
Dr. med. dent. Julia Elodie Vlachojannis, MSc
Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics
Albert - Ludwigs Universität Freiburg
Johann Wofgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Columbia Universität NYC, USA
Lofou 4A - 14578 Ekali, Athens, Greece and Leoforos Dimokratias 7 - 15127 Melissia, Athens, Greece
Oral Presenter in the main program:
EOS (European Orthodontic Society) conference 2010 in Portoroz, Slovenia:
Levels of Interleukin-1 in adults with periodontal condition during orthodontic
JOF 2009, Federation Francaise D’Orthodontie, Paris, France: 12èmes Journées
de l’Orthodontie Palais des Congrès, Paris
Poster Presenter:
EOS (European Orthodontic Society) conference 2013 in Reykjavik, Iceland
Invisible mini implant-born molar distalization in an adult with crowded Class II
division 1
Stability of hyrax abutments connected to orthodontic mini-implants in use for rapid
maxillary expansion
EOS(European Orthodontic Society) conference 2011 in Santiago de Compostela
Contemporary adult treatment of a crowded Class II division 1 case with the use of
EOS (European Orthodontic Society) conference 2010 in Portoroz, Slovenia:
An alternative method for overextruded second molars in adult patients
Original Articles
Davidson E, Vlachojannis J, Cameron L, Chrubasik S. Best Available Evidence in
Cochrane Reviews on Herbal Medicine? Evidence-Based Complementary and
Alternative Medicine 2013; in press
Winsauer H, Vlachojannis C, Bumann A, Muchitsch AP, Vlachojannis J. Anchorage of
molar distalizers: compilation of available measurements of palatal vertical bone height.
Eur J Orthod. 2013;in press
Winsauer H, Vlachojannis J, Winsauer C, Walter A, Ludwig B. A bone-borne appliance for
rapid maxillary expansion. J Clin Orthod 2013 in press
Winsauer H, Muchitsch P, Winsauer C, Milnes R, Vlachojannis J. The TopJet for routine
bodily molar distalization. J Clin Orthod 2013;47:96-107.
Winsauer H, Vlachojannis J, Winsauer C, Muchitsch AP. Körperliche Distalisation der
Molaren mit dem TopJet-Konzept. Inf Orthod Kieferorthop 2011;43:197-204
Vlachojannis JE, Cameron M, Chrubasik S. Medicinal Use of Potato-Derived Products: a
Systematic Review. Phytother Res 2010;24:159-62
Vlachojannis JE, Cameron M, Chrubasik S. A systematic review on the Sambucus fructi
effect and efficacy profiles. Phytother Res 2010;24: 1-8
Vlachojannis JE, Cameron M, Chrubasik S. A systematic review on the effectiveness of
willow bark for musculoskeletal pain. Phytother Res 2009; 23:897-900
Agosti R, Chrubasik JE. Behandlungsoption Eletriptan bei Migräne. Ars Medici
Agosti R, Chrubasik JE, Kohlmann T. Der MIDAS-Fragebogen. Sprachliche Validierung der
deutschen Version. Ars Medici 2008; 16:700-701
Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, Wagner H, Chrubasik S. Systematic Review on the safety of
Harpagophytum preparations for osteoarthritic and low back pain. Phytotherapy Res 2008;
Vlachohannis J, Hess L, Rimle M, Hungerbühler H-J. Behandlung der Alzheimer-Demenz
mit Galantamin. Ars Medici 2008;6:33-37
Chrubasik JE. Ganzheitliche Anti-Aging-Strategie gegen die Alterung der Haut. Die
Naturheilkunde 2007; 5:16-19
Chrubasik JE, Chrubasik S. Wirksamkeit pflanzlicher Schmerzmittel bei Arthrose und
Rückenschmerzen. Hausarzt/Phytotherapie 2007;4:10-13
Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, Wagner H, Chrubasik S. A comprehensive review on nettle
effect and efficacy profiles. Part II: Urticae radix. Phytomedicine 2007;14:568-79
Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, Wagner H, Chrubasik S. A comprehensive review on nettle
effect and efficacy profiles. Part I: Herba urticae. Phytomedicine 2007;14:423-35
Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, Chrubasik S. Evidence of effectiveness of herbal antiinflammatory drugs in the treatment of painful osteoarthrosis including low back pain.
