Individual and family plans 2015 plan rates Effective Jan. 1, 2015, for individuals and families What to know before looking up rates Areas where Group Health plans are offered: • King County, Area 1 • Western WA, Area 2 Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties • Spokane County, Area 4 • South Central and Southeastern WA, Area 5 Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties Rates for dependents If you have dependents, you’ll need to find the rates for their ages and add them to your rate to get your family’s total monthly premium. Your first 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. Each child older than age 20 will be charged the rate applicable to his or her individual age. Smoker rates These apply to individuals age 21 and older, who have used tobacco or nicotine products regularly within the last 6 months. Regular tobacco use is defined as 4 or more times per week, excluding religious or ceremonial use. Monthly premium rates Plans through Core Bronze HSA Washington Healthplanfinder Core Flex Bronze Plans direct from Group Health page 2 3 Core Flex Silver 4 Core Flex Gold 5 Core Basics Plus Catastrophic 6 HealthPays® Core Bronze HSA 7 Core Plus Bronze 8 Core Plus Silver 9 Core Plus Gold 10 HealthPays® Connect Bronze HSA 11 Connect3 Silver 12 Connect3 Gold 13 Plans on washington healthplanfinder If you qualify for financial assistance, your premium rate may be lower than what is shown. Find out more at Core Bronze HSA from Group Health Cooperative King County | Area 1 Western WA* | Area 2 Spokane County | Area 4 South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker $109.90 $109.90 $113.97 $113.97 $105.06 $105.06 $110.34 $110.34 AGE 0-20‡ 21 $173.07 $207.68 $179.47 $215.37 $165.46 $198.55 $173.76 $208.51 22 $173.07 $207.68 $179.47 $215.37 $165.46 $198.55 $173.76 $208.51 23 $173.07 $207.68 $179.47 $215.37 $165.46 $198.55 $173.76 $208.51 24 $173.07 $207.68 $179.47 $215.37 $165.46 $198.55 $173.76 $208.51 25 $173.76 $208.51 $180.19 $216.23 $166.12 $199.34 $174.46 $209.35 26 $177.22 $212.67 $183.78 $220.54 $169.43 $203.31 $177.93 $213.52 27 $181.38 $217.65 $188.09 $225.71 $173.40 $208.08 $182.10 $218.52 28 $188.13 $225.75 $195.09 $234.11 $179.85 $215.82 $188.88 $226.66 29 $193.67 $232.40 $200.83 $241.00 $185.14 $222.17 $194.44 $233.33 30 $196.43 $235.72 $203.70 $244.44 $187.79 $225.35 $197.22 $236.66 31 $200.59 $240.71 $208.01 $249.61 $191.76 $230.11 $201.39 $241.67 32 $204.74 $245.69 $212.32 $254.78 $195.73 $234.88 $205.56 $246.67 33 $207.34 $248.81 $215.01 $258.01 $198.22 $237.86 $208.17 $249.80 34 $210.11 $252.13 $217.88 $261.46 $200.86 $241.04 $210.95 $253.14 35 $211.49 $253.79 $219.32 $263.18 $202.19 $242.62 $212.34 $254.81 36 $212.88 $255.45 $220.75 $264.90 $203.51 $244.21 $213.73 $256.47 37 $214.26 $257.11 $222.19 $266.63 $204.83 $245.80 $215.12 $258.14 38 $215.65 $258.77 $223.62 $268.35 $206.16 $247.39 $216.51 $259.81 39 $218.41 $262.10 $226.50 $271.80 $208.80 $250.57 $219.29 $263.15 40 $221.18 $265.42 $229.37 $275.24 $211.45 $253.74 $222.07 $266.48 41 $225.34 $270.40 $233.67 $280.41 $215.42 $258.51 $226.24 $271.49 42 $229.32 $275.18 $237.80 $285.36 $219.23 $263.07 $230.24 $276.28 43 $234.86 $281.83 $243.55 $292.26 $224.52 $269.43 $235.80 $282.95 44 $241.78 $290.13 $250.72 $300.87 $231.14 $277.37 $242.75 $291.30 45 $249.91 $299.90 $259.16 $310.99 $238.92 $286.70 $250.91 $301.10 46 $259.61 $311.53 $269.21 $323.05 $248.18 $297.82 $260.64 $312.77 47 $270.51 $324.61 $280.52 $336.62 $258.61 $310.33 $271.59 $325.91 48 $282.97 $339.56 $293.44 $352.13 $270.52 $324.62 $284.10 $340.92 49 $295.26 $354.31 $306.18 $367.42 $282.27 $338.72 $296.44 $355.73 50 $309.10 $370.92 $320.54 $384.65 $295.50 $354.60 $310.34 $372.41 51 $322.78 $387.33 $334.72 $401.66 $308.57 $370.29 $324.07 $388.88 52 $337.83 $405.40 $350.33 $420.40 $322.97 $387.56 $339.18 $407.02 53 $353.06 $423.68 $366.13 $439.35 $337.53 $405.03 $354.48 $425.37 54 $369.50 $443.41 $383.18 $459.81 $353.25 $423.90 $370.98 $445.18 55 $385.95 $463.14 $400.23 $480.27 $368.96 $442.76 $387.49 $464.99 56 $403.77 $484.53 $418.71 $502.45 $386.01 $463.21 $405.39 $486.47 57 $421.77 $506.13 $437.38 $524.85 $403.21 $483.86 $423.46 $508.15 58 $440.98 $529.18 $457.30 $548.76 $421.58 $505.90 $442.75 $531.30 59 $450.50 $540.60 $467.17 $560.60 $430.68 $516.82 $452.30 $542.76 60 $469.71 $563.66 $487.09 $584.51 $449.05 $538.85 $471.59 $565.91 $585.93 61 $486.33 $583.59 $504.32 $605.19 $464.93 $557.91 $488.27 62 $497.23 $596.68 $515.63 $618.75 $475.35 $570.42 $499.22 $599.06 63 $510.90 $613.08 $529.81 $635.77 $488.42 $586.11 $512.95 $615.54 64 $519.21 $623.04 $538.41 $646.11 $496.37 $595.64 $521.28 $625.53 65+ $519.21 $623.04 $538.41 $646.11 $496.37 $595.64 $521.28 $625.53 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 2 Plans on washington healthplanfinder If you qualify for financial assistance, your premium rate may be lower than what is shown. Find out more at Core Flex Bronze from Group Health Cooperative King County | Area 1 Western WA* | Area 2 Spokane County | Area 4 South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker $114.38 $114.38 $118.61 $118.61 $109.35 $109.35 $114.84 $114.84 AGE 0-20‡ 21 $180.13 $216.16 $186.80 $224.15 $172.20 $206.65 $180.85 $217.02 22 $180.13 $216.16 $186.80 $224.15 $172.20 $206.65 $180.85 $217.02 23 $180.13 $216.16 $186.80 $224.15 $172.20 $206.65 $180.85 $217.02 24 $180.13 $216.16 $186.80 $224.15 $172.20 $206.65 $180.85 $217.02 25 $180.85 $217.02 $187.54 $225.05 $172.89 $207.47 $181.57 $217.89 26 $184.45 $221.34 $191.28 $229.53 $176.34 $211.61 $185.19 $222.23 27 $188.78 $226.53 $195.76 $234.91 $180.47 $216.56 $189.53 $227.44 28 $195.80 $234.96 $203.05 $243.66 $187.19 $224.62 $196.58 $235.90 29 $201.57 $241.88 $209.02 $250.83 $192.70 $231.24 $202.37 $242.85 30 $204.45 $245.34 $212.01 $254.41 $195.45 $234.54 $205.27 $246.32 31 $208.77 $250.53 $216.50 $259.79 $199.59 $239.50 $209.61 $251.53 32 $213.09 $255.71 $220.98 $265.17 $203.72 $244.46 $213.95 $256.74 33 $215.80 $258.96 $223.78 $268.54 $206.30 $247.56 $216.66 $259.99 34 $218.68 $262.41 $226.77 $272.12 $209.06 $250.87 $219.55 $263.46 35 $220.12 $264.14 $228.26 $273.92 $210.43 $252.52 $221.00 $265.20 36 $221.56 $265.87 $229.76 $275.71 $211.81 $254.17 $222.45 $266.94 37 $223.00 $267.60 $231.25 $277.50 $213.19 $255.83 $223.89 $268.67 38 $224.44 $269.33 $232.75 $279.30 $214.57 $257.48 $225.34 $270.41 39 $227.32 $272.79 $235.74 $282.88 $217.32 $260.79 $228.23 $273.88 40 $230.21 $276.25 $238.72 $286.47 $220.08 $264.09 $231.13 $277.35 41 $234.53 $281.44 $243.21 $291.85 $224.21 $269.05 $235.47 $282.56 42 $238.67 $286.41 $247.50 $297.00 $228.17 $273.81 $239.63 $287.55 43 $244.44 $293.32 $253.48 $304.18 $233.68 $280.42 $245.41 $294.50 44 $251.64 $301.97 $260.95 $313.14 $240.57 $288.68 $252.65 $303.18 45 $260.11 $312.13 $269.73 $323.68 $248.66 $298.40 $261.15 $313.38 46 $270.20 $324.23 $280.19 $336.23 $258.31 $309.97 $271.28 $325.53 47 $281.54 $337.85 $291.96 $350.35 $269.16 $322.99 $282.67 $339.20 48 $294.51 $353.42 $305.41 $366.49 $281.55 $337.87 $295.69 $354.83 49 $307.30 $368.76 $318.67 $382.41 $293.78 $352.54 $308.53 $370.24 50 $321.71 $386.06 $333.62 $400.34 $307.56 $369.07 $323.00 $387.60 51 $335.94 $403.13 $348.37 $418.05 $321.16 $385.39 $337.29 $404.74 52 $351.61 $421.94 $364.62 $437.55 $336.14 $403.37 $353.02 $423.63 53 $367.47 $440.96 $381.06 $457.27 $351.30 $421.56 $368.94 $442.72 54 $384.58 $461.49 $398.81 $478.57 $367.66 $441.19 $386.12 $463.34 55 $401.69 $482.03 $416.55 $499.86 $384.02 $460.82 $403.30 $483.96 56 $420.24 $504.29 $435.79 $522.95 $401.75 $482.10 $421.93 $506.31 57 $438.98 $526.77 $455.22 $546.26 $419.66 $503.60 $440.73 $528.88 58 $458.97 $550.77 $475.95 $571.14 $438.78 $526.53 $460.81 $552.97 59 $468.88 $562.66 $486.23 $583.47 $448.25 $537.90 $470.75 $564.91 60 $488.87 $586.65 $506.96 $608.35 $467.36 $560.84 $490.83 $589.00 $609.83 61 $506.17 $607.40 $524.89 $629.87 $483.89 $580.67 $508.19 62 $517.51 $621.02 $536.66 $643.99 $494.74 $593.69 $519.58 $623.50 63 $531.74 $638.09 $551.42 $661.70 $508.35 $610.02 $533.87 $640.65 64 $540.39 $648.47 $560.39 $672.45 $516.60 $619.94 $542.55 $651.06 65+ $540.39 $648.47 $560.39 $672.45 $516.60 $619.94 $542.55 $651.06 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 3 Plans on washington healthplanfinder If you qualify for financial assistance, your premium rate for the Core Flex Silver plan may be lower than what is shown. Find out more at Depending on the level of financial assistance you qualify for, you may also be eligible for a Core Flex Silver 94, Core Flex Silver 87, or Core Flex Silver 73 plan. Find out more about these three plans and their premiums at Core Flex Silver from Group Health Cooperative King County | Area 1 Non-smoker Smoker Western WA* | Area 2 Non-smoker Spokane County | Area 4 Smoker Non-smoker Smoker South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker AGE 0-20‡ $139.55 $139.55 $144.72 $144.72 $133.41 $133.41 $140.11 $140.11 21 $219.77 $263.72 $227.90 $273.48 $210.10 $252.12 $220.65 $264.78 22 $219.77 $263.72 $227.90 $273.48 $210.10 $252.12 $220.65 $264.78 23 $219.77 $263.72 $227.90 $273.48 $210.10 $252.12 $220.65 $264.78 24 $219.77 $263.72 $227.90 $273.48 $210.10 $252.12 $220.65 $264.78 25 $220.65 $264.78 $228.81 $274.57 $210.94 $253.13 $221.53 $265.83 26 $225.04 $270.05 $233.37 $280.04 $215.14 $258.17 $225.94 $271.13 27 $230.32 $276.38 $238.84 $286.61 $220.18 $264.22 $231.24 $277.48 28 $238.89 $286.66 $247.73 $297.27 $228.38 $274.05 $239.84 $287.81 29 $245.92 $295.10 $255.02 $306.02 $235.10 $282.12 $246.90 $296.28 30 $249.44 $299.32 $258.66 $310.40 $238.46 $286.15 $250.43 $300.52 31 $254.71 $305.65 $264.13 $316.96 $243.50 $292.20 $255.73 $306.87 32 $259.98 $311.98 $269.60 $323.52 $248.55 $298.25 $261.02 $313.23 33 $263.28 $315.94 $273.02 $327.63 $251.70 $302.04 $264.33 $317.20 34 $266.80 $320.16 $276.67 $332.00 $255.06 $306.07 $267.86 $321.44 35 $268.56 $322.27 $278.49 $334.19 $256.74 $308.09 $269.63 $323.56 36 $270.31 $324.38 $280.32 $336.38 $258.42 $310.10 $271.39 $325.67 37 $272.07 $326.49 $282.14 $338.57 $260.10 $312.12 $273.16 $327.79 38 $273.83 $328.60 $283.96 $340.75 $261.78 $314.14 $274.93 $329.91 39 $277.35 $332.82 $287.61 $345.13 $265.14 $318.17 $278.46 $334.15 40 $280.86 $337.03 $291.25 $349.51 $268.50 $322.21 $281.99 $338.38 41 $286.14 $343.36 $296.72 $356.07 $273.55 $328.26 $287.28 $344.74 42 $291.19 $349.43 $301.97 $362.36 $278.38 $334.05 $292.36 $350.83 43 $298.22 $357.87 $309.26 $371.11 $285.10 $342.12 $299.42 $359.30 44 $307.01 $368.42 $318.37 $382.05 $293.51 $352.21 $308.24 $369.89 45 $317.34 $380.81 $329.09 $394.90 $303.38 $364.06 $318.61 $382.34 46 $329.65 $395.58 $341.85 $410.22 $315.15 $378.18 $330.97 $397.16 47 $343.50 $412.20 $356.21 $427.45 $328.38 $394.06 $344.87 $413.84 48 $359.32 $431.18 $372.61 $447.14 $343.51 $412.21 $360.76 $432.91 49 $374.92 $449.91 $388.79 $466.55 $358.43 $430.11 $376.42 $451.71 50 $392.50 $471.01 $407.03 $488.43 $375.23 $450.28 $394.07 $472.89 51 $409.87 $491.84 $425.03 $510.04 $391.83 $470.20 $411.51 $493.81 52 $428.99 $514.78 $444.86 $533.83 $410.11 $492.13 $430.70 $516.84 53 $448.33 $537.99 $464.91 $557.90 $428.60 $514.32 $450.12 $540.14 54 $469.20 $563.04 $486.56 $583.88 $448.56 $538.27 $471.08 $565.30 55 $490.08 $588.10 $508.21 $609.86 $468.52 $562.22 $492.04 $590.45 56 $512.72 $615.26 $531.69 $638.02 $490.16 $588.19 $514.77 $617.72 57 $535.57 $642.69 $555.39 $666.47 $512.01 $614.41 $537.71 $645.26 58 $559.97 $671.96 $580.69 $696.82 $535.33 $642.39 $562.21 $674.65 59 $572.05 $686.46 $593.22 $711.86 $546.88 $656.26 $574.34 $689.21 60 $596.45 $715.74 $618.52 $742.22 $570.20 $684.25 $598.83 $718.60 61 $617.55 $741.05 $640.39 $768.47 $590.37 $708.45 $620.02 $744.02 62 $631.39 $757.67 $654.75 $785.70 $603.61 $724.33 $633.92 $760.70 63 $648.75 $778.50 $672.76 $807.31 $620.21 $744.25 $651.35 $781.62 64 $659.30 $791.16 $683.70 $820.43 $630.29 $756.35 $661.94 $794.33 65+ $659.30 $791.16 $683.70 $820.43 $630.29 $756.35 $661.94 $794.33 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 4 Plans on washington healthplanfinder If you qualify for financial assistance, your premium rate may be lower than what is shown. Find out more at Core Flex Gold from Group Health Cooperative King County | Area 1 Western WA* | Area 2 Spokane County | Area 4 South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker $169.96 $169.96 $176.25 $176.25 $162.48 $162.48 $170.64 $170.64 AGE 0-20‡ 21 $267.65 $321.18 $277.55 $333.06 $255.87 $307.05 $268.72 $322.46 22 $267.65 $321.18 $277.55 $333.06 $255.87 $307.05 $268.72 $322.46 23 $267.65 $321.18 $277.55 $333.06 $255.87 $307.05 $268.72 $322.46 24 $267.65 $321.18 $277.55 $333.06 $255.87 $307.05 $268.72 $322.46 25 $268.72 $322.46 $278.66 $334.40 $256.90 $308.28 $269.80 $323.75 26 $274.07 $328.89 $284.21 $341.06 $262.01 $314.42 $275.17 $330.20 27 $280.50 $336.60 $290.88 $349.05 $268.16 $321.79 $281.62 $337.94 28 $290.94 $349.12 $301.70 $362.04 $278.13 $333.76 $292.10 $350.52 29 $299.50 $359.40 $310.58 $372.70 $286.32 $343.59 $300.70 $360.84 30 $303.78 $364.54 $315.02 $378.03 $290.42 $348.50 $305.00 $366.00 31 $310.21 $372.25 $321.68 $386.02 $296.56 $355.87 $311.45 $373.74 32 $316.63 $379.96 $328.35 $394.01 $302.70 $363.24 $317.90 $381.48 33 $320.64 $384.77 $332.51 $399.01 $306.54 $367.84 $321.93 $386.31 34 $324.93 $389.91 $336.95 $404.34 $310.63 $372.76 $326.23 $391.47 35 $327.07 $392.48 $339.17 $407.00 $312.68 $375.21 $328.38 $394.05 36 $329.21 $395.05 $341.39 $409.67 $314.72 $377.67 $330.53 $396.63 37 $331.35 $397.62 $343.61 $412.33 $316.77 $380.13 $332.68 $399.21 38 $333.49 $400.19 $345.83 $415.00 $318.82 $382.58 $334.83 $401.79 39 $337.77 $405.33 $350.27 $420.33 $322.91 $387.49 $339.13 $406.95 40 $342.06 $410.47 $354.71 $425.66 $327.01 $392.41 $343.43 $412.11 41 $348.48 $418.18 $361.37 $433.65 $333.15 $399.78 $349.87 $419.85 42 $354.64 $425.56 $367.76 $441.31 $339.03 $406.84 $356.06 $427.27 43 $363.20 $435.84 $376.64 $451.97 $347.22 $416.66 $364.65 $437.58 44 $373.91 $448.69 $387.74 $465.29 $357.46 $428.95 $375.40 $450.48 45 $386.49 $463.78 $400.79 $480.94 $369.48 $443.38 $388.03 $465.64 46 $401.48 $481.77 $416.33 $499.60 $383.81 $460.57 $403.08 $483.70 47 $418.34 $502.00 $433.82 $520.58 $399.93 $479.92 $420.01 $504.01 48 $437.61 $525.13 $453.80 $544.56 $418.35 $502.02 $439.36 $527.23 49 $456.61 $547.93 $473.51 $568.21 $436.52 $523.82 $458.44 $550.13 50 $478.02 $573.63 $495.71 $594.85 $456.99 $548.39 $479.94 $575.92 51 $499.17 $599.00 $517.64 $621.16 $477.20 $572.65 $501.16 $601.40 52 $522.45 $626.94 $541.78 $650.14 $499.47 $599.36 $524.54 $629.45 53 $546.01 $655.21 $566.21 $679.45 $521.98 $626.38 $548.19 $657.83 54 $571.43 $685.72 $592.58 $711.09 $546.29 $655.55 $573.72 $688.46 55 $596.86 $716.23 $618.94 $742.73 $570.60 $684.72 $599.25 $719.10 56 $624.43 $749.31 $647.53 $777.04 $596.95 $716.34 $626.93 $752.31 57 $652.26 $782.72 $676.40 $811.68 $623.56 $748.28 $654.87 $785.85 58 $681.97 $818.37 $707.21 $848.65 $651.97 $782.36 $684.70 $821.64 59 $696.69 $836.03 $722.47 $866.97 $666.04 $799.25 $699.48 $839.38 60 $726.40 $871.68 $753.28 $903.94 $694.44 $833.33 $729.31 $875.17 $906.13 61 $752.10 $902.52 $779.92 $935.91 $719.00 $862.81 $755.11 62 $768.96 $922.75 $797.41 $956.89 $735.12 $882.15 $772.03 $926.44 63 $790.10 $948.12 $819.34 $983.20 $755.34 $906.41 $793.26 $951.92 64 $802.95 $963.54 $832.65 $999.18 $767.61 $921.14 $806.16 $967.38 65+ $802.95 $963.54 $832.65 $999.18 $767.61 $921.14 $806.16 $967.38 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 5 Plans on washington healthplanfinder This plan is available only to adults under 30 or adults experiencing some sort of financial hardship. To find out more, go to Core Basics Plus Catastrophic from Group Health Cooperative King County | Area 1 Western WA* | Area 2 Spokane County | Area 4 South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker $98.22 $98.22 $101.86 $101.86 $93.90 $93.90 $98.61 $98.61 AGE 0-20‡ 21 $154.68 $185.62 $160.40 $192.48 $147.87 $177.45 $155.30 $186.36 22 $154.68 $185.62 $160.40 $192.48 $147.87 $177.45 $155.30 $186.36 23 $154.68 $185.62 $160.40 $192.48 $147.87 $177.45 $155.30 $186.36 24 $154.68 $185.62 $160.40 $192.48 $147.87 $177.45 $155.30 $186.36 25 $155.30 $186.36 $161.04 $193.25 $148.47 $178.16 $155.92 $187.10 26 $158.39 $190.07 $164.25 $197.10 $151.42 $181.71 $159.03 $190.83 27 $162.10 $194.53 $168.10 $201.72 $154.97 $185.97 $162.75 $195.30 28 $168.14 $201.76 $174.36 $209.23 $160.74 $192.89 $168.81 $202.57 29 $173.09 $207.70 $179.49 $215.39 $165.47 $198.57 $173.78 $208.54 30 $175.56 $210.67 $182.06 $218.47 $167.84 $201.40 $176.26 $211.52 31 $179.27 $215.13 $185.91 $223.09 $171.39 $205.66 $179.99 $215.99 32 $182.99 $219.58 $189.76 $227.71 $174.94 $209.92 $183.72 $220.46 33 $185.31 $222.37 $192.16 $230.60 $177.15 $212.58 $186.05 $223.26 34 $187.78 $225.34 $194.73 $233.68 $179.52 $215.42 $188.53 $226.24 35 $189.02 $226.82 $196.01 $235.22 $180.70 $216.84 $189.78 $227.73 36 $190.26 $228.31 $197.30 $236.76 $181.89 $218.26 $191.02 $229.22 37 $191.49 $229.79 $198.58 $238.30 $183.07 $219.68 $192.26 $230.71 38 $192.73 $231.28 $199.86 $239.83 $184.25 $221.10 $193.50 $232.20 39 $195.21 $234.25 $202.43 $242.91 $186.62 $223.94 $195.99 $235.18 40 $197.68 $237.22 $205.00 $245.99 $188.98 $226.78 $198.47 $238.17 41 $201.39 $241.67 $208.85 $250.61 $192.53 $231.04 $202.20 $242.64 42 $204.95 $245.94 $212.53 $255.04 $195.93 $235.12 $205.77 $246.93 43 $209.90 $251.88 $217.67 $261.20 $200.67 $240.80 $210.74 $252.89 44 $216.09 $259.31 $224.08 $268.90 $206.58 $247.90 $216.95 $260.34 45 $223.36 $268.03 $231.62 $277.95 $213.53 $256.24 $224.25 $269.10 46 $232.02 $278.42 $240.60 $288.73 $221.81 $266.17 $232.95 $279.54 47 $241.76 $290.12 $250.71 $300.85 $231.13 $277.35 $242.73 $291.28 48 $252.90 $303.48 $262.26 $314.71 $241.77 $290.13 $253.91 $304.70 49 $263.88 $316.66 $273.65 $328.38 $252.27 $302.73 $264.94 $317.93 50 $276.26 $331.51 $286.48 $343.78 $264.10 $316.92 $277.36 $332.84 51 $288.48 $346.17 $299.15 $358.98 $275.79 $330.94 $289.63 $347.56 52 $301.94 $362.32 $313.11 $375.73 $288.65 $346.38 $303.14 $363.77 53 $315.55 $378.66 $327.22 $392.67 $301.66 $362.00 $316.81 $380.17 54 $330.24 $396.29 $342.46 $410.95 $315.71 $378.85 $331.56 $397.88 55 $344.94 $413.92 $357.70 $429.24 $329.76 $395.71 $346.32 $415.58 56 $360.87 $433.04 $374.22 $449.06 $344.99 $413.99 $362.31 $434.77 57 $376.96 $452.35 $390.90 $469.08 $360.37 $432.44 $378.46 $454.16 58 $394.12 $472.95 $408.71 $490.45 $376.78 $452.14 $395.70 $474.84 59 $402.63 $483.16 $417.53 $501.04 $384.92 $461.90 $404.24 $485.09 60 $419.80 $503.76 $435.33 $522.40 $401.33 $481.60 $421.48 $505.78 $523.67 61 $434.65 $521.58 $450.73 $540.88 $415.53 $498.63 $436.39 62 $444.40 $533.28 $460.84 $553.01 $424.84 $509.81 $446.17 $535.41 63 $456.62 $547.94 $473.51 $568.21 $436.52 $523.83 $458.44 $550.13 64 $464.04 $556.85 $481.20 $577.44 $443.61 $532.35 $465.90 $559.08 65+ $464.04 $556.85 $481.20 $577.44 $443.61 $532.35 $465.90 $559.08 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 6 Plans Direct from Group Health HealthPays Core Bronze HSA from Group Health Cooperative ® King County | Area 1 Non-smoker Smoker Western WA* | Area 2 Non-smoker Spokane County | Area 4 Smoker Non-smoker Smoker South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker AGE 0-20‡ $110.20 $110.20 $114.28 $114.28 $105.35 $105.35 $110.64 $110.64 21 $173.54 $208.25 $179.96 $215.96 $165.91 $199.09 $174.24 $209.08 22 $173.54 $208.25 $179.96 $215.96 $165.91 $199.09 $174.24 $209.08 23 $173.54 $208.25 $179.96 $215.96 $165.91 $199.09 $174.24 $209.08 24 $173.54 $208.25 $179.96 $215.96 $165.91 $199.09 $174.24 $209.08 25 $174.24 $209.08 $180.68 $216.82 $166.57 $199.88 $174.93 $209.92 26 $177.71 $213.25 $184.28 $221.14 $169.89 $203.87 $178.42 $214.10 27 $181.87 $218.25 $188.60 $226.32 $173.87 $208.64 $182.60 $219.12 28 $188.64 $226.37 $195.62 $234.74 $180.34 $216.41 $189.39 $227.27 29 $194.19 $233.03 $201.38 $241.65 $185.65 $222.78 $194.97 $233.96 30 $196.97 $236.36 $204.26 $245.11 $188.30 $225.96 $197.76 $237.31 31 $201.14 $241.36 $208.58 $250.29 $192.29 $230.74 $201.94 $242.33 32 $205.30 $246.36 $212.90 $255.48 $196.27 $235.52 $206.12 $247.35 33 $207.90 $249.48 $215.60 $258.71 $198.76 $238.51 $208.73 $250.48 34 $210.68 $252.82 $218.48 $262.17 $201.41 $241.69 $211.52 $253.83 35 $212.07 $254.48 $219.91 $263.90 $202.74 $243.28 $212.92 $255.50 36 $213.46 $256.15 $221.35 $265.63 $204.06 $244.88 $214.31 $257.17 37 $214.84 $257.81 $222.79 $267.35 $205.39 $246.47 $215.70 $258.85 38 $216.23 $259.48 $224.23 $269.08 $206.72 $248.06 $217.10 $260.52 39 $219.01 $262.81 $227.11 $272.54 $209.37 $251.25 $219.89 $263.86 40 $221.79 $266.14 $229.99 $275.99 $212.03 $254.43 $222.67 $267.21 41 $225.95 $271.14 $234.31 $281.17 $216.01 $259.21 $226.86 $272.23 42 $229.94 $275.93 $238.45 $286.14 $219.83 $263.79 $230.86 $277.04 43 $235.50 $282.60 $244.21 $293.05 $225.13 $270.16 $236.44 $283.73 44 $242.44 $290.93 $251.41 $301.69 $231.77 $278.12 $243.41 $292.09 45 $250.59 $300.71 $259.87 $311.84 $239.57 $287.48 $251.60 $301.92 46 $260.31 $312.38 $269.94 $323.93 $248.86 $298.63 $261.35 $313.62 47 $271.25 $325.50 $281.28 $337.54 $259.31 $311.17 $272.33 $326.80 48 $283.74 $340.49 $294.24 $353.09 $271.26 $325.51 $284.88 $341.85 49 $296.06 $355.27 $307.02 $368.42 $283.04 $339.64 $297.25 $356.70 50 $309.95 $371.93 $321.41 $385.70 $296.31 $355.57 $311.19 $373.42 51 $323.66 $388.39 $335.63 $402.76 $309.41 $371.30 $324.95 $389.94 52 $338.75 $406.50 $351.29 $421.55 $323.85 $388.62 $340.11 $408.13 53 $354.03 $424.83 $367.12 $440.55 $338.45 $406.14 $355.44 $426.53 54 $370.51 $444.61 $384.22 $461.07 $354.21 $425.05 $371.99 $446.39 55 $387.00 $464.40 $401.32 $481.58 $369.97 $443.96 $388.55 $466.26 56 $404.87 $485.85 $419.85 $503.82 $387.06 $464.47 $406.49 $487.79 57 $422.92 $507.51 $438.57 $526.28 $404.31 $485.18 $424.61 $509.54 58 $442.18 $530.62 $458.55 $550.25 $422.73 $507.27 $443.95 $532.74 59 $451.73 $542.08 $468.44 $562.13 $431.85 $518.22 $453.54 $544.24 60 $470.99 $565.19 $488.42 $586.10 $450.27 $540.32 $472.88 $567.45 61 $487.65 $585.18 $505.70 $606.84 $466.20 $559.44 $489.60 $587.52 62 $498.59 $598.30 $517.03 $620.44 $476.65 $571.98 $500.58 $600.70 63 $512.30 $614.75 $531.25 $637.50 $489.75 $587.71 $514.34 $617.21 64 $520.62 $624.75 $539.88 $647.87 $497.72 $597.26 $522.71 $627.24 65+ $520.62 $624.75 $539.88 $647.87 $497.72 $597.26 $522.71 $627.24 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 7 Plans Direct from Group Health Core Plus Bronze from Group Health Cooperative King County | Area 1 Non-smoker Smoker Western WA* | Area 2 Non-smoker Spokane County | Area 4 Smoker Non-smoker Smoker South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker AGE 0-20‡ $116.09 $116.09 $120.39 $120.39 $110.99 $110.99 $116.56 $116.56 21 $182.82 $219.39 $189.59 $227.51 $174.78 $209.74 $183.56 $220.27 22 $182.82 $219.39 $189.59 $227.51 $174.78 $209.74 $183.56 $220.27 23 $182.82 $219.39 $189.59 $227.51 $174.78 $209.74 $183.56 $220.27 24 $182.82 $219.39 $189.59 $227.51 $174.78 $209.74 $183.56 $220.27 25 $183.56 $220.27 $190.35 $228.42 $175.48 $210.58 $184.29 $221.15 26 $187.21 $224.66 $194.14 $232.97 $178.98 $214.77 $187.96 $225.55 27 $191.60 $229.92 $198.69 $238.43 $183.17 $219.80 $192.37 $230.84 28 $198.73 $238.48 $206.08 $247.30 $189.99 $227.98 $199.53 $239.43 29 $204.58 $245.50 $212.15 $254.58 $195.58 $234.70 $205.40 $246.48 30 $207.51 $249.01 $215.18 $258.22 $198.38 $238.05 $208.34 $250.00 31 $211.89 $254.27 $219.73 $263.68 $202.57 $243.08 $212.74 $255.29 32 $216.28 $259.54 $224.28 $269.14 $206.77 $248.12 $217.15 $260.58 33 $219.02 $262.83 $227.13 $272.55 $209.39 $251.26 $219.90 $263.88 34 $221.95 $266.34 $230.16 $276.19 $212.18 $254.62 $222.84 $267.40 35 $223.41 $268.09 $231.68 $278.01 $213.58 $256.30 $224.31 $269.17 36 $224.87 $269.85 $233.19 $279.83 $214.98 $257.98 $225.77 $270.93 37 $226.34 $271.60 $234.71 $281.65 $216.38 $259.65 $227.24 $272.69 38 $227.80 $273.36 $236.23 $283.47 $217.78 $261.33 $228.71 $274.45 39 $230.72 $276.87 $239.26 $287.11 $220.57 $264.69 $231.65 $277.98 40 $233.65 $280.38 $242.30 $290.75 $223.37 $268.04 $234.58 $281.50 41 $238.04 $285.65 $246.85 $296.21 $227.56 $273.08 $238.99 $286.79 42 $242.24 $290.69 $251.21 $301.45 $231.58 $277.90 $243.21 $291.85 43 $248.09 $297.71 $257.27 $308.73 $237.18 $284.61 $249.09 $298.90 44 $255.41 $306.49 $264.86 $317.83 $244.17 $293.00 $256.43 $307.71 45 $264.00 $316.80 $273.77 $328.52 $252.38 $302.86 $265.05 $318.07 46 $274.24 $329.08 $284.38 $341.26 $262.17 $314.60 $275.33 $330.40 47 $285.76 $342.91 $296.33 $355.59 $273.18 $327.82 $286.90 $344.28 48 $298.92 $358.70 $309.98 $371.97 $285.77 $342.92 $300.11 $360.14 49 $311.90 $374.28 $323.44 $388.13 $298.18 $357.81 $313.15 $375.78 50 $326.53 $391.83 $338.61 $406.33 $312.16 $374.59 $327.83 $393.40 51 $340.97 $409.16 $353.58 $424.30 $325.97 $391.16 $342.33 $410.80 52 $356.87 $428.25 $370.08 $444.09 $341.17 $409.41 $358.30 $429.96 53 $372.96 $447.56 $386.76 $464.11 $356.55 $427.86 $374.45 $449.35 54 $390.33 $468.40 $404.77 $485.73 $373.16 $447.79 $391.89 $470.27 55 $407.70 $489.24 $422.78 $507.34 $389.76 $467.71 $409.33 $491.20 56 $426.53 $511.84 $442.31 $530.77 $407.76 $489.32 $428.24 $513.88 57 $445.54 $534.65 $462.03 $554.43 $425.94 $511.13 $447.33 $536.79 58 $465.84 $559.01 $483.07 $579.69 $445.34 $534.41 $467.70 $561.24 59 $475.89 $571.07 $493.50 $592.20 $454.95 $545.94 $477.80 $573.36 60 $496.19 $595.42 $514.55 $617.45 $474.35 $569.23 $498.17 $597.81 $618.95 61 $513.74 $616.49 $532.75 $639.30 $491.13 $589.36 $515.79 62 $525.26 $630.31 $544.69 $653.63 $502.14 $602.57 $527.36 $632.83 63 $539.70 $647.64 $559.67 $671.60 $515.95 $619.14 $541.86 $650.23 64 $548.46 $658.17 $568.77 $682.52 $524.34 $629.21 $550.67 $660.80 65+ $548.46 $658.17 $568.77 $682.52 $524.34 $629.21 $550.67 $660.80 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 8 Plans Direct from Group Health Core Plus Silver from Group Health Cooperative King County | Area 1 Non-smoker Smoker Western WA* | Area 2 Non-smoker Spokane County | Area 4 Smoker Non-smoker Smoker South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker AGE 0-20‡ $141.65 $141.65 $146.89 $146.89 $135.42 $135.42 $142.21 $142.21 21 $223.07 $267.68 $231.32 $277.58 $213.25 $255.90 $223.96 $268.75 22 $223.07 $267.68 $231.32 $277.58 $213.25 $255.90 $223.96 $268.75 23 $223.07 $267.68 $231.32 $277.58 $213.25 $255.90 $223.96 $268.75 24 $223.07 $267.68 $231.32 $277.58 $213.25 $255.90 $223.96 $268.75 25 $223.96 $268.75 $232.25 $278.69 $214.11 $256.93 $224.86 $269.83 26 $228.42 $274.10 $236.87 $284.25 $218.37 $262.04 $229.33 $275.20 27 $233.77 $280.53 $242.42 $290.91 $223.49 $268.19 $234.71 $281.65 28 $242.47 $290.97 $251.45 $301.73 $231.81 $278.17 $243.44 $292.13 29 $249.61 $299.53 $258.85 $310.62 $238.63 $286.35 $250.61 $300.73 30 $253.18 $303.82 $262.55 $315.06 $242.04 $290.45 $254.19 $305.03 31 $258.53 $310.24 $268.10 $321.72 $247.16 $296.59 $259.57 $311.48 32 $263.89 $316.67 $273.65 $328.38 $252.28 $302.73 $264.94 $317.93 33 $267.23 $320.68 $277.12 $332.55 $255.48 $306.57 $268.30 $321.96 34 $270.80 $324.96 $280.82 $336.99 $258.89 $310.67 $271.89 $326.26 35 $272.59 $327.11 $282.67 $339.21 $260.59 $312.71 $273.68 $328.41 36 $274.37 $329.25 $284.52 $341.43 $262.30 $314.76 $275.47 $330.56 37 $276.16 $331.39 $286.37 $343.65 $264.01 $316.81 $277.26 $332.71 38 $277.94 $333.53 $288.23 $345.87 $265.71 $318.85 $279.05 $334.86 39 $281.51 $337.81 $291.93 $350.31 $269.12 $322.95 $282.64 $339.16 40 $285.08 $342.10 $295.63 $354.75 $272.54 $327.04 $286.22 $343.46 41 $290.43 $348.52 $301.18 $361.42 $277.65 $333.19 $291.60 $349.91 42 $295.56 $354.68 $306.50 $367.80 $282.56 $339.07 $296.75 $356.10 43 $302.70 $363.24 $313.90 $376.68 $289.38 $347.26 $303.91 $364.70 44 $311.62 $373.95 $323.15 $387.79 $297.91 $357.50 $312.87 $375.45 45 $322.11 $386.53 $334.03 $400.83 $307.94 $369.52 $323.40 $388.08 46 $334.60 $401.52 $346.98 $416.38 $319.88 $383.85 $335.94 $403.13 47 $348.65 $418.38 $361.55 $433.86 $333.31 $399.98 $350.05 $420.06 48 $364.71 $437.66 $378.21 $453.85 $348.67 $418.40 $366.17 $439.41 49 $380.55 $456.66 $394.63 $473.56 $363.81 $436.57 $382.07 $458.49 50 $398.40 $478.08 $413.14 $495.77 $380.87 $457.04 $399.99 $479.99 51 $416.02 $499.22 $431.41 $517.70 $397.72 $477.26 $417.68 $501.22 52 $435.43 $522.51 $451.54 $541.85 $416.27 $499.52 $437.17 $524.60 53 $455.06 $546.07 $471.89 $566.27 $435.03 $522.04 $456.88 $548.25 54 $476.25 $571.50 $493.87 $592.64 $455.29 $546.35 $478.15 $573.78 55 $497.44 $596.93 $515.84 $619.01 $475.55 $570.66 $499.43 $599.32 56 $520.42 $624.50 $539.67 $647.60 $497.52 $597.02 $522.50 $627.00 57 $543.61 $652.34 $563.73 $676.47 $519.70 $623.63 $545.79 $654.95 58 $568.37 $682.05 $589.40 $707.29 $543.37 $652.04 $570.65 $684.78 59 $580.64 $696.77 $602.13 $722.55 $555.10 $666.11 $582.97 $699.56 60 $605.40 $726.48 $627.80 $753.36 $578.77 $694.52 $607.83 $729.39 $755.19 61 $626.82 $752.18 $650.01 $780.01 $599.24 $719.09 $629.33 62 $640.87 $769.05 $664.58 $797.50 $612.67 $735.21 $643.44 $772.12 63 $658.49 $790.19 $682.86 $819.43 $629.52 $755.42 $661.13 $793.35 64 $669.20 $803.04 $693.96 $832.74 $639.75 $767.70 $671.88 $806.25 65+ $669.20 $803.04 $693.96 $832.74 $639.75 $767.70 $671.88 $806.25 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 9 Plans Direct from Group Health Core Plus Gold from Group Health Cooperative King County | Area 1 Western WA* | Area 2 Spokane County | Area 4 South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker $172.52 $172.52 $178.90 $178.90 $164.93 $164.93 $173.21 $173.21 AGE 0-20‡ 21 $271.68 $326.02 $281.73 $338.08 $259.73 $311.67 $272.77 $327.32 22 $271.68 $326.02 $281.73 $338.08 $259.73 $311.67 $272.77 $327.32 23 $271.68 $326.02 $281.73 $338.08 $259.73 $311.67 $272.77 $327.32 24 $271.68 $326.02 $281.73 $338.08 $259.73 $311.67 $272.77 $327.32 25 $272.77 $327.32 $282.86 $339.43 $260.77 $312.92 $273.86 $328.63 26 $278.20 $333.84 $288.50 $346.19 $265.96 $319.15 $279.31 $335.18 27 $284.72 $341.67 $295.26 $354.31 $272.19 $326.63 $285.86 $343.03 28 $295.32 $354.38 $306.24 $367.49 $282.32 $338.79 $296.50 $355.80 29 $304.01 $364.81 $315.26 $378.31 $290.63 $348.76 $305.23 $366.27 30 $308.36 $370.03 $319.77 $383.72 $294.79 $353.75 $309.59 $371.51 31 $314.88 $377.85 $326.53 $391.84 $301.02 $361.23 $316.14 $379.37 32 $321.40 $385.68 $333.29 $399.95 $307.26 $368.71 $322.68 $387.22 33 $325.47 $390.57 $337.52 $405.02 $311.15 $373.38 $326.78 $392.13 34 $329.82 $395.79 $342.02 $410.43 $315.31 $378.37 $331.14 $397.37 35 $331.99 $398.39 $344.28 $413.13 $317.39 $380.86 $333.32 $399.99 36 $334.17 $401.00 $346.53 $415.84 $319.46 $383.36 $335.50 $402.61 37 $336.34 $403.61 $348.79 $418.54 $321.54 $385.85 $337.69 $405.22 38 $338.52 $406.22 $351.04 $421.25 $323.62 $388.34 $339.87 $407.84 39 $342.86 $411.43 $355.55 $426.66 $327.78 $393.33 $344.23 $413.08 40 $347.21 $416.65 $360.06 $432.07 $331.93 $398.32 $348.60 $418.32 41 $353.73 $424.48 $366.82 $440.18 $338.17 $405.80 $355.14 $426.17 42 $359.98 $431.97 $373.30 $447.96 $344.14 $412.97 $361.42 $433.70 43 $368.67 $442.41 $382.31 $458.78 $352.45 $422.94 $370.15 $444.18 44 $379.54 $455.45 $393.58 $472.30 $362.84 $435.41 $381.06 $457.27 45 $392.31 $470.77 $406.82 $488.19 $375.05 $450.06 $393.88 $472.65 46 $407.52 $489.03 $422.60 $507.12 $389.59 $467.51 $409.15 $490.98 47 $424.64 $509.57 $440.35 $528.42 $405.95 $487.14 $426.34 $511.60 48 $444.20 $533.04 $460.63 $552.76 $424.65 $509.59 $445.98 $535.17 49 $463.49 $556.19 $480.64 $576.77 $443.09 $531.71 $465.34 $558.41 50 $485.22 $582.27 $503.18 $603.81 $463.87 $556.65 $487.16 $584.60 51 $506.69 $608.02 $525.43 $630.52 $484.39 $581.27 $508.71 $610.46 52 $530.32 $636.39 $549.94 $659.93 $506.99 $608.39 $532.44 $638.93 53 $554.23 $665.08 $574.74 $689.68 $529.84 $635.81 $556.45 $667.74 54 $580.04 $696.05 $601.50 $721.80 $554.52 $665.42 $582.36 $698.83 55 $605.85 $727.02 $628.27 $753.92 $579.19 $695.03 $608.27 $729.93 56 $633.83 $760.60 $657.28 $788.74 $605.94 $727.13 $636.37 $763.64 57 $662.09 $794.51 $686.58 $823.90 $632.96 $759.55 $664.74 $797.68 58 $692.24 $830.69 $717.86 $861.43 $661.79 $794.14 $695.01 $834.02 59 $707.19 $848.62 $733.35 $880.02 $676.07 $811.28 $710.02 $852.02 60 $737.34 $884.81 $764.63 $917.55 $704.90 $845.88 $740.29 $888.35 $919.77 61 $763.42 $916.11 $791.67 $950.01 $729.83 $875.80 $766.48 62 $780.54 $936.65 $809.42 $971.30 $746.20 $895.44 $783.66 $940.40 63 $802.00 $962.40 $831.68 $998.01 $766.72 $920.06 $805.21 $966.25 64 $815.04 $978.05 $845.19 $1,014.24 $779.18 $935.01 $818.30 $981.96 65+ $815.04 $978.05 $845.19 $1,014.24 $779.18 $935.01 $818.30 $981.96 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 10 Plans Direct from Group Health HealthPays Connect Bronze HSA from Group Health Options, Inc. ® King County | Area 1 Non-smoker Smoker Western WA* | Area 2 Non-smoker Smoker Spokane County | Area 4 Non-smoker Smoker South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker AGE 0-20‡ $129.08 $129.08 $133.86 $133.86 $123.40 $123.40 $129.60 $129.60 21 $203.28 $243.94 $210.80 $252.96 $194.34 $233.20 $204.09 $244.91 22 $203.28 $243.94 $210.80 $252.96 $194.34 $233.20 $204.09 $244.91 23 $203.28 $243.94 $210.80 $252.96 $194.34 $233.20 $204.09 $244.91 24 $203.28 $243.94 $210.80 $252.96 $194.34 $233.20 $204.09 $244.91 25 $204.09 $244.91 $211.65 $253.98 $195.11 $234.14 $204.91 $245.89 26 $208.16 $249.79 $215.86 $259.03 $199.00 $238.80 $208.99 $250.79 27 $213.04 $255.65 $220.92 $265.11 $203.67 $244.40 $213.89 $256.67 28 $220.97 $265.16 $229.14 $274.97 $211.24 $253.49 $221.85 $266.22 29 $227.47 $272.97 $235.89 $283.07 $217.46 $260.96 $228.38 $274.06 30 $230.72 $276.87 $239.26 $287.11 $220.57 $264.69 $231.65 $277.98 31 $235.60 $282.72 $244.32 $293.18 $225.24 $270.28 $236.55 $283.85 32 $240.48 $288.58 $249.38 $299.26 $229.90 $275.88 $241.44 $289.73 33 $243.53 $292.24 $252.54 $303.05 $232.82 $279.38 $244.51 $293.41 34 $246.78 $296.14 $255.91 $307.10 $235.92 $283.11 $247.77 $297.32 35 $248.41 $298.09 $257.60 $309.12 $237.48 $284.98 $249.40 $299.28 36 $250.04 $300.04 $259.29 $311.14 $239.03 $286.84 $251.04 $301.24 37 $251.66 $301.99 $260.97 $313.17 $240.59 $288.71 $252.67 $303.20 38 $253.29 $303.95 $262.66 $315.19 $242.14 $290.57 $254.30 $305.16 39 $256.54 $307.85 $266.03 $319.24 $245.25 $294.30 $257.57 $309.08 40 $259.79 $311.75 $269.41 $323.29 $248.36 $298.04 $260.83 $313.00 41 $264.67 $317.61 $274.47 $329.36 $253.03 $303.63 $265.73 $318.88 42 $269.35 $323.22 $279.31 $335.18 $257.50 $309.00 $270.43 $324.51 43 $275.85 $331.02 $286.06 $343.27 $263.72 $316.46 $276.96 $332.35 44 $283.98 $340.78 $294.49 $353.39 $271.49 $325.79 $285.12 $342.14 45 $293.54 $352.25 $304.40 $365.28 $280.62 $336.75 $294.71 $353.65 46 $304.92 $365.91 $316.20 $379.44 $291.51 $349.81 $306.14 $367.37 47 $317.73 $381.27 $329.48 $395.38 $303.75 $364.50 $319.00 $382.80 48 $332.36 $398.84 $344.66 $413.59 $317.74 $381.29 $333.69 $400.43 49 $346.80 $416.16 $359.63 $431.56 $331.54 $397.85 $348.18 $417.82 50 $363.06 $435.67 $376.49 $451.79 $347.09 $416.50 $364.51 $437.42 51 $379.12 $454.94 $393.15 $471.78 $362.44 $434.93 $380.64 $456.76 52 $396.80 $476.17 $411.49 $493.78 $379.35 $455.21 $398.39 $478.07 53 $414.69 $497.63 $430.04 $516.04 $396.45 $475.74 $416.35 $499.62 54 $434.01 $520.81 $450.06 $540.08 $414.91 $497.89 $435.74 $522.89 55 $453.32 $543.98 $470.09 $564.11 $433.37 $520.05 $455.13 $546.16 56 $474.26 $569.11 $491.80 $590.16 $453.39 $544.07 $476.15 $571.38 57 $495.40 $594.48 $513.73 $616.47 $473.60 $568.32 $497.38 $596.85 58 $517.96 $621.55 $537.13 $644.55 $495.17 $594.20 $520.03 $624.04 59 $529.14 $634.97 $548.72 $658.46 $505.86 $607.03 $531.26 $637.51 60 $551.71 $662.05 $572.12 $686.54 $527.43 $632.92 $553.91 $664.69 61 $571.22 $685.46 $592.36 $710.83 $546.09 $655.30 $573.51 $688.21 62 $584.03 $700.83 $605.64 $726.76 $558.33 $670.00 $586.36 $703.64 63 $600.09 $720.10 $622.29 $746.75 $573.68 $688.42 $602.49 $722.98 64 $609.84 $731.81 $632.40 $758.88 $583.01 $699.60 $612.27 $734.73 65+ $609.84 $731.81 $632.40 $758.88 $583.01 $699.60 $612.27 $734.73 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 11 Plans Direct from Group Health Connect3 Silver from Group Health Options, Inc. King County | Area 1 Western WA* | Area 2 Spokane County | Area 4 South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker Non-smoker Smoker $166.36 $166.36 $172.52 $172.52 $159.04 $159.04 $167.03 $167.03 AGE 0-20‡ 21 $261.99 $314.38 $271.68 $326.02 $250.46 $300.55 $263.03 $315.64 22 $261.99 $314.38 $271.68 $326.02 $250.46 $300.55 $263.03 $315.64 23 $261.99 $314.38 $271.68 $326.02 $250.46 $300.55 $263.03 $315.64 24 $261.99 $314.38 $271.68 $326.02 $250.46 $300.55 $263.03 $315.64 25 $263.03 $315.64 $272.77 $327.32 $251.46 $301.75 $264.09 $316.90 26 $268.27 $321.93 $278.20 $333.84 $256.47 $307.76 $269.35 $323.22 27 $274.56 $329.47 $284.72 $341.66 $262.48 $314.98 $275.66 $330.79 28 $284.78 $341.73 $295.32 $354.38 $272.25 $326.70 $285.92 $343.10 29 $293.16 $351.79 $304.01 $364.81 $280.26 $336.32 $294.33 $353.20 30 $297.35 $356.82 $308.36 $370.03 $284.27 $341.12 $298.54 $358.25 31 $303.64 $364.37 $314.88 $377.85 $290.28 $348.34 $304.86 $365.83 32 $309.93 $371.92 $321.40 $385.68 $296.29 $355.55 $311.17 $373.40 33 $313.86 $376.63 $325.47 $390.57 $300.05 $360.06 $315.11 $378.14 34 $318.05 $381.66 $329.82 $395.78 $304.06 $364.87 $319.32 $383.19 35 $320.15 $384.18 $331.99 $398.39 $306.06 $367.27 $321.43 $385.71 36 $322.24 $386.69 $334.17 $401.00 $308.06 $369.68 $323.53 $388.24 37 $324.34 $389.21 $336.34 $403.61 $310.07 $372.08 $325.64 $390.76 38 $326.43 $391.72 $338.51 $406.22 $312.07 $374.49 $327.74 $393.29 39 $330.63 $396.75 $342.86 $411.43 $316.08 $379.29 $331.95 $398.34 40 $334.82 $401.78 $347.21 $416.65 $320.09 $384.10 $336.16 $403.39 41 $341.11 $409.33 $353.73 $424.47 $326.10 $391.32 $342.47 $410.96 42 $347.13 $416.56 $359.98 $431.97 $331.86 $398.23 $348.52 $418.22 43 $355.51 $426.62 $368.67 $442.40 $339.87 $407.85 $356.94 $428.32 44 $365.99 $439.19 $379.54 $455.44 $349.89 $419.87 $367.46 $440.95 45 $378.31 $453.97 $392.31 $470.77 $361.66 $433.99 $379.82 $455.79 46 $392.98 $471.57 $407.52 $489.02 $375.69 $450.83 $394.55 $473.46 47 $409.48 $491.38 $424.63 $509.56 $391.47 $469.76 $411.12 $493.35 48 $428.35 $514.02 $444.20 $533.04 $409.50 $491.40 $430.06 $516.07 49 $446.95 $536.34 $463.49 $556.18 $427.28 $512.74 $448.74 $538.48 50 $467.91 $561.49 $485.22 $582.26 $447.32 $536.78 $469.78 $563.73 51 $488.60 $586.32 $506.68 $608.02 $467.11 $560.53 $490.56 $588.67 52 $511.40 $613.68 $530.32 $636.38 $488.90 $586.67 $513.44 $616.13 53 $534.45 $641.34 $554.23 $665.07 $510.94 $613.12 $536.59 $643.91 54 $559.34 $671.21 $580.04 $696.04 $534.73 $641.67 $561.58 $673.89 55 $584.23 $701.07 $605.85 $727.01 $558.52 $670.23 $586.57 $703.88 56 $611.21 $733.46 $633.83 $760.59 $584.32 $701.18 $613.66 $736.39 57 $638.46 $766.15 $662.08 $794.50 $610.37 $732.44 $641.01 $769.22 58 $667.54 $801.05 $692.24 $830.69 $638.17 $765.80 $670.21 $804.25 59 $681.95 $818.34 $707.18 $848.62 $651.94 $782.33 $684.68 $821.61 60 $711.03 $853.24 $737.34 $884.81 $679.74 $815.69 $713.87 $856.65 61 $736.18 $883.42 $763.42 $916.10 $703.79 $844.55 $739.13 $886.95 62 $752.69 $903.22 $780.53 $936.64 $719.57 $863.48 $755.70 $906.84 63 $773.38 $928.06 $802.00 $962.40 $739.35 $887.22 $776.48 $931.77 64 $785.96 $943.14 $815.04 $978.05 $751.38 $901.65 $789.09 $946.92 65+ $785.96 $943.14 $815.04 $978.05 $751.38 $901.65 $789.09 $946.92 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 12 Plans Direct from Group Health Connect3 Gold from Group Health Options, Inc. King County | Area 1 Non-smoker Smoker Western WA* | Area 2 Non-smoker Smoker Spokane County | Area 4 Non-smoker Smoker South Central and Southeastern WA† | Area 5 Non-smoker Smoker AGE 0-20‡ $198.29 $198.29 $205.63 $205.63 $189.57 $189.57 $199.09 $199.09 21 $312.27 $374.73 $323.83 $388.59 $298.53 $358.24 $313.52 $376.23 22 $312.27 $374.73 $323.83 $388.59 $298.53 $358.24 $313.52 $376.23 23 $312.27 $374.73 $323.83 $388.59 $298.53 $358.24 $313.52 $376.23 24 $312.27 $374.73 $323.83 $388.59 $298.53 $358.24 $313.52 $376.23 25 $313.52 $376.23 $325.12 $390.15 $299.73 $359.67 $314.78 $377.73 26 $319.77 $383.72 $331.60 $397.92 $305.70 $366.84 $321.05 $385.26 27 $327.26 $392.72 $339.37 $407.25 $312.86 $375.44 $328.57 $394.29 28 $339.44 $407.33 $352.00 $422.40 $324.51 $389.41 $340.80 $408.96 29 $349.43 $419.32 $362.36 $434.84 $334.06 $400.87 $350.83 $421.00 30 $354.43 $425.32 $367.55 $441.05 $338.84 $406.60 $355.85 $427.02 31 $361.93 $434.31 $375.32 $450.38 $346.00 $415.20 $363.37 $436.05 32 $369.42 $443.30 $383.09 $459.71 $353.17 $423.80 $370.90 $445.08 33 $374.10 $448.93 $387.95 $465.54 $357.64 $429.17 $375.60 $450.72 34 $379.10 $454.92 $393.13 $471.75 $362.42 $434.90 $380.62 $456.74 35 $381.60 $457.92 $395.72 $474.86 $364.81 $437.77 $383.13 $459.75 36 $384.10 $460.92 $398.31 $477.97 $367.20 $440.64 $385.63 $462.76 37 $386.60 $463.91 $400.90 $481.08 $369.59 $443.50 $388.14 $465.77 38 $389.09 $466.91 $403.49 $484.19 $371.97 $446.37 $390.65 $468.78 39 $394.09 $472.91 $408.67 $490.41 $376.75 $452.10 $395.67 $474.80 40 $399.09 $478.90 $413.85 $496.62 $381.53 $457.83 $400.68 $480.82 41 $406.58 $487.90 $421.62 $505.95 $388.69 $466.43 $408.21 $489.85 42 $413.76 $496.52 $429.07 $514.89 $395.56 $474.67 $415.42 $498.50 43 $423.76 $508.51 $439.43 $527.32 $405.11 $486.13 $425.45 $510.54 44 $436.25 $523.50 $452.39 $542.87 $417.05 $500.46 $437.99 $525.59 45 $450.92 $541.11 $467.61 $561.13 $431.08 $517.30 $452.73 $543.27 46 $468.41 $562.09 $485.74 $582.89 $447.80 $537.36 $470.28 $564.34 47 $488.08 $585.70 $506.14 $607.37 $466.61 $559.93 $490.04 $588.04 48 $510.57 $612.68 $529.46 $635.35 $488.10 $585.72 $512.61 $615.13 49 $532.74 $639.29 $552.45 $662.94 $509.30 $611.16 $534.87 $641.84 50 $557.72 $669.27 $578.36 $694.03 $533.18 $639.82 $559.95 $671.94 51 $582.39 $698.87 $603.94 $724.73 $556.77 $668.12 $584.72 $701.66 52 $609.56 $731.47 $632.11 $758.54 $582.74 $699.29 $612.00 $734.40 53 $637.04 $764.45 $660.61 $792.73 $609.01 $730.81 $639.59 $767.50 54 $666.71 $800.05 $691.37 $829.65 $637.37 $764.84 $669.37 $803.25 55 $696.37 $835.65 $722.14 $866.56 $665.73 $798.88 $699.16 $838.99 56 $728.54 $874.24 $755.49 $906.59 $696.48 $835.78 $731.45 $877.74 57 $761.01 $913.21 $789.17 $947.00 $727.53 $873.03 $764.06 $916.87 58 $795.67 $954.81 $825.11 $990.14 $760.66 $912.80 $798.86 $958.63 59 $812.85 $975.42 $842.92 $1,011.51 $777.08 $932.50 $816.10 $979.32 60 $847.51 $1,017.01 $878.87 $1,054.64 $810.22 $972.27 $850.90 $1,021.08 61 $877.49 $1,052.99 $909.96 $1,091.95 $838.88 $1,006.66 $881.00 $1,057.20 62 $897.16 $1,076.60 $930.36 $1,116.43 $857.69 $1,029.23 $900.75 $1,080.90 63 $921.83 $1,106.20 $955.94 $1,147.13 $881.27 $1,057.53 $925.52 $1,110.62 64 $936.81 $1,124.19 $971.48 $1,165.77 $895.59 $1,074.72 $940.56 $1,128.68 65+ $936.81 $1,124.19 $971.48 $1,165.77 $895.59 $1,074.72 $940.56 $1,128.68 * Western Washington includes Island, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom counties. † South Central and Southeastern Washington includes Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. ‡ First 3 children ages 0–20 each will be charged the age 0–20 rate. There’s no charge for additional children ages 0–20. 13 NOTES 14 15 For more information about Group Health individual and family plans, go to or call us toll-free at 1-800-358-8815. 14-IF-1215-02 2014-10
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