15. SEG-Workshop u ¨ ber Kombinatorik, Graphentheorie und Algorithmen HTW Dresden 24. Juni 2014 15:00-15:20 Universelle Triangulierungen von Polygonen Ulrich Brehm TU Dresden Abstract Eine abstrakte Triangulierung eines n-Ecks (im Allgemeinen mit zus¨atzlichen inneren Ecken) heißt universell, wenn sich jede Einbettung des Randes in die Ebene auf das Innere fortsetzen l¨asst (mit geradlinigen Kanten). Wir zeigen, dass eine Triangulierung genau dann universell ist, wenn die graphentheoretische Distanz zwischen Ecken des Randes im Randpolygon gleich der graphentheoretischen Distanz in der Triangulierung ist. Wir geben eine weitere graphentheoretische Charakterisierung f¨ ur universelle Triangulierungen und diskutieren untere und obere Schranken f¨ ur die Zahl der zus¨atzlichen Ecken einer minimalen universellen Triangulierung in Abh¨angigkeit von n. 15:25-15:45 The Elzinga–Hearn algorithm in strictly convex planes Thomas Jahn TU Chemnitz Abstract The ”center problem” asks for points having minimal maximum distance to a given finite point set. Elzinga and Hearn (1972) proposed an algorithm for this problem in the Euclidean plane which relies on obtuseness, acuteness, and rightness of triangles. It turns out that this algorithm can be carried over to strictly convex normed planes. For this purpose, the above mentioned notions (e.g., the types of triangles) have to be extended suitably to the geometry of normed planes. 1 15:50-16:10 Congruent triangles in line arrangements Carol Zamfirescu TU Dortmund Abstract We present lower and upper bounds on the maximum number of congruent triangles in finite arrangements of ℓ lines in the Euclidean plane, focussing on small ℓ. Denote this number by f (ℓ). We show that f (5) = 5 and that the construction realizing this maximum is unique, f (6) = 8, and f (7) = 14. We also discuss in detail for which integers c there exist arrangements on ℓ lines with exactly c congruent triangles. In parallel, we treat the case when the triangles are empty (i.e. their interior has empty intersection with every line in the arrangement). 17:00-17:20 The generalized bivariate chromatic polynomial for special k-partite graphs and split graphs Melanie Gerling Uni Kassel Abstract In 2003 Dohmen, P¨onitz and Tittmann introduced a generalization of the chromatic polynomial P (G; y) to the bivariate chromatic polynomial P (G; x, y). While the definition of the usual chromatic polynomial strictly claimes, respectively, different colours for pairwise nonadjacent vertices, the bivariate polynomial by Dohmen, P¨onitz and Tittmann expands this set of colours by another set without any restrictions. Let X = Y ∪ Z with Y ∩ Z = ∅ be the set of all available colours with |X| = x and |Y | = y. By a generalized proper colouring of G we denote a map ϕ : V → X such that for all edges {u, v} ∈ E with ϕ(u) ∈ Y and ϕ(v) ∈ Y ϕ(u) ̸= ϕ(v) holds. In other words two adjacent vertices may only be coloured in the same colour, if this is chosen from Z. In the presentation we will consider the form of the bivariate chromatic polynomial for special split graphs and complete k-partite graphs. In addition the properties of articulation points are utilized to compute the polynomial for the related graphs. 2 17:25-17:45 Edge colorings and forbidden rainbow subgraphs Knut Odermann joint work with Hanno Lefmann and Carlos Hoppen TU Chemnitz Abstract Balogh (2006) considered the problem of determining for a given number r of colors and a fixed edge r-colored graph F those n-vertex graphs G, which admit the largest number of edge colorings with r colors such that G does not contain F as a subgraph preserving the fixed coloring of F . For r = 3 colors and F being a one-to-one edge colored ( triangle, ) a so-called rainbow triangle, he showed a lower bound n ( ) 2 of 3 2 − 1 for the maximum number of 3-colorings of n-vertex graphs avoiding a rainbow triangle. In the talk, we present results for the cases where the forbidden graph is either the rainbow-colored complete graph Ks or the rainbow-colored star St . 17:50-18:10 A Fiedler-like theory for the perturbed Laplacian Israel Rocha TU Chemnitz Abstract D = The perturbed Laplacian matrix of a graph G is defined as L D − A, where D is any diagonal matrix and A is a weighted adjacency matrix of G. As a general outcome, we showed that the second smallest eigenvalue for a perturbed Laplacian matrices gives similar partition properties that the Fiedler vector gives to graph. We showed a monotonicity theorem for the harmonic eigenfunction of the second smallest eigenvalue of the perturbed Laplacian matrix over the points of articulation of a graph. Also, we used the notion of Perron component for the perturbed Laplacian matrix of a graph and showed how its second smallest eigenvalue can be characterized using this definition. 3
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