Phytotherapy Res 2006; 21 :675-83
Chrubasik JE, Müller-Ladner U: Behandlungsstrategie bei Arthrose unter Berücksichtigung
der pflanzlichen Entzündungshemmer. Ars medici 2006;19:923-6
Agosti R, Duke RK, Chrubasik JE, Chrubasik S. Effectiveness of Petasites hybridus
preparations in the prophylaxis of migraine: A systematic review.
Phytomedicine 2006 ;13 :743-6
Chrubasik JE, Agosti R. Prävalenz und Kosten von Migräne und Kopfschmerzen.
Ars Medici ´2006;4:161-66
Agosti R, Nater B, Peter M, Chrubasik JE. Bei Migräne-Patienten ist Topiramat ein Mittel
der Wahl zur Prophylaxe. Neurologie und Psychiatrie 2006;4:41-43
Short Communications
Vlachojannis J, Cameron M, Chrubasik S. Herbal medicinal treatment options for
headache and migraine. Headache 2011;51:1350-1.
Vlachojannis J, Magora F, Chrubasik S. Willow species and aspirin: different mechanism of
actions. Phytotherapy Res 2011; 2011;25:1102-04.
Vlachojannis J, Cameron M, Chrubasik S. Addendum to the interactions with St. John’s
wort products. Pharmacol Res 2011; 63:254-6
Winsauer H, Vlachojannis J. Leserbrief: Göllner P. Minischrauben oder Gaumenimplantat.
Inf Orthod Kieferorthod 2010;42:211
Chrubasik JE, Duke RK, Chrubasik S. Mise à jour de la monographie allemande de la
commission E sur Petasites hybridus (pétasite officinal). Phytothérapie 2007 ;5 :135-6
Chrubasik JE, Lindhorst E, Neumann E, Gerlach U, Faller-Marquardt M, Torda T, MüllerLadner U, Chrubasik S. Potential molecular basis of the chondroprotective effect of
Harpagophytum procumbens. Phytomedicine 2006;13:598-600
Book Chapters
Vlachojannis JE, Chrubasik S. Phytomedicines for the treatment of pain. In: “Pain
A Case-Based Approach”. Brummett CS, Cohen SP (Eds). Oxford University Press, New
York, 2013:66-87.
Vlachojannis JE, Duke RK,, Tran VH, Duke CC, Chrubasik S. Anti-inflammatory Herbal
Medicines for the Control of Pain. In: “Novel Therapeutic Agents from Plants” Carpinella
María Cecilia and Rai Mahendra (Eds.). ISBN: 978-1-57808-546-0. Science Publisher,
Enfield, NH, USA, 2009: 339-367
Vlachojannis JE, Schieber A, Chrubasik S. Benefits, risks and hazards associated with the
consumption of elderberry fruit or fruit products. In: Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and
Health (Papareschi, A., Eppolito, H., Eds.). ISBN 978-1-60741-596-1. Nova Science
Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, USA, 2009:101-114
Chrubasik JE, Chrubasik S: Bioactive Harpagophytum Products: Evidence of
Effectiveness in the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain. In: The Encyclopedia of Herbal
Medicine in Clinical Practice. Eds: Watson RR, Preedy VR (Hrsg), Wallingford, Oxon, UK:
CABI Publishing, 2008:694-703
Congress Contributions
Vlachojannis J, Torda T, Chrubasik S.Early Use of a rose hip and seed-based hypo-caloric
diet as a starter for lifestyle change. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapie,
2007; 12: 14-15 (11th Annual Symposium on Complementary Health Care, Exeter)
Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis B, Chrubasik S: Systematic review on the efficacy and safety of
nettle herb for osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Forsch Komplementarmed Suppl,
2007;14:28 (International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research, Munich)
R. Agosti, Chrubasik JE, T. Kohlmann. Sprachliche Validierung der deutschen Version des
MIDAS-Fragebogens. Schmerz 2006; 20 (Suppl 1):S73-74
Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, Chrubasik S. Wirksamkeit pflanzlicher Entzündungshemmer
bei Arthrose. Multidisziplinärer Kongress «Rehabilitation Schweiz 2006 », 27.-28.4. 2006
Interlaken, Schweiz
Chrubasik JE, Neumann E, Lindhorst E, Chrubasik S, Müller-Ladner U. Evaluation der
chondroprotektiven Wirkung von Harpagophytum procumben. Deutscher
Internistenkongress, 22.-26.4.2006, Wiesbaden, Deutschland
Chrubasik JE. Wirksamkeit pflanzlicher Schmerzmittel bei Gelenk- und Rückenschmerzen.
6. Davoser Tag, 17.2.2006, Davos, Schweiz