Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Nationality Date of birth Gender Wojciech Rafał Wiewiórowski Polish 13 June 1971 Male Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Assistant lecturer PhD candidate Scientific activities, Lecturer of constitutional law Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk Higher education 1996-2000 Editor Main activities and responsibilities Legal databases and information retrieval systems - design and management Name of employer Wydawnictwo Prawnicze Lex (from 1998 part of WoltersKluwer), Sopot Poland Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name of employer Type of business or sector 1 1995-2000 Legal publishing house 2000-2001 Editor and editor-in-chief Legal databases, information retrieval systems and internet services - design and management Portale Profesjonalne, Gdańsk Online services for lawyers, education and public administration 2002-2003 Head of Internet Team Internet services of the publishing house, dedicated internet services for National Notaries' Council and National Council of Legal Advisors Polskie Wydawnictwa Profesjonalne - Wolters Kluwer Polska, Gdańsk - Warsaw Legal publishing house 2002-2008 Lecturer Lecturer in constitutional law, European law, public administration Gdańsk College of Administration Higher Education Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name of employer Type of business or sector Management function: Head of Department of IT Law, adjunct professor and 1) Head of Laboratory of Legal Informatics (Kierownik Pracowni Informatyki Prawniczej) 2) 5 employees 3) ca. 230.000 PLN (ca. 50.000 EUR) 4) 2 higher level positions (dean, rector), 16 equal heads of departments in the structure of the Faculty Lecturer in legal informatics, IT law, data protection, e-government; head of the department responsible for didactic and scientific activities of the team and for Internet services of the Faculty Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk Higher Education Dates Occupation or position held 2006 - 2008 High level advisory function: Member of the Cabinet of the Minister of Interior and Administration and Deputy Prime Minister (doradca w gabinecie politycznym wice premiera) Main activities and responsibilities Advise in the field of e-government, information society and constitutional law, representing the Deputy Prime Minister in the legislative activities in the parliamentary committees, representation in Governmental Permanent Committee for e-Government and Telecommunication, representation towards chambers of commerce, drafting law, supervising the e-governmental projects. Name of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name of employer Type of business or sector 2 2003-2010 Ministry of the Interior and Administration / Chancellery of the Council of Ministers Public administration 2006 - 2008 President of the Regulatory Commission of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church Regulation of real estate claims of the Church Regulatory Commission of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church at the Minister of Interior Regulatory panel, ADR 2008-2010 Management function: Director of the Informatisation Department 1) Director of the Informatisation Department (Dyrektor Departamentu Informatyzacji) 2) ca. 40 employees 3) ca. 1,7 million PLN (ca. 404.000 EUR) 4) 3 higher level positions (undersecretary of state, minister, prime minister), 2 lower levels (head of unit, head of referat), 15 equal directors of departments in the structure of the Ministry Legal aspects of e-government, public investment in the field of internet services of public administration, representation of the Government in the parliamentary activities, Secretary of the Governmental Permanent Committee for e-Government and Telecommunication, representation towards chambers of commerce and self-government, drafting law, supervising the e-governmental projects, leading role in drafting and consultations of the Amended Law on e-Government and its implementing acts. . Ministry of Interior and Administration Public administration Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name of employer Type of business or sector August 2010 - present Management function: Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data 1) Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data (Generalny Inspektor Ochrony Danych Osobowych) 2) 123 employees 3) ca. 15 million PLN (ca. 3,6 million EUR) 4) no higher level positions (independent controlling organ), 3 lower levels (deputy, director of department, head of unit), no equal positions in the hierarchy National Data Protection Authority; Representation of Poland in the Article 29 Working Party, T-PD Committee, GPEN, International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications (Berlin Group); Representation of WP 29 in European Multistakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing Bureau of the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection Public administration Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Master of Laws Law Dissertation: "International Co-operation in the Scope of Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area" Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk (Poland) 1995-2000 Doctor in constitutional law PhD Dissertation: "The Principle of the Separation of Powers under the Judicial Review and the Constitutional Role of Courts in United States of America" Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk 1995 International Business and Trade Summer School Principal subjects/occupational skills covered European law, international trade law, comparative constitutional law Name and type of organisation providing education and training Catholic University of America and Jagiellonian University of Cracow Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training 3 1990-1995 1996-1998 English and European Law School English and European law British Law Centre of Cambridge University and the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk 2003-2004 Special Studies in Professional Education of Teachers Postgraduate teaching course Gdańsk College of Administration Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training 2009 Singapore Co-operation Programme. eGovernment - Journey Towards Public Sector Excellance eGovernment, Information & Communication Technology Civil Service College - Singapore Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Polish Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Listening European level (*) Reading Speaking Spoken interaction Spoken production Writing English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Spanish B1 B2 B1 B1 B1 Russian B2 B2 B1 B1 B1 Proficient user (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Additional information Vice Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party since February 2014; Member of the Executive Committee of the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners since October 2012; Representing Poland in committee on Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (the ISA Committee) assisting the European Commission (2008-2010); In 2010 - appointed the member of the Archives Council to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage; Member of the Polish Association for European Law; Member of Scientific Centre of Law and IT; 1991-1997 Member of the European Law Students' Association ELSA (member of the national board, and director for IT in the international board); Author of numerous studies, publications and lectures in the field of personal data protection, IT law, e-government and legal informatics including 4 books, 20 chapters in books and 18 articles. 4 Annexes Publications and lectures Publications: Books 1. Internet. Prawno-informatyczne problemy sieci, portali i e-usług [co-editor:] G. Szpor, C.H.Beck, Warsaw 2012, p. 389, ISBN 97883-255-3908-5; e-book 978-83-255-3793-7; 2. Informatyka prawnicza. Nowoczesne technologie informacyjne w pracy prawników i administracji publicznej [coauthor:] G. Wierczyński, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2012, p. 364, ISBN 978-83-264-0722-2; 3. Informatyka prawnicza. Technologia informacyjna dla prawników i administracji publicznej [coauthor:] G. Wierczyński, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2008, p. 394, ISBN 978-83-7601-186-8; 4. Informatyka prawnicza. Technologia informacyjna dla prawników i administracji publicznej [coauthor:] G. Wierczyński, Zakamycze Kraków 2008, ISBN: 83-7444-208-5; Chapters in books: 1. Ochrona prywatności jako ograniczenie prawa do ponownego przetwarzania informacji publicznej [in:] A. Szmyt [ed.:] Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze. Tom XXXI. Studia ustrojoznawcze. Księga jubileuszowa profesora Andrzeja Pułło, University Of Gdansk Edit., 2014, ISSN: 1234-4303, p.12; 2. Ponowne przetwarzanie informacji publicznej zawierającej dane osobowe [in:] G. Sibiga [ed.:] Główne problemy prawa do informacji w świetle prawa i standardów międzynarodowych, europejskich i wybranych państw Unii Europejskiej, C.H.Beck, Warsaw 2013, ISBN 978-83-255-6375-2, p. 9; 3. Kwanty informacji o osobie. Prawne aspekty przetwarzania danych o osobach i "obiektach" pochodzących z rozproszonych zbiorów [in:] P. Andrzej R., Z. Rau, M. Wągrowski [ed.:] Nowoczesne systemy łączności i transmisji danych na rzecz bezpieczeństwa. Szanse i zagrożenia, LEX Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2013, p. 8, ISBN 978-83-264-4255-1, 4. Wprowadzenie [in:] Piotr Górny [ed.:] Ochrona danych osobowych w praktyce, Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny, Warsaw 2013, p. 2, ISBN 978-83-275-1322-9. 5. Za nami dopiero początek [w:] 15-lecie ustawy o ochronie danych osobowych, GIODO, Warsaw 2013, p. 3, ISBN 978-83-275-13229. 6. Prawne aspekty udostępniania usług administracji publicznej w modelu chmury [in:] G. Szpor [ed.:] Internet – Cloud computing. Przetwarzanie w chmurze, C.H.Beck, Warsaw 2013, p. 38, ISBN 978-83-255-5235-0, e-book 978-83-255-5236-7; 7. Profilowanie osób na podstawie ogólnodostępnych danych [in:] A. Mednis [ed.:] Prywatność a ekonomia. Ochrona danych osobowych w obrocie gospodarczym, Wyd. WPiA Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warsaw 2013, p. 16, ISBN 978-83-63093-94-5; 8. Dokument elektroniczny i eMaritime [in:] D. Pyć, I. Zużewicz-Wiewiórowska [ed.:] Leksykon prawa morskiego. 100 podstawowych pojęć, C.H.Beck, Warsaw 2013, ISBN 978-83-255-4362-4; 9. 15 years of personal data protection in Poland and in Central Europe [in:] F. Ferrari [ed.:] Tutela dei dati personali in Italia 15 anni dopo. Tempo di bilanci e di bilanciamenti, Egea, Milan 2012, p. 11, ISBN 978-88-238-4314-1; 10. Privacy by Design jako paradygmat ochrony prywatności [in:] G. Szpor, W. Wiewiórowski [ed.:] Internet. Prawno-informatyczne problemy sieci, portali i e-usług, C.H.Beck, Warsaw 2012, p. 17, ISBN 978-83-255-3908-5; e-book 978-83-255-3793-7; 11. Prawna ochrona danych biometrycznych w systemach teleinformatycznych pracodawcy. Cele przetwarzania a zakres ochrony [in:] A. Nerka, T. Wyka [ed.:] Ochrona danych osobowych podmiotów objętych prawem pracy i prawem ubezpieczeń społecznych. Stan obecny i perspektywy zmian, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2012, p. 10, ISBN 978-83-264-1685-9; 12. Privacy and the Liability of Intermediary Service Provider in the Clouds. E-Governmental Aspects [in:] F. Zombor [ed.:] International Data Protection Conference 2011, Magyar Kozlony Lap-Es Konyvkiado, Budapest 2011, p. 11, ISBN 978-963-9722-96-5; 13. Automatyzacja rozstrzygnięć i innych czynności w sprawach indywidualnych załatwianych przez organ administracji publicznej [współautor:] G. Sibiga [in:] J. Gołaczyński [ed.:] Informatyzacja postępowania sądowego i administracji publicznej, C.H.Beck, Warsaw 2010, p. 13, ISBN 978-83-255-1396-2; 14. Prawne aspekty informatyki [współautor:] G. Wierczyński [in:] S. Wrycza [ed.:] Informatyka ekonomiczna, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warsaw 2010, p. 32, ISBN 978-83-208-1863-5; 15. Pojęcie referencyjności w dyskusji o zasobach informacyjnych państwa [in:] M. Barczewski, K. Grajewski, J. Warylewski [ed.:] Prawne problemy wykorzystywania nowych technologii w administracji i wymiarze sprawiedliwości – III Konferencja Naukowa WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego oraz Wolters Kluwer Polska, Gdańsk, 20-21 października 2008, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw - Kraków 2009; s. 9, ISBN 978-83-264-0023-0; 16. Prawnokarne aspekty działań informatycznych. Czy Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne jest zorganizowaną grupą przestępczą? [in:] P. Fuglewicz, J. Nowak [ed.:] Społeczne aspekty informatyki, Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne, Katowice 2009, p. 10, ISBN 978-83-60810-13-2; 17. Zagrożenia związane z zarządzaniem informacją prawną i prawniczą w środowisku elektronicznym [in:] H. Ganinska [ed.:] Informacja dla nauki a świat zasobów cyfrowych, Biblioteka Główna Politechniki Poznańskiej, Poznań 2008, p. 14, ISBN 83−910677−4−2; 18. System prawa z perspektywy systemu informacji prawnej [współautor:] G. Wierczyński, [in:] J. Zajadło [ed.:] Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze. Filozofia dogmatyk prawniczych. Tom XVIII, Wyd. UG, Gdańsk 2007, ISSN: 1234-4303; 19. Informatyka prawnicza [in:] J. Zajadło [ed.:] Leksykon współczesnej teorii i filozofii prawa. 100 najważniejszych pojęć, C.H.Beck, Warsaw 2007, p. 8, ISBN: 978-83-7483-519-0; 20. Europejska informacja prawna w Internecie [in:] Z. Brodecki [ed.:] Regiony, LexisNexis, Warsaw 2005, p. 17, ISBN 83-7334-422-5; 5 Articles 1. Proces przetwarzania danych z dokumentów elektronicznych w systemach teleinformatycznych eMaritime [co-author: I. ZużewiczWiewiórowska], "Prawo Morskie" XXX 2014; 2. Ochrona danych osobowych w świecie inteligentnych przedmiotów, "Monitor Prawniczy” - Dodatek 'Ochrona danych osobowych' [ed.:] G. Sibiga, No 9/2014, p. 3-11; 3. Ministerstwo Prawdy vs prawo do bycia zapomnianym, "Nowe Media" No 3/2013, p. 34-42 4. Prawo do prywatności w systemie inteligentnych sieci, "Monitor Prawniczy” - Dodatek 'Ochrona danych osobowych' [ed.:] G. Sibiga, No 8/2013, p. 27-37; 5. Nowe ramy ochrony danych osobowych w Unii Europejskiej jako wyzwanie dla polskiego sądownictwa, "Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa”, No 1/2013, p. 13-26; 6. Legal Aspects of e-Governmental Clouds, “International Journal on Information Technology and Security”, No 1/2013; 7. Personal Profiling Based on Generally Accessible Data, “International Journal on Information Technology and Security”, No 3/2012, p. 31-46; 8. Nowe ramy ochrony danych osobowych w Unii Europejskiej, Monitor Prawniczy - Dodatek 'Ochrona danych osobowych' [ed.:] G. Sibiga, No 7/2012, p. 1-8; 9. Rewolucja 2010?: Czy nowelizacja ustawy o informatyzacji może pchnąć polski e-government na nowe tory? ,,Czas Informacji. Prawo nowych technologii - informacja w administracji i gospodarce” No 1/2010; 10. Bibliografia prawa nowych technologii informacyjnych - styczeń 2009 - styczeń 2010. Cz. II, „Czas Informacji. Prawo nowych technologii. Informacja w administracji i gospodarce”, 2010, p. 62-63; 11. Usługi e-administracji, „Czas Informacji. Prawo nowych technologii - informacja w administracji i gospodarce, No 1/2010, p. 57-59 12. Bibliografia prawa nowych technologii informacyjnych - styczeń 2009 – styczeń 2010. Cz. I, „Czas Informacji. Prawo nowych technologii - informacja w administracji i gospodarce”, No 1/2010, p. 62-63 13. Wyłączenie odpowiedzialności usługodawcy świadczącego usługi drogą elektroniczną za niektóre rodzaje usług (uwagi de lege ferenda), Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze XXI, 2009 p. 199-212; 14. ePUAP bez wad prawnych, „IT w Administracji”, No 6/2008, p. 52-53; 15. Elektroniczna publikacja prawa. Problemy techniki prawodawczej, „Prawo Nowych Technologii”, No 1/2008, p. 71-81; 16. Recenzja - Grzegorz Górski, Sąd Najwyższy Stanów Zjednoczonych do 1930 roku, Przegląd Sejmowy No 6/2007, p. 5; 17. Czego nie może posiadać kryptolog ? Odpowiedzialność karna za posiadanie ‘narzędzi, komponentów i programów do usuwania skutecznych zabezpieczeń’ [in:] XI Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Kryptografii ENIGMA 2007. Materiały konferencyjne, Enigma, Warsaw 2007; 18. Profesjonalny haker. Paradoks odpowiedzialności karnej za czyny związane z ochrona danych i systemów komputerowych [in:] Bezpieczeństwo sieci komputerowych a hacking. Internetki V - materiały z konferencji naukowej, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2005, p. 3847. Presentations/papers delivered in English at international conferences since the beginning of the DPA’s term on August 4th, 2010 2014 6 1. „Internet of Things as a Challenge for the Privacy Protection in the Workplace” lecture during the international workshop "Raising awareness of the data protection issues among the employees working in the EU”) organised Polish, Czech, Croatian and Bulgarian Data Protection Authorities in the scope of Leonardo da Vinci programme in the University of Gdansk (Poland) on June 25th, 2014r. 2. Moderator of third PHAEDRA workshop "The EU Data Protection Regulation and regional perspectives on improving international cooperation between Data Protection Authorities, Privacy Commissioners and Privacy Enforcement Authorities" organised in Seoul (Rep. of Korea) on June 18th, 2014. 3. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy of Eastern European Privacy Protection" lecture during the 41st Asia and Pacific Privacy Association (APPA) Forum organised in Seoul (Rep. of Korea) on June 17-18 th, 2014. 4. “Predictive Analytics as Today's and Tomorrow's Dilemma of the Protection of Personal Data” lecture during 7. International MCSS Conference 2014 “Multimedia Communications, Services & Security” organised in the Faculty of Telecommunication of the Cracow Technical University AGH, June 11-12th, 2014. 5. “Cooperation in the Area of Best Practices” lecture during the European Spring Conference of Data Protection Authorities "European and International Cooperation in the Field of Data Protection" organised by CNIL and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on June 5th, 2014. 6. "What role for regulatory authorities?" lecture during the international seminar "Privacy, Consumers, Competition and Big Data" organised by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in the European Parliament in Brussels on June 2nd, 2014. 7. Panelist at "Forum on International Privacy Law" organised by Cambridge Forums Inc. in The K-Club in Kildare (Ireland), May 19-21st, 2014. 8. "Data Protection Enforcement: Current Trends and Future Predictions” lecture during the "IAPP Europe Data Protection Intensive" conference organised by The International Association of Privacy Professionals, April 29th - May 1st, 2014 in London. 9. "Judicial Review of the European Privacy Law" lecture during conference "The European Union and its Courts - a Judicial Synergy" organised by British Law Centre of the University of Cambridge celebrating the XX Central and Eastern European Moot Court Competition on April 24th, 2014 in Warsaw, 10. "The data protection authorities and supervisory bodies: Effective capacity to protect the personal data of the citizens?" lecture during the international conference "Filing, Inform citizens – Passport for the protection of personal data" organised by the European Association for the defense of Human Rights (AEDH), Ligue des droits de l’Homme (LDH), Civil Liberties Union, Humanistische Union, ALOS–LDH and MEDEL - European Magistrates for Democracy and Freedom in the premises of the European Economical and Social Committee in Brussels on April 9th, 2014. 11. "How should Data Protection Authorities address the privacy and data protection challenges raised by drones?" lecture during "European DPAs meeting on civil applications of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)" organised by DG Enterprise in Brussels on February 28th, 2014. 12. "Interoperability between privacy enforcement regimes" lecture during the ession "Enforcing Privacy" organised in Brussels on January 23rd, 2014. 13. Panel “EU Data Protection Reform. State of Play” during the international conference “Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) 2014. Reforming Data Protection. The Global Perspective” organised by Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Research group on Law, Science, Technology and Society LSTS), Facultés Universitaires de Namur (Centre de Recherches Informatique et Droit CRID), Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique INRIA, Tilburg University (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society TILT) and Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI in Brussels, January 22-24th, 2014. 2013 14. Panel "Through the Regulators’ Lens" during the European Data Protection Congress organised by The International Association of Privacy Professionals in Brussels, December 10-12th, 2013. 15. "The Role of International Organisations in Overcoming the Fragmentation of the Global Privacy Protection Schemes" lecture during the international conference "Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation of International Law Revisited" organised by Institute of Legal Science of the Polish Academy of Science (INP PAN) in the scope of "International Law between Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation: the Role of Law in the Post-national Constellation" project in Warsaw, November 18-19th, 2013. 16. "Profiling the citizen. Access of public authorities to the data on citizen stored in public and private resources" lecture during lecture during IV International Conference “International cooperation as safeguarding of privacy in every country” organised by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR - Федеральнa службa по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций) in Moscow, November 5-8th, 2013. 17. "Cloud and the Citizen" lecture during the conference "EuroCloud Congress 2013" organised by EuroCloud Europe in Luxemburg, October 15-16th, 2013. 18. “Privacy Compass” lecture during 35. International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners “A Privacy Compass in a Turbulent World” organised in Warsaw, September 23-26th, 2013. 19. "Improving Practical and Helpful Cooperation Between Data Protection Authorities. Introduction" lecture during first workshop of PHAEDRA project "A need for better cooperation and coordination between DPAs" organised in Warsaw, September 24th, 2013. 20. "Public Voice in the International Debate on Privacy Protection" lecture during the The Public Voice Conference "Our Data, Our Lives" organised in Warsaw, September 24th, 2013. 21. “Reflection of the case law of European Court of Human Rights into domestic legislation” presented during the workshop “Civil & Criminal Liability for violating the right to personal data protection” organized by DG Enlargement as a part of TAIEX project in Skopje (FYR Macedonia), May 29-30th, 2013. 22. “Information security: a renewed priority?” presented during the Spring Conference of European Data Protection Authorities in Lisbon, May 16-17th, 2013. 23. “Personal Data Protection and eID. Bringing two reforms of EU law to common denominator" presented during the international conference “European Identity & Cloud Conference 2013” organised by KuppingerCole in Munich (Germany), May 13-17th, 2013 and participation in the panel discussion “The new EU Data Protection Strategy. EU´s General Data Protection Regulation: 10 uneasy Truths for any Business” at the same conference. 24. “Sensitive Data and Emerging Technologies: Friends or Foes?” presented at the international conference “Data Protection Intensive” organized by The International Association of Privacy Professionals in London, April 24-25th, 2013. 25. “Privacy Impact Assessment for eGovernmental Clouds” presented during the 15. Conference of Central and Eastern Europe Data Protection Authorities in Belgrade April 10-12th, 2013. 26. “Right to be forgotten and freedom of expression” presented at the international workshop “The Right to be Forgotten” organized by the Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) of the University of Cambridge on April 9th, 2013. 7 27. “Right to Be Forgotten. The Fundamental Right of the Person or the Danger of the ‘Ministry of Truth’” presented during the international conference “Online Privacy: Consenting to Your Future” organised by Universita ta Malta in the scope of “CONSENT - Consumer sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content services in the digital economy” in St. Julian’s (Malta), March 20-21st, 2013. 28. “Privacy and Open Data. Siamese Twins or Mortal Enemies?” presented during the international conference 2013 ePSI pt. “Gotcha! – getting everyone on board” organised by ePSI Platform and Digital Centre in the University of Warsaw on February 22nd, 2013. 29. „The Essential Elements in Distributed Environments of Accountability. Introduction” presented during the plenary session of V Phase of “Accountability Project” organised by Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) Hunton & Williams LLP in co-operation with the European Data Protection Supervisor and data protection authorities from France, Ireland, Poland and Spain in Warsaw, February 2122nd, 2013. 30. “From ‘Solidarity’ to the Surveillance Society. Privacy Protection Dilemmas In Poland” chairman of the session during the international conference “Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) 2013. Reloading Data Protection” organised by Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Research group on Law, Science, Technology and Society LSTS), Facultés Universitaires de Namur (Centre de Recherches Informatique et Droit CRID), Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique INRIA, Tilburg University (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society TILT) and Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI in Brussels, January 23-25th, 2013. 31. Panelist in the “EU Roundtable Discussion & White Paper launch” organized by Future of Privacy Forum in Brussels, January 24th, 2013. 2012 32. "Interoperability: A Goal within Reach" presented during pre-conference workshop of the European Data Protection Congress organised by the International Association of Privacy Professionals in Brussels, November 13-15th, 2013. 33. “Police data sharing and access to private data bases" presented during Interparliamentary Committee Meeting “The reform of the EU Data Protection framework - Building trust in a digital and global world” organised by the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) for Member States Parliaments in Brussels, October 9-10th, 2012. 34. “IPPC Working Document on the Collection, Processing, and Transfer of Biomedical Research and Pharmacovigilance Data” presented during the international conference “Data Protection in Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Safety: A Dialogue Among DPAs and the Pharmaceutical Sector” organized by the International Pharmaceutical Privacy Consortium (IPPC) in Paris on October 3rd, 2012 r. 35. “Moving My Digital Identity. Pros and Cons of Profiling and Data Portability Rules In the New Data Protection Framework” presented during the 25. Annual International Conference Privacy Law & Business "Overcoming Privacy Hurdles" organised in FitzWilliam College of the University of Cambridge, July 2-4th, 2012. 36. “Social Security Databases as Public Registers. Privacy and Confidentiality Issues Of The Interoperable eAdministration” lecture and participation in the panel “Security, authorization and digital signatures – gaining client’s trust” during the technical seminar “Efficient eServices In Social Security” organized by ISSA European Network Polish Social Insurance Authority in Warsaw, May 24-25th, 2012. 37. “Legal Aspects of Privacy in Cloud Computing” presented during the international conference “Personal Data Protection: Legislation, Practices, Enforcement” („Защита персональных данных: Право, практика, надзор”) organized by Legal Informatics Research Centre of the Academy of Legal Science of Ukraine, Institute of Information the Academy of Science of Ukraine and “Business and Security” („Бизнес и безопасность”) magazine in Kiev, May 21-22nd, 2012. 38. “New Framework of Data Protection in the European Union” presented during the 14. Conference of Central and Eastern Europe Data Protection Authorities in Kiev, May 21-22nd, 2012. 39. “Improving Practical and Helpful Co-operation between Data Protection Authorities” presented during the workshop “Réunion internationale sur l’application de la loi” organized by the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Montreal, May 14-15th, 2012. 40. “Right to Be Forgotten. The Fundamental Right of the Person and the Danger of the 'Ministry of Truth'” presented during the 3. Annual Symposium of the Fundamental Rights Agency “The EU Data Protection Reform: New Fundamental Rights Guarantees” organised in Vienna, May 10th, 2012. 41. “Does the Harmonised Data Protection in Europe Need Common Enforcement Practices? Central and Eastern European perspective” presented during the “2nd European Data Protection Day EDPD 2012. European Data Protection Reform” organised by Euroforum in Berlin, May 7-8th, 2012. 42. “New Harmonised Rules for a Common Area of Police and Justice” presented during the Spring Conference of European Data Protection Authorities “Meeting the Expectations? The New Data Protection of the EU” organised in Luxembourg, May 3-4th, 2012. 43. “EU Data Protection Law and Third Countries” presented during the workshop “Revision of the EU Data Protection Directive” organised by Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) in the Law Faculty of the University of Cambridge, April 19-20th, 2012. 44. “EU law and jurisprudence in selected areas of fundamental rights law. Privacy and data protection” presented during the seminar “How to litigate before the European Union Courts. Seminar for human rights lawyers” organised by Open Society Forum and Helsinki Foundation of Human Rights, March 9-10th, 2012 in Warsaw. 45. “Behavioural Biometrics in the Smart House. What does the house know about the user and what the user knows about the house” presented in the session “Privacy and Data Protection in Smart Grids” during the international conference “Computers, Privacy and Data 8 Protection (CPDP) 2012. European Data Protection: Coming Of Age” organised by Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Research group on Law, Science, Technology and Society LSTS), Facultés Universitaires de Namur (Centre de Recherches Informatique et Droit CRID), Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique INRIA, Tilburg University (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society TILT) and Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI in Brussels January 25-27th, 2012. 46. “Combination of Data Collected from Public Resources with Other Data for the Purpose of Individual’s Profiling” presented during the 2nd symposium of the European Thematic Network “Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information” (LAPSI) organised in the University Foundation in Brussels, January 23-24th, 2012. 2011 47. “Binding Corporate Rules in the context of the review of the Directive: from 'Nice to Have' to 'Must Have' Approach” presented during the session “Global Data Transfer” organised in the scope of the European Data Protection Congress of The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) in Paris, November 29-30th, 2011. 48. “Legal Aspects of Cloud Computing in Public Administration” presented during the plenary session “Cloud Computing and Service Oriented Architecture in Public Sector” of the 6th European Ministerial Conference on eGovernment “Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans. egov2011PL” organised by Polish Presidency in the Council of the European Union and by the European Commission in Poznan, November 17-18th, 2011. 49. “Enforcement Powers in Data Protection Law of Italy and Poland” presented during the conference “The Protection of Personal Data in Italy 15 Years After: Time for Review and Balance” in Bocconi University of Milan on November 11th, 2011. 50. “Privacy Responsibility in Cloud Computing” presented during the 33. International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners “Privacy: The Global Age” organised in Mexico City, November 2-3rd, 2011. 51. “Biometrics and privacy protection. Adequacy of the data stored for the purposes stated by data controller” presented during the 2nd International Conference „Защита персональных данных” organised by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR - Федеральнa службa по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций) in Moscow, October 25-26th, 2011. 52. “Digital Single Market in Europe. European and National Legislation as Promotion and Obstacles for Access to Personal Data” presented during the conference “The European Privacy Officers Forum” in Brussels on September 28th, 2011. 53. “Considerations and Contextual Factors Contributing to Introduction of Privacy Impact Assessment in Poland” presented for the Research Group on Law Science Technology & Society in Vrije Universiteit Brussel on September 27th, 2011. 54. “The Role of Privacy Protection in the Implementation of Digital Agenda” presented during the International Conference on Data Protection organised by Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration, the Inspector General for Protection of Personal Data, Hungarian Parliamentary Ombudsman for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, Council of Europe, European Commission, European Law Academy and by Spanish Ministry of Justice in Warsaw on September 21st, 2011. 55. “Single Market and Personal Data Protection” presented during the conference "Raising Awareness of the Data Protection Issues among the Entrepreneurs Operating in the EU" organised by Data Protection Commissioner of Czech Republic, Parliamentary Ombudsman for Data Protection and Freedom of Information oraz Generalnego Inspektora Ochrony Danych Osobowych w Warszawie w dniu 20 lipca 2011. 56. Two lectures “Poland's Data Protection Plans for Its EU Presidency, July to December 2011” and “Changes to Poland's Data Protection Law in Force in 2011” presented during 24. Annual International Conference Privacy Law & Bussiness “Aligning privacy accountability with your business strategy” organised in St. John's College University Cambridge, July 11-13th, 2011. 57. “Privacy and ISP Liability in the Clouds” presented during the international Conference on Data Protection organised by Hungarian Parliamentary Ombudsman for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration, the Inspector General for Protection of Personal Data, Council of Europe, European Commission, European Law Academy and by Spanish Ministry of Justice in Budapest, June 16-17th, 2011. 58. “Janitor of Public Registers. The Problem of State Officers' Authorization to Share the Resources of State Information Infrastructure” presented during the XII European Electronic Signature Forum “Electronic Identification, Authentication And Signatures In The European Common Digital Market” organized by Unizeto Technologies, Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa, Polish Security Printing Works (PWPW S.A.) and Technological University of West Pomerania in Międzyzdroje (Poland), June 6-8th 2011. 59. “Cloud Computing as a Challenge for IT Law. Privacy Protection and ISP Responsibility in the New Model of IT Business” presented during the international conference “Control and Prevention of Sensitive Knowledge as Conditions Limiting the Abuse of Emerging Technologies” organised by University of Lodz in the scope of FESTOS - Foresight of Evolving Security Threats Posed by Emerging Technologies in Lodz, May 16-17th 2011. 60. “Data Protection And Privacy In The Digital Era. Privacy Protection In Cloud Computing” presented during the expert session organised by Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU in Vienna, Feb. 21st 2011. 61. “From European to international standards on data protection. Introduction” presented during the conference „Data protection 30 years later: from European to international standards” organised the European Commission and the Council of Europe in Brussels on January 28th 2011 on 5th European Data Protection Day. 9 62. “Data Protection Authorities' Views on Data Breach Notifications” presented during the conference “Data Breach Notifications in Europe The way forward” organised by the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) in Brussels on January 24th 2011. 10
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