BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research BCP Securities Eastern European Corporate Weekly October 29, 2014 Eastern European Corporate News and Commentary Russia VimpelCom (VIP): This week media reports appeared that VimpelCom (Ba3/BB/-), a leading global telecom company with main assets in Russia, continues its talks with Hutchison Whampoa regarding Wind. Complete details are not available, however it was reported that a full sale of Wind is not likely. Wind’s high indebtedness may also play a role in making or breaking the deal. In Italy, Wind is the third largest telecom company with after Telecom Italia and Vodafone, and the fourth largest Italian telecom company is Three, a subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa. In 2Q14, VimpelCom’s Italian business contributed 29% of revenue and 27% of EBITDA, while its sales declined organically 9% y/y. Wind is the most indebted among VimpelCom’s assets – it carries almost half of the company’s consolidated debt (US$14 billion out of US$29 billion at the end of 2Q14). Wind’s high debt burden monopolizes VimpelCom’s cash flow, which otherwise could have been used for developing the company’s Russian market, where the company has been losing its ground to its competitors, MTS and MegaFon. In case the deal goes through, we would not be surprised if VimpelCom deconsolidate its Italian asset. The news, in our view, is positive for the company’s Eurobonds. During the first half of the year, VimpelCom completed the optimization of its expensive Italian debt: Wind’s Eurobonds were refinanced via a new US$8 billion issue; this exercise would allow VimpelCom to save ~US$400 million annually. Before the end of this year, VimpelCom is poised to receive US$4 billion (including dividends) from the sale of a 51% stake in its Algerian asset, Djezzy. The company plans to use the funds to further reduce its debt burden, which would also yield an estimated annual savings of ~US$300 million in interest payments. In our view, the sale, even partial, of Wind assets would improve the company’s credit portfolio and allow the company to reach its net leverage goal faster. Among the company’s Eurobonds, we prefer VIP 18s (YTM of ~ 6.9%) and VIP 21s (YTM of ~7.5%), which are trading with a premium of 40bps and 25bps, respectively, to the company’s own yield curve. The company plans to release its 3Q14 IFRS financials on November 12, 2014. MTS (MOBTEL): On October 27, 2014, MTS, the leading telecommunications provider in Russia and the CIS, announced that it has signed an agreement with Sberbank to open a non-revolving line of credit for a total amount of RUB50 billion (~US$1.18 billion) with a maturity in September 2021 and has amended terms of an existing credit agreement in the amount of RUB20 billion (~US$471 million). The latter facility was obtained in April 2014 with an original maturity in July 2015; the maturity was amended to September 2017. Evraz (EVRAZ): This week Evraz North America is conducting a road show in support of its US$500 million Eurobond. Earlier, Evraz said that it may consider filing for an IPO and issuing Eurobonds via its North American subsidiary: Evraz North America filed for an IPO on September 26, 2014. The company plans to use the proceeds to redeem part of a subordinated loan from another part of the Evraz group. The bonds with a five year maturity and a call feature in two and a half years will be 144a only and senior secured. Norilsk Nickel (GMKNRM): Last week, Norilsk Nickel said that an interim dividend may be in the amount of US$2.78 billion. The company will hold an EGM on October 31, 2014. TMK (TRUBRU): On October 28, 2014, Reuters reported that TMK (B+/B1/-), a global pipe producer, is considering an IPO of its North American subsidiary (TMK-IPSCO), which consists of ten pipe producing facilities, and was acquired by the company in 2008-2009 for US$1.6 billion. Earlier the company announced its plans of an additional share issue in Russia. There were earlier reports that TMK intends to issue 6% in additional shares specifically for Rosnano, and use the raised funds for the optimization of its debt portfolio. Reportedly, the company plans to raise US$1 billion between the two share issues. Mr. Dmitry Pumpyansky, Chairman of TMK, confirmed the company’s plans to lower its net leverage to 2.5x by the end of 2016/beginning 2017 from a current ratio of 3.63.8x. TMK, which sells ~4.5 million tons of steel pipes annually to oil and natural gas producers, in some ways BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research benefitted from Russia’s chilled relationship with the West: due to sanctions, many international producers stopped supplying Russia and the company received additional orders. Plus, strengthened ties with China expedited the construction of the US$20 billion Power of Siberia (PoS) natural gas pipeline (Gazprom’s project). The PoS will need a lot of pipes to be up and running in two years and TMK hopes to supply ~20-25% of the required 2.5 million ton amount. Another important client of TMK is Transneft, Russian pipeline monopoly, which would require ~500,000 tons of pipes for the next 5-6 years (TMK supplies 25% of Transneft’s pipes and intends to keep its market share). TMK also sees a strong demand in the US from shale gas producers. Promsvyazbank (PROMBK): On October 28, 2014, Moody’s confirmed the rating of Promsvyazbank at ‘Ba3’ with a negative outlook. The rating affirmation by the agency reflects an easing in the negative credit factors at the bank during the second and third quarters of 2014, namely: (1) the bank’s ability to strengthen its capital base as planned (For the first nine months of 2014, the bank added US$533 million to its capital position. As a result, Tier I CAR and Total CAR rose to 8.71% and 13.38%, respectively, in 2Q14 from 8.5% and 13.0%, respectively, in 1Q14. The bank’s plan for the year is to add US$700 million to its capital position and PSB is quite certain that it would be able to deliver); (2) lifting pressure on the bank’s asset quality—NPLs (90+ days) were at 10.8% at the end of 2Q14 vs. 11.4% at the end of 1Q14; and (3) the stabilization of its earning-generating capacity—following two consecutive loss-making quarters (4Q13 and 1Q14), the bank returned to profitability in 2Q14, albeit with a low ROAA of 0.15%. The rating’s negative outlook is a result of the “challenging operating environment” of Russia. Phosagro (PHORRU): On October 23, 2014, Phosagro, a leading global vertically integrated producer of phosphatebased fertilizers, reported its 9M14 operating results. During the first nine months of the year, the company’s production grew 5.6% y/y whilst its sales grew 4.3%. The nitrogen-based fertilizers performed the best with production up by 12.2% y/y to 1,033 kmt and sales up by 16.1% to 1,080 kmt during the same period of time. Production of apatit declined slightly 3.2% to 6,409 kmt, but the sales plummeted 15.7% during the same period of time to 2,557 kmt. The production of phosphate-based fertilizers was moderately up - +3.8% to 3,556 kmt; whilst sales saw a minimal increase of 1.1% during the same period to 3,518 kmt. Phosagro’s production facilities