16.10.2014 Vorträge 93. Katzenbach, R., Weidle, A., Werner, A

Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H., Weidle, A. (2014): Cost effective
project executions by soil improvement technologies and new design
procedures. GeoStructure Asia Conference, 15. - 17. Oktober 2014, Singapur
Katzenbach, R., Weidle, A., Werner, A., Leppla, S. (2014): Bautechnik und
Baurecht im Spiegel von VOB/A bis VOB/C. Arbeitskreis „Forum Junges
Baurecht“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Baurecht e.V., 09. Oktober 2014,
Frankfurt am Main
Katzenbach, R., Clauß, F., Leppla, S. (2014): The contribution of geology,
hydrogeology, geothermal issues and geotechnics to the urban development
of Frankfurt am Main. GeoFrankfurt 2014, 21. - 24. September 2014, Frankfurt
am Main
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H. (2014): Current experiences with
Combined Pile-Raft Foundations and Energy Piles. Deep Foundation
Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India, 19. - 20. September
2014, Neu-Delhi, Indien
Katzenbach, R., Bergmann, C., Leppla, S., Ruppert, T., Weidle, A. (2014):
Geotechnical interaction between traffic infrastructure, existing structures and
Engineering, 09. - 11. September 2014, Wien, Österreich, Vol. 2, 1137-1142
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Krajewski, W. (2014): Numerical analysis and
verification of the soil-structure-interaction in the course of large construction
projects in inner cities. International Conference on Soil-Structure-Interaction:
Underground structures and retaining walls, 16. – 18. Juni 2014, St.
Petersburg, Russland, 28-34
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2014): Cost optimized solutions for underground
structures and deep foundations. 4th Annual Underground Infrastructure & Deep
Foundations Summit, 09. – 10. Juni, Doha, Qatar
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Seip, M. (2014): Economic and safe design and
the excution standards for the construction phase of deep foundation systems
in difficult soil conditions. International Conference on Piling & Deep
Foundations, 21. – 23. Mai 2014, Stockholm, Schweden, 10 S.
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Katzenbach, R., Clauß, F., Leppla, S. (2014): Geotechnik, Geothermie, Energie
– Aktuelle Entwicklung. Treffen der ehemaligen Professoren des Fachbereichs
16 „Maschinenbau“ der TU Darmstadt, 16.05.2014, Seeheim - Jugenheim
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2014): Stability, traffic safety and durability of
underground structures during service time guaranteed by engineering
inspection and supervision. World Tunnel Congress 2014, 12. – 14. Mai 2014,
Foz do Iguacu, Brasilien, 5 S.
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2014): Independent peer review processes
regarding stability and serviceability during planning, design and construction
of underground structures. World Tunnel Congress 2014, 12. – 14. Mai 2014,
Foz do Iguacu, Brasilien, 10 S.
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Vogler, M., Kurze, S. (2014): Geotechnical
requirements for successful realisation of construction works in the vicinity of
historical sites and World Heritage Properties. PROHITECH´14 – 2nd
International Conference on Protection of Historical Constructions, 07. – 09.
Mai 2014, Antalya, Türkei, 243-248
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Wagner, I. (2014): Experiences in geotechnical risk
management. ELGIP Workshop “Geotechnical risk management for transport
infrastructure”, 24. April 2014, Delft, Niederlande
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2014): Deep foundation systems in difficult soil
conditions. DFI Middle East Conference, 02. – 03. April 2014, Dubai, Vereinigte
Arabische Emirate
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Alzaylaie, M. (2014): Value engineering for deep
foundation challenges. DFI Middle East Conference, 02. – 03. April 2014,
Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H. (2014): Excavations; Foundations;
Combined Pile-Raft Foundation (CPRF). Short Course on Computational
Geotechnics, 30. März – 01. April 2014, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2014): Soil-structure-interaction of tunnels and
superstructures during construction and service time. Symposium on Zagreb
underground, 27. – 28. März 2014, Zagreb, Kroatien
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2014): Geotechnical Value Engineering design for
cost-optimised and safe foundation systems and deep excavations. Seminar on
Value Management & Value Engineering: Achieving value for money through
best practices. 17. März 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): Independent peer review as a guarantee for
safety, serviceability and optimisation of deep foundation systems. International
Symposium on Advances in Foundation Engineering (ISAFE 2013), 05. – 06.
