Schilddrüse der Frau - Sandoz

The Church Gathers for Worship
December 7, 2014
The Second Sunday of Advent
Minister- Dr. Barry Morrison
Director of Music - Dr. Heather Price
We Worship God in Prayer and Praise
Hark the glad sound
Gathering at the Advent Wreath
Judith Tod & Jane Gomes
Gathering in this place where heaven and earth whisper greeting;
in this house where the High King of Heaven comes to meet us;
in the shelter of this place, we kindle lights of hope for the world.
We stand at the turning of the seasons,
looking back on what has been and ahead to what is to come.
We thank you, Lord, for all that is good.
We place in your hands what we need to leave behind
and turn to the path you lay before us.
Light of God, break through our darkness;
breathe through our lives.
Shine on a world longing for life.
Lighting the Second Advent Candle
Light of God, vs. 1, 2
Gathering Prayer
We Wait For Thee
- V. Johnson
We Prepare for Christ’s Coming
The Scriptures
Isaiah 9:2, 6, 7
Bethlehem Bound – produced by Sunday Morning Adventure
Hope is a Star
Offering Our Gifts
Lord, you were rich, vs. 1, 3 134
Sharing Communion – Christ is in Our Midst
Welcoming and Parting – Today we welcome two new members by letter of
transfer: Wendy Donovan from Orchard Valley United Church and Paul Nowlan
from Kingsway Assembly. We also bid farewell to Jane Gomes as she leaves for
a new job in Calgary.
Invitation to the Table
Come, you hungry
Tune: Hyfrydol
Prayers of Thanksgiving
Sharing Bread and Wine – the Gifts of God for the People of God
We Go Out to Live as God’s People in the World
Prayers for the Journey
Glorious Light
Church Family Announcements
Please join us after church today for a potluck lunch followed by a brief
meeting to establish next year’s budget.
A Choral Celebration of Christmas
Next Sunday the choir will be presenting Sing Noel! A Carol Service.
This will be a wonderful service to which to invite your family and friends.
We have a number of congregants who are unable to drive in
the winter season who would still appreciate attending
worship. If you are able, please consider transporting some
of our local and Wickwire Place friends. If you’re unable to
offer a drive on Sunday, perhaps you could accommodate the
occasional errand. Please contact the office if you’re able to
be part of this ministry.
The new cards from the Deacons are now available. These are beautiful cards
with envelopes in packages of five for $5.00. They picture our stained glass
window depicting Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus preparing for their journey
to Egypt (cf. Matthew 2:13-15) and make beautiful Christmas Cards! Ask a
Deacon for yours today.
The next S&B will be a potluck on December 9th at Rob and Wendy Raeside’s. Be
there at 5:30 for a 6pm start.
PEAS please! We've been invited to contribute 380 cans of peas to the
Christmas Hampers that will be prepared by the Food Bank this
Christmas. Please deliver them to the office or leave them by the office door
before noon on Thursday, December 18th!
Longest Night Service, Sun., Dec. 21st, 4:30pm, at Wolfville Baptist. Amid the
many activities of December and at the darkest time of the year, the Longest
Night service offers a place for reflection, remembering, and healing. In the
still pool of candlelight we will listen for the voice of hope as we think deeply
on the coming of the Light of the World and prepare ourselves to welcome
the New Year with courage and peace. A light soup supper will follow.
Next Adventure - our weekly middle school Bible study - is asking for donations
of Lego to help them continue an ongoing project to Build Through the Bible.
Please contact Carlie Van Amerongen at [email protected] if you are able
to help, or simply drop your donations off at the church.
Sunday Morning Adventure is a missions-based class for kids ages 3-10. Kids can
expect to hear Bible stories, make crafts, and think about ways they can serve
their local community, country and the world! Middle schoolers (ages 11-14) can
enjoy Next Adventure, a discussion-based group that looks to the Bible for
direction and talks about how it can be applied to their daily lives. Adults can
look forward to an Adult Bible Study where they will spend time reading God’s
Word and applying it in discussion together. For information on any of these
programs, please contact Carlie Van Amerongen at [email protected].
A 6-week Bible Study focusing on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ
according to the Gospel of Mark will begin January 11th at 10am, leading up to
the season of Lent. Please speak to Roger Cann for more information.
FREE films for the shortest day! Celebrate the Winter Solstice, Sunday, December
21st with FREE films at the Al Whittle Theatre, 450 Main St, Wolfville. The Shortest
Day is an international event showcasing short films on the shortest day of the year.
Canada’s program offers kids, families and film-lovers outstanding new, classic and
award-winning shorts by some of Canada’s most talented filmmakers. Please see
the notice on the bulletin board.
Scrooge: Back to the Future is a Christmas pantomime that will mark the 20th
anniversary of the Fezziwig Society Dec. 11-13. See Tim McFarland as the Ghost
of Christmas Present. The show takes place at the Festival Theatre at 7 p.m. with
a matinee on the 13 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available at the Box of Delights in
Wolfville and at the door.