continue to operate at near-100% capacity. The company reported a solid demand within the first three quarters of 2014, which has enabled it to increase substantially its sales of both phosphate- and nitrogen-based fertilizers. The company continues to adapt its product mix in response to demand (seasonal) and the pricing environment, which has significantly improved from last year, increasing to over US$500 during the summer before softening slightly towards the end September on the back of low crop prices. Nonetheless, the price of a tonne of DAP (FOB Tampa) remains 30% higher than it was in mid-October last year at US$470 per tonne now vs. US$360 per tonne a year ago. Fitch on Russian Banks: On October 28, 2014, Fitch downgraded three banks in Russia; while affirming the ratings of three other Russian banks. Home Credit & Finance Bank (HCBF) saw its rating downgraded to ‘BB’ from ‘BB-‘; and the ratings of Russian Standard Bank (RSB) and Orient Express Bank (OEB) were downgraded to ‘B’ from ‘B+’. All three outlooks are negative. The rating of OTP Bank Russia was affirmed at ‘BB’ and the ratings of Tinkoff Credit Systems and Sovcombank were affirmed at ‘B+’, all with stable outlooks. According to the agency, the downgrades of HCFB, RSB and OEB reflect a loss-making performance of the three banks, the weakest among other Russian banks, as well as pressure on regulatory capital, especially, at RSB. The negative outlook on these three banks reflect the potential for asset quality and performance to remain weak, given the slowdown in the Russian economy, further eroding capital. The affirmation of TCS reflects its profitable performance to date, driven by significantly less severe asset quality deterioration and higher loan yields. The stable outlook reflects Fitch's view that they should be able to contain credit losses at levels that allow them to remain profitable, or at least avoid significant erosion of capital. TCS's ratings are also supported by high capital ratios. Fitch also published a special report on Russian consumer finance bank, which expresses agency’s opinion on the sector. Fitch anticipates lower profitability, capital ratios under pressure and tighter regulatory oversight on a backdrop of weaker macro environment. Russia (RUSSIA): On October 24, 2014, S&P confirmed Russia’s ‘BBB-‘ rating with a negative outlook. The agency expects that the Russian economy will grow ~1.0% every year until 2018, but is concerned about the asset quality of the country’s financial system. Russia has benefitted for a prolonged period of high oil prices and fiscal discipline; however, the rating agency underlines the country’s overreliance on hydrocarbons. A week earlier, on October 17, 2014, Moody’s downgraded the rating of Russia to ‘Baa2’ from ‘Baa1’ with a negative outlook (one notch above the S&P’s rating). BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Ukraine Ukraine (UKRAINE): On October 26, 2014, Ukraine held its parliamentary elections, which did not include the country’s eastern regions and the Crimea. The Ukrainian Parliament consists of 423 seats, of which 225 are elected under the party voting lists and 198 are elected under geographical area voting. According to the exit polls, the western oriented parties did well: the Poroshenko Bloc leads with 22-24% of the popular vote, closely followed by the Prime Minister Yatsenyuk party the People’s Front with 20-22%. The Samopomich (Selfhelp) party of Mr. Andriy Sadovyi, the Mayor of Lviv, is in third place with 11-14%. The outcome appears to indicate that the partnership between the president and prime minister will continue and a new cabinet should be formed quickly. Mriya (MRIYA): On October 24, 2014, Mriya, a Ukrainian agricultural company with main assets located in Western Ukraine (the Tirnopol region), held a meeting with its creditors in Kyiv (Ukraine). The meeting commenced at 1:00pm local time (6am NY Time) and lasted for just over two hours before the phone connection was interrupted. The meeting was led by the company’s new CFO, Mr. Alexander Chernyavsky, who was hired just over a month ago after the company’s CFO, Mr. Andriy Buryak had resigned from his position in early August 2014. Alexander Chernyakovsky came to Mriya from Ukrtelecom and has a vast experience in debt restructuring and successful negotiations with creditors – during the last financial crisis (2008), Mr. Chernyakovksy managed cost optimization of Interpipe, and in 2011 Mr. Chernyavsky, who at the time managed finances of a group owned by Mr. Viktor Pinchuk, signed an US$887 million debt restructuring agreement. Mr. Chernyakovsky started by saying that the company understands the problem, recognizes its obligation and is committed to finding a solution. In early August 2014, Mriya announced that its financial condition deteriorated, which required steps for restoration of its financial viability. Mriya worked with Deloitte to come up with the plan. Key Points: (1) Keep the company running – the company had to choose either to pay its debt or continue working (the company employs thousands people after all), and chose the latter. Mriya was affected by a 46% drop in grain prices, but beside grain, the company is also involved in growing potatoes and sugar beets, both of which are primarily for domestic market. Both potato and sugar beet growing are very capital intensive, and sugar plans are very energy intensive and affected by natural gas prices. Basically, the company is dealing with a perfect storm, when a number of negative factors came together at the same time: geopolitical situation in the region, unstable political and economic environment, drop in global grain prices; (2) Modernization of the business structure – the company, which was created more than 20 years ago, has a very complex structure: multiple businesses and assets (grain, sugar assets, potato business, trading arm, etc.) in various sectors. The goal is to bring them all into one group, to simplify and streamline the company’s structure. (3) Restructuring – according to the company, the restructuring process will take at least one year, so, tentatively, the restructuring day is October 1, 2015. Before the restructuring process can be officially started, the company needs to re-organize itself into a group and produce audited financial statement. Presently, the group is not consolidated. (4) Treating of creditors – the company’s goal is to preserve itself and to stay alive; thus, the plan, which includes a normalization of capital structure, i.e. haircut, is as follows: (a) Bi-lateral lenders: will be paid interest at 1.75%; (b) Leasing companies: no haircut, amortization over five year period starting next year; (c) Bondholders and ECP holders: 66% haircut, 10-year maturity extension and a 10% annual coupon. The company proposed: (i) Implement moratorium on individual adgendas for the period of negotiations – let the company survive and keep the costs down (the company budgeted US$10 million for its restructuring costs). Mriya also created a Dataroom for the purpose of disclosing information to the bondholders, who by registering in the Dataroom agree to act only after consulting with the