Dezember 2013, Singapur
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Krajewski, W. (2013): Innerstädtische
Großbaumaßnahmen und ihre Auswirkung auf bestehende unterirdische UBahnbauwerke am Beispiel Frankfurt am Main: Verformungen und Auftrieb;
baubegleitende Messprogramme. STUVA-Tagung 2013, 27. – 29. November
2013, Stuttgart
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): New experiences at urban tunneling
projects. International Conference on Geotechnics for sustainable
development, 28. – 29. November 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): Geotechnical challenges at super high-rise
buildings. International Conference on Geotechnics for sustainable
development, 28. – 29. November 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Weidle, A., Vogler, M. (2013): Wasserdichte
Untergeschosse – Standsicherheit und Gebrauchstauglichkeit. Baurechtstreff
2013, 08. November 2013, Frankfurt am Main
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): Enhanced deep foundation systems
including energy piles for cooling. Piling and Deep Foundations Asia, 25. – 26.
September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Katzenbach, R., Bergmann, C., Leppla, S., Zheng, J. (2013): Safety assurance
for challenging geotechnical civil engineering constructions in urban areas.
2013 Conference on Civil Engineering and Safety, 20. – 22. September 2013,
Beijing, China
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): Soil-structure-interaction of large storage
constructions. 18th Conference of the International Society for Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Engineering, 2. – 6. September 2013, Paris, Frankreich
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): Deformation behavior of clay due to
unloading and the consequences on construction projects in inner cities. 18 th
Conference of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical
Engineering, 2. – 6. September 2013, Paris, Frankreich
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): Engineering inspection and supervision of
tunnels and undergroung stations of urban metro systems. 18 th Conference of
the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2. –
6. September 2013, Paris, Frankreich
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H., Seip, M., Kuttig, H. (2013): Optimised
deep foundations and retaining structures in difficult soil and groundwater
conditions. 1th International Conference on Foundation nad Soft Ground
Engineering Challendes in MeKong Delta, 5. Juni 2013, Thu Dau Mot
University, Binh Duong City, Vietnam
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): Qualified soil investigation and the 4-EyePrinciple as basis for safety and serviceability of geotechnical constructions.
1th International Conference on Foundation and Soft Ground Engineering
Challenges in MeKong Delta, 5. Juni 2013, Thu Dau Mot University, Binh
Duong City, Vietnam
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): Economic solutions for geotechnical
challenges like super high-risebuildings and urban tunneling. International
Conference on “State if the art of pile foundation and pile case histories”,
2.- 4. Juni 2013, Bandung, Indonesien
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): Large construction projects in soil with time
dependent deformation behavior and the effects on existing underground
structures. 18 th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference & Inaugural
AGSSEA Conference, 29. – 31. Mai 2013, Singapur
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H., Seip, M., Kuttig, H. (2013): Design and
construction of deep foundation systems and retaining structures in urban
areas in difficult soil and ground water conditions. 11th International Conference
“Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques”, 16.-17. Mai 2013,
Vilnius, Litauen
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Vogler, M., Seip, M., Kurze, S. (2013): SoilStructure- Interaction of tunnel and superstructures during construction and
service time. 11th International Conference “Modern Building Materials,
Structures and Techniques”, 16. – 17. Mai 2013, Vilnius, Litauen
Leppla, S. (2013): Salzmechanik – Modellierung des Materialverhaltens und
ingenieurpraktische Anwendung. Aktuelle Forschung in der Bodenmechanik
2013 - 1. Deutsche BodenmechanikTagung 2013, 07. Mai 2013, Bochum
Katzenbach, R., Kurze, S., Leppla, S. (2013): Enhanced inner urban tunneling
for the protection of World Heritage Properties. 12th International Conference
Underground Construction Prague 2013, 22. – 24. April 2013, Prag,
Tschechische Republik
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2013): New concept of engineering inspection and
supervision of tunnels and stations of urban metro systems during service time.
