CAMPBELL P.O. Box 546 Buies Creelg North Carotina 27506 1-800-3344111 (ext 1290) UNIVERSITY www.campbelledu Co*d Comprehensive Uniyersity Established 1887 I t L - L - I I Thirty+ix buildings sit on 850 acres in Buies Creek. Academic buildings are the center of campus. There are seven womenb residence halls and six menb as well as three apartment complexes. Campbell University is in Harnett County, where North Carolina s coastal plain and Piedmont meer just eait of the centir of the state. It lies within one of the more progressive regions for education and research in the Southeast. Fayettevilie and Raleigh are 30 miles away; within a 4|-minute drive is the Research Triangle Park. Campbell s rural campus provides an ixcellent setting for academic and extracurcicular pursuits. A smqll and close-lcnii community, Buies treek personifies a tradifio; of Southern hospitality. Presently, the university is divided into seven dffiient schoals; The Collige of Arts and Sc-fncu, The Lundy-Fetterman School of Business, The Schoot of Education, The Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law, TheSchool of Osteopathic Medicine, The College ofPharmacy andHealth Sciences andtheDivinity School. - I r f l t I - C Assistant Vice President for Admissions: Jason D. Hall E-mail: [email protected] Tuition and Fees: $26,550 * 2013-14 Total Enrollm ent: 6,122 (Ail campusesUndergraduate and Gaduate) E-mail: [email protected]' ACADEMIC ' Applica*s submit either SAT orACT scores to 14 days after {pplication fee: $35 (paper only) gg.ryn!!.ment deposil $100 due2 weela after acceptance All applicants must submit a high school transcr.ipt slowing all. work completed through the I ltb giade. The transcript should also reflect cirmulative dpA. Recommended High School Courses 4 units of English 3 units of Math (recommended 4th unit) 2 units ofNatural Science 2 units of Social Scienci 2 units ofForeign Language plrticipatt. A?vanced placement available. APCREDIT: www.campbell. ed/registar-policies.htnl#apesae ] Accreditation : Soutlem Association of Colleges and Students admiued each tenn Students notified of admission 10 Aid Offier: Sherry Smith Phoner (910J 893-1310 16 resldence'halls linctuaes uriversity apartments) CIP^qg** C C 20I4-15 Expenses EN.ROTTMENT AD1\flSSIONS. t TINANCIAt Schools, American Bar Association. Americantoruicil on Phamraceutical Education, National Council for Accreditation of Teachei Eduiation N.C. Deoarbnent of Public Insftuction, Association of Theologicai Schools, Professional Golf Association of Americi Commission' on Accreditation ofAthletic Trarnlng Education, Council on Social Work Education, Accredifition Councll for Business Schools and Programs Faculty: 187 full-time,23l parr-time.68% hold terminal degrees. Class Size: 937i, of classes less than 50;59% classes less than 20 of t t t 3 t t t t 3 t t 3 3 } 3 3 e ff rE tr
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