Cisco usNIC Deployment Guide for Cisco UCS B-Series Blade Servers, Release 2.2 Overview of Cisco usNIC 2 Cisco usNIC Prerequisites 3 Configuring Cisco usNIC in Cisco UCS Manager 4 Installing Linux Drivers for Cisco usNIC 9 Manually Loading the Kernel Modules for Cisco usNIC 10 Uninstalling Linux Drivers for Cisco usNIC 11 Verifying the Cisco usNIC Installation 11 Revised: May 30, 2014, OL-30794-01 Overview of Cisco usNIC The Cisco user-space NIC (Cisco usNIC) feature improves the performance of software applications that run on the Cisco UCS servers in your data center by bypassing the kernel when sending and receiving networking packets. The applications interact directly with a Cisco UCS VIC second generation adapter, such as the Cisco UCS VIC-1280, which improves the networking performance of your high-performance computing cluster. To benefit from Cisco usNIC, your applications must use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) instead of sockets or other communication APIs. Cisco usNIC offers the following benefits for your MPI applications: • Provides a low-latency and high-throughput communication transport. • Employs the standard and application-independent Ethernet protocol. • Takes advantage of lowlatency forwarding, Unified Fabric, and integrated management support in the following Cisco data center platforms: • Cisco UCS server • Cisco UCS VIC second generation adapter, such as the Cisco UCS VIC-1280 • 10GbE network 2 Standard Ethernet applications use user-space socket libraries, which invoke the networking stack in the Linux kernel. The networking stack then uses the Cisco eNIC driver to communicate with the Cisco VIC hardware. The following figure shows the contrast between a regular software application and an MPI application that uses usNIC. Figure 1: Kernel-Based Network Communication versus Cisco usNIC-Based Communication Cisco usNIC Prerequisites To benefit from Cisco usNIC, your configuration has the following prerequisites: • Cisco Open Message Passing Interface (MPI) distribution. • UCS Driver ISO (not inbox). • RHEL 6.4 support. 3 Configuring Cisco usNIC in Cisco UCS Manager Before You Begin Make sure that the following software and hardware components are installed on the Cisco UCS server: • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 6.4 or later • RHEL gcc-c++ and gcc-gfortran RPMs • RDMA yum install librdmacm-utils and yum install rdma-3.6-1.el6.noarch RPMs • Cisco UCS VIC second generation adapter, such as the Cisco UCS VIC-1280 Procedure Step 1 Step 2 Configure the Cisco usNIC properties and BIOS settings using Cisco UCS Manager GUI or Cisco UCS Manager CLI. Enable the Intel IOMMU driver in the Linux kernel (intel_iommu=on). You must enable this setting in the kernel boot command to allow user-space applications to properly communicate with Cisco usNIC. Step 3 Manually add 'intel_iommu =on' in the grub.conf file (/boot/grub/grub.conf): KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us rd NO DM rhgb quiet intel_iommu=on Step 4 iommu verification cmd dmesg | grep -i commnad Verify the configuration. $ ibv_devinfo Step 5 Reboot your Cisco UCS server. You must reboot your server for the changes to take effect after you configure Cisco usNIC. Step 6 Install the Cisco usNIC Linux drivers. For more information about installing the drivers, see Installing Linux Drivers for Cisco usNIC, on page 9. What to Do Next After you complete configuring Cisco usNIC and installing the Linux drivers, verify that Cisco usNIC is functioning properly. For more information about how to verify the installation, see Verifying the Cisco usNIC Installation, on page 11. 4 Configuring a Cisco usNIC Procedure Step 1 In the Navigation pane, click the LAN tab. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 On the LAN tab, expand LAN > Policies. Expand the root node. Right-click usNIC Connection Policies and choose Create usNIC Connection Policy. In the Create usNIC Connection Policy dialog box, complete the following fields: Name Description Name field The name of the policy. This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved. Description field A description of the policy. We recommend that you include information about where and when the policy should be used. Number of usNICs field The number of usNICs that you want to create. Each MPI process running on the server requires a dedicated usNIC. You can create up to 116 usNICs to sustain 116 MPI processes running simultaneously. Cisco recommends that you create at least as many usNICs, per usNIC-enabled vNIC, as there are physical cores on your server. For example, if you have 8 physical cores on your server, create 8 usNICs. Adapter Policy drop-down list The adapter policy that you want to specify for the usNIC. Cisco recommends that you choose the usNIC adapter policy, which is created by default. Step 6 In the Navigation pane, click the Servers tab. Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 On the Servers tab, expand Servers > Policies > root > Adapter Policies. Click Eth Adapter Policy USNIC. In the Work pane, click the General tab. Step 10 (Optional) Modify the details in the Resources and Options sections as needed. 5 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 Step 16 For more information about configuring Ethernet adapter policies, see the Cisco UCS Manager Configuration Guide. On the Servers tab, expand Servers > Service Profiles > Service_Profile_Name. On the Servers tab, expand Servers > Service Profiles > root. Expand the service profile node where you want to configure the usNIC and click vNICs. In the Work pane, click the Network tab. Step 17 Step 18 Step 19 Step 20 Step 21 In the vNICs area, choose a vNIC and click Modify. In the Adapter Performance Profile area of the Modify vNIC dialog box, choose Linux from the Adapter Policy drop-down list. In the Connection Policies area, click the usNIC radio button. Choose the usNIC connection policy that you created from the usNIC Connection Policy drop-down list. Click OK. Click Save Changes. In the Navigation pane, click the service profile that you just modified. Step 22 In the Work pane, click the Policies tab. Step 23 Step 24 Expand the BIOS Policy bar and choose USNIC in the BIOS Policy drop-down list. Click Save Changes. What to Do Next Enable the Intel IOMMU driver in the Linux kernel (intel_iommu=on). Creating a usNIC using the Cisco UCS Manager CLI Before You Begin You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task. Procedure Command or Action Purpose Step 1 UCS-A # scope service-profile serverserver/chassis Enters the service profile for the specified server and chassis combination. Step 2 UCS-A /org/service-profile # show vnic Displays the vnics that are available on the server. A usNIC vNIC is available by default when you upgrade to Cisco UCS Manager, release 2.2. Step 3 UCS-A /org/service-profile # scope vnic vnic name Enters the vNIC mode for the specified vNIC. Step 4 UCS-A /org/service-profile/vnic # set adapter-policy Linux Specifies Linux and the adapter policy for the usNIC. Step 5 UCS-A /org/service-profile/vnic # enter Creates the usNIC connection policy reference for the vNIC with usnic-conn-policy-ref usnic connection policy the specified name. The maximum size for the connection policy name is 16 characters. reference name 6 Command or Action Purpose Step 6 UCS-A Commits the transaction to the system configuration. /org/service-profile/vnic/usnic-conn-policy-ref* # commit-buffer Step 7 UCS-A /org/service-profile/vnic/usnic-conn-policy-ref # top Enters the top-level mode. Step 8 UCS-A # scope org Enters the root organization mode. Step 9 UCS-A /org # create usnic-conn-policy usnic connection policy name Creates a usNIC connection policy with the specified name. Step 10 UCS-A /org/usnic-conn-policy* # set usnic-count number of usnics Specifies the number of Cisco usNICs to create. Each MPI process running on the server requires a dedicated usNIC. Therefore, you might need to create up to 64 usNICs to sustain 64 MPI processes running simultaneously. Cisco recommends that you create at least as many usNICs, per usNIC-enabled vNIC, as there are physical cores on your server. For example, if you have 8 physical cores on your server, create 8 usNICs. Step 11 UCS-A /org/usnic-conn-policy* # set adaptor-profile USNIC Specifies the usNIC Ethernet adaptor profile for the usNIC connection policy. This usNIC adaptor profile is created by default when you upgrade from previous versions of Cisco UCS Manager to release 2.2. Step 12 UCS-A /org/usnic-conn-policy* # commit-buffer Commits the transaction to the system configuration. This example shows how to create a Cisco usNIC and specify its properties: Server Server Server Server Server Server # # # # # # scope org create usnic-conn-policy usnic1 set usnic-count-64 set adapter-profile USNIC commit buffer top Server # scope service-profile server 1/1 Server /org/service-profile # show vnic vNIC: Name Fabric ID Dynamic MAC Addr Virtualization Preference ------------------ --------- ------------------ ------------------------eth0 A 00:25:B5:00:00:8F NONE eth1 A 00:25:B5:00:00:9F NONE eth2 A Derived NONE Server /org/service-profile # scope vnic eth0 Server /org/service-profile/vnic # set adapter-policy Linux Server /org/service-profile/vnic # enter usnic-conn-policy-ref usnic1 Server /org/service-profile/vnic/usnic-conn-policy-ref* # commit-buffer Server /org/service-profile/vnic/usnic-conn-policy-ref # exit 7 Modifying a usNIC using the Cisco UCS Manager CLI Before You Begin You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task. Procedure Command or Action Purpose Step 1 UCS-A # scope service-profile server chassis /server Enters the service profile for the specified server and chassis combination. Step 2 UCS-A /org/service-profile # show vnic Displays the vnics that are available on the server. A usnic vnic is available by default when you upgrade to Cisco UCS Manager, release 2.2. Step 3 UCS-A /org/service-profile # scope vnic vnic name Enters the vnic mode for the specified vNIC. Step 4 UCS-A /org/service-profile/vnic # enter Specifies the usnic connection policy reference for the vNIC usnic-conn-policy-refusnic connection policy reference that you want to use. name Step 5 UCS-A /org/service-profile/vnic/usnic-conn-policy-ref* Commits the transaction to the system configuration. # commit-buffer This example shows how to modify Cisco usNIC properties: Server # scope service-profile server 1/1 Server /org/service-profile # show vnic vNIC: Name Fabric ID Dynamic MAC Addr Virtualization Preference ------------------ --------- ------------------ ------------------------eth0 A 00:25:B5:00:00:8F SRIOV USNIC eth1 A 00:25:B5:00:00:9F NONE eth2 A Derived NONE Server /org/service-profile # scope vnic eth0 Server /org/service-profile/vnic # set adapter-policy Linux Server /org/service-profile/vnic # enter usnic-conn-policy-ref usnic2 Server /org/service-profile/vnic/usnic-conn-policy-ref* # commit-buffer Server /org/usnic-conn-policy # exit Deleting a usNIC using the Cisco UCS Manager CLI Before You Begin You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task. 8 Procedure Command or Action Purpose Step 1 UCS-A # scope service-profile serverserver/chassis Enters the service profile for the specified server and chassis combination. Step 2 UCS-A /org/service-profile # show vnic Displays the vNICs that are available on the server. A usNIC vNIC is available by default when you upgrade to Cisco UCS Manager, release 2.2. Step 3 UCS-A /org/service-profile # scope vnic vnic name Enters the vNIC mode for the specified vNIC. Step 4 UCS-A /org/service-profile/vnic # show Specifies the usNIC connection policy reference for the usnic-conn-policy-refusnic connection policy reference vNIC that you want to use. name Step 5 UCS-A /org/service-profile/vnic # delete Deletes the specified usNIC connection policy reference. usnic-conn-policy-refusnic connection policy reference name Step 6 UCS-A /org/service-profile/vnic/usnic-conn-policy-ref* Commits the transaction to the system configuration. # commit-buffer This example shows how to modify Cisco usNIC properties: Server # scope service-profile server 1/1 Server /org/service-profile # show vnic vNIC: Name Fabric ID Dynamic MAC Addr Virtualization Preference ------------------ --------- ------------------ ------------------------eth0 A 00:25:B5:00:00:8F SRIOV USNIC eth1 A 00:25:B5:00:00:9F NONE eth2 A Derived NONE Server /org/service-profile # scope vnic eth0 Server /org/service-profile/vnic # show usnic-conn-policy-ref USNIC Connection Policy Reference: USNIC Connection Policy Name ---------------------------usnic0 Server /org/service-profile/vnic # delete usnic-conn-policy-ref usnic0 Server /org/service-profile/vnic* # commit-buffer Server /org/service-profile/vnic # exit Installing Linux Drivers for Cisco usNIC The following section lists the contents of the Cisco usNIC build folder that is included in the UCS Drivers ISO bundle. Documentation about known issues and installation instructions (README) for Cisco usNIC are also included in the build folder. Note To prevent the OS from swapping out the memory that is allocated to the usNIC applications, the installation software increases the locked memory system setting of the OS to Unlimited. 