12th International Conference Underground Construction Prague 2013,
22. – 24. April 2013, Prag, Tschechische Republik
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Weidle, A., Choudhury, D. (2013): Aspects of
management of soil risk. 4th International Seminar on Forensic Geotechnical
Engineering, 10. – 12. Januar 2013, Bengaluru, Indien
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Seip, M. (2012): Verformungen von Halde und
Baugrund. K+S Inhouse-Workshop, 28.11.2012, Magdeburg
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Seip, M. (2012): Rückstandssalzmechanik und
Haldenkörperverhalten. K+S Inhouse-Workshop, 28.11.2012, Magdeburg
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Seip, M. (2012): Komplexe Interaktion zwischen
Haldenkorpus, technischen Einrichtungen und dem Baugrund. K+S InhouseWorkshop, 28.11.2012, Magdeburg
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H. (2012): Die Kombinierte PfahlPlattengründung
Gründungstechnologie. Baugrund-Tragwerk-Interaktion: Optimierung der
Fundation und Bemessung nach dem Stand der Technik, 13. November 2012,
Zürich, Schweiz
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H., Waberseck, T., Vogler, M., Seip, M.
(2012): Geotechnik und Geothermie in der Region Rhein-Main-Neckar. 32.
Baugrundtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V., 26. – 29.
September 2012, Mainz
Leppla, S. (2012): Baugrund-Tragwerk-Interaktion von Rückstandshalden.
Forum für junge Geotechnik-Ingenieure der 32. Baugrundtagung der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V., 26. September 2012, Mainz
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2012): Design of geotechnical structures
considering the soil-structure-interaction. Deep Foundations and Underground
Infrastructures, 18. – 19. September 2012, Pretoria, Südafrika
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Waberseck, T. (2012): Deep excavations and
deep foundation systems combined with energy piles. Baltic Piling Days 2012,
03. – 05. September 2012, Tallinn, Estland
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2012): Displacement of infrastructures due to
large tailings heaps of viscoplastic material and the resulting soil-structureinteraction. XII International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology,
Energy and Global Sustainable Development, 27. – 29. Juni 2012, Los
Angeles, USA
Katzenbach, R., Bergmann, C.,Leppla, S., Kurze, S., Seip, M. (2012):
Interaktion Bauwerk-Boden • verschiedene Bemessungswerte – wie
„funktioniert” der EC?. Arbeitstagung der Vereinigung der Prüfingenieure für
Bautechnik, 29. Juni 2012, Baden-Baden
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., (2012): Theory and practice of cost-optimised and
sustainable deep foundation systems for high-rise buildings and civil
engineering structures. 7th Seminar on Special Foundations Engineering and
Geotechnics, 17. – 20. Juni 2012, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
Katzenbach, R., Clauß, F., Leppla, S. (2012): Planning processes for
construction projects and the application in engineering practice. Workshop on
sustainable planning processes, 18. Juni 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Hoffmann, H., Giegerich, G. (2012): Harbour
constructions on very soft soils. 12thBaltic Sea Geotechnical Conference,
31. Mai – 2. Juni 2012, Rostock
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Weidle, A. (2012): Independent Peer Review and
4-Eye-Principle – Design, Peer Reviewing and permission procedures for
deep excavations, foundation systems and tunnels. Building & Construction
Authority (BCA) Singapore, 01.Juni 2012, Frankfurt am Main
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2012): Stability and serviceability of infrastructure
facilities due to large tailings heaps consisting of viscoplastic salt material.
International Conference “Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural
Resources”, St. Petersburg State Mining University, 25. – 27. April
St. Petersburg, Russland
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., (2012): Examining the design of cost optimised
bridge foundations. Bridges Saudi Arabia, 18. – 21. März 2012, Riad, Saudi
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H., Wagner, I. (2012): Dams &
Embankments; Excavations; Foundations. Short course on Computational
Geotechnics, 11. – 13. März 2012, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2012): Theory and practice of the foundation of
high-rise buildings and sustainable energy supply. Conference on Earthquake
and Foundation Engineering, 19. February 2012, Herzliya, Israel
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Osthöver, U., Pulverich, V. (2011):
Ingenieurtechnische Bauwerksprüfung und –überwachung von Tunnel- und
Haltestellenbauwerken innerstädtischer U-Bahnsysteme. STUVA-Tagung´11,
06. – 08. Dezember, Berlin
Katzenbach, R., Clauß, F., Leppla, S. (2011): Foundation of high-rise
buildings including energy piles for CO2 free energy supply. Tongji- TU
Darmstadt Days, 08. – 11. November 2011, Shanghai, China
Katzenbach, R., Clauß, F., Leppla, S., Ruppert, T. (2011): Potentials of
environment protection by geotechnical engineering. 15th Conference of the
European Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
(ESSMGE), 12. – 15. September 2011, Athen, Griechenland
Katzenbach, R., Bergmann, C., Clauß, F., Leppla, S. (2011): Deep
excavations and retaining structures. 15th Conference of the European
Society for Soil
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ESSMGE),
12. – 15. September 2011, Athen, Griechenland
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2011): Cost-optimised foundations for high-rise
buildings in soft soil. Pilingand Deep Foundation Summit, 23. – 24. August
2011, Shanghai, China
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ruppert, T., Hoffmann, H. (2011):
Spezialgründungen in aller Welt. Jubiläumskolloquium: 20 Jahre G.U.B.
