1 THE HIGHLANDER VOLUME 38, ISSUE 2 FEBRUARY 2015 THIS MONTH AT HIGHLANDS: Come and join in worship... Preparing for Lent This Year Lent is a period of forty days, not counting Sundays, where we think intentionally about the life and death of our Savior. It begins with Ash Wednesday and continues through Holy Week, ending with Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Purple is the liturgical color throughout the season, except for Good Friday where black or no color is used until we see the radiant white that marks the joy of Easter. April 3 – Good Friday. Christians gather on this evening in sadness to consider Jesus’ pain and suffering on our behalf. We will share this 7:30 Tenebrae service with four other congregations and it will be held at Fellowship Lutheran Church on Sawmill Road. This year plan to take the journey with Christ in the company of your church family. We have planned many opportunities to gather in Jesus’ name. Lenten Services of Worship at Highlands: February 18 – Ash Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. A quiet time of worship using music from the Taize community of France. We receive the sign of the cross in ashes. February 22 through March 22 – the Five Sundays of Lent before Holy Week. Special consideration is given to the intersection of Christ’s life and ours. Communion on March 1. March 29 – Palm Sunday. W e celebrate again the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Our children will present a special music number that day. April 2 – Maundy Thursday, 6:30 p.m. The last days of Christ’s ministry are recalled through a Seder Supper where communion will be shared. Inside this issue: Pastor’s Reflection 2 Clerk’s Report, 3 Deacons’ Report 4 Announcements 5 Children, Birthdays, Finance Report 6 Calendar 7 2 Pastoral Reflections “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.“” John 1:1 The Highlander is published monthly by Highlands Presbyterian Church 6909 Smoky Row Road Columbus, OH 43235 614-764-2134 Rev. Ronald Botts, Pastor Worship 10:30 a.m. Children's Sunday School during Worship Linda Krumm, Editor Marilyn Miller, Volunteer Articles, news reports, and editorial suggestions are welcome and may be submitted to the church office directly to the editor. The closing date for material is the 20th of each month. On January 26 the Rev. Libby Lane did something no other woman ever did. She was consecrated as the first female bishop in the history of the Church of England. On that day Lane became the eighth Bishop of Stockport and will serve in the Diocese of Chester. At the conclusion of the service she was presented with a pastoral staff as a symbol of her office. Bishop Lane was appointed to her new position in December, following a historic vote in the Church of England last July to allow women to become bishops. The action then had to be approved by Parliament and given assent by Queen Elizabeth. This process was necessary because it required a change in English law since the Church of England is a state-established entity with the ruling sovereign as its supreme governor. The new bishop will be installed in a separate ceremony March 8 at Chester Cathedral. It is sure to be a major event and will likely attract bishops worldwide, not only Anglican, but also representing the wider Christian Church. After her consecration Libby noted that she had been delighted by the many messages of support that she received after her appointment was made public. She said: “I cannot properly express how encouraged I have been in the weeks since the announcement of my nomination, by the thousands of messages I have received with words of congratulation, support and wisdom. I’ve heard from people of all ages, women and men – people I have known for years, and people I have never met; people from down the road, and people from across the world. “Many of those who have been in touch have little or no contact with the Church of England; not all have been people of faith, but every one of them has felt this moment marks something important. That all this personal and media attention has centered on me has been a little overwhelming: I cannot possibly live up to everyone’s expectation. And so today, at my consecration, I hold on to words of promise from the Bible, a reassurance that all this does not depend on me … ‘the God who calls you is faithful: He will do it.’” Rev. Lane was among the first women priests to be ordained in the Church of England in 1994 after years of discussion and discernment. Now the door of this family of Christ’s Church has been opened to recognize and affirm the gifts of both genders in full service to our Lord Jesus. I personally believe this is a great moment and imagine there is celebration in heaven as well that, finally, all believers can now serve in all capacities in that venerable denomination. And to think it only took 2000 years to get to this day! We’re making progress, slow as it may sometimes seem. Pastor Ron 3 Clerk’s Report The Ruling Elders (Board of Trustees) for 2015 are: Hector Garcia Kim Hunter Viy McGaughy Jim Rennie Jason Scragg Lori Searfoss John Sharpe Jim Vaas Pam Ward The following are the officers for 2015: Clerk of Session: Viy McGaughy Church Treasurer: Chris Enright Financial Secretary/Treasurer: Barb Miller Commissioner to Presbytery Stated Meetings: Viy McGaughy Chairman of the Board of Trustees: John Sharpe Secretary of the Board of Trustees: Hector Garcia Statutory Agent: Nick McMahon The following are the Commissions and the Elder-in-charge for each: Finance & Administration, Personnel: John Sharpe Education: Jason Scragg (Children); Pam Ward (Adult) Mission: Lori Searfoss Publicity: Jim Rennie Worship & Music: Hector Garcia Liaison to Highlands Learning Center: Jim Vaas/Pam Ward Other items of interest are: Sometime in February, the soon-to-open Danbury Senior Living facility will hold informational meetings at Highlands. Hosting these meetings will allow Highlands to welcome future residents of Danbury to the neighborhood and to introduce our church and its mission to them. Highlands will join the nation in helping fight hunger through “Souper Bowl Sunday” on February 1st. Those in attendance will be requested to drop at least $1 in the soup pot that will be set-up for this event. The funds that are collected will be sent to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, who claims that each $1 donated can provide $10 worth of groceries for those in need. The free 2nd Sunday Concert at 2 PM on February 8 will feature an All-Brahms concert for clarinet, cello and piano. There is a need for ordained Elders to help serve communion. Please sign-up for this important and meaningful service. Communion at Highlands is served on the 1st Sunday of each month and on a few special worship services. Any member of Highlands can pr epar e the communion elements. Instr uctions for the easy set -up/ tear-down are available. Please consider signing-up for this. Viy McGaughy, Clerk of Session 4 Greetings from your new board of deacons! We have assumed our various responsibilities and wanted to share who is on each committee should you ever need to contact a deacon for any reason. Please note that you should be receiving a letter from your personal deacon soon, as the entire congregation is cared for by our 9 deacons. The following are the various committees and positions: Moderator: Diane Moore - a big thank you to Diane for taking this on! Treasurer -Mike Braund Secretary - Kathy Isern Deacon Representative to Mission Commission - Jim McGaughy and Pat Henneforth Fellowship - Nick and Lynne McMahon, Kathy Isern College Connection - Mike Braund, Ron Carr, Pat Henneforth Deacon Care/Helping Hands-Lynne McMahon, Jeff Joliffe, Ron Carr Outreach and New Members - Diane Moore, Mike Braund, Jeff Joliffe Worship Support (Usher Coordination)- Jim McGaughy, Parker Stevens The Deacons will be sponsoring an after church potluck (or already sponsored this depending on when you get this Highlander!). It is always fun to gather after church and just chat and eat. And as you know, Presbyterians know how to cook and eat! The residents at Trillium, where several of our members live, have a knitting group and they donate what they make to various charities - Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus Charitable Pharmacy, and an Indian Reservation in South Dakota. We are asking for donations of yarn to support their efforts. The deacons will collect the yarn donations (look for a box in or near the narthex) and deliver them periodically to Trillium, along with cookies or other goodies for the knitters. Anyone interested in taking the yarn and snacks to them, please contact Lynne McMahon or Diane Moore. (They meet on Thursdays at 3 PM in the Trillium lobby). Currently, the knitters need baby yarn. A big thank you to the deacons who have completed their term - Marilyn Miller, Barb Miller, Marianne Rennie, and Mary Champlin. Your work was appreciated! And a big welcome to our new Deacons - Mike Braund, Pat Henneforth, Kathy Isern, and our student representative, Parker Hansen. Submitted by Lynne McMahon, Deacon Moderator 5 FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS FOR THIS MONTH Please bring in large cans of soups and stews, instant oatmeal, and bar soap. The food we collect is taken to the Smoky Row Food Pantry. Please look for the volunteer sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Highlands has pledged to send two volunteers each third Saturday to help in the pantry. We also continue to support the pet food distribution project through Sedona Grace. Please bring in bags of either dog or cat food. Our contributions are much needed and appreciated by the persons served through the Smoky Row Food Pantry. EQUAL EXCHANGE – FAIR TRADE We will continue to sell coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, and snacks through the Presbyterian Church sponsored Equal Exchange Program. Stop by the kiosk near the family room door and browse through the selections. If you decide to purchase, please use the envelopes provided and leave your envelope inside the tea pot. Thank you for supporting independent farmers all over the world. Book Club Tuesday March 10 6:30pm Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan Meeting at Thai Orchid Restaurant 8736 Moreland Street Powell, OH 43065 Call Marianne Rennie at 889-1773 or email [email protected] MARK YOUR CALENDAR MISSION ANNUAL FUND RAISER POTLUCK, SILENT AUCTION TALENT SHOW SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH SECOND SUNDAY CONCERT, February 8, 2:00 p.m. Melanie Richards (clarinet), Stephanie Rzewnicki (cello) and Hector Garcia (piano) join forces in an All-Brahms program at Highlands Presbyterian Church Second Sunday Series, February 8 at 2 p.m., 6909 Smoky Row Rd. The program features three late masterworks inspired by Brahms’ meeting with clarinetist Richard Muhlfeld: the F Minor Clarinet Sonata Op. 120 No. 1, Four Piano Pieces Op. 119, and the Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano, Op. 114. Admission is free. www.highlands-presbyterian.org. Ladies’ Night Out The ladies of the church and their invited guests will meet on Tuesday, February 24th at 6:30 p.m. at the Whitney House (previously P. K. O’Ryans) 66 High Street Worthington, OH 43085 Please contact Marianne Rennie for a reservation. The Men’s Business Group will meet on 2/17 at 6:30 p.m. at Average Joe's at Sawmill Parkway and Attucks in Powell. Please RSVP through Jere Ellison for reservations. 6 Children's Ministry Musings The new children's instrumental choir, led by Nola Taracko, held its first practice after Sunday school on January 25. The kindergarten-6th graders started with playing rhythm instruments and small handbells. They will perform in worship for the first time on Palm Sunday, March 29. Throughout the winter and spring, Sunday school lessons will focus on Moses. We'll follow this Bible hero out of the river, across the sea, through the desert, up the mountain, all the way to the Promised Land. Brenda Wilson, Director of Children's Ministry FEBRUARY Birthdays: 1 2 5 13 14 15 16 19 20 24 25 26 We are ready to publish our new church directories, so please let us know if you have had a change in address, telephone number or email address. Thank you! Dave Searfoss Dale Griffen Ron Botts Lindsay Law Meagan Dunphy Sara Carr David Pitzer Nancy Vaas Barb Miller Viy McGaughy Sherman Liddell Emmanuel Kofete Susie Flemming Financial Report through November 30, 2014 General Fund Actual Pledges & Loose Offering 80,174 Other Receipts 50,727 Total Receipts 130,901 Budget 74,690 51,164 125,854 Total Disbursements 119,871 125,854 6,397 0 Receipts over Disbursements Windows to the Future Total Income to date Total Expenditures to date Balance in Fund 58,838 55,733 3,105 7:00 F & A 16 9:15 Adult Ed 10:30 Worship 11:30 Fellowship 11:45 Mission Mtg. 2:00 Concert 15 9:15 Adult Ed 10:30 Worship 11:30 Fellowship 11:45 Worship/Music 22 23 10 9 8 9:15Adult Ed 10:30 Worship 11:30 Fellowship 6:30 Danbury Mtg. 6:30 LNO 24 6:30 MBG Presbytery Meeting at Overbrook 17 3 2 1 9:15Adult Ed 0:30 Worship/Communion 11:30 Fellowship 11:45 Congregational Mtg. 12:00 Deacons Mtg. Tue Mon Sun 25 18 Ash Wednesday Service 7:30 p.m. 7:00 Session 11 4 Wed 26 7:30 Choir 19 7:30 Choir 12 7:30 Choir 5 Thu FEBRUARY 2015 27 HIGHLANDER DEADLINE 20 13 6 Fri 28 6:30 am Smoky Row Food Pantry 21 14 7 Sat 7 8 Highlands Presbyterian Church 6909 Smoky Row Road Columbus, OH 43235 FEBRUARY 2015 Highlands Presbyterian Church
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