company; (ii) Organizing a Creditors’ Committee to properly represent creditors and efficiently work with the company’s management – an informal committee has been already organized and wrote to the company, but did not receive answers. The company wants to see a formal Creditors’ Committee with lawyers and advisors on board; (iii) Consolidation – For the next nine months, the company will focus on consolidating and creating of the group, following which it will produce its audited financials. The company does not plan to publish management accounts in the meantime as they do not reflect the actual order of things. This is only the beginning, but our first impression is a disappointing one. Avangard (AVINPU): On October 24, 2014, Avangard, Ukraine’s largest egg and egg products producer, announced its 9M14 operating results. Laying Hens: The company’s total poultry flock was down 18% y/y to 25.9 million birds, whilst the amount of laying hens decreased by 25% to 18.5 million birds. This was previously disclosed by the company and was due to the ongoing unrests in the Eastern part of the country: the company decided against the renewal of poultry flock at the farms located in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Fresh Eggs: the company BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research produced 5.114 billion eggs (-0.1% y/y) with the sale to third parties declining 6% y/y and the export sales soaring 32% y/y; average prices grew 9% y/y. The company sold 36% of its total sales to the third parties via retail chains under the “Kvochka” brand. Egg Products: the company increased the processing of fresh eggs by 20% y/y to 1.518 billion pieces, as a result of which the production of dry egg products increased by 15% y/y to 17,739 tons. In August 2014, Avangard received Kosher certification on its fresh eggs and egg products, and presently the company is working on its first shipment to Israel. At the end of September 2014, Avangard’s Imperovo Foods received a certificate allowing it to export its egg products to the EU countries. Ukreximbank (EXIMUK): Recently, Ukreximbank, Ukraine’s second largest state bank and the third largest bank in the country overall, released its 9M14 results under the local accounting standards. At the end of 3Q14, the bank’s assets were UAH131.5 billion (+40% YTD). This sizable growth was thanks to a 32% YTD expansion of the bank’s loan portfolio, which is dominated by corporate loans. At the end of the reporting period, the bank had a sizable liquidity cushion of US$5.6 billion, including US$1.12 billion in cash and equivalents, vs. US$1.48 billion in Eurobond debt. The bank’s Eurobond with the shortest maturity EXIMUK 15 was featured in our recent BCP Securities Quarterly as a part of a swap recommendation: UKRAINE 15s into EXIMUK 15s. Turkey Yasar (YASAR): This week, Yasar (B2/-/B), a Turkish dairy and paint producer, announced its road show in support of a possible Eurobond placement. Presently, the company has one Eurobond outstanding – a US$250 million paper with maturity in October 2015. BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Russia Banks Indicative Prices -- Russian Banks Name AK BARS BANK 8.75% 15 AK BARS BANK 8% 22 ABH FINANCIAL 4% 18 CHF ABH FINANCIAL 5.5% 17 EUR ALFA MTN ISS 8% 15 ALFA BANK 7.875% 17 ALFA BANK 6.3% 17 (callable) ALFA BANK 7.5% 19 ALFA BANK 7.75% 21 BANK OF MOSCOW 6.699% 15 BANK OF MOSCOW 5.967% 15 (callable) BANK OF MOSCOW 6.02% 17 (callable) BANK ST PETERSBU 7.63% 17 (callable) BANK ST PETERSBU 11% 18 BANK ST PETERSBU 10.75% 19 CREDIT BANK OF M 7.7% 18 CREDIT BANK OF M 8.7% 18 CEB CAPITAL SA 8.5% 19 EURASIAN DEV 4.767% 22 GAZPROMBANK 6.25% 14 GAZPROMBANK 6.5% 15 GAZPROMBANK 7.35% 16 GAZPROMBANK 5.625% 17 GAZPROMBANK 3.984% 18 EUR GAZPROMBANK 7.496% 23 (callable) GAZPROMBANK 7.875% perp (callable) GPB EUROBOND 4% 16 CNY HCFB LLC 9.375% 20 (callable) HCFB LLC 10.5% 21 (callable) INTL INDUST BANK 9% 11 EUR IIB LUXEMBOURG 11% 13 MOSCOW BK R&D 7.93% 16 (callable) NOMOS BANK 8.75% 15 NOMOS BANK 7.25% 18 BANK OTKRITIE 10% 19 PROBUSINESSBANK 11.75% 16 PROMSVYAZBK 12.75% 15 PROMSVYAZBK 11.25% 16 PROMSVYAZBK 8.5% 17 PROMSVYAZBK 10.2% 19 PROMSVYAZBK 10.5% 21 PROMSVYAZBK 10.5% 21 RENAISSANCE SEC 11% 16 (putable) CB RENCAP 7.75% 16 CB RENCAP 13.5% 18 CB RENCAP 13.5% 19 OJSC RUSS AGRIC 6.299% 17 29-Oct-14 Ticker AKBARS AKBARS ABHFIN ABHFIN ALFARU ALFARU ALFARU ALFARU ALFARU BKMOSC BKMOSC BKMOSC STPETE STPETE STPETE CRBKMO CRBKMO FCFIN EURDEV GPBRU GPBRU GPBRU GPBRU GPBRU GPBRU GPBRU GPBRU HCFBRU HCFBRU IIBRU IIBRU MBRDRU NMOSRM NMOSRM NMOSRM PROBUS PROMBK PROMBK PROMBK PROMBK PROMBK PROMBK RENSEC RCCF RCCF RCCF RSHB Coupon Maturity 8.75% 8% 4% 5.5% 8% 7.875% 6.3% 7.5% 7.75% 6.699% 5.967% 6.02% 7.63% 11% 10.75% 7.7% 8.7% 8.5% 4.767% 6.25% 6.5% 7.35% 5.625% 3.984% 7.496% 7.875% 4% 9.375% 10.5% 9% 11% 7.93% 8.75% 7.25% 10% 11.75% 12.75% 11.25% 8.5% 10.2% 10.5% 10.5% 11% 7.75% 13.5% 13.5% 6.299% 11/19/2015 7/13/2022 1/16/2018 6/10/2017 3/18/2015 9/25/2017 2/22/2017 9/26/2019 4/28/2021 3/11/2015 11/25/2015 5/10/2017 7/25/2017 10/24/2018 4/22/2019 2/1/2018 11/13/2018 11/15/2019 9/20/2022 12/15/2014 9/23/2015 5/8/2016 5/17/2017 10/30/2018 12/28/2023 Perpetual 2/24/2016 4/24/2020 4/19/2021 7/6/2011 2/19/2013 3/10/2016 10/21/2015 4/25/2018 4/26/2019 5/10/2016 5/27/2015 7/8/2016 4/25/2017 11/6/2019 3/17/2021 7/30/2021 4/21/2016 5/31/2016 6/21/2018 5/22/2019 5/15/2017 Rating ( M / S&P / F ) B1 / / BB/ /B / BB- / BB+ / BB- / BB+ Ba1 / BB+ / BBBBa1 / BB+ / BBBBa3 / BB- / BB+ Ba3 / BB- / BB+ Ba1 / BB+ / BBBBa1 / / WD Ba3 / / WD Ba3 / / WD B1 / / WD B1 / / WD / / B+ B1 / BB- / BB / / BBB1 / / B+ A3 / BBB / WD Ba1 / BBB- / BBBBa1 / BBB- / BBBBa1 / / BBBBa1 / BBB- / BBBBa1 / BBB- / BBB/ / BBNR Ba1 / BBB- / BBBB2 / / B+ / / B+ / / WD / / WD B2 / / B1 / / WD Ba3 / / WD B1 / / WD / /B B1 / / B+ B1 / / B+ Ba3 / / BBB1 / / B+ NR / / B+ B3 / B / B B3 / B / WD Caa1 / / WD NR Ba1 / / BBB- Price Bid Px Bid 100.750 83.500 104.750 99.750 101.000 104.000 98.000 98.750 100.750 100.625 99.750 95.250 90.000 95.500 98.500 97.750 85.000 101.000 97.125 100.250 101.750 103.375 99.750 94.500 94.500 94.250 95.125 83.000 85.000 3.000 0.500 75.000 100.500 94.375 98.000 82.000 102.500 102.750 101.000 91.750 94.625 94.250 97.500 86.500 70.250 65.000 100.125 Yield Ask Px Ask 102.500 84.625 105.375 100.750 101.750 105.000 99.250 99.750 101.750 101.125 100.750 97.250 94.000 98.000 103.000 98.500 90.000 104.000 97.750 100.750 102.375 104.750 101.000 95.625 96.000 96.000 96.125 88.000 88.000 3.000 3.500 80.000 101.500 95.500 100.000 88.000 103.500 104.000 102.500 94.250 96.250 95.250 99.500 88.500 76.000 78.000 101.000 Bid % Ask % 7.984% 11.25% 2.441% 5.590% 5.289% 6.340% 7.249% 7.808% 7.601% 4.768% 6.206% 8.135% 12.01% 12.46% 11.18% 8.499% 13.65% 8.251% 5.223% 4.142% 4.481% 4.962% 5.730% 5.556% 8.391% 8.963% 8.004% 13.80% 14.10% 6.253% 11.007% 2.244% 5.171% 3.345% 5.970% 6.650% 7.559% 7.406% 3.383% 5.232% 7.229% 10.188% 11.640% 9.903% 8.228% 11.888% 7.530% 5.117% 0.242% 3.777% 4.045% 5.199% 5.225% 8.148% 8.795% 7.082% 12.355% 13.322% 31.93% 8.201% 9.179% 10.57% 26.86% 8.181% 9.430% 8.047% 12.45% 11.71% 11.74% 12.90% 17.89% 26.74% 27.37% 6.237% 26.303% 7.126% 8.793% 9.999% 21.351% 