Ingenieur AG, 01. Juli 2011, Zwickau
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H., Seip, M. (2011): Value engineered
design of geotechnical structures. Underground Infrastructure & Deep
Foundations Qatar, 30.Mai – 02. Juni 2011, Doha, Qatar
Katzenbach, R., Vogler, S., Seip, M., Clauß, F., Leppla, S. (2011): Energie
und Immobilienwirtschaft – Zentrales Element der Wertschöpfungskette. 59.
Immobilienforum Frankfurt, 18. Mai 2011, Frankfurt am Main
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Wachter, S., Seip, M. (2011): Scientific
development of a viscoplastic constitutive law and its application in
engineering practice.13thConference of the International Association for
Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 09. – 11. Mai
2011, Melbourne, Australien
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H. (2011): Optimised foundation for highrise buildings in engineering practice. International Conference “Topical Issues
of Subsoil Usage”, St. Petersburg State Mining University, 19. – 22. April 2011,
St. Petersburg, Russland
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H., Hoffmann, H., Seip, M. (2011):
Methodology of the optimisation of bridge foundations; theory and practice.
Bridges Saudi Arabia, 27. – 30. März 2011, Jeddah, Saudi Arabien
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H., Waberseck, T. (2011): Enhanced
Geotechnics and Geothermics for sustainable construction. 1st International
Conference on Sustainable Construction, 03. – 04. Februar 2011, Prag,
Tschechische Republik
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H. (2011): Interaction between
Geotechnics and Structural Engineering. Piling and Deep Foundations Middle
East, 31. Januar – 01.Februar 2011, Abu Dhabi, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Seip, M. (2010): Verformungen an
Infrastruktureinrichtungen durch die Belastungen des Baugrundes aus
großflächigen Rückstandshalden. 31. Baugrundtagung der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V., 03. – 06. November 2010, München
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H. (2010): Enhanced Geotechnics and
Geothermics for cost optimised and sustainable foundation systems. 4th
International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mechanics,
02. - 03. November 2010, Teheran, Iran
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H. (2010): Optimisation of the foundation
of the highest high-rise buildings of the world in UAE and KSA including
geothermal impact. Piling and Deep Foundations Saudi Arabia, 18.-19.
Oktober 2010, Jeddah, Saudi Arabien
Wachter, S., Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2010): A visco-plastic constitutive
equation for the modelling of tailings heaps consisting of rock salt. 4
International Conference on
Structural Engineering, Mechanics and
Computation, 06. – 08. September
2010, Kapstadt, Südafrika
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Waberseck, T. (2010): Geotechnical and
geothermal optimised foundations. Piling and Deep Foundation Africa, 31.
August – 02. September 2010, Johannesburg, Südafrika
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2010): Theory and experience with the Combined
Pile Raft Foundation (CPRF). Conference on Earthquake and Foundation
Engineering, 20. Juni 2010, Herzliya, Israel
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H. (2010): Ingenieurinnovationenen durch
das Zusammenwirken von Geotechnik, Geothermie und Hochbaukonstruktion.
Festveranstaltung zum Firmenjubiläum: 50 Jahre
Harrer Ingenieure Gesellschaft beratender Ingenieure VBI mbH, 11. Juni 2010, Karlsruhe
Katzenbach, R., Dunaevskiy, R., Kuttig, H., Leppla, S., Vogler, M. (2010):
General Report of Technical Session 1a: Construction in restrained urban
areas. International Conference Geotechnical Challenges in Megacities, 07. –
10. Juni 2010, Moskau, Russland
Katzenbach, R., Dunaevskiy, R., Kuttig, H., Leppla, S., Vogler, M. (2010):
State of practice for the cost-optimised foundation of high-rise buildings.
