy dress using
conjunctions First, Next, Then, Last.
Write descriptive sentences about feelings,
writing from own experience; design a fancy
dress outfit.
Writing in role.
Write dialogue with synonyms for said.
Write explanatory sentences.
Write dialogue
Write sentences describing action.
Write in role conveying feelings
Write a poem about what they want to do in the
Write from their own experience about what
sort of ‘cool’ flat they would like to live in.
Write sentences showing excitement.
Jay’s Clay Pot
Write instructions using the conjunctions First,
Then, Next, In the end.
Write a non-chronological report about bats with
sentences that contrast what the bat does at
night and in the day.
Write a poster about bats.
Read Write Inc Progression in Writing
I think I Want to be a Bee
A Bad Fright
Follow Me
Too Much!
Good Cook?
Come on, Margo!
My Sort of Horse
My Best Shirt
Look Out!
Hunt the Tortoise
Jam Tarts
Jim’s House in 1874
The Duckchick
Write from their own experience about how they
would feel if they had a play day.
Write sentences about what they would do if
they had a play day.
Write descriptive sentences about what animal
they would like to be and what the animal does.
Write sentences about how they would get
dressed up using Firs, Then, Next, Last.
Write descriptive sentences in role.
Write sentences comparing feelings in the past
and the present.
Write a description of the crow.
Write a letter giving advice.
Write a menu, use descriptive language.
Write questions that convey excitement.
Write descriptive sentences.
Write descriptive sentences.
Write labels, use descriptive language
Write about choices and give reasons.
Write descriptive sentences.
Recount events.
Write in role, describe thoughts and feelings.
Write sentences describing actions.
Write labels, use descriptive language.
Write descriptive sentences with ‘but’.
Recount events
Write a shopping list for a picnic, use descriptive
Compare the past and the present; complete a
Make comparisons; write about differences;
complete a table.
Recount events, describe actions.
Off Sick
Design a door sign; use imperative sentences’
Infer and write from a character’s point of view.
Tom Thumb
Write a ‘Lost’ poster; use descriptive sentences.
Write sentences using deductive skills;
understand and write about how a character
might feel.
Write a report about the gingerbread man
running away; describing actions; using
connective language.
Write sentences using deductive skills;
understand and write about what a character
The Gingerbread Man
Read Write Inc Progression in Writing
Robin Hood
Do we have to keep it?
Danny and the Bump-a-Lump
Grow Your Own Radishes
The Foolish Witch
In the Park
A Mouse in the House
The Poor Goose
Hairy Fairy
King of the Birds
Our House
The Jar of Oil
Jade’s Party
A Box Full of Light
might think; write a story ending.
Write a detailed description of Little John.
Infer and write from a character’s point of view
(Robin Hood and Little John); write dialogue.
Write a postcard; recount events.
Infer and write from a character’s point of view;
describe feelings.
Write instructions.
Write about choices and give reasons.
Make notes; develop the notes into a
description; write labels.
Write a letter; use ambitious verbs and
connective language.
Write notes using descriptive language;
complete a chart.
Write a fruit and vegetables poem.
Write a new beginning for a story; infer and
write from a character’s point of view.
Write a menu: describe food.
Describe how you move in the park: use verbs.
Design and describe a park; write about choices
and give reasons.
Write labels; use descriptive language.
Write a non-chronological report about a mouse.
Write dialogue, use conjunctions (because) and
Write a recount, convey sense of drama and
Write advice; empathise with someone else’s
Retell a story from a character’s point of view.
Write a newspaper report, write factual
Write descriptive comparisons; compare Crow
and other birds.
Present an argument; use conjunctions
Write descriptive sentences.
Write a letter; pose questions.
Write descriptive sentences; use a variety of
sentence starters.
Write an advert; use descriptive language.
Write in role; write about thoughts and feelings.
Plan a party.
Write a party invitation.
Write a letter; give advice and explanations.
Write a poem about pets.
Write a descriptive poem.
Retell the end of a story from a character’s point
of view.
Read Write Inc Progression in Writing
The Hole in the Hill
On Your Bike
At the Seaside
Rex to the Rescue
The Lion’s Paw
I Dare You
Looking After a Hamster
How Silly!
Wailing Winny’s Car Boot Sale
Dear Vampire
Vulture Culture
A Celebration on Planet Zox
A Very Dangerous Dinosaur
Write a persuasive song/poem.
Write a persuasive letter.
Write a personal recount, use conjunctions.
Write about how to take care of your bike.
Write a detailed list.
Write descriptive sentences.
Plan and write an information booklet.
Make notes and develop them to write from a
character’s point of view, building atmosphere.
Write in the first person, writing from
experience, about thoughts, feelings and actions.
Write a poem.
Write from experience about thoughts and
Write a poem, use descriptive language.
Make notes and develop them, draw conclusions
from events.
Make notes and use them to write a diary entry:
write a recount.
Write a letter in role: give advice.
Write a non-chronological report using
Make notes and plan and write dialogue in role.
The Invisible Clothes
Make notes about a dinosaur and use them to
write a descriptive poem.
Write in role to explore feelings (letter).
A Job for Jordan
Design and write a persuasive poster.
A Place in Space: The Moon
Plan and write a poem about walking on the