Kings Chorale will present Rosa Mystica on Sunday afternoon, December 14, at
3pm - St. James Anglican Church in Kentville. Rosa Mystica explores music
around the birth of Christ and the importance of his mother Mary. Included is
the very rhythmic and energetic Magnificat by John Rutter. Special guests
include Judith Burdett, soprano and John Scott, organist. Admission is $10.
Singing for our Supper - Join us for an evening of Seasonal songs and
stories featuring Donna Holmes, Mike Aube, Caleb Miles, Kimberly Matheson,
Alan Slipp, Jamie Loughead, Erin Gaudet and more. Proceeds will go towards
the Wolfville Community Christmas Dinner (non-perishable food donations for
Wolfville Foodbank also accepted).
When: Sunday, December 21 at 7pm
Where: Wolfville Baptist Church (sanctuary)
Freewill Offering (to go towards the Wolfville Community Christmas
Dinner happening at Lion's Club on Xmas day)
Info: Donna Holmes at [email protected]. Our event takes place soon
after the WBC's Longest Night Service. Attending both events is a lovely way to
spend the Sunday evening before Christmas. See you there!
The sixth annual Wolfville Community Christmas Day Dinner will
be held on December 25 at 5 pm, at the Wolfville & District Lions Hall
at 36 Elm Avenue, Wolfville. Join for a traditional turkey dinner with
stuffing, vegetables, dessert, coffee, tea and apple cider (gluten and
dairy free with a vegan option). EVERYONE IS WELCOME. No charge
for the dinner; free will offering box to help recover costs.
The Brunswick Street Mission, located in Halifax, seeks to inspire a
better a quality of life through a ministry of holistic care. New toys and
gently used winter coats are very much appreciated and can be placed
in the box in the entryway by Wednesday, Dec 17th. Visit this website
for more information
St. John’s ACW, still have plum puddings for sale. Phone Elizabeth at
542.2279 to get yours!
Effective January 5, 2015, the current Meals on Wheels Program for
Wolfville will be replaced by the VON, Annapolis Valley Branch
MOW. Any current or new volunteers interested in continuing with
this effort are invited to attend a group intake meeting on Wednesday,
December 3rd, 1 - 3 pm at St. John's Anglican Church. If you plan to
attend this meeting, please contact Anna Spooner, VON Community
Support Program & Volunteer Coordinator: anna.spooner@ or
902-678-1733 by Friday, November 28th to confirm your attendance.
Healthy behavior initiative for seniors. The initiative is to engage in
positive healthy behaviors and get rewarded for them through
monthly draws for gift certificates and prizes. The saving stamp cards
can be found at the Acadia Athletics Complex and once filled out can
be put into the draw box. You earn each stamp with each visit or
healthy behavior until the card is completed. This initiative is great
way to encourage positive healthy behaviors for everyone! In the
attachment is the Saving Stamps brochure with more details. If you
would like more information we can be contacted at
[email protected] or you can visit our facebook page.
This week at Wolfville Baptist
Tuesday, December 9
1:30 pm - Art Group
Thursday, December 11
7:00 pm - Choir Practice
Friday, December 12
10:30 am - Overeater’s Anonymous (Parlour)
Saturday, December 13
4:00 pm - Susan Dworkin Recital
Sunday, December 14
10:00 am - Sunday Morning Adventure
- Adult Bible Study
11:00 am - Morning Worship (Nursery is provided)
- Sing Noel! A Carol Service
Readings for next Sunday, December 14
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 • John 1:6-8, 19-28
How You Can Pray This Week
Home Bound/Nursing Home Residents -Betty West, Gladys Pelton,
Jeanne MacKenzie Williams, Rita Sweet, Maude Delahunt, Jeanette
Denton, Ruth Elderkin, Elizabeth Shreve, Marion McKinley, Thelma
Irving, Lois Lloyd, Dorothy MacKenzie, Bea Pineo, LaVaughan Porter,
Yvonne Ward, Elva Williams, Roscoe Potter, Neil Price, Helen
Lightfoot, Fred and Betty Grimmer, Russell and Marjorie Dowe, Dan
Gibson, Gordon Taylor, Agatha Ganong, Andrew MacRae, Paul Nowlan,
Charles Nowlan.
Guardians of Hope - (GOH) is CBM's program to help improve the
lives of families affected or infected by HIV and AIDS. In Africa and
India, GOH continues to address the personal and social tragedy of
AIDS through efforts aimed at prevention and support for those who
are infected. Pray for effective church-based support groups for
people living with AIDS, as well as for the success of prevention
activities and AIDS-related development projects. Pray for resources
to assist communities and for the financial, psycho-social and spiritual
needs of orphans.
Using their gifts at Wolfville Baptist
December 7
Carlie & Audrey
Gale Abbey
December 14
Nancy & Jennah
Marilyn Jolley &
Erinn Davidson
Wendy Raeside
Sandy Kempton
Heather McGregor &
Lisa Gillis
Stewert Dockendorff &
Jennifer Longley
Administrative Office Hours
Wednesday: 8:30 - 11
8:30 - 11
Bulletin submissions must be in by 9am on Thursday morning.
487 Main St., Wolfville, NS B4P 1E3
902.542.5524 (T) 902.542.4280 (F)
[email protected]
At the heart of the community
with the community at heart.
December 7, 2014