International Conference Geotechnical Challenges in Megacities, 07. – 10.
Juni 2010, Moskau, Russland
Katzenbach, R., Bachmann, G., Leppla, S., Ramm, H. (2010): Chances and
limitations of the observational method in geotechnical monitoring. 14th
Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 02. – 04. Juni
2010, Bratislava, Slowakei
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2010): Geotechnics and Geothermics as
multidisciplinary central sciences for sustainable structures and techniques.
10th International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and
Techniques, 19. – 21. Mai 2010, Wilna, Litauen
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2010): Enhanced Geotechnics for cost optimised
infrastructure constructions. 3rd Pilingand Foundation Forum, 04. – 05. Mai
2010, Abu Dhabi, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Mayrhofer, M., Oberhofer, A., Deutinger, G., Zangerl, C.,Ghetta, S.,
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Semprich, S., Supp, G., Kolymbas, D., Breymann,
H. (2010): Der Spinnanker als neuartiges Verankerungssystem. 17.
Darmstädter Geotechnik-Kolloquium, 18. März 2010
Katzenbach, R., Kuttig, H., Leppla, S., Wagner, I. (2010): Modern
Geothechnics and Geothermics – Enhanced safety modelling and optimised
use of natural Ressources. Piling & Deep Foundations Middle East 2010, 31.
Januar – 03.Februar 2010, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Ramm, H., Wagner, I. (2009): Economic
Attractiveness of the Combined Pile Raft Foundation (CPRF) and Energy
Piles. Piling and Deep Foundation Summit, 07. – 10. November 2009, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabien
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Wagner, I. (2009):General Report of Technical
Session 2a: Deep Foundations and Retaining Walls. 17th Conference of the
International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
(ISSMGE), 05. - 09.Oktober 2009, Alexandria, Ägypten
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Wagner, I. (2009): Anforderungen an die moderne
Geotechnik – Ressourcenschonung und Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien.
Fortbildungsveranstaltung Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG, 10. September
2009, Frankfurt am Main
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., Waberseck, T. (2009): Enhanced Geotechnics
and Geothermics for a sustainable development. Internet-Vortrag, 19. Juni
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S. (2009): Methodik der geotechnischen Entwurfsund Nachweisprozeduren nach den allgemein anerkannten Regeln der
Technik; Geotechnische Kategorien und Beobachtungsmethode; Gründung,
Baugruben und Unterfangungen; Vier-Augen-Prinzip in der Geotechnik;
Geothermie. Fortbildungsveranstaltung Architekten- und Ingenieurverein
Wetterau e.V., 24. April 2009, Florstadt
Katzenbach, R., Dunaevskiy, R., Kuttig, H., Leppla, S., Vogler, M. (2009):
Gründungsoptimierung von Hochhäusern in Kiew. 16. Darmstädter
Geotechnik-Kolloquium, 19. März 2009
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., (2009): Enhanced Geotechnics and Geothermics
as an excellent basis for sustainable development – international experiences.
15th Séchy Károly memorial session, 06.Februar 2009, Budapest, Ungarn
Katzenbach, R., Leppla, S., (2009): Ensuring Sustainable Design Using
Energy Piles and the Combined Pile Raft Foundation (CPRF). Piling and Deep
Foundations Summit “Optimising Foundation Design & Construction in Middle
East”, 01. – 04. Februar 2009, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Katzenbach, R., Bachmann, G., Gutberlet, C., Leppla, S. (2008): Requirements
on the application of numerical methods on ULS proofs in geotechnics.12th
Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and
Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 01. – 06. Oktober 2008, Goa, Indien
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leppla  Institut und Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik  Technische Universität Darmstadt
Leppla, S. (2008): Studentischer Vortrag anlässlich der Akademischen
Abschlussfeier. Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie der
Technischen Universität Darmstadt, 08. Februar 2008, Darmstadt
Hochdruckinjektionsverfahrens am Bauvorhaben Noord/ Zuid Metrolijn
Amsterdam. Fortbildungsveranstaltung Max Bögl Bauunternehmung GmbH,
Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz