Save - The Gazette

(P. Be H. 11,590.)
Board of Trade (Fisheries and Harbour
Department)* London, August 11, 1900.
THE Board of Trade have received, through
the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, a copy
of a Despatch from Her Majesty's Representative
in Roumania, enclosing the following Circular
respecting quarantine, viz.:—
Bucarest ce 18/31 Juillet 1900.
No. 13361.
Monsieur le Charge" d'Affaires,
J'ai 1'honneur de voua communiquer ce qui
La Direction Generale Eoyale du Service
Sanitaire a decide", que les ballots de sacs arrivant
des pays contamines par la peste seront admis a
1'importation sans qu'ils soient de"faits, a condition
que le bateau qui les transporte ait purge" la
quarantaine de rigueur.
Toutefois les ballots seront soumis a une desiufection exterieur par le formol phenol ou sublime,
selon le choix du proprietaire des sacs. Cette
mesure est jugee indispensable, vu que les ballots
a leur chargement a Calcutta auraient pu etre
contained exterieurement par les debardeurs ou
autres personnes employes au chargement.
Seront exemptes de la disinfection les ballots
qui ont ete deja recus en Angleterre, et qui
auraient ete expgdies depuis plus de 40 jours de
Veuillez agreer, &c.,
Lc Ministre, •
Admiralty, lltk August, 1900.
Royal Naval Reserve.
Sub-Lieutenant Ricbard Harry Ottley Chase
Sewell has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 1st August, 1900.
Admiralty', 18*A August, 1900.
THE undermentioned Staff Engineers havo
been advanced to the rank of Fleet Engineer in
Her Majesty's Fleet :—
David Jackson Bennett.
Charles William Gregory.
Dated 9th July, 1900.
John Stanmore Fussell.
Dated 12th July, 1900.
5th Lancers, Second Lieutenant Fitzroy Augustus
Beauclerk Johnstone, from 3rd Battalion the
Leicestershire Regiment, to be Second Lieutenant, on augmentation. Dated 15th August,
The undermentioned Candidates, nominated by
the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, South
Africa, to be Second Lieutenautp. Dated 15th
August, 1900 :—
4£A Dragoon Guards, Trooper Alfred Holford,
from Imperial Yeomanry, in succession to
Lieutenant H. T. McClellan, promoted.
Lieutenant the Honourable Hugh Robertson, from
3rd Battalion the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, vice S. M. Bruce, transferred to the
Indian Staff Corps.
5th Dragoon Guards, Second Lieutenant George
John Sandys, from Gloucestershire Yeomanry
Cavalry, and from Lieutenant Imperial Yeomanry, in succession to Lieutenant G. H.
Watson, promoted into 3rd Dragoon Guards.
7th Dragoon Guards, Trooper John Precne, from
Imperial Yeomanry, on augmentation.
2nd Dragoons, Second Lieutenant the Honourable William Alexander Montgomerie, from 4th
Battalion Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), in succession to Lieutenant
T. Conoily, killed in action.
5th Lancers, Tiooper Hugh Chambers Hose,
from Imperial Yeomanry, in succession to
Lieutenant C. Arkwright, deceased.
14th Hussars, Trooper Cecil Persse, from Imperial
Yeomanry, in succession to Lieutenant C. B.
Tottenham, promoted.
1st Battalion, Lieutenant T. M. Broadbent resigns his Commission. Dated loth August,
2nd Battajio", The appointment of Miijor W. B.
Mym-rs, Lieutenant Reserve of Officers, as
Adjutant, is antedated to 3rd February, 1900.
3rd Halfalion, Captain L. Rulleaton to be Second
in Command, with the temporary rank of Major
in the Army. Dated 18th June, 19,<0.
Captain R. K. T. Gascoigue to be Second in
Command, w i t h the temporary rank of Major
in the Army. Dated 1st Augus-, 1900.
The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains,
with the temporary i\mk of Captain in tin
R. T. 0. Sheriffe. Dated l o t h July, 1900.
8. F. Wombwell. Dated 1st August, 1900.
To be Lieuteaant-s, with the temporary rank of
Lieutenant in the Army : —
Sergeant Richard Edgar Sudden. Dated 15th
July, 1900.
Corporal Henry Arthur Cole Hamilton. Dated
1st August, 1900.
±th Battalion, The appointment of R. Mefvyn
Wilson, Gent., M.D., as Medical Officer, with
the temporary rank of Captain, which was
notified in the Gazette of 2nd February, 1900,
is cancelled.
llth Battalion, Lieutenant H. C. Harvey resigns
his Commission in consequence of ill-health.
Dated 80th July, 1900.
War Office, Pall Mall,
14tfi August, 19CO.
1st Dragoon Guards, Lieutenant William Gerald
Forrester' Renton, from 6th Battalion the
Royal Warwickshire Regiment, to be Second
Lieutenant, on augmentation. Dated 15th
August, 1900.
3rd Dragoon Guards, Second Lieutenant Stanley
Somerset Wreford Paddon, from 3rd Battalion
the Oxfordshire Light Infantry, to be Second
Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant G. A.
Burgoyne, seconded. Dated 15th August, 1900.
4:th Dragoon Guards, Second Lieutenant Henry
Edward Gurney, from 6th Battalion the Royal
Irish Rifles, to be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant C. Parker Toulson, promoted. Dated 15th August, 1900.
6iA Dragoon Guards, Private Oliver St. Michael
Jones, from Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry,
to be Second Lieutenant, on augmentation. Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery, The
Dated 15th August, 1900.
undermentioned Captains to be Majors :—
3rd Hussars, Ralph Seymour, Gent., to be Second James F. N. Birch, vLe Brevet LiautenantColonel C. A. Anderson, appointed to the Staff
Lieutenant, on augmentation. Dated 15th
August, 1900.
. .
Dated 19th June, 1900.
No. 27220.