6.431% 8.636% 7.380% 11.748% 11.336% 11.524% 11.372% 16.263% 23.661% 21.254% 5.873% Spread Bid SPREAD Ask 785 920 243 562 526 553 669 630 573 474 607 748 1128 1128 982 756 1244 671 314 413 439 463 507 551 786 885 464 1490 1224 613 895 228 520 332 516 609 605 554 338 510 658 945 1045 854 729 1068 599 304 23 369 373 454 518 741 823 374 1282 1146 3170 809 816 920 2659 812 910 741 1092 987 982 1265 1760 2567 2598 558 2608 702 778 863 2108 638 831 675 1021 949 960 1112 1597 2259 1986 522 BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Russia Banks (cont) Indicative Prices -- Russian Banks Name 29-Oct-14 Ticker Coupon Maturity OJSC RUSS AGRIC 5.298% 17 OJSC RUSS AGRIC 7.75% 18 OJSC RUSS AGRIC 6% 21 (callable) RSHB RSHB RSHB 5.298% 7.75% 6% 12/27/2017 5/29/2018 6/3/2021 OJSC RUSS AGRIC 8.5% 23 AK BARS BANK 8.75% 15 RSHB AKBARS 8.5% 8.75% 10/16/2023 11/19/2015 RUSSIAN STAND BK 7.561% 16 (callable) RUSSIAN STAND BK 9.25% 17 (putable) RUSSIAN STAND BK 10.75% 18 RUSSIAN STAND BK 11.5% 24 (callable) SBERBANK 5.499% 15 SBERBANK 5.4% 17 SBERBANK 4.95% 17 SBERBANK 5.717% 21 SBERBANK 3.3524% 19 EUR SBERBANK 6.125% 22 SBERBANK 5.125% 22 SBERBANK 5.25% 23 SBERBANK 5.5% 24 (callable) VTB BANK 9.5% perp (callable) TKS BANK 10.75% 15 TINKOFF CREDIT 14% 18 ORIENT EXPR BNK 12% 19 VEB (VEB-LEAS) 5.125% 16 VEB FINANCE PLC 3.75% 16 CHF TATFONDBANK 11% 17 (putable) TRANSCAPITALBANK 7.74% 17 (callable) VEB FINANCE PLC 5.375% 17 VEB FINANCE PLC 5.45% 17 VEB FINANCE PLC 4.224% 18 VEB FINANCE PLC 6.902% 20 VEB FINANCE PLC 6.025% 22 VEB FINANCE PLC 5.942% 23 VEB FINANCE PLC 6.8% 25 VTB BANK 6.465% 15 IND & CON BANK 5.01% 15 (callable) VTB BANK 6% 17 VTB BANK 6.875% 18 (putable) VTB BANK 6.315% 18 VTB BANK 6.551% 20 VTB BANK 6.95% 22 VTB BANK 6.25% 35 (putable) VNESHPROMBANK 9% 16 URAL BK REC&DEV 12% 18 RUSB RUSB RUSB RUSB SBERRU SBERRU SBERRU SBERRU SBERRU SBERRU SBERRU SBERRU SBERRU VTB AKBHC AKBHC VOSEXP VEBBNK VEBBNK TATFON TRACAP VEBBNK VEBBNK VEBBNK VEBBNK VEBBNK VEBBNK VEBBNK VTB VTB VTB VTB VTB VTB VTB VTB FEIBNK UBRIR 7.561% 9.25% 10.75% 11.5% 5.499% 5.4% 4.95% 5.717% 3.3524% 6.125% 5.125% 5.25% 5.5% 9.5% 10.75% 14% 12% 5.125% 3.75% 11% 7.74% 5.375% 5.45% 4.224% 6.902% 6.025% 5.942% 6.8% 6.465% 5.01% 6% 6.875% 6.315% 6.551% 6.95% 6.25% 9% 12% 12/1/2016 7/11/2017 4/10/2018 1/17/2024 7/7/2015 3/24/2017 2/7/2017 6/16/2021 11/15/2019 2/7/2022 10/29/2022 5/23/2023 2/26/2024 Perpetual 9/18/2015 6/6/2018 5/29/2019 5/27/2016 2/17/2016 4/28/2017 7/18/2017 2/13/2017 11/22/2017 11/21/2018 7/9/2020 7/5/2022 11/21/2023 11/22/2025 3/4/2015 9/29/2015 4/12/2017 5/29/2018 2/22/2018 10/13/2020 10/17/2022 6/30/2035 11/14/2016 12/27/2018 Rating ( M / S&P / F ) Ba1 / / BBBBa1 / / BBBB1 / / BB+ Price Bid Px Bid 97.250 103.750 92.000 Yield Ask Px Ask Bid % Ask % 98.000 104.500 93.500 6.279% 6.573% 8.562% 5.995% 6.304% 8.250% Spread Bid SPREAD Ask 538 553 1134 510 526 1024 NR B1 / / BB- 94.500 100.750 96.000 102.500 9.421% 7.984% 9.163% 6.253% 722 785 696 613 B3 / B- / B2 / B+ / B B3 / B- / BCaa1 / / BBaa2 / / BBB Baa2 / / BBB Baa2 / / BBB Baa2 / / BBB Baa2 / / BBB Baa2 / / BBB Ba1 / / BBB/ / BBB/ / BBBNR B2 / / B+ B3 / / B NR / BBB- / BBB / BBB- / BBB B2 / B / B2 / / / BBB- / BBB / BBB- / BBB / BBB- / BBB / BBB- / BBB / BBB- / BBB / BBB- / BBB / BBB- / BBB Baa3 / BBB- / WD Ba2 / / WD Baa3 / / WD Baa3 / BBB- / WD Baa3 / BBB- / WD Baa3 / BBB- / WD Ba2 / BB+ / WD Baa3 / BBB- / WD B2 / B+ / NR 80.000 96.000 80.000 70.000 101.375 101.000 100.125 97.375 93.625 99.250 89.250 87.500 89.250 91.375 99.750 98.000 90.000 99.875 96.125 99.000 80.000 100.250 99.875 92.500 101.750 96.500 94.750 99.000 100.500 98.625 100.000 102.000 100.375 100.000 95.375 101.000 91.500 80.000 90.000 98.000 85.500 83.000 101.750 101.625 100.750 98.875 94.625 100.750 91.250 88.500 90.500 92.625 101.500 102.000 97.000 100.750 96.750 101.500 92.000 101.125 100.750 94.500 103.125 98.000 95.500 100.000 101.000 100.000 100.625 102.875 101.375 101.500 96.625 101.625 93.875 95.000 19.69% 10.99% 18.90% 18.28% 3.431% 4.943% 4.915% 6.204% 4.795% 6.252% 6.896% 7.232% 7.120% 10.81% 10.96% 14.72% 15.09% 5.168% 6.980% 11.47% 17.26% 5.230% 5.474% 6.348% 6.526% 6.611% 6.724% 6.930% 4.776% 6.578% 5.998% 6.240% 6.184% 6.550% 7.738% 6.162% 13.92% 19.17% 13.190% 10.104% 16.420% 14.880% 2.828% 4.648% 4.617% 5.923% 4.576% 5.994% 6.548% 7.062% 6.923% 10.664% 8.921% 13.270% 12.880% 4.607% 6.399% 10.302% 11.238% 4.823% 5.162% 5.762% 6.239% 6.356% 6.609% 6.799% 3.656% 5.005% 5.721% 5.969% 5.849% 6.245% 7.520% 6.110% 12.490% 13.600% 1923 1538 1790 2168 336 435 437 430 462 424 480 508 721 904 1087 1366 1370 487 703 1198 1654 468 461 513 484 456 451 458 475 648 538 519 523 480 565 345 1348 1792 1273 1221 1542 1606 276 405 407 402 440 399 446 491 684 879 883 1222 1148 432 657 967 1051 427 430 455 455 430 440 445 363 491 511 492 489 450 543 339 1204 1235 BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Russia Corporates Indicative Prices -- Russian Corporates Name JSC SEVERSTAL 6.25% 16 SEVERSTAL OAO 6.7% 17 SEVERSTAL OAO 4.45% 18 SEVERSTAL OAO 5.9% 22 LUKOIL INTL FIN 6.375% 14 LUKOIL INTL FIN 6.356% 17 LUKOIL INTL FIN 7.25% 19 LUKOIL INTL FIN 6.125% 20 LUKOIL INTL FIN 6.656% 22 LENSPETSSMU CJSC 9.75% 15 (sinkable) ALLIANCE OIL CO 9.875% 15 ALLIANCE OIL CO 7% 20 ALROSA FINANCE 8.875% 14 ALROSA FINANCE 7.75% 20 BORETS FIN 7.625% 18 EVRAZ GROUP SA 8.25% 15 EVRAZ GROUP SA 7.4% 17 EVRAZ GROUP SA 9.5% 18 EVRAZ GROUP SA 6.75% 18 EVRAZ GROUP SA 6.5% 20 EUROCHEM M & C C 5.125% 17 EDC FINANCE LTD 4.875% 20 FAR EAST CPL LTD 8% 18 (callable) FAR EAST CPL LTD 8.75% 20 (callable) GAZPROM 5.364% 14 EUR GAZPROM 8.125% 15 EUR GAZPROM 5.875% 15 EUR GAZPROM 5.092% 15 GAZPROM 6.212% 16 GAZPROM 5.136% 17 EUR GAZPROM 5.44% 17 EUR GAZPROM 8.146% 18 GAZPROM 6.605% 18 EUR GAZPROM 9.25% 19 (putable) GAZPROM 3.6% 21 EUR GAZPROM 6.51% 22 GAZPROM 8.625% 34 (putable) GAZPROM 7.288% 37 GAZPROM NEFT 4.375% 22 GAZPROM NEFT 2.933% 18 EUR Ticker CHMFRU CHMFRU CHMFRU CHMFRU LUKOIL LUKOIL LUKOIL LUKOIL LUKOIL LENSP VOSTOK VOSTOK ALRSRU ALRSRU BORFIN EVRAZ EVRAZ EVRAZ EVRAZ EVRAZ EUCHEM EDCLLI FESHRU FESHRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU GAZPRU SIBNEF SIBNEF Coupon Maturity 6.25% 6.7% 4.45% 5.9% 6.375% 6.356% 7.25% 6.125% 6.656% 9.75% 9.875% 7% 8.875% 7.75% 7.625% 8.25% 7.4% 9.5% 6.75% 6.5% 5.125% 4.875% 8% 8.75% 5.364% 8.125% 5.875% 5.092% 6.212% 5.136% 5.44% 8.146% 6.605% 9.25% 3.6% 6.51% 8.625% 7.288% 4.375% 2.933% 7/26/2016 10/25/2017 3/19/2018 10/17/2022 11/5/2014 6/7/2017 11/5/2019 11/9/2020 6/7/2022 11/9/2015 3/11/2015 5/4/2020 11/17/2014 11/3/2020 9/26/2018 11/10/2015 4/24/2017 4/24/2018 4/27/2018 4/22/2020 12/12/2017 4/17/2020 5/2/2018 5/2/2020 10/31/2014 2/4/2015 6/1/2015 11/29/2015 11/22/2016 3/22/2017 11/2/2017 4/11/2018 2/13/2018 4/23/2019 2/26/2021 3/7/2022 4/28/2034 8/16/2037 9/19/2022 4/26/2018 Rating ( M / S&P / F ) Ba1 / BB+ / BB+ Ba1 / BB+ / BB+ / BB+ / BB+ Ba1 / BB+ / BB+ Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Baa2 / BBB- / BBB NR / / WD / / WD Ba3 / BB- / BB Ba3 / BB- / BB B1 / BB / B1 / B+ / BBB1 / B+ / BBB1 / B+ / BBB1 / B+ / BB/ B+ / BB/ BB / BB / BB+ / BB /B/B /B/B Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa1 / BBB- / BBB Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Price