Australian Bluewater Observing System (IMOS ABOS) Tom Trull 27 May 2013, OceanSITES Steering Committee, Seoul Wealth from Oceans/CAWCR Ocean Observation, Assessment and Prediction ABOS at a glance RAMA Plus 9 coastal sites, ANMN facility •Sites from the tropics to the ice •Indonesian Through-Flow •East Australian Current •Sub-Antarctic Zone •Ice-edge Mertz Polynya •IMOS funded data from 2008 onwards available via •ITF and EAC are boundary current arrrays •Polynya monitors AABW production •SOTS is multi-disciplinary Histories vary: 2013 Highlight: ABOS Complete The ABOS Facility fully functioning as of April 2012 2013 Lowlights: with the deployment of the East Australia Current (EAC) mooring array. 2013 IMOS unfunded beyond 30 June The installation of the full deep-ocean observing system provides an exciting expansion of our ability to track multi-decadal climate change, and to improve our understanding and prediction of both climate variability in the Australian region and global climate. Stopgap 22% budget from universities to Sept 2014. Staff cuts Minimalist approach for observing Data portal and head office maintained Ongoing funding uncertain - election in September. Mertz Glacier B9-B IMOS mooring 3 | IMOS Annual Meeting 2013| Bernadette Sloyan Polynya moorings (Steve Rintoul): 3 near-bottom CTD-current meter moorings to monitor AABW overflow out of Mertz polynya Feb 2013 Steve Rintoul: “The mooring site is still covered by heavy sea ice. If this is the new regime as a result of the collapse of the Mertz Glacier tongue, it may mean the end of the polynya program as presently planned – we can’t work where we planned unless the ice regime changes again. ” 4 | IMOS Annual Meeting 2013| Bernadette Sloyan Polynya Moorings UPDATE: Feb-Mar 2013 6 week voyage on RV Tangaroa (NIWA-ACECRC): 1. Existing moorings could NOT be recovered because of heavy ice. 2. Replacement moorings were returned to Hobart undeployed. 3. Next attempt Feb 2014 using RV Aurora Australis – moorings likely to be moved – collaborations sought. 4. Some forward funding secured via ACE-CRC continuation, future of IMOS funding unknown. SO NO DATA YET FROM THIS PROJECT 5 | IMOS Annual Meeting 2013| Bernadette Sloyan East Australian Current Array (Ken Ridgway) UPDATE: Five subsurface T-S-current meter-PIES moorings were EAC will be recovered in September after(thefirst deployed2013 in April 2012. of 1 broke away) (Funds 16 month deployment and NOTtopredeployed. to re-start are being sought.) SO NO DATA YET FROM THIS PROJECT 6 | IMOS Annual Meeting 2013 Bernadette Sloyan Timor Passage and Ombai Moorings (Bernadette Sloyan): ITF monitoring - CTDs, current meters PIES Position of the Timor Passage and Ombai moorings (yellow circles within red box). Also shown are four shelf and coastal moorings that complete the Timor Passage array. The shelf and coastal moorings are maintained by AIMS as part of the northern IMOS observation program. The black dotted lines are altimetry ground tracks 7 | IMOS Annual Meeting 2013| Bernadette Sloyan ITF Mooring Recovery and deployment UPDATE: Second ITF deployment will be recovered in June 2014 using new RV Investigator, and hopefully •Successful recovery and redeployment of Timor redeployed (funds for subsequent recovery are not Passage and Ombai moorings was completed in September 2012. yet allocated, but there is agreement that it is high •Near complete data return. priority.) •Data quality control is now underway and data will be sent to IMOS by June 2013. SO FULL DATA AVAILABLE FROM FIRST 14 MONTHS 8 | IMOS Annual Meeting 2013| Bernadette Sloyan SOTS: west flowing limb of super-gyre, upper limb of overturning Ridgway and Dunn, 2007 ACC SAMW AAIW 5 – 30 cm s-1 MOC Antarctica Currents at 200m SAZ Sediment Trap Mooring • Stiff subsurface design • Paired traps and current meters at 1000, 2000, 3800m • McLane Parflux funnels • Indented rotating sphere zooplankton excluding insitu settling columns SOFS Air-Sea Flux Mooring • • • • • • ASIMET Meteorology ADCP currents Accelerometer waves NOAA pCO2 Sea Surface T,S,O2, Fl-BB AWCP zooplankton Pulse BGC Mooring • 1 m diameter, 0.5m freeboard float • Elastic decoupler, inertial mass, Stether, integrated instrument package • • • Aanderaa Optode O2 Seabird T, S, Electrode O2 Pro-Oceanus Gas Tension • Mclane RAS 24x2x500ml water samples: nutrients, DIC, Alk, Phyto ID • Wetlabs PAR, Fluo-Backscatter • ISUS UV nitrate sensor Intake outside shroud through 1mm screen No filtration Backflushing with mercuric chloride instead of acid Samples collected in pairs: HgCl2 for nutrients, DIC, Alk, 13C-DIC Buffered/Si-enriched glutaraldehyde for microscopy SAZ biological carbon pump – steady success 1000 m 2000 m Three most recent years of SAZ mooring deployments recovered faultless records (Steve Bray, ACE CRC) Some seasonal features persist down into the ocean interior. Some years much of the flux occurs before mid-January; other years it occurs later. 3800 m Integrated annual flux variability ~2-fold even in the deep ocean. SAZ: biological carbon pump – recent results IRS Time Series Carousel First comparison of Mclane Parflux Funnel traps (the standard deep ocean trap used by SOTS, BATS, HOT, KNOT, and other global time series) , with a cylindrical Indented Rotating Sphere(IRS) trap, designed to exclude zooplankton. IRS fluxes are lower ,with somewhat subdued features. Further tests are required to evaluate the implications, including examining zooplankton distributions as estimated from the Acoustic Water Column Profiler deployed on the SOFS mooring. SOFS (Flux Mooring) – First Publications Temp (deg C) SST(blue) & Air Temperature (red) 15 10 5 Specific Hum. (g/kg) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 700 800 900 1000 Specific Humidity 10 8 6 4 100 200 300 400 500 600 Wind speed (m/s) Wind speed 15 10 •Have 2 years of data spanning Mar 2010 – Jan 2013 from 3 deployments •Building picture of inter-annual variability (See publication Schulz et al., GRL 2012) •Adding additional upper ocean observing capability -ADCP, AWCP, ocean turbulence, tempeture sensors in mixed layer (0- 500m). 5 100 200 300 400 500 600 -2 Heat Flux (W m ) Latent(blue) & Sensible (green) 0 SOFS -100 -200 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 800 900 1000 -2 Heat Flux (W m ) Shortwave(red) and Longwave(magenta) 300 200 100 0 -100 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 -2 Heat Flux (W m ) Net Heat Flux SOFS-1, 2&3 200 0 -200 100 200 300 400 500 600 Year Day 700 15 | IMOS Annual Meeting 2013 Bernadette Sloyan 800 900 1000 2013 – second SOFS break – no data or gear losses Recovered by Mirai, Jan 2013 Deployment location July-Sept 2012 16 | IMOS Annual Meeting 2013 Bernadette Sloyan •SOFS-3 deployed July 2012 •Drifted off watch circle September 2012 •Buoy Recovered RV Mirai January 2013 •Continued to collect and transmit data •Failure most likely due to kink in line forming during deployment •Heavy wave impacting on buoy tower •SOFS-4 built to same specifications Pulse: Oxygen ventilation, exchange terms, NCP Pulse: NCP nitrate sampler&sensor results 4.50 ISUS sensor Nitrate and RAS bag nitrate 25 4.00 3.50 Pulse7 nutrients Biofouling? Replumbed for DI baselines in July 2012 Replumb for pumped mode in April 2013 12.00 2.50 15 2.00 1.50 8.00 0.50 0.00 nitrate uM 10.00 phosphate silicate 6.00 nitrate 10 4.00 1.00 NCP over deployment: 89 mg C m-2 Very sensitive to mld 14.00 3.00 Nitrate uM phosphate silicate uM 20 16.00 2.00 5 ISUS RAS 0.00 0 2010-09-12 2010-10-02 2010-10-22 2010-11-11 2010-12-01 2010-12-21 2011-01-10 Pulse: NCP –Predictive Capacity requires Biology Diatoms Ciliates RAS phytoplankton identification, Ruth Eriksen Pulse AWCP bio-acoustics - shallower diel cycle in December 38 kHz Night l ~4cm Day Night Day Depth below surface (m) 35 70 105 140 175 210 Surface reflection SOTS & SOFS Data Holdings UPDATE: All moorings redeployed in May 2013, for recovery in March 2014. Currently NO funding to continue Moderate priority if IMOS refunded Some funding likely to be available for SAZ, possibly Pulse from ACE CRC Bio-Argo floats likely in September 2013 Filled= data in hand, open=collection underway, dashed=planned collection 21 | IMOS Annual Meeting 2013 Bernadette Sloyan US/Aus RAMA Mooring – deployed July 2012 for possible turnaround July 2013 22 | Indonesian Through Flow and Repeat Hydrography| Bernadette Sloyan QUESTIONS?
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