9 • kmod-usnic_verbs-—Linux kernel verbs driver for the usNIC feature of the Cisco VIC SR-IOV Ethernet NIC. • libusnic_usnic_verbs-—User space library libibverbs plugin for usNIC. • kmod-enic-—OOB Linux kernel driver for Enic; must be copied to parent folder (one level above installation files for Cisco usNIC) for installer script to work properly. • openmpi-cisco-1.6.5cisco1.0.2.120-1.x86 _64.rpm—Cisco usNIC Open MPI—Open MPI with the Cisco usNIC BTL MPI transport. • usnic_tools-—Utility programs for usNIC. •—Scripts for installing the usNIC packages listed in the section. •—Script for uninstalling the usNIC packages listed in the section. Before You Begin Make sure that you have configured the Cisco usNIC properties in the Cisco UCS Manager (UCSM). For more information about how to configure the properties, see Configuring Cisco usNIC in Cisco UCS Manager, on page 4. You must also make sure that the host OS (RHEL 6.4 ) on which you want to install Cisco usNIC has a supported version of the Cisco Enic driver installed. The Cisco Enic driver is the Linux kernel networking driver for the Cisco VIC SR-IOV Ethernet NIC. Procedure Step 1 #./ Execute the installer script from the directory where the installation files are located for Cisco usNIC and then add the output of the installer script to the parent folder (one level above where installation files are located for Ciusco usNIC. Note You require admin privileges to execute the script at the root (#) prompt. Step 2 Add the output of the installer script to the parent folder (one level above where installation files are located for Cisco usNIC. This is required for a successful installation. Step 3 # chkconfig rdma on Enables rdma and, once enabled, it will be started automatically after a system reboot. Step 4 # service rdma start Verify that the rdma service is started. This service is required for the usnic_verbs kernel module. Step 5 Reboot your server for the installation changes to take effect. If you do not want to reboot your server, you can manually load the kernel modules. For more information about how to load the modules, see Manually Loading the Kernel Modules for Cisco usNIC, on page 10. Manually Loading the Kernel Modules for Cisco usNIC If you do not want to reboot your server, you can manually load the Cisco usNIC kernel modules by using the following steps. 10 Procedure Step 1 Command or Action Purpose # rmmod enic Unloads the existing Enic driver module. Note Make sure that you are not logged into the OS using the network, for example, via SSH. Otherwise, your network connection might get permanently disconnected. Alternatively, you can log in to the server using the UCSM KVM to perform this step. Step 2 # modprobe enic Loads the Enic driver module. Step 3 # modprobe usnic_verbs Loads the usnic_verbs driver module. Uninstalling Linux Drivers for Cisco usNIC Procedure Step 1 # /opt/cisco/usnic/bin/ Execute the uninstaller script from the bin folder in the directory where the Cisco usNIC installation files are located. Step 2 Reboot your Cisco UCS server. You must reboot the server for the changes to take effect. Verifying the Cisco usNIC Installation After you install the required Linux drivers for Cisco usNIC, perform the following procedure at the Linux prompt to make sure that the installation completed successfully. Procedure Step 1 Search for and list all kernel modules that have usnic_verbs in their names to verify that the kernel module was loaded during the OS driver installation. $ lsmod | grep usnic_verbs The following details are displayed when you enter the $ lsmod | grep usnic_verbs command. The kernel modules listed on your console may differ based on the modules that you have currently loaded in your OS. usnic_verbs 78776 0 ib_core 73747 13 ib_ipoib,rdma_ucm,ib_ucm,ib_uverbs,ib_umad,rdma_cm,ib_cm,iw_cm,ib_sa,ib_mad, 11 iw_cxgb4,iw_cxgb3,usnic_verbs enic 67741 1 usnic_verbs Step 2 View the configuration of Cisco usNIC-enabled NICs. $ ibv_devinfo The following section is a brief example of the results that are displayed when you execute the ibv_devinfo command. The results may differ based on your current installations. When the results are displayed on your console, make sure that the state for each of the listed ports are shown as PORT_ACTIVE. The following example shows two ports (usnic_1 and usnic_0) that are configured on a Cisco UCS VIC adapter adapter. If you configured only one usNIC-enabled vNIC, you will see a listing for only usnic_0. Note The ibv_devinfo command displays the value for the transport parameter as iWARP. However, Cisco usNIC does not utilize the iWARP transport. hca_id: usnic_1 transport: node_guid: sys_image_guid: vendor_id: vendor_part_id: hw_ver: board_id: phys_port_cnt: port: 1 state: max_mtu: active_mtu: sm_lid: port_lid: port_lmc: link_layer: hca_id: usnic_0 transport: node_guid: sys_image_guid: vendor_id: vendor_part_id: hw_ver: board_id: phys_port_cnt: port: 1 state: max_mtu: active_mtu: sm_lid: port_lid: port_lmc: link_layer: Step 3 iWARP (1) 0200:00ff:fe00:0000 2657:20ff:fe6f:1100 0x1137 207 0x2 133 1 PORT_ACTIVE (4) 4096 (5) 4096 (5) 0 0 0x01 Ethernet iWARP (1) 0200:00ff:fe00:0000 2657:20ff:fe6f:1000 0x1137 207 0x2 133 1 PORT_ACTIVE (4) 4096 (5) 4096 (5) 0 0 0x01 Ethernet Verify that the rdma is on. This service is required for loading the usnic_verbs kernel module. # chkconfig --level 2345 rdma on Step 4 Run the usnic_verbs_check script to view the installed RPMs and their versions. $ /opt/cisco/usnic/bin/usnic_verbs_check If any errors occurred during the OS driver installation, warnings are generated. If the usnic_verbs module failed to load, the following brief example shows the warnings that are generated: $ rmmod usnic_verbs $ /opt/cisco/usnic/bin/usnic_verbs_check enic RPM version installed usnic_verbs RPM version installed WARNING: usnic_verbs module not loaded libusnic_verbs RPM version installed Open MPI RPM version 1.6.5cisco1.0.2.120-1 installed 12 WARNING: No usnic verbs devices found WARNING: No usnic verbs devices found 3 warnings Step 5 Verify that the Cisco usNIC network packets are being transmitted correctly between the client and server hosts: a) Determine the name of the Ethernet interface associated with the Cisco usNIC on the server host. <server>$ cat /sys/class/infiniband/usnic_0/config | grep eth usnic_0: 0000:07:0.0, eth1, 00:25:b5:c1:b3:10, 32 VFs b) Determine the IP address for the Ethernet interface. <server>$ ip addr show dev eth4 | grep "inet[^6]" inet brd scope global eth4 c) Run the ibv_ud_pingpong program on the server host. <server>$ ibv_ud_pingpong -g 0 -d usnic_0 -s 200 Set the -g flag, which specifies the GID, to 0 for usNIC. For more information about the command line options used with the ibv_ud_pingpong program, see the ibv_ud_pingpong(1) man page. d) Execute the ibv_ud_pingpong program on the client host by using the IP address that corresponds to the usNIC on the server host. <client>$ ibv_ud_pingpong -g 0 -d usnic_0 -s 200 The following example shows the results that are displayed when you run the ibv_ud_pingpong program. Server-side: <server>$ ibv_ud_pingpong -g 0 -d usnic_0 -s 200 local address: LID 0x0000, QPN 0x000001, PSN 0x38ffcb: GID fe80::2657:20ff:fe6f:1000 remote address: LID 0x0000, QPN 0x000001, PSN 0x3a9e22, GID fe80::b2fa:ebff:fe72:84fd 400000 bytes in 0.01 seconds = 637.70 Mbit/sec 1000 iters in 0.01 seconds = 5.02 usec/iter Client-side: <client>$ ibv_ud_pingpong -g 0 -d usnic_0 -s 200 local address: LID 0x0000, QPN 0x000001, PSN 0x3a9e22: GID fe80::b2fa:eb ff:fe72:84fd remote address: LID 0x0000, QPN 0x000001, PSN 0x38ffcb, GID fe80::2657:20 ff:fe6f:1000 400000 bytes in 0.01 seconds = 617.40 Mbit/sec 1000 iters in 0.01 seconds = 5.18 usec/iter Step 6 Download, compile, and execute the ring_c test program to validate that the MPI traffic is correctly transmitted between the client and server hosts. You can obtain the ring_c test program from this link: c.c. The following example shows how to use the wget utility to obtain, compile, and execute the ring_c. Alternatively, you can use other methods of obtaining and running the test program. $ wget --2013-08-06 15:27:33-- Resolving Connecting to||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2418 (2.4K) [text/plain] Saving to: “ring_c.c” 100%[======================================>] 2,418 --.-K/s in 0s Last-modified header invalid -- time-stamp ignored. 2013-08-06 15:27:33 (10.7 MB/s) - “ring_c.c” saved [2418/2418] $ mpicc ring_c.c -o ring_c [no output] 13 $ mpiexec Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 0 Process 2 Process 1 Process 3 --host host1,host2 -n 4 ./ring_c sending 10 to 1, tag 201 (4 processes in ring) sent to 1 decremented value: 9 decremented value: 8 decremented value: 7 decremented value: 6 decremented value: 5 decremented value: 4 decremented value: 3 decremented value: 2 decremented value: 1 decremented value: 0 exiting exiting exiting exiting ... If the ibv_ud_pingpong program and the ring_c program executed successfully, you should now be able to run MPI applications over usNIC. 14 © 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Asia Pacific Headquarters Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Europe Headquarters Cisco Systems International BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco Website at
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