Bid 102.750 103.250 96.000 94.500 100.500 104.000 106.250 101.375 103.000 100.000 98.000 79.500 100.000 103.750 96.750 101.000 98.750 102.750 93.750 89.000 97.500 90.500 53.000 53.000 100.000 101.375 101.500 101.125 103.750 102.000 103.250 109.000 106.250 114.750 95.250 102.375 116.625 105.750 87.000 93.750 Yield Ask 103.500 103.750 96.750 95.500 101.000 105.000 107.250 102.375 104.000 105.000 102.750 82.000 101.500 104.750 98.500 102.000 99.750 103.750 94.750 89.625 98.500 91.750 56.000 58.000 100.250 101.875 102.000 103.125 105.750 103.250 104.250 110.000 107.250 115.500 96.125 103.375 117.125 106.750 89.000 95.250 Bid % 4.581% 5.504% 5.765% 6.805% -28.5% 4.702% 5.795% 5.850% 6.154% 9.743% 15.47% 12.21% 8.532% 6.975% 8.629% 7.219% 7.963% 8.569% 8.870% 9.093% 6.014% 6.996% 30.86% 24.87% 5.091% 2.698% 3.179% 4.014% 4.289% 4.226% 4.264% 5.255% 4.507% 5.491% 4.471% 6.102% 7.043% 6.787% 6.508% 4.922% Ask % 4.138% 5.325% 5.514% 6.636% -63.041% 4.303% 5.572% 5.654% 5.992% -0.956% 2.227% 11.499% -21.693% 6.774% 8.065% 6.208% 7.511% 8.239% 8.519% 8.936% 5.654% 6.703% 28.729% 22.397% -81.332% 0.923% 2.344% 2.149% 3.302% 3.680% 3.913% 4.953% 4.189% 5.316% 4.307% 5.935% 7.001% 6.705% 6.157% 4.429% 29-Oct-14 Spread Bid Ask 424 380 466 449 478 454 472 455 -2861 -6305 402 362 426 404 408 389 411 395 974 -107 1544 220 1057 985 852 -2170 521 501 747 690 710 609 733 688 755 723 785 750 745 729 513 477 536 506 2984 2771 2323 2075 511 -8130 271 95 319 237 387 201 383 285 426 372 428 393 425 395 450 419 413 395 414 398 409 392 437 433 399 391 443 408 491 442 BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Russia Corporates (cont) Indicative Prices -- Russian Corporates Name DME AIRPORT LTD 6% 18 GUNVOR GROUP 5.875% 18 KAZANORGSINTEZ 10% 15 KOKS OAO 7.75% 16 METALLOINVEST FI 6.5% 16 METALLOINVEST FI 5.625% 20 SISTEMA 6.95% 19 MOBILE TELE 8.625% 20 MOBILE TELE 5% 23 NOVATEK OAO 5.326% 16 NORD GOLD NV 6.375% 18 MMC NOR VIA MMC 4.375% 18 NOVATEK OAO 6.604% 21 NOVATEK OAO 4.422% 22 MMC NOR VIA MMC 4.375% 18 MMC NOR VIA MMC 5.55% 20 OJSC NOVOLIPETSK 4.45% 18 OJSC NOVOLIPETSK 4.95% 19 OJSC RASPADSKAYA 7.75% 17 POLYUS GOLD INT 5.625% 20 PHOSAGRO 4.204% 18 RZD CAPITAL PLC 5.739% 17 RZD CAPITAL PLC 5.7% 22 RZD CAPITAL PLC 4.6% 23 EUR RZD CAPITAL PLC 2.73% 21 CHF SIBUR SEC LTD 3.914% 18 SINEK CAPITAL 7.7% 15 (putable) SCF CAPITAL LTD 5.375% 17 BRUNSWICK RAIL 6.5% 17 TNK-BP FINANCE 6.25% 15 TNK-BP FINANCE 7.5% 16 TNK-BP FINANCE 6.625% 17 TNK-BP FINANCE 7.875% 18 TNK-BP FINANCE 7.25% 20 TRANSNEFT 8.7% 18 OAO TMK 7.75% 18 OAO TMK 6.75% 20 URALKALI OJSC 3.723% 18 VIMPELCOM 6.493% 16 VIMPELCOM 8.25% 16 VIMPELCOM HLDGS 6.2546% 17 VIMPELCOM 9.125% 18 VIMPELCOM HLDGS 5.2% 19 VIMPELCOM 7.748% 21 VIMPELCOM HLDGS 7.5043% 22 VIMPELCOM HLDGS 5.95% 23 Ticker DMEAIR GUNVOR KZOSRU KOKSRU METINR METINR AFKSRU MOBTEL MOBTEL NVTKRM NORDLI GMKNRM NVTKRM NVTKRM GMKNRM GMKNRM NLMKRU NLMKRU RASPAD PGILLN PHORRU RURAIL RURAIL RURAIL RURAIL SIBUR SINEK SCFRU RBNRL TMENRU TMENRU TMENRU TMENRU TMENRU TNEFT TRUBRU TRUBRU URKARM VIP VIP VIP VIP VIP VIP VIP VIP Coupon 6% 5.875% 10% 7.75% 6.5% 5.625% 6.95% 8.625% 5% 5.326% 6.375% 4.375% 6.604% 4.422% 4.375% 5.55% 4.45% 4.95% 7.75% 5.625% 4.204% 5.739% 5.7% 4.6% 2.73% 3.914% 7.7% 5.375% 6.5% 6.25% 7.5% 6.625% 7.875% 7.25% 8.7% 7.75% 6.75% 3.723% 6.493% 8.25% 6.2546% 9.125% 5.2% 7.748% 7.5043% 5.95% Maturity 11/26/2018 5/21/2018 3/19/2015 6/23/2016 7/21/2016 4/17/2020 5/17/2019 6/22/2020 5/30/2023 2/3/2016 5/7/2018 4/30/2018 2/3/2021 12/13/2022 4/30/2018 10/28/2020 2/19/2018 9/26/2019 4/27/2017 4/29/2020 2/13/2018 4/3/2017 4/5/2022 3/6/2023 2/26/2021 1/31/2018 8/3/2015 10/27/2017 11/1/2017 2/2/2015 7/18/2016 3/20/2017 3/13/2018 2/2/2020 8/7/2018 1/27/2018 4/3/2020 4/30/2018 2/2/2016 5/23/2016 3/1/2017 4/30/2018 2/13/2019 2/2/2021 3/1/2022 2/13/2023 Rating ( M / S&P / F ) / BB+ / BB+ NR / / CCC B3 / CCC+ / Ba2 / / BB Ba2 / BB / BB / BB+ / BBBaa3 / BBB- / BB+ Baa3 / BBB- / BB+ Baa3 / BBB- / BBBBa3 / / BBBaa2 / BBB- / BBBBaa3 / BBB- / BBBBaa3 / BBB- / BBBBaa2 / BBB- / BBBBaa2 / BBB- / BBBBaa3 / BB+ / BBBBaa3 / BB+ / BBBB2 / / B+ / BB+ / BBBBaa3 / / BB+ Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Baa2 / BBB- / BBB Ba1 / / BB+ Baa3 / / BBB Ba3 / / BBB1 / B+ / Baa2 / BBB- / WD Baa2 / BBB- / WD Baa2 / BBB- / WD Baa2 / BBB- / WD Baa2 / BBB- / WD Baa2 / BBB- / B1 / B+ / B1 / B+ / Baa3 / / BBBBa3 / BB / Ba3 / BB / Ba3 / BB / Ba3 / BB / Ba3 / BB / Ba3 / BB / Ba3 / BB / Ba3 / BB / Yield Price Bid 97.000 91.500 99.250 89.000 100.000 90.000 75.000 106.500 88.875 101.500 95.250 98.000 101.000 87.875 98.625 99.125 96.125 95.625 88.000 95.750 96.500 102.500 99.000 97.500 86.250 93.000 101.000 95.250 90.000 100.375 103.875 102.750 106.500 104.500 111.500 100.000 90.250 96.125 101.000 104.000 100.625 107.250 96.500 101.500 100.000 91.500 Ask 98.500 95.750 101.875 91.250 101.000 91.000 76.750 107.500 90.000 102.500 96.750 99.375 102.250 88.875 99.500 100.125 97.000 96.375 90.000 96.875 97.500 103.125 100.000 98.500 87.625 94.000 102.625 96.000 91.000 101.000 104.250 103.750 107.500 105.500 112.750 101.000 91.250 96.625 102.500 105.000 102.000 108.750 97.500 102.250 101.000 92.375 Bid % 6.854% 8.701% 11.89% 15.55% 6.492% 7.913% 14.67% 7.199% 6.726% 4.085% 7.947% 5.005% 6.404% 6.350% 4.814% 5.718% 5.763% 5.992% 13.58% 6.549% 5.373% 4.635% 5.867% 4.969% 5.348% 6.328% 6.308% 7.166% 10.46% 4.693% 5.106% 5.379% 5.723% 6.229% 5.290% 7.743% 9.062% 4.942% 5.647% 5.540% 5.959% 6.764% 6.138% 7.440% 7.501% 7.334% Ask % 6.423% 7.250% 4.993% 13.853% 5.875% 7.672% 14.036% 6.991% 6.550% 3.277% 7.441% 4.570% 6.163% 6.177% 4.532% 5.537% 5.445% 5.797% 12.546% 6.320% 5.045% 4.365% 5.699% 4.819% 5.057% 5.970% 4.135% 6.877% 10.046% 2.279% 4.882% 4.938% 5.407% 6.011% 4.947% 7.391% 8.811% 4.782% 4.417% 4.887% 5.329% 6.300% 5.866% 7.290% 7.323% 7.185% 29-Oct-14 Spread Bid Ask 563 520 766 621 1186 496 1524 1354 615 554 627 603 1329 1265 552 531 457 439 389 309 692 642 398 355 459 435 425 407 379 351 395 378 481 449 448 429 1295 1191 490 467 443 409 403 376 384 368 432 417 512 486 539 504 623 406 632 604 962 920 468 227 477 455 479 435 475 443 464 442 418 383 681 646 743 718 392 376 545 423 525 460 539 476 574 528 484 457 562 547 549 531 521 506 BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Kazakhstani Banks Indicative Prices -- Kazakhstan Banks 29-Oct-14 Name ALLIANCE BANK 10.5% 17 (sinkable) ALLIANCE BANK 4.7% 20 (sinkable) ATF BANK 9% 16 ATF CAPITAL BV 10% perp (callable) BTA BANK JSC 3.14% 21 EUR (sinkable) BTA BANK JSC 3.7% 21 (sinkable) BTA BANK JSC 5.5% 22 BANK CENTERCREDI 9.125% perp (callable) KASPI BANK JSC 9.875% 16 KAZAKH DEVELOPME 6.5% 20 KAZAKH DEVELOPME 6% 26 KAZAKH DEVELOPME 5.5% 15 HALYK SAVINGS BK 7.25% 17 HALYK SAVINGS BK 7.25% 21 KAZKOMMERTSBANK 8% 15 KAZKOMMERTSBANK 7.5% 16 KAZKOMMERTSBANK 6.765% 16 (callable) KAZKOMMERTSBANK 6.875% 17 EUR KAZKOMMERTSBANK 5.95% 17 (callable) KAZKOMMERTSBANK 9.2% perp (callable) KAZKOMMERTSBANK 8.5% 18 Ticker ALLIBK ALLIBK ATFBP ATFBP BTASKZ BTASKZ BTASKZ CCBNKZ CSBNKZ DBKAZ DBKAZ DBKAZ HSBKKZ HSBKKZ KKB KKB KKB KKB KKB KKB KKB Coupon 10.5% 4.7% 9% 10% 3.14% 3.7% 5.5% 9.125% 9.875% 6.5% 6% 5.5% 7.25% 7.25% 8% 7.5% 6.765% 6.875% 5.95% 9.2% 8.5% Maturity 3/25/2017 3/25/2020 5/11/2016 Perpetual 7/1/2021 7/1/2021 12/21/2022 Perpetual 10/28/2016 6/3/2020 3/23/2026 12/20/2015 5/3/2017 1/28/2021 11/3/2015 11/29/2016 7/27/2016 2/13/2017 6/13/2017 Perpetual 5/11/2018 Rating ( M / S&P / F ) Cu / D / C Cu / D / C Caa2 / / BCa / / CC / / WD / / WD / / BCaa2 / / CCC B1 / BB- / Baa3 / BBB+ / BBB Baa3 / BBB+ / BBB Baa3 / BBB+ / BBB Ba3 / BB+ / BB Ba3 / BB+ / BB Caa1u / B / B Caa1u / B / B Caa2u / CCC / BCaa1u / B / B Caa2u / CCC / BCaa3u / CCC- / CCC Caa1u / B / B Price Yield Bid Ask 53.000 40.000 100.000 68.000 15.250 15.250 74.000 80.000 104.375 107.000 102.000 103.000 106.000 107.000 100.000 99.000 92.500 100.250 85.000 78.000 96.250 63.000 60.000 101.500 73.000 19.250 19.250 78.000 88.000 105.750 110.750 105.000 105.000 108.250 109.500 101.000 101.500 95.000 102.500 90.750 82.000 101.000 Spread Ask Bid % Ask % Bid 45.20% -54.4% 8.995% 12.08% 35.183% -59.844% 7.936% 11.227% 4461 -5603 872 3237 3459 -6147 766 2796 10.29% 8.416% 7.475% 5.046% 5.757% 2.801% 4.686% 5.891% 7.998% 8.026% 11.63% 6.731% 12.86% 8.759% 9.779% 9.429% 7.586% 6.717% 4.315% 5.406% 1.070% 3.772% 5.433% 6.955% 6.711% 9.949% 5.661% 10.048% 8.305% 8.167% 818 2773 705 338 340 264 404 408 788 756 1129 677 1218 3673 875 732 1948 629 265 305 92 313 362 684 625 961 570 936 3088 714 Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Kazakhstani Corporates Indicative Prices -- Kazakhstan Corporates Name INTERGAS FIN BV 6.375% 17 KAZATOMPROM 6.25% 15 KAZMUNAYGAS NAT 11.75% 15 KAZMUNAYGAS NAT 9.125% 18 KAZMUNAYGAS NAT 7% 20 KAZMUNAYGAS NAT 4.4% 23 ZHAIKMUNAI LLP 7.125% 19 (callable) KAZAKHSTAN TEMIR 7% 16 KAZAKHSTAN TEMIR 6.375% 20 KAZAGRO NATL MGM 4.625% 23 KAZAGRO NATL MGM 4.625% 23 TRISTAN OIL LTD 10.5% 12 (callable) 29-Oct-14 Ticker KZTGKZ KZAPKZ KZOKZ KZOKZ KZOKZ KZOKZ ZHAIK KTZKZ KTZKZ KAZNMH KAZNMH TRISTN Coupon 6.375% 6.25% 11.75% 9.125% 7% 4.4% 7.125% 7% 6.375% 4.625% 4.625% 10.5% Maturity 5/14/2017 5/20/2015 1/23/2015 7/2/2018 5/5/2020 4/30/2023 11/13/2019 5/11/2016 10/6/2020 5/24/2023 5/24/2023 1/1/2012 Rating ( M / S&P / F ) Baa3 / BB+ / BB+ Baa3 / / BBBBaa3 / BBB- / BBB Baa3 / BBB- / BBB Baa3 / BBB- / BBB Baa3 / BBB- / BBB B2 / B+ / Baa3 / BBB- / BBB Baa3 / BBB- / BBB / BBB+ / BBB / BBB+ / BBB / / WD Yield Price Bid Ask 107.000 101.500 102.000 117.625 112.375 97.500 103.000 106.250 107.000 96.000 96.000 35.000 109.500 102.250 102.500 119.000 113.375 98.750 106.000 107.500 110.750 98.000 98.000 45.000 Bid % Ask % 3.461% 3.495% 2.924% 3.921% 4.444% 4.753% 6.416% 2.786% 4.996% 5.209% 5.209% 2.478% 2.151% 0.858% 3.557% 4.253% 4.579% 5.445% 1.986% 4.302% 4.913% 4.913% Spread Bid Ask 280 344 291 284 279 260 506 251 325 305 305 182 210 85 248 260 243 424 171 256 276 276 BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Ukrainian Banks Indicative Prices -- Ukraine Banks Name FINANCE & CREDIT 9.25% 19 CJSC FIRST UKRAI 11% 14 BANK NADRA 6.25% 18 (sinkable) PRIVATBANK 9.375% 15 PRIVATBANK 5.799% 16 (callable) PRIVATBANK 10.875% 18 OSCHADBANK 8.25% 16 OSCHADBANK 8.875% 18 UKREXIMBANK 8.375% 15 EX-IM BK OF UKRA 5.79275% 16 (callable) UKREXIMBANK 8.75% 18 VAB BANK 9% 19 (sinkable) 29-Oct-14 Ticker FICBUA PUMBUZ NADRA PRBANK PRBANK PRBANK OSCHAD OSCHAD EXIMUK EXIMUK EXIMUK VABANK Coupon 9.25% 11% 6.25% 9.375% 5.799% 10.875% 8.25% 8.875% 8.375% 5.79275% 8.75% 9% Maturity 1/25/2019 12/31/2014 7/31/2018 9/23/2015 2/9/2016 2/28/2018 3/10/2016 3/20/2018 4/27/2015 2/9/2016 1/22/2018 6/14/2019 Rating ( M / S&P / F ) NR Caa3 / / / / WD Caa3u / / CC Cau / / Caa3u / / CC Caa3 / / CCC Caa3 / / CCC Caa3 / / CCC Ca / / C Caa3 / / CCC / / WD Yield Price Bid Ask 47.625 66.000 45.000 72.000 60.000 71.500 81.750 78.000 88.500 70.000 79.000 56.875 72.000 50.000 77.000 68.000 74.125 82.750 80.000 89.500 90.000 80.500 Bid % Ask % Bid 33.03% 321.2% 69.88% 52.17% 52.59% 23.69% 24.81% 17.78% 35.86% 37.41% 17.52% 26.879% 245.486% 59.148% 42.757% 40.204% 22.262% 23.776% 16.847% 33.193% 14.652% 16.803% 3176 45032 6878 5208 5240 2274 2459 1680 3581 3722 1660 Spread Ask 2560 32080 5804 4267 4001 2130 2356 1587 3315 1446 1588 Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Ukrainian Corporates Indicative Prices -- Ukraine Corporates Name CITY OF KYIV 8% 15 CITY OF KYIV 9.375% 16 NTRP 10.25% 17 AGROTON PUBLIC 6% 19 AVANGARDCO INVES 10% 15 UKRLANDFARMING 10.875% 18 DTEK FINANCE BV 9.5% 15 DTEK FINANCE 7.875% 18 METINVEST 10.25% 15 METINVEST 8.75% 18 FERREXPO FINANCE 7.875% 16 MHP SA 10.25% 15 MHP SA 8.25% 20 MRIYA AGRO HLDG 10.95% 16 MRIYA AGRO HLDG 9.45% 18 UZ RAIL SHORTLIN 9.5% 18 29-Oct-14 Ticker CITKIE CITKIE INPIP AGTPW AVINPU UKRLAN DTEKUA DTEKUA METINV METINV FXPOLN MHPSA MHPSA MRIYA MRIYA RAILUA Coupon 8% 9.375% 10.25% 6% 10% 10.875% 9.5% 7.875% 10.25% 8.75% 7.875% 10.25% 8.25% 10.95% 9.45% 9.5% Maturity 11/6/2015 7/11/2016 8/2/2017 7/14/2019 10/29/2015 3/26/2018 4/28/2015 4/4/2018 5/20/2015 2/14/2018 4/7/2016 4/29/2015 4/2/2020 3/30/2016 4/19/2018 5/21/2018 Price Rating ( M / S&P / F ) Caa3 / CCC / CC Caa3 / CCC / CC / /C / / WD / / CCC / CCC / CCC Caa2 / / CCC Caa2 / / CCC Caa2 / / CCC Caa2 / / CCC Caa2 / CCC+ / CCC Caa2 / / CCC / CCC / CCC / CC / C / CC / C / CCC / CCC Bid 78.000 76.000 52.000 30.000 85.000 63.000 85.500 64.000 79.000 68.000 94.125 98.000 86.000 20.000 20.000 70.000 Yield Ask 81.000 80.000 65.000 35.125 90.000 73.000 90.000 65.000 82.000 73.000 95.125 100.000 90.000 37.500 30.000 75.000 Bid % Ask % Bid 35.56% 28.04% 40.72% 42.28% 28.29% 28.53% 45.92% 23.84% 59.89% 23.15% 12.45% 14.61% 11.81% 195.1% 81.76% 22.10% 31.209% 24.416% 29.668% 36.762% 21.682% 22.652% 33.364% 23.258% 51.328% 20.393% 11.650% 10.238% 10.729% 107.472% 59.403% 19.570% 3544 2771 3997 4084 2818 2755 4587 2285 5984 2220 1221 1456 1019 19486 8076 2106 Spread Ask 3109 2409 2892 3532 2157 2167 3331 2226 5128 1945 1140 1019 910 10723 5840 1853 BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Turkey Indicative Prices -- Turkey Name AKBANK 5.125% 15 AKBANK 3.875% 17 AKBANK 6.5% 18 AKBANK 5% 22 ASYA SUKUK CO 7.5% 23 (callable) ANADOLU EFES 3.375% 22 ARCELIK 5% 23 BANKPOZITIF KRED 5% 18 TURK EXIMBANK 5.375% 16 TURK EXIMBANK 5.875% 19 FINANSBANK 5.5% 16 FINANSBANK 5.15% 17 IS BANKASI 5.1% 16 IS BANKASI 3.875% 17 IS BANKASI 3.75% 18 IS BANKASI 6% 22 TURKIYE GARANTI 2.73075% 16 TURKIYE GARANTI 4% 17 TURKIYE GARANTI 6.25% 21 TURKIYE GARANTI 5.25% 22 GLOBAL YATIRIM H 11% 17 TURKIYE VAKIFLAR 5.75% 17 TURKIYE VAKIFLAR 3.75% 18 TURKIYE VAKIFLAR 6% 22 TUPRAS 4.125% 18 YASAR HOLDINGS 9.625% 15 (callable) HALKBANK 4.875% 17 HALKBANK 3.875% 20 YAPI VE KREDI BA 5.1875% 15 YAPI VE KREDI BA 6.75% 17 YAPI VE KREDI BA 4% 20 YAPI VE KREDI BA 5.5% 22 YASAR HOLDINGS 9.625% 15 (callable) YUKSEL INSAAT 9.5% 15 (callable) 29-Oct-14 Ticker Coupon Maturity AKBNK 5.125% 7/22/2015 AKBNK 3.875% 10/24/2017 AKBNK 6.5% 3/9/2018 AKBNK 5% 10/24/2022 ASYAKA 7.5% 3/28/2023 AEFES 3.375% 11/1/2022 ACKAF 5% 4/3/2023 BNKPOZ 5% 2/7/2018 EXCRTU 5.375% 11/4/2016 EXCRTU 5.875% 4/24/2019 FINBN 5.5% 5/11/2016 FINBN 5.15% 11/1/2017 ISCTR 5.1% 2/1/2016 ISCTR 3.875% 11/7/2017 ISCTR 3.75% 10/10/2018 ISCTR 6% 10/24/2022 GARAN 2.73075% 4/20/2016 GARAN 4% 9/13/2017 GARAN 6.25% 4/20/2021 GARAN 5.25% 9/13/2022 GLYHO 11% 6/30/2017 VAKBN 5.75% 4/24/2017 VAKBN 3.75% 4/15/2018 VAKBN 6% 11/1/2022 TUPRST 4.125% 5/2/2018 YASAR 9.625% 10/7/2015 HALKBK 4.875% 7/19/2017 HALKBK 3.875% 2/5/2020 YKBNK 5.1875% 10/13/2015 YKBNK 6.75% 2/8/2017 YKBNK 4% 1/22/2020 YKBNK 5.5% 12/6/2022 YASAR 9.625% 10/7/2015 YUKSEL 9.5% 11/10/2015 Price Rating ( M / S&P / F ) Baa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBCa / / Baa3 / BBB- / / BB+ / BB+ / / BBBBaa3 / BB+ / Baa3 / BB+ / Ba2 / / BBBBa2 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBBa2 / / BB+ Baa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBNR Baa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBBBa2 / / BB+ Ba1 / / BBBB2 / / B Baa3 / / BBBBaa3 / / BBB/ BB+ / BBB Baa3 / / BBB Baa3 / / BBB Ba2 / / BBBB2 / / B / / WD Yield Bid Ask 101.875 100.500 108.000 99.000 50.000 89.000 95.500 97.250 105.000 106.250 103.000 102.250 103.000 100.500 98.125 99.000 99.000 101.000 107.000 100.500 88.000 104.875 97.500 97.000 99.250 102.000 102.500 94.750 102.000 107.125 95.500 94.875 102.000 53.000 102.750 101.500 109.500 101.000 60.000 90.250 96.500 99.250 105.500 106.875 103.375 103.000 103.500 101.500 98.625 100.000 101.000 102.000 108.250 101.500 96.000 105.500 98.500 98.000 100.250 103.000 103.500 95.750 102.750 107.625 96.500 95.375 103.000 63.000 Spread Bid % Ask % Bid Ask 2.508% 3.695% 3.925% 5.154% 20.48% 5.063% 5.678% 5.934% 2.800% 4.326% 3.459% 4.324% 2.630% 3.698% 4.271% 6.160% 3.427% 3.627% 4.970% 5.170% 16.73% 3.677% 4.538% 6.486% 4.357% 7.364% 3.894% 5.021% 3.040% 3.459% 4.987% 6.316% 7.364% 87.73% 1.270% 3.341% 3.470% 4.847% 16.872% 4.852% 5.525% 5.250% 2.552% 4.177% 3.210% 4.078% 2.230% 3.348% 4.131% 6.000% 2.049% 3.261% 4.752% 5.016% 12.800% 3.421% 4.220% 6.322% 4.048% 1.646% 3.512% 4.797% 2.253% 3.239% 4.763% 6.235% 1.646% 63.859% 243 285 295 306 3197 297 354 499 236 296 318 348 243 284 309 407 120 250 250 276 2484 276 339 431 212 281 293 323 204 250 296 391 283 310 309 1603 304 353 439 334 727 316 343 294 291 340 421 727 8761 247 289 294 1209 279 322 423 303 164 278 320 216 270 318 413 164 6374 BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Market Information and Select BCP Valuation Comments – Other Eastern Europe Indicative Prices -- Other Eastern European Name BULGARIA STEEL 12% 13 EUR ARMENIA 6% 20 REPUBLIC OF AZER 4.75% 24 AZERBAIJAN RAILW 8.25% 16 (callable) AGROKOR 8.875% 20 (callable) INTL BK OF AZERB 6.17% 17 (callable) INTL BANK OF AZ 5.625% 19 STATE OIL CO AZE 4.75% 23 PETROL AD-SOFIA 8.375% 17 EUR GEORGIA REP OF 6.875% 21 BANK OF GEORGIA 7.75% 17 GEORGIAN RAILWAY 9.875% 15 GEORGIAN OIL 6.875% 17 ZLOMREX INT FIN 8.5% 14 EUR (callable) SAZKA 9% 21 EUR (sinkable) NITROGENMUVEK ZR 7.875% 20 (callable) MOL MAGYAR OLAJ 3.875% 15 EUR MOL HUNGARIAN 5.875% 17 EUR MOL GROUP FIN SA 6.25% 19 EESTI ENERGIA AS 4.25% 18 EUR EESTI ENERGIA AS 4.5% 20 EUR REPUBLIC OF BELA 8.75% 15 REPUBLIC OF BELA 8.95% 18 29-Oct-14 Ticker BG AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ AZ BG GE GE GE GE PL CZ HU HU HU HU EE EE BY BY KREMBU ARMEN AZERBJ AZRAIL AGROK IBAZAZ IBAZAZ SOIAZ PETSOF GEORG GEBGG GRAIL GEOROG ZLOM SAZKA NITROG MOLHB MOLHB MOLHB ESTONE ESTONE BELRUS BELRUS Coupon 12% 6% 4.75% 8.25% 8.875% 6.17% 5.625% 4.75% 8.375% 6.875% 7.75% 9.875% 6.875% 8.5% 9% 7.875% 3.875% 5.875% 6.25% 4.25% 4.5% 8.75% 8.95% Maturity 5/4/2013 9/30/2020 3/18/2024 2/18/2016 2/1/2020 5/10/2017 6/11/2019 3/13/2023 1/26/2017 4/12/2021 7/5/2017 7/22/2015 5/16/2017 2/1/2014 7/12/2021 5/21/2020 10/5/2015 4/20/2017 9/26/2019 10/2/2018 11/18/2020 8/3/2015 1/26/2018 Rating ( M / S&P / F ) NR Ba2 / / BBBaa3 / / BBBNR B2 / B / B1 / / Ba3 / / BB Ba1 / BB+ / BBB/ / WD Ba3 / BB- / BBBa3 / BB- / BB/ BB- / BB/ B+ / BBNR NR / BB- / BB/ BB / BBB/ BB / BBB/ BB / BBBBaa2 / BBB+ / Baa2 / BBB+ / B3 / B- / B3 / B- / Price Bid Ask 1.000 103.875 104.250 102.250 108.875 96.500 98.750 98.750 5.000 104.625 105.250 105.000 110.000 101.000 99.750 99.750 112.500 106.375 104.000 105.000 71.000 35.000 101.750 102.000 108.000 108.750 110.250 113.875 102.000 105.750 113.250 107.500 107.000 107.500 75.000 45.000 102.625 102.375 108.500 109.500 110.750 114.750 103.000 107.500 Yield Bid % Ask % Spread Bid Ask 5.238% 4.196% 6.405% 6.819% 7.719% 5.936% 4.933% 5.084% 4.071% -3.204% 5.634% 5.738% 5.686% 4.786% 350 195 620 547 707 453 280 334 182 -321 546 509 428 265 4.611% 5.168% 4.218% 4.763% 4.486% 4.734% 0.241% 3.756% 275 445 414 411 263 402 17 310 7.476% 1.700% 2.498% 4.247% 1.539% 2.043% 5.990% 6.930% 7.280% 1.236% 2.290% 4.089% 1.404% 1.892% 4.661% 6.346% 582 171 253 273 150 175 591 600 562 125 232 258 137 160 459 542 BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 Sovereign and Bank Yields – Russia October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 Sovereign and Corporate Yields – Russia October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 Sovereign and Bank Yields – Kazakhstan October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 Sovereign and Corporate Yields – Kazakhstan October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 Sovereign and Bank Yields - Ukraine October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 Sovereign and Corporate Yields - Ukraine October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Sovereign and Corporate and Bank Yields – Turkey BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research Corporate and Bank Yields – Other Eastern Europe BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research DISCLOSURE APPENDIX REGULATION AC - ANALYST CERTIFICATION I, James Harper, certify that all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject securities and issuers. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by me in this report. COMPANY SPECIFIC DISCLOSURES This report may not be independent of BCP’s propriety interests. BCP does business, and seeks to do business, with companies covered in BCP research. As a result, investors should be aware that BCP may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Further, BCP may trade the securities (or related derivatives) that are the subject of this research report for its own account and for certain customers, and may from time to maintain long or short positions in the securities (or in related derivatives) of the companies mentioned in this report. Such financial and trading interests may be contrary to any recommendation in the report. BCP’s salespeople, traders and other professionals may provide oral or written market commentary or trading strategies to our clients and our proprietary trading desks that reflect opinions that are contrary to the opinions expressed in this research. MEANINGS OF RATINGS “Market Outperform” – The bond’s total return is expected to exceed the total return of the J.P. Morgan Corporate Emerging Markets Bond Index series (“CEMBI”) Broad Diversified High-Yield Index over the next 3 – 6 months. “Market Perform” – The bond’s total return is expected to be in line with the total return of the CEMBI Broad Diversified High-Yield Index over the next 3 – 6 months. “Market Underperform” – The bond’s total return is expected to be below the total return of the CEMBI Broad Diversified High-Yield Index over the next 3 – 6 months. “Not Rated” or no comment – Currently, the analyst does not have adequate conviction about the bond’s total return relative to the CEMBI Broad Diversified High-Yield Index over the next 3 – 6 months. GENERAL RESEARCH DISCLOSURES AND DISCLAIMERS This report is intended only for institutional investors, and should not be redistributed to retail investors. BCP research is not a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any security or financial instrument or to participate in any trading strategy. The products mentioned in this report may not be eligible for sale in some states or countries. The analysts principally responsible for the preparation of BCP research receive compensation based upon various factors, including quality, accuracy and value of research, firm profitability or revenues (including overall investment banking revenues), client feedback and competitive factors. The compensation of BCP analysts is not linked to specific investment banking or capital markets transactions by BCP. Analysts employed by non-U.S. affiliates may not be registered with FINRA, may not be associated persons of BCP, and may not be subject to FINRA regulations regarding research related activities. BCP research is based on public information. BCP makes every effort to use reliable, comprehensive information, but makes no representation that the information is accurate or complete. Facts and views presented in BCP research have not been reviewed by, and may not reflect information known to, professionals in other BCP business areas, including investment banking personnel. BCP analysts may interact with sales and trading desk personnel in connection with their research, including to ascertain pricing and liquidity in the fixed income markets. BCP Securities, LLC 289 Greenwich Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 October 29, 2014 James Harper, CFA, Director of Corporate Research This report has been prepared independently of any issuer of securities mentioned herein and not in connection with any proposed offering of securities or as agent of any issuer of any securities. BCP has no authority to make any representation or warranty on behalf of the issuers. BCP policy prohibits research personnel from disclosing a recommendation, investment rating, or investment thesis for review by an issuer prior to the publication of a research report containing such rating, recommendation or investment thesis. BCP may update its research reports and ratings as it deems appropriate, but has no obligation to do so. BCP has no obligation to inform clients of any changes in facts, assumptions, opinions, estimates, or ratings. Certain outstanding reports may contain discussions and/or investment options relating to securities, financial instruments and/or issuers that are no longer current. Neither BCP nor any officer or employee of BCP accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect or consequently damages or losses arising from any use of this report or its contents. BCP research and ratings should not be used or relied upon as investment advice. BCP research does not provide individually tailored investment advice. BCP research has been prepared without regard to the circumstances and objectives of those who receive it. BCP recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments and strategies, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a financial adviser. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decisions. The appropriateness of an investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s circumstances and objectives. The securities, instruments, or strategies discussed in BCP research may not be suitable for all investors, and certain investors may not be eligible to purchase or participate in some or all of them. Securities discussed in this report may be rated below investment grade and should therefore only be considered for inclusion in accounts qualified for speculative investment. The value of and income from your investments may vary because of changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, default rates, prepayment rates, prices, market indexes, operational or financial conditions of companies or other factors. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Estimates of future performance are based on assumptions that may not be realized. Investors may experience a loss of their original capital investment in such securities. International investing entails greater risk, as well as greater potential rewards compared to U.S. investing. These risks include political and economic uncertainties of foreign countries as well as the risk of currency fluctuations. These risks are magnified in countries with emerging markets, since these countries may have relatively unstable governments and less established markets and economies. Bonds are subject to interest rate risk. When interest rates rise, bond prices fall; generally the longer a bond's maturity, the more sensitive it is to this risk. Bonds may also be subject to call risk, which is the risk that the issuer will redeem the debt at its option, fully or partially, before the scheduled maturity date. The market value of debt instruments may fluctuate, and proceeds from sales prior to maturity may be more or less than the amount originally invested or the maturity value due to changes in market conditions or changes in the credit quality of the issuer. Bonds are subject to the credit risk of the issuer. This is the risk that the issuer might be unable to make interest and/or principal payments on a timely basis. Bonds are also subject to reinvestment risk, which is the risk that principal and/or interest payments from a given investment may be reinvested at a lower interest rate. Bonds rated below investment grade may have speculative characteristics and present significant risks beyond those of other securities, including greater credit risk and price volatility in the secondary market. INTERNATIONAL DISCLOSURES Singapore: This report is distributed in Singapore by BCP Securities Asia Pte Ltd to accredited investors, expert investors or institutional investors only (as defined in the applicable Singapore laws and regulations and is not intended to be distributed directly or indirectly to any other class of person). Recipients of this report in Singapore are to contact BCP Securities Asia Pte Ltd in respect of any matters arising from, or in connection with, this report. BCP Securities Asia Pte Ltd is regulated by ACRA. 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COPYRIGHT AND USER AGREEMENT Copyright 2014 BCP Securities, LLC. All rights reserved. This research report is prepared for the use of BCP clients and may not be redistributed, retransmitted or disclosed, in whole or in party, or in any form or manner, without the express written consent of BCP. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. Receipt and review of this research report constitutes your agreement not to redistribute, retransmit, or disclose to others the contents, opinions, conclusions, or information contained in this report (including any investment recommendations, estimates or price targets) without first obtaining expressed permission from an authorized officer of BCP.
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