The Recorder, Amsterdam, N.Y. WEEKENDER THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 29, 2015 T A 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 Thursday, January 29, 2015 / 19 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 The Cleveland King of the King of the The Middle Å The Mentalist A mayor’s aide is The Mentalist “Redline” A body News Channel Seinfeld “The Hot in Cleve- Friends (In murdered. (In Stereo) Å is found in a car’s trunk. 13 Live at 10 Virgin” Å land Stereo) Å Show Å Hill Å Hill Å Seinfeld “The Family Guy Å Family Guy The Office Family Guy Å The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan (N) Å Conan Å “Killer Queen” (DVS) Theory Theory Theory Wizard” Å “Christening” (DVS) Celebrity The Big Bang Mom (N) (In Two and a Half The McCarthys Elementary A threat causes CBS6 News Late Show With David Letter- The Late Late Show (N) (In Name Game Theory (N) Stereo) Å Men (N) (N) Å Kitty to unravel. (N) Å (N) Å man (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å The Big Bang American Idol Hopefuls perform Backstrom “Bella” Investigating News10 at News10 at TMZ (N) (In Community (In Family Guy American The Real (In WXXA ( _ Å Theory Å for the judges. (N) Å a serial arsonist. (N) Å 10:00 (N) 10:30 (N) Stereo) Å Stereo) Å “Airport ’07” Dad Å Stereo) Å News10 at Jeopardy! Grey’s Anatomy Jackson and Scandal (N) (In Stereo) Å How to Get Away With Murder News10 at Jimmy Kimmel Live (In Stereo) Nightline Paid Program WTEN * * 6:00pm (N) (N) Å April get difficult news. (N) (N) (In Stereo) Å 11:00pm (N) Å (N) Å BBC World Health Link Call the Midwife Jenny helps an This Old Ask This Old Antiques Roadshow “Austin” Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å Tavis Smiley Nightly Busi- The This Old WMHT + $ News Å agoraphobic woman. Å House Å House Å (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 3) Å (N) Å ness Report House Hour Å News Channel NBC Nightly Entertainment The Insider The Biggest Loser “Live Finale” (Season Finale) The grand-prize Parenthood Hank asks Zeek for News Channel The Tonight Show Starring Late Night With Seth Meyers WNYT ` ` 13 Live at 6 News (N) Tonight (N) (N) Å winner is announced. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å his blessing. Å (DVS) (In Stereo) Å 13 Live at 11 Jimmy Fallon (In Stereo) Å Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. CSPN . ∑ Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. (In Stereo) Two and a Half Two and a Half Mike & Molly Mike & Molly The Vampire Diaries Jo tries to Reign Rivalry grows between CBS 6 News at Anger Manage- Anger Manage- Forensic Files Forensic Files Cougar Town The King of WCWN / ( Men Men “Pilot” Å save Sheriff Forbes. (N) Francis and Condé. (N) Å 10pm (N) ment ment “Order Up” Queens Å Å Å Blue Bloods Danny and Baez Blue Bloods A woman threatens Blue Bloods Teenagers punch Blue Bloods A dose of lidocaine Blue Bloods A college professor Blue Bloods A cop is accused Blue Bloods An undercover Blue Bloods WYPX 4 % investigate a kidnapping. Å to kill a man. Å unsuspecting people. Å kills a woman. Å is murdered. Å of killing a suspect. Å detective is killed. Å “Exiles” Å Beauty Report With Amy Beauty Report With Amy The List With Colleen Lopez Too Faced Cosmetics (N) 24 Hour Beauty Event (N) Electronic Connection (N) Electronic HSN 5 / Beauty for You (N) Vicenza Style: Fine Italian Jewelry Shoe Shopping With Jane “Earth Origins” (N) Computer Shop Let’s Accessorize Inspired Style QVC 6 , Earth Brands Footwear TWC Weather Scan Weather reports. TWC Weather Scan Weather reports. TWC 7 A TWC Weather Scan Weather reports. College Basketball: Maryland at Ohio State. (N) (Live) College Basketball: Kentucky at Missouri. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter ESPN 8 9 SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Keepers of the Streak (N) College Basketball: Connecticut at Cincinnati. (N) (Live) College Basketball: Utah at UCLA. (N) (Live) Å Basketball NFL Live (N) Å ESPN2 9 : SportsNation Interruption NHL Hockey: Buffalo Sabres at Edmonton Oilers. (N) (In Stereo Live) Sabres Post NHL Hockey: Sabres at Oilers MSGPL : 4 Aque. Insider XTERRA Adv. World Poker Tour: Season 12 World Poker Tour: Season 12 Pregame NBA Tip-Off (N) (Live) Å NBA Basketball: Denver Nuggets at Memphis Grizzlies. (N) (Live) Å NBA Basketball: Chicago Bulls at Los Angeles Lakers. (N) (Live) Å In NBA TNT ; 2 Castle “The Greater Good” Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law & Order USA < > Law & Order: SVU Movie: “Under Siege” (1992) A Navy cook thwarts a plot to hijack a battleship. Movie: ›› “Hard to Kill” (1990, Action) Steven Seagal. ‘R’ Movie: “On Deadly Ground” AMC = B (4:30) Movie: ›››‡ “Gladiator” (2000) Russell Crowe. Å Project Runway All Stars Project Runway All Stars Project Runway All Stars (N) Little Women: LA Å Little Women: LA Å Project Runway All Stars All Stars LIFE > ; Project Runway All Stars Movie: ›››‡ “Marvel’s the Avengers” (2012, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans. Archer (N) Archer Archer Movie: ››‡ “30 Minutes or Less” (2011) Jesse Eisenberg. FX ? 7 (4:00) “X-Men: First Class” Steven Univ. Advent. Time Regular Show King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland American Dad American Dad Family Guy Family Guy Chicken Mr. Pickles Venture Bros. TOON @ O Teen Titans Every Witch Sam & Cat Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends Å Friends Å Everybody Loves Raymond Raymond NICK A < Thundermans Victorious Austin & Ally Girl Meets Liv & Maddie Dog With Blog K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Liv & Maddie Austin & Ally Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Suite/Deck DISN B C Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Dog With Blog Jessie Å Movie: ››‡ “Twilight” (2008) A teen is caught up in an unorthodox romance with a vampire. The 700 Club (In Stereo) Å Boy Meets... Boy Meets... Boy Meets... FAM C 0 Movie: ›› “You Again” (2010, Romance-Comedy) Kristen Bell. South Park South Park Broad City Workaholics Workaholics Tosh.0 Å Dane Cook: Troublemaker Daily Show Nightly Show At Midnight This Is Not Daily Show COM D K Nightly Show Daily Show Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier To Be Announced DISC E 1 Big Giant Swords Å The First 48 “Safe House” The First 48 (In Stereo) Å The First 48 “Stray Shot” (N) Nightwatch (N) Å Nightwatch “Retaliation” The First 48 (In Stereo) Å The First 48 A&E F Y Nightwatch “Retaliation” Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (In Stereo) Å Pawnography Pawnography Mississippi Men “Wild River” Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars HIST G H Pawn Stars 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence (N) 48 Hours: Hard Evidence (N) 48 Hours: Hard Evidence (N) 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence Hard Evidence TLC H E 48 Hours: Hard Evidence Hunters Hunters Hunters Rehab Addict Rehab Addict Rehab Addict Rehab Addict Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Hunters Int’l Rehab Addict Rehab Addict Hunters HGTV I I Hunters Chopped “Beer Here!” Chopped “Bizarre Baskets!” Chopped Canada (N) Beat Bobby Duff Till Dawn Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Canada Beat Bobby FOOD J S Chopped Dateline on OWN Å Dateline on OWN Å 20/20 on OWN Å 20/20 on OWN (N) (In Stereo) Undercover Boss “PostNet” 20/20 on OWN Å 20/20 on OWN (In Stereo) Undercover OWN K NHL Overtime NHL Hockey: Anaheim Ducks at San Jose Sharks. (N) (In Stereo Live) NHL Overtime Turning Point NBCS L (126) Pro Ftb Talk NHL Live (N) NHL Hockey: Montreal Canadiens at New York Rangers. (N) (In Stereo Live) Movie: ›‡ “The Cookout” (2004, Comedy) Ja Rule, Tim Meadows. Å The Game The Game The Game It’s a Mann’s World Å Husbands Husbands The Wendy Williams Show (N) The Real BET M Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Morgan Spurlock: Inside Man CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Å Morgan Spurlock: Inside Man CNNI CNN N ? (5:00) The Situation Room (N) Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Dr. Drew on Call (N) Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files HN O @ Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Nancy Grace (N) American Greed Shark Tank (In Stereo) Å American Greed American Greed (N) American Greed “Tri Energy” American Greed Amer. Greed CNBC P F Mad Money (N) Hardball With Chris Matthews All In With Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show Last Word MNBC Q D PoliticsNation (N) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Feherty (N) (Live) Feherty Feherty Euro PGA GOLF S (121) PGA Tour Golf WWE SmackDown! (N) (In Stereo) Å Wizard Wars “Fire and Mice” Close-Up Kings “New York” Wizard Wars “Fire and Mice” Kings SYFY U L (5:30) Movie: ›‡ “6 Souls” (2010, Horror) Julianne Moore. Movie: ›› “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003, Action) Paul Walker, Tyrese. (In Stereo) Movie: “Death Race 2” (2010, Action) Luke Goss, Ving Rhames. (In Stereo) Death Race 3 SPIKE W J (5:30) Movie: “Death Race 3: Inferno” (2012) Luke Goss. Love & Hip Hop (In Stereo) Love & Hip Hop “Oh Baby!” Love & Hip Hop (In Stereo) Black Ink Crew “Premiere” Movie: “Hurricane Season” (2009) Displaced students form a basketball team. VH1 X G Black Ink Crew “Premiere” Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Fantasy Fact. Fantasy Fact. Fantasy Fact. Fantasy Fact. Fantasy Fact. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Fantasy Fact. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. MTV Special MTV Y = Ridiculous. Movie: ›››‡ “I Want to Live!” (1958) Susan Hayward. Å Movie: ›››‡ “The Birds” (1963, Suspense) Rod Taylor. Å Movie: ››› “Sunday in New York” (1963) TCM Z W Movie: ››› “The Secret Partner” (1961) Stewart Granger. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. First Looks The Millionaire Matchmaker Happens Housewives/Atl. The Millionaire Matchmaker BRAV [ V Housewives Housewives/Atl. Chrisley E! News (N) Movie: “Hitch” (2005) A smooth-talker helps a shy accountant woo an heiress. Chris. Milian E! News (N) Sex & the City Sex & the City Sex & the City E! ¨ M Chrisley Mick Dodge Remote Survival Ultimate Survival Alaska Mick Dodge Mick Dodge Mick Dodge Mick Dodge Mick Dodge Mick Dodge Mick Dodge Mick Dodge Ultimate Sur NGEO ≠ (120) Mick Dodge P. Luche Noticiero Univ. La Gata (N) (SS) Mi Corazón Es Tuyo (N) (SS) Hasta el Fin del Mundo (N) Que te Perdone Dios... Yo No Impacto Extra Noticiero Uni La Que No Podía Amar (N) Un Refugio UNI Æ Walker, Texas Ranger Å Family Feud Family Feud Raymond Raymond King King King King Friends Å Friends (In Stereo) Å TVL Ø N Walker, Texas Ranger Å Movie: “Born Bad” (2011, Suspense) Meredith Monroe. Å Movie: “Death Clique” (2014) Lexi Ainsworth. Å Movie: “Born Bad” (2011) Meredith Monroe. LMN ∞ (161) Movie: “Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal” (2008) SWV Reunited SWV Reunited SWV Reunited Love Thy Sister “Transitions” Love Thy Sister “Transitions” SWV Reunited SWV Reunited WE ± (140) SWV Reunited “No Backup” (3:00) The Michael Kay Show Women’s College Basketball: Clemson at Wake Forest. (N) Best of CenterStage Israeli Bask. Yanks Mag. Best of Michael Kay Yankeeography Å Nets Magaz. YES ≥ Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor Å The Kelly File Hannity FXN ∂ X Special Report Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Break Green Kart Life “Big Dreams” Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TRUTV ∑ Z truTV Top Funniest Daily Mass World Over Live EWTN News Holy Rosary Catholics Crossing/Goal Defend Life Women of Daily Mass World Over EWTN æ 5 EWTN News Saint Molla BBC (110) (109) Kitchen Nightmares Å Kitchen Nightmares Å Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares Million Dollar Critic (N) Å Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares Million--Critic Fool’s Gold Fool’s Gold Wild West Alaska (N) Alaska: Battle on the Bay (N) Wild West Alaska (In Stereo) Alaska: Battle on the Bay Fool’s Gold A-P (132) T To Be Announced SCI (136) (102) How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How-Made How-Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How It’s Made How-Made How-Made How It’s Made FXX (144) (125) Movie: ››› “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story” (2004) The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Animation Domination (N) Always Sunny Man v. Food Man v. Food No Reservations (N) Å Expedition Unknown (N) Å Expedition Unknown Å Bourdain: No Reservations Expedition Unknown Å Expedition Un. TRAV (165) R Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Movie: ››‡ “Booty Call” (1997, Comedy) Jamie Foxx, Tommy Davidson. Movie: ›› “Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection” (2012) OXYGEN (171) U Tia & Tamera Movie: ››› “The Preacher’s Wife” (1996, Fantasy) Denzel Washington. Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. (In Stereo) Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. CSP2 (226) ∏ Key Capitol Hill Hearings Speeches. (In Stereo) DFC (266) (101) Too Cute! (In Stereo) Å Extreme Poodles Å Funniest Pets Funniest Pets Too Cute! (In Stereo) Å Too Cute! (In Stereo) Å Extreme Poodles Å Funniest Pets Funniest Pets Too Cute! Reba Å Raising Hope Raising Hope Party Down South “Got Milk” Party Down South (N) Redneck Island (N) Å Party Down South Redneck Island Å Cops Rel. CMTV (293) Q Reba Å CLSC (303) (131) (5:00) College Basketball 30 for 30 (N) SEC Storied Å 30 for 30 Å 30/30 Shorts 30 for 30 HBO (511) (201) Other Woman Movie: ››› “16 Blocks” (2006) Bruce Willis. Movie: ›› “300: Rise of an Empire” (2014) Sullivan Stapleton. Togetherness Looking Å Taxicab Confessions 2001 Girls Å Movie: “Night Will Fall” (2014) HBO2 (512) (202) Interprete Movie: ››‡ “The Ringer” (2005) (In Stereo) Girls Å Togetherness Movie: ›› “The Counselor” (2013, Suspense) (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›› “A Good Day to Die Hard” (2013) Movie: ››‡ “2 Guns” (2013) MAX (531) (270) Movie: ›› “Transcendence” (2014) Johnny Depp. Å Movie: ››‡ “Godzilla” (2014) Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Å Movie: ›‡ “Devil’s Due” (2014) Allison Miller. The Jump Off The Jump Off Movie: ››‡ “The Internship” SHOW (551) (221) Movie: ›››‡ “Philomena” (2013) Judi Dench. (In Stereo) Å Movie: “Well Now You’re Here, There’s No Way Back” (2014) Shameless “The Two Lisas” Penn & Teller House of Lies Episodes Web Therapy To Do List SHW2 (552) (222) Ping Pong Movie: “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” Episodes Web Therapy Movie: ›‡ “The Last Exorcism Part II” (2013) Movie: ››‡ “Exorcismus” (2010) (In Stereo) Movie: ››› “Sunlight Jr.” (2013) (In Stereo) TMC (571) (231) (4:50) Fearless Movie: “The Facility” (2012) Aneurin Barnard. Movie: ››‡ “Sinister” (2012) Ethan Hawke. (In Stereo) Å Movie: ›› “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” (2005) (In Stereo) Å Movie: ››› “Fearless” (2006) Jet Li. Å STRZ (581) (241) (5:50) Movie: ›› “The Pacifier” (2005) Å Movie: ››‡ “Open Season” (2006) Å Movie: ››› “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” (2014) Chris Evans. Å Movie: ›› “RV” (2006) Robin Williams. Å O Brother ENC (602) (248) (5:45) Movie: ›››‡ “Die Hard” (1988, Action) Bruce Willis. ‘R’ Movie: ›› “Daylight” (1996) Sylvester Stallone. Å Movie: ›› “Hostage” (2005, Action) Bruce Willis. ‘R’ Å Movie: ››› “Rocky III” (1982, Drama) ‘PG’ ENCCL (605) (250) Murphy Brown Night Court Magnum, P.I. “I Do?” Å Magnum, P.I. “Forty” Å Movie: ›››› “Driving Miss Daisy” (1989) Å Murphy Brown Night Court Movie: ›› “Species” (1995) Ben Kingsley. iTV. (In Stereo) ESUSP (606) (254) (4:35) Movie: “Day Watch” Movie: ››› “Take Shelter” (2011) iTV. (In Stereo) Å Movie: ››‡ “The Prophecy” (1995) Å “Behind the Mask” Movie: “The Tooth Fairy” (2006, Horror) Å EWEST (607) (252) Death Valley Death Valley Wanted... Wanted... Movie: “Miracle at Sage Creek” (2005) Å Movie: ›››‡ “The Alamo” (1960) John Wayne. (In Stereo) Å Movie: ››‡ “Villa Rides” (1968) iTV. Å Knicks Post. Knicks Extra Rangers in 60 NHL Hockey: Montreal Canadiens at New York Rangers. MSG 3 JB Smoove Knicks Pre. NBA Basketball: New York Knicks at Indiana Pacers. (N) (Live) STZE Movie: ››‡ “Cruel Intentions” (1999) Å Movie: ››› “My Best Friend’s Wedding” (1997) Å Movie: ››› “Bounce” (2000) iTV. (In Stereo) Movie: ››› “Shanghai Noon” (243) (5:35) Movie: ››‡ “Mr. 3000” (2004) Å Seinfeld “The $ Clip Show” Seinfeld (In TBS % P Stereo) Å CBS6 News WRGB & & (N) Å Modern Family WNYA Raising Hope The Middle (In Stereo) Å Å Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Cartoon” Strong Box” CBS6 News CBS Evening (N) Å News/Pelley Modern Family The Big Bang Theory Å Å ABC World Wheel of ForNews tune (N) Å PBS NewsHour (N) (In Stereo) NEW ON DVD By RICK BENTLEY The Fresno Bee This week’s new DVDs feature truth, justice and the British way. • “The Judge,” Grade B: Director David Dobkin is lucky to have Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr. starring in his new trial drama, “The Judge.” Their Oscar-caliber performances — including Downey’s first outstanding performance since his Oscar-nominated effort in “Chaplin” more than two decades ago — give this familiar family-centric tale of small town justice new life. The screenplay by Nick Schenk and Bill Dubuque is carefully structured to bring father and son together. They put the characters on an emotional and judicial collision course that leaves both men battered and bruised. The pacing is just right so that any changes they experience feel carried by the forgiveness that often comes with the passing of time. • “Fury,” Grade A-minus: It takes amazing skill to make a war film like this that is so bravely honest in its depiction of the horrors and heroics of war. These are no gallant warriors meeting on the field of battle for a chivalrous conflict. Director/writer David Ayer gives the actors plenty of room to not play soldiers, but also to show the people who exist inside those uniforms. A scene where the tank crew is given a few moments rest in a newly liberated town plays out with a haunting emotional tone that smoothly shifts from the excitement of young love to the bitter realities of war. There’s not as much fighting in the sequence, yet each moment is equally explosive. The movie shows that war is brutal in the way it strips away the human spirit and leaves the participants reacting with a kind of prehistoric instinct for survival. • “Masterpiece: Downton Abbey Season 5,” Grade B-plus: Any discussion about the value of public television should include mention of this series. For those who don’t pay for cable, this series is the best offering they can see via antenna. It’s also one of the top 10 shows when you factor in cable. This latest season — just rolling out on PBS — finds the Crawley family and members of their staff facing the usual collection of emotional trials. The big difference is they are played out against the Roaring Twenties. Dame Maggie Smith and Joanne Froggatt top a superb cast that also includes, Elizabeth McGovern, Hugh Bonneville and Michelle Dockery . The DVD set comes with more than 40 minutes of additional video. ALSO NEW ON DVD • “Jean de Florette / Manon of the Spring”: Gerard Depardieu stars in these two films about greed and survival. • “The Book of Life”: Young man sets out on an epic quest. • “Justice League: Throne of Atlantis”: Heroes face threat from Atlantians. • “Art and Craft”: Examines the life Please see